Modern Gymnast - June/July 1971




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Gymnastic Apparatus for Men and Women The complete line of gymnastics equipment meets the requirements of inexperienced beginners as well as the most demanding advanced student, coach or performer.

Built to instill confidence in your athletes, Gym Master combines outstanding design and engineering. You can count on stability and unequalled performance from every piece of equipment.

Gym Master encourages winning ways in your gymnasts.

Write for your free GYM MASTER catalog, today.


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• ~ •• o. New Gym Shop Gymnastic Medals Handsome eve nt medals with brightly colored ribbons mounted in special presentation boxes, Indicate event code in blanks below, Event code:

WOMEN: WFX (Floor Exercise) WUPB (Uneven Bars) WBB (Beam) WTR (Trampoline) WSHV (Vault­ing) WAA (All-Around) MEN : MFX (Floor Exercise) MSH (Side Horse) MSR (Rings) MPB (Parallel Bars) MLH (Long Horse) MHB (High Bar) MTR (Trampo­line) MAA (All-Around) FIRST PLACE (Gold tone, blue ribbon): __ , __ , __ ,

- - , --, --,

SECOND PLACE (Sil ver tone, red ribbon): __ , __ , __ ,

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A sturdy training and condition­ing apparatus designed for in­dividual use in confined spaces. Light and completely portable; natural wood grairl finish. (size: 27/1 x 33" x 10") Included is a free 6 page balancing course while they last. $27 .95 postpaid,

Gym Shop Jewelry Fill in event(s) desired in pro­v ided blank spaces, circle Gold tone (G) o r Silver tone (S) and indicate quantity and total price below. Be sure to see event code for men and women .

WOMEN : WFX (floor exercise) WUPB (Uneven Bars) WBB (Beam) WTR (Trampoline) WSHV (Vault­ing) WAA (All-Around) MEN : MFX (Floor Exercise) MSH (Side Horse) MSR (Rings) MPB (Parallel Bars) MLH (Long Horse) MHB (High Bar) MTR (Trampo­line) MAA (All-Around) KEY CHAIN with __ in G. or

S. __ at $.2 .50 each . TIE TACK with __ in G. or S. __ at $1.50 each .

TIE BAR with __ in G. or S. __ at $2.50.

LAPEL PIN with __ in G. or S. __ at $1 .00 each .

CUFF LINKS with __ in G. or S. __ at $3 .00 a pair .

CHARM BRACELET (one charm included) with __ in G. or S. __ at $2 .00 each .

CHARMS __ , __ , __ ,

--, - - , --, --, - _ , _ _ , in G. or S. __ at $1 .00 each.

SWEA TER PIN with __ in G. or S. __ at $1 .00 each .

CHARM PENDANTS __ in S. __ at $1 .50.

DELUXE CHARM PENDANT: Round, Oval or Square _ _ _ in G. or S. __ at $2.50 each .

silver tone charms, sweater and lapel pins in stock for immediate delivery

410 Broadway Santa Monica, Ca. 90406

Super "T" Shirts: Finest quality 1 00 % combed cotton featuring high crew neck, sport shirt length sleeves, breast pocket and choice of colors and silk screened pattern s. $4.75 each Indicate the Super " 1" shirt(s) you want by checking below:


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Please indicate 2nd and 3rd color choices.

Please include 2Sc for postage and han­dling on all GYM SHO P JEWELRY (SOc for postage handling and insurance for all orders over $5 .00.)

Gymnastic Trophies N ew cu stomized sculptured male and female figures in Gold tone, Sil ver tone and Bronze tone, mounted on: handsome molded bases (a vailable in blue, red , white), sculptured walnut cube base or deluxe sculptured wal ­nut pedestal on walnut base with metal sculptured date .

Indicate Men (M) or Women's (W) figure and place: First-­Gold tone (G), Second -- Silver tone (S), Third -- Bronze tone (B) . (i .e. MS = Men 's figure in Silver tone) Molded base at $3 .95 @ __ , - - , --, --, - ' -, - -

circle color desired: blue, red white

Walnut cube at $7 .95 @ _ _ ,

Walnut pedestal and base at $9 .95 @ __ , _ _ , - - , - -, - -. ALL TROPHIES F .O.B. SANTA MONICA,CA.

o Gym Shop custom Mini Parallettes $7.50 post paid

Please send me the items I have indicated above . I am enclosing a check

for the total amount: $ (California residents add 5 % sales tax). I understand that I should allow up to 3 weeks delivery on the items I have

ordered .

Name ______________________________________________ --------__

Address ____________________________________________________ _

City ____________ ____ _ State, _ _____________ Zi p ___ _


CORRECTIONS: Along with priase for our Annual NCAA edition, our avid readers also brought to our attention a few errors in our report. The photo used on page 13 of Marshall Aveneer should have been credited to Geoffrey Crankshaw of March AFB, Calif . . . . ... On the horizontal bar we li sted Jim Ivicek under " qualifiers not among the top 20." This information was miss ing from our HB top 20 score results data used for reference in making up our report. It became obvious by recheck­ing our AA scores that Jim had a C &0 average of 17.95 which put him in eighth place in the HB event (definitely among the top 10). Mike Jacki , one of the judges at the NCAA '71 Championships, sent us some additional interesting points and comments of the competition which we were able to squeeze into our results sec­tion ... look for it on page 25.

* * * COMING: Our annual MG High School Championships report will dominate the next edition so make sure your State Championships are included (we can't print what we do not rece ive) .... Jack Medina, coach at Valley State College (Ca lif.), will be joining our staff as MG editor in the fall bringing a vast knowledge of technical instructional material and know-how to the MG. One of Jack's first tasks as editor will be a new "ASK THE EDI­TOR" column ... If he doesn't know the answer, he' ll find it, so start your questions coming! . .. Bill Ballister, past president of the NHSGCA (now coaching at the Univers ity of Oregon), will act as coordinator tor the high school section of the MG. AI Roginsky, gymnastic instructor at the Beverly Hills and Westchester YMCAs, will be editing a new section for the Jr. gymnasts.

* * :(. POSTAL INCREASE: Although postal rates have gone up alongwith other printing, production and general opera­tional expenses, we intend to hold the line on our MG subscription rates. To help us hold this line there are several ways you, the reader, can be of assistance .... First, renew your subscription promptly when it expires .. . Let us know right away any change of address (the post office charges us for all undelivered magazines) .. . Be sure your school library, coach and all your gym buddies subscribe to the MG . . .. Support our adver­tisers (d rop them a postcard and thank them for their help in making the MG possible) ... Patronize your MG Gym Shop which sells pins, trophies, T-shirts and assorted items not handled by our other MG advertisers (all profits from the GYM SHOP go direct ly into office expenses and help with production costs of the MG). GYM FEST: The annual MG Santa Monica Beach Gym Fest will be held Sept. 4, 5, 6. Men 's Open Saturday, Sept. 4, 1 p.m. Women's Open Sunday, Sept. 5, 1 p.m. Finals Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 6, 2 p.m. Awards for this year's competition will include trophies, lapel pins, charms and MG T-shirts from the MG GYM SHOP ....







