Murrurundi Public School€¦ · be ordered through the uniform shop (order forms at the office)....


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Murrurundi Public School Pride in our Heritage, Confidence in our Future

School Newsletter

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

135 Mayne Street Murrurundi NSW 2338 T 6546 6057 F 6546 6596 E W

Newsletter Week 2

Principal’s Message

Fun Fridays

Don’t forget that each Friday this term, our school will be

divided into a K-2 class with Ms Hurst and a 3-6 class

with Ms Callaghan. Due to an increase in enrolments in K

-2, five Year 2 students will be joining the 3-6 class from

now on. Thank you to these students and their parents

for their flexibility and understanding. Don’t forget that

all students are required to wear their sport uniform

each Friday this term.

Aquis Future Is Bright Pre-Kinder Program

Last Friday we welcomed our ten Pre-Kinder students to

our Future is Bright program. I’m looking forward to

working with Chase, Hunter, Natasha, Luke, Judd,

Zachariah, Jett, Max, Xander and Billee again this Friday.

The Future is Bright program will run every Friday this

term from 9am – 3.30pm thanks to Aquis Farm’s

generous sponsorship. Pre-Kinder students need to bring

a hat, drink bottle, fruit (for Crunch n Sip), lunch and

afternoon tea.

Oxley College Drought Assistance and BBQ

Twelve Oxley College students and their teachers have

arrived in Murrurundi and treated the community to a

free BBQ last night. They purchased all supplies from our

town to support us. Today the Oxley College students,

along with our 5/6 students are out helping on local

farms. Thank you to David Spies and the Oxley College

staff and students for coming all this way to assist our

community in such a kind and generous way.

After School Art Fridays

Students are invited to free art tuition with local artist

Anita Faulkner on Friday afternoons (no longer

Wednesdays) from 3.30pm – 4.30pm.

Farewell Miss Lloyd-Jones

We sadly wish Miss Lloyd-Jones all best as she moves on

to focus on her local business. We thank her for all the

time and effort she has put into rebuilding the kitchen

garden program and look forward to her visiting us often.

We welcome back Mrs Eileen Roach who will work in

Miss L-J’s place each Tuesday for the remainder of the



Save the date for InvigorART – Monday 26th to Thursday

29th of November, when with local schools, Blandford

and Belltrees we will be treated to workshops in digital

works, painting, drawing and sculpting from local artists.

The workshops will culminate in an exhibition at our

school with parents, friends and community invited to

attend. The artworks will then we exhibited for two

weeks in the little church next to the museum.


For the safety of our children, please pick them up from

inside the school grounds and escort them across the

crossing. Even parents are reporting ‘near misses’ on our

crossing which is extremely worrying. All incidents are to

be recorded in the school office as I am reporting them

to the police.

Term 4 — Week 2 Thursday 25 October 2018

135 Mayne Street Murrurundi NSW 2338 T 6546 6057 F 6546 6596 E W

Murrurundi Public School - School Newsletter

135 Mayne Street Murrurundi NSW 2338 T 6546 6057 F 6546 6596 E W

After school pick up

At the completion of school, all students who are

waiting for their parents/carers are required to wait

on the seat outside the office. There should not be

any Murrurundi PS students playing on the play gym

as it is closed after school. The teacher on duty

supervises the students who are waiting to be picked

up before locking the gate to ensure the school is

secured for the night.

Updated Uniform Policy - attached

Last term, all girls K-6 met with members of the P&C

to discuss and vote on an optional alternative to the

Summer dress, so as to reflect the updated NSW DoE

School Uniform Policy which states “All students

should have the opportunity to access the full range

of school activities, including physical activities while

wearing a school uniform, and girls must have the

option to wear shorts and pants.” Prior to the girls

voting, it was discussed at a P&C meeting and

decided that an option was needed quickly, as a full

uniform review takes many months and would occur

in 2019. After the girls voted, the decision was that

the option to the dress would be a navy pleated skort

and a white, short sleeved blouse. The sport uniform

remains unchanged and girls are welcome to wear a

navy sport skirt or shorts on sports days (Friday this

term). The navy pleated skort and white blouse can

be ordered through the uniform shop (order forms at

the office).

Uniform Rewards

Beginning next week, there will be a positive focus on

our school uniform. Students will receive a point for

their class each morning if they are in full school

uniform as per our uniform policy, with the winning

class for the week being announced on assembly. The

class with the most points at the end of the term will

receive a pizza party. Teachers will also award Dojo

points for a particular part of the uniform each week

eg. socks, hat. This focus will be announced at

assembly for the coming week. When on playground

duty, teachers will be awarding Thumbs Up tickets to

students wearing their uniform with pride (shirt

tucked in, full uniform).


Please see the Nitbusters advice and consent forms

attached to this newsletter. I have been involved in this

project at a previous school and found it to be very

effective. Can you help?

Year 6 shirts 2019

All Year 5 students are required to advise the office of

their preferred shirt size for their Year 6 shirt. Please

remember students may need to order a size larger

than their current size.

Grandparent’s Day

All grandparents are invited to join us on Thursday 1st

November from 2.15-3.30pm for afternoon tea and

activities. The Murrurundi Pre School will also be

joining us with their grandparents.

