MONICA DELIA BICA Activitatile motrice.pdf


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  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 2/2013

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 2/2013




    Prof.univ.dr. Monica Delia BC Facultatea de tiine Medicale i

    Comportamentale Universitatea Constantin Brncui din

    Trgu-Jiu Abstract: Physical activities are complex phenomenon, unitary, conscious, based on anticipation and sustained by a consistent motivation which, frequently, bears the individual personality finger print. These represent an ensemble of movements or actions made by the organism, a multitude of operations, deeds or physical gestures oriented to accomplish a certain objective, generally with adaptive purpose. As expression way of individual, the physical activities represent specific types by which aim the development of human possibilities from social perspective. Cuvinte cheie: activitate, concept, educaie, interdisciplinaritate, motricitate. Activitile motrice sunt fenomene complexe, unitare, contiente, bazate pe anticipare i susinute de o motivaie consistent n care, cel mai frecvent, se pune amprenta personalitii individului. Ele reprezint un ansamblu de micri sau de aciuni produse de organism, o mulime de operaii, acte sau gesturi motrice orientate n vederea ndeplinirii unui anumit obiectiv, n general n scop adaptativ. Ca modaliti de manifestare a individului, activitile motrice reprezint genuri specifice prin care se dorete dezvoltarea posibilitilor umane din perspectiv social. Din perspective raionaliste, activitile motrice devin accesibile studiului numai prin corelarea dintre cunoaterea de tip factual, intuitiv cu cea de tip teoretic (experimental, observaional) i metateoretic (paradigme, legi, concepte etc.).

    Analizate cauzal i procesual, activitile



    Professor Ph.D. Monica Delia BC University Constantin Brncui from


    Abstract: "Physical activities have complex phenomenon, unitary, conscious, based on anticipation and sustained by the consistent motivation Which, frequently, finger print bears the individual personality. Ensemble tissue Represent year of movements or actions made by the body, the multitude of Operations, deeds or physical gestures to accomplish oriented to certain objects, generally with adaptive Purpose. As way of personal expression, the physical activities specifically Represent Types by Which aim the development of human possibilities from social perspectives. " Keywords: activity, concept, education, interdisciplinarity, motility. Driving activities are complex phenomena, unit aware, based on anticipation and supported by the consistent motivation, most often, the individual's personality is its footprint. They represent a set of movements or actions made by the body, a lot of operations, acts or gestures directed drivers to achieve a particular objective, generally adaptive purpose. As a means of expression of individual activities are gender specific motive which wants to develop the possibilities of human social perspective. Rationalist perspectives, driving activities are accessible only by linking the study of knowledge of such facts, intuitive theory that type (experimental observation) and meta-theoretical (paradigms, laws, concepts, etc.).. Analyze the cause and procedural activities necessarily require driving interdisciplinary

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 2/2013

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 2/2013


    motrice impun n mod necesar un studiu interdisciplinar, prin folosirea unor informaii care provin din: Biologie (substrat, mecanisme funcionale,

    legi biologice etc.) Psihologie (resurse psihice, mecanisme de

    reglare a micrii etc.) Pedagogie (metode, mijloace, resurse,

    programe etc.) Sociologie (socializare prin micare,

    adaptare social etc.) Filozofie antropologie (sistem,

    informaie, reglare etc.) Cibernetic (sistem, informaie, reglare

    etc.). Datorit complexitii proprii tuturor

    tiinelor care au n centrul lor studierea omului, activitile motrice nu pot fi investigate dect multidirecional i determinate multifactorial. Abordarea lor analitic nu trebuie realizat dect din raiuni didactice, imaginea corect fiind dat de ideea: totul i n acelai timp.

    Activitile care vizeaz motricitatea uman (alta dect cea implicat n procesul muncii i al aprrii), difereniate pe obiective specifice, cuprind: Educaia fizic (formare, dezvoltare); Sportul (obinerea rezultatelor de nalt

    nivel, excelen); Antrenamentul sportiv (pregtire complex

    sistematic, de limit); Competiia (emulaie, autodepire,

    recunoatere); Activiti de timp liber (compensare,

    meninerea unei stri fizice i psihice corespunztoare, plcere);

    Activiti de expresie corporal (realizarea expresiei corporale, educarea calitilor estetice);

    Kinetoterapie i sportterapie (recuperare, integrare social, o nou imagine a solidaritii).

    Din punct de vedere noional, termenii specifici domeniului delimiteaz urmtoarele arii de cuprindere: Educaia fizic tip de activitate motric,

    constituit din aciuni motrice sistematizate

    study, using information from: Biology (substrate, functional mechanisms, biological laws, etc.). Psychology (mental resources, mechanisms of movement control, etc.). Education (methods, means, resources, programs, etc.). Sociology (social movement, social adjustment, etc.). Philosophy - Anthropology (system information, control, etc.). Cybernetics (system information, control, etc.)..

