MVTimes community B7 55Plus · 2017. 5. 14. · MVTimes March 26, 2015 ˜ ˜ ˜˚˛˝ community B7...


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MVTimes March 26, 2015 community B7Plus55

Falmouth Shopping Trips April 22 & May 20 8:15 am boat leaving, 5:00 pm returning. Call Ellen at 508-693-2896.

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston April 15 Last chance to sign up! Call ECOA 508-627-4368. Two exhibits: “Gordon Parks, Back to Fort Scott” -- Gordon Parks, one of the most celebrated African American artists of his time. See his groundbreaking photographs of Fort Scott, Kansas—focusing on the realities of life under segregation during the 1940s. Plus “Court Ladies or Pin-Up Girls” --Images of women by Chinese art-ists from the 11th through 20th century. Lunch on your own at the museum, $35/bus; $10/Museum admission.

Annual North End & Hay Market Trip May 29 8:15 boat; 6:15 return. Call ECOA 508-627-4368 to sign up and for more information.

Newport Flower Show American Beauty-Timeless Style. June 20 Before it became home to the Newport Flower Show, Rosecliff was the birthplace of the American Beauty Rose, the inspira-

tion for the show’s 20th anniversary. Stroll the grounds and the historic mansion, take in the scent and color of the lush gardens! Also, a with a bow to the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, six professional landscape firms will design and install a garden inter-preting the Beaux Arts design principles of neoclassicism, symmetry and opulent splendor for today’s landscape; all floral color must be white. Shop at the Oceanside Boutiques and the Gardeners’ Market-place. Dine at The Atlantic Beach House. $62/luncheon, admission, motor coach & driver gratuity. Call to reserve: TCOA, 508-696-4205 or ECOA, 508-627-4368. Payment secures reservation.

“Beautiful-The Carole King Musical” at the Providence Performing Arts Center September 20 BEAUTIFUL opened at the Stephen Sondheim Theater on Broadway in Janu-ary 2014 and has broken every box office record. Before she was Carole King, chart-topping music legend, she was Carol Klein, Brooklyn girl with passion and chutzpah. Brunch at the Davenport’s Restaurant. $128.00 Roundtrip motor coach, or-chestra seating, lunch and gratuities. See UICOA Highlights for details and call 508-693-2896 for reservations.

Travel News

55PlusA monthly newsletter from your local Councils on Aging and the Martha’s Vineyard Center for Living, PO Box 1729, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568, Tel: 508-939-9440. Edited by Leslie Clapp

April, 2015–Vol. 19, Issue 4

Veterans Services Dukes Co. Director of Veterans Services, JoAnn Murphy 508-693-6887

VA HEALTH BENEFITSBasic Eligibility If you served in the active military service and were separated under any condition other than dishonorable, you may qualify for VA health care benefits. Current and former members of the Reserves or National Guard who were called to active duty by a federal order or completed the full period for which they were called or ordered to active duty may be eligible for VA health benefits as well. (Reserves or National Guard members with active duty for training purposes only do not meet the basic eligibility requirement.)

Minimum Duty Requirements Most veterans who enlisted after September 7, 1980, or entered active duty after October 16, 1981, must have served 24 continuous months or the full period for which they were called to active duty in order to be eligible. This minimum duty requirement may not apply to Veterans who were discharged for a disability

incurred or aggravated in the line of duty, for a hardship or “early out,” or those who served prior to September 7, 1980. Since there are a number of other exceptions to the minimum duty requirements, VA encourages all Veterans to apply so that we may determine their enrollment eligibility.

Once your application is successfully processed, you will be assigned an enrollment Priority Group. Certain Veterans may be eligible for more than one Priority Group. In that case, VA will always place you in the highest Priority Group that you are eligible. Once enrolled, you will receive a personalized Veterans Handbook, which will detail your VA health benefits and provide important information concerning your access to VA health care.

