Multicam Batman · Multicam Batman Keys We...


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Multicam Batman KeysMulticam Batman KeysWe have implemented several hidden We have implemented several hidden functions on the controller that can be functions on the controller that can be

accessed from the keypad by pressing certain accessed from the keypad by pressing certain keys in order.keys in order.

Jogging before homing

Shift Key Z Up Key Hold Z Down for 5 seconds

This will allow the machine to be jogged prior to homing. Be very careful when using this function as all table limits are turned off!! You can run the gantry off the table (or at least to the hard stops) using this function.

This function is useful for checking the direction of motion, to verify that the motors are wired correctly.

DNC before homing

Shift Key Z Up Key Hold DNC Down for 5 seconds

This will allow Jobserver to function prior to homing. Do not run jobs without homing. The purpose of this function is to allow controller macros to be loaded before homing. The main use is for the mach_set macro to be loaded.

Service Menu

Shift Key Z Up Key Hold Start Down for 5 seconds

This will create an additional menu on Plasma systems called Service. In the service menu there are 3 sub menus.

1. Change param - allows you to change any flash parameter

2. Warm Boot - reinitializes all the variables

3. Surface block enable - for testing the ohmic sensor

The service menu will be implemented on router systems in the near future.

Informational Key 1

Shift Key Help Key 1 Key

This will show the version information on the keypad.

Informational Key 2

Shift Key Help Key 2 Key

This will show the Ethernet information on the keypad.

• IP Address

• Subnet Mask

• Host PC, The IP of the PC that is connected to the controller

Informational Key 2 continued

Shift Key Help Key 2 Key DNC Key

Pressing the DNC Key with the Ethernet Information showing will allow you to set the Ethernet information.

• Static IP or DHCP

• Static IP allows you to set the IP and the Subnet Mask

Informational Key 3

Shift Key Help Key 3 Key

Power Information

• Volts DC (of the 5 V Supply)

• V AC ( on the 5 V supply)

• Power Glitches

Informational Key 4

Shift Key Help Key 4 Key

MOD BUS Information

• Inverter Type

• CRC Retries

Informational Key 5

Shift Key Help Key 5 Key

• Backlight On and Backlight Off

• This is only useful for Two Tech Keypads. The KDM 20 Does not need a back light

Informational Key 6 A Series Only

Shift Key Help Key 6 Key

Drive Information

• Shows stepper drive temperature for each drive

• Peak recorded drive temperature

• BUS VDC – shows the DC voltage of the stepper bus. This should be as close to 40 without going over as possible. IF it is low then retap the transformer.

Informational Key 7 A Series Only

Shift Key Help Key 7 Key

Input Status

• Shows status of All inputs (limits, SB,ES, CE, 2d Digitizer, Inverter Fault, and Misc.)

Multicam Batman KeysMulticam Batman Keys
