MSHWlLE UNION A€¦ · docriptiou againstthe Perils of the 5eas mid Rhers. Jifap, Die Lives of...


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to subserilwrs at the following fates: Single cojfies one' jfearlna-- i ranee. ?2 rT; within the ycar$.rf!0; nttliejend" ohlTe year 1 (XX. "Cuiis Of fi ve and npvr&d 00,

lxfppX-f- t Clubs of MifrrriBcrs will be re-

ceived for siKinonths at tliefprtegoingirate.s. 'TheTRI-WEEKL- is published cveryucsdy,,UTiur;sday..jAnd'&turdav, at f5 per'amiuinin actfdnr iAl SW u ' .

,..adiancc,,?S. ' "" '' "

DAiLYi,. published atRghUloRarsMONEY IN XXL ACCOMPANY


Remittance of subscriptions may be "made by mail at .our

. risk. - - - - -

paper will be sent out of Uie State unless the order is ac-

companied with the caxlu j , ' . i . w


r I MIE great IteineJ r for Rheiin'ialtsm.'Gout, pain in tfie SideJL Ilip, lljck, Limbs and joints. Scrofula, KinV Evil,

White Sivellings, Hard Tnuuirs, Stiff Joints,-- and Jil fixedpains wliaterer. Where this l'Uster i applied I'aiu cannot,eiist.

Tliec I'laster pot!e,ls the adrautajje of being put up inhence they retain their full virtues in all cli-

mates.ThU celebrated r has been o. extensive y

used hy l'hjsicians the people iu.generaL both in thiscountry and Eurnpa that it is needless to say anyUung about it. Yet there may be some, who stand in needof its healing po ers Vi ho have not yet tried it. For theirsakc w e will simply state what it lis done in thousand ofcases, and what it mil do for them, when tried.

A VOICE KKOM GEOKOIA.Head the following testimony from a Hiysician.

Gexti.eues. Your Hebrew Plaslerlias cured tne of painsof which I luve iulfered for twelve years nvs pyrnthis.period 1 labored uuileran alllictiou ofmy loins aud Mde.audtried many ltwnediet liat my own medical experience sug-gested, but wiihoutobtainiug relief. At length I used yourJ'liu4er, and am now by its good, effects cutuely cured. I

will recommend the Jew David or Hebrew Plaster to all,who are kuflf;riugfi-o- contraction of the musclea, orperha-ne- nt

pains in the side or back.The people ofGeorgia have but to become acquainted with

its virtues heu they will resort to ils use.Yours, truly, JL V. WALKER, L D.,

Porsytbe, 'Monroe county, Oa.To llessrs. Scovil 4 Mead, New Orleans, La. .


Itcssns.-Scov- A Mead: I have been troubled 'with thechronic rheumatism for the last twelve years. On the 1st ofJuly ISiS, I was so bad that I could not turn myself in bed,and (be pain so srverc that 1 had l.GtsIeptawinkforsixdays.At this timemyattendin Physician prescribed the "HebicwPhvter,' and it acted bke a charm; the pain left me and 1

slept more than liilf of the night, and in threo davs I wasable to lide nut. I consider the "Hebrew Plaster" the best.remedy for all sorts of pains now in ue

G. W. McMINN.Hendersonrille, N. C, Aug.lS, 1850.

l S S s s sUi'warc of counterfeits and base imitations!3S"The genuine vnll in future have the signature E.

Taylor on the steel plate engraved label on tbe topofeach' box.

Purchasers are advised that a' mean counterfeit of I his ar-

ticles is in existence.The genuine is sold only by us, and our agents appointed

thniiighoul the Sooth anil no pedlar is allowed to sell itDealers andpurchai-er- generallv pre ca'utiorted against buj'-iug-

bntour regular agents, wL'ttivise thoy will ba impos-

ed upon with a worthless article. - .

. ForKde by SCOYH. & MEAD,111 CharlrcB street. New Orleans.

General Wholesale Agentsfiir the Southern States, to whomnil orders must he addressed.Sold by EWIN, DROWN A Co.t Nashville, Tenn.J

W. V. J. U. libiiKl, ao;J. M. zniERM.N A-- Co., do;CARTWRIGHT A ARilSTRONG, do;

, THOMAS WEIXS, do ;juiyl-dtw- II. G. SCOVEL, do

PHI10T0KEN OH FEMALE'S FRIEND.Painful and Disordered Menstruation,

Abortion, and the relief of all thoseSympathetic Nervous Afl'ections attendant on

Piegnanev.Much of the (.uflering attendant upon the liies of females

ct the present day may be traced In some slight imprudeoceor neglect during some critical period of their peeuliar sea-

sons, cimsing irregularity, Ac., wtiicli, if notrelieved, gradu.illy weakens and deranges tlie system, and bysvinpiithy Tbduees those chronic ftinns of dieae

Drojisy, Dyspepsia, Ac which either Imrrt themto an only grave or fender them invalids for life. Many ot.tbefiiiestandloreliotof creation, &t tliatagenhcnth&hudwas jiwt bursting into bloom, have mtbered and died fromthe effects of obstruction, and the want nf;i to assistnature at that eventful perio'I.


i It is not otfereJ ns a cure of all ills that flesh is hsr to,

bt as a remedy and preventiie for a certain class of com-

plaints, in which it is warranted to do all that is liere elforth, or tlmnneriirinedireeted with evper'ence and skill canperform. Sold by SCOWL MEAD,-

11J Chartres street. New Orleans.General AYltolesale Agents for the Southern Stales to whomaM orders must bo addressed.' julyl ly

. , WESTERN MILITARY INSTITUTE.Drenhon Spriwjt, Henry comity, Ky.

iirst term of the seventh annual cession ofthisTHE cnaimencrs the.Mf Munjoi in Sffttari-if- f,

I80X, aud the second term on theyirvt jiuiuUty tn titti

TheFaculty consistsof niiieexpcriencedprofe-isors- . Tlienumber or cadets in at Usidance. last, .session was. 227, ofwhom 15 wcie from Tennessee. The"courc of studiescm-bmce- s

the Scientific course of the O. S. Military Academyaud thorough instructions in History, English Literature;ami the Greek and Itin Langnages. Studcntsarcadtnit-te- d

to a select course, juchidiug Civil Engineering, ModernIwngujges lxik Keeping, with Commercial practice andoilier branches at theiroptif n.

The Military feature is not introdneed 'merelv to diffuseMilitary knowledge, but to promote discipline, health audphysical development. -

Chargesformition, lioarding, rooms, fuel, lights, washing, r

FenramV attendance, and u.--e of furniture and arms ?'. j

jer term. Surgeon's fee it per term. For further infor- - fniution address .V. 0. Smith, Ln", Louisville, Ky., Smith iJohnson, 67 Mjgaiine stieet, New Oileaus, r II. R.John- -N111, Superintendent. july20 ldmiwt

r.iEmey9s" Kcaper StSiil.a


Blower,REFER the 1'irmers to the statements below, made by

T Dr. JohnShelbr and U F. Itradlev. 1 have seen it inoiierution screral Uiues, I am satisfied of itsgreat utility. Asthe is advancing, I uuw offer those I have on hand forf3fio. L. P. CHEATHAM.

june29, 1S50. Nashville, Tenn.

Nashvillf, June 2o, 1S53.

Col. I. P. CnctTmy: Dear .Sir; I have been usingthe " and Mowing Mnchine" patenicuted by Mauneyut Illinois, n iiich vou are uowoflering to the citizens of

Itis a firstktkluwrssvi.nuMaciii!:e. ltwortwkeatly and tt.vr-liL- Hie amount cut per day will dependprincipallv upon the sped of the team. !f the team cantravel four miles tier liour, it will Reap or Mow, fifteen acresin ten hours. It is cutitled to the confidence of the public.

Respectfully J. SHELBY."1, L.'F. Bradley now managing the farm of Dr. Shelby,

make the following : We liave had for more thanone week, one of Col. Cheatham's mowing aud reapingmachines, we havetried it in clover and grain blown und tan-

gled, and I now state that it mows and cuts cleaner than thesythe bkdet aud that it will mow per day as much us 14

lianas, anu ucau reayui iciisv i ucic-- yt ua.juncgD-tA- w. Li. t. ItltAMLu. 1 .

GRAEKENUER0 CHILDREN'S PANACEAMUST strange and irreconcilable fact meets us at theA very threshold of our remarks on this valuable medi-

cine. It is this: that no medical preparation adapted tothe various diseases of children aud youth, lias ever beenoffered to tho public, while at the same nco it is estabh.Jiedby Ihe most accurate tables of mortality that cmt-lu- lr Ihilui-fw-

family d.4 Uf.tre rtarJtiM tht ayt of lire part!We should suppose tlwt to this great cUssot human su-

fferersthis one-ha- lf of the race the most anxious and ear-

nest attention would have been gn en: that medical skill

woidd have been taxed to its utmost capacilv to find out amedicine to hicli mothers and nurses might resort underthe constantly recurring necessities which present n

this 'connection. Th" world is literally crowdedinitlirinmi for button-ard- s the sufferingsof chil- -

1rt.ii 110 nrie has Memed tn turn proiier attention. No one

has regarded their condition. No one has secmol to thinkit possible that the ravages of disease and death among thanmight be staved. Itis true that there aie numerous

'Cordials of some value. none of thoJe is

rontmod exclusively to 030 orto forms of disease. TheOraefenborg Children's Panacea is the only medicine extant

ill either hemtephsrelhit is at all northy of beins cslied aChildren's Medicine or that supplies the wauv allu-

ded to. . .

