Mother Earth Prison Planet by Sparkster



In Mother Earth: Prison Planet Sparkster shows how off-world technology has been recovered and reverse engineered by Earth governments and has been used to transform Earth into a prison planet by disguising enslavery as freedom... but who is controlling the situation from behind the scenes?

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Mother Earth: Prison Planet by Sparkster

Chapter 1

The Plan For ET Deception There is a global elite in control of planet Earth. An elite with a hidden agenda. After the war Dr Werner Von Braun was brought into America, who considered his knowledge and expertise as a potential threat, should it fall into enemy hands. Von Braun was the head of the Nazi rocket program and had first-hand information regarding anti-gravitational propulsion systems and once he was brought into America he soon gained access to secret NASA projects. Von Braun claimed he saw evidence of a hidden agenda behind America's space program and how it was being manipulated from the outside by the military/industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned about in 1961. In 1974 industry executive Dr Carol Rosin met up with Von Braun who revealed to her the details of NASA's covert plans. Rosin went on to testify as part of Dr Steven Greer's Disclosure project. Von Braun explained to her that NASA's plan was leading to an oppressive one-world government, a new world order. Von Braun claimed that an international secret organization already exists and is plotting to take control of the entire planet via a hoaxed extraterrestrial invasion in the form of Project Bluebeam. Lt Colonel Phil Corso, former head of the Foreign Technology Desk, Research and Development at the Pentagon claimed in 1998 that he knew all about Von Braun and claimed in his book, The Day After Roswell which was published one year before his death, that Corso himself played a part in the inspection and back-engineering of extraterrestrial artifacts recovered from the Roswell crash in 1947. Corso also mentions in his book that he saw first-hand an alien body inside a crate that he was never meant to have seen whilst working at Fort Riley. The alien bodies were being transported to Wright Patterson Air Force base. Corso also claims in his book that fiber optics, integrated circuit boards and particle beam accelerators were all reverse engineered from the Roswell crash and injected into society via black projects. He explains how a government was set up inside the government under President Truman to keep the information private from future presidental administrations and that the corporations were granted access to patents. Whilst Bill Clinton was president he was asked by a White House reporter why he didn't disclose the truth about UFO's. Clinton replied "there is a government inside the government and I don't control it." Many of Colonel Corso's claims have come to light since his death in 1998 at the age of 83. Not only had Clinton made claims of an elite in control of the government but so have many other presidents before him. Although it was never ultimately determined if the extraterrestrials posed a threat, Corso claims that their motto became "just in case." Coincidentally, cattle mutilations were taking place around the same time as the UFO activity and some eyewitnesses even claimed to have seen cows been lifted and thrown around in fields by some kind of invisible force. Alien abductions were taking place and even one hugely sadistic and highly disturbing human mutilation of a government official. Both phenomena lacked evidence of a human presence and it was assumed that the extraterrestrials were responsible. President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiaitive ("Star Wars") came into play and, according to Corso, was actually a form of defense against a potential extraterrestrial threat. America had started to use the alien's own technology against them without determining if they were, for a fact, an actual threat. Von Braun had claimed back in 1974 that the hidden agenda of the covert government would be to promote space weapons as 1st - A shield against the Russians 2nd - A defense against rogue nations 3rd - A defense against asteroid and meteors

4th and finally - Protection from an extraterrestrial threat Desensitization or Deceit? Several sources from Lockheed Skunkworks have confirmed that they have indeed been reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology harvested from Roswell and other flying saucer crashes. Former CEO Ben Rich confessed on his deathbed in 1995 that "we already have the means to travel amongst the stars, these technologies are so wrapped up in black projects it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity." Former Defense minister of Canada, Paul Hellyer, is also known to have made several speeches regarding extraterrestrial and zero-point energy technology that could bring planet Earth back from the brink of destruction. If the alleged technology is indeed extraterrestrial in origin as claimed, then it could certainly be used against us although the main argument is that the suppression of this information is more due to oil, gas and what we refer to as fossil fuels which bring in money and feed the economy. Ultimately, it's about greed, power, money and a sort of political imprisonment; enslavement to the system. We are all tied up to the governing machine, they know where we live, they know where we work, they know our phone number, they know which vehicle we drive, they know everything. Most of us are now hookd up to the internet, we have wireless transmissions broadcasting from our houses, we use smartphones and even fiber optics delivering our broadband. This is all alleged alien technology that can be used to invade our privacy, used to imprison us and keep us enslaved to a system which I'll explain later. This manipulation could potentially be performed on a subliminal scale completely outside of our awareness and perception. Being knowledgable of psychology I already have the technology and knowledge of how to transmit subliminal messages at a target. I could do it right now if I wanted. CIA mind control springs to mind. We are surrounded by GPS, satellites in space, cable and wireless transmissions, cars now have tracking devices and given the nature of these technologies there will always be 'black windows'. We have become reliant on technology that can potentially be used to imprison us. Is Earth gradually being turned into a prison planet? Are we just slaves to the system, an unfolding new world order? It was Hermann Oberth who claimed that they had been helped. When asked by whom he said "the people of other worlds" but was he telling the truth? The CIA were certainly right when they claimed that the subject could be used for psychological warfare purposes. Could this be a clue? CIA mind control techniques are generally well documented and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that they have been using these techniques in order to carry out their psy-ops and what better way to spread propaganda? People claiming to have channelled information via remote viewing techniques or that 400ft tall reptilians are in control of planet Earth are likely victims of this psychological manipulation. False memories are easy to implant via hypnosis, which can be carried out while the subject is awake, and remote viewing is already proven to be a result of subliminal suggestion. Despite the common belief that nobody can be hypnotized to do something against their will or against their morals, otherwise has also been proven. Derren Brown recently showcased on national UK television how easy it can be to manipulate a subject into carrying out an assassination without even realizing that they were the assassin and without having any memory of the event afterwards. Such techniques have previously been employed by the CIA. NASA - Never A Straight Answer Although the general public were told that NASA was a civilian-ran organization, according to ex-employee Richard Hoagland plus many oher sources, NASA is actually funded and ran by the Nazis. Indeed the Nazis have always been extremely interested in spreading propaganda aswell as being interested in information regarding antigravity technology. If the Nazis did indeed get their hands on such technology then it makes sense that they would want to keep it as secret as possible, just as the ancient indians of Tibet did according to the mythology. Such technology could be used to dominate the masses. Hitler had actually sent expeditions into Tibet during the 1930s in order to investigate the possibility of

suppressed antigravity technology and coincidentally this is where the Sanskrit Vimana documents translated by Dr Ruth Raynor originated from. Bear in mind that the Nazi swastika also originated from ancient times and relates to mythology which suggests the ancients were indeed fascinated with advanced antigravitational technology, interstellar travel and extraterrestrial life. The Atlanteans are also said to have been in possession of these technologies as far back as 20,000 years ago and the mythology explains how nuclear wars broke out before the technology became suppressed. Suppressed by whom? Could this technology really have been suppressed for this long without any kind of external intervention? In support of this information the flying saucers developed by Nazi Germany during and after the war did indeed carry the swastika emblem. These flying saucers were manufactured after the Nazis had already unleashed their 'Foo Fighters' on the world, mercury-based gyroscopic antigravity technology which were commonly reported as UFO's. NASA's reasons for deceit are becoming more and more transparent. New World Order If indeed there is a National Socialist party in control of NASA and they are in possession of advanced antigravity technology which is being kept secret and can potentially be used to dominate the world, then they would most likely have a hidden long-term agenda to be perpetrated in order to implement their oppressive soclalist one world government. It was actually suggested by John Dewey in 1917 that an external threat originating from outside the planet would be the perfect way to unite the world. This idea has reverberated throughout history, most notably in President Ronald Reagans several speeches whereby he used Dewey's words as though they were his own. Was Reagan just a puppet of the global elite? Given this information, the secret technology possessed by the Nazis provides the perfect way to create an artifical extraterrestrial threat to planet Earth which can be used to manipulate the world into a united government on a global basis in order to fight off the false extraterrestrial threat. Not only that but the alleged presence of an advanced extraterrestrial intelligence can also be used to replace all traditional religions with a new-age one-world religion which would conveniently make it easier to bring in their new world order. Propaganda Propaganda is a form of psychological warfare with only one defense; to spread more propaganda. It results in neither enemy knowing what the truth is or what to truly believe and we've all seen the many conspiracy theories that grace the internet. For example, the theory that America never really went to the moon and that the moon landings were faked. As outlandish as that theory may seem, claiming to land on the moon would be a convenient first step in convincing the world of extraterrestrial existence which could then be expanded upon according to the hidden agenda. Were Armstrong and Aldrin really 'warned off' the moon? Or is that just what NASA want us to think?

Chapter 2

So Is There An Alien Presence? As the years continue to pass by more and more people all over the planet are coming forward to tell what they know about the alleged extraterrestrial presence. The subject has stood up to plenty of ridicule and scrutiny over the decades, though recent times sees the topic becoming more and more widely accepted and a hotbed of debate. Out of the incredible number of people coming forward including air force pilots, police officers, government and military officials, astronauts and other credible high ranking and highly respected people make up for at least a few thousand of them. The statistics are overwhelming. However, there will always be people attempting to debunk the 'truthtellers' and indeed it's difficult to tell if these people are genuinely coming forward to tell the truth or if they are being threatened to make hoax confessions or may have even been deceived by some sort of misinformation or disinformation program.

One thing is certain: the number of people doing the debunking is only a small fraction of the number of people who have come forward and continue to do so, which adds a whole lot of weight onto their case in addition to their already prestigiously high credibility. In fact, there has never been any official statement of denial made by NASA, or any other government organization, regarding the subject. NASA released a statement to deny the predicted end of the world in 2012 and the existence of planet Niburu so why haven't they officially denied the existence of alien greys? (edit: the WhiteHouse have now made a statement officially denying any evidence of extraterrestrial life or evidence of a cover-up). Unusually, in 2004 NASA published an article on their website relating to a UFO sighting by the crew of Apollo 16 in 1972 which begins "UFOs aren't necessarily alien spacecraft And some purported UFOs aren't UFOs at all". Now, anyone who knows anything about psychology, unconscious verbal communication or NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) knows that the surface structure of a communication has deeper meaning. Although the statement seems vague, the use of the word 'necessarily' in the sentence implies that some of them are indeed extraterrestrial craft and indicates that the writer believes so too. Government Disclosure As Nick Pope, former minister of Ministry of Defense (MoD), put it - if disclosure is ever to officially happen then it will be with a small 'd' not a capital 'D'. On 11th August 2011 the MoD released a further 9,000 pages of previously classified UFO documents. Some are amusing and some are mysterious but the MoD does admit that they never had the resources or finances to officially investigate UFO's. In fact the CIA, FBI, NSA and MoD have all released previously classified UFO documents yet people still continue to hound America for more information. Oddly enough and despite several governments not openly admitting the existence of extraterrestrial life, Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented on July 16, 1969, states that it is "illegal for any US citizen to have any contact with extraterrestrials on their vehicles". Why would this law exist if alien abductions were not real? Further Investigation After delving into this subject many years ago, the continuity, consistency and overwhelming amount of information, testimonials, deathbed confessions and even official documentation shows much more information that all links together accurately and continues to astound. If one is to ever find the truth then there is a lot of research to be done and it involves a lot of disinfo/misinfo and some rather mysterious historical incidents such as the Miracle Of The Sun in 1917. Propaganda Or Conditioning? On 11th August 2011 another 9,000 pages of previously classified documents were released by UK's MoD (Ministry of Defence). A UFO researcher stated on BBC News television that the only logical explanation for 'flying saucers' is that they are extraterrestrial in origin with propulsion systems way more advanced than ours. Does he know something we don't? With the surge of media interest in UFO's and extraterrestrials it makes you wonder if some kind of grand deception is being attempted or if we are being primed for disclosure of a real extraterrestrial presence. In 2008 UK's MoD (Ministry of Defence) announced that they would be putting their previously classified UFO files through a phased release leading up to 2012 despite admitting they have never had the resources to investigate them properly. The vatican have recently opened their doors to the possibility of extraterrestrial existence and several high ranking government officials all over the world have come forward and said it's about time the public were told the truth. Some countries, such as Brazil and Ecuador, have released all of their files and officially acknowledged an 'external' presence. UFO sightings were up by nearly 1,000% in 2010. Although, according to Nick Pope (formerly of MoD), 90% of these cases can probably be explained in conventional ways the remaining 10% of them cannot be explained and remain a mystery and could even potentially pose a threat to national security. Personally I have seen many UFO's in the skies of the UK, the most recent one being a glowing orange moon-shaped object with a small fin at the rear centre. However, before coming to conclusions I am reminded of an incident which happened today (13th August 2011) where a failed hypersonic aircraft