8 VIEWPOINT, Dick Criley










COVER: John Crosby (Southern Connecticut) 1971 NCAA College Division All Around champion and top contender for the '72 Olympic team recently distinguished himself in an international meet (see page 14 and interview page 15) by tying Japan's Nakayama and Russia 's Komissarov in the Floor Exercise event.

PUBLISHER-EDITOR: Glenn Sundby ASSOCIATE EDITORS, STAFF: Kenneth Sakoda, Dick Criley

ASSOCIATE EDITORS, FEATURE: A Bruce Frederick, Education; Dr. James S. Bosco, Research; Jerry Wright, Competition; Frank Bare, USGF; John Nooney, Canada; Andrzej Gonera, European; Gerald George, Dan Millman , Don Tonry, AA Instructional; Bill Roetzheim, In­structional.

THE MODERN GYMNAST magazine is published by Sundby Publications. 410 Broadway, Sonto MO(lica, Cal ifornia 9040 1. Second Class Postage paid at Sonta Mon ica , Calif; Published monthly except bi-monthly June, July, August a nd September . Pr ice $6 .00 per year , 60c a single copy . Subscri p tion corl1espond· ence, The MODERN GYM NAST , P.O. Box 611 , Santa Monico, Ca lifornia 90406 . Copyr ight 197 1© a ll r ights reserved by SUNDBY PUBLI CATIONS, 4'10 Broadway, Santa Moni ca , Col if. All photos and ma nuscripts subm itted become the property of The MODER N GYMNAST unless a return request and sufficient postage are included.

championship gymnastics

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Modern lines CUSTOM APPARATUS by J. Krawitz Co. - Balance Beams of solid laminated White Pine acclaimed by many coaches and gymnasts as the best beam made . A unique Vaulting - Storage box that doubles as a tumbling ramp, spotting platform or obstacle course.

CUSTOM APPAREL & ACC ESSORI ES Functionally styled to bring out the best in your performance -Warm-Up Suits, Pants, S~irts, Leotards, Slippers, Hand Guards, Suspenders, etc . I CUSTOM CH EMICAL PRODUCTS Formulated to meet the special needs of the gymnast. CHALK UP for the hori zontal & uneven bars, dries and cools the hands. HOLD IT for vaulting, floor-x and beam, where traction is needed . MAT & APPARATUS CLEANER, GYM FRESHENER, AND FOAM OFF.

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Garland. Texas 75040

Indisputably the finest name in trampolining - since 1948

"IN SUPPORT OF A RIGHT IDEA" A judges association that frees the in­

dividual coach of the responsibility of obtaining and /or training and assigning all his judges is a terrific idea and should enjoy our continued support. As the col­legiate gymnastics season draws to a close, I am sure that I speak for my coaching colleagues in expressing gratitude for the effort put forth by the executive board of the S.C.G.J.A. this past season.

It's been quite a burden working out all the bugs that plague any organization attempting a new function. The all inclu­sive and somewhat thankless task of the assignment secretary has been far from easy. When any of the "bugs" appeared, he had to accept the responsibility. That job has definitely got to be ranked as a labor of love for the benefit of gymnastics.

For my part, I' d just l ike to make sure that he receives a well deserved and pub­licized-" Thank you, Jack Elder! "

Trampolining in Russia. The Soviet English-language sports mag­

azine, Sports in the USSR, recently carried this photo of a Soviet trampoline competi­tion. It is noteworthy in that very little information has leaked from behind the Iron Curtain about their trampoline activ­ity. As with Japan, however, we assumed that when the Russians feel that they can dominate the sport, they will move confi­dently into international competition.

1972 PB COMPULSORY CORRECTED Thanks to Katsu Yamanaka an error in

the PB routine as printed in the December MG, pages 26 and 27 was caught and cor­rected . Katsu says the error was brought to his attention by Yukio Endo (Japan Na­tional Coach). The dismount should be done like the pictures in the following:

1. after kip up

A CORRECTION It has come to our attention that in the

April issue a couple of mistakes were printed in the technical article that ap­peared in the National Gymnastic Judges Association Newsletter. The corrections are as follows:

Page 26 of the April MG: Column two, line 34 should read: D. Article 33,1. Gen­erally, violations of the requirements as stated in Article 30 result in a .3 deduction (e.g. leaving all scissors out of a side horse routine would result in a .9 deduction for combination).

Page 26: Column two, lines 60-65 should read: a. If A parts precede and fol­low the intermediate swing-deduct .5 b. If a B part precedes or follows the in­termed iate swing-deduct.4 c. If a C part precedes or follows the interm ed iate swing-deduct .3

Page 26: Column three, line 10 should read: F. Article 33,3. The following is a guide for making deductions concerning a commensurate dismount : a. Routine that contains 1 or 2 B-8.2-8.6. A dismount or better is ok.


Fort Wayne, Indiana has instituted a gymnastics hall of fame to honor those men in the area who have contributed sig­nificantly to the community in general and the sport of gymnastics in particular.

First to be inducted are John Ross Mc­Culloch, who supported gymnastics through donations to the Turner and other organizations; Professor Henry Meyer, who was supervisor of physical education from 1908 to 1943 and the director of the Fort Wayne Turners; and Hugo Schleuder, who was able to overcome a crippling accident to continue his work as an instructor in a sport he believed could make "c lumsy boys have poise" and "groom leaders."

Mr. Endo found no word that says a gymnast has to pike (.#4 & 51

.#6 not higher than 30 degrees according to an explanation from Germany.

The ba rs must be behind him at finish.

Planning a Trip to Japan? A government-issued POCKET GUIDE

TO JAPAN is of interest to persons desir­ing to learn somethi ng about this country. It contains information on the size, polit­ical and economic structure, history, eth­nic background and customs of the coun­try; also many photographs and illustra­tions, and a language glossary of common­ly used words and phrases. 116 pages. Cost $1.00. Write to the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D .C. 20402 or to the Government Bookstore, Box 36104, Federal Building, 450 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco, Calif. 94102. Ask for pub­lication No. D 2.8: J 27 / 970.




by fohn Nooney 18 Lavington Dr. Weston, Ontario

Syd Jensen is now working as an assist­ant coach at Springfield, Mass., may I wish him Good Luck.

Kirby Weedin (men's coach) and Lyn­wen Hart (women's coach) are now on the University of Calgary staff. Good Luck. Executive Director:

This appointment will be finalized very shortly. I am hoping that the Technical end of our Sport will be given priority in any Development Programme.

National Coaches Assoc. (all sports) Our ve ry capab le National Women 's

Coach Mrs. M ari lyn Savage has been asked to work on the Advisory Committee. A coaches symposium will be organized shortly under th e chairmanship of Lloyd Percival, one of Canada's outstanding men. Lack of coaches is critical in all sports in Canada.