For information call Veterans Services at 508-693-6887 or go to

Vote your support at Annual Town MeetingsMartha’s Vineyard Center for Living

Supportive Day Program Island-wide services for Vineyard seniors

Karen Achille MVCL Board Pres.Leslie Clapp, Exec. Dir

At the upcoming town meetings, on every town warrant, there are two very important articles that are critical to the future of island wide services provided by Martha’s Vineyard Center for Living, in collaboration with your local Councils on Aging. The approval of these articles will serve to secure the stability of these services for the current needs and ensure a plan for expansion to provide for the needs of the rapidly growing elder population. That means all of us, you and me, we are all aging, there is no cure.

Dukes County, at the request of Island leaders including Selectmen and the County Advisory Board was asked to assist in the search for a building to house the MV Center for Living Supportive Day Program. The former VNA building, off Holms Hole Rd be-came available and is the answer to that request. It has been thoroughly inspected, carefully considered, and found to be the most viable and rea-sonable option, financially and func-tionally. The County Manager has been developed a plan to purchase this building and most critically, ap-proval is needed by all the voters in all six island towns in order for it to move forward.

Why support this program? The Supportive Day Program has been an integral part of the services provided by the local Councils on Aging for 30 years. It is an “island-wide” service because it is available to anyone, regardless of residence and provides for the health and well-being of our most vulnerable people. It is a municipally funded program, similar to many others throughout the Commonwealth. In 2007, Martha’s Vineyard Center for Living, as a provider of other munici-pally supported, island-wide services for seniors, was asked to take over the operation of the Supportive Day Program from the Edgartown Council on Aging. It was and is a natural fit, and the program has flourished.

It is critical that every islander, every voter, understand that the SDP does not serve individuals, it serves families, family caregivers, spouses, adult children, on and off-island. The importance and impact it has on entire families cannot be understated. The Supportive Day Program serves frail elders living in the community with varying and often debilitating condi-tions including Alzheimer’ disease, dementia and other chronic conditions of the aging process. They are at risk if left alone and socially isolated. They live in the community and, against all challenges, want to be active and involved. They deserve our (your) support.

Why is a building needed? It has been evident for nearly 20 years that this program needs a dedicated

space and over time, many possible so-lutions have been explored. In 2007, when the Center for Living stepped in, the search for a new space was again ramped up; previous possibilities were re-visited, many new ideas explored, including other non-profits that might have the ability to collaborate with us to provide space for the Supportive Day Program; an exhaustive search, with no resulting workable solutions.

The Supportive Day Program operates out of two locations, the Edgartown and Tisbury Senior Centers; two days a week in each location; staff, sup-plies and clients back and forth from one day to the next. These buildings are completely inadequate, in the amount and functionality of space, to meet the needs of our frail clients. This is an extremely challenging and increasingly un-workable situation that severely impairs our ability to provide a quality service that sup-ports the independence and dignity of our clients and their families. It contributes greatly to the confusion of our clients with moderate to severe memory impairment.

Why now? Dukes County is the fastest growing and fastest aging county in the Com-monwealth. Our 60+ population nearly doubled between 2000 and 2010. Today, in 2015, 26% of the is-land population is 65 or over. In only 15 years, by 2030, it is projected to be 32%. Of all the age groups, the 80-85 year old population is the fast-est growing, and it is predicted that 43% of this age group will develop Alzheimer’s disease.

The Center for Living has been look-ing for a permanent location for 7 years. The search goes back much further than that. The VNA building is the only viable option that has arisen. We have given this building careful consideration, backed up by our expertise in providing services for our clientele. It has the amount and functionality of space to accommo-date the current needs and to plan for future growth.

Currently, local municipal spending for senior services (Council on Aging budgets), averages between 1% and 2% of overall annual town budgets. Compare this to much higher spend-ing in other areas. Human services are expensive, but critical, and the most economical way to provide programs such as the Supportive Day Program is with the collaboration of all six towns under an island-wide initiative. It has been a model for success for the past 30 years and will be for the next 30.