crashed into the ocean. The aircraft is said to have been travelling at eight times the speed of sound. I will also state at this point that recently NASA announced that they had found more water in space than there is in all of Earth's oceans being dispersed over the course of several hundred lightyears being emitted from a supermassive black hole known as a quasar. Could it be that when extraterrestrial life is finally announced that it will also be announced in such abundance? Although many UFO sightings vary in shape, I believe most of them are probably stealth and hypersonic aircraft and that we should be looking more at the cigar and oval shaped objects and the flying saucers. In fact, flying saucers appear to be abundant throughout religious paintings that are thousands of years old and even seem to be used as some kind of holographic display unit in order to deceive or manipulate the masses. Could the Miracle Of The Sun in 1917 where up to an estimated 100,000 people witnessed the sun fall from the sky looking like a flipping-over metallic disc and the virgin Mary appear be a result of this holographic technology? If so, does this mean that Chritianity was created and presented to us by advanced extraterrestrials? One wonders why religion, archeology and historical art all seem to indicate that this may be the case. Eyewitness Testimonies The Ruwa Incident One of the most compelling eyewitness testimonies of all happened at Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe in 1994. A UFO and extraterrestrial beings were witnessed by no less than 62 school children and the incident was investigated by the now deceased and highly respected psychiatrist John E. Mack. Mack also studied the alien abduction phenomena for 10 years with 200 people that had experiences. Even more compelling is the fact that the John Mack Institute caught up with the children 14 years later and each one of them is still adament that they know what they saw and they are planning on making a new up-to-date documentary about the incident. The Westall Incident Coincidentally schools seem to be a popular location for the visitation of flying saucers, as also indicated by the Westall incident in Australia in 1966. Suspicious circumstances surround the Westall case as the documentary below shows. The Cash-Landrum / Daytona, Texas Incident Another extraordinary UFO incident happened in 1980 known as the Cash-Landrum Incident or the Daytona, Texas incident where witnesses were subject to high levels of ionizing radiation that caused damage to their health. Indeed UFO's are known to leave behind high levels of radiation in crop circles and this incident provides reliable evidence of their claims. It appears that flying saucers can indeed be credibly proven as a reality not just from the high levels of radiation they leave behind but also the unusual metal they use and the effect upon the health of nearbly witnesses. These are very credible cases. To add weight to these testimonials I'd like to present a few more genuine and credible testimonies. It's funny how the most convincing and compelling cases are always swiftly swept under the carpet. The Rendlesham Forest Incident As claimed by former UK defense minister Nick Pope, the Rendlesham Forest incident is the most interesting documentation in all of the MoD's (Ministry of Defense) files, or so he claims. The incident involves several high ranking officials such as Charles Halt formerly of US Air Force. Multiple witnesses sighted the object days before it landed in Rendlesham Forest. This incident happened in 1980, the same year as the Cash-Landrum Incident. In fact, the years that UFO incidents happen also seem to coincide with each other aswell as coinciding with the claims of witnesses. Below I have provided a video of the Halt tape.

The Aurora, Texas Crash 1897 & The Nuremberg, Germany Incident 1561 With the well documented evidence of the presence of flying saucers, aswell as other types of craft, and the presence of them in religious paintings dating back thousands of years it makes you wonder how long these things have been around. The following case is alleged to have happened in 1897 and so a well-documented investigation was performed and filmed by UFO Hunters. The extraterrestrial pilot from the crash is said to have been buried in the local cemetary. The UFO Hunters team found out after the investigation that the government had lied about the story of a UFO crashing into a windmill when they claimed that a windmill had never been in that area. However, this is not the earliest documented UFO sighting. The first ever documented UFO was actually sighted as early as 1561 in Nuremberg, Germany. See Wikipedia for a huge list of incidents, some of which are highy credible. You may want to investigate some of them yourself. The Nuremberg, Germany Incident is unusual in that it was a mass sighting that lasted for a whole hour and was described as a battle in the sky which ended with a large crash and smoke outside the city. No kind of natural phenomenon, including sun dogs, explains the phenomena. It seems rather similar to the 1942 Battle: Los Angeles Incident which has been kept very quiet up until the recent release of the movie Battle: LA. Flying Saucers In Religion With all the testimonial evidence around and the high levels of radiation left behind by flying saucers it's certain that there is definitely something going on. As already stated, these incidents date back to as early as 1561 and the above investigation proves that something did also indeed happen in 1897. So how far back through religion can these flying saucers be traced? Ancient paintings may be of some use. A mysterious image dating from 1710 clearly shows a flying saucer in the sky with what looks like beams of light being emitted towards Earth. Clearly some kind of advanced or maybe even holographic technology was being used thousands of years ago. Source: John The Baptist And Jesus 1710 by Aert De Gelder A painting from the 14th century also clearly shows some kind of flying saucer in the sky being lit up and emanating beams of light. Source: Madonna And Child 14th Century A famous painting from 1350 of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ also mysteriously depicts flying objects with humanoid beings sat inside them. Source: The Crucifixion 1350 The above-mentioned paintings are literally just the tip of the iceberg, there are plenty more that can be investigated dating back thousands of years. In fact, there are plenty of indications of some kind of extraterrestrial life throughout history and even contained within ancient scriptures and depicted in ancient diagrams varying from several different religions. Egyptian heiroglyphics are full of references to extraterrestrials. With the abundance of evidence that seems to exist, it appears that flying saucers have actually been around a lot longer than we could have ever anticipated although it could be argued that this may be a result of time-travel.

Chapter 3

Alien Abduction & Technology Betty & Barney Hill 1961 The first case of alien abduction to be made widely known publicly was that of Betty and Barney Hill in 1961. The incident is also known as the Zeta Reticuli Incident which may be important as you will find out later. Under regressional hypnosis Betty drew a map of a star system which is now recognized as the binary star system Zeta Reticuli, though the information that was needed to determine this was not

available until the 1969 Gliese catalog was released some eight years later. The actual star map can be viewed here and Betty's drawing of the star map can be seen here. Betty claimed under hypnosis that she saw the starmap whilst she was aboard the extraterrestrial craft. The incident is significant in that both of them had unusual experiences that were uncovered during hypnosis seperately - neither of them knew what each other had said until after the sessions. Although it isn't the earliest recorded incident of alien abduction, it certainly is interesting. The earliest recorded case of alien abduction was actually by Elizabeth Klarer in 1956 in South Africa. Travis Walton 1975 The movie Fire In The Sky is based on this remarkable true-life incident. Five people witnessed the UFO athough only four are depicted in the movie to make it less confusing. Travis Walton was abducted and genuinely went missing for five consecutive days. All witnesses passed polygraph tests and Walton is known to have passed five polygraphs in the past and continues to do so. The incident was clearly highly traumatic for Travis. Is it also a coincidence that Travis and his co-workers were loggers cutting down trees after what was said by the little girl involved in the Ruwa Incident in 1994? If what the little girl said is true then I seriously doubt that extraterrestrials would appreciate what loggers are doing. Battle Los Angeles 1942 Although some people believe that the Battle Los Angeles incident of 1942 was fictional, it was actually well document in newspaper LA Times. An unkown object appeared in the skies, there was a blackout and the 37th Coast Artillery Brigade fired over 1400 shells at the object which appeared to cause no damage. Three people died from a heart attack from stress during the hour-long bombardment of the object and civilians were injured by friendly fire. Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox put the incident down to 'war nerves' and said it was a 'false alarm'. The cases I've presented so far are just a fraction of the amount that exist. There are goverment documents in existe,nce not only relating to unidentified flying object phenomena, but also to the mysterious cattle abductions and even a severe human mutilation. Crop circles are another verifiable phenomena despite two youths claiming to have came up with the idea. Some of them are indeed hoaxes whilst some them are genuine and show high levels of radiation plus alterations to the genetic make-up of the crops. Genuine crop circles are often rapidly swept under the carpet and under the radar of the public's perception. Government documents are currently being released, in the UK leading up to 2012. Thousands of documents have already been declassified and made public by MoD, FBI, CIA and NSA. In fact, as I mentioned earlier in this investigation some countries have already had full disclosure of what their government know, most notably Ecuador. However, rather than delving into documents at this point I would rather present to you the extremely interesting and highly intriguing case of an extraordinary gentleman named Bob Lazar. Robert Lazar When Bob Lazar first came forward in 1989 he did it anonymously under the pseudonym Dennis. His face was blacked out and he appeared on video as a shadowy figure claiming to have worked at S4, Area 51 on reverse engineering flying saucers. After reading his briefing documents and talking to people he concluded that the vehicles originated from the Zeta Reticuli binary star system which is 39 lightyears away. The actual name Zeta Reticuli is interesting in that the word Zeta means zero-point (capable of being but not yet in existence) and the word reticuli comes from reticulum which means network or a netlike formation. Therefore the name Zeta Reticuli actually translates to 'Zero-point Network'. What's interesting about Lazar's story is that if it is indeed true then it backs up the statement of alien abductee Betty Hill who drew a map of the Zeta Reticuli star system under regressional hypnosis nearly eight years before the star system was officially recognized in the 1969 Gliese Catalog, which was then used by Marjorie Fisher to determine which star system Betty had drawn. Not only that but it also backs up the claims and adds credibility to many others just like him that have come forward. Bob Lazar has also passed polygraph testing (lie detector) on the subject and one thing is for certain, he firmly believes

that what he is saying is the truth. Soon after Lazar came forward there were not only attempts made on his life but there was also an attempt to wipe out his background credentials to discredit him which can be and have been proven. Lazar is not stupid, he got someone else to check up on his background before going public knowing that something like this was inevitably going to happen. He has had nothing but trouble ever since coming forward and discourages others from doing so as a result, he wishes he had kept his mouth shut. How Extraterrestrial Technology Works Lazar claims that he was employed to work on reverse engineering extraterrestrial spacecraft. He claimed back in 1989 that flying saucers use Element 115, a chemical called Unumpentium which, at the time, had not been added to the periodic table. Government officials at the time claimed that Lazar was lying and that Element 115 did not exist and that his theory didn't quite make sense. However, Unumpentium (element 115) was officially announced and added to the periodic table with the properies Lazar described in 2003, some 14 years later. He says he originally believed the flying discs were man-made but after studying the discs and the breifing documents came to the conclusion that they must be extraterrestrial in origin. Stanton Friedman is known to have performed a thorough investigation and debunking of Lazar's claims but a little bit of research shows that some of Friedman's claims can be proven incorrect. One such claim is that when Friedman contacted Los Alomos National Laborotory to find out about Lazar's employment history they said that they had no record of him. However, when a 1982 phonebook was retrieved from the lab Robert Lazar's name was indeed there on the list as an employed technician alongside the names of many other scientists. In addition there was already an article in a 1982 Los Alomos newspaper about Lazar which profiled him as working at Los Alomos Labs as a physicist. This is an interesting case because Stanton Friedman is actually a very highly respected nuclear physicist and UFO researcher with a strong reputation. However, whenever someone high up in the government comes forward with corroborating information Friedman seems to be there waiting, ready to debunk them just as he did with Colonel Philip J Corso (The Day After Roswell). Corso is also more credible than Friedman is willing to admit. When Lazar was working at S4 he invited three of his friends, John Lear (pilot), Gene Huff and George Knapp to go and watch the discs fly. He knew the times they were being tested so he clearly had inside information. Lear and Huff have speculated that maybe the government employed him for the job because "he would be the worst guy in the world to make up a lie and try and perpetuate a lie. He's too busy being productive doing other things" and "it was who they could probably discredit the easiest, if he said anything about it". Robert Lazar certainly is just as productive as Lear and Huff claim, videos can be found on Youtube of him demonstrating ways of producing antigravity and free energy and he also drives a car that runs on hydrogen which can also be viewed on Youtube. He also owns and runs United Nuclear, a global supplier of chemicals. Lazar has been interviewed by Dr Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project, an organization that has over 450 military and government officials willing to testify to the existence of advanced extraterrestrial life and zero-point energy technology and to provide documented evidence of these claims. If advanced extraterrestrial life does indeed exist which, given the statistics and the evidence, seems highly probable and we have been reverse engineering their technology for decades as Robert Lazar claims then that backs up the statements of many others just like him. Bob Lazar has been proven to be genuine. The binary star system Zeta Reticuli (meaning Zero-Point Network) is estimated to be between 1-3 Billion years older than our sun therefore it is likely that any life that may originate from there could have had billions of years ahead of us in evolution and would therefore be much more advanced both technologically and spiritually than us. Some people argue that because Zeta Reticuli is 39 lightyears away it would be impossible to travel that far through the stars faster than the speed of light because any sharp manoevres to avoid obstacles would result in implosion from the G-force. However, as Bob explains, when you're actually inside the craft it doesn't affect you like that due to the way that the saucers manipulate the gravity surrounding the craft. Colonel Philip J Corso claims the exact same thing and so do many others. This is another important point as you will see later on. I would also like to point out that,