DID YOU KNOW: Jennefir Diachen missed by a few tenths

of a point, her J.G.F. pin at the World Games at Yugoslavia.

Gail Daley did qualify at the 1964 Olympics for this award.

World Championships 1974 Our bid for Winnipeg was submitted

late to th e J.G .F. but we received 11 votes in favor and 19 against, and 2 abstentions. We must congratulate the good people of Winnipeg for their efforts.

Quebec: A grant of $5,000 was given to Quebec

for the Winter Games to prepare th eir teams. Mr. Matsuda (Yamashita) ran a week's training camp at J.c.c. for both teams, this was a Provincial Government Grant. Th ey also had four days training at Laval Unive rs ity. Quebec coaches were Regent Roy, and Laurant St. Gelais and Jackie St. Jean. A provincial advisor to th e sport is now being appointed. Th e Pro-

vincial Government will provide sa lary, expenses etc. , with such support for the technical side. Quebec wi ll become the Province to beat, their men gym nasts look exce llent now.

A NEW BOOK " Training and Conditioning For Women 's

Competitive Gymnastics." Thi s book was written by Sandra Hartley now Gymnastic Coach at the University of British Co lumbia B.C. This book relates to training techniques

and conditioning programs. The price is $2 .50. Write direct to Sandy. ONTARIO

Excellent compu lsor ies have been made into book form , from beginner leve l to men 's senior by Mr. Julio Roncon , Univer­sity of Toronto, Coach and Provincial Coach , assisting him was Mr. Eugene Ory­schyn, F.I.G. judge and men's coach at the Etobicoke Jaycees Gym Club (my own club) and Mr. Jan Waldauf O.G.F. coaching chairman.

I personally recommend them to all High School teachers, Club Coaches, etc. Fo r furth er information write: Mr. Julio Roncon , 16 Carluke Cres., Apt. 615 , Wil­lowdale 431 Onto ALBERTA

The 1972 National Gymnastic Champion­sh ips have been awarded to Calgarv, in

Membership Application Form UNITED STATES


Since the formation of the U.S.T.A. on December 27, 1970, the response has been encouraging. Ground work for the first U.S.T.A. National Cham­pionships are already under way and membership has been coming along steadily: If you are interested in trampoline competition and would like to re ­ceive the U.S.T.A. Newsletter please fill out the membersh ip application below. Name _______ ______ ~


Address __________ ~

City _ ______ ___ _

State' _ __________ _


Date of Birth _ _______ _

Sex~ ________ ___ _

Affi liationl __________ ~



Students-$2 year


___ Booster

Adults-$5 year

Make checks payable to: U.S. Trampoline Association

Mail to: Ron Munn, Sec.-Treas. 5056 Brewster Drive Columbus, Ohio 43227


.It is with a great deal of pleasure Ihat we announce what we hope to be the most fantastic Ope n Gymnastics Meet in the Country. It will be held at Big Surf on August 27, 28, 29 , 1971 for a $5.00 entry fee . This fee will entitle you to entrance to Big Surf for each of these Ihree days, plus enter you in the gymnastics meet. The narmol entrance fee is $2.00 per day so see what a bargain you will gel? It is the only place like it in the Country so even if you don't compete, it is still worth the trip just to see Big Surf.

Our number one aim is Fun wi th Gym­nastics at a site that you will not believe and the price is right. There will be five Olympic event s - omitting th e long Horse because it would be very d ifficult to run in the sand. In place of the long Horse we will have fun activities such as on e arm hand stand contest, trampoline and tram­polete contests.

IThis meet is a build up toward the Santa Monica Meet so make your plans to be at Big Surf in Phoenix, Arizona, August 27-29 and then onto Santa Monica, September 3-5, 1971.

If you are interested , please fill out the enclosed application and return it to: Don Robinson , Gymnastics Coach , Arizona State University, Tempe, AR 85281.

ENTRY BLANK Name ______________ _

School _____________ _

Address _____________ _

City & State. ___________ _ _

Please enter me in the following events:

___ Floor Exercise ___ Side Horse

___ Still Rings ___ Parall e l Bars

___ Oldsters?? _ __ Trampoline

___ Trampolete ___ Hand Stand

Contest ___ One Hand Stand Contest

___ High Bar.

I would like an indication of who and how many will attend . You may mail your entry fee along with th is application or pay when you arrive. If you have some wild or crazy thing to suggest as addi­tional event, please let me know.


charge will be H. Weiler, Mrs. J. Jarrell , W. Pelepchan and Geoff Elliot.

CANADIAN COLlECIATES ON THE MOVE by Dr. Arno Lascari, Gymnastics Coach University of British Columbia

The following are my impressions, after one year of coaching in Canada, of the 1971 National Collegiate Championships for Men and Women and of gymnastics in Canadian universities.

Th e quality of men 's gymnastics was ev ident, albeit in limited quantity. York University won the men's team title. Steve Mitruk of McMaster set a high and win­ning standard in every event although he was edged out of first place in floor exer­cise by Keith Carter of the University of Manitoba. The Collegiates, in a few years, should produce a number of Mitruks­then watch out!

The girls looked sharp (also gymnas­tically). Raymonde Germain, University of Montreal , won vaulting. Sue Buchanan, York, won the all around, bars, beam, floor exercise, and placed third in vaulting.

The meet was extremely well run, the stands were packed and national TV cover­age was thrown in as well. York University did an outstanding job of hosting the meet.

The two-year old Canadian Intercollegi­ate Gymnastics Coaches Association (C. I.­G.C.A.) i sthe governing body, within the C:I.A.U. and C.I.A.U.W. framework, for the championships and thus provides the leadership in the university domain. Par­ticipation in the dynamic development of the C.I.G .C.A. was the most gratifying aspect of the meet to me. Our constitu­tion is being finalized, after a healthy ex­change of ideas, and provides safeguards to ensure a productive and democratic future. I have little fear for the present because the officers, coaches, and other people working with the C.I.G.C.A. are simply a fine group of individuals.

The future, however, is my primary con­cern . I was nearly shocked at learning of the large number of Canadian university teams, both men and women. This is not the Canada I once knew. I am convinced that we can now provide for the needs of Canadian gymnasts, especially those in ­terested in international competition. The substantial number of men and women coaches, facilities, programmes, and a sound governing body should preclude a bright future.

Oh yes, rumour has it that there will be on old-timers meet (mothball cases) at the next national collegiates. Coaches Girard, Brooker, Zivic, and a certain ex-Yank will undoubtedly go into secret training for a big come-back!


Special price $4.00

Order him:


California residents odd 5% sales tax

VIEWpoints movements nominated by the Technical Committee but assembled by each country to create its own compulsory. In effect this creates the option of di ffe rent com ­pulsories in terms of combination of th e same moves. The main difficulty which was raised was in terms of the evaluation by th e judges. However, the FIG Technical Committee affirmed its confidence in th e qualifications of the judges to make th e eva luations.

by Dick (riley

The other day I hea rd an introduction to a Fitness Day Program sponsored by our Honolulu Parks and Recrea tion De­partment. One of th e senior joggers made the remark, "When He made our bodies, He produced a wondrous machine. Unlike most machines, this one improves with use,"

This was an inspiring way of thinking of all sports, not just gymnastics, but surely it provides a rationale for the thought that practice makes perfect.