It u invaluable and unsurpassed in cases of lolamue jaun-

dice grilling and flatidency, diarrhiea, cutaneous eruptKiis,tho tllra-- teething. fl!iir of the fundament, convulsions,

riclcts, ringwonn, scald head, meases, croup, worms, ctiol-er- a

infaotum. wasting of the body, and all direasos incident

to tlie vears of cbildliood.Price .VJ cents par bottle. ','For saleat all the DrugStorea, in town and country. and

. Al.EX M,UJ x.. t.:ll . r....- -

julyiy . .saw. inc. ...u. ,


ittiiii .1. nHrnn- - lhat I.tonsA Co.. keen alw.sys on'V hand the finest Ciguf and Tobacco to be hd m

town. All we can iv to those igfiorant of" this is

to request theai to call aiad examine, t.ur st.vk arid llie.will soon be ciuvince.1 trfct weh is Ihe case. Dihi t forget

the & l.voos) Den, Nb. IP. Cedtr street. .

Totmccos- .- We are just in receipt of a large Iutorand coewinc Tobaccos, consisting oTsoiiie ot the

fineat brands, tine cut Mid in plug, - or sate Iher wholesate or retail bv ij 1 v.v.

july 13




lOOjOOO ,D 6,1. LA HSUChartered by Ilia State. ;

"tlllS Company having jolly qrgauized, .isa now ready to tale 'rifW on all ile.sciTp--rSfc- 3

Onus of "property, against' loss or damages by- -

T.mllnf flit. rtTiiilrtmii ae--i II.V.Italian. Propositions for insurance will be received at the

office of ilie'Kash'ville Insurance and Trust Co College St.- " " A. W. JOIINSOXWidenti.J) & I)jlsdit.i.l, Sec?'. - - Nasftvflle, Oct. 8, 1852..

COMMEECIAL INSURANCE COMPANY.cnArxEfros, sotmr cakouxa.'"

: Capital $250,000:. AU Paid In.

A full statement of the Mlvencr of the Comranr can boseen at theotfice of the Nashville"lnsurarice and Trust Coni- -Itanr, oil College street. '


OF NASHVILI.Er TENNESSEE.on Cetlar Street, mlioioing the Post Office, and

OFFICE the Verandah, will insure on the mutual prin- -

docriptiou against the Perils of the 5eas mid Rhers.Jifap, Die Lives of persons in good health, for a single year,fur a fcnS of ytirs, or during life. Also, Bank Notes trans-mitted per mail.

All persons loving their lives or property insured in thiiInstitution, arc entitled to a fidl participation hi all tbe prof-its, without any liability. to loss beyomt the amount of 1're-miui-as

nliich they may pay., M. S. PIIX5HER, President, ,

J. B. JOHNSON, Vice President.C. J. F.- - Wn.vnro.v, Secretary. fjanl


rANY. CAPITAL 8150.000.on the North side of the Public Square, mid way

OFFICE the Nashville Inn. and the Planters' Dank.They will make insurance on Houses and Goods of every de-

scription against tire j on Steamboats and Cargo against fireand the risk of the riverj on the Cargo of Keel BoaU andother river crafts, aud.ou-fcc- a vcssebi and other cargoes- onthe usual terms. JOHN M. HILL, President.

Jojcrn-- Vaclx, Secretary..DmESTOJS-Ale- x. ARisou, John M. Hill, F. 11. Fogg, G.

M. Fogg, James Correy, Jiiq. M. Bass, Joseph Woods, Sam-

uel Seay, Matthew VaUu, J, J, WTiite, Jacob .McGavoclcjam

LIFE MSURAiYE.New York Life Irisnrauce Company,

A'o. 100 Broadway, tYew York.OM THE MUTUAff.. 1 L, Alt ,

Accumulated Capital S.1On,rilO.O0.r: FKSKMAM, ACTDtRT M. rEAHKLlM, Tr'T.

TTP Tatalnuinber of Policies Issue J b? thisCompany up to July lat, 1S52 eight thousandtlx nanareu ana eigniyouc.

IT?l)lvii!eiids made annually on alt Ufa Po- -

llciesla shape of etock, bearing Interest at the rate ofC per'cent.

JO The dividends heretofore have always averaged from--10 to 50 per cent.

ICr" Perfous taking out Policies for tho wholeierm oflife can give tlieir note at li months for lOper cent of theprerainm, and i ay Co per cent In cah.

Appllcleatlons for risks, prospectus of the company, or In-

formation Minting to the subject of Ufa Insurance may bemadeatthaoulceofthe undersigned Ceoeral Agent for theState ofXennc-ssec- . JOSEPH NASH.

Office X. W. eomeriPublie Square,oppoatto Planters1 Hank. Sajhvllle, Aug. 10, 1b52.


FORD, CONNECTICUT.Jakes Dixon, Pres. Hexrt I. Miller, Sec'y.

- Capital and Surplus 3300,000.iNSintANCB on lives' of white persons on tha joint stock

and mutual plan.Also. Insurance on the lives ofNegroe.s, on reasonable

terms. S. II. LOOM IS,jan 15 6 m Agent.

1.1 Fi: I.NSITiLANCK..Html Insurance Co. ot Hartford.

LIFE DEPARTMENT.Annuity Tuna $150,000.

EXCLUKIVKhVheld pledged.aud appro prlated, WJ?by tbe cliartnrt1Kt?4

and rcgiiUtlninofthc Company, to the payment of Aunu-lle- sand losses upon lnsnrance on I4fe, and tn no event lia-

ble furolherdebta, contracts, liabilities, or cugajemcnts ofhe company.

OFKICI'.KS.Tuos. K. Brack. Pres't, S. U. Luomis, SecreUry;

"K A. Ht'iKLCT.VImJ. W. SirnhCR, Act'y, Presdent.Manatjinp Directors for the Life, Jou L.Boswill,KOSIKT IJl tLL, KOLAKD .MlTHIR,MasA:TD-rri.s- , Kuwin G.

- . HiehRA Q. HkATV.Tills being aJointRWck propriety company, and conduc-

ted on the cash the Jlanasers have adopted a tableof ratesof premium ailow.&a is consistent with safety andmuck lavT than tbn.e of tha Mutual Companies.

Applications for rinks on white persons, received by thoniuteralgned, who furnish I'ro'peetusesof the Compa-an-

and any information relative thereto.YrpKisks onslavesa;slnst diseasesand accident causing

death, taken; Polices Issued and Iosm-- i ailjns'.c.l at thisAfncy. JOS JIASIl, Agent,

Office N. "W. corner Public Suarw,onnosite Planters l'.ank. Sashvllle, ang. 10, ijti.

iioilic:l Ryu mi it em,Kl?r??Z'JW Office hours, 3toI

THE NASHVILLE MANUFACTURING gieiil expense, pixsmred the most reccnllyHAYING, and tools for the construction ol

tlie heanet work m infWs, we solicit lrom tue Westernand Southern public it portion of their patronage. We areprepared to make to uritcr "Railroad Jlncliinerj's, suchas Jiocomatives, Passenger, Freight Cars, Frogs, SwitchStands, Repair Cars, and all work appertainingto Railroads.Steam I2ngiucs Boat and Stationary Engines, from 5

to Mo horse power, with boilers of the best Tennessee Iron,

Saw jlills Fitted up complete, with Circular or SashSaws, embracing tlie latest improvements. Grist 31illscEngines and Machinery, complete, for Grist Mills of allsires.Sugar Ulills of the most recent coiiatmction, with Enginesto correinond. nut nn in any nart of the Southern country.

Cotton tJ ins. Engines to drive Cotton Gins, with allnccessarv appurtenance made to order at short notice

In all cases where it is desired, we furnish an eugmcer toput up the engine and instruct an intelligent negro, to thathe may coutinuo to operate the engine, Ac

Brass and Iron Castings of auy size or description,- - withSlutting, Mill Gcering, Water Wheels, Cast Iron Bank.Vaults, made to order.

Inlormation cheerfully given and orders received by... J. THOMPSON, .President."N. B. The highest prices paid for old Brass and Copper,fepi

1 nfA HKVVASU). 1 will pay theabove reward1 v u v - - t - i ' 1.

above the market price, for oue thousand Land W arrants,of the denominations ,f liw, 8Q unil4o acres. I will pur- -ciiase sin'de warrants ol either denomination.

It. II. RROCKWAYRoom over Oak Hall, east side Public Square, 2d door

souUmii l in 1 i let. Nashville. oct!4 m27.

STILL THEY COtfE! FEESH ARRIVALS DAILY!!cojiiTrrrio.v wih-'ie- : 1 1

subscriber respectfully announces to the citi-- vglTHE of Nashville and surrounding country thathe is still receiving large additions to his already im- - 'firmease stock ofGents I'asliioualile Spring and Slimmer Ilcaily

JHade Clothing,whicli be is prepared to, and will sell AS LOW AS ANYOTHER HOUSE IN THE TRADE.

ammerette. Plush. DranFrock. Sack. Bui. and Polka Coats. Ac Acr. Ac

Pants and Vests ofevery color, shade, pattern and qualityto suit the most Fastidious.