although it seems far fetched, teleportation is actually a naturally occurring phenomena on Earth that happens within molecules. In fact, scientists have recently successfully managed to teleport information contained within particles. A Quick Summary So far we've covered the story of logger Travis Walton who was abducted by aliens after cutting down trees, learnt about the star map sketched by Betty Hill which coincides with a government whistleblowers testimony, heard testimonies from 62 Zimbabwean school children who were told telepathically by aliens that they don't like us cutting trees down, covered the evidence of the reality of flying saucers and the high levels of radiation they leave behind aswell as the damage they cause to the health of witnesses, pointed out a law relating to extraterrestrials and their vehicles, seen flying saucers being used as holographic technology in religious paintings that are thousands of years old and heard the testimony of a government whistleblower who has had his history deleted yet he can be proven to be credible. That's quite a lot of evidence but it's only just the beginning. It's also important to bear in mind that the children in Zimbabwe had not been subject to information about UFOs and ET's via mainstream media. Lt Colonel Philip J Corso Out of all the whistleblowers that have ever come forward Colonel Philip J Corso is the highest ranked and the most respected out of all of them. Some people believe him to be an outright liar and indeed his story was heavily debunked, once again, by Stanton Friedman. However, just as Lazar's 'debunking' was debunked, so too was the 'debunking' of Philip J Corso by no more than Dr Michael E. Salla who proved that Corso is a lot more credible than Friedman is yet again willing to admit. Corso became the head of the Foreign Technology Desk at the Pentagon during his assignent as Special Assistant to Lt General Arthur Trudeau who was the head of Army Research and Development. Corso also served as a staff member to President Eisenhower's National Security Council. Corso claims, during the two years he worked there, that he distributed to corporations foreign technologies that were actually extraterrestrial in origin. Integrated circuit boards, fiber optics, night vision, super tenacity fibers and lasers were all reverse engineered from crashed extraterrestrial craft according to Corso. The companies were not supposed to know where the technology came from, it was covertly injected into society via the corporations. Corso claims that these technologies were back engineered from the famous Roswell crash in 1947. However, what's really interesting is that we already know that saucer crashes date back a lot earlier than 1947. Corso wrote a book regarding his claims entitled The Day After Roswell. The History Of Alien Technology & Corso's Debunking Debunked If we take a look at the official documented history of the inventions that Colonel Corso claims came from Roswell, it does on the face of things seem like he may be lying. Scientists were working on fiber optics as early as the 1800s (or so we are led to believe). However, we have already seen evidence that UFO crashes occurred as early as 1561 therefore it's a possibility that fiber optics had already been retrieved from earlier crashes and that the Roswell crash may have resulted in a breakthrough in the field of fiber optics.allowing it to become a part of Earth technology. Maybe fiber optics had actually been retrieved from flying saucers as eary as the 1800s given the fact that we know about a cover-up in 1897. As many people have stated before, whoever wins the war gets to rewrite history. History as we know it could all just be lies, just look at Michael Jackson. Despite Stanton Friedman's heavy debunking of Corso's claims, there is generally no reason not to believe Corso. He had top secret clearance at the Pentagon and is the highest ranking and most highly respected man to ever come forward. Friedman's debunking of Corso and an in-depth thorough investigation of Corso's claims was carried out by Dr Michael E. Salla who concludes that Colonel Philip J Corso was indeed a highly prestigious and credible source and that his claims should be taken seriously. After all, why would an 80-year old man of Corso's calibre want to deceive his own grandchildren about such a thing?

Corso had nothing to lose and nothing to gain from his story, he just didn't want to take it to the grave with him. However, his story does beg the question that many people have been asking for the best part of the last 60 years. Did a flying saucer really crash at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 and were there really extraterrestrial beings onboard? Does that question even really need to be asked any more? Maybe we should take a closer look at the claims of the other people that were directly involved with the Roswell crash. The Day After Roswell The full book, The Day After Roswell by Colonel Philip J Corso, can be read online here. In it, Corso explains in fine detail and with much precision many facts which couldn't be be verified until well after his death at the age of 83 in 1998. Rather convincingly, Colonel Corso explains how a government was set up within the government in order to maintain a veil of secrecy from presidential administrations, how documents and projects relating to the extraterrestrial phenomenon were broken down and compartmentalized and how disclosure was used as a cover-up and a cover-up used as disclosure under the administration of President Truman. The thousands of pages of documents that have been declassified recently confirm exactly what Corso claimed. Corso also mentions the names of many other people involved who also confirm his story. In addition, during his career Colonel Corso was heavily affiliated with General Twining whose descriptive reports coincide with the descriptions given by Robert Lazar. The story is a fascinating one which nobody would be capable of fabricating so elaborately. Anyone that has read the book, The Day After Roswell by Lt Colonel Philip J Corso, knows about Corso's claims of actually seeing first-hand an alien body, how he took part in setting up a government within the government to provide a layer of secrecy impenetrable by presidental administrations and distributing extraterrestrial technologies to the relevant industrial corporations via black projects. Corso's claims coincide with the claims of many other whistleblowers including Robert Lazar and he also names many other people involved throughout his book who can verify his claims. Just as is the case with Robert Lazar, Colonel Philip Corso has also been proven to be genuine (despite being subject to one of Stanton Friedman's common-place debunkings) and is one of the men that took part in setting up a secret government which President Eisenhower warned in 1961 was becoming a dominant threat spiralling out of governmental control. This secret government has indeed grown over the decades and has become somewhat of a secret society that has control over the government and global corporations. President Eisenhower's famous 1961 speech regarding the military-industrial-complex is no coincidence and is exactly what Colonel Corso claimed to be partly responsible for. Corso's ultimate claims are that the extraterrestrial presence poses a very real threat to Earth (in the form of alien abductions, cattle mutilations and shutdown of security installations) which we would not be protected against if it wasn't for President Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative. For corroborating evidence of Lazar's and Corso's claims we should take a closer look at speeches made by these two US presidents. Bear in mind that Colonel Corso was actually a staff member of President Eisenhower's National Security Council. As claimed by Corso disclosure was being used a cover-up and a cover-up was being used as disclosure. Public desensitization was needed before any disclosure of any kind could take place after the public's reaction to the 1938 radio broadcast of War Of The Worlds by HG Wells. The Orson Welles radio broadcast caused mass panic and given the fact that UFO crashes as early as 1897 had been covered up it's possible that War Of The Worlds itself was a test to see how the public would react to such information, especially considering the way it was broadcast leading the public to think it was a reality and that fact that it was released the following year. President Ronald Reagan actually made no less than five speeches where he spoke of a potential alien threat to the world. There are also other presidents involved in the UFO and extraterrestrial cover-up who I'll take a closer look at later. Back To Roswell If indeed an extraterrestrial spacecraft did actually crash in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 then you can be certain that by 2011, some 64 years later, that others would have come forward to confirm the reality and indeed they have - plenty of them. All their stories coincide with each other. Even Jesse Marcel who

actually handled the material crashed at Roswell first-hand claims that the metal found had unusual and exotic physical properties and believed that the real information was being suppressed by the military. With Corso's claims of actually being part of that military cover-up and the speeches made by Presidents Eisenhower and Reagan it's obvious that Marcel was probably right. So who else confirms that Roswell was a reality? The astoundingly overwheming amount of people that have come forward to reveal the truth about Roswell is simply too great to go into here and too great to ignore. However, witness accounts and eyewitness testimonies of the Roswell incident can be viewed here. The reality is undeniable. Expolitics One government official who was affected by Corso's book took it upon himself to perform further investigation by speaking directly with people involved such as alien abuctees Travis Walton and Jim Sparks, Colonel Charles Halt of The Rendlesham Forest incident and Nick Pope formerly of MoD (Ministry of Defense) is the former Defense Minister of Canada Paul Hellyer, who had also received reports on UFO sightings whilst working for the government. In 2010 Paul Hellyer made the following speech at an Expolitics conference at the National Press Club (NPC) where he chastised America for taking a 'shoot-first-ask-questions-later' attitude towards extraterrestrial craft and for using their own technology against them before telling America it's about time they disclosed the truth to the public. Note what Mr Hellyer says about the physical effects caused by flying saucers. Extraterrestrial Technology Paul Hellyer also made the following emotionally touching speech about how extraterrestrial technology which has been suppressed could be used to resolve many of the social and political issues in the world. Listen very carefully to what Mr Hellyer says about President Eisenhower's above speech in 1961 and how Nelson Rockefeller was involved in suppressing the truth. So who else has come forward to say that this extraterrestrial technology genuinely exists? If it's true that the military did indeed get their hands on extraterrestrial spacecraft then not only would they want to reverse-engineer components such as integrated circuit boards and night-vision but it's highly likely they would want to back-engineer the entire vehicle just as Robert Lazar claims. US Presidents In relation to the speeches made by President Eisenhower and President Reagan, research shows that John F. Kennedy was about to disclose the reality of the UFO presence before he was assassinated in 1963. A letter dated 12 November 1963 to the head of the CIA, just ten days before his death, shows that Kennedy was requesting access to all UFO files that concerned national security. In addition, another document surfaced that had been sent to a NASA administrator which indicated that Kennedy wanted to co-operate with the former Soviet Union in relation to outer space affairs. It's no coincidence that John F Kennedy also warned of misplaced power in the speech below. In fact President Harry Truman had already confirmed flying saucers as a reality in a 1952 speech which can also be viewed below. In the third video President Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) speaks about his own UFO experience and how he managed to get related information released to the public. So Who Else Confirms These Claims According to sources at Mufon (Mutual UFO Network), in a shocking deathbed confession in 1995, former CEO of Lockheed SkunkWorks (manufacturer of military stealth aircraft) Ben Rich admitted that they were in possession of and had been reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology. Ben Rich was the man who originally said that the public should not be told about the extraterrestrial presence ever! The information was confirmed by Tom Keller, an aerospace engineer who previously worked for NASA as a computer system analyst for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laborotory. “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.” - Ben Rich 1995

Ben Rich also once claimed that he had designed an invisible aircraft which is actually not so outrageous a claim as you may think as you will soon find out. In fact, Ben Rich is not the only person from Lockheed Skunkworks who confirms the back engineering of extraterrestrial technology as a reality. CIA Contractor and Lockheed Skunkworks Engineer USAF Don Philips confirmed that Roswell was real, alien bodies were recovered and extraterrestrial technology was kept wrapped up in black projects while they reverse engineered it. If anybody knows the truth it's going to be these very highly credible people. Once again, Corso and Lazar's claims have been cofirmed by more highly credible and highly respected government officials. From Here To Andromeda In a film documentary entitled From Here To Andromeda, David Sereda discusses antigravity and extraterrestrial technology with a third source from Lockheed Skunkworks, Senior Research Scientist Boyd Bushman. During the discussion Bushman refers to the Lazar tapes, once again showing that Robert Lazar is indeed very credible despite having his background wiped out. In fact, Bushman gives a few secrets away whilst offering scientific explanations based on Einstein's Theory of Relativity. Not only that but Bushman actually hands over official government documents that confirm the government's first flying saucer which flew for the first time in 1969. I have provided the appropriate excerpts from the documentary. The documentary contains a lot of roleplay and bad acting but also contains some of the best evidence available whilst offering scientific explanations. Despite being several hours in length From Here To Andromeda is actually well worth watching. Sereda explains how, due to the way that flying saucers work, someone who is actually inside the saucer wouldn't be affected by g-force in the exact same way that Bob Lazar and others claimed. Protection Against The Extraterrestrial Threat Lt Colonel Philip J Corso's claims in his book, The Day After Roswell, coincide with the testimonies of all the whistleblowers that have come forward since his death in 1998 at the age of 83. According to Corso if it wasn't for President Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative ("Star Wars" program) the world wouldn't be protected against alien abductions, cattle multilations and intrusion of security facilities. Each phenomena remain unexplained mysteries to this day and now receive very little mainstream media exposure. Several thousand cows had been mutilated, certain organs and body parts had been removed with surgical precision and their blood had been removed. There was no evidence of footprints or any kind of human presence left behind. The way that organs were removed with such high precision still baffles scientists and forensic investigators today. Some eyewitnesses claim that they have seen cows being lifted into the air. In fact, it's not only 8,000 cows that have been found mutilated in such a way with such high surgical precision. One human victim of such a sadistic and disturbing mutliation was left in a coincidentally similar state. Summary So Far Fascinatingly, we've heard the claims of 62 school children in Ruwa, Zimbabwe who in 1994 witnessed a UFO land near their school grounds and received telepathic messages showing concern about the reduction of oxygen on the planet due to humans cutting down trees, Travis Walton who was abducted in 1975 after working as a logger cutting down trees, a school in Westall, Australia that witnessed a UFO landing, Cash and Landrum who suffered damage to their health from ionizing radiation after witnessing a UFO, Betty Hill who drew a star map of Zeta Reticuli after being abducted in 1961 which couldn't be recognized until 1969 (and was figured out by Marjorie Fisher in 1973), Robert Lazar who claimed he worked at S4, Area 51 reverse engineering alien technology originating from Zeta Reticuli and who has been proven to be genuine and seen evidence of flying saucers being used as holographic technology in religious paintings that are thousands of years old. Not only that, but we've also heard about The Rendlesham Forest incident which was witnessed by USAF Charles Halt, seen evidence of a cover-up of UFO crashes as early as 1897 aswell as details of a battle in the sky in 1561, read the details of the 1942 Battle Los Angeles incident that was covered in newspaper LA Times, heard about the claims of Colonel Corso which coincide with the claims of Ben

Rich, Robert Lazar and Don Philips, heard speeches from several US presidents regarding the UFO and extraterrestrial phenomena, seen the details of all the people that have come forward to confirm Roswell as a reality and heard a speech from the former Defense Minister of Canada. As if that isn't enough evidence even all the scientific claims of each scientist, researcher or government official involved all coincide with each other including the way that flying saucers work results in no G-force affecting people inside the craft and the reason for them seeming unstable when they fly is because they're always chasing a little distortion due to the way that they manipulate gravity. This can be seen in many, though not all, videos and should be looked out for to determine if the video is genuine or not. The fact is that, when having done enough research, credibility is not an issue. However, there's still a lot more research to be done and a lot more people involved.