In browsing through the latest USGF release from the FIG Women's Technical Committee, I came across a proposal which is before the FIG with respect to the Olympic competitions. This proposal, which originated with the International Olympic Committee, would reduce the number of medals awarded by eliminating the team and all-around medals. Only the event winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd) would receive awards . The 10C feels that gymnastics has too many medals already.

Another proposal has an even more in­teresting ring to it. The women's Technical Committee feels that carrying the same compulsory exercises for 4 years is too static a system. They would leave the vault but suggest that the exercises on the other events would be composed from

The USGF offers the opportunity for gymnasts and coaches to subscribe to the FIG quarterly bulletin ($5 .00 / yr) to keep up with international developments in men's and women 's gymnastics. MG read­ers should write the USGF at P. O . Box 4699, Tucson , Arizona 85717.

It looks as if competitors in th e 1972 NCAA Championships are going to be able to complete their competitions in the compulsories and optional in an hour and a half for each session . The meet would be run as the Olympics are now with only a few teams on at a time and with stag­gered starting times. This applies only to the University Division as the College Di­vision gymnasts will again have to run through eve rything in a single session.

Another concession to international terminology : the side horse will be called Pommel Horse (PH) and the Long Horse Vault will simply be called Vaulting. I can see the latter change, but I suspect that the Side Horse is too well entrenched to yield easily to the pommel horse. We will be able to pick out our internationally­oriented gymnasts more easi Iy though: they'll be working on the pommel horse!

PEACE OFFERING The Modern Gymnast Magazine and Mademoiselle Gym­nast Magazineare offering as a special gift the above 17x22-inch poster to any new subscription order for either magazine.

Please send a poster and a subscription of:

___ The Modern Gymnast Magazine,

$6.00 per year ___ Mademoiselle Gymnast,

$3.00 per yea r Name ____________ _

Address ___________ _

City "- ----------_ State ________ Zip ___ _

Mail to:

Poster Gift Offer Sundby Publications Box 777 Santa Monica, California 90406

Extra posters are available on request for $1.00.

This offer does not opply to RENEWALS.

MAT TEACHER Too many Physical Educators still think a gym mat is only a hunk of foam with a vinyl

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When you buy a Voplex "K" series folding gym mat, you're getting one with Ensolite* foam and our exclusive permanent bonded vinyl coating.

A non-abrasive coating that provides firm, sure footing, and won't slid'e on the gym floor. And our exclusive, indestructi­ble laminated hinge gives you all the easy moving and storage advantages of a fold­ing mat.

V oplex pros pioneered permanent cover vinyl mats more than 15 years ago. And pros like Ben Gioseffi are still helping us set the standards for the industry. Write for our new folder or call (716) 381-7070. One of our nationwide representatives lives near you, and can help you with your needs. Voplex mats. From the professional mat builders

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Now you know better.


Protection Sales Division P.O. Box 64, Rochester, N. Y. 14601

Voplex Apparatus Panel Mats are designed as an integral part of the professional physical educators equipment.

These mats carry the professionally recognized Polvonite® trade name, and are made of the same high quality foam and coating combination used in our famous wrestling mats.

In just 30 days, they'll be with your equipment provid­ing you with all the protection you need and the distinctive

appearance you desire. A Voplex mat meets your standards of beauty and durability so well each carries a full year cost free written warranty.


1971 WORLD () Report by Jerry Wright

The 1971 Miami edition of the World Cup Gymnastics Championships proved to be a smashing success in the eyes of some 7,000 Miami spectators.

The meet was divided into two sessions with men 's PH, LH and SR and women's vaulting and beam in the afternoon session (some 2,500 spectators) and men's FS, SH and HB and women's unevens and FX in the evening session (some 4,500 spectators). Three very significant sur­prises emerged from the meet:

1. The very fine attendance at the two sessions.

2. The all-around championship being won by Peter Rohner of Switzerland (in the most recent Olympische Turnkunst Peter was not even ranked in the top 30 in either of two lists whereas W. Kubica was ranked

1971 WORLD CUP GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIP Held at Miami Beach Convention Hall

June 5, 1971 Competitor Country

1. Peter Rohner 2. Wilhelm Kubica 3. Andrze Szajna 4. Wilhelm Mossinger 5. John Crosby 6. Janez Brodnik 7. Yoshiaki Takei 8. Ake Storhaug 9. Andre Simard

10. Jose Gines

Switz. Pol. Pol. W. Ger. U.S.A. Jugo. Japan Nor. Can. Spain

UP third in one I isting and tied for 16th in the other I is!) .

3. A fine performance by youngster John Crosby, who won the floor exercise event and tied for f irst in vau lting. John, by the way, was selected for the meet by virtue of having been the highest American scorer in the recent invitational held in Russia.

In this report I thought it might be of some interest if I indicated, at least accord­ing to my notes, the number of Band C parts each competitor has and some of the new moves or d ifferent sequences and some of the problem areas that were ob­vious. In the first event, in this case the para llel bars, came probably the most unique move of the enti re competit ion, Takei's front over bar sa ito from a back uprise (another way of describ ing it would


~ ~ ~ [1 [EJ [i] \10tal j 9.20 9.05 9.1 0 9.35 9.20 9.10 55 .00 9 .30 9.15 8.85 9.20 9.45 8.85 54.80 9.20 8.95 9.35 9.00 8.70 8.95 54 .1 5 9.00 8.80 8.65 9.30 9.00 9.30 54.05 8.90 9.15 8.85 9.05 8.40 9.50 53.85 8.90 8.80 9.00 8.80 8.65 8 .90 53.05 9.50 9.00 9.30 7.90 8.00 9 .20 52.90 8.70 8.95 8.75 8.55 8.80 9.10 52.85 8.45 8.70 8.80 8.80 8.00 8.50 51.25 8.60 8.65 8.55 8.45 6.05 9.35 49.65


be to say a tront sa ito to stra ight arm sup­port from an upper arm support). jose Gines (Spain) 5-B 2C

Stock routine Andre Simard (Canada) 5-B 2-C john Crosby (U.S.A.) 6-B l-C

Peach handstand mount was short but still good

janez Brodnik (Yugoslavia) 5-B 3-C Andrez Szajna (Poland) 3-B 3-C

Straight arm, straight body press - excellent Ake Storhaug (Norway) 3-B2-C

Peach to shoulder stand and pressed to hand­stand, followed with several faults - greatly overscored

Wilhelm Mossinger (W. Germany) 4-B 2-C Peter Rohner (Switzerland) 6-B 2-C Wilhelm Kubica (Po land) 7-B 2-C Yoshiaki Takei (japan) 4-B 4-C

Takei took an ea rly lead here after the first event with his 9.5; Kubica's 9.3 put him second.

