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Are you interested in adopting a mouse? If so Cavy Angel’s Guinea Pig Rescue can help.

Firstly you need to make sure you are ready to add a new pet to the house hold here is a check list of items that you will need for your new pet Mouse.

If you wish to proceed and adopt a mouse from the rescue, please fill out the online adoption inquiry form from our website.

We will then be in contact with you as soon as possible to arrange for you to visit the shelter and pick up your new family member from the shelter.

About Us

Cavy Angel’s Guinea Pig Rescue was founded by Monique and Meg Davenport, to provide a safe haven for primarily guinea pigs that have found themselves in need of a helping hand.

This non-profit organization relies on the help, support and generosity of the public, and is dedicated in making a difference to the many homeless and neglected guinea pigs within our area.

While we do our best to educate the community on the correct care and treatment of these beautiful animals, we also are dedicated to find them new caring forever homes!

Contact Us

Cavy Angel’s Guinea Pig Rescue(located on the Gold Coast, Elanora)

Contact: Monique Davenport

Phone: 0423238449


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Cavy Angel’s Guinea Pig Rescue


Essential equipment Secure cage. Food bowl. A water bottle. A cubby house. Dust free bedding.

Food A constant supply of mouse pellets

Mice also love…Cardboard boxes, climbing ladders, tunnels and Fresh hay to hide and play in.

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Mice are small rodents that are entertaining to watch.  They are relatively easy to care for, and although timid by nature with frequent handling they can make wonderful pets!

It is important to understand that mice are nothing like small dogs or cats; they are unique and have their own individual requirements.


A good quality diet is very important for the health and wellbeing of your pet mouse,

A constant supply of fresh water that is changed daily is vital as well as a specially formulated rodent pellet, Pellets are recommend over a seed mix as many seed mixes contain high levels of fat and can lead to obesity, nutritional deficiencies, and medical problems.

Fresh hay is also recommended to add extra fibre into the diet, and in addition hay is also great fun to burrow and hide in.

Treats can also be given in small quantities, Cereal, breads, seeds, cheese, fresh fruits, porridges, mashed potato, boiled pasta, rice etc. Avoid gas-forming vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower.


Mice that are kept in clean bedding with regular, good quality food generally don’t have too many health problems.

It is recommend you check your mouse's health daily, mice can fall ill suddenly and can go downhill very quickly it is important to take immediate action at the first sign of illness,

A healthy mouse should be alert and active with a firm and well-rounded body. The nose, eyes, ears and rear end should be clean and free from discharge.

If you notice anything abnormal contact your exotic vet.

Toys Mice are very active and inquisitive animals and love to explore their environment.  Put your thinking cap on and come up with some imaginative toys and cage furniture to decorate your mouse’s home with. 

Mice do love exercise wheels but when choosing a wheel make sure it is not too small and has a plastic solid base to prevent damage to your pet’s feet. Mice also love to find a cozy place to have nap so make sure to provide an area for hiding and or sleeping. 

Lifespan1-3 years.

HousingThere are many housing options available for mice but when choosing your mouses home make sure it is well ventilated, secure and escape proof, as mice are great escape artists!

If you chose a cage witch has a wire floor make sure to cover it with newspaper and bedding to prevent damage to their feet.

The bigger the cage the better, your mouse house should be as big as possible and preferably with two or more levels.

BeddingAppropriate bedding includes shredded newspaper, recycled newspaper products, shredded tissue, please avoid wood shavings as it can be quite dusty and can irritate your pet’s skin, eyes and breathing. 

Whatever bedding you choose to use, it should be absorbent and changed on a regularly bases. Two to three bedding changes per week are normally needed.


Mice are very social animals and enjoy the company of a friend their own kind, so it is always better to get a pair.

Female mice are very welcoming to new friends and can be housed in small groups; males on the other hand are more territorial and will often fight if introduced to new adult male mice and are best housed in pairs with a sibling or another mouse witch they have grown up with.

Males can occasionally become aggressive towards their friends even if they have grown up together and may need to be housed solo.

How to Care for your new pet mouse?

Fun Fact!

Mice are mainly nocturnal, but can also be active during the day.

Did you know?

That it is a common myth that mice love cheese! It is acutely very unhealthy and is only used on mousetraps because of it strong odor.
