Monograph Collection Development in an Age of Uncertainty: The University of Haifa Library...


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Monograph Collection Development Monograph Collection Development in an Age of Uncertainty:in an Age of Uncertainty:

The University of Haifa Library ExperienceThe University of Haifa Library Experience

Cecilia HarelHead of Collection Development, Gifts & Exchange

5th Shanghai (Hangzhou) International Library ForumAugust 24-27, 2010

University of Haifa:

Established in 1963 18,000 students, 1,200 lecturers 6 Faculties: Humanities, Social Sciences,

Education, Law, Social Welfare & Health, Science & Science Education

63 Research centers: Jewish-Arab Center, Tourism & Recreation, Brain & Behavior Research, Law & Technology, Multiculturalism & Educational Research, Information Processing & Decision-making, Health, Law & Ethics, Institute of Evolution…

University of Haifa Library: Established in 1968

Collections: 1,000,000 books, 32,000 journal titles, E-resources, Databases, Media, Rare books, Archives, Psychological Tests, Children’s Lit, Digital Media Center

65 librarians + technical staff

400 computer workstations


Collection development at U. of Haifa LibraryMonograph collection development

strategiesPatron Driven Acquisitions Trial


Collection Development at Collection Development at

University of Haifa University of Haifa

Collection development policy: support for research, teaching and study programs

Faculty involvement in selection

Library liaisons to departments

Centralized acquisitions budget

U. Of Haifa Monograph Collection U. Of Haifa Monograph Collection Development StrategiesDevelopment Strategies

Good years (until 2005): Standing orders Approval plans Course required reading Budget allocation: journals

60%, monographs 40% Just in case acquisitions for

research in all subjects

Lean years (2005+): Cancellation of most

standing orders, except law Approval plans only for

Hebrew & Arabic books Course required reading Budget allocation: 85%

journals & databases, 15% monographs

Just in time acquisitions for specific research

Electronic (ebook) AcquisitionsElectronic (ebook) Acquisitions

Title by title vs. collections:

Patron Driven AcquisitionsPatron Driven Acquisitions (PDA) (PDA)

Acquisitions based on users’ actions/needs

Originated in 1990’s with collection development based on interlibrary loan requests

Budget allocated for users’ requests

Model implemented for ebook acquisitions

PDA and EbooksPDA and Ebooks

University of Haifa:University of Haifa: PDA Trial Objectives - 2009PDA Trial Objectives - 2009

Expose users to ebooksEffective use of shrinking monograph budgetDecrease delivery time of needed booksEnable user input in selection and acquisitionLearn about and measure use of ebooks

PDA Trial MethodPDA Trial Method

Ebrary’s offer:Ebrary’s offer:Access to about 60,000 ebooks for one yearElimination of irrelevant subjects: engineering,

technology, agriculture, medicineProvision of MaRC records & links to full textAutomatic purchase trigger based on use

formulaUsage reports for books purchased & viewed

PDA Trial Method - PDA Trial Method - continued continued

University of Haifa’s procedure:University of Haifa’s procedure:Budget allocation of $25,000Check Ebrary’s record file against holdings in

Aleph catalog to remove duplicate recordsLoad Ebrary records in Aleph catalogAt end of trial, delete records of books not


Purchase trigger formula:Purchase trigger formula:unique pages viewed + prints + copies >= 5unique pages viewed + prints + copies >= 5


PDA Trial ResultsPDA Trial Results

During trial, all 60,000 ebooks were immediately accessible to users

Budget allocation was finished within 2 months (10-11/2009)

270 ebook purchases were triggered300 additional ebooks were viewed but not

purchased (no budget)

PDA Trial:PDA Trial:Ebrary User StatisticsEbrary User Statistics

PDA Trial:PDA Trial:Purchases Triggered by SubjectPurchases Triggered by Subject

PDA Trial:PDA Trial:Purchases Triggered by PublisherPurchases Triggered by Publisher

PublisherNo. of TitlesRoutledge52


Cambridge U.K.21



Sage Publications9



Oxford University Press8



University of Minnesota Press6

Academic Press5

Psychology Press5

PDA Trial:PDA Trial:Usage data during and after trialUsage data during and after trial

No. of ebooks purchased by no. of interactions

Accessibility of ebooks in OPACAccessibility of ebooks in OPAC

PDA Trial: ConclusionsPDA Trial: Conclusions

Problems:Problems:Delayed trigger reportsConfusion about purchase trigger formulaDifficulty identifying items already in holdingsPrint limitations: increased to 20 pages x 2Refine criteria for titles to includeLack of data on users and their feedback

PDA Trial: Conclusions PDA Trial: Conclusions

Advantages:Advantages:Immediate exposure to critical mass of ebooksQuick and easy acquisition processPurchase based on real-time useUser input for selection and purchaseReference staff reports: user satisfaction with

full text access to books


Library can adapt PDA model to its needs and criteria: budget, subjects, publishers, dates

PDA model can be a continuous process: U. of Dallas Library - receive new ebooks each month and delete titles not purchase after 1 year

Requires negotiation with supplier: criteria and trigger formula

Selection and purchase model that helps build collection based on users’ needs

Changing strategiesChanging strategies……

Thank YouThank You

Cecilia HarelUniversity of Haifa Library