In the long horse event there were two cartwheel backs, one or two ful l twisting handsprings and severa l far-end yama­shitas. After this event Takei sti ll led the all-around with 18.50 to 18.45 for Kubica.

In the sti ll rings I personally took excep­t ion with the judging, as did others but for different reasons in some cases. Crosby 3-B 3-C Gines 2-B 3-C

Greatly overs cored, I felt. My score, 7 .9; final average, 8.55 .

Simard 2-B 3-C Mossinger 3-B 4-C Rohner l-B 4-C Storhaug 1 or 28 3-C

Did his press so fast he should not have re­ceived credit for it. My score, 7.8; final score, 8.75.

Kubica ·4-8 2-C Interesting routine, two held parts devalued because short on time but still had full diffi­cult y.

Brodnik 4-B 2-C Takei 3-B 3-C

Almost did not make it on his press. Szajna 3-B 3-C

Another interesting and controversial routine. Some felt he did not hold his moves - I did not see it that way at all. DiNicola scored him low. I had 9.5, mostly impressed with his handstand to fa ll out to back uprise to planche and good straight arm , straight leg straddle press. After the rings event Takei went for an

early dinner with a substantial lead of 27.80, but Rohner had taken over second place with 27.35 to Kubica's 27.30. In the rings Kubica scored 8.85 in sp ite of having great great difficu lty on his press and sitting down on his dismount. In the floor exer­cise event Crosby and G ines executed double backs, with Crosby doing the bet­ter one by more or less work ing out of it whereas Gines simply sat down immed i­ately into a backward ro ll. Gines, I be­lieve, d id his out of a roundoff without a flip-flop. Simard 4-8 l-C Szajna 4-8 3-C Storhaug 3-8 4-C

Definitely Storhaug's only strong event. 8rodnik 3-8 2-C

In my opin ion - overscored


Rohner 4-8 3-C Kubica 6-8 l-C Takei 6-8 3-C Mossinger 8-8 2-C Crosby 5-8 2-C Gines 4-B 3-C

The group, as a whole, did much better tumbling than I have seen Europeans do in the past. They also suffered , as a group, on their turns, with many of them doing parts without value to connect their runs. Takei still led after this event by a com­fortab le margin 37.00 to Rohner's 36A5. Rohner, however, ga ined on third-place Ku­bica's 36.15.

On the side horse the only really impres­sive routine was, of course, that of the eventual winner, Kubica . However, he has one serious fault, and that is the man­ner in which he works in to his reverse scis­sors . He does his reverse sc issors first and then his forward scissors, but his entry into this sequence was very weak. Mossinger 6-8 l-C

Crosby Simard

Double russian Gines

Overscored a t 6 .05 8rodnik

or 6-8 and / -C

(or 4-8 and 2-C) 5-8 l-C 5-8 3-C

2-8 l-C

4-8 2-C

Szajna 4-8 2-C or 6-8 and /-c. I had him without reverse scissors and a sit.

Takei 3-8 l-C Overscored - Takei started well, but on his russian (I think) he sa t down before fini shing and lost the C part, which he did not need, but lost .5. After which he hit the horse three or four times and lost .6 on his dismount se­quence, plus other general deductions of sig­nificance.

Rohner 5-8 l-C or 3- 8 and 2-C

Storhaug 4-B l-C I believe he might have had only 3-8 parts & possibly overscored at 8.0.

Kubica 9-B l-C or 2-8 and 3-C. Excellent routine. After the side horse event Rohner took

over the AA (45 .65) but not by much as Kubica 's 9.45 here left him w ith 45.60. Takei dropped out of the top three and Szajna, a very young- looking gymnast from Poland and a great prospect, took over third .

In the horizontal event the primary im­pression was that technical execution was definitely lacking, although, as a whole, the event was well received by the audi-ence. Gines 3-8 l-C

Greatlyoverscored Simard 6-8 3-C Crosby 7-8 l-C Mossinger 6-8 5-C Kubica 5-8 6-C Storhaug 4-B 4-C Takei 4-B 5-C

Overscored. Fell out of two giants and had intermediate swings after each fall for a total of 2.0 deduction on this alone. Then scored 7.9. My score was 7.2 .

Szajna Rohner Brodnik

4-B 5-C 7-B 2-C 7-B 4-C

Rohner won the high bar event to climax a fine day's work (placed in top three in five events).

A specia l word of thanks to the directors of Florida Sports Meet, Inc. , a nonprofit corporation dedicated to bringing major amateu r sporting events to Miami. Vincent Ant le, President Gerald Gould, V.P. Wi llard Dover, Sec. Davis Statton, Treas. Directors Bil l Bunker, Lewis Cohen, Bruce Davis, A. Peavy, Dr. Stokes and Ralph Surrency

A specia l thank you to Arthur Gander fo r lending hi s prestige to the meet as we ll as for serving as a neutra l superior judge.

And a commendation to Bruce Davis for a job we ll done as the meet director, Car­man and joe Regna, Don Holder, Chick Cicio and many others who worked be­hind the scenes to run a very efficient meet. In the gym everything ran smooth ly, how­ever, I must report that communications to judges and ath letes left a li ttle to be de­sired outside the gym. A check-in desk would have been helpful.

Those of us who were more or less in­vo lved as insiders were awa re that due to unforeseen circumstances some of the world's best gymnasts, invited to attend, did not come. No Russian gymnasts, no japanese gymnasts (except Takei) and the E. Germans fa iled to appear after reported­ly picking up their tickets (the same thing reportedly happened to the Czech girls). However, the performances these fine Miami gymnastic fans were treated to left them feeling that it would have been near impossible for the meet to have been any better.

Frank Bare indicated that there is rea­son to believe that this meet wou ld soon be placed on the official FIG calendar, and this wou ld most likely elim inate the prob­lem of getting all the top gymnasts to the meet.



ALL AROUND: 1. Y. Takei , Georgia South­ern , 55.10 + 55.05 = 110.15 ; 2. S. Hamado, Kent State, 45.6 + 54.05 = 108.65; 3. J. Elias, Georgia Southern, 52.95 + 54.05 = 107.00; 3. T. Lindner, Southern Illinoi s, 52.60 + 54.40 = 107.00 ; 5. B. Simmons, Iowa State, 51.75 + 54.65 = 106.40; 6. C. Culhane, N.Y. Athletic Club, 52.85+ 51 .50 = 104.35; 7. Y. Hijicka, Kent State, 103.80; 8. G. Anderson, N.Y. Athletic Club, 102.75; 9. R. Clemmer, Temple, 102.50; 10. C. Ritter, UCLA, 100.85. Team Totals: NYAC 156.90 + 148.30 305.20; Iowa State 156.55 + 140.05 296 .60; Ga. So. C. 157.65 + 109.10 266.75 .