LIKEWISE a fine assortment of Gent's furnishing articles, consisting of Tine Shirts, Under Shirts, Drawers, Cra- -

vats. Handkerchiefs'. Siisneuders. Hats. Cans, Trunks, Va-- J

Uses, Carpet Bags, Ac, AcAlso, a variety or Youths and Childrens' Clothing from j

thn-r- t ve iist nf aire univard.s. Iu POWERS,Tennessee Clothing Depot, No. 84 Market St., directly op

jiosite Union street.connexion with any in the city.

N. K. Not to lie sold or undersold by any man or combi-

nation of men. L. P--

Cotuilry Merchants in particular are earnestly invited tocall and inspect my stock previous to purchasing elsewhere



rrsIlEalove HOTEL is nowopeu for the reception or AsJL PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS. Jja.

this lour? established and n House has under--cone a thorough alteration throughout, and lurnished with 1

new and fjshioiiehle FURNITURE.The TAlIIJiwiil always be supplied tntn the in--l ine

maVkel affords; and the" i'mjiriftor trusts, by a sjslematiccotine, both with jervanfs and the regulations ol'the hoasegenerally, he will be enabled tn give entire satisfaction tothose that mar fivor hiin with their patronage '

janSl- - -- 1 y tnV J0. W. SPEAR.

rU.V PO W.lElt M A X IJFACTURKl) BY THEVTT IIAZAlin Powder Company of Connecticut ;

I )00 kegs Kentucky Jiiflo rowuer, lbs encli.500 lialfkegs do" do do 12 do do;2.10 qr. kusys dp do do Ck do do;500 kegs 1 leer do do 25 do do;

UKVJ U-jj-s llUsiUig do 25 do do;500 lbs

" do ' kegs each) do 125 do do;5l41il tini. Ititl' do 1 pound.

Tin. ilr. lui.v.ler liai ni.l ien reeeived Jirect fixim thentinnfic'.cry of the IUiurJ Powder Company the quality

vf which is well kim.--u lhninglinut the United . States. Allor.lersnnmipilv' filled hi application at inr Powdor DapotXooli Eisi ooruer Public Square, Nashville.

ALSO' a50,t)00 feet Sat'eiy Fuse of bestquality.

S. II. LOOMIS, Agentmarch25 for the lLu.ird Powder Company.

PATENT CHOPPlNG"iaLL,For C'liopping Cora or other Grain,

An tlrttcie ifihrh aery farmer thcwLl havewill grind, with one or to o horw; power. finn four to

IT e bushels an hour --either line for bread or coarse forstock and is so simple in its construction, that any boytwelve ears old can keepit in order and run it. ltisadapted to either -- Steam, Water or IIorM; Power.

Having sold the entire right of mauuractirritig and sellingthe above Mill, in Tciiuessee, to Messrs.-J- . R. Cowan and A.C. Howard, of Naslnille, persons wishing to purchase canfind them at J. M. Seabnrv's, on College street, where theyiifll be happy to take orders. BOSS A ADAMS.



iir- - !.-:- ;FURNITURE! . .. . ... .n.-..- j e'to

X nitureof the latest and most approved fWrfikTv1a urlitfh wHI wsrmntiMled, aud will be sold 03 cheap as the cheapest. Having,

mr Warn rrtoms. T shall keen all assortment ot Gil-

bert'H'Superior Pianos, also Window Shades, Clocks, Mir-

rors. Ac. Funiitm-e-o- f 41II kinds made to order. Articles.'cent free to the Railroad or anvwhere in the city, Remem-ber 45, Union street, Cheap Furniture Depot.

ap27 I. H. MORTON.


have received by recent arrivalsWE of those unrivalled Pianos, madedbv J. B:iDunham and 4dam Stodart A Co.. offf & 1 Iviiriou: styles and sizes, which will be sold very low forcasn or good notes urawmg mieresi, anu warranica 10 giveausiacuon iu every- resueti.

ai.r29 W. & T.IL GREENFIELD A-- CO.

J. II. CUItKEY,Turnittire Manniactiirer and Dealer.

n II r.D resnectfull v i nform his friendsw r .. ,.. n .1... . it;- -aud me puonc gcueraiijr umi "t.n full assortment of Furniture ou2

hand, consisting of Ward-robe- s, Bedsteads, Side- -

t . I . it.- -: C.r.a lllrut. 11vilr rim t

Ac., Ac.' Ordered work and repairing done at tlie shortest notice,

and oBvery reasonable terms, with despatch.Mattrasses of all kinds made to order common shuet

kept constantly on hand.Undertaking Having just received from New Yorfca

lot of the air-tig- and an-- esausted Metalic Coffins, alorders for- Collins can be filled short notice, fromthe Plain Servants' to. the fine Metalic or Covered, and on.very reasonable terms; together with ever) thing necessarylor luuerais.

Al! orders left at my store on College street. No. 25, oppo-

site the Sewanee House, will be punctually attended toboth night and day. J . H. C ORREY.''N. B. Shaving, Dressing and Laying out Corps, attend-

ed to when desired, noes J. H. CBISSOLO ION.

heretofore existing under the styleTHE firm of Pinmra A Hact is this day dissolved bymutual consent.-- All persons indebted to the firm are re-

quested to make immediate settlement, and all havingclaims against ihe same will present them for 'payment.Either partner will use the name of the firm in liquidationonly. WILLIAM PHILLIPS.. July 1, 1853. HENRY HART, Jr.

J cheerfully recommend Mr. Henry Hart, my successorand late partner, to the former friends nnd customers of theIfcuse, and respectfully solicit for him a continuance of thatB&ttronnge so liberallr bestowed upon the lale firm,


JAMES D. LEHMER,Produce and General Commission Merchant,

CINCINNATI, OHIO.given tothfrsale of COTTON. DRIED

P"R0MIT7attentioii GINSENG, BEESWAX, Ac,AcuponSfsUch advances will be made if required.

50" Oraers promptly filled for Cincinnati ManufacturesFlour, Whisky, Ac, Ac

3P Agent for the sale ofStar and Tallow Candles, Sale-ratii- s,

Pot and Pearl Ash, and I.ard Oil, which will be fur-

nished at loicest market tatit without Comminion.fjulyS dAm.

DWELLING HOUSE FORVALUABLE undersigned offers for sale his residenceon Spring or Church Street, with the furniture if desired.

Terms made known on application toIt. C. FOSTER, 3d.

Or in my absence to G. M. FOG G.june 17 If.

WALL PATEnS.-Ju- st2.000 bolts of those.

beautiiul t rench l'apers, lor J'arlors,Halls. Ac. loircther with a splendid1assortment of Gold and Velvet Borders, Fire bcrceas, Win- -

dow Curtains, AcT3y0n hand a larce assortment of unglazed Papers, from

10 to 25 cts per bolt.

No. 20, College street, next door to tha Sewaaee House.julyH TTZ"



AND VELVETGOLD HANGINGS. A largeand beautiful variety.

Decorative mm l'apers, anthe latest 1- rench designs.

Borders, Window Papers, Teasler and Centre Pieces, al irge assortment.

Cheau Unglazed Papers 12,000 pieces in store.from 12 to 25 cts. per Bolt. All for sale, and Cueap fouCash. jnly7


Clark Street Coach Factsry,NO. 5,



Stout's Coach Shop is on CLARK STREET. .E!julyiy p..i .t.niuui.ICII AND CHEAP GOODS AT XICUOL'S

CORNER. I liaveon hand a beautiful asortmAif ofLadies' Dress Goods, which ill be sold at very reducedprices, as the season is advancing. Great bargains may be

exfected. Call soon.Muslins and Lawns lrom Sc. lfc. 15c and l.'c, and a fine

assorfmcntof Borages of all stvles, Silk Tissues, EveningDresses, Ac, Ac Also a good assortment ofMnsquito Net-

tings. JAMES NICII0L,junl7 Nn. 18, Cor. Square and Market st.

The Copaitnership heretoforeDISSOLUTION. of McNAIKY A FL'UMAN, ex-

pired on the 1st day of Jiilvinst. R. C. McXairy will on-tinu- e

the business at the old stand, and will settle the busi-

ness of the late firm. Signed R. C. McNAIRY.Nashville, July Sth, 1358. Y. FURM.VN.

TAKE pleasure in recommending R. C. McNAIRY, myI late partner, to the friends and customers of the house,and respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage soliberally bestowed upon the late firm,

july 8 Signed F. FURMAN.

F. GOODS AND TROI3IINGS. DottedSwiss. Plain do. sunerfine Corded and Checked do.. . m j -: - if .. i: T 1 ., ..,1

SUper uUe .MUllUIlU .liUII9MN. jiusiuis, nouiih., yuuiuii,Rich Jaconet and Swiss Flouncings, Jaconet and SwissTrimmings, Dimity Bands, Ac, at McCLELLANIVS,

june2S No 20. Public Square.

ANTLES, SCARFS, Ac. We have some veyRich Mantles on hand, new style, in Silk, Lace. Aplt-c- a,

Ac; I.ace Scarfs, Crape do, White Crape Shawls, MuslindeLane do. which we will close out very cheap.

McCLELLAND'S,june23 No 20. PublicSquare.