Rebecca Hopkins

Relieving Principal

Week 2 in K/1

K/1 have had a busy start to the term in all areas of learning. In maths, we have been learning about fractions, parts,

wholes and halves! The students have been ensuring

that when sharing parts, they are equal or the same

and that they can be put back together to make a


135 Mayne Street Murrurundi NSW 2338 T 6546 6057 F 6546 6596 E W

Murrurundi Public School - School Newsletter

135 Mayne Street Murrurundi NSW 2338 T 6546 6057 F 6546 6596 E W

On Friday the students learnt about the colour wheel

in fine art with Anita. They learnt that there are only

three real colours and all the other colours are made

by combining those colours together. K/1 were very

excited when they realised that the colour wheel was

also a whole that was divided into parts to make


The students also participated in our first of five

gymnastics lessons on Friday, with many stu-

dents trying new things for the first time. They

had a lot of fun and used muscles they didn’t

know they had!

Ms Hurst

135 Mayne Street Murrurundi NSW 2338 T 6546 6057 F 6546 6596 E W

Murrurundi Public School - School Newsletter

135 Mayne Street Murrurundi NSW 2338 T 6546 6057 F 6546 6596 E W

Week 2


During literacy this week students have continued

their individual reading and research about a range of

fascinating topics. Some of which include; Ancient

Civilizations, Battles in Your Blood, Earthquakes and

Volcanoes, Big Machines and the Science of

Colour. We also learned about some interesting, "old"

language that was used in the book “Wind in the


During Numeracy we studied and practiced the split

and grid method for multiplication.

On Wednesday, 5 students were lucky to have the

opportunity to spend the day at Quirindi High School

involved in STEM and coding activities.


WOW! What a busy start to Term 4 in 2/3/4. In

Literacy groups we are working on completing our

Daily 5 activities each morning. These activities

include a daily writing task, spelling activities, reading

a familiar book to ourselves and also a partner and

reciprocal reading where we are learning to predict,

clarify tricky words, summarise and ask questions.

During maths this week 2/3/4 are learning to order

numbers with 2, 3 and 4 digits from lowest to

highest. We are learning that the place value of a

digit determines it’s value. The same digit (number)

in a different position has a different value eg 431 if

we move the 1 to the tens position we have 413.

We welcome Mrs Roach to our classroom each

Tuesday. Mrs Roach will be teaching science and

working in the garden with us. Next Tuesday (week

3) 2/3/4 will be working on making a recycled

garden? Could the children please bring in a contain-

er to plant a small succulent in. For example, a cut off

milk carton, egg carton, an old shoe etc. Many


Mrs Quirk

Murrurundi Public School - School Newsletter

135 Mayne Street Murrurundi NSW 2338 T 6546 6057 F 6546 6596 E W


5/6 have been enjoying the new Friday routine. They were able to test their problem solving skills in coding lessons and have been enjoying sport with Sam and gymnastics lessons. In fine art we learnt about colour theory. Anita taught the students to create a colour wheel. They mixed primary colours to make secondary colours and created different shades using white paint. In maths we are continuing our lessons on time and will be looking at reading and creating timetables.

Miss Callaghan


K/1 Working With Mrs Hopkins

Murrurundi Public School - School Newsletter

135 Mayne Street Murrurundi NSW 2338 T 6546 6057 F 6546 6596 E W

Scholastic Book Fair


Tuesday 30th October 2018

9am – 9.30am and 11.45am – 12.15pm

Our Scholastic Book Fair is a reading event that brings to school the books kids want to read. It’s a wonderful selection of engaging

and affordable books for every reading level. Please make plans to visit our Book Fair and be involved in shaping your child’s reading


We look forward to seeing you and your family at our Book Fair!

Remember, all purchases benefit our school.

Reading for pleasure inside and outside of

school has real and long-lasting benefits. It

unlocks the power of information and

imagination and helps children discover who

they are. Here’s what you can do to help

children develop stronger reading skills and a

love for reading:

Set the example. Let children see you


Have a collection of books in the

home. Update this collection routinely to keep

pace with changing tastes and reading skills.

Support our school’s Book Fair. Allow your children to choose their

own books to read.


Students who attend school are more likely to be successful at school and have better career and life choices than students

who are often absent from

Oxley College Bowral BBQ - For Drought Assistance

Murrurundi Public School - School Newsletter

Murrurundi Public School - School Newsletter

Monday Tuesday Wednesday WEEK 3 TERM 4

Thursday Friday


St Johns First Aid

Student Banking

Book fair

Grandparents Day 2.15—3.30pm

Future Is Bright

Fun Fitness For Littlies

Fine Art with Anita

Music—Mr Garret Library

Halloween Dance (Pre School) St Luke's Hall

Religious Instruction Choir—Mr Leayr



Assembly 3.00pm


If you are unable to do your day please try and find a

swap. If not please contact me on 0472778340.

TERM 4 Roster

29th OCT Nikki & Sue Stone

5th NOV Maxine & Barney

16th NOV Steph & Julie (Friday) Special Day Pre-Kinder

19th NOV Sarah & Michelle

26th Nov Maxine & Barney

3rd DEC Nikki & Sue

10th DEC Steph & Julie

19th DEC Special last day of school treat —

sausage sizzle $1.00

Thank you, Steph

NEXT P&C Meeting

Tuesday 13th November 6.00pm at

Murrurundi Public School

You are all invited to come along to continue our

discussions on Term 4 events :

Presentation Night

Year 6 Farewell Dinner

Carols by Candlelight

Christmas Raffle

ITS NOT TOO LATE - School Fees 2018

Each year we ask each family to make a voluntary

contribution to the school. The contribution for 2018


1 Child $45.00

2 Children $70.00

3 or more children $90.00

School fees assist in providing extra resources and

student extras on trips and excursions.

Payment can be made by cash or cheque to

the school office

or online through the school Web page:

Notes to be Returned

®Permission / medical notes and payments

for the 5/6 Canberra

All payments due by tomorrow Friday the

26th October

® Band notes for QHS