Chapter 4

Government Documents So what official evidence is there that any of this is real? Well, anyone who has managed to find the time to scour through the declassified FBI documents may have stumbled across several memos relating to flying discs and extraterrestrial beings. Fascinatingly, in the FBI Vault's UFO section in part 1 of 16 on page 22 a memo dated 8th July 1947 states: "A very serious situation may develop at any time with regard to the 'flying saucers'. If one of those should be attacked, the plane will almost certainly be destroyed. In the public mind this might create near panic and international suspicion." The memo also states: "1. Parts of the discs carry crews, others are under remote control. 2. Their mission is peaceful. The visitors contemplate settling on this plane. 3. These visitors are human-like but much larger in size." In fact, the document goes on to reveal how flying saucers were being sighted and were a concern well before the crash at Roswell in 1947. In relation to the extraterrestrial biological entities the document goes on to state: 4. They are not excarnate Earth people, but come from their own world. 5. They do not come from any 'planets' as we use the word but from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us. 6. The bodies of the visitors, and the craft also, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter. The document appears to have been signed and verified by FBI staff and as you may have noticed, other documents such as the Majestic-12 documents (which I'll get into soon) have been marked 'bogus'. The memo reveals more information about the penomena: "7. The disks possess a type of radiant energy, or a ray, which will easily disintegrate any attacking ship. They re-enter the etheric at will, and so simply disappear from our vision, without trace. 8. The region from which they come is NOT the 'astral plane' but corresponds to the Lokas or Talas. Students of esoteric matters will understand these terms.

9. They probably cannot be reached by radio, but probably can be by radar, if a signal system can be devised for that." Coincidentally, some of the claims of the document coincide with the claims that Colonel Corso makes in his book The Day After Roswell about radar signals interfering with the flying saucers, aswell as coinciding with the claims of many US Air Force pilots. Materialization also explains how the alien abduction which is commonly passed off as sleep paralysis could occur. However, there is an inconsistency - according to the memo these visitors come in peace and contemplate living among us and therefore it seems unlikely that they would be responsible for alien abductions and cattle mutilations. Maybe these two subjects require further inspection and could be the result of a different culprit, maybe not. Further FBI documents show how the FBI were also concerned that information about the UFO phenomena was being leaked to the public and could have caused mass panic. The introduction of the memo explains how this information had actually been 'channelled' to someone although their name has been blacked out and there is no indication as to the source of where the information actually came from. However, after thorough investigation it does seem like this information may have came from a very interesting man called George Adamski who I'll take a look at later, the dates seem to coincide. Adamski's case is one that is impossible to debunk as you will see. What's interesting about this is that several CIA and NSA ex-employees and whistleblowers claim that they were employed as channellers of information (amongst other claims). More about this later. FBI Special Agent Guy Hottel Although it was suggested by Dr Bruce Maccabee to be a hoax related to the Silas Newton scam, a 1950 memo written by Special Agent Guy Hottel of the Washington field to the director of the FBI states: "An investigator for the Air Forces stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico. They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots." However, the document is not included in the declassified FBI files relating to the Silas Newton hoax and in fact, the Silas Newton documents seem to make no reference to it whatsoever. The 1950 memo has actually been placed under the category of Unexplained Phenomenon therefore it's more likely to be either be genuine or inconclusive. The document was also presented as evidence at the Disclosure Project conference at the National Press Club (NPC) in Washington, 2001. The fact that the FBI has such documents in their archives shows how seriously they were willing to accept the possibility of a real extraterrestrial presence. Mutilations In actual fact it's not only cows that have been abducted and mutilated. Coincidentally, the cattle mutilations that had occurred between 1976-1978 were near Dulce, New Mexico where there is an alleged underground base housing aliens which is simply known as the Dulce underground base. Philip Schneider is one man who claims to have worked on engineering underground bases for the government and has an unusual story to tell. More about Phil later. Nick Pope, formerly of UK's Ministry of Defense (MoD) also confirmed that animal mutilations had also taken place in UK. In 1994 the most disturbing and sadistic human mutilation occurred whereby a man was subject to extreme levels of torture and was abducted and mutilated in an identical way to the ways that cattle had been mutilated during the seventies. The same organs had been removed and there was no blood. His left eye and eyelid had been removed, his left ear had been removed, the left side of his lips had been removed and the left side of his jaw and jawbone had been removed all with surgical precision. There was no blood whatsoever. It was concluded that his organs had been removed while he was still alive.

John Lear, a highly experienced US Air Force pilot claims that human mutilations are actually more common than we have been led to believe. More about John Lear later. At this point we should also remember that this is what Colonel Corso claims President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiaitive was set up to protect against. Majestic-12 Although, as previously mentioned, Stanton Friedman has been known to perform thorough and rather harsh debunkings of people who have then been proven to be credible, Friedman did make one very important relevant discovery regarding the Majestic-12 (MJ12) documents and decided to do some further investigation. The Majestic-12 documents are alleged to have leaked but remain classified and now appear to be more credible than previously believed despite the FBI marking them as 'bogus'. Remember that in this investigation carried out Dr Michael E. Salla there are official documents in existence relating to Corso's involvement with MJ12 which also proves that Majestic-12 is a reality. Do we really any more evidence that Colonel Corso was telling the truth? With all the activity happening on the ground regarding cattle abductions and human mutilations and all the controversy that was happening within the government maybe at this point we should turn to our astronauts and pilots. However, before we do that lets take a look at what the MoD (Ministry of Defense) have to say about Majestic-12. Regarding a memo written by Robert Cutler to General Nathan Twining (who Colonel Corso claims to have been heavily involved with) from July 1954, the MoD claim there are a number of inconsistencies: The document was located in Record Group 341, entry 267. The series is filed by a Top Secret register number. This document does not bear such a number. The document is filed in the folder T4-1846. There are no other documents in the folder regarding "NSC/MJ-12." Researchers on the staff of the National Archives have searched in the records of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs on Staff, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, and in other related files. No further information has been found on this subject. Inquiries to the U.S. Air Force, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the National Security Council failed to produce further information. The Freedom of Information Office of the National Security Council informed the National Archives that "Top Secret Restricted Information" is a marking which did not come into use at the National Security Council until the Nixon Administration. The Eisenhower Presidential Library also confirm that this particular marking was not used during the Eisenhower Administration. In fact, the MoD bring up several more issues. Amazingly and once again, the information fits in perfectly with Colonel Corso's claims with point 5 being the most relevant. It also shows how information regarding Majestic-12 was elaborately compartmentalized and hidden from governments. It seems that Colonel Corso is impossible to discredit, his claims tie in with all the other information that has become available. What we need to remember is that the people who write these documents are government officials, so when government officials come forward to speak the truth we should definitely take them seriously. If they didn't want information being leaked out then they would most certainly not leave a paper trail behind and if they did leave any trace of evidence behind they would simply discredit it as a hoax. Neil Armstrong & Buzz Aldrin Neil Armstrong, 1st man on the moon, once said in an interview at a NASA symposium, that him and Buzz Aldrin were being watched all the time they were on the moon and that there was no question of a space station after being 'warned off'. When the interviewer asked what he meant by 'warned off' Armstrong stated "I can't go into detail, except to say that their ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology, boy they were big... and menacing". Armstrong later denied ever saying it. According to

Dr Vladimir Azhazha a message was relayed to Mission Control stating that two objects were watching them after landing near the moon module. In addition, according to Dr Aleksandr Kasantsev, Buzz Aldrin took colour footage of the UFO's from both inside and outside of the module. Neil Armstrong did confirm that the story was true but wouldn't go into any further detail beyond admitting that the CIA was reponsible for the cover-up. Armstrong is also known to have made the cryptic speech in the video alongside where he states that there are breakthroughs available to those that can strip away one of truths protective layers. As you can see in the second video, 2nd man on the moon Buzz Aldrin talks openly about his experiences with UFOs. Edgar Mitchell & Gordon Cooper Armstrong and Aldrin are not the only astronauts to have openly spoken about the UFO pheomena. Edgar Mitchell, 6th man on the moon, says he knows that we have been visited by advanced extraterrestrial intelligence and that the goverments have been covering it up and Gordon Cooper claims to have actually taken footage of a flying saucer land in front of him which was sent off for analysis never to be seen again. Although Ed Mitchell isn't taking part in Dr Steven Greer's Disclosure Project (more on this later), he is taking part in the disclosure movement and made the speech alongside at the National Press Club where he speaks the truth about Roswell and extraterrestrial existence. Mitchell also mentions Cooper's disappearing footage in the questions and answers session at the end. Back To Rendlesham Forest In September 2010 Lt Charles Halt of US Air Force provided testimony regarding the UK's most significant event, the Rendlesham Forest incident (also known as the Bentwaters incident) that I mentioned earlier in this investigation. Halt explains how the incident was downplayed and how the incident was explained in conventional terms despite the reality. The clip also contains information from USAF Robert Jamison. Halt explains how minimal information was included in the official documentation. Also note how Halt claims the only related document they had when the FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) was introduced was an onionskin document, after what was discovered earlier about the MoD's investigation into the Majestic-12 document. UFOs As Advanced Technology Unidentified Submerged Objects (USOs) In addition to his claims of dealing with extraterrestrial technology and entities, in his book The Day After Roswell, Colonel Corso claims that UFOs also travel underwater and can dive into the sea without causing so much as a splash. Indeed more and more people are beginning to realize and report this related phenomena and have attributed it to the lost city of Atlantis. Extraordinary evidence is presented in the video including multiple witness accounts. Although not official documented by the government USO's have actually been seen in Malta as early as 1845. In 1993 Dr Steven Greer started the Disclosure Project, a non-profit organization aimed at disclosing the reality of advanced extraterrestrial intelligence and zero-point (free energy) technology to the public. Although Greer has a different set of opinions to many others involved in the UFO and extraterrestrial phenomenon, the Disclosure Project is still going strong and seems to be working, albeit very gradually. In 2001 over 400 military and government witnesses came forward to provide testimonial evidence to the existence of advanced extraterrestrial life and technologies. All participants were given immunity from legal action so that they could speak openly. Some shocking revelations were made at the conference. Ever since 1993 Dr Steven Greer has been working on the Disclosure Project. In 2001 40 military personnel and government officials came forward to make statements to testify to the existence of advanced technology and extraterrestrial life. In total, over 450 government officials and military personnel are taking part in the Disclosure Project. Many officials have now been briefed by Greer on the subject and I believe that includes the Obama administration. I think it's relevant at this point to mention that an investigation documentary that I watched recently indicated that they had retrieved a book from the US Air Force that referred to four different species of advanced extraterrestrial intelligence. It makes sense that if there's one species of advanced extraterrestrial intelligence out there in the cosmos then

there are probably more. John Lear John Lear US Air Force pilot tells a fascinating story and describes what he thinks is really going on. Some of his claims are extraordinary but he also offers some good advice and interesting information. After more thorough research Lear is actually hard to be proven credible, maybe he's had his background wiped out like so many others, maybe not. I mentioned above how a US Air Force document referred to four different species of advanced extraterrestrial intelligence. John Lear claims there are more who are monitoring our planet. Some people consider Lear to be a crackpot. Who knows? Robert Lazar, that's who. It seems that Lazar and Lear are actually very good friends and Lear was one of the people that Lazar had invited to go and watch a saucer fly when it was being tested. Also note how Lear claims there is an atmosphere on the moon just as claimed in the Adamski video. After watching the John Lear video you may have learned that Lear believes there are eighteen species of extraterrestrial monitoring planet Earth. Whilst that may seem difficult to believe it's by far not the only unbelievable statement that has been made. If there really are several species of advanced extraterrestrial intelligence out there then who better to turn to for information on this subject than 450 military personnel and government officials, the people who actually write the documents? Before we do that let's take a look at the testimony of one man who claims to have shot two alien greys in 1979 whilst working on the Dulce underground base. Schneider was found dead soon after with a piano string wrapped around his neck. Although official reports said it was suicide Schneider claimed before his death that he would never do that and told people that if it did happen then they can be sure it was a set up. Carl Wolf At The Disclosure Project conference Carl Wolf, who worked as an engineer at NASA told how they had found a base on the back side of the moon and talked about how NASA regularly airbrush out images that they don't want the public seeing, a statement that was backed up by Donna Hare. One testimony provided by retired Seargant First Class Clifford Stone has produced mass controversy over the internet. Stone claims to have been part of a military group responsible for the recovery of crashed flying saucers and their occupants. Although Stone has had his history wiped out, just as have many others, he can still be proven credible via his army number and the photos he has of himself twenty years younger wearing a Seargant's uniform. Clifford Stone has also been interviewed by Project Camelot where he claims to have actually helped an alien entity escape. Stone claims that by 1989 the US military had catalogued 57 different species of humanoid extraterrestrial. Hacking The Pentagon One man who wanted to see solid evidence of the truth behind the Disclosure Project is UK citizen and Asperger's Syndrome sufferer Gary McKinnon. Gary hacked into computer systems owned by NASA, US Army, DoD (Department of Defense) and more in search of proof of their claims. Gary claims to have found two folders named 'raw' and 'filtered' indicating that NASA do indeed airbrush images out of their photographs before going public, just as claimed by Donna Hare. Gary also claims to have seen a high quality image of a cigar shaped object with geodesic domes either side, above and below suspended above the northern hemisphere, he claims the object has none of the riveting usually associated with man-made manufacturing. He also found a list of terrestrial and non-terrestrial officers and documents relating to fleet-to-fleet transfers. Let's go over the most significant discoveries so far: * It was stated on UK BBC television (after the release of another 9,000 documents) that UFO's are highly likely to be extraterrestrial craft with propulsion systems way more advanced than ours. * The Vatican opened their doors to the idea of extraterrestrial existence.

