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Motion for Computer Animation

Michael GleicherDepartment of Computer

SciencesUniversity of Wisconsin,


October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher


n A brief history of computer animationn (animation appreciation) – Video!

n Techniques for creating motionn (an overview) – Video!

nMotion retargetting and spacetimen (what I do) – Video!

n Graphics and Animation at UW CS

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher


n Give you some idea of what Computer Animation is about

n Give you some idea of where (some of) the hard problems are

n Give you an idea of what I don Show some fun video

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher


n This talk is skewed toward 3D Animation for film and video

n That ignores lots of interesting stuffn 2D and image effectsnGames, Visualization, Simulation, ...

n Focus on character animationnOver-emphasize my heroes

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher


n Phases of the history of animation


Of Age

ComingOf Age

1982 1987






October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Pioneer Days (pre-1980s)

n What was happening:n Early pioneers (in research labs) started

making movies with computersn General Story:n It was hard to make pictures with computers,

but people did it anywayn Why it ended:n Computer Animation becomes feasible

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Early Days (early to mid-1980s)

nWhat was happening:nComputer animation in film and video

nWhat it looked like:nComputer graphicsn Things computers could draw wellnChrome! Flying Logos!

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Early Days (early to mid-1980s)

n Notable examples:n TRON (‘82), The Last Starfighter (’84)nMany TV spots and commercials

nWhat it looks like today:nQuaint

nWhy it endedn AUDIENCES grew more savvy

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

A critical moment in history…

n First computer animation nominated for an Academy Award

n Notable character animationIt’s the motion! (well, it looks good too)

Luxo Jr.Pixar, 1986J. Lasseter (dir)

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Computer Animation Comes of Age(late 80s – mid 90s)

n Computer Animation not just for computer animation’s sake

Beauty and the Beast, 1991 Jurassic Park, 1993

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Glory Days of Computer Animation

nWhat will they do next?n Notable examplesn Tin Toy ’88 (and other Pixar Shorts)n Terminator 2 ’91n Beauty and the Beast ’91n Jurrassic Park ’93n… more and more and more …

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Another important film…

n Feature length, 3D animated filmn Financially and artistically successfuln Everybody wants to copy

Toy StoryPixar, 1995J. Lasseter (dir)

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Why is Toy Story Different?

n Same basic technology as shortsn Different magnitude of problemsnHow to deal with all the bits!

nMust hold attention for 90 minutes

Tin Toy1988

Toy Story1995

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

End of the Glory Days?

n Glory is for good films, not cool effectsnNot just animation for animation’s sakenHackers are not the heroes anymore

n Technology is generally available.n (Kindof)

n Artistic factors drive

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Toy Story++

nMore and more animated filmsn Greater levels of complexityn Antz, Bugs Life, Toy Story 2, …

n New artistic styles and possibilitiesn Tarzan, Prince of Egypt, …

n Current state of the art

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

The Post-Modern Era (’97- …)

n Don’t believe your eyes!n Anything is possible!n Seamless integration of CG and real

n Some landmarksn Titanic ’97nWhat Dreams May Come ‘98n The Mummy, Phantom Menace ‘99

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

How do you do it?

n “Typical” or Traditional pipelinen Divides tasksn Variants exist

Design Modeling Animation Lighting Rendering Post-Production

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher


n One of the most important piecesn Deciding what animation is to be


Design Modeling Animation Lighting Rendering Post-Production

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher


nWhat are the objects?nWhat do they look like?

Design Modeling Animation Lighting Rendering Post-Production

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher


n Animate: to bring to lifenMaking things move

Design Modeling Animation Lighting Rendering Post-Production

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher


nMaking choices in how things lookn Term is a “Pixarism”

n Catch-all for lots of appearance design

Design Modeling Animation Lighting Rendering Post-Production

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher


n Let the computers color the pixels

Design Modeling Animation Lighting Rendering Post-Production

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher


n Put the pictures into final form

Design Modeling Animation Lighting Rendering Post-Production

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Why focus on motion?

n It is the heart of animationn It’s the most unique aspect of

animationn It’s the thing we have the least

experience withn It’s the thing I am most interested in

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

What is a motion?




p = {x,y,θ1,θ2,θ3,...}

θ θ



n Animated Charactern Pose or Configuration

n parameters in a vector

n Examples are articulated figures (humans)n trees of rigid linksn center + joint anglesn nothing specific about methods

p ∈ℜn

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

What is a motion (2)

n A motion maps times to configurations

n Vector-valued, time-varying signal

n Representation comes from creationn typically interpolationn may not be convenient for

editing Time (t)sig




m(t) ∈ℜ ⇒ ℜn

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Three main ways to make motion

n Create it by handn Compute itn Capture it from a performer

n Re-use an existing motionn (don’t make it at all)

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Creating Motion by Hand:Keyframing

n Skilled animators place “key” posesnComputer “in-betweens”

n Requires incredible amounts of talentn But can be done extremely well

Verdict: Produces the highest quality results, at a very high cost

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Computing Motion:Procedural and Simulation

n Define algorithms to create motionsn Ad-hoc rules, or simulate physicsn Physics provides realismn But how do you control it?

