Moura Minor - · Gillespie Street, PO Box 182 Moura QLD, 4718. Telephone 4997...


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“Striving for great things” Page 1

Moura Minor


July, 2018

In this edition:


Responsible Behaviour Plan

Dear Students, Parents/Caregivers and Friends, As this newsletter is being produced today we are in the middle of our annual NAIDOC Day. The 2018 NAIDOC celebrations had as its theme – ‘Because of her, we can!’ And it is because of Mrs Christine Lucht we can have a well organised day of great activities, sponsored by local businesses and companies, to celebrate indigenous cultures. Thank you, Chris and your team, for going above and beyond to ensure indigenous cultures are shared with our school community. All sectors of the school community are keeping very busy whether it be teaching and learning, administration, cleaning, groundswork, organising extra activities, professional development, training for various activities (sport and non-sport). There is never a dull moment at Moura State School as we continue to strive for great things – especially in Maths, Reading and Writing. Class newsletters are being prepared and distributed. These will give you another perspective of what is happening in classrooms and in the school generally this term. Please take the time to read them, mark

on your calendar any relevant dates and speak to the class teacher if you want further clarification around anything. Best wishes are also extended to our 10-12 year old athletes who are participating in the GRD trial in Rockhampton on 30/31 July as members of the DV team. LUNCHBOXES Please ensure your child has at least a sandwich (or similar – rice cakes) and a piece of fruit in their lunch boxes every day. These are much healthier options than roll ups, chocolate coated muesli bars, little packets of chips. Such items are a treat after eating the healthier things. Students are also discouraged from having cordial type drinks. Water, juices and milks are recommended. Chocolates, lollies, soft drinks are NOT allowed to be consumed at school. SCHOOL OPINION SURVEYS The annual School Opinion Survey will be conducted between 31 July and 25 August 2018. All families, school staff and Year 4-6 students have been invited to participate. We encourage you to take this opportunity to have your say about what this school does well, and how this school can improve. Access details for the Parent/Caregiver Survey will be sent home today with students. The survey can be completed via computers, tablets or smart phones with internet connection. Selected students will complete their online survey at school.

Gillespie Street, PO Box 182 Moura QLD, 4718. Telephone 4997 5222 Fax 4997 5200 Absence Line 4997 5260

Website Email Office open 8:30am – 3:30pm Page 2

Survey queries or requests for translations can be directed to Laurel Bowkett on telephone 49975222 or email RESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOUR PLAN FOR STUDENTS Step Charts: Here are some details about each of the steps on the charts that are found in each room. Some of the rewards etc may look a bit different in each classroom. Purple – Outstanding Role Model: I am always being courteous. I am trying my best at tasks. I am keeping my book work neat and tidy. I will receive a sticker or receive a class raffle ticket. Blue – Good choices: I am working quietly and not distracting others. I am raising my hand to speak. I am following adult instructions immediately. I am asking for help if I don’t understand a task. I might move up to Outstanding Effort or receive a sticker. Green – Ready to learn: I am feeling happy and successful. I am prepared for the lesson/activity. I am teacher focused. I might move up to Good Choices. I might receive a sticker. Yellow – Warning: I am feeling unfocused. I am not trying my best/stopping others from trying their best. I am not following all of the 4 B’s. I will receive a verbal warning and move down the Step Chart. I will think about changing my behaviour. Orange – Choice point: I am feeling upset. I am preventing my teacher from teaching or my peers from learning. I am continually not following adult instructions and/or the 4 B’s. I will move down the Step Chart and have time out. I will make a choice about whether or not I will improve my behaviour. I will have a lunch time detention and miss out on my Weekly Star. Red – Buddy class: I am feeling angry and upset. I am choosing to ignore adult instructions and not follow the 4 B’s. I am stopping learning from happening in our classroom. I will move down the Step Chart and go to Buddy Class for time out. I will have one or more lunch time detentions. I will receive a phone call to home.


