Monday, September 29, 2014. “Charles” What is the conflict in “Charles”? Character vs....


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Short Story Exam ReviewMonday, September 29, 2014

“Charles”What is the conflict in “Charles”? Character vs. Character; Laurie’s mother feels like Charles is a bad influence.

Character vs. Self-Laurie knows what he’s doing is wrong.

“Charles”What is the climax in “Charles”?-Laurie’s mother goes to the PTA meeting and the teacher informs her that there is no Charles.

Charles and Laurie each misbehaved. List 3 misbehaviors that Laurie committed at home and that Charles committed at school.

Laurie spoke insolently to his father.

Charles kicked the teacher.

Laurie spilled his baby sister’s milk.

Charles told a girl to say a bad word.

Laurie filled his wagon full of mud and pulled it through the kitchen.

Charles was being fresh.

“Charles”How is “Charles” an institution in Laurie’s family?

-Anyone who makes a mess or causes trouble is said to be “acting like Charles”.

“Charles”What is the resolution?-There is no resolution. Story ends at climax.

“Charles”What type of character is Laurie?


“Charles”What type of character is Laurie’s mom?

-Protagonist and static

“Charles”What is an example of foreshadowing?

-Laurie doesn’t tell the whole truth, he won’t say exactly what the boy did for being fresh, and he had to think before saying the boy’s name.

“Charles”Who is the narrator?-Laurie’s mother

“Thank You, M’am”What is the conflict?-The conflict is man vs. man; Mrs. Jones vs. Roger; Roger tries to steal Mrs. Jones purse.

“Thank You, M’am”What are character traits of Mrs. Jones? (text evidence)

-large woman, sturdy build-concerned about Roger-warm and caring

“Thank You, M’am”What are character traits of Roger? (Text

Evidence)-frail-14 or 15 years old-dirty-wants to be trusted by Mrs. Jones-changes as a character

“Thank You, M’am”What is the point of view of “Thank You’ M’am”?

-Narrator, third person omniscient

“Thank You, M’am”What is the theme?-One act of kindness can change a person’s life.-Mrs. Jones gives Roger a second chance.

“Thank You, M’am”How is Roger the dynamic character?-In the beginning of the story, Roger is a

wanna-be purse snatcher.-He has the opportunity to leave Mrs.

Jones’ home and he doesn’t. He asks if he can go to the store for her because he wants Mrs. Jones to trust him.

-He does not violate Mrs. Jones trust when she leaves her bag out.

-Roger is so grateful to Mrs. Jones when she gives him money that he cannot speak.

“Raymond’s Run”What is the climax in “Thank You, M’am”?

-Mrs. Jones gives Roger $10.-Roger wants to be trusted and feels remorse about trying to steal Mrs. Jones’ purse.

“Raymond’s Run”What is the point of view of “Raymond’s Run”?

- “Raymond’s Run” is written from a first person narrator point-of-view; Squeaky is telling the story.

“Raymond’s Run”How does Squeaky feel about taking care of Raymond?

-She is very protective of Raymond.

“Raymond’s Run”What is the resolution of “Raymond’s Run”?

-Squeaky realizes that Raymond is a talented runner and Squeaky decides to become Raymond’s coach.

“Raymond’s Run”What are the conflicts?-Gretchen and Squeaky competing to win race.

-Squeaky’s relationship with her brother.

“Raymond’s Run”What are character traits of Squeaky?

-disciplined-will fight if necessary-runs really fast, track star-protective of her brother, Raymond-confident-brave-loyal

“Raymond’s Run”What are some events of the rising action?

-Squeaky training for the race.

-Squeaky and Raymond’s encounter with the other girls.