TICII DRESSGOODS. On handTtich Silk.Dress"L"L Rich Black Silks, super Black Gro de Rhine. RichPrinted Uaicges and Tis-uc- s, White Haragcs and WhiteSilk Marqurfrso, White Glace Silks, White Lace Dresses,Emb'd Crapes, Rich Barege de Lane. Rich French Organdiez, Muslins, Ginghams, Ac, Ac These Goods are veryrich and will be sold at very low prices, at

McCLELLAND'S,june23 No 20, Public Square.

MEDICATED SOAP.-F- orITALIAN skin delicately sinoothe, white and soft,removing saliowuess, cutaneous eruptions, pimples, tan,freckles, or redness. Its soothing inOuenco immediatelyallays the irritation of mosquito bites, Ac, while its dilating

Gouraud, 67 Walker st., 1st Store from Broadway, N. York.For sale by fel9 GEORGb'GRElG.

AVINES AND BRANDIES. AlwaysIpRENCIIa well assorted variety of foreign Wines audLiquors, putuii iu wood aud bottles, and for sale bv


Ai'PLES AND PEACHES. JustPINE a fresh lot of Pine Apples and Peaches put upiu glass jars, and for sale by GEORGE GREIG.

50 boxes Western tteserve L,neese, reCHEESE. fur sale by feb! GEORGE GRE10.

INE APPLE CHEESE. 75 boxes superiorP Goshen Pine Apple Cheese, received nnd for sale byfeb GEORGE GREIG.

17'IGS. On baud and for sale asmalllot of very fine1 Fics. bv feb9 GEORGE GREIG.

( UJI DROPS. A fresh supply of finest quality GumVTT Drops ofvarious flavors, just received and for sale by

A superior article of Chocolate inCHOCOLATE. in half pound cakes, put up in tin foil,and for sale by feb9 GEORGE GREIG.

NEUGA CANDY Just received byIRENCII lot of White French Neauga Candy putup in tin foil and for sale by

TEAS. -- 50 cans fresh Green TeasGREEN on hand and for sale byfebO GEORGE GREIG.

t S 1 .'C IT rpPl tnal ftw.A;vft nil ovt. nMnrtmilof DIaek and Green Teas of the finest qualities import

ed, and warranted superior, lor sale orfehl GEO. GREIG, Union street.

170R HIRE. A Negro Woman with 2 children, onr 10 years old; apply to R. A. HALLO WE,julyl" Gen'l Ag't, No. 17 Dcaderick St,

T7OR SALE AT AUCTION. I will offerat publicat the court house, on Saturday next, tlieSOIh

inst.,8 beautiful building lot?, situated iu Edgefield, a shortr .1,.. V i" T 1 T.m.. nno l.nir..l.

and the bahmee in one .nd two rears, or without interestwith a lien retained on the land until the purchase money ispaid.

The above lots front 50 feet on Short Street nnd run backISO feet to a fifteen feet alley, a plot of which can be seen atmy office A., uen iAg t.

july 24 No. 17. Dculerick Street

O TRAYED. From the premises ol the sutvenoer, oni Tuesday of last week (2sth of June.) a pair of BAYHORSES, nhout 15 bauds 3 inches high, of a strone andsubstantial apiearance, between tlie age of 6 and 8 yearsold-- No particular marks now remembered, other "thanthat one of the Horses had a recent bruise or cut on his leftcheek bone, and had on when he escaped the head-sta- ll of Vialtpr.

Any information concerning the above Horses will hemanually received, u wen u suuiy joaiueu, wmunicited to - VT. T, BERRY, NathriUe.

NashTine,July0th,1858.-- '-' '


by Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroads. Thil--8delp.lua;to'PLtt1bur. Wooster, Cleve- -

. , v. . . z 1 .vwii,Hwfc s , r- . , . T y 7 . ; I . - .

ravelin ilrtwhde MaUria MiJiM.TTITE Inventor of this nrenaraUan was Ibrthree v, a

I i . . I 4 f f . r i r v --iCUUipieiCl. )IU9.IttLCU UllUt 1. 7Cl77.m JU71C11 iaver tnai ne was irequcnuy lorweexs at a nmo nsibletoraisehimselnrtrai Ins bed. llesougbt aiU lrom physicianaat homeand inEurote.. but iu vainThis case was pranoancedhopeless by tcousands, and it was by Accident l

ceeded in curine himself. Since lie has been liraicine;his success in such cases' lias bcen' unrivallinartnawareoi me incredulity ot me public-an- conse -.

2"ST,i r..M-- rI 7Z"" .Z,Z?2uu... mu"v,W, ,J WA.V VWUxS..V( "VtUadvertised.

T ,iliifiin lri.lsrfifirtonf Prtf T HiriTtnTT Vif Mnttlnhi.lenn., wiui wuom a mien auvisea uunng-ui- lime ui my.suffering.

MiMrins, Tenn., April 17, 1352.I hereby certify that J have been acquainted with Dr. J

N. Bledsoe and some years ago he' was reduced 1 ccLevelower main nave ever seen any one that ntterwardsrecuvjr-ed- ,

with what I supposed to be Dyspepsiaand Liver afieciion.and afler trying tlie prescriptions ot many Physicians, in thisas well as other countries, without relief, he finally siiceededwith a preparation of his own in being restored to goodhealth. M. GABBERT, M. 1).

Physicians are requested to fry this preparation. Wefeel satisfied itwill.sustain the character we giie to it in thispublication.

HcyrsyrLLE, January 12, 1852.Drs. Bledsoe: I takethe liberty and fell it to te my1 duty

to recommend to all persons suffering from disease of thestomach and bowels, your Alterative Compound, us a veryseperior medicine My son, aged 15 years, had been undermedical treatment about five years for dyspepsia and diar-rhea when having almost despaired of his recovery, I con-cluded to try TourAlteratire, two bottles ofwhich, I believe,entirely cured him. MICAJAH CAYCE.

'HxS-tsvill- Oct, 17,1852.De.11lf.dsoc Some lime has elapsed since! gave a cci

tificate that my wife had been greatly benefited by yourAlterative Compound. I now. take pleasui e in saving tothe Dublic. that mr wife had for three or fonr v. - Lvmsubject to tho worst kind of sicll.s of cramp in the itouiachfrom dyspepsia. I had tried of several whom I thought to hethe best physiciaiis-i- the place and a great many 'dif-ere-


medicines, with momentary relieC Being persua'ded to tryyour altcrative compound, I did stS anal am happy to saythat it has entirely cured her; and I would conscienUousIyrecommend it to all persons suffering from diseases of the'liveranddvspepsia. N. B. ROBERTSON.

HcNTsyiLLE, Sept 29, 1851.Da. Bledsoe Havinir seen the publication of

ative Compound, I think it my duty te say to the public, tbatI had been for years subject to spells of Cramp Colic, in itsworst 'form ; that I had tried almost every thing that is given by physicians, and never found any thinrthit wnnM rcrtainly relieve me, until I tried the above medicine, which lias


relieved me in every attack in less than an hour.M il. li LLOYU.

GiLia County. Tenn., Dec 23, 1851.Da. Hlsdsob : I feel that I should fill short nf my ijtiitv

to you and to those who ore afUicted, were I not to furtherrecommend your Alterative Compound. It has entirely re- -

iyadranci-da?e-.Should 1 ever suffer from dvSDensia again I shall be sure tocall on you. I am very respectfully viMirfrienil.


Udxtsville, Ala., August 24, 1351.This is to certify, that I had suffered for many innDvsnensia and Diseases nf tho I.irr Iht-;;- oil. in.,-- -

sician had prescribed for me without my receiving any ben-efit, when I commenced the use of Dr. Bledsoe's AlterativeCompound, which cured me soundly, and I recommend itbecause of the same happy effect upon others of my acquaintmce. JOSEPH CAROTIIEItS.

HuntsvlLLE, Ala., March 3, 1852.Da. Bledsoe: Sin : Judsrina- - from the certificates vrm

have already advertised, it will be almost unnecessary for meto add further evidence in regard to the healing virtues ofyour Compound; bull mnstsay, that for years 1 suffered agreat deat from Dyspepsia and enlargement of the snleen

--and thought that I never would recover. I commenced taking your compound about nine weeks since, and have rraini--

25 or 30 pounds and feel about as well as I ever did.HtLMty J. GOFF.

above medicine is for sale in every Drue Smr. Inthe city, and most of the towns in the State. G. W,

Agent, for wholesaleing thetl per pint ltottle. novlS lvd trt, iiynrr3i. yicLANEl

'H5 IXWA1F AND GERMAN ROOT TlfXTTOT?"1TrjESi0"Ti'Hi-i.- nnnnimces to the citizens of Nashvill.

returned again alter a resiSouth, nnd permanentlylji

ille. at the corner of asli ngton and Pearl streets, where he may at all times be fountby those who may wish.tocoiwnlthim.

He ha.s in4tiis po.sejtjii many xtiiicateiilrora men feminent fstandmg certifying to theaerriiae1cure of the

en, Asmmas, ud-- s 'lelrIncrhlent Consumptions, Rheumatisms WeakCancers, Ulctrs Seroffulou-- s Hemoptas&rofithetL-uugs- , andother Hemorages; Diarrhcea, Diseases of the Kidney s. Mer-curial and Venereal Taints of the Blood; Diseases of Chil-dre-

Worms and various other Diseases incident to tlie hu-man systciiu

During his residence in the South, he attended to over tenthousand difierent cases, all of which he treated with morethan ordinary success

Dr. McLane hopes from his much experiencein the Medi-cal Profession and the degree of success that has attendedhis efforts heretofore, to obtain the confidence and patronageof the sick and afflicted. "

Nashville. Feb 9 ly. DR. WM. ilcLANE.gyAH Letters addressed, post-pai- to South Nashville.

