MPACT I Arizona State 1 Mobile Apps Botanical Garden and Beyond Botanical garden project PDA...



MPACT I Arizona State 3 Wildflower Trail Project Goal Huntington Gardens Yellow dot = sensor Live graph on web Put the graph on a PDA = minimal Web interface?

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MPACTIArizona State 1

Mobile Apps – Botanical Garden and Beyond

•Botanical garden project

•PDA applications at the garden

•Other mobile applications

Ken Bannister18 Sept.

MPACTIArizona State 2

Garden Trail Map

MPACTIArizona State 3

Wildflower Trail Project GoalHuntington Gardens

•Yellow dot = sensor•Live graph on web

Put the graph on a PDA = minimal Web interface?

MPACTIArizona State 4

Project Architecture

MPACTIArizona State 5

Site Survey Tool

Connect mote to PDA for quick and dirty signal strength readings?Use PDA to control longer term capture?

MPACTIArizona State 6

Handheld multimedia tour guide•GPS, WiFi•Audio, Video•Maps, Directions•School kids: Find the plant, treasure hunt•Garden has very precise maps of plant beds

Multimedia, GPS

MPACTIArizona State 7

Operations: RFID

In car for tollsItem identification

Radio Frequency Identification Identifies an item


•Reflects signal from reader•Short distance – inches•Very cheap – 10 cents•Very little data – ID number


•Battery provides power•Long distance – 10s of meters•Can be located – Where is it?•More data

MPACTIArizona State 8

RFID – Uses in gardenUnpowered

•Accession tags

1” x ¼“ tag


•Plant identification, tours

MPACTIArizona State 9

Signage Translation The garden is

host to international visitors, but they miss a lot if they can't read the signs.

MPACTIArizona State 10

Use Asterisk/Trixbox

Free, programmable IP phone system

MPACTIArizona State 11

Research - TurtleNet

MPACTIArizona State 12

Generate a travelogue

Generate a web-based travelogue from captured camera phone images and sounds