    Due to their complexity all sciences have their center to study human motor activities can be investigated and determined than multidirectional multifactorial. Their analytical approach should not be achieved unless education reasons, the correct image is given the idea: "all at the same time." Activities aimed at human driveability (other than labor involved in defense), differentiated by specific objectives include: Physical education (training, development); Sport (the results of high quality, excellent); Sports training (training complex systematic limit); Competition (rivalry, strive, recognition); leisure activities (clearing, maintaining proper physical and mental status, pleasure); Activities of body expression (expression achieve tangible, aesthetic quality education); Therapy and sportterapie (recovery, social integration, a new image of solidarity). In notional terms, the specific terms of coverage area defines the following areas: - Physical Education - activity type driving, driving shares up of systematized according to specific criteria for subjects that is designed and programmed. Component of general education, as part of an educational process or independently, to the harmonious development of personality and quality of life. - Sport - activity competition consists of a set of driving actions, at different sport branches which seek improvement opportunities morpho-functional and

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 2/2013

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 2/2013


    conform unor criterii specifice subiecilor pentru care este proiectat i programat. Component a educaiei generale, realizat n cadrul unui proces instructiv-educativ sau n mod independent, n vederea dezvoltrii armonioase a personalitii i creterii calitii vieii.

    Sportul activitate de ntrecere constituit dintr-un ansamblu de aciuni motrice, difereniate pe ramuri de sport prin care se caut perfecionarea posibilitilor morfo-funcionale i psihice, concretizate n rezultate ca: record, depire proprie sau a partenerului.

    Antrenament sportiv proces complex bio-psiho-pedagogic, planificat, desfurat sistematic i continuu gradat, da adaptare a organismului sportivului la eforturi fizice i psihice intense, necesare obinerii performanei sportive n competiii.

    Competiia manifestare organizat i planificat a crei finalitate const n stabilirea unor ierarhii pe criterii ce fac posibil compararea ntre indivizi, echipe, naiuni etc., n conformitate cu regulamente elaborate anterior i recunoscute de participani.

    Activiti de timp liber complexe de structuri motrice efectuate individual sau n grup, n scop recreativ, compensator sau formativ, n funcie de nivelul de pregtire i de opiunile subiecilor.

    Activiti de expresie corporal produciile (mimici, ritualuri, posturi, micri segmentare etc.), care exercit o funcie de semnal n cadrul activitilor sociale. Cuprind ansamblul de tehnici corporale n general grupate i bazate pe ideea conform creia este important s se elibereze fore sau conduite care vehiculeaz semnificaii difereniate ce pot fi analizate sub forma unor coduri de comunicare.

    Kinetoterapie component a kinetologiei medicale care aplic mijloace specifice (exerciii fizice), nespecifice (masaj, ageni fizici naturali i artificiali, mijloace psihice, elemente din sporturi sau ramuri sportive) i complexe (combinaii ale acestora) cu

    psychological outcomes as embodied in: record, exceeded its own or partner. Training Sports - complex bio-psycho-pedagogical, planned, systematic and continuous place gradually so the body's adaptation to physical effort and mental athlete intense competition for obtaining sports performance. Competition - organized and planned event whose purpose is to establish criteria hierarchy enabling the comparison between individuals, teams, nations, etc.., In accordance with regulations previously developed and recognized by participants. leisure activities - motor complex structures made individually or in groups, recreational purposes, compensatory or format, depending on the level of training options and subjects. body expression activities - production (gestures, rituals, positions, movement segmentation, etc..) Performing a signal in social activities. Include all tangible techniques and generally grouped based on the idea that it is important to release forces or conduct that convey meanings that can be analyzed differentiated form of coded communication. - Physical Therapy - Medical kinetologiei component applying specific methods (physical exercise), nonspecific (massage, physical agents, natural and artificial means of psychological factors in sports or sports) and complex (combinations thereof) with a view to recovering somatic-functional motor and mental re-education or secondary functions, compensation. Human movements that constitute the overall driveability are structured in acts, actions and motor activities,. Effectiveness of their performance is determined by hereditary and environmental education. When setting targets for improvement or development of functional capacity, mental and physical development of indices, human movements as the exercise becomes. Study driving activities involving general motricitii study real data support other

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 2/2013

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 2/2013


    scopul recuperrii somato-funcionale, motrice i psihice sau al reeducrii unor funcii secundare, compensatorii.

    Micrile omului, care constituie motricitatea general, sunt structurate din acte, aciuni i activiti motrice, grupate sub forma deprinderilor motrice. Eficiena efecturii acestora este determinat de ereditare, educaie i mediu. Atunci cnd se stabilesc obiective privind perfecionarea sau dezvoltarea unor capaciti funcionale, psihice, precum i a unor indici ai dezvoltrii fizice, micrile omului capt denumirea de exerciii fizice.

    Studiul activitilor motrice implic studiul motricitii generale cu un sprijin real pe datele altor tiine care vizeaz, la rndul lor, din perspectiv particular, motricitatea uman. De aceea acest studiu se constituie ca o perspectiv de analiz interdisciplinar cu un pronunat caracter antropologic al motricitii, caracterizat de practicarea exerciiilor fizice.

    ntregul sistem de cunotine, de activiti i de valori create n acest context, ndeplinete toate condiiile pentru a fi integrat n patrimoniul culturii, constituind un element particular al acesteia cunoscut sub numele de cultur fizic.

