Module 6 The Three Gorges Dam 莱阳九中 英语组 宋飞



Module 6 The Three Gorges Dam 莱阳九中 英语组 宋飞. Studying Aims 1.To know something about the Three Gorges Dam. 2.To master some key words, phrases and sentences. 3.To improve reading skills. Guesswork. 1, the longest man-made structure ever built. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Module 6

The Three Gorges Dam莱阳九中 英语组


Studying Aims

1.To know something about the Three Gorges Dam.

2.To master some key words, phrases and sentences.

3.To improve reading skills

1, the longest man-made structure ever built

2, the eastern end of it is at Shanhaiguan and the western end of it is at Jiayuguan.

1, this is a temple which is located in Qufu in Shandong Province

2, built to honor Confucius

1, the longest river in Asia and China,

2, the river is about 6,300 km long and flows from its source in Qinghai Province, eastwards into the East China Sea at Shanghai.

The Yangtze River

1, The largest hydro-electric dam in the world.

2, the dam is more than 1.5 km wide across the Yangtze River. Its reservoir is more than 500km long.

Fast reading :Read the passage quickly and get the main idea of each paragraph.






A.The Introduction of the Dam

B.Influence on historical site

C.Mao Ze Dong’s Dream

D.Influence on people’s life

E.The Advantage of the project

Careful reading

1, What’s the dream of Mao Zedong?

Walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges.


2, Who has the same idea as Mao Zedong?

Sun Yat-sen, the leader of the 1911 Revolution.

Task 1

才饮长沙水 又食武昌鱼万里长江横渡 极目楚天舒不管风吹浪打 胜似闲庭信步 今日得宽余子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫   风樯动 龟蛇静 起宏图一桥飞架南北 天堑变通途更立西江石壁 截断巫山云雨 高峡出平湖神女应无恙 当惊世界殊


Task 2: Teamwork discuss the following questions in groups

1, Why was the Three Gorges Dam built?To control flooding and provide hydro-electric power.2. How high is the dam? 200 m3. How wide is the dam? 1.5 km4. Who first suggested the idea of a dam across the Yangtze River? Sun Yat-sen5. How many villages has the reservoir flooded? About 4,0006, How many historical relics have been submerged? About 800

背景知识 举世瞩目的三峡水利枢纽工程位于长江古陵峡中段,坝址在湖北宜昌三斗坪。淹没区人口为 84.41 万人,淹没耕地和柑橘地 24.5 千公顷。库区移民实行“开发性移民”,除就地统筹安排外,还有部分移民迁入外省市。工程分三期施工,从 1993 年的准备工作算起,总工期为 17

年,第 11 年( 2003 )永久性船闸投入使用,第一批机组发电。 2009 年工程全部竣工。三峡工程所需投资,静态(按 93 年 5 月物价)为 900.9 亿元人民币;其中包括枢纽工程 500.9 亿元人民币,水库移民 400 亿元人民币;但考虑物价、利息、通货膨胀等因素,动态所需投资为 2 ,039 亿元人民币。

Qu Yuan temple Moya Cliff Carvings

Words & Phrases

gorgeharnessconstructionreservoirsubmerge generatedream of hold back come true live a … life


Translation1. The power of Yangtze River, which is the world’s t

hird longest river, has been harnessed by the Three Gorges Dam.

世界第三大河,长江的能量已被三峡大坝转变成了动力。2. The Three Gorges Dam, which is the biggest cons

truction project in China since the building of the Great Wall and the Grand Canal, has been built to control flooding and provide hydro-electric power for the central region of China.


3. Sun Yat-sen, who was the leader of the 1911 Revolution, first suggested the idea of a dam across the Yangtze River in 1919.

早在 1919 年,领导了辛亥革命的孙逸仙(中山)就首次提出了要在长江修筑大坝的设想。

Extensive Reading【拓展阅读】

Page 99 Read the article and find out

1. where the Itaipu and Aswan Dams areThe Itaipu Dam is between Paraguay and Brazil.The Aswan High Dam is in Egypt.2.How big they are The Itaipu Dam is the second biggest dam in the wo

rld..The Aswan High Dam is the third biggest dam in the

world.3. Which dam you can see in the pictureThe Aswan High Dam.

Enjoy English, Enjoy life!

Thank you for listening

1.Mao Zedong once dreamed that there would be a great dam to harness the power of the Yangtze River.2.The Three Gorges Dam has been built to control the drought and generate electricity.3.The dam generates electricity without causing so much air pollution.4. The reservoir has flooded many people’s homes and 80 historical relics.5. Some of the flooded relics are being rebuilt and some are being put into museums.

Teamwork Task 2 decide if the following sentences are true or false.




Fabout 800 historical relics