Floor Exercise: 1. Takei 9.025 + 9.25 = 18.275;' 2. Simmons 9.075 + 9.15 = 18.225; 2. Stephenson 9.075 + 9.15 = 18.225; 4 . Morava 9.00 + 9.15 = 18.15; 5. Lindner 8.85 + 9.0 = 17.85; 6. Scott 8.875 + 8.95 = 17.825. Side Horse: 1. Liehr 9.30 + 9.45 = 18.75; 2. Marcy 9.250 + 9.35 = 18.60; 3. Hoffman 9.225 + 9.35 = 18.575; 4. Fystrom 8.875 + 9.1 = 17.975; 5. Takei 8.925 + 8.55 = 17.475; 6. Lindner 8.875 + 7.8 = 16.675. Rings: 1. Takei 9.50 + 9.45 = 18.95 ; 2. Ropiquet 9.20 + 9.6 = 18.80; 2. Morgan 9.350 + 9.45 = 18.80; 4. Hamada 9.450 + 9.1 = 18.550; 5. Repp 9.075 + 9.15 = 18.225; 5. Lindner 9.075 + 9.15 = 18.225; 7. Elias 9.075 + 8.85 = 17.925 . AA Finalists

Parallel Bars: 1. Simmons 9.425 + 9.4 = 18.825; 2. Takei 9.30 + 9.45 = 18.75 ; 3. Elias 9.225 + 9.25 = 18.475 ; 4. Mazur 9.15 + 9.15 = 18.30; 4. Hamada 9.10 + 9.2 = 18.30; 6. Sweeney 9.10 + 8.9 = 18.00. Long Horse: 1. Siotten 8.85 + 9.3 = 18.15; 2. Hamada 9.075 + 9.05 = 18.125 ; 2. Kenigs 9.15 + 8.975 = 18.125 ; 4. Murahata 8.9 + 9.0 = 17.9; 5. Clemmer 8.975 + 8.9 = 17.875; 6. Hill 8.875 + 8.625 = 17.5. High Bar: 1. Takei 9.575 + 9.6 = 19.175; 2. Lindner 9.45 + 9.165 = 19.10; 3. Elias 9.25 + 9.3 = 18.55; 4. Davis 9.225 + 9.2 = 18.425; 5. Hamada 9.25 + 9.15 = 18.40; 6. Culhane 9.20 + 8.9 = 18.10.

First AA: Takei, Georgia Southern


International Gymnasties Meet April 23,26, 1971 Riga, Latvia

Countries Competing USSR, USA, Poland, East Germany, Ro­

mania, Bulgaria, Norway, Czechoslovakia, Finland , North Korea, japan, Switzerland, Cuba.

Transportation Th e transportation from the United States

to Moscow, and from Moscow to Riga , and return to the United States, was excel­lent. While th e train trave l left something to be desired it was a fine experience for all and it gave us a solid appreciation of the size of the country.

Competition The competition was exce llent, particu­

larly the women, where we felt that the calibre was a little bit better and they were further advanced at this time than were the men . Th e men appeared to be preparing for later competition and were not quite as sharp.

The meet was run extremely well with great dignity and ceremony. The crowd, while not large to start off, became con­siderably better as the meet progressed. We all felt that our men and women did an outstanding job for the United States. They certainly gave the Europeans the feeling that we were to be reckoned , with in the not too distant future.

Housing The American team was housed at the

Metrapole Hotel in Moscow and the Hotel Riga in Riga. The squad felt that the ac­commmodations were excellent and that everything was done to make their stay at the hotels a pleasant one.

Russian Officials and People The coordination of the entire trip by

the Russian Delegation was excellent. They were more than friendly, did many things to make our stay a memorable one, and were most gracious and considerate at all times.

The Russian people that we were ab le to meet were extremely friendly. We did not find any animosity whatsoever at any level toward the Americans. In fact, the feeling was fairly general that they pre­ferred our company to some of the other communistic countries.

Political Questions There were very few political questions.

It appeared to be that those that were asked were more of curiosity than any­thing else. They, of course, had been fed a large amount of propaganda with regard to our student riots and marches in Wash­ington, plus th e killing of a lot of people in both places. Our people assured them that this was not the case and that it had been greatly exaggerated on the whole.


General Impressions This was th e first American Gymnastics

team eve r to visit a foreign country and not a sing le member of the squad have any type of sickness. Our athletes felt that it was the finest gymnastics trip that they had ever been on, and they felt that our showing was most significant. It was their feeling that this type of competition was a giant step forward for American gymnas­tics. Our yo ung people were particularly well behaved and did an outstanding job representi ng the United States. The impres­s ion that they made on other athletes and Russian dignitaries was an excellent one. It was the feeling of many o-f the Russian officials that they would like to have this made into an annual affair. It was also the concensus of our coaching staff that this was the best American group that they had ever traveled with.

Th ere were many complete Russian strangers who went out of their way to do a number of things to make the trip for both our athletes and our officials a most pleasant one. I am sure that from the ob­servat ions of our coaching staff, as well as Mr. Czekaj, the continuation of such a meet as this would be most worthwhile, realizing, of course, that the expense is hard to justify and it is most difficult to come up with the money for such a trip. Howeve r, the exposure of our people to Russia, and the Russians to our people, is most worthwhile. The Meet at Riga was televised throughout Russia and the Rus­sians had an opportunity to see how our young people rooked and how they han­dled themselves. MEN'S TEAM RESULTS - WORLD INVITA­TIONAL. 1. USSR: 168.90,2, japan : 168.00, 3. N. Korea: 165.05, 4. East Germany: 164.90,5. USA: 164.25,6. Hungary : 160.45, 7. Czechoslovakia: 158.35, 8. Romania: 156.05,9. Cuba: 152.70,10. Poland : 148.75, 11 . Norway: 54.90, 11. Switzerland: 54.90, 1'3. Finland: 51.60.

All Around: 1. Nakayama, japan 57.00; 2. Komissarov, USSR 56.40; 3. Boiko, USSR 56.20; 4. L. Son Sub, Korea 56.00; 5. Koste, E. Germany 55.75; 6. Andrianov, USSR 55.65; 7. Brehne, E. Germany 55.60; 8. Maleeyev, USSR 55.55; 9. Homma, japan 55.50; 10. Kasamatsu, japan 55.40; 11 . Crosby, USA 55.05; 12. Bruhwieler, Swiss 54.90; 13. Storhang, Norway 54.90; 14. Mohap, Hungary 54.40; 15. Avener, USA 54.30; 16. Sin Hun jo, Korea 54.05; 17. Kum Son 50b, Korea 54.00; 18. Lind­ner, USA 53.60; 19. Bocke, Czech 53.60; 20. Simmons, USA 53.60.

Floor Exercise: 1. Nakayama, jap, 9.4 + 9.4 = 18.8; 1. Crosby, USA, 9.4 + 9.4 = 18.8; 1. Komissarov, USSR, 9.45 + 9.35 = 18.8; 4. Kasamatsu, jap, 9.4 + 9.35= 18.75; 5. Homma, jap, 9.4 + 9.25 = 18.65 ; 6. Koste, E. Ger, 9.3 + 9.3 = 18.6.

