Monkey Hands & Feet



Short children's story

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By Jan Papadopoulos © 2007


Georgie was a little boy who only ate bananas

He ate one when he first woke up

still wearing his pyjamas.

He ate one for his breakfast,

his dinner

and his tea,

and before he went to bed he ate





but three

His dad would look at Georgie, shake his head and say,


only monkeys like to eat bananas every day.’

His mum said,

‘Do be careful, if bananas are all you’ll eat,

you’ll wake up one morning, with monkey ears and feet.’

Young Georgie found that funny, thought it would be cool,

To turn into a monkey

and not have to go to school!

Then one day he grew monkey ears

And monkey feet and hair.

He even grew a monkey tail that swung high in the air.

His father said,

‘Oh dear, dear, now what shall we do?’

His mother said,

‘Don’t worry, we’ll take him to the zoo,

We’ll find another little boy who doesn’t eat bananas,

first thing in the morning, still dressed in his pyjamas!’

‘Oh no, please no,’ cried Georgie,

‘There are tigers there that eat

the toes and all the nails from little monkey feet’.

‘Oh no, please no,’ cried Georgie,

‘There’s a huge old grizzly bear

That squeezes little monkeys and pulls out all their hair.’

‘Oh no, please no,’ cried Georgie,

‘In case you have forgotten,

There’s an elephant there that squashes little monkeys

with his bottom’.

‘I don’t want to be a monkey boy, locked in a cage all day,

I just want to be a little boy.

Please, please let me stay.’

‘I don’t know’ said his father,

‘If bananas are all you’ll eat,

You’ll stay a little monkey boy

with monkey ears and feet.

‘I don’t know’ said his mother,

‘What else can we do?

Now that you’re a monkey boy

you should live at the zoo.’

His mother found an apple,

an orange and a pear.

‘Quickly eat these up’ she said,

‘to lose your monkey hair’.

‘You must eat lots of vegetables

and lots of fish and meat,

if you want to lose your monkey ears,

your monkey tail and feet.’

So Georgie ate

and ate

and ate

and ate

and ate