DR. FSASK'S MAGNETIC OINTMENT.AVINTERS had lost nearly all of his hair andAMR.been bald for many years; hythe use of thrte tot--

nf tke Maant'ie Ointment, hud hti Mir tntirelynnd now has as beautiful a head of hair as any man

could wish. His age is about 50 years.A son of Mr. Warren, of this town, 14 years of age, had

been afllicted with the Asthma from bis cradle He hadthe benefit of the best medical advice tbat a loving andwealthy father could procure, without avail. It was one ofme most aggravated cases l ever saw; ne was emaciaieo. al-

most to a skeleton. By the use of a few bottles of tbe Oint-ment he was thornimilv cured, and for seven mouths past hasenjoyed robust health.

This was an extreme case of inflammation of th-- ttpieen,of long standing; has a variety of treatment trom no less thaneight different physicians without receiving benefit wascured by the use of onlyfour bottles of the Magnetic Oiut-meu- t.

This was four months ago and the lady (a Mrs Dunham,) is still in good health, and able to attend to her usualhousehold duties I have treated two cases of Chronic SonEyes with the Ointment, both of the patients s nearlyMind, as to need an attendant to lead them from place toplace. One of them had been afllicted 18 years the otherabout 9 years. They had tried the best physicians in theState, without benefit; andoneof them had been under thetreatment of the celebrated Or. Huzzy, ot uincmnaii, loreighteen monthsand had expended hundreds of dollars invain efforts to effect a cure. They are now by use of theMagnetic Ointment, nearly or quite cured; and are able toread and attend to any ordinary business. X have used theOintmentin a number of cases of Piles, and in 710 case hasitfailed ofgiving immediate relief and generally apermanentcure. I have also used it beneficially in severe cases ofEry-

sipelas. And last but not least, 1 have within the last yearcured four cases of CANCER hythe use of the MagneticOintment alone!

From a thorough trial of the Ointment in nearly everydisease for n Inch it is recommended, I can confidently re-

commend it to be one of the most useful remedies ever of-

fered to the public Respectfully Yours,BURTON UUBBELL, M. D.

Dated Jan 27, 1 350, Amelia, Ohio.The character of this Ointment, as an efficient remedy, is

established in this city. There are quite a number of indi-

viduals who ascribe their restoration to health to the use otthis extraordinary Ointment.




No. 5 Clark Street, Nashville, Tens.,Xtitdoor to IT. ii. French's Grocery Warehoiue, and

ITorrii Stration'tkinds ofcarriages for sale, with harnessALL suit. All work sold by me Is made at jSj-ig- .

lh Clark Street Manufactory, and warranted, and will basold on as good Terms, for Cash or good notes, as any workmade North or East.

Repairing done with promptness and dispatch, and allpersons leaving work to repair may rely on getting it whenpromised. .All orders prompuj nucuut-- u io. imario,

A CARD.--tt II A VE iM day associated with me in the Saddlimr BuX siness mv son, A. C. MARCH. The in futuretwill be conducted in the name oi j. it. jiarcti & tson. AHpersons indebted to mej by note oruccount, will please comein. and make liaympnt. J. 1). MARCIL

1ST Tliaukml for the liberal share of natronage' heretofore, a continuance ol me same is rcsiiecuiiiiy soncnea.jitf J. D. MARCH A SON

WANTED A lady oflong experienceSITUATION qualifications to instruct on the PIANOFORTE, desires a" situation in-- a public Seminary or privatefamily. The beat of relerence given, anaress oox in, nasn--

villeP.O. -- ' - " juiyijjw iw.

f" ' lliSGELLANEOUS." T ' - - -

neZl7laTMmU&f& ifw'tt.ivia

i .- 1-

- t .. .. 1 rr. . 7 . ... l i. . . . 1: . r r . i . ..1MIU. 1U1CU 7. IUIUIUUIU. i7lllLlUUO(l. iuuiauai7uii3.7jjuTC(ie.

i, and .MiltauSie. TnrougU by ICailroadCincilirati In 87 Lours.

ouickest route from tlie Atlantic Cities to the.gere W" ' ui? mos pieasaui' r:vu"fa?4. . "2if 10 Cincinnati: giloixtns.. Yi.ieLciv loaL luis. tVvPennsvvania Ifculrcad. anl thei rAir.... ot . - ,iijiiuniurusu oLemn l aCTTpisimm I'tiisnnrtr- - v

llantM W RolLshm.vpr lnT;i(0i...w.a.j-- .1 !T!felP.r',wMLAI1"

j. jfessengir, No. 8, CiptJoliaKlincfelter, leaves f'itt- e-

uaaRBUar. iloaitlingandicslgingoub,rd thePackeUextra. I'lttsburg to limcmnati, 2; Louisville, 43; St,

g jji VniWil.'rnnrfh liyTUilSfmm1'hiIsi1Mnhi!vtnPrHlsi.rrS9 50; Massilion, xilO; Cleveland, f10; Mansfield and Crest- -

waukie, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, .via Detroit and MichiganCentral Railroad, 1S.

The Cars will leave the Commonwealth's Station, N. E.Corncar ofSchuylkill Fifth and Mai ket Streets, where ticketscan be purchased of Bingham A Dock, Agents of the Stateand Columbia Railroad Lines.

The morning Express Train through to Pittsburg, Cleve-land, Cincinnati and Chicago, will leave at A, M.Through to Cincinnaliiu 87 hours.

Tlie uightjlail Train at 10) P. M. Through to Cincin-

nati In i'j hours, including one night's comfortable rest atPittsbunr.

The above lines pass through and stop at Lancaster, Hais-Tisburg, Lewistown, Huntingdon, Hollidaysburg, John-- 1

s :l,,ai;.a I.7147 11.1, VI ICCKUUI fi, M1U lUmtllUUIHli J".ll -

Notice. In case of loss, the Company will hold theniselyes responsible for personal baggage only, and for an amountnot eicceding $100. TH0S. M00RE, Agent.

june 4 tf. Pennsylvania Railroad Co.The Columbia Railroad Line for Ilarrisburg-- , via Colum-

bia aud all intermediate places, will leave the above stationatlj.P.JL

1.CNNMVL,VAIVIA llAlLUOAl.THIS road now complete, it opens a communication

Pitlsburs and PhiUdelphia,nrPittibur"; and Haiti-mor-

By which Freight from the wetl tan reach an eaiternmarket

"quicker and cheaper thin by any of the present rival

outes: they connect with the dally packets at l'iltsbunr,from St Louis. LoulsriPe, Cincinnati, NVhoellnr, and all thedifferent points on the-- western waters. Alio with the Cleveland anu riiiiburg nail itoau, aau unia ana rcnnsjiiinuRail Koad at l'UUbur. Can ran through between Pittsburghand Philadelphia witboutlrsnshlpment of freight, an advan-tage that.eau be appreciated by all shippers.

In cue of obstruction of navigation by tea or low witerfreights weitward can be forwarded from Pittsbarzto Cin-

cinnati, or towns In the Interior by Railroad.u vxt;s or titinoirrBetween PltUburgand Philadelphia or liiltmore.

f'irt ClUfc. iritttr SummerRattl. Rate.

Dry Goods, Book, andRtatlouary rtooU,) per 100 lb,.Shoes, Halt and Carpeting, Furs and Pot 31 7S'cts.tries. Feathers. Saddierr. &c

Second ClasM.Brown Sheeting & Shirting In Bales, "I

n ... ... n... w n . ....... r I 65 ct. 60 cU'ViU7.UlU, ,.A,t7, 17111.1 111., tl.l-ll- . .171" ,See, Hardware, Hollow Ware, Machinery,Oilcloth, Wool, die. J

.anira v.iasis.llattecin Firkins & Kegs, Candles, Cot-"- )

ton. fin w I uter. 1 Queentware, Tallow, t 75 cts. 50 cUTobacco, In leaf or Manufactured, L'ast-- rwara,j sc. c. j

Fourth Claks.Bacon, Cotton (tn smamcr,) Coffee, LarJl

and LardOil, (through) Pork in fall car-- - 65 cU 40 cU.loaaa. at owners risK- - j

Geo. C. l'raiiclcn,Freight Agent, Pittihnrf.J. Siitclert

Freight Agent, PkiUdelpkit.ITIagriiw A Koona, '

Freight jtgtnte.BiltivuteJ. Li. Clllott.

Freight jJ,.V.7 West fl.,JV. r.If. II. Houston,ae. Freight Jignt, PkiladtlpkU.

march 16, 1853 ly


FALL & CUNNINGHAM,No. 47, College Street, Nasuville, in receiptor tbeirentirestockof HARDWAREARE CUTLERS for the Sprine Trade, and in calling

tbe attention of the merchants of Middle and East Tennes-see, Kentucky, and North Alabama, to their large and variedassortment, they feel confident that it will compare favora-bly with that of any House in any country, and when theitem of Transportation is considered, it will be found that

rt should prompt all dealers in this section of thecountry to encourage a home market.