* UFO crashes have been covered up by governments since at least 1897. * Flying saucers and holographic technology are depicted in many paintings that are thousands of years old. * Betty Hill's star map of Zeta Reticuli, the binary star system, couldn't be deciphered until 1969, some eight years later but wasn't realized until 1971. * Alien abduction also happens to pilots in the skies. * Bob Lazar, Lt Colonel Philip Corso, Boyd Bushman, Tom Keller and many other people have proven each other credible and provided corroborating evidence of the reverse engineering of extraterrestrial technology. * Roswell was real and any information that ever comes forward always seems to confirm Corso's claims. * Extraterrestrial technology has been captured and reverse engineered by both Germany and USA. Sources from Lockheed Skunkworks have confirmed this in the US. * Several presidents have spoken about UFO's and extraterrestrials and have confirmed Corso's claims. * Both the MoD (Ministry of Defense) and Stanton Friedman proved Majestic-12 is real. * There are US laws relating to extraterrestrials and their vehicles. * A book from the US Air Force confirms there were at least four known species of extraterrestrial by the 1950s. * George Adamski had accurate photographs of the moon except they were showing trees and an atmosphere before Neil Armstrong had even been there. * Over 450 military and government officials have testified to the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence and zero-point energy systems. Thousands have come forward additionally. If guilty of perjury they could face up to 25 years in prison. * Media companies were told to ridicule the subject by incorporating little green men into cartoons whilst a cover-up was used as disclosure and disclosure was used as a cover-up. * Many declassified documents refer to UFO's and extraterrestrials and also show how the subject was kept quiet and policies were introduced to ridicule the subject publicly.

* Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper have all confirmed the reality (though Armstrong later denied it). * Gary McKinnon hacked into computers owned by US Army, US Air Force, DoD (Department Of Defense) and NASA. On NASA's systems he found evidence that they airbrush their images, a list of terrestrial and non-terrestrial officers and a cigar-shaped object above the northern hemisphere he claims is not man-made. NASA NASA have said all along that they do not track UFO's. They have been known to pass off unexplained phenomena as dust or ice particles or space debris just as they did with the (coincidental?) flying saucers in the tether overload incident - even though the tether was 12 miles long and the saucers were passing behind it. However, Martyn Stubbs is known to be in possession of thousands of hours of NASA TV footage that he recorded and has many many clips of UFO's plus transmissions that were recorded live. But have NASA since decided to start being a little more honest with us? Check the video to the right. Recent rumours suggest that NASA have already been told that they are to eventually announce the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence but they don't feel the general public are quite ready just yet. Is it just coincidence that on 18th August 2011 NASA revealed a speculative report regarding extraterrestrials and the possibility of contact which was picked up by Jamie Maussan in the video below? The issue has been highly dramatized in the video admittedly but the move is certainly interesting. It has been said that this report is a way to prepare humanity for upcoming disclosure - a desensitization program is in place. Super Earths Very recently it was announced that another 16 super Earths had been discovered. The most significant planet is HD95512b which orbits a star that is part of a binary star system. The planet lies in the goldilocks zone and is capable of harboring life. Scientists believe that if human life has evolved on this planet then they are likely to be shorter due to the planet's larger mass and stronger force of gravity. Interestingly it was also admitted that researchers had been studying the planet for 10 years before it was publicly announced meaning that they actually discovered it in 2001. Given the fact that two of the proponents of the building blocks that make up DNA were recently discovered on meteors it's likely that life on those other Earth-like planets could be very similar to how it is here on Earth. Could Noah's Ark have been a DNA bank? Gliese 581c is another Earth-like planet that lies in the goldilocks zone. Life could be everywhere in the universe. Back To The Documents - Majestic-12 Let's take a closer look at the Majestic-12 document that Stanton Friedman proved was real in the video in Part 9. This is a very revealing document indeed. The full document can be seen in full here and was written by Corso's 'partner in crime' General Twining. * The document refers to a crash and retreiveal of alien bodies that took place in 1941. The incident turned out to be true. * It states that there has been no evidence of hostile behaviour or intent by the visitors. Clearly there is a different culprit behind cattle/human mutilation but what about alien abduction? * It says that of the 1200 UFO reports since 1942, about 200 of them have proven to be craft of unknown origin travelling at speeds in excess of 1200MPH.

* The document states it is unknown if the occupants had the intention of exploration out of curiosity or the intention of surveying for some other reason. No hostile action has been taken by them (except for shutting down nuclear weapons if that can be considered hostile). * The craft are not designed for flight in our atmosphere and lack conventional features such as wings, fuselage, air intake, exhaust and fuel system. * The occupants mimic the features of orientals and appear human-like except for one feature (blanked out) that supports the theory they are extraterrestrial in origin. * Flat panels of unknown metal were found and were associated with control of the device. It was not known how they operated. The Majestic-12 document is dated 9th July 1947 and coincides with the crash and recovery of the flying saucer at Roswell. It shows how the discovered vehicle was compared to the vehicle recovered in 1941 and how they were determined to be extraterrestrial in origin, as were the occupants. It also goes into detail about the advanced scientific knowledge outside the capability of our own and interplanetary space flight. It is unkown whether the pilots were affected by high levels of radiation or affected by Earth's atmosphere resulting in the crashes. So if Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars) was set up to protect against cattle and human mutilations yet aliens are not hostile then who is the culprit? I would have to put it down to the military experimenting with their captured extraterrestrial technology. I suspect that many alien abductions are also a result of this including psychotronic interference. However, it also seems that several abduction witnesses and contactees are genuine. General Ramey's Memo So what other 'unofficial but proven' evidence do we have? The picture to the right depicts General Ramey holding a memo after the crash and recovery in Roswell in 1947. Maybe unwittingly the memo is being held with the text facing the camera. Upon zooming in on this memo and remastering the quality it turns out that the memo refers to a crashed 'disc' and it's occupants. The document also states how a 'weather balloon' story should be used to cover up the incident and that weather balloon radar target demonstrations should be added to make the cover story more believable. Declassified Documents In actual fact disclosure has already started and is still happening now. In UK MoD plan to release all of their UFO files gradually leading up to 2012. As previously mentioned FBI, NSA, MoD and CIA have all released UFO documents. In fact, one declassified CIA document states that 20% of reported UFO's remain unexplained. It also shows that the government were worried about public concern regarding flying saucers and as the Majestic-12 document shows there were also concerns about the political, social and religious aspects of releasing such information to the public. Another document written by former head of FBI J. Edgar Hoover dated 1947 reveals how the US Air Force had recovered a flying saucer and wouldn't let them have it. Another document from the Air Material Command declassified by MoD states that the UFO phenomena is something real and not visionary or fictitious. The documents show that flying saucers are very real and that they were taken very seriously and kept very secret. In fact, other official documents show how certain information was intentionally leaked to gradually desensitize the public to the reality of extraterrestrials. Openly admitting their presence could have caused a feeling of impending doom resulting in all sorts of mayhem and panic. After the panic caused by the War Of The Worlds radio broadcast in 1938, openly admitting a real extraterrestrial presence could have had detrimental effects on the social, political and religious structure of the world and the need for secrecy is completely

understandable. Conclusion We are now in a time where a very real extraterrestrial presence, along with their advanced knowledge and technology, have been officially acknowledged and admitted by governments and there are official documents that prove it. Anyone who does not now accept the reality of an extraterrestrial presence are just simply not ready to open their minds yet. However, the only solid information to have been officially released confirms extraterrestrials and flying saucers are real but the information goes no further (yet). In conclusion, I expect that the images of 'alien greys' that we have been bombarded with increasingly over the decades are most likely very similar to the real thing. I do know personally that the two pictures of human-looking aliens that I used in this investigation are accurate, though I'm not currently willing to state how I know. In fact, Steven Spielberg has worked closely with victims of alien abduction and other witnesses while making several of his movies. It's true that science fiction writers get their ideas from real life and truth is definitely stranger than fiction. Whether there are 18 species of alien monitoring planet Earth or whether there are 57+ known species of humanoid extraterrestrial catalogued so far still remains speculation at this point. However, most of the rumours and claims up until this point have all pretty much checked out. I expect we'll find out the full story within the next year or two and I for one am really looking forward to it. Maybe John Lear's not such a crackpot after all. The truth is out there.

Chapter 5

Planet X / Niburu & The Suppression Of Information Looking to the skies not so along ago a huge bright star which has remained present ever since seemed to just appear from out of nowhere. The only star so clearly visible from the western world with the naked human eye was the planet Venus which seems to remain in it`s original place (Edit: Venus now seems to be shifting back and forth over periods of approximately 2 weeks). This new star is located in the opposite direction to Venus, much closer to the position of the moon at late evening. Whatever it is, this star has become the brightest star visible with the naked eye from the area in which I live on this planet and it has been noticed by many. It's even clearer and more visible than Jupiter. Jupiter still appears to be in it's original place, exactly where it is supposed to be. So what is this new star and where has it come from? (Edit: The star has now become extremely prominent to the point where it almost looks like it has entered our atmosphere(?)). Amateur astronomers all over the globe have been reporting the phenomenon, a second 'sun' or 'moon' visible in our skies seems to be being reported with plenty of videos being uploaded to Youtube. NASA have officially denied the existence of planet X or Nibiru, a planet that according to the Sumerians interpenetrates with our own solar system every approximately 3,600 years due to it's elliptical orbit. The gravitational pull of Nibiru is said to have a potentially devastating effect when it comes into contact with our solar system. Many people claim that Nibiru no longer exists so then why is it that NASA sent out a warning to all of their staff on 10th June 2011 advising them to make preparations in the case of some kind of natural disaster? The Sumerian Scripts The Sumerian Tablets explain how the Annunaki, who had advanced knowledge and technology, created the human race on Earth by splicing their genes with beings that already existed here. In fact, several religions, legends and myths tell tales of extraterrestrial beings that somehow intervened in the evolution of life on Earth. According to the mythology the Annunaki were advanced beings responsible for momuments on Earth, the moon and Mars. Humans of Earth were genetically altered in order to be

turned into slaves for the Gods/Annunaki who would then have us mining for gold amongst many other precious minerals. Many other religions and myths describe how atomic explosions and nuclear war had happened thousands of years ago. Could this be Nibiru that we are now seeing in our skies all over the world? Maldek Astronomer of the Department of Geophysics and Astronomy and also the Institute of Astronomy and Space Science at The University of British Colombia, Vancouver, Professor Michael Ovenden worked for 25 years to build evidence to suggest that the asteroid belt was in fact a planet that exploded over 18,000,000 years ago due to an atomic explosion. In 1772 Bode's Law was established after Titius of Wittenberg found a shocking relationship between the spacing of the first seven planets. Bode's Law predicts that there should be a planet located exactly where the asteroid belt is located. On 7th April 1960 Dr George King claims that an elevated extraterrestrial being known as Mars Sector Six described the greatest of all crimes ever committed - the destruction of the planet Maldek by the human race. Comet Elenin According to a write-up by Dr Michael E. Salla P.h.D.comet Elenin starting disintegrating after being hit by solar flares/CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) on 19th August and is now much less visible. However,ex-NASA employee, whistleblower and writer Richard Hoagland claims that an absolutely undoubtable tetrahedral energy shield was displayed during the CME proving that Elenin is some kind of artifical structure. Hoagland claims that the 'disintegrating from solar flares' story is part of a disinformation campaign. Rather interestingly Universetoday claimed that astronomers did notice a decrease in the brightness of the comet which led them to believe that Elenin was disintegrating. However, after Hoagland claimed that Elenin displayed a shield to protect it from excessive solar radiation, a later series of Stereo HI1-B images that had been tracking comet Elenin showed that it had not actually disintegrated or broken up but a triangular geometric formation briefly appeared during solar flare activity. Hoagland claims that the size of the geometric force structure measures over 300,000 miles across each edge. In actual fact, the gravitational pull has already affected Pluto. The Suppression Of Reality: A Parallel Universe The Neutrino Universe During an interview for the television documentary From Here To Andromeda, Senior Research Scientist for Lockheed Skunkworks, Boyd Bushman, revealed information regarding the neutrino universe, a universe that constantly interacts with our own yet remains invisible to us. Enrico Fermie first coined the word 'neutrino' literally meaning 'little neutral ones'. It is believed that neutrinos came into existence about 15 billion years ago just after the start of the universe. Neutrinos constitue a cosmic background radiation whose temperature is -271.2 degrees celsius. According to Floyd Stecker of NASA, by observing neutrinos with energies over 10 Eev, information about the distribution and cosmological history of cosmic rays that may have accelerated to energies over 100 Eev can be retrieved. In active galaxies neutrinos at an energy of about a PeV can be produced in observable numbers by the acceleration and interaction of cosmic rays within the vicinity of black holes or in relavitistic jets created by black holes. Upward moving air showers can be created by tau neutrinos that travel through the Earth via regeneration. These tau neutrinos can be caused by cosmological gamma-ray bursts producing PeV neutrinos, which then oscillate into tau neutrinos. Even more fascinatingly, neutrinos of energies higher than 1000 Eev can interact with big-bang neutrinos causing Z-bursts or Z bosons. Z-Bursts can then be used to determine the mass and distribution of big-bang neutrinos. Dark Energy According to Eric Linder at the University of California at Berkely, the explanations for dark energy fall under two categories - theories that add a new physical entity and theories that alter the law of gravity. Calculations show that the density of dark energy can be compared to the value of neutrino mass. To