Please attend your Town Meeting and vote to support this collab-orative effort to improve and expand services for island elders; planning to meet the future needs of us all.

B8 community March26,2015 MVTimesPlus55


Please call 508-693-2896 for all programs

Better Business Bureau Presents: Scams, Fraud, and Identity Theft May 19, 1:30 pm Light refreshments.

NEW! Dance FREE! Tuesdays, 3-4. No money, no teacher, no instructions. Dance to catchy, funky, rhythmic music.

Chair Massage with Eclipse Massage 4/10 & 4/24, 10 am – 2 pm Treat yourself or a loved one to a chair massage. $1 per minute: 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes sessions. Call for an appointment.

Martha’s Vineyard Museum Presents: Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) 4/27, 1:30 pm

Let’s look at Art; let’s talk about Art! With large, high quality reproductions, MVM docents Nancy Cabot and Olga Church, with Education Director Ann DuCharme will facilitate a Visual Thinking Strategies session to explore the meaning in these works. A fun approach to talking about Art. Museum Conversation is free through the support of The Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank Charitable Fund. Register in advance.

Health Insurance Counseling (SHINE Counselor Joyce Bowker) Assistance with your health insurance questions.

Outreach Meet confidentially with Ellen Reynolds to learn about community resources available to meet your needs or those

of someone you care about. Call for an appointment.

Vineyard Isle Parkinsonians Support Group 4/13, 10:30 am

Parkinson’s Caregiver Support Group Call Ellen for information.

Notary Services Please call ahead.

“Beautiful-The Carole King Musical” September 20, Providence Performing Arts Center BEAUTIFUL opened on Broadway in January 2014 at the Stephen Sondheim Theatre, where it has broken every box office record. Brunch at the Davenport Restaurant. $128.00 includes bus, orchestra seating, brunch and gratuities. See Travel News for details.

Please call to sign up for all programs

Social Security SKYPE Appointments 4/27, 9:00 am-12 pm Call for an appointment.

Friends of OBCOA April 9, 1 pm Become part of the OB team!

OBCOA Board of Directors 4/16, 10 am

Bingo! 4/15, 1-3 pm AND 6-8 pm

S.H.I.N.E. (Serving Health Information Needs of Elders) Call for an appointment.

Morning Coffee and Conversation Daily, 8:30 am

Senior Dining Center Luncheon Tues & Thurs, 12 pm

Animal Companions 4/13, & 4/27 With Karen Ogden, Animal Handler and Canine Coach. Learn about your pets, their behavior, and your own!

Bridge Tuesdays, 9:30 am-11:30 am with Sue Collinson

Senior Citizens Police Academy With Detective James Morse Fridays, 1:00 pm. Please call Rose for more information.

New! UFO’S – Unfinished Forgotten Objects Fridays, 1-2:30 pm. With Karen Burke. Do you have a project that you’ve forgotten about or want to work on in a group setting? Come and see Karen to jump start it again.

Men’s and Ladies St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon

4/7, 12:00 noon. Alice Ryan Butler’s famous meal! Please call Rose to reserve your spot. Space will be limited!

Outreach Welcome Gretchen Mayer, OBCOA Outreach Coordinator! Gretchen is available Monday through Thursday to assist OB elders in connecting with services to meet their needs.

Treadmill & Nustep Machines at the Senior Center Professional quality machines. A doctor’s note is required. Call Rose for further information. OBCOA will be closed on Monday, 4/20 in observance of Patriot’s Day.

Check Megan Alley’s Oak Bluffs weekly column in the Times Calendar section for updates and additional information!

Oak Bluffs Highlights - 508-693-4509 Rose Cogliano, Director Hours: 8:30 am–4 pm

Tisbury Highlights - 508-696-4205 Joyce Stiles-Tucker, Director Hours: 8:30 am–4:30 pm

Up-Island Highlights - 508-693-2896 Joyce Bowker, Director, Fax: 508-693-1447 Hours: 8:30 am–4 pm

Don’t forget to check the Service Programs & Support Group Directory, Calendar of Activities, and the Travel News column for more listings. Call in advance for program information and reservations. ...and remember that your Senior Centers are open to anyone, regardless of residence.