It’s the constant and determined effort that breaks down all resistance, sweeps away all obstacles. – Claude Bristol

Yours in Education


STUDENTS OF THE WEEK Prep F Jack Byriel Prep/1 H Alex Hinchliffe 1/2C Tyler Ward 2W Sophie Blyton 3U Eli O’Sullivan-Gleich 3/4B Rylan Reynolds 4/5S Banjo Brown 5H Tylah Hay 5/6K Dylan Barsby 6F Savanah Smith



At our school, we want children to

Be Learning Be Responsible Be Courteous

Be Safe

Bee Award recipients this week:

Sidney Leo, Quayde Zimpel, Liam Finlay, Philippa Walker, Edward Ingleton, Nixon

Sutton, Declan Ziebell, Saskia Van Rooyen, Sean Ginez, Sophie Hutchinson, Abigail Conway, Amelia Haine, Mia Dawson,

Sam Gassman, DJ Mardon

School Office Hours


8.30am – 3.30pm

Gillespie Street, PO Box 182 Moura QLD, 4718. Telephone 4997 5222 Fax 4997 5200 Absence Line 4997 5260

Website Email Office open 8:30am – 3:30pm Page 3

Jul 30th Mon –

Jul 31st Tue GRD Athletics Carnival

Jul 31st Tue UNSW English

Aug 7th Tue School Photos

Aug 9th Thu Prep – Yr 3 Bravehearts

Aug 10th Fri CQ Robotics Competition

Aug 10th Fri Year 5 Camp deposit due

Aug 14th Tue Hansel and Gretel

Aug 14th Tue UNSW Mathematics

Aug 16th Thu MSHS Transition Parent


Aug 20th–Aug 24th Coal & Country Festival


PHOTO DAY Tuesday 7th August

Important Information Silver Rose Photography will be at the school

on the above date to photograph groups

and student portraits.

****Please make sure your child/ren are

wearing their BLUE SCHOOL shirt on photo

day. ****

To ensure you have no problems with your

order please read your school photo

envelope carefully.

Your child must return their envelope


If your child does not hand an

envelope to the photographer, they

may not be photographed for

individual portraits.

You can place a late order with Silver

Rose but usually only for group


Make your payment by cash, credit

card(Visa or Mastercard), cheque or

money order in the envelope





Bus Variations and Student Absences

Phone 4997 5260

Please phone to advise your child/rens absence from school.

This number is also the one to phone for any variations to bus travel. Please use this number to notify the school out of hours

or during school time. Messages can be left.

P&C News

Next Meeting The next P&C meeting will be held on Tuesday 28th August at 2pm in the Moura State School Library. Please remember to sign in at the office prior to the meeting

Thank You Thank you to everyone who helped at the Drovers canteen on Saturday. We had a great

afternoon and some of us learnt some new skills!

Year 5 Camp

Deposit due Friday August 10th

Congratulations to Ari Chater who has

been drawn as a winner of the Scholastic

Read More in May Challenge! Ari has

won a $100 Scholastic Gift Voucher and

$100 Scholastic Rewards for his class


Well done Ari!!

Gillespie Street, PO Box 182 Moura QLD, 4718. Telephone 4997 5222 Fax 4997 5200 Absence Line 4997 5260

Website Email Office open 8:30am – 3:30pm Page 4

Sports News Congratulations to all students who were

selected to compete in the Rockhampton

District School Sports Athletics Carnival

next week- Good luck!

Mia Dawson Raj Lang

Macy Francis Damon Lyons

Sam Gassman Kayden Reynolds

Jacinta Gray Coen Saxby

Ava Haine Alex Sheehan

Arianna Hanson Peter Stephenson

Makalah Hewitt Heidi Swaffer-Selff

Bella Hutchinson Garreth Walkube

Shakira Ingleton Jill Werth


Greater Rockhampton District Cricket Trials

10-12 years Boys

Monday 6th August at 4pm

Rockhampton Grammar School-Top Oval,



Greater Rockhampton District Cricket Trials

10-12 years Girls

Monday 13th August at 4pm

Rockhampton Grammar School-Top Oval,


If interested, please contact Mr Chantler.

Gillespie Street, PO Box 182 Moura QLD, 4718. Telephone 4997 5222 Fax 4997 5200 Absence Line 4997 5260

Website Email Office open 8:30am – 3:30pm Page 5

Uniform reminders

● Jumpers/track pants need to be black or blue. ● Jumpers/coats are NOT to have hoods. ● Jeans are NOT part of the school uniform. ● Ensure all clothing is labelled with the students name.

Please make sure your children come to school wearing enough warm


Absences/Change of Details

Please notify the office with regards to

absences and change of contact details

as we may need to contact you in an


Please remind your children, whether

they are walking, riding or scooting, to

come directly to school with no

detours via the Skate Park.

Just a reminder

No Cans in

Lunchboxes. Please put food in to a

plastic container.

Gillespie Street, PO Box 182 Moura QLD, 4718. Telephone 4997 5222 Fax 4997 5200 Absence Line 4997 5260

Website Email Office open 8:30am – 3:30pm Page 6