account for the universe's rate of expansion, 75% of the mass/energy of the universe needs to be compromised of an opposing gravitational force - or dark energy. NASA are now developing dark energy experiments in order to further refine dark energy measurements and ultimately find out how it works. Neutrinos travel at near the speed of light and are not perceptible to us, although we are surrounded by millions of them all the time. These neutrinos are constantly interacting with us. According to ZS Livingstone (?), Bells Theorem which is not currently accepted, was the closest explanation anyone has ever come to in order to explain a multidimensional or parallel existence. Livingstone claims that they were taught in school in 1969 that sometimes light acts as a particle and at other times it acts as a wave but no theory was taught - Newton couldn't understand it, Quantam Theory didn't explain it and Einstein couldn't understand it either. According to Livingstone the aetheric explanation is the most plausible. Hundreds of years ago there was a scientific theory that there was some kind of medium that light propagated upon. According to Livingstone,Tesla could see it and so could Wilhelm Reich and it was written in Hermetic tradition as 'as above, so below'. Max Planck believed we were surrounded by aether, Tesla based all his work on a surrounding aether and William Crookes believed we were surrounded by aether. Crookes is the man who theorized that the human soul weighs 21 grams. As claimed by Livingstone, Einsten's theory of relavitiy and special relativity were combined with Quantam Mechanics and they are not compatible. Senior Research scientist Boyd Bushman actually refers to this in the From Here To Andromeda documentary. The aetheric theory reminds me once again of the following declassified FBI document which contains information that someone claimed they had channelled to them via remote viewing. Could this document be part of the US government's $20,000 remote viewing research program? And if so, why on Earth is it in the FBI's files? (Extracts) "They do not come from any 'planets' as we use the word but from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us." "The bodies of the visitors, and the craft also, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter." "They re-enter the etheric at will, and so simply disappear from our vision, without trace." "The region from which they come is NOT the 'astral plane' but corresponds to the Lokas or Talas. Students of esoteric matters will understand these terms." Source: There is plenty of confirmation bias in the document suggesting that the FBI desperately wanted to know what the alleged visitors wanted and had resorted to questioning remote viewers in order to try to find out. Why all the investigation if there had never been any extraterrestrial visitors, just as recently claimed by the White House? Many ancient texts, scriptures, inscriptions, religions and myths tell tales of other-wordly people that came down from the stars. Is it possible that we have been visited by people from another dimension or parallel universe? The visitors don't necessarily have to be from another planet in order to be alien to us. Could the Annunaki and the planet Nibiru that the Sumerians spoke of actually exist on an aetheric plane? 2012, Pole-Shift, Solar Storm, Niburu, Annunaki Since the beginning months of 2012 something strange has been happening. Over the weeks both Venus and the moon seem to have been gradually shifting back and forth as though some kind of momentum is building up. Some nights have been clear and the five visible planets have been glowing in the sky. However, from the UK in the north-western skies appears a huge bright shining object which looks like a second, though considerably smaller, moon. This object is new. It's not Venus, it's not Jupiter, it's not any

of the usual visible planets and it certainly wasn't there before... so what is it? And why is Earth shifting back and forth? The Pole-Shift Is In Full Swing Baby! In actual fact, despite denial, speculation and suppression by several governments, NASA have already announced that a pole-shift is happening at a rate of 40 miles per day. NASA claim that the North pole is shifting towards Russia and that 40MPD is gradual. Not only is Earth experiencing a polar shift but several other anomalies are occurring such as the gigantic tear in Earth's magnetosphere, depletion of the sun's heliosphere by 25% over the last ten years and an expected upcoming solar storm which could be powerful enough to wipe out the North American power grid and swallow up satellites affecting global communications. In 2003 the PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) released information regarding something very odd happening to the liquid-metal core of the Earth. It is this core which is responsible for generating Earth's magnetosphere. Then in November 2011 International Geodynamic Monitoring System measured an extremely powerful release of energy emanating from Earth's inner core that has caused accelerated movement of lithospheric plates, which could ultimately result in a higher number of earthquakes, psunamis and other natural disasters. Why all these anomalies and what is that thing in the sky? I first noticed that object in the sky on 6th February 2012. Over the weeks it has become bigger, brighter and more prominent and appears to be getting closer and closer. This is no comet, this is not the ISS (International Space Station), this is not Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Mars or any other known planet... they all seem to be in their proper places. There is a lot of talk on the streets regarding this object, it literally looks like a second moon in the sky. After personal experience and much research I conclude that the object we are seeing is planet X or Niburu... could there be some truth to the Sumerian prophecy after all? Annunaki? Really?? There are many eye witnesses out there to a potential extraterrestrial presence and three of these eyewitnesses that I know of and have spoken to, all live in the same constituent country of the United Kingdom. All three of their experiences are virtually identical yet none of them knew each other's stories. Coincidence?? UFO activity is at an all-time high and despite the White House recently denying an extraterrestrial presence, other governments around the world, most notably Ecuador, have at last opened up and revealed the truth to the public. So whilst Ecuador acknowledge an 'external' presence the US are still denying it, despite information being available in other parts of the world. Are we supposed to believe that they're not lying?? The Arrival Of Planet X / Niburu Could the annunaki be the explanation for Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper's admissions of an advanced alien presence? If not then why are there so many astronauts, pilots, government officials and whistleblowers all revealing corroborating information? Were the astronauts seeing the Annunaki making their transition from Niburu to the moon to Earth? And is this Niburu fast approaching in the skies resulting in all the anomalies that are becoming apparent on Earth? Our Moon's Secret History: Lunar Anomalies There are many 'conspiracy theories' regarding both our moon and Mars and it makes you wonder, why all the controversy if there's nothing unusual going on? One thing is certain, ever since man first stepped on the moon things just haven't seemed to be quite the same ever since. Neil Armstrong's famous words "that's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" has remained one of the most significant quotes in history. But it wasn't long before our astronauts started talking about other so-called 'phenomena' that had been kept from the public's view. Some of these claims were startling, others fascinating. Neil Armstrong once said on C-SPAN that the truth was being covered up by other layers of

truths and that the CIA were responsible. He also once said at a NASA symposium that him and 'buzz' aldrin both saw giant spacecraft while they were on the moon and described them as being menacingly huge. He said they were 'warned off'. 'Buzz' Aldrin also admitted to seeing a UFO whilst he was in space. Aldrin refused to confirm Armstrong's claims but has revealed details of a huge monolith on Phobos, one of Mars' moons. Aldrin is also convinced that advanced alien life exists. So if our astronauts, the one's who had these first-hand experiences, are this convinced that they have seen huge spacecraft on and around the moon then whose craft were they seeing? There is some evidence to suggest that the Nazi's had been building advanced technology flying saucers since as early as the 1930's and 40s. Indeed it is known that Hitler was extremely interested in Tibet and sent expeditions during the 1930's, could this mean that he managed to get his hands on the Vimana documents?. Seeing as though flying saucers and vimanas can be seen dating back throughout thousands of years of ancient paintings and artwork it remains unknown how the Nazi's did get their hands on the technology but the vimana documents do seem like a very strong possibility. Or did UFO crashes also happen in Germany? If the Nazi's did get their hands on such technology they probably would have reverse engineered it and possibly even used that technology to try to manipulate the world. Maybe Hitler was in communication with an extraterrestrial race or may have even been extraterrestrial himself, who knows? Hitler certainly had a high capacity for manipulation of the masses. Why did Hitler hire a large group of the best scientists in the world to work on a project? Was it to build a vimana or to reverse engineer a captured flying saucer? Had the Nazi's already used antigravity technology to visit the moon and build a base before Armstrong and Aldrin ever stepped foot on it? Was it the Nazi's he was referring to when Armstrong said that they were warned off? Or was he talking about extraterrestrials? Or were they seeing vimanas dating back thousands of years ago and originating from Earth? Whatever they were seeing, the fact is that antigravity propulsion technology has been suppressed for a very long time. According to occult sources, Atlanteans also used a similar vehicle to the vimana called the vailixi. A 1966 article by Eklal Kueshana says that vailixi were developed 20,000 years ago in Atlantis. According to Kueshana, they use a mechanical antigravity device which is powered by engines generating approximately 80,000 horse power. Dr Werhner Von Braun, head of the Nazi rocket program was brought to America after the war because of what he knew about antigravity propulsion. Von Braun gained access to secret NASA projects and claimed that he began to see a hidden agenda. He supposedly revealed information to Dr Carol Rosin who testified as part of the Disclosure Project regarding secret plans for an oppressive one-world government via a manufactured artifical extraterrestrial threat. However, if there is no real extraterrestrial presence then why are flying saucers abundant is so many religious paintings and artwork appearing as holographic technology? Were the ships human in origin? We already know that vimanas date back thousands of years so it's a possibility. We could take Von Braun's words as the truth but if that's the case then why did Dr Hermann Oberth who pioneered rocket design for the German Reich during World War II, then went on to work on the same team as Von Braun and advanced technology for America state “We cannot take the credit for our record advancement in certain scientific fields alone; we have been helped”? When asked by whom, he replied “The people of other worlds”. The Lunar Anomalies Report NASA commissioned the Lunar Anomalies Report in the 1960's. Rather fascinatingly, NASA had hired several research scientists to study anomalous lights on the moon over a 3-year period which had been observed by leading scientists and astronomers ever since Elizabethan times. The Lunar Anomalies Report was made public in 1968 under the title document R277. The research showed that NASA's researchers had observed almost 600 unusual events that took place between 1540 to 1967. In 1787 two men reported seeing lightning on the moon and believed that the moon had an atmosphere.