SHINE Volunteer Training beginning in April! SHINE Counselor Volunteers WANTED AND NEEDED! A SHINE volunteer training begins on April 8th at the American Legion Hall in Vineyard Haven, 10 am to 3 pm, twice a week, ending May 28th. The SHINE Program provides free health insurance information, counseling and assistance. SHINE assists elders and disabled to understand Medicare and MassHealth benefits and other insurance options. A SHINE counselor is trained and certified in health insurance and Medicare, Medigap, retiree insurance plans, prescription programs, Medicaid, and other programs for those with limited resources. The value of this service cannot be overstated. Providing critical information and advice to our seniors can be positively life changing. Call Sheila Curtis, Regional SHINE Manager, 508-375-6762 for more information.

MELT Away Stress and Pain The MELT Method is the first Hands-off Bodywork® method developed as a self-care tool to prevent and relieve chronic pain. Use soft foam rollers and small MELT Hand and Foot Balls to rehydrate the connective tissue throughout your body and ease stress on your muscles and joints! For more about MELT, go to Valerie Sonnenthal, Peaked Hill Studio owner and MELT instructor, will offer two 90-minute workshops: Workshop One - April 16, 1:00- 2:30 pm Learn to relax, exercise and relieve pain in your feet. Students required to be barefoot and have pants that can be rolled up to their knees. Class limited to 10. Workshop Two – April 30th 1:00-2:30 pm Learn simple self-care techniques to make your body feel better and function more efficiently. Reduce inflammation, ease chronic neck and low back strain, improve structural alignment, and learn how to keep your whole body feeling better. Class limited to 8. *Intro Workshops are $25; future classes are $10* *All materials will be provided. Call UICOA to register 508-693-2896

MV Museum: Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) UICOA. 4/27, 1:30 pm See UICOA Highlights for details.

Better Business Bureau: Scams, Fraud, and Identity Theft May 19, 1:30 pm. Call UICOA 508-693-2896 to reserve space.

Edgartown Highlights - 508-627-4368 Paul Mohair, AdministratorHours: 9 am–4 pm! Lunches

$2 Tuesday- Sandwich, soup, dessert $5 Friday- Entre, side, dessert

After Lunch… Hospice of Martha’s Vineyard 4/7, 12:45, Information about programs, advance directives.

Keep Your Independence in the Passenger Seat 4/10, 12:45, Officer Will Bishop’s tips for staying behind the wheel, and planning to transition to the passenger seat.

SHINE 4/14, 12:45 with Carl Watt

On Display 4/17, Rose Abrahamson’s expressionistic work. Q and A with Rose, 12:45.

Memory Loss Presentation 4/21, 12:45. Nancy Langman, doctoral

level nurse practitioner and Victoria Haeselbarth, Anchor’s outreach worker give presentation on ways to prevent memory loss, including available resources for those suffering from it.

Reverse Mortgage Presentation with Slade Mortgage 4/24, 1 pm

Balance of Power Fitness Class 4/10, 4/24, 8:30 am, Ray Whitaker, YMCA Elder Fitness, $10.

SHINE with Carl Watt Thursday appointments. Carl speaks at lunch 4/14.

Meditate with Donna Goodale 4/9, 4/23, 3:15, Free.

iPad and iPhone 4/28, 3:30 with Darren Belisle. Q&A session. Bring list of iPad or iPhone questions and learn from one another!

“Theater of the 1930s, 1940s, 1950s” with Actor Stephen Collins 5/1, 1 pm, performing artist explores the legacy of famous playwrights. Presented by ECOA, UICOA, and Edgartown Public Library, supported in part by a grant from the MV Cultural Council. All welcome.

