My Ideal School



An Essay on my ideal school

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School is an institution for educating children. There are institution for teaching a

particular subject such as art school and secretarial school. In Malaysia, there are four

types of school, the Chinese stream school, the Tamil stream school, the national school

and the Arabic school.

What is my ideal school? Is it a type of school that I am dreaming about? The

meaning of ideal are satisfying one’s idea of what is perfect and existing only in the

imagination or as an idea; unrealistic and so not likely to be achieved. So, the definition

of my ideal school is satisfying one’s idea of what is their perfect school and existing

only in their imagination, unrealistic but so not likely to be achieved.

My ideal school’s infrastructure is build in a wide area and has the view of a sea.

90 percent of the infrastructure is made of thick and transparent glasses except for the

toilets and changing rooms. There are three buildings; two escalators and a lift in each of

the building. These are important because, nowadays the buildings made are not enough

to endure the number of students every year. Furthermore, the escalators and lifts will

reduce the troublesome students and teachers will face to move from one place to

another. The field is situated between the three buildings and all the students have their

own lockers. There are also a swimming pool, tennis, squash and badminton courts, a

gym and a huge library full of books, magazines, newspapers and so on. I want the school

has its own botanical garden and a mini zoo.

The school is a co-educational school. A typical day in the school begins at 8.15

a.m. and after the break it is back to more lessons till finally the bell rings for dismissal at

2.10 a.m. In addition, the lessons are divided into two halves. For the first half, students


are teaching to learn the standard lessons. However, students learn practical lessons such

as cooking and sewing and also assign to present or talk about current issues. These are

important because the world is full of call to try one’s skill or strength. Every afternoon,

creative activities such as art and playing music instruments will take place. A portion of

this time will be also dedicated for the class current projects. Classes would be limited to

fifteen students, a size small enough to allow individual attention but large enough to

furnish the feeling of belonging to a group.

The tuck-shop has a buffet style which means students can choose their own food

and drinks. The menu has a large variety of cuisine and change everyday. The school has

no uniforms but the students are emphasis to wear smart and clean attire.

In this computer age, the tech-enabled learning is a must. Therefore, the students

are well-equipped with their own laptops and there will be no more liquid crystal display

(L.C.D.) and projector except visual view from the teachers’ laptops. If the students

missed their lessons, they can log on to their class’s website and learn what they have

missed. Hence, they can catch up the lessons they have missed. The grade given to the

students will be based on their involvement in co-curricular activities and also

involvement would be based on interest and the satisfaction of publicly confirming their

talents. Moreover, by doing a lot of activities, students are kept busy and can avoid

getting involved in activities which are not beneficial to them. If these ideas could be

successfully implemented, the learning environment in my ideal school would be a

fascinating self-journey, as useful for building emotional knowledge as it would be for

sharpening academic skills. Learning would be a fulfilling, exciting experience, and

students wouldn’t have to dread school, as they do now. Most importantly, when the


students graduated, they would have a firmly-instated sense of purpose that would make

them better prepared for life.

Also, every mid-term holiday, students will be accompanying by the teachers to

visit interesting places such as museums or historical places. They can also visit other

country as they can experience the four seasons, meet other people and make new friends,

learn other cultures and believes and also mix with other students from different

backgrounds and learn other language. As a proverb says, ` a long journey will widen

your horizon.’

The most important aspects in all schools in this world are someone who give

instruction to, and communicate (knowledge, skill, etc), the teachers. The teachers play

an important role in someone lives. I yearn friendlier, approachable, fun and hardworking

teachers but at the same time strict to the student who disobeyed the school’s law because

the standard of discipline among students nowadays is deteriorating.

If my ideal school becomes reality, I will be the first one to take an admission!

( 767 words )