    Indiferent de modalitile de exprimare, activitile motrice rspund scopului general de transformare evolutiv i de dezvoltare integral a personalitii umane. Lele reprezint n orice spaiu geografic un indicator social important al nivelului cultural revendicat n toate rile evoluate i, deci, o preocupare important n cadrul politicii de dezvoltare uman sub cele mai diferite forme.

    Privite din perspectiva obiectivelor, activitilor motrice conduc la efecte benefice imediate i de lung durat. n general, activitile motrice, ca parte integrant a aciunii educaionale, realizeaz: Cunoaterea realitii din interiorul i din

    afara propriei persoane, nsuirea n mod autonom a valorilor care exist la un moment dat;

    Posibilitatea acionrii eficiente pentru a atinge un nivel bun de competen pragmatic (n activitatea zilnic, profesional, sportiv sau de timp liber);

    sciences that aims to turn the private perspective, human driveability. Therefore this study is that an interdisciplinary perspective with a strong analysis of anthropological motricitii characterized the practice exercise. The entire system of knowledge, activities and value created in this context, meets all the requirements to be integrated into cultural heritage, representing a particular element of it known as physical culture. Whatever the manner of speech, motor activities meet the overall goal of evolutionary transformation and integrated development of human personality. Lele is in any geographic area an important social indicator of cultural level claimed in all developed countries and, therefore, an important concern in human development policy under various forms. Viewed in terms of objectives, business drivers leading to immediate benefits and long term. In general, motor activities, as part of educational action, carried out: Knowledge of reality inside and outside oneself, independently acquire the values that exist at a time; enable effective operation to achieve a good pragmatic competence (in daily activities, work, sports or leisure); Ability to live in the community, to share the joy of movement in a solidarity group which supplies the full expression of everyone; Ability to be worth putting in a permanent measure to create movement, defining a universe of their own gestures, actions, strategies, etc..; The recovery and social integration of persons with special needs, disabled and promoting a new philosophy to replace the individual suffering with a positive climate, motivating, confidence and partnership, to overcome the precarious conditions of employment and a strong and collective relationship effective. Cross effects of motor activity results in a positive image of the body, a fine perception

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 2/2013

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 2/2013


    Posibilitatea de a tri n comunitate, de a mprti bucuria micrii n grup ntr-o solidaritate care alimenteaz exprimarea deplin a fiecruia;

    Posibilitatea de a fi, a punerii n valoare ntr-un permanent act de creare a micrii, de definire printr-un univers propriu de gesturi, aciuni, strategii etc.;

    Recuperarea i integrarea social a persoanelor cu nevoi speciale, cu handicap i promovarea unei noi filosofii care s nlocuiasc suferina individual cu un climat pozitiv, motivant, de ncredere i parteneriat, de depire a condiiei precare i de angajare ntr-o relaie colectiv puternic i eficace.

    Efectele transversale ale activitilor motrice se concretizeaz ntr-o imagine pozitiv a corpului, o percepie fin a informaiilor interne, a emoiilor pozitive legate de nvarea motric i o dorin vie de a desfura activiti sportive i de expresie de-a lungul vieii. Bibliografie 1.Crstea, Gh. (2001), Didactica educaiei fizice. ANEFS, Bucureti 2.Cristea, G. (2003), Managementul leciei. Editura didactic i pedagogic, R.A., Bucureti 3.Dragnea; A. Bota A. - (1999), Teoria activitilor motrice. Editura Didactic i Pedagogic, Bucureti 4.Dragnea, A. i colaboratorii (2000), Teoria educaiei fizice i sportului. Editura Cartea colii, Bucureti 5.Epuran, M. (1992), Metodologia activitilor corporale. Editura A.N.E.F.S., Bucureti 6.Gagea, A. (1999), Metodologia cercetrii n educaie fizic i sport. Editura Romnia de mine, Bucureti 7.Niculescu, M. (2001), Metodologia cercetrii tiinifice n educaie fizic i sport. A.N.E.F.S., Bucureti 8.erbnoiu, S. (2002), Lecia de educaie fizic. Colecia activitilor motrice formative, Bucureti

    of internal information, the positive emotions related to motor learning and eagerness to engage in sports activities and expression throughout life. Bibliography:

    1. Carstea, G. - (2001) Teaching physical

    education. ANEFS, Bucharest 2. Cristea, G. - (2003), management lesson. Teaching and educational publishing, RA, Bucharest 3. Dragnea A. Bota, A. - (1999), Theory of driving activities. Didactic and Pedagogic Publishing House, Bucharest 4. Dragnea, A. and associates - (2000), Theory of physical education and sport. School Publishing House, Bucharest 5. Epuran, M. - (1992), physical activity methodology. A.N.E.F.S. Publishing, Bucharest 6. Gage, A. - (1999), Research Methodology in Physical Education and Sport. Publisher tomorrow Romania, Bucharest 7. Niculescu, M. - (2001), scientific research methodology in physical education and sport. A.N.E.F.S., Bucharest 8. Serbanoiu S. - (2002), physical education lesson. Collection driving training activities, Bucharest