Save on Energy with Cape Light Compact 5/5, 1 pm. Savings programs: residential home energy assessment, rebates, financial incentives.

Vineyard Smiles Dental Clinic 5/8, Anchors. Free oral health screening, cleaning, oral hygiene instruction. 508-696-0020, x14 appointments.

“Happiness and Aging” 5/15, 1 pm Joan Houlihan, Executive Director, Atria Woodbriar Assisted Living.

Breakfast with Betsy Thursday, 4/2, 9:30 am Looking for breakfast ideas to jump start your day? Join us for a morning of fun in the kitchen. Learn about quick, easy recipes to boost your energy and understand the nutrition behind the food. Presented by: Betsy Corsiglia Nutrition, Registered Dietician/Nutritionist. ~ Free. Reservations are necessary for our food order.

Poetry Reading Group 4/6, 10 am Facilitator: Myra Stark Poems of Stephen Dunn.

Community Poetry Readings 4/9, 1:30 pm Meet poets: Fan Ogilvie and Valerie Sonnenthal. Selected readings followed by

discussion. Lee McCormack: host Annette Sandrock: poet coordinator

Ongoing Activities: there is so much going on! See Calendar section Ongoing Supports/Services: find what is available to meet your needs! See Service & Support section

Positive Aging 5/2, 10:30am Susan Sanford, licensed Physical Therapist and Acupuncturist, will talk about those inevitable signs of aging: rolling shoulders, back/posture, and walking with assuredness. We can’t help aging, but we can work at not thinking “old”. Informative and fun; ideas to take with you as you embrace each day.

Tai Chi Something New with Daisy! Daisy is returning soon with Chi Gung loose exercises and Tai Chi Fan/Sword added for more advanced practice. New this year is Tai Chi Cane -skills to enhance balance and safety, even if you don’t use a cane. Call us to be put on call list.

Lunch Daily at noon Call some friends to join you. Place your order in advance. Call 508-693-8337.> Departments> Council on Aging>click links to Calendar, left middle page.

~Aging has a wonderful beauty and we should have respect for that.~ –Eartha Kitt

MVTimes March 26, 2015 community B9Plus55

Yoga for Seniors UICOAWith Martha AbbotMon, 11:15 am, Fri, 10:30 amNo Wed class until February $10 per classYoga ECOA with Carol Aranzabe Thurs, 8:30 am Drop-ins $10 per classMindful Movement: Tai Chi and Qigong, ECOA Thurs, 10 am with Nan Doty8-10 week session, $10 per classCall ECOA to sign up, 508-627-4368 Gentle Yoga, TCOAStretch, Strengthen, Breath, Balance Thurs, 4-5:15pm. Carol Aranzabe Info/Register, 508-939-4120

See Tisbury Highlights for details Chi Gung and Tai Chi, TCOADaisy will return soon with new practice to enhance strength, balance and mind body awareness.Pilates UICOA. Toni Cohen, Instructor, Mon., 10 am, $10 per classStrength Training with Lisa Amols, ECOA Tues, 8:30 am Punch cards available, $16/walk-ins. Join anytime. See Lisa for info before first class or call 508-693-1009Balance of Power Fitness Class, ECOA . 4/10 & 4/24, 8:30 amWith Ray Whitaker, YMCA Elder Fitness & Services Coordinator$10 per class

Call ECOA to sign up, 508-627-4368 Balletics UICOAWed & Fri, 8:15-9:15 amWith Karen Cullinan, 508-693-7730Call instructor for further information. Dancing and Movement, OBCOAFridays, 1:00pm – 2:30pm. A great way to exercise, improve mobility and balance and have fun!NEW! Dance FREE!, UICOATuesdays, 3-4. No money, no teacher, no instructions. Dance to catchy, funky, rhythmic music.Strength Training UICOA, $8(First class is free) With Katryn YerdonMon & Wed, 5:30 pmTues & Thurs, 8:30 & 9:30 am