Indeed several government officials claim that the moon has 64% the atmosphere of Earth. Also in 1787 Sir Frederich William Herschel, the man who discovered Uranus, claimed he saw several bright lights traversing across the lunar surface. In 1877 a streak of white light was seen surrounding the moon for over an hour. In 1915 a beam of white light was noticed inside the Clavius crater. In 1967 astronomers in Canada discovered a black cloud with violet edges floating over the Sea of Tranquility. Indeed George Adamski, a supposed alien contactee who could never be debunked, had close-up accurate photographs of the moon showing smoke rising indicating an atmosphere as early as the 1950s. Adamski also had close-up photographs of flying saucers. Is There An Alien Base On The Moon? Given that fact that these anomalies have been traced back throughout thousands of years of history it would be wise to assume that if there really is a base on the moon then there are several possibilities: 1. The Nazi's built it. As already mentioned Hitler sent expeditions to Tibet during the 1930's, possibility to get his hands on the vimana documents. 2. Ancient people built it, possibly the Atlanteans, and the technology has been kept suppressed ever since. Were we left behind by an advanced race of humans? 3. NASA built it. In fact, NASA was originally set up and funded heavily by the Nazi's or it's possible that there is some sort of military involvement for the manufacturing of space weapons. It would certainly explain the secrecy and the propaganda. 4. Aliens built it. My investigation indicates that they're existence is a likely probability but all we have is thousands upon thousands of eyewitness testimonies and no solid evidence, it gets suppressed. This would also explain the secrecy and why many people believe that we are being monitored by several extraterrestrial races. The Speculation The fact is, there is a lot of disinformation and misinformation out there regarding our moon and that distortion must have been created for a reason. Some people believe the moon is hollow, some believe there's an alien base there and some believe the moon is a spacecraft. Alex Collier claims to have once sat next to Richard Hoagland, an ex-NASA employee, at a conference and asked him why he doesn't tell people that the moon is an artifical satellite. Collier claims that Hoagland replied 'because I'm not ready to'. Is the moon just an artifical satellite? As early as 1996 NASA Scientists had come forward and gathered at the National Press Club in Washington to reveal details of the structures they found on the moon. NASA claimed that the information was kept secret because it was unknown how the public would react and because of reasons beyond NASA. Whatever's been going on, I think it's a safe bet to say that there's something there and it may have been there for a very long time. Our Hollow Planet: Hollow Earth The theory of Earth being a hollow planet, despite the well-known logs in Admiral Byrd's diary, actually dates back several thousand years to ancient times. The ancient greeks believed there were caverns leading into the underworld at Tainaron in Lakonia, Trozien in Argolis, in Ermioni and in many other locations. Some kind of inner world is also referred to in the Vedic texts and according to a story in the Puranas an ancient city called Shamballa is located inside the Earth and this city is also referred to in Tibetan Buddhism. The theory of Earth having a hollow interior has remained a popular concept ever since. Thracians and Dracian's legends says there are underground chambers which are occupied by Zalmoxis, an ancient God and in Mesopotamian religion a man is said to have entered a subterranean garden after travelling through a dark tunnel in the mountain of Mashu. In fact, South American

mythology, native American mythology, Russian legend, Mexican folklore, certain tribes of India and Celtic mythology all refer to a subterranean world inside the hollow interior of Earth. Some even refer to strange creatures that dwell in the underworld. The theory of a hollow Earth has continuously recurred over the centuries, though the concept was dismissed in the 18th century and is now passed off as pseudo-science. In 1692, in order to explain compass reading anomalies Edmond Halley proposed the theory that Earth consisted of a hollow shell approximately 800km wide with two inner concentric shells and then the innermost core. Halley theorized that these shells were seperated by atmospheres and each of them had magnetic poles. Over 100 years later in 1818 John Cleves Symmes also suggested the theory of a hollow Earth with openings at both poles. Symmes planned to expedition to the North pole which had been approved by then President of the US John Quincy Adams. However, Adams left office before the expedition ever took place and so the expedition never actually happened. Several books were written about Symmes' theory including Symmes' Theory Of Concentric Circles and The Hollow Globe. The Cave Of The Ancients by Lobsang Rampa is a more modern book that describes an underground chamber system that exists underneath the Himalayas which was filled with ancient technology and treasures. Douglas Baker claimed in his book, that he experienced an astral journey to the inner Earth where he saw an entire subterannean civilization. The poles are not the only location that people have theorized to have opening into the interior of our allegedly hollow planet. Paris, Staffordshire, Canada, China and even the Amazon rain forest have at some point been said to have openings leading into the interior of hollow Earth. It wasn't until 1964 when the book The Hollow Earth was released that the ancient technology said to be inside the Earth was attributed to the UFO phenomenon. Allegedly written by "Dr Raymond Bernard", Atlanteans were responsible for flying the advanced machinery (vimanas) and had become concerned about the welfare of the planet after the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. The Lazeria Maps collection was showcased in 2011 by Paul Veneti and Horatio Valens who presented ancient maps collected by Harry Hubbard in order to make the case for a 100-mile wide tunnel into Earth's interior. Some theories suggest that Adolf Hitler had actually sent expeditions into Tibet during the 1930's in an attempt to retrieve advanced technology. Indeed Nazi Germany had their hands on a piece of machinery which they called the Andromeda-Gerat (Andromeda Device). This was allegedly a piece of zero-point antigravity machinery commonly reported as cigar-shaped UFO's. Sanskrit documents, known as the Vimana documents, that were translated by Dr Ruth Reynor showed instructions on how to build an aircraft with interstellar capabilities. The aircraft/vimana partly relied on solar power. In May 1926 Admiral Richard Byrd and Floyd Bennet set out to fly over the North pole in a Fokker F-VII tri-motor. Admiral Byrd claimed to have made it to the North pole and was awarded a Medal of Honor allowing him to receive funding to go to the South pole. In 1996 Admiral Byrd's diary was released which showed conflicting information that is still speculated over today. Dr. Isaiah Brown claimed that Byrd had confessed, during a long walk, that he never made it to the North pole. Did Byrd just make the claim in order to secure funding? Or could Brown have taken Byrd on a long walk to intentionally shut him up? Are the Atlanteans living inside Earth? And did Hitler get his hands on their technology or documents? Is that where the UFO's and Vimanas we are seeing today are coming from? The scientific community believe that UFO's can in no way be capable of interstellar travel or time-travel as it violates the laws of physics as we know them. Could there have been another race of humans or even extraterrestrials living inside the Eath for thousands of years? Who should we believe, the government who seem to be covering it up or the masses of people who reported, theorized and believed in the hollow Earth theory over centuries and centuries?

If UFO's are incapable of interstellar travel despite being reported all over the world for thousands of years, then where are they coming from and how did they get there? Either they have been there evolving all along or they came from somewhere else in which case they would be extraterrestrial in origin. Considering the advanced technology they are said to be in possession of, which is believed to utilize a type of clean nuclear fission, it seems plausible that they may be an extraterrestrial race. Maybe the mythology surrounding the ancient Sumerians and the planet Nibiru could hold some truth after all, in which case the civilization of beings living inside the Earth could be the Annunaki who possibly transported to the inner Earth 3,600 years ago the last time Niribu came around.

Chapter 6

Antigravity/Extraterrestrial Technology A few years back, Chinese people sent some Sanskrit documents which had been recovered from Lhasa, Tibet off to the University of Chandrigarh to be converted into English by no less than a certain Dr Ruth Reyna. Dr Reyna claimed that the documents held instructions on how to build an aircraft with interstellar capabilities. According to Reyna these aircraft used antigravitational propulsion. The document itself actually traces back to the 'Secret Society of the Nine Unknown Men' which was set up by Indian Emperor Ashoka. The society consisted of great scientists who intended to catalogue the various sciences although Ashoka had a terrible fear that these rather advanced sciences could be taken advantage of and be used to create wars. Ashoka was therefore highly determined to keep their work secret. The document suddenly gained a lot of attention when it was announced that China would be including parts of the information for study as part of their space program. Back In Time 15,000 years ago the Rama Empire developed on the subcontinent which was a nation of highly sophisticated cities. These cities can still be found in the deserts. Rama was governed by enlightened Priest-Kings and according to ancient Indian texts people owned flying machines called 'Vimanas' which are described as circular double-deck aircraft with a dome and portholes, a description extremely similar to the flying saucers that we know of today. There are actually many ancient Indian texts written about Vimanas including detailed flight manuals some of which have already been translated into English. There are also at least four different types of Vimana referred to including saucer-shaped and cigar-shaped. In 1875 a text from the 4th century BC written by Bahardvajy the Wise, known as the Vaimanika Sastra, was rediscovered in an Indian temple. The text holds a lot of information regarding Vimanas including information on steering, precautions for long-flight travel, protection from storms and, perhaps rather amazingly, how to switch to solar energy. The document has eight chapters including diagrams. Three aircraft are described that allegedly use equipment that does not break or catch alight. According to the documents there are 31 parts and 16 materials that absorb light and heat that are used to build Vimanas. Vimanas are allegedly capable of vertical take-off and can hover mid-air. They were stored in a Vimana Griha, which could be considered to be a form of hangar and were believed to be propelled by a yellowish-white liquid and/or a form of mercury compound or at least their navigation system used mercury (a possibility indicated by Samarangana Sutradhara). Indeed the Foo Fighters used by the Nazi's were powered by the use of mercury. Some argue that the yellowish-white liquid sounds like gasoline and believe Vimanas could have used several sources of propulsion including combustion engines and pulse-jet engines. For this reason some attribute Vimanas to the Nazi's and, as already mentioned, Hitler was extremely interested in ancient India and Tibet sending expeditions during the 1930s and indeed the Nazi's were also responsible for creating the first practical pulse-jet engine. Atlantean Vailixi Information from occult sources suggests that the Atlanteans used a similar flying machine to the Vimana named the Vailixi to try to dominate the world. The Atlanteans known as Asvins were even more

technologically advanced than the Indians and were more war inclined. A 1966 article written by Eklal Kueshana claims Vailixi were developed in Atlantis 20,000 years ago. Kueshana wrote that most Vailixi were "saucer-shaped of generally trapezoidal cross-section with three hemispherical engine pods on the underside. They use a mechanical antigravity device driven by engines developing approximately 80,000 horse power." The Ramayana, Mahabarata texts (and others) mention a war that is supposed to have occurred between 10,000 to 12,000 years ago between Atlantis and Rama using weapons of destruction that man would have been unable to imagine until recently. The Key To Anti-Gravity Technology (Element 115: Ununpentium) "Science is self-correcting, if you get the facts wrong your experiment is not reproducible. There are many lessons here and the lab will extract all the value in can from this event. The path forward is to learn from the mistakes and to strengthen the resolve to find the answers that nature still hides from us." - Charles Shank, Director Lawrence Berkely National Laborotory, US. Charles Shank made the above statement after retracting a 1999 scientific paper detailing an experiment which had observed what appeared to be the synthesis of Element 118, the heaviest transuranic element (at the time). Re-analyzation of the data showed that the experiment was not reproducible and was unsuccessful in observing atomic decay patterns which would have confirmed the existence of Element 118. Two confirmation tests of the experiment were performed using a new device called the BGS (Berkely Gas-filled Seperator). Targets of lead were bombarded with an intense beam of high-energy krypton ions. If the sequential decay events for Element 118 and Element 116 were successfully detected, they would have confirmed theories of a suggested 'island of stability' for nuclei. Shank's concluding statement was "The path forward is to learn from the mistakes and to strengthen the resolve to find the answers that nature still hides from us" Government whistleblower Robert Lazar, who was heavily debunked by Stanton Friedman, claimed that the US government had 500 pounds of Element 115 (Ununpentium) in their possession. Lazar claimed that Element 115 was stable and was delivered in the form of discs. Despite Lazar's heavy debunking plus the fact that most of the general public don't believe him, it has now been proven that Friedman overlooked several facts and made a few false statements regarding Bob Lazar. It has been proven since that Lazar was sufficiently and officially documented as an employed physicist at S4, Groom Lake by their very own documentation which was later retrieved from Los Alomos Labs. A newspaper article dating back before his whistleblowing days also profiles Lazar as a technician working at S4. The evidence clearly shows that Lazar's debunking was false and that there was an unsuccessful attempt to wipe out his background credentials. They failed and this was even proven if a court of law. Source: See Michael E. Salla PhD's write-up of Stanton Friedman's debunking of Lazar. In 2004 scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in collaboration with the Joint Institue for National Research in Russia announced that they had discovered two new super-heavy elements, Element 113 and Element 115. The isotope of Element 115 was produced by bombarding an Americium-243 nucleus with a Calcium-48 nucleus. Element 115 rapidly decayed to Element 113 and continued to decay until a meta-stable isotope was attained. Assuming that no protons are liberated during the reaction process the following reaction was theorized: 95Am243 + 20Ca48 → 115UUP291 → 113UUT287 + 2He4 → However, when the laborotary carried out their experiments it resulted in the two isotopes of Element 115 being identified as the following reaction shows: 95Am243 + 20Ca48 → 115UUP288 + 30n1115UUP288 → 113UUT284 + 2He4 → ...

