Music videos inspired me


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Music videos that have inspired me

Sam and the Womp – Bom Bom Bom This music video inspired me because of the elements featured, and helped me figure

out what I wanted to be included within my music video. It grabbed my attention because of the business throughout the video, and the bright, vibrant colours relating to older fashions. The extreme close up shot on the left is something which I especially want in my music video as it shows the artist singing along to the lyrics, and sustains the viewers attention.

Throughout my music video many shots will need to be included for variation, so that it is successful which this music video shows me. Also, these shots display the music artist dancing along to their song which is what I want in my video because it keeps the audience occupied, and encourages them to dance and get into the song.

This shot demonstrates the change of clothing which every music video must include. It reveals the artists fashion sense, and it usually links in to the genre of music they release. Similarly to this shot, I want my model to wear bright clothing so that they stand out and would be seen as unique compared to other music artists.

I like this grid effect because it displays more than one shot which has been featured throughout the music video, and it is not often seen in music videos. It gives the audience a chance to see all the shots at one time, and possibly try to link them together. I would like to use this effect in my music video because it breaks up the music video and would allow me to play more than one shot at a time.

These two shots relate to the editing I could possibly do when creating my music video. I like how pictures, graphics and words can be employed in a frame along with the lyrics. I like how a artist can move and create a colour/shape with the movement, similar to the left shot. Also certain lyrics can be emphasised through words on the screen, especially as they appear out of no where and jump out to the audience.

Redlight – Lost in Your LoveThis shot reveals text which links to the lyrics which are currently being heard by the viewer. I like how the text demonstrates the lyrics in the song because it involved the viewer more and helps them understand the message of the song. I would like to use this particular text within my music video because it is also in two different colours which contrasts against the black background. The pink and purple colours reinforce the positive tone throughout the song.

This is an extreme close up shot of someone's eye in the music video. Although it looks random, in the video the eyeball moves around in time to the music which I think looks dramatic and sustains the attention of the viewer. Also it has been edited into black and white, therefore I like the variation which is included in the music video, and I could use it too.

Here is a medium shot of a female, however the overall frame looks abstract due to the editing and the overlapped image. This image stood out to me because it shoes cracks in the image, and makes the viewer wonder if it is portraying an aspect about the female. Also, I feel the use of a black and white image along with a coloured image looks successful and is unique. This has given me more thoughts about what I could include in my music video, and how much editing can change an image or combine two images.

I would like to learn how to create shots like these because my music video will include long shots, and my model dancing. This shot demonstrates what editing can create in the background of a simple shot and how to make it busy. Also as the model is shaded in pink and none of their features are visible, it contrasts to the background and displays their importance in the shot.

I want my model to be seen singing the lyrics in my music video like this shot. Although I want my model to be miming throughout the video, this shot has encouraged me to think about taking shots of different angles for variation, and to not bore the audience. Also, I like how the model here is almost like a shadow and highlighted in a dark tone because it emphasises her facial features from the side, and allows the audience to see her miming even more clearly.