Saturdays, 9:00 am Sit & Get Fit, TCOAMon, Wed, Fri, 10:30 am1hr video using a chair for supportCall Ellen, 508-693-2896Lunch & Wii Bowling, TCOACall for details and reservations, 508-693-8337Exercise Classes, OBCOAMon., 8:45 am w/Sue CollinsonThurs., 9 am w/Bill WhiteNew! Thurs. 9 am Super Senior Exercise w/Bill WhiteAquatic Exercise ClassMansion House Pool Call Mansion House for information.508-693-7400

Exercise &


Painters Group TCOACome paint with us!Thurs., 9-11 amWatercolor Painting with Nancy Cabot UICOA, Fridays at 1 pmChair Caning OBCOA, Tues, 9 am

Woodarving OBCOAMon. & Thurs., 9 amRug Hooking ECOA, Thurs, 1 pmRug Hooking UICOATues, 11:30. Bring lunch!Needlework, ECOA, Thurs 2-4 pm

Mindful Knitting ECOA, Mon, 3:30-5:30 pm. Call 508-627-4368Not an instructional group Knitting for Hospice, ECOATues., 10 am, Learn to knit and feltKnitting and Conversation, TCOA

Mon, 9:30 amMah Jong ECOA, Tues & Fri, 1 pmUICOA, Wed., 1 pmOBCOA, Mon. 1 pmScrabble

Arts &


Island-Wide Activities Calendar

Ideas, Books,

& Plays

Discussion Group, UICOATues., 9:30 am Free & open to the public.Conversations with Bob Iadicicco OBCOA, Fri., 10-11:30 amFriday Morning Conversations, ECOA. 1st & 3rd Friday, 10 amWith Jack SchimmelmanNew! Discussion GroupTCOA, Thursdays, 1:30 pm Peter H. Luce Play Readers SocietyTCOA, Wed’s, 9-12 noonTheme: “Plays of Edward Albee”Producer: Elaine Bart4/1 Part 2 of “Delicate Balance” 4/8 “Brendan” by Roman Noone;

Nora Nevin, Director4/15 “The Illusion” by Tom Kushner; Elaine Eugster, Director4/22 “Man of the Moment” by Alan Ayckburn; Leslie Stark, Director4/29 “The Real Inspector Hound” and “After Magritte” by Tom Stoppard; John Brannen, Director. Discussion follows and listeners always welcomePoetry Readers, TCOA4/6, 10 am. Stephen Dunn, Pulitzer Prize winner is the featured poetMyra Stark, facilitator Community Poetry Readings, TCOA. 4/9, 1:30 pm Lee McCormack hosts. Annette Sandrock, poet coordinator

Featuring: Fan Olgivie & Valerie Sonnenthal. All welcome. You don’t have to be a poet!Poetry, Jill Jupen, ECOA Thurs., 9:30 am The Howes House Writers Group, UICOA, Meets Tuesdays, 10 am. New members welcome!Tisbury Book Club Thurs., 4/16, 1:30 pm “Still Life With Bread Crumbs”By Anna Quindlen. Books available at the VH library.Book Discussion, UICOA4/29, 10:30 am. “Plainsong” by Kent Haruf. Call 508-692-2896 for infoBook Discussion Group

Edgartown Public Library, Call Lisa, 508-627-4221 for information.ECOA Men’s Book GroupWith Glenn Carpenter4/15, 3 pm. “Endurance” by Alfred Lansing. Discuss books on history, travel, nonfiction, real life. Exchange thoughts, ideas, opinions and insights with other knowledgeable readers. Exercise your mind and socialize with friendly people. Refreshments. All ages welcome. Ukulele Jammin’ TCOAThe Princess Poo-Poo-Ly BandWednesdays, 1-3 pm; Martha Child, instructor. Beginners and Practiced.We play a wide variety of music!

You are invited to come see ‘the jewel’ of Martha’s Vineyard – Wildflower Court – a unique residential neighborhood for independent seniors.