They alio invite tbe attention of Blacksmiths Carpenters,and Farmers visiting Nashville to their assortment of ToolsFarming Implements, Ac., a large stock of which they alwayskeep on haad.

Feathers, Ginseng nnd lUeeiNtx, taken al the highest mar-k-

prices in exchange for goods, or in payment of debts.Feb.iC,lS5a. '

. II. Iturrovv's Patent I'lantutioufiORiV THILL..

THIS Mill differs from alt others in the construe tlon ofupper or Running Stone, which Is composed of

French liurr Blocks, enclosed In a cast Iron Case, whichforms the back and hoop of the Stone with a Cast Iron Eve, orBushjthanlsofgreater external diameter at the bottom thatat the top, which is' secured to the back by four bolts, so thatevery block is in the form of a dove tall, which gives greaterstrength to aStonethananyolher method which is requiredtn small mills, where the stone is run with great speed, andbecomes dangerous If not strongly made. It also gives anyweight to aslone orsroall diameter malls required withouthaving itlhlct or high, that makes It top heavy.

This mill is a square frame made of wood or cast Iron, Inthe form of a busx,wlfh Bridge-tre- Kplndle Balance, KingDriver, ana tieguiaiing rcrew, ana gnnus upon tae sameprinciple as a larce mill, differing only In the Kunucr Stone;this being of great weight enables It to grind nearer the cen- -leragreaterquanuty ol grain wnn less power than any oinermill now in use.- - This mill Is portable, and may be attachedto steam, water, horse or hand power.

ALSO, all sizes of Erench Uurr.Mill Stones, manufacturedon the same principle.

Joseph ll. liurrowa, oi (.incinnati, is me inventor, iorbich he obtained Letters Patent in 1843. For alllnfrinire- -

ments the purchaser will be held responsible for the rtxhtof using.

These Mills do not require aMHrlght to sat them up; andallthatls necessary to put them in operation, Is toattachahand to the pulley on the spindle, with a dram sufficientlylarge to run a twenty-fou- r Inch Mill i!40 revolutions perminute, attached to Gin, Steam. or Water Power. Bytbesteady application of two horse power the Mill will grind s.xto 8 bushels per hour of good meal; aud will grind wheatas well as corn, me tniny men mm, n put to iu iuueispeed, wilt grind from ten to uTteenbusheisper hour.

Theae mills are warranted to be taevery respect as recommended.

Dirictioks von Usiso. rlace your mill about 20 feet fromthe Driving Pulley in a level position; make the belt ofleather six or eight inches wid. Give the Ktoneatil revolu-tions a minute with the sun. Keep the neck and step ofthe spindle well oiled. Place the star on the back of theBanning Stone, in tha same way as the Cross on the Driver,that is, the way they are trimmed to run.

Refer toThos. Patterson, Esq., of Highland county, Ohio,Jesse Beal,Esq.,of Clinton county, Ohio; C. 8. Bradbury,tun , ot Cincinnati, ana a numoer oi oiners.

All eruersatrecieuio juu.i c. ouuma.,No. 52 Broadway, Nashville, Agent for Middleand East

Tennessee, or J. It. BUKKUWS,Jan 26 d. tr-- & w. ly. west front St. uin. o,

TO IRONIMPORTANT KENTON, of Newark, New Jersey,has discovered a process for manufacturing wrought irondirectly from the ore, with wood or mineral coal, styled byhim au furnace; (an improvement in the manu-facture of iron long sought after, but never successfully at-

tained until Mr. Reuton s discovery,) and which produces ata'single heat the best quantity of blooms, at a leas cost thann!i !mn w nn ii nnl!i7 mailia T ntti. t'ufent hare Keen

granted him for his discovery.and we are the appointed agentsfor the sale or rights, and its introduction throughout theWest ; "and as the present high price of iron is inducing manycapitalists to invest in its manufacture, without being awareof the great advantages this new .and valuable invention nas. over any oiner Known mode, wemincit nutsuDscr-vin- g

their interest to thus early impress upon them the im-

portance of ah examination of the merit ot this late inven-tion before embarking in any other made for making iron,assuring them of its entire success and practicability, as de-

monstrated, by the furnaces now in successful operation aflethis plan.

It is not in this advertisement to speak par-ticularly of the almost incalculable advantages th-- s processpossesses over all other modes fur making Iron; (as this iscontained iu our circular, which we will be pleased to mailto tbe address of any one interested in the matter,) but tocall the attention of those about investing in the manufacture of Iron, and respectfully invite an examination of thefurnace we are erecting in this city, and whicli will be inoperation by the 5th June next, or to the furnaces of theAmerican Iron Company in Newark, New Jersey, now op-

erating withcomplet success. WVC. DAVIS A CO.Cincinnati, June 1 sw.


(Office on Cedar street, oter the Mutual Protection Offices.)I ABSTRACT Or AHAIJAL HTATE.M LATS TU JSAV 1ST. IQOO.1

Assets. May 1st. 1852.. 209,0ia 51Premiums 'for the yearending, May 1st. '52 135,250 56Interest on Loans, Ac 1,916 00Guarantee Stock, additional to above 100,000 00

$446,183 25Losses, Expenses returned Premiums, Ac,

to May 1st. . 87,864 56

Capital May 1st, 1853 , $858,318 70The rapidly accumulating Capital of this Company is the

best guaranteo of its entire reliability. Risks taken on tbemost moderate terms, and losses adjusted and met here.

" " ' JOHN O: FERGUSON, Agent.' '- - " "' "NMhrill9IMra39,1653 tf


UP IJaspeedv and inCilllhfe rerryvdv for DIARRHEA.DYSENTERY, HLOODY FLUX, CHOLERA MORBUSCHOLERA INFANTUM, and the Asiatic Cholera:

It never faiU to cure the worst pusslUle case ifin a few hours. It is purely vcgctab!e,-ea- taken

in aiuiwi anvquantity is ierjcafy uanmess.MostrenlcdiesinuscforDiarrhea,lockupthepcresorthe

intestinal canal and onlrfora time-IIeria- thn HisAfLXAlS -

preventing the expuUioa of the-acri- fluid, which will al. I

most invariably pour forth (gain, witli incteased violence,ingn naiure suiiieuiiirautrrconiea.iuteTii, wuue we rem-- ,

alone bears off the Praise. Not so with the Dvsenterv- -I Syrup. Its ingredicntare the natural antidotes to these com-- j

plaints. It changes the nature of tha fluids, aud causes their!explusiou in a natural manner. It does not leave them to in-- J

flame the surface of tlie stomach and bowel; but attackingthe cause, it neutralizes them, and the disease immediatelysubsides. Tlie operation of tlie Syrup is threefold. It im- -mediately readies the seat of the disease and arrests itscourse; it instantly soothes pain and restores the system toperfect quiet. Tbe inflamed surfaces of the stomach andintestines are guarded against further violence by the neu-tralization ot tlieir acrid contents, and thus the body re--.limn. It n.l..l l 1.1 C -

CDS.. " I

FAILS. A complete cure

iunel5. ALEX. MACKENZIE.A Clergyman ol Nashvilleinformed me last season when the

Cholera was threatened, thai in one week he cured 21cases of the premonitory symptoms with a few bottles ofthis Dysentery Syrup. jjDOCTOR YOURSELF! THE POCKET aESfJTJXAIITJS,

OR, EVERY ONE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN.Fortieth hdition, wim OneTHE Engravings showing

Diseases and. Malformations or theHuman System in every shape andform. To hich is added a Treatiseon the Diseases of Females, beingxfthe burliest importance to marriedpeople, orlhose contemplating mar-- triage. By WILLIAM. YOUNG, M.D. J

iei no lamer ne asnamea to pre-sent a copy of the SCULAPICS 1:fHV SIlo his child. It may save him froman early grave. Let no young manor woman enter into the secret obligations of marriage life without reading the POCKETVJI'flf StMtTs!. . 1 a mi.... ......Ann InlC.'.. C . 1 : J-- l.VS'A'.w SI - " - 1 1 1 1711. A UaiaUllVU

Cough, Pain in fbe Side, restless nights nervous feelingsaud the whole train of Despecfie Seusations, and given npby their physician, be another moment without consultingthe tbUULAl 1US. Itavethe married, or those about tobe married, any impediment, read this truly useful book, asit lias been the means of saving thousands of unfortunatecreatnrcs from the very jaws of death.

Z3T Any person sending TWENTY-FIV- E CENTS en-closed in a letter, will receive one copy (.rihts work by mail,or live copies will be sent for One Dollar.

Address, (post-paid- DR. WM-- YOUNG,marchlC ly Ao. 152 Spruce St. Philadelphia.

R. K. R. NO PALY KILLER.TO KILL PaIN we must paralyse the nerves, or in other

words produce a palryo( the part to which thepainidler is applied.

Pain is an unuatura-lsensatio- arising from aa injuryor dUeose which, being transmitted along the nerves tothe biaio, gitesn uneasy percrption to the mind.

Remedies recommended to Lill Paix, or Paw Killers,are cither producers ot Pandysis, or they are not what theyare recommended for. If the sufferer ot pain is to undergoa suspension ofvitality, or if the unfortunate arm. or leg, orif the part of the tody suffering the tortures of pain, is tosutler an attack ofparalysis we think the the remedy mostbe worse than the disease. And, if Pain is to be Killed,then the nerves that transmitted this sensation, and thesenses that perceive its unpleasantness must be killed also.

