My Visit to the Witte Museum onSensory Sunday · My Visit to the Witte Museum on. Today we are...


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Sensory SundayMy Visit to the Witte Museum

on Sensory Sunday

Today we are going to the Witte Museum. We are going to have fun!

We will drive to the museum and park in a lot or in the garage.

We will walk from our car to the front door.

On the walk to the museum, there is a big dinosaur statue.

Outside of the museum there is a fountain.

When we walk through the door, we will see Quetzy above us. I can wave to Quetzy.

I will wait while my grownup buys a ticket.

We will see the Witte team in blue shirts. If I have a question, I can ask them for help.

I will see lots of exciting things!

I can learn about Texas Deep Time.

I will walk in the museum.

I will stay with my grownups at all times.

I will use an indoor voice while I am at the Witte Museum.

There are some things that are okay to touch. My grownups will tell me what I can touch.

The Witte Museum is an exciting place!

I will hear sounds. If I think it is too loud, my grownups can ask the staff for earplugs.

I will see lights. If I think it is too bright, my grownups can ask the staff for sunglasses. I will see other families having fun at the museum. Some areas might be crowded. I can use my words or show a picture to say I need a break.

If I need a break, I can go to the Chill Zone quiet room. There will be some books I can look at.

Quiet Room

Sensory Sunday

If I need to go to the bathroom, I will tell my grownups and they will take me.

If I need a drink, I can sip from a water fountain.

If I need something to eat, I will tell my grownups and they will take me to the eating area.

We will visit the Naylor Family Dinosaur Gallery and the Dino Lab. We will see big dinosaurs. They are stuck in place and cannot hurt me.

I will explore outside the dinosaur dioramas.

We will see Tyrannosaurus rex and Acrocanthasaurus. They are very big!

We can look at the tracks a dinosaur left behind. That dinosaur had big feet!

We will see pictures on the walls. I can see how many dinosaurs I recognize in the pictures.

We will see a friendly Witte Team member. I can ask questions.

My grownups will tell me what I may touch.

We can carefully dig in the dino pit like scientists. I will keep the pretend dirt in the pit. I will leave the brush in the pit when I am done.

We will visit Predators vs. Prey. We will see big dinosaurs. They are stuck in place and cannot hurt me.

We will see many different dinosaurs. Some are very big. Some have feathers. I can learn their names.

I will explore outside the dinosaur dioramas.

We can carefully dig in the dino pit like scientists. I will keep the pretend dirt in the pit. I will leave the brush in the pit when I am done.

We will see a friendly Witte Team member. I can ask questions.

My grownups will tell me what I may touch.

There is one dinosaur I can touch and climb on. My grownup might take my picture with it. I will take turns on the dinosaur.

My grownup will tell me if we can visit the store. There will be many interesting things for sale. If I see something I like, I can ask my grownup if we can buy it. It is okay if we do not go to the store.

My grownup will tell me when our visit to the Witte Museum is over. It will be time to go home. I can wave goodbye to Quetzy. We will walk back to the car.

We will have fun at the Witte Museum!