We’ll take care of meals, laundry, housekeeping and maintenance for you while you enjoy

your day. We’ve saved you a place at the table.

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“It’s the best thing in the world for me here. I can’t speak more

highly. I don’t have to worry about things as if I were at home.”

– Betty, Wildflower Court resident

OBCOA, Fri. 9 amMen’s Cards OBCOA Wed., 9 amHand & Foot Card Games OBCOA Tues., 1 pmLadies Cards OBCOA Tues., 1 pmRummy, OBCOA

Tues & Thurs, 1 pmBridge OBCOA. With Sue CollisonTues., 9:30 -11:30 Party Bridge TCOA Fridays, 1-4 pmPlease call for seating,

508-693-3686Bridge UICOAThurs, 1:15 pm (Contract Bridge, Call Adriana Stadecker in advance 508-645-2637)Cribbage OBCOA, Fri., 9 am

Bingo OBCOA, Wed., 4/15, 1-3 pm & 6-8 pmEnjoy Lunch and Wii Bowling!TCOA. Sign up for lunch and bowl afterward! Call 508-696-8337 for details/reservations

Cards &


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B10 community March26,2015 MVTimesPlus55

Health &

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Insurance, Legal,Social


Food Services,

Transport &


Support Groups

S.H.I.N.E. ECOA, Call 508-627-4368 for an apt.OBCOA, Call 508-693-4509, x 3 for apt TCOA, Call 508-696-4205 for an apt.UICOA, Call 508-693-2896 for an apt.Wampanoag Tribal Council,

508-645-9265Vineyard Health Care Acesss 508-696-0020Elder Law Project:South Coastal Counties Legal Services (Cape & Islands)Tom Kosman, Elder Law Attorney4/6, ECOA, Call 508-775-7020 OR 1-800-742-4107 for an appointment

Social Security Video Display Program 4th Mon every month (4/27), 9:00 am-12 pmMeet with a Social Security Rep via SKYPE in a private office at OB Senior CenterCall 508-693-4509 in advance for an appointment.Social Security

Falmouth office, 855-881-0212Veteran’s Services, ECOA4/3, 10:30 amMeet with Veteran Agent Jo Ann MurphyCall 508-627-4368 for an appointment Funeral Consumers Alliance1-802-865-8300, Information on end of life alternatives

Adult Health Promotion & Blood Pressure ClinicsLaura Murphy RN, 5 08-957-7660Aquinnah Town Hall 4th Tuesday, 4/28, 2-3 Chilmark Library 4/15, 12:30-1:30Edg Stop & Shop Pharmacy 4/1, 12-2Edg Town Hall 4/8, 9-11 Edg COA 4/16, 10:30-11:30 Oak Bluffs COA 4/23, 12:30-2:30

Tisbury COA 4/7, 10-11; Up-Island COA 4/14, 11:30-1:00Cronig’s 4/9, 1-3Hillside Village 4/1, 10-11Woodside Village I 4/27, 12-1Woodside Village II 4/27, 1:15-2:15Public Health Nurse Clinics: Call Laura Murphy, 508-957-7660 for an appointmentTCOA, 4/9, 9:30-11:30UICOA, 4/22, 1-3 pmVineyard Scripts, Beach Rd. VH

Have your blood pressure checked any day, any time.Hearing Services, call in advance for an appointment.OBCOA: 4/17, Call Rose, 508-693-4509 ext. 3 for aptUICOA: Vineyard AudiologyScreenings & RepairsCall 508-457-9285 for appointmentTCOA: Miracle Ear4/8, Call Miracle Ear 508-457-9285 to speak to Audiologist Gary

Ouellette or to make an appointment for April 8. Podiatry & Foot CarePedi-Care w/Kathy Rose RNCall for an appointment: ½ hour appts, $30OBCOA 4/8, 9 am Call 508-693-4509 x3 ECOA 4/21, 9 am508-627-4368UICOA, 4/27, 9 am508-693-2896