It, on the other hand, it is not a "ptiin idUr,"it is a mis-nomer, and not what its advertisement claims lor it.

Itndwny's ltcndy Relief does not Kill pain, butit subdues iu paroxyisms and relieves the sufferer from allpainful and uneasy sensations Railway's Ready Relief isquick in its action it instantly relieves, and immediatelyalter sets about removiug the cause of the pain, it tootheand cures, it relieves and removes tho troubling cause, andhence the joy it infuses

R. R. It. -- 'Its Two Actions. The primary actionof Radway's Ready Relief is, to allay tbe effects of any pain-ful causes that the human system may be visited with.

Its secondary action is, to remove the cause itself; this itwill immediately accompusn, tor it is so powerful in actionso quick and eflectual, that the moment it is applied or takenthe painful paroxyisms are relieved, and the nnsonnd partsmode whole, struug, healthy and vigorous.

External Paius Kheumutisni. Radway's ReadyRelief applies! externally to the parts where the pain is felt,will instantly allay tbe paroxyisms, scatter the chum, or tfuconytfUd deposits, uhich cause the pain, and, in a few ts

the sufferer will be quite easy. If the attack isfew applications will cure it.

If Chronic, Radway's Renovating Resolvent, used inconnection with the Ready Relief, is certain to cure Rheu-matism in its most aggravated forms, whether SyphiliticSciatic nervous muscular or inflamatory (for wonderfulcases of Rheumatism, cured by R. 1L K. Remedies eRadway's family Friend for tlie month of March, 1853 acopy will be sent to all who wish it, free of charge, by

Radway A Co Ntw York Citr.l -Pains around the Liver, Kidneys and Heart are relieved,

and the unnatural irritations instantly subdued by a simpleapplication of It. R. Relief.

Sick Head Ache. R. R. R. will in all cases cure thisdistressing complaint. Its ant acid properties when takeninto the stomach, will neutralize the acid, and make thestomach clean, and the breath sweet.

Its counter-irrita- efficacy, will produce a reaction whenapplied to tlie head, and invigorate and enliven, and refreshthe scutes.

Internal Fains. Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera orCholera Morbus. ,

The unnatural and violent irritations that afflict the systemwhile it Is under the influence of these maladies will, in amoment, yield to the soothing and efficacy ofthe K. K. 'Relief. It allays irritation, it arrests spasmodicaction, it neutralizes the poisonous miasma that causes these apainful and weakening discharges; it enlivens and invigor-ates with warmth and strengm tbe cold, cramped, andshrivelled limbs and joints, and restores each member andorgan of tlie body to a healthful and vigorous condition.

Bad way's Ready Relief, and each of the R. K. R. Reme-dies are made from tbe active properties of medicines.Nothing inert or inactive enters their composition, so thattbe system is not clogged with worthless and inert matter.

In conclusion we would remind he reader that Sadway'sReady Rolief, relieves the sufferer from pain (not kills,) andcures or removes all unnatural causes of Rheumatic, Neural-gic and Nervous fir painful character.

Radway's Regulators, prepared from the active principlealone of Medicinal Herbs, Roots, Plants and Gums, will reg-ulate and keep iu a healthy condition, the bowels liver, heart,kidneys skin, and all other organs of the body. They willcure costivness, indigestivness indigestion, dyspepsia, andall billious complaints and levers.

The ladies will find Radway's Regulators the very best reg-ulator of the system, in assisting tardy nature in the dis-charge of her monthly duties. No griping pains or sicknessat stomach follows tlieir operation, but they insure to all whotake them a pleasant and easy discharge of the offals of thesystem.

Radway's Renovating Resolvent, is a powerful resolrerofall diseased deposits mat nave been lying in me system loryears. A purifyerof the blood and a renovator or the whole

For further information of the wonderfuland curative powers of tha It-- R. Remedies, the public arereferred to our monthly publications or Guide to health, co-

pies of which can be had gratis by addressing us at our K.R. It. office, 162 Fulton street, New York.

RADWAY A CO., 162 Fulton st, N.Y.It. R. R for sale by Druggists generally.

J. M. ZIMMERMAN,Wholesale Agent for Tennnessee.MANDFIELDS A CO, Memphis.

HUDGIN, WELLS A JOHNSON,juiy6-12- ra Chattanooga.And Druggist and Merchants everywhere.

RED SPRINGS.take pleasure in announcing to our numerous friendsWEand patrons, that we are now ready to accommodate

all who may wish to avail themselves of the benefits of ourplace. Extensive preparations bave been made for the com-fort both of the invalid and the man of pleasure. It wereneedless for us to attempt to set forth tbs value of our place,iu a medicinal point of view. Many, afllicted with variousdiseases, have visited us, and alter a few weeks sojourn,have gone away either entirely cured or greatly relievedparticularly such as have been allUcted with Scrofula, di-

seases of the Skin, Stone in the Bladder, raid also of ihe Di-

gestive System in general. Of these facts, there is an abun-

dance ot proof, and many who hare certified to them, and thesame liave gone forth to the afllicted people. And wc haveat this time two living specimens of Scrofula cases, curedsound and well, with us, to be seen as testimony to our dec-laration; one ot which was almost a hopeless case.

We are in Macon county. Middle Tennessee. 12 miles eastof Lafayette, our county seat, 65 or 70 miles from Nashville,45 miles turnpike, and the balance high- - ridge road, andother good country roads coming from every point fromLebanon, Wilson connty, Hartsville, Carthage, Gainsboro',Tomkinsyille, Glasgow, Gallatin, Ac.

SAM. E. HARE, )J. A. TAYLOR, V Proprietorv

mayl2 tr w3m S.B. PEYTON. )

--Tbe Finn of SNOW, MACKENDISSOLUTION dissolved by the death of AnthonyJ. Snow, all persons having claims against the late Finn,wiU please present them tor settlement, and all indebtedare requested to make immediate payment.

ALEX. MACKENZIE,jonel2, 1853. Surviving partner.

"VTEW FIRM- - In compliance wilh the will of thexV late A. J. Snow, a Copartnership has been formed byMRS. CATHERINESNOW A ALEXANDER 1UCKEN-ZI- E,

who will continue the Store and Tin-Wa- re busi-ness, at the old stand under the same style as the old firm,

CATHARINE SNOW,Nashville, Junel2,1853. ALEX, MACKENZIE--

VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE.WISH to sell my tract of land situated mimes Bend.I Davidson 25 miles above Nashville by the river,

10 miles from it byW The land bes about a m,re from

tbe Gallatin turnpike on the oypoM ie nT.Tthe rest-we- timbered,160contains 37 acres

iTof the land river bottom. The place is well improved,

brick dwelling bouse with 8 large rooms, passages, porticobrick omoke bouse, carnage house carnage

housek bare, cribs, housa built for a gin, overseer house.

Stock water in abundance and as good a spnng as can be

found in the State aud a orchard of young fruit trees.Th land is unexceptionable; adapted to cotton, orn, and

all other grain. S. W. GOODRICH,mar 21m w . or W. E. GOODRICH.

--VTOTICE. the stockholders or the nasunlle andJJ Northwestern Railroad Company are requested to meet

it Nashville on the 10th day of August, 1853, for the pur-

pose' of electing Board of Directors: a. sufficiency ostockhaving bn obtained to organize '


. ' , . .. a-'-- ;

'.(,-- . si , i r - iram yfturw... i.'' &fla mulMia

misgellajqus:ALASM1NQ ETJM0ES!

SINGULAR EXPOSE ANDillGHLY INFLAMED STATSCaused the asfoniahmg reports, which apreadinis likawild-fir- alreddy extend from one endif theAianlain Con--tment to the Mhcr, rousing the sensibilities: and .Uri,'

h Eke - THETlinMliili,TnK nnn vnur ""SMankind front their inexcusable ami kit,ii,u. tiie ibmI nerroiuaiMliQteo-exciteme- nt openingue eyes oi me oauian lamny to

A MOMENTOUS srrRTFfrr"which vitally concerns their dearest interests, had raisiuirtndra.-tr- curtain thaf concealed from" mortal vision forunnumbered, ages,

THE GLIMPSES OF THE FUTURE !Kumqra.disiJowinjtclenrlrto the astonished senses nfnn.

mid multitudes, the JTu.1,,, GjxranJi by which indlTiduahifromerenr gradecf socictysoddealy become the proud possessors oi -

PRINCELY WEALTH, 'throngh the workings of that most beautiful system, gece-rnus- ly

friven to the world liy thf. nntirint...- - .

IessplnUnthropy ofthose well known beuefociorscf the human race,

Tho Truly Fortunate and Jar-fame- d

Lottery Agents and Brokers,PYFER & CO.

No. 1 Light Street, BiLTmoer, Marilanp.Read the wholesale benefits bestowed last month.

tl0,0Hsold toanew Correspondent in Alabama.$15,000 sold to a Club in Georgia.?12,000"sold to a Farmer m Ohio.1 13,000 sold to a planter in Mississippi.

,000 sent to a Lady in Virginia.IIs? to an oU Correspondent in. South Carolina.$20,000 sold to a Merchant in Baltimore.i?:?!51"."1' PgoWbo'es to a Club in Fetnwli XX Iee to Correspondent in N. varehca.sent toJI2.000 Georgia.