Side Horse: 1. Andrianov, USSR, 9.55 + 9.55 = 19.1; 2. Nakayama, jap, 9.4 + 9.5 = 18.9; 3. Brehne, E. Ger, 9.35 + 9.35 = 18.7; 4. Komissarov, USSR, 9.35 + 9.3 = 18.65; 5. Bruhwieler, Swiss, 9.3 + 9.3 = 18.6; 6. Boiko, USSR, 9.25 + 9.15 = 18.4.

Rings: 1. Andrianov, USSR, 9.45 + 9.47 = 18.925; 2. Komissarov, USSR, 9.50 + 9.255 = 18.755; 3. Boiko, USSR,

Rings: 1. Boiko, USSR, 9.55 + 9.65 = 19.2; 1. Nakayama, jap, 9.55 + 9.65 = 19.2; 1. Sin Hum jo, Korea, 9.55 + 9.65 = 19.2; 4. L. Son Sub, Korea, 9.5 + 9.35 = 18.85; 4. Maleeyev, USSR, 9.4 + 9.45 = 18.85; 6. Brehne, E. Ger, 9.4 + 8.825 = 18.225.

Long Horse: 1. Andrianov, USSR, 9.45 + 9.47 = 18.925; 2. Komissarov, USSR, 9.50 + 9.255 = 18.755; 3. Boiko, USSR, 9.45 + 9.125 = 18.575; 3. Kasamatsu , jap, 9.5 + 9.075 '= 18.575; 5 . Brehne, E. Ger, 9.45 + 8.825 = 18.275; 6. Nakayama, jap, 9.4 + 8.825 = 18.225.

Parallel Bars: 1. Nakayama, jap, 9.45 + 9.6 = 19.05; 2. Komissarov, USSR, 9.4 + 9.4 = 18.8; 3. L. Son Sub, Korea, 9.35 + 9.35 = 18.7; 4. Homma, Korea, 9.45 + 9'.0 = 18.45; 5. Koste, E. Ger, 9.35 + 9.0 = 18.35; 6. Kasamatsu, jap, 9.35 + 8.75 = 18.1.

Horizontal Bar: 1 . Nakayama, jap, 9.8 + 9.65 = 19.45; 2. Homma, jap, 9.6 + 9.55 = 19.15; 3. L. Son Sub, Korea , 9.5 + 9.45 = 18.95 ; 4 . Kasamatsu, jap, 9.6 + 9.2 = 18.8; 5. Fudaimoto, jap, 9.45 + 9.3 = 18.75; 6. Boiko, USSR, 9.4 + 8.85 = 18.25 .

WOMEN'S TEAM RESULTS - Full Teams: 1. USSR: 114.15,2. USA: 111.70,3 . Czech : 109.50,4. Hungary: 107.95,5. E. Germany : 107.40, 6. Romania : 105.75, 7. Poland : 102.00. Not Full Teams: Japan : 72.25, Cuba : 64.70, Swiss: 34.55, Norway: 33.95, Finland: 32.15.

All Around: 3. Rigby-Bronze medal

Bars: 3. Rigby-Bronze medal

Beam: 1. Rigby-G.old medal

Vault: 5. Pierce: USA, 6. Moore: USA

Beam: 6. Moore: USA, 7. Cluff: USA

Floor Exercise: 6. Rigby: USA, 8. Moore : USA



I. I

MG INTERVIEW: John ~rosby by Dick Cri ley

This interview with John Crosby was taped between the compulsory and op­tional sessions of the NCAA University Divisi on Championships at the University of Michigan. The preceding weekend, John had won the College Division All-around title. Name: John Crosby, Jr. Age: 20 Ht. 5' 5" Wt. 125

High School: Farmingdale H.S., Farming­dale, N.Y.

College : Southern Connecticut State Col­lege. Major: English

Coach: Abe Grossfeld Honors: NCAA (College Division) 1971:

1st AA, 1st FX, 1st PO, 2nd SH, 2nd R, 2nd LH, 3rd HO; NCAA (University Di­vision) 1971: 2nd FX; Manitoba World Invitational 1970: 3rd FX; USSR World Invitational 1971: 1st FX-tied with Nakayama.

As I recall, John, you first appeared in the Modern Gymnast by winning a YMCA Na­tional Floor Exercise Championship. Was that your start-tumbling and floor ex?

Mostly it was just floor ex, tumbling and vaulting. I have no complaint right now because th e tumbling has done me a lo t of good . I started working the other events as I wen t into high school. I'd go up to Abie' s (at Southern Connecticut) on week­ends. During my junior year in high school I hu rt my knee and didn ' t compete. I did compete my senio r year; I was a 2.0 side horse man, but during that summer I dropped from 139 to 123 and worked on strength-that'S Ab ie's idea: li ght and strong. It gives you a good fee l ing to know that you ca n handle yourself.

Last week (at the College Div ision Na­tionals) I had one of m y best meets with a 51.65 in the compulsories and a 55.10 in the optiona ls which might have been a little high, but nothing went wrong for me - I just hit everything. In this meet though .. . wel l, I think some of these quali fyi ng meets are a l ittle close and don ' t give you much time to work out the roug h spots. I was fee ling real ly bad and tired and not j ust up to par. I think two or three weeks would be better to allow t ime to recuper­ate. Th e people who run things are look­ing qt it from a point of view of costs and travel and I think it ought to be looked at from the gymnast's point of view. What was your point of view after the compulsory exercises here?

We only went 6'12 hours. Th at's an ave r­age of about one event an hour. That meet last week was another marathon. It just went and went. It's just go ing to hap­pen; you can ' t get away from it. They ran this meet and it went like clockwork. Except the long horse.

Th ey have to have a conference to de­cide whether they're go ing to give the vault credit o r not. It happened last week. Th ey want you to break the horse in an arch o r stra ight body, and if you don ' t

Komissarov , John Crosby & Nakayama share FX Gold Medal honors at USSR Invitat ional Match .

they have to have a conference .to decide if they' re go ing to give you a zero . That's a very ser ious decision.

How do you get yourself " up" for a meet? I just work out the same all year. My

problem is that I' m stil l a young gym nast and I'm relat ively inexperienced in the al l­around. W hen these compu lsories came ea rl y thi s year, I was sti ll work ing on cer­tain opt ional parts and strength and train­ing for meets with my optiona l exerc ises. I had to learn most of these compulsory parts and it was a grind. I couldn ' t neglect my optionals but I st ill had to work the compulsories . Plus my school wo rk. I take pride in both my gymnastics and good marks. It 's been a tough schedule .

Are you going into physical education? No, I'm an English major. I've made my

statements about phys ica l education ma­jors and I'm not gO ing to make any more. I enjoy English literature. I spend my 3'12 hours in the gym now and I cou ldn ' t see spending al l day long in the gym just teach ing.