95Am243 + 20Ca48 → 115UUP287 + 40n1115UUP287 → 113UUT283 + 2He4 → In the reaction the maximum theoretical atomic mass isotope of Element 115 would only have 176 neutrons in it's nucleus, eight neutrons less than the magical number of 184 neutrons. The two isotopes of Element 115 produced by the reaction contain 173 neutrons and 172 neutrons respectively, eleven and twelve neutrons less than the magical number 184. If Lazar's information is credible, then the Element 115 discs allegedly supplied would have had to have been the isotope of Element 115 with the number of 184 neutrons with an atomic mass of 299. The nuclear configuration of the isotope would be identical to the only known stable isotope of Element 83 Bismuth (83Bi209) except that the Element 115 isotope would have an extra energy level filled with protons and neutrons. The stable isotope of Bismuth (Element 83) has unique gravitational characteristics. Check out US patent 3,626,605 for Henry William Wallace "Method and Apparatus for Generating a Secondary Gravitational Forcefield". According to Lazar, Element 115 was provided to S4 in the form of discs. The Element 115 discs were then fused together in order to form a single cylinder. The cylinder would then be turned on a mill to form a cone then the cone would be sliced in order to extract a wedge from the centre. To add even further credibility to Lazar's case, Senior Research Scientist at Lockheed Skunkworks Boyd Bushman confirmed that the Lazar tapes are real and that the US government had their first official documented nuclear powered flying saucer by 1969. Bushman showed the official documentation to David Sereda in a video documentary called From Here To Andromeda. Footage of Lazar's court case in 1989 also shows a judge reading out Lazar's credentials proving that he did in fact work for the office of Naval Intelligence, just as he claimed despite being denied by the US government. Confessions Of A Movie Director Aaron Russo was a movie director born into a Jewish family in New York and was responsible for large budget movies such as Trading Places, Rude Awakening and Wise Guys. In July 2006 Russo released a movie documentary entitled America: Freedom To Fascism. He died just over a year later in August 2007. Although it was officially reported that Russo died after a six-year battle with cancer, after Russo had received many threats leading up to his death, his friends claim that it was later proved to be an assassination (?). The conspiracies claimed in Russo's documentaries were legally tried in a court of law by various people inside the government. Russo explains how a new currency called the amero has been manufactured, it has already been accepted by China and is being tested in North America. The ultimate goal is to have RFID chips implanted in humans and have the amero currency regulated via these chips - if people don't comply to the rules then the chip will be shut down and that person can no longer buy nor sell. Nearly a year before the 9/11 attacks Russo claimed that he had been told directly by Nick Rockefeller that there were plans to perform a false flag operation and to go out to Iraq and Afghanistan some time around August or September 2001. Then 11 months later it happened. Russo also claims, as do many others including contactee Alex Collier (ex-IRS agent), that the Federal Reserve is no more federal than the Federal Express. Collier was similar to David Icke in that he believes that the moon is an artifical satellite inhabited by both humans and aliens and that reptilian bloodlines are in control of the world. Plans for a microchipped population and electronic currency were actually announced officially on UK television by several politicians many years ago. It's not just a conspiracy theory, it's very real. Remember when Tony Blair was prime minister of the UK, he said the UK would never join the new world order. Tony Blair and George Bush were found guilty of fabricating pretexts used to justify their attack in a Malaysian War Crimes mock tribunal. We were also told that Osama Bin Laden was responsible for the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon so that they could go out to Afghanistan and the evidence to suggest that it was an inside job is overwhelming. It seems that Nick Rockefeller may have known exactly what he was talking about. William Pawelec is another man who revealed plans of implanting RFI/RFID chips in humans. He was interviewed by Dr Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project who promised not to release the video until after Pawelec died. The interview took place before the National Press Club Disclosure Project conference had happened and Pawelec died in 2007. The video was released in 2010. Most people that are involved in the conspiracy believe it to be a good thing. They believe there is a need to form a united one-world government. They believe a one-world currency and a one-world religion would benefit humanity. But

according to ancient texts and scriptures such as those featured in the bible such a narcissistic elite group will rise to power in the endtimes: "2 Timothy 3:1-7 - But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people." It appears that the book of Revelations is actually being played out. Was the bible right or are they intentionally using it as a roadmap? Rockefeller own the American oil industry who are allegedly partly responsible for the suppression of free energy in order to protect their profits. David Rockefeller has previously admitted to being a part of the agenda. The suppression of free energy, which has always been around, has been used to enslave us to a governing system that just doesn't work and technology is progressively being used to transform Earth into a prison planet. The evidence suggests that free energy was being used thousands of years ago. Al Qaeda Al Qaeda is said to be a militant Islamic terrorist organization that was founded by Osama Bin Laden in the late eighties. President Barrack Obama claimed in 2011 that Bin Laden had been shot dead by US forces on 2nd May 2011. Rather mysteriously the American authorities claimed that Bin Laden's body had been buried at sea. No images of the body were released and even after public uproar at the lack of evidence the government announced that they would still not be releasing the images to the public. No evidence of Bin Laden's death was left behind. Literally translated into English 'Al Qaeda' means 'The Database'. Just after the alleged death of Bin Laden CIA whistleblower Michael Scheuer came forward and claimed that Bin Laden had been trained by the CIA and that Al Qaeda didn't exist. In a 2009 video interview Scheuer had stated that they were saving the death of Bin Laden in their back pocket and would later move into Syria in order to build military bases. It has been suggested that the claims of Bin Laden being shot dead by US forces in 2011 were an attempt to reinstate trust in the American government. The CIA & PsyOps Central Intelligence Agency or Criminals In Action? It seems that the CIA are quite fond of spreading misinformation and disinformation in order to keep government intelligence suppressed. They are also well known for using mind control techniques and psychological warfare and some of the technology that can be used to do this is extremely advanced. The military are in possession of technology that is at least 25% more advanced than the technology accessible to the general public. Psychotronic Interference Subliminal messages can be masked in sounds, music, images, videos, text, background noises, RF signals, wireless transmissions or just about anywhere without the awareness of the subject. The messages are still decoded by the subconscious. And now the technology to implant thoughts into a person's mind is available in the form of psychotronic devices. Psychotronic torture is a reality. Some people have claimed that HAARP could be such a weapon, although it is mainly known as a weather manipulation tool. Recently Derren Brown showcased on UK television how, by using simple subliminal techniques, a subject could be made to carry out an assassination without realizing that they were the assassin and having no memory of the event afterwards. His experiment was successful and was carried out without the use of any form of psychotronics. So Why All The Propaganda? Think about it logically. If the public were to be told the truth then there would be no way of preventing intelligence data from being leaked. If no-one knows what's really happening behind the scenes then no-one can gain any

information that can be used to manipulate the situation. New World Order The plan is to reduce the world's population by 85% and to implant the remaining 15% with RFID chips which will be used to regulate an electronic currency. The chip is planned to go in the right hand, arm or in the head. Sound familiar? Trying reading the Book of Revelations. A self-fulfilling prophecy? Or plagiarism of the bible? Being chipped can only be a bad thing, potentially the chips could be used for psychotronic warfare and if your chip gets switched off (eg for not paying your taxes) then you can no longer buy or sell. Just like in the bible. Technically, the human race would become androids or cyborgs, everyone would be implanted with computer technology and be tied up to the big machine, the system. Eventually the system would be entirely computerized and self-regulating. We would have been turned into slaves of computer technology. Alien computer technology?? If there really are plans to implement this alleged plan of a one-world government and microchipped population by 2029 (coincidentally the same year that a huge asteroid is due to hit Earth), then who is it that's controlling the situation from behind the scenes? Elite control is about having the majority controlled by the minority. It's about having 99% of the people under control of the remaining 1%. A few names come to mind. Evidence We Are Not Alone In The Universe The scientific assumption that we must be alone in the universe is based on the scientific assumption that if extraterrestrial life does exist, then it must be based on the same inner workings as the science to life as we (already) know it. In other words, it must be the same as life on Earth - but when put into these simpler terms the logic behind this assumption is clearly and obviously flawed. Science claims that any life that exists elsewhere in the universe must be made up of the same building blocks that life on Earth is made up of, yet people have a difficult time accepting that life on other planets may be humanoid, just as it is here on Earth. Official science makes no sense yet we are continuously being told that the evidence being uncovered, particularly in archeology, is nothing more than pseudo-science relating to ancient mythology. So, if science is based on life as we know it then what about life as we don't know it yet? It's still a very real possibility, particularly when considering the recent discovery of bacteria on Earth thriving on arsenic - something which, until discovered, was beleived to have been impossible. The discovery proved that our scientific assumptions are wrong. So what if there is life out there somewhere in the cosmos that feeds off arsenic, just as this bacteria does? What if that life has already had millions and millions years to evolve? This scientific revelation proves that it now has to be an accepted possibility that there could be extraterrestrial life out there that is surviving on arsenic, just as this bacteria does, which may have even evolved over millions of years into a poison-eating humanoid race. It may seem far fetched but it all boils down to the building blocks that make up DNA which have been discovered to originate from asteroids and meteors in space where these building blocks for life have been found. The biological evolution of such a species, based upon the laws of natural selection, would depend on the environment that contains such life which would, in turn, have an effect on how a species evolves over time to survive in it's surroundings. The possibilities of reality are unlimited yet your imagination is restricted. The truth is that we can never ever even begin to comprehend how different life elsewhere in the universe could be. There could be alien beings that eat arsenic and breathe methane, who knows? The possibilities are literally endless. Interesing Facts * Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented on July 16, 1969, states that it is "illegal for any US citizen to have any contact with extraterrestrials on their vehicles" * Ecuador's government have officially and openly acknowledged a very real UFO/extraterrestrial presence.

* All living persons associated with the Roswell incident in 1947 have testified to the probable retrieval and back-engineering of alien technology. * US Air Force text book 'Introductory Space Sciences' refers to four extraterrestrial races that are currently monitoring Earth. * Charlette Mann confirmed that a 1941 flying saucer crash documented in the leaked Majestic-12 (MJ12) documents was genuine and that the government kept the information suppressed. An alien pilot was retrieved from the crash. * A MoD (Ministry of Defense) investigation proved that Majestic-12 was a reality though no access could be gained to any further information. * BBC News television, UK sated in August 2011 that the only logical explanation for UFO's is that they are advanced spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin. * Ecuador, Brazil, Mexico and France have all formerly acknowledged some kind of 'external' presence. * Cash and Landrum suffered damage to their health from ionizing radiation whilst in the vicinity of a UFO. * John The Baptist and Jesus artwork by Aert De Gelder from 1710 portrays a flying saucer in the sky producing a holographic image of John the Baptist and Jesus to the people (teaching them history). * Controversial whistleblower Robert Lazar has been proven credible * An official US Air Force study concluded that out of 1600 UFO reports, over 200 of them turned out to be unconventional aircraft travelling at speeds in excess of 12,000MPH. The vehicles had no wings, engine or fuselage. * Ronald Reagan made at least four speeches where he spoke about the alien presence. Harry Truman and JFK are also known to have spoke of an alien threat. Jimmy Carter had his own UFO experience. * Ex-Defense Minister of Canada, Paul Hellyer, chastized America for taking a "shoot-first-ask-questions-later" attitude towards extraterrestrial spacecraft. * The FBI have many declassified files on their Vault website relating to flying saucers, cattle abductions, human mutilation and extraterrestrial biological entities, as do CIA, MoD, NSA and others. * Many astronauts have spoken of the extraterrestrial presence including Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Edgar Mitchell, Gordon Cooper and others. * Over 450 US military and government officials have testified to the reality of extraterrestrial intelligence and reverse engineering of their technology. * Contactee George Adamski had accurate close-up photographs of the moon as early as the 1950's indicating smoke rising from a cater suggesting that the moon has an atmosphere. Adamski's photographs are almost identical to those taken on future Apollo missions. * The Vatican have recently opened their doors to the possibility of extraterrestrial life. * A declassified MoD document from the Air Material Command states "the UFO phenomena is something real and not visionary or fictitious."

Chapter 7

Recent Events

Missing X-Files Recently, ex-MoD (Ministry of Defense) official Nick Pope revealed that the most close-up detailed extensive photograph of a UFO that the MoD had in their possession had mysteriously gone missing from their archives. Pope claims that he was officially in charge of the UK's X-Files, that this photograph was up on the wall in his office and that other employees would walk into the office and ask him what on Earth the object is and if it was real. The photograph has disappeared with no trace. Coincidentlly, Australia's DoD (Department of Defense) also admitted that some of their UFO files had gone missing. UFO Fragment Recovered The Russian government recently announced that they had found a UFO fragment which they believe did not originate on Earth. The object, reminiscent of a farm silo, was made of ultra-strong titanium and the Russian government have admitted they believe the object is not in any way associated with man-made manufacturing and is probably not of Earthly origin. The object has none of the riveting or seams usually associated with man-made manufacturing. No radiation was found. 25,000 Witnesses In Bolotnaya Square, Russia at a pro-democracy protest as many as 25,000 people witnessed, and many of them filmed, a UFO in the skies above them. The object was glowing and had five tendrils extended from it. Although vaguely reminiscent of a UAV authorities confirmed that they have no idea what the object was. Conclusion & Speculations Clearly there is a very real advanced technological presence amongst us which has many governments all over the world baffled, whether this presence is extraterrestrial or not. The possibility of an advanced extraterrestrial intelligence being amongst us has been, and still is, being taken very seriously and with significant historical events such as the Roswell Incident having taken place there is a high probably that some government somewhere has managed to get their hands on that technology. However, it also remains a possibility that, seeing as the presence was generally known about, a government such as that of USA could intentionally hoax a flying saucer crash in order to convince other nations that they had managed to get their hands on superior technology which would give other countries the perception that they are a nation not to be messed with. The UFO presence is real and, just as suggested by the CIA, the subject has been used for psychological warfare purposes. Whilst it's also a possibility that this technology secretly belongs to a country such as Russia, Germany, Japan or China the fact that this technology is so advanced and so far superior to anything we generally know about that there could be some truth to the extraterrestrial hypothesis after all. Making sudden 90-degree manouvres whilst travelling at 16,000MPH is not something our aircraft are capable of, the interia would leave the pilot in an abolute mess probably in pieces but the way that flying saucers allegedly operate by manipulating the gravity surrounding them results in there being no interia inside the craft and explains how such manouvres can take place. So is it the extraterrestrials themselves who are using their technology to turn Earth into a prison planet which would therefore explain their secrecy or is there some government (or black government) of Earthly origin using extraterrestrial technology to turn Earth into a prison planet? Whatever the case, it remains a high probability that off-world technology has been back-engineered and now has a major presence on Earth which has resulted in supercomputers, GPS satellites, fiber optics, lasers, particle beam weapons, bullet-proof vests, night-vision and even hypersonic aircraft all of which didn't exist before 1947.

The End

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