My Favorite Class Project 2A -


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“My Favorite Class” Project

1) Take out your Apuntes. Find the Apuntes from 10/22/12. p. 80, Actividad 9.

2) Go to 3) Find the ClipArt on the front page that

corresponds with your favorite class. If your class is not represented, use the “A+ Bear”

4) Right click on the clipart and click on “Save image as…”

5) Save to “My Documents” but name it: FirstnameLastInitialclasefavorita Example: FredLClaseFavorita

6) Go to: 7) Click on “Browse” and find the file in

your “My Documents” folder. 8) Edit the picture with the text from p. 80,

Actividad 9. If you are unsure about accents or spelling, check your textbook.

9) Make sure to use a font that is legible and that lets you use accent marks.

10) Save the file to your “My Documents” folder. 11) Go to your email program and write Mrs. Slim an email:

12) Subject Line: Your First Name, Last Name Period # (FredLperiod5) 13) Attach the file to the email. 14) Click “Send.”