What has been your hardest event? Th e side horse came along the slowest,

but now it's the rings. My strength moves are lacki ng. I don ' t have a cross. It's un­fortunate, from my po int of view, that so much depends on that one little trick. How do you handle a bad day, one of those when nothing seems to go right?

Abie wou ld be very upset with me if I picked up my bag and left. I just don ' t do tha t. He feels that even if you ' re fee ling bad there's always something you can do. If your hands hurt on high bar, for in­stance, you can work side horse. If you don' t feel good tumb ling, you can work parts, go through trans ition movements. If you're rea lly fee ling bad, rea ll y sore, work it out and you' ll fee l better the next day. Th ere's no sense to wa lking out of the gym all tight. Then there 's always strength exe rcises to do . . . handstand push ups, front lever exerc ises . . . but don 't just walk into the gym and turn around and wa lk out.

Have you any particular beefs or gripes you'd like to air?

I don ' t like all this po l itick ing that's go­ing around, for one thing. Then there's this bit about the compulsories. Someone was supposed to get the compul sories out to the gymnasts, but it took so long. We go along working out by ourse lves. You know, some European coun tries have been

working on these new compulsories for some time and we 're st ill wo rking on last year's compu lsor ies. Looking ove r these people w ho have had th e compul sories before us, I'm sure they' ll be better than us in the compul sories. Like the f loor ex­erc ise with that dismount, a somersault in pike position , and that ro utine before it is a marathon! It is supposed to be worse than this (p resent) ro utine. As much of a floor ex man as I'm supposed to be, when I first went th ro ugh this one, I was alm ost dead. And this one with the arms up in the air so much and little thin gs like the backhandspring back, and th e press with th e legs together .. . guys are rea ll y go ing to have to work on this. I'm sure I'm not go ing to be ab le to rush through this routine.

Another th ing, I was asked to go on this trip to Russia. I don ' t know w hy; there ' re 10 guys w ho are better than I am w ho should be asked to go f irst.

I would like to say something good about thi s competition though. It has been run l ike c lockwork. That first session (of the compulsories) finis hed 15 minutes early, but I knew that th e lo ng horse was go ing to take a long time. It is such a sho rt event; it goes just like ·th at, but it is so hard to judge. What ilbout that high bar compulsory?

The high bar rout ine isn ' t th at difficult. It can be shown off. I used to use that dismount when I was about 13. Ed Scrobe taught it as a free hi p hecht and I kept my legs together. It' s easy now as al l I have to think of is a little bad form and sp read my legs. That rout ine can be done very wel l with each part shown off.

Gymnasts are always interested to learn what other gymnasts do by way of hand care. I notice you clenching ice cubes in your hand and the tape, so what practices do you follow?

After every workout and afte r I've show­ered , I trim down my hands to get the roug h edges off. I put pieces of porous tape ri ght over the palms of my hands. I' ll leave this on until tomorrow morni ng. It w ill last through part of a workout too. The sticky part of the tape has some kind of hea ling substance on it and for rips and cracks, you just put it oh and stretch it out a little bit and it seems to stay. It 's better than carry ing around vase line or something l ike that. It also keeps the ca l­louses softer, a littl e more moist. For blis­ters, I poke the blister but I don ' t rip the skin off. Overni ght I use tape and during workouts I use tape too. If I' m having trouble with it because of the chalf, I spray some Tuf-Skin on it and slap a p iece of tape on it. You let the skin underneath heal. The ice, that's used like for any othe r injury. As soon as you take away the cold, th e b lood ru shes back and helps heal your hands. It' s helped me tremendou·sly. Everybody has their littl e methods, but for me the tape and the ice work just fine.


N.C.A.A. College Championship

Cal State Fullerton, 1971 NCAA College Division Team Champs.

By Bill Roetzheim

Chicago Circle Campus was invaded March 25th, from the West by California State College, Fullerton, and from the East by John Crosby. Both demonstrated awe­some attacks, completely eliminating all of last year's champions. Although th e bulk of last year's gold medal winners returned, none could survive a greatly improved John Crosby or a hungry Fullerton team.

The team championship evolved into a two-way horse race between the Cal iforni­ans and Springfield College. Each team

Photos by Ray Lorenz


won three events but when the final rou­tine was completed, the margin of victory held for Fullerton by one slim point. Northwestern Louisiana finished a distant third .

Fullerton 's rapid rise to national promi­nence reflects a hustling, energetic fire­ball by the name of Dick Wolfe. Dick not only had to develop his team in the gym, but was responsible for raising money to sustain a championship schedule. Like the " Flim Flam" man of old, no stone was left unturned in his quest for greenbacks. Raf­fles , sales, and promotions of all types gave him the capital to leave Orange County for the cold Midwest. The final challenge to come up with the air fare was met when he obtained the tickets on a " fly now-pay later" plan. While his team was being crowned, selected students back in California were soliciting funds by phone to pay the freight. Wolfe knew his team ' was good-"We've beaten U.C.L.A., U.S.c., and Arizona State. NOW, everyone should get the message."

The individual championship meet be­came a one-man-show with John Crosby being the principal actor. After winning the all-around on Friday, he continued to collect gold, silver, and bronze on Satur­day. He was first in Floor Exerc ise and Parallel Bars; second in Long Horse, Rings, and Side Horse ; and third on the

Horizontal Bar. This tremendous versati lity made him the class of the f ield. John 's Floor Exercise routine was one of the most difficult I ·have ever witnessed. He turned over twice to mount, executed a fu ll and a half twisting dive roll in the middle, and ended w ith a double twister.

Keith Fuerst on rings e lectrified the crowd in the final optional session. He moved up four places on the weight of hi s last routine which he executed with stra ight arm s throughout. Keith 's great per­formance gave Eastern Illinois their first N.C.A.A. Champion .

Leonard Calvin also moved up one place in the Side Horse finals to give Fullerton their only All-American .

Pat Mahoney of San Fernando Valley on the Long Horse and Richard Martin of Springfield College on High Bar held their command ing leads throughout the two days to win their respective events.

This is a fast growing meet and I fee l sure it wi ll eventually become one of the largest and strongest in the United States.

Team Standing: 1. California State, Fuller­ton; 2. Springfie ld Co llege; 3. North­western State; 4. University of Ill inois Circle Camps; 5. San Fernando Valley State; 6. Southern Connecticut State.

All Around: 1. John Crosby, Southern Con­necticut State, 106.75; 2. Pau I Tickenoff, Northwestern State, 104.30; 3. Bruce Mc­Cart lin , Northwestern State, 101.35 ; 4. Jeff Wi les, Springfield , 99 .25 ; 5. Richa rd Mart in , Springfie ld , 96 .55; 6. Bruce Boult, U. of III . Circle Campus, 96.50.

Floor Exercise: 1. John Crosby, Southern Connecticut State, 9.1250; 2. Paul Ticