myQROPS Welcome Pack


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OVERVIEWAs the number of British nationals emigrating overseas increases, and a growing population of international workers spend part of their working life on UK soil, international pension planning is becoming a more relevant topic. Over 5.5 million Brits now live abroad, many of whom have pensions which remain in corporate or private pension schemes in the UK. Typically, they will have no control over how these funds are managed, and little knowledge of the overall performance of their various pension schemes.

The demand for transferring UK pensions away from large corporate pension schemes is fast increasing, with many people recognising the growing risk of poor performance or underfunding reducing their future pension payments. Official figures released at the beginning of 2016 stated that 85% of all UK final salary pension schemes are underfunded, and the vast majority of these are seeing funding deficits increase faster than ever before.

Funding deficits aside, many individuals are unaware of the options available to them with regards to their frozen UK pensions, and could be missing out on the range of benefits on offer through the UK Government's QROPS (Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes) and SIPP (Self Invested Personal Pensions) initiatives.

WHO ARE WE?stablished by a group of e perienced UK and international financial planning professionals, myQROPS was incorporated with the goal of bringing international

pension planning into the 21st century.

In an industry which is often over-complicated through a lack of transparency and outdated paper-based processes, we have adopted a low cost online platform-based model, which enables clients to consolidate, monitor and manage their UK pensions at the click of a button.

Operating from our mantra - simple, secure, savings - our goal is to become the 'go-to' service provider for UK pension transfers around the world.

WHAT IS A QROPS?Quite simply, it is a system introduced by the UK government, designed to allow people living overseas to transfer and consolidate any remaining pensions away from the UK and into an approved overseas pension scheme.

Prior to 2006, when a person would leave the UK their pensions would be frozen (as they were no longer being contributed into), and would remain so until the person reached the pension scheme retirement age, typically 65. This would leave the holder of the pension without any access to those funds until the specified retirement age, and when the retirement benefits were paid out they would still have to follow UK pension rules.

This all changed in 2006 when R created the system known as QROPS - which stands for Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme.

Transferring your pensions into a QROPS allows you to take advantage of the much greater fle ibility and options of an overseas jurisdiction, while at the same time retaining the security of a system legally recognised by R .


If you are living outside of the UK, transferring your UK pensions into a QROPS based in another jurisdiction can add significant fle ibility to your retirement options.

There are many reasons that people may look to transfer their UK pensions into a QROPS, some of the main advantages are

• A greater freedom of investment with the fle ibility offered by a wider range of investment options.

• The ability to pass on the full amount of funds to your chosen beneficiaries upon death.

• The ability to take benefits from age 55 (as opposed to 65 in many UK pension schemes).

• Removing e posure to UK income ta .

• Up to 0% of the fund accessible as a ta free lump sum.

• old the pension in a currency of your choice (only GBP available in the UK).

• onsolidation of multiple pensions enabling ease of administration and access to funds.

WHY my QROPS?e position ourselves as an industry leading, cost-efficient and transparent means of transferring and consolidating your UK pensions. Our uni ue online

investment platform gives us the ability to offer clients an unrivaled range of investment options for their pension, at a fraction of the cost of a traditional advisory or brokerage firm.

All myQROPS clients have 2 / online access to monitor and manage their pension funds. e provide clients with complete control over how their fund is invested - with the options of either selecting large asset management firms to manage these funds, or by taking a more 'hands-on' investment approach. Unlike a traditional investment broker, we don't sell investments or earn any commissions - we simply provide clients with access to a large range of managed investment funds, and do so working from a transparent, low cost approach.

YOUR JOURNEYe understand that pension transfers aren't always at the top of people's to-do

list, and so we take a proactive approach by handling all of the re uired leg work. The pension transfer process is typically as below - and at no stage are you locked in or re uired to proceed if you don't wish to.

1) An initial phone conversation to discuss your current pensionarrangements and some background details on pension transfer options.

2) The information gathering stage - we will send you our etter ofAuthority which enables us to round up the latest details (statements,valuations etc.) for all of your UK pensions, and compile everythingtogether before emailing this across to you.

) A follow up conversation, where we will discuss the details collectedfrom your e isting pension providers, before introducing some of theoptions available to you.

) A summary of our conversation is emailed to you, along with any additionalinformation which may be relevant.

5) If you decide that you would like to transfer/consolidate your pensions, wewill prepare all of the relevant paperwork and arrange an appointment tocomplete the re uired forms.

6) verything is sent to our office, checked by our compliance team, and thensent to the relevant pension trustees in the UK.

) The transfer is approved, and the funds should be transferred to your newpension scheme within - 6 weeks of completing the paperwork.

8) ou receive confirmation of the transfer, along with your online platform login details. A member of our investment team will get in touch to introduceyour online platform account and the various investment options available toyou.

CLIENT TESTIMONIALS“The myQROPS team spent a great deal of time ensuring that I was fully aware and understood each phase of the pension transfer process. y uestions were all answered thoroughly, making it a pleasure to do business with their team. I have no reservations in recommending them to anyone that might re uire assistance with their UK pension.”

M Humphreys (IT Manager, Australia)

“myQROPS contacted me and asked whether I had previously looked into the various options for transferring my frozen UK pension. aving initially thought that my pension would be fairly small, I hadn't give this much thought, but decided to allow their pension tracing team to en uire on my behalf into the amount that I was entitled to. They did all the legwork of liaising with my old employer in the UK, and following some further discussion, transferred my pension into a QROPS. I am now able to monitor and manage this online, and am thoroughly happy with their service. I would recommend these guys to anyone who may have any old pensions left in the UK..”

T Danny (Director, Singapore)

“The myQROPS team took great care in tracking down and gathering all of my pension schemes, many of which I had lost track of completely. Their approach was very professional and I would recommend the same service to any others out there trying to protect their pensions.”

L Brown (Senior Quantity Surveyor, New Zealand)

“I had been thinking about my UK pensions for quite a while, but had always decided not to do anything with them after hearing various recommendations. A conversation with Daniel shed light on this whole topic, and made the options available to me very simple. After speaking to a couple of other companies, I decided to go with myQROPS, and haven’t regretted that decision at any point. I look forward to the ease of dealing with this now that my pensions have been transferred into one single pot.”

P Low (Accountant, on on )

“ i guys - ust wanted to thank you for your professionalism and personal touch dealing with my pension transfer - documents were daunting - you certainly made the swap over easy and now I have the ability to select from an amazing breadth of funds to better manage my future pension - a very happy customer.”

o son ( ro e t ana er, New Zealand)

“I'd been thinking about my UK pension schemes for a while but kept putting any action off. ad I know how easy it was, I would have sorted it years ago. Good job and would definitely recommend myQROPS to anyone who hasn't transferred their pensions yet.”

D Ashford (Senior Engineer, Australia)