For briffiant Prizes, always mail vour ordersPYFER A CO So. 1 iXottsire, &dtmorr.X3T The most successful method to draw a, llueH toPurchase a Pactant' The experience of every day strength-

ens this declaration."No such tcord as FuiT at Pyfer J-- Co s--

ISST Forward your orders without delay!Splendid Schemes for Au?.. tH.-.-

15? Ihe Certldcate Prices of packages of charter ticketsily, are given below.

Date. Capital Naof Price ot Pnce.iiAugust Prizes. Ballots. Tickets. PaAaqc .

1 $28,500 75Nos 13 drawn 23 0016,312 73 Nos. 12 drawn' V i J 00

a 85.000 75Noi 14 drawn I 2J 094 20.000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 5 lb CO

5 20.000 78 Nos. 15 drawn 5 IT 006 5 of S0.00O 75 Nos. lSdrewn 10 83 008 10,000 78 No. 16 drawn 3 9 009 20,000 75 Nos. 12 drawn 5 IS CO

10 85,000 78 Nos. 16 drawn 10 80 0911 20,000 75Nes 15 drawn "5 15 0012 15,000 73 Nos. 14 drawn 4 13 013 50,000 78 Nos. 12 drawn 15 93 0015 10,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 8 11 0016 20.000 78 Nos. 14 drawn 5 13 00U 30,000 75 Nos. 15 drawn 10 SO 0013 13,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 5 18 CO

19 25,000 75 Nos. 12 drawn 5 13 0020 40,000 79 Nos. 13 drawn' 12 15 0022 9,000 75 Nos. 13 draws 3 11 0023 18,656 78 Nos. 12 drawn l 'J 0224 83,000 75 Nos. 18 drawn 10 S&0025 25,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 5 ia oo24 13,500 78 Nos. 12 drawn 4 13 0027 60,000 75 Nos. 14 drawn 20 65 0029 26.000 78 Nos. 16 drawn S 25 0o30 20,000 75 Nos 12 drawn 3 IS OO81 78 No. 12 drawn 4 3 00fc Drawincs forwarded toCorresnocdenti br tha Erst

mails afler the lotteries are drawn.("Correspondents will please order a few davs befbra

the lotteries are drawn.There is a large per oentage in favcr of those purchasera

who order by th Package, and the chances- - ofMrawitig fcnrof the largest Prizes in the Scheme, are thereby secured.We advise the purchase jf Packages of Tickets in every in-stance.

gTBank Drafts or Certificates ofDeposit payable in Goldat sight, will be promptly remitted to those Correspondentswho draw prizes at PYFER & CO'S.

JCfyKemember A Package of ITicixt!, can. ih?w rocaof the most splendid prizes in a scheme.J57In order to secure a Fortune, and thecj'h immediate-

ly after the result is known, the readers ot this puper hflvsonly to remit cash Drafts orprize tickets, to the Old t'.tab-lishe- d,

far tkmed and truly fortunale ExchiMf?e and LotteryBrokers, PYFLR A CO.,

july30 I in No 1 Light street, Eallin..jre. M 1MYERS & McGrLL

dkauxs is rrxHT Dsscairnox orLadies' and Gentlemen's Furnixhixig and laacy Goods.

On OuSttge street, one door SmtkTof lit .so.

WHERE may be found at all tunesa laiye"Winchester's, Davis A June's, Myers'

Patent Shoulder Seam Shirts, of Linen, Muslin u.lh. Lin-en Bosoms Gingham, and French Chintz, Sum :ii(i; andByron Collars, Underweajy Merino, Sliaktd bdi. Cash-mere, Vigonia Cotton and Canton Flannel, S.r Isdiesiand gentlemen. Gents Cloth Gatters, Gloves, Kid andSilk. Buck. Cashmere, Cloth, Chamois Wash

Gloves, and Ladies and Gentlemen's GannUt. s, I ineaand Silk Handkerchiefs Stocks, Ties; Waierfords, Albert.De Joinville's, plain, Emb'd and Cravats-Scarf- s,

Black and White Satin Ties, Shoulder Sus-penders, Silk, Woolen and Cotton Night Caps Oil SUk Bath-ui- g

Caps for Ladies and Gentlemen. Monsv, andStrengthening Kelts, Robe de Cbambre,. Umbrellas, W lut-ing Canes, Riding Whips, Trunks, Sole Leather, VtluvsCarpet Bags, Satchels Dressing Cases, Work Boxas, Tor-let- s,

Opera Glasses Porte Monies Fans, Writing I 'eskCigar Cases, Flasks, Travelling Companions, Bairns andRazor Strops Combs, Brushes Good year's Cum Gotxis

Perfumery. Toilet Bottles Pocket Cutlery, Ac, andlarge assortment of other articles usually kept by Fur-

nishing Stores.JSf We have made arrangements with our friends at tha

North to forward us Goods as soon as received by .them,therefore we shall have goods here in lessthan ten tiara,from tha New York Custom House.

MYERS A McG ILL'S.Furnishing Store, College street, 1 door South of thtr

Square, Nashville. 'octllFARM FOR SALE.

IWISH to sell the Farm on which 1 now reside, 8 nulesifrom Nashville, on tha middle Franklin Turnpike, and

containing 100 acres, about equally divided into timber andcleared land. There is. everything on it to reorient desira-ble as a country residence, such as a great variety of fruit,nn abundance of spring and well water, grass, Ac If ed

it will be divided into small portions.For terms. Ac, apply to Jons Kikkmam or to R. W.

Baowir, GenT AgtnvNo. 63 Cherry street, or tojuneao dAwti. W.D. GALE.


New York and Charleston Steam Packets.ESAdgerstharves every fcatunlay iZTi?LEA and each alternate W ednesday.&t-ij- f N-j-

On Saturday, Jas. Auger, 1,500 tons agibJ. Dickinson, Commander Jlurion, 1,200 tons, M. BerryCommander.

The Southerner, W. Foster, Commander; will leave-eac-

alternate Wednesday. Having been newly copperedand guards raised, is now in complete order.

For freight or passage, having elegant State Room Acoom-modatio- n,

apply at the office of tbe Agent,HENltr M1SSR00N.

CornerEast Bay and Adgers Sou. Wliarves,Cabbin passage $25. Steerage tl

N. B. A new ship will be placed on the Line to connectwith the Southerner on Wednesdays. feb!7 try

IP DISSOLUTlONtieCol.COPARTNERS!! existing under tlie tinn fSoa.Uilluax A Co., is this day dissolved by mntusl constait,


may23 n A. FRANK A CO.

COPARTNERSHIP NOTICETheundtryignedCopartnership, under tie firm

of Sonx A Hiu.ha.s-- , and wilt continue the Dry Goods Busi-ness at the store heretofore oceupied by Sohn, IliUman A Co.


1QUORS. lOObblsTennesseeU D Whisky,SO Old Monongaheia do;50 Old Bourbon do;60 " Old Rye do,60 " 01dRe!rve do;10V.J pipes Old (Sognac Brandy:

2 - UoltfcldGin;10 bbls Old Maderia Wine?20 Indian bbls IJweet Wine;

100 bbls A. M.BrWyr80 " New England Rati;80 " A M Gim20 " SweclWine,10 44 Old Port Wine;20 boxes Brandy Cherries;

0 don't Wine;10 ' Assorted Cordial;15 gallons Old French Brandy;

In store and for Sale low by H. LAN lER.100 bbls best Flour; 100 Ergs of Nails,

SUNDRIES. 1 Salt; 20 tons assorted Iron;80 doz Painted Buckets; 6 bbls Brimstone;20 nests of Tnbs; 5 " Alam;20 " half bushel mcaJurea;10i Plows;5000 lbs bar Lead; 20 bbls No 3 Mackerel;200 bags Shot, assorted; 60 kits No 1 and 2 do;100 assorted Demijohns; 20 bbls S50 boxes Cuba Sixes Cigars; 01 Large Pecans60 doz Bedcords and Lines; 50 boxes Figs;50 bags Race Ginger; 300 " Tobacco, assortad?25 bags Pepper; 3 tierces Fresh Bice;50 boxes Dried Herring; 25 bbls English Rods1 cask Madder; 00 boxes Fresh Teas:10 boxes Stoughton's Bitfers;l0 " Crome best Indigo.20 - B Wheat Flour, ext;

Together with many other articles whicli will be soldlow, by dec!4 L. IL LANIER, Market st.

CARD. I beg leave to inform my friends anLpif-ron-sA that I have removed to the store on tbe corner ofCeder and Cherry streets from toy old eland next drxnv--Als- o

to inform them that I have on hand a choice lot of Ci-

gars, Snuffs Tobaccos, and Pipes ; those in want ofgcodwould do well to call, as 1 keep a ToascmxHrbrose.

Little Indian, comer Cherry and Cedar sis.

A1I1ES' FINE ttAITUUS, SLIPPKRS, Ac.Sup. Satin Gaits ns tip d foxed, plain toe.,

" Embroidered BronzeJ Kid Slippers;Black ' doc - J

Gents' Elegnnt Patent Leather Boots;" Superior rrencn-wi- i AireM - 005

"'FErE3T CLohtC05GH Gaiteks;,Jastr8cetredby RAMAGEA GHURCH,

Al aif. . .

ju.:3 tvy j untie.
