My Cultural Heritage Kaitlin Jimenez & Puerto Rico Kristal Hernandez Pd. 3


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My Cultural Heritage Kaitlin Jimenez


     Puerto Rico

         Kristal Hernandez

Pd. 3

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Society and Culture


Cultural Iceberg


                     Art                 Clothing               Dance-Music          Cooking-Festivals

Beauty-Kindness-Leadership    Language-Inheritance

Family TreeBy: Kaitlin Jimenez


Lydia Nieves    Jose Rios

Miriam Jimenez James Jimenez

   Kaitlin Jimenez

Teresa Jimenez Santiago Jimenez

Family Tree By:Kristal Hernandez 

Laura Maldonado Denetrio Hernandez

  Jose Hernandez  Lisette Hernandez

Kristal Hernandez

  Neri Hernandez  Luis Maldonado

Oral HistoryBy:Kaitlin Jimenez

Interviewed : Teresa Jimenez (Grandmother)

Whats your favorite thing about Puerto Rico?"I love the weather and the people."

What do you enjoy the most about Puerto Rico when you go back to visit?"I love to see my family."

Do you miss living over there?"Of course that's where I grew up but i don't think i could move back."


How old were you when you moved to the U.S. and was it hard moving here from over there?"I was nine and not really because I had some family but I did miss my mom a lot when I moved here I couldn't wait to see her again."

Person I Interviewed By: Kaitlin Jimenez


<---- My Grandmother Teresa Jimenez

                Oral HistoryBy:Kristal HernandezInterviewed:Laura Maldonado

 How long did you live in Puerto Rico?"I lived there untill i was 18 when i turned 18 my mom,four siblings, and I Moved to New York." Why Did you come to america instead of staying in your country?"We came to America  to start a better life.My mother wanted a better future for me and my siblings." If you could go back to the future would you still have made the choice to come to America?"Yes i would have still made the choice to come to America.Over here its better my children lived a good life.And i did as well and i want my grandchildren to have a good life to i dont want them to struggle." So you prefer America over Puerto Rico?"I love my country but yes i prefer to live out here even though i don't like the whether." 

News Headline


Environment Rain Forest: Puerto Rico is known for their beautiful tropical rain forest's. They are absolutely gorgeous.  

Coqui: This is one the most famous animals of Puerto Rico. This is a small frog that when it makes a noise it sounds like its saying "coqui coqui" hence the name Coqui

Caribbean Sea: Puerto Rico is also famous for their beautiful ocean. It is clear and absolutely beautiful. The sea brings attention to tourist.  

Cordillera Waterfalls: Another tourist attraction is the beautiful waterfalls. Many natives go swimming in the waterfalls. They are what make Puerto Rico.

Volcanic Mountains: One thing that makes Puerto Rico interesting is the volcanic mountains. They are also very beautiful.

Tropical: Puerto Rico is a very tropical place. It has many tropical plants that cannot be grown in the U.S. That makes Puerto Rico a very special place


EconomicsUnited States Gov.: The U.S. plays a huge part in the funding of Puerto Rico. Without the U.S. Puerto Rico would honestly not be able to support themselves. 

Currency: The value of a U.S. dollar in Puerto Rico is equal to the value of a U.S. dollar in America. 

Fictitious: The Puerto Rican government sometimes lies to their people. Just like any other government.

Clothing Industry: The clothing plays a big part in how many Puerto Ricans make a living. They use clothing to support their families because that's how many families over there make a living. They make their own clothes and then they decide to sell them and make some money off of them.

Federal Aid-U.S.: The U.S. is the way Puerto Rico is able to stay stable. The U.S. provides a lot for Puerto Rican and thats why the U.S. is the Puerto Rican federal aid. 

Politics in Puerto Rico in 1868

Puerto ricans goal ws to obtain self government they wanted to have the power to run their government they didnt want other people to tell them what to do or how to live.   Puerto rico wanted to abolish slavery as well.They wanted to be a free country not to be under any rules but they didnt want to end ties with spain either.  When puerto Ricans saw the united stetes flag that was known to them as a symbol of freedom 

Politics in Puerto Rico under the Americn rule When Puerto rico was under the American rule they had thier independence. They also got had their government ruled by america.Which help make the country self sufficent and able to stand alone. Their country was in better hands under the American rule.Before  America took over Purto Rico they were under the rule of Spain.Which is when there was slavery. When Puerto Rico was under the american Rule there wasn"t slavery anymore.Puerto rico was in a better condition at this time. 

Society in puerto rico Catholic is a relgion in Puerto Rico.Most Puerto Ricans are catholic. In Puerto Ricans  play alot of baseball and soccer. They are very traditonal with everything. They like to keep things the way it has been taught to them from many generations before. In puerto Rico they have many organizations to keep the communities together and to keep the Puerto Rican culturetraditional. 


Culture in puerto  rico Puerto Ricans enjoy Baseball. Some of their main dishes are rice and beans with pernil (pork)A classic soup they have is called sopon de pollo con arroz.( soup with rice and chicken in it). Another main dish is mofongo this is made with green plaintains.sometimes they put chicken or pork in tis dish. They love dancing and being with their family. Salsa is a type of dance that most Puerto Ricans dance. 

                                 Empenadas      Chicken




              Political Cartoon 

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  Beautiful beaches.Great for relaxation.

Beautiful rainforest are great for taking your mind off stress. Don't You Want To Take

A Vacation To Puerto Rico ?