Emergency Food ServicesEmergency Food Pantries: All Senior Centers Monthly distribution, call for date & time.First Baptist Church Parish House “Serving Hands”Williams St. VH, Info at 508-693-5339 Island Food PantryChrist United Methodist ChurchChurch St. VHInfo at 508-693-4764Transportation

Vineyard Transit Authority- 508-693-9440.$25 annual senior bus passes available at local Senior Centers.Medivan, 508-693-9440 (VTA)Tuesdays to Boston area medical services, $30 round tripAmerican Cancer Society Road to Recovery 1-800-227-2345, for cancer patients Medical Taxi (Cape Cod medical appointments) Call 508-939-9440Housing and Living Options:

Island Elderly Housing, 508-693-5880 Subsidized housing for seniors & disabled.Windemere Nursing & Rehab, 508-696-6465. Long term care nursing home facility, Medicaid accepted. Havenside Apartments, 508-693-2280 Henrietta Brewer House, 508-693-4500Assisted Living, private pay Longhill,

508-627-7791 Assisted Living, Private pay, Long Term Care Insurance accepted.Vineyard Village at Home (VVAH)Referrals, Transportation & AssistanceWith independent livingInfo & to join call 508-693-3038, vineyardvillage@gmail.comMV Center for Living Supportive Day ProgramLeslie Clapp, 508-939-9440 A social program for those needing supervision and socializationRespite for families

CORECounseling, Outreach and Referral for the ElderlyCall the Outreach Worker at the Council on Aging in your town or Joy Ganapol at Island Counseling Center, 508-693-7900 x242Martha’s Vineyard M S Self Help GroupCall 508-693-3193Prostate Cancer Support Group3rd Wednesday, 4 pm M.V. Community Services Bldg. C/Conference Rm 1. Info at Alan Ganapol, Facilitator, 914-318-1477 (mobile)Diabetes Support GroupNo meeting in April.Vineyard Isle Parkinsonians Support Group4/13, 10:30 amUICOA for Parkinsonians and Caregivers. Call Ellen for details 508-693-2896

Parkinson’s Caregivers’ Support GroupUICOA, Call Ellen for details 508-693-2896Memory Support Group (2 groups) Wed, 9:30 & 11 at Featherstone Center for the ArtsFor those experiencing memory loss.For info call Victoria Haeselbarath, 508-627-4368 x15Caregiver & Educational Support GroupCaregiver Support Group1st & 3rd Thurs, 10:00 am MVCS Island Counseling Center, 508-693-7900Call Allison McKinley x217Stroke Support GroupEvery 4th Thursday, 3:30-5 pm at the AnchorsCall Victoria Haeselbarth, 508-627-4368 Cancer Support GroupWednesdays, 12:00, Hebrew Center, Vineyard Haven

Service Programs and Support Group Directory

Regional Luncheon Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School

Culinary Arts & Music Departments Culinary Arts Dining Room, $12 per person

Music begins at 11 am · Lunch served promptly at 11:30

Thursday, April 9

Menu Onion Soup · Shrimp Primavera

Spring Veggies over Penne Pasta w/Garlic Butter Strawberry Tart

Please call 508-939-9440 for reservations

Center for Advanced Periodontics

& Implant DentistryProviding expert periodontics and dental implants for

New England, the South Shore and Cape Cod.

We specialize in:

• Periodontics & dental implants• Diagnosis &treatment of

gum and bone disease• Reconstructive bone surgery• Cosmetic oral plastic surgery• On site CT scan for immediate 3-D visualizations & diagnosis• Working with top restorative dentists,

and dental & medical specialists

Let US help YOU achieve a smile that is

healthy, attractive, and functional. Dr. Gus J. Dehni, D.M.D. M.M.Sc. M.Sc

930 Pleasant Street, New Bedford, MA 02740


We are located 2 blocks from the Martha’s Vineyard-New Bedford ferry terminal.
