My Eid 2020...with another Ramadan and another Eid in my life and I am grateful for everything He...


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My Eid 2020 A fun activity book for Muslim children


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1. Write in calligraphy / beautiful handwriting: "Taqaballahu minna wa minkum.”


2. What are the things you like about Ramadan?


3. Who would you like to spend your Eid with? Write a paragraph describing why.


4. What were your Ramadan goals this year? Did you achieve them?


5. Draw a banner "Eid Mubarak."


6. Write the Dua that is read on Lail-at-ul-Qadr.


7. What are the habits that you gave up in Ramadan, for the sake of Allah? Can you continue that after Ramadan?


8. Plan an imaginary Eid party for your friends. Make a guest list, menu list etc.


9. Copy this line and write neatly: “I am thankful to Allah for blessing me with another Ramadan and another Eid in my life and I am grateful for everything He has given me”.


10. What new skills did you learn this Ramadan?


11. Write a few sentences on "My Taraweeh experience in lockdown."


12. Make two columns and write the differences between your experiences of this year's Eid and last year's Eid.


13. If you were given a chance to cook one dish on Eid, what would you cook and why? Write down its recipe.


14. Find meanings of the following words: Sunnah, Khutba, Takbeer, Sadqa Fitr.


Learning Time

Sunnah etiquettes of Eid:

Wake up early in the morning.

Take a bath.

Wear best available clothes.

Eat any sweet food, preferably

dates, before the Eid prayer.

Recite the following Takbeer in low

voice until the Eid prayer: "Allahu Akbar,

Allahu Akbar, La Ilaha illallah, Allahu

Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Wa lillahil hamd".

Pray Eid Salah with people.

Greet each other.


15. If you were given 1000 Rupees as Eidi, how would you spend it? Show a budget plan.


16. Frame sentences with these words: Dua, Taraweeh, Shawwal, Eid-gaah.


17. Write a few memories of Ramadan 2020.


18. Trace your hand and make a henna / mehendi design on it with a pencil.


19. What Duas have you made for yourself in Ramadan?


20. What Duas have you made for all the Muslims, in Ramadan?


21. What changes did you find in yourself from last Ramadan?


22. What all would you like to receive as Eid gifts?


23. What are your Eid family traditions?


24. Try to write in Arabic, the dua that is read at Iftaar.


25. How many Surahs / Duas did you memorise in this Ramadan?


Published on 22 May 2020, 29 Ramadan 1441 H.

Darul Arqam

Darul Arqam