Verdict: Good for secondary effects, not for characters (yet)

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Motion Capture and Performance Animation

n Use sensors to record a real personn Get high-degree of realismnWhich may not be what you want...

n Possibility for real-time performance

Verdict: Good for realistic human motions. Scary to animators.

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Motion Capture Technology:Optical Tracking

n User markers and special camerasn Tracking + Math

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Motion Capture Technology:Video

n An interesting and open problem…n Limited informationn But seemingly enough

n Problem can be arbitrarily hardnOr easy – if you make assumptions

n Video is surprisingly bad

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

So now you have motion...

n Transform Motion to new uses

Problem: Motion is Specific

Specific ActionSpecific Action Specific CharacterSpecific Character

hand isnot herehand isnot here

different sizedcharacterdoesn’t fit

different sizedcharacterdoesn’t fit

Edit motion to meet new needsEdit motion to meet new needs

Retarget motion to new characterRetarget motion to new character

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Retargetting Motion to New Characters

n Goal: one motion, a cast of characters

n Focus on similar structure

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Transformation BasicsChange what isn’t important, retain what is

n Hard to define what is importantn high-level propertiesnmotion specific

n Stick to what’s easy to definen geometric constraintsn signal characteristicsn framework for better metrics later

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Transformation as Constrained Optimization

n Find a motion that…1. Meets any specific requests2. Keeps any specific characteristics of the

original3. Is as similar as possible to the original

n Naturally posed as constrained optimizationn subject to meeting the constraints (1 and 2)

minimize some objective (3)

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Spacetime Constraints

n Consider all constraints simultaneouslyn NOT frame at a time

n Solve for motionsn “best” motion that meets constraints

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

What makes a jump a jump?

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

What makes a jump a jump?

BalanceBalanceElbow doesn’t bend backwardsElbow doesn’t bend backwards

Arms swingArms swing Knees bendKnees bend

No skiddingNo skiddingF=MAF=MAFeet start on floorFeet start on floor

Geometric Constraints - implement as constraintsSignal Characteristics - get from signal matchingOther Constraints - could be added later

Geometric Constraints - implement as constraintsSignal Characteristics - get from signal matchingOther Constraints - could be added later

Feet end up on floorFeet end up on floor

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Basic Idea 1: Constraints

Exact parameter values may not be important

Geometric constraints often are important

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Basic Idea 2: Frequency Content

n High frequencies (abrupt changes) are significant and noticeable

n Altering high-frequencies changes motions

n Adaptations should avoid disturbing high frequencies

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Retargetting Recipe

1. Define Constraints

2. Apply to new character

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Retargetting Recipe

3. Approximate Answer

4. Solve constraints (band-limited adaptation)

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Retargetting Results

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Some successesOriginalMotion

Adapt FemaleOnly Adapt Both

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Characters with Different Structure

n Creativity vs. Automationn User defines point

correspondencesn Adapt similar structure to same

size firstn Different numbers of degrees of

freedomn least squares (too few)n objective (too many)

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

What does it take to do this?

n Setup and Solve a BIG math problemnNon-linear, variational, constrained


n Thousands of simultaneous equationsn Yes, you can do it in real timenwith some caveats...

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

How did we do that?

Get Motion(from library)


Get Character(from library)

Devise skeletonfor character

ComputeAdapted Motion

Lighting Render


Get from library(stock CD or Web)

Our Software

Commercial Animation System(3D Studio MAX)

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

Graphics at UW CS

n Target for growth in the departmentn New courses:n Introduction to Graphics

n now taught as CS638, will get new number soon

nComputer Animationn now taught as CS838, will get new number soon

nOther courses elsewheren Art (comp. anim), ECE (image proc), ...

October 26, 1999Motion for Computer Animation

© 1999, Michael L Gleicher

To Learn More...

n Take Graphics and/or Animationn Look on the webnHodgin’s motion overview in Scientific

Americann “Why Files” introductory articlen A lot of stuff is on the 838 Web from last

year (access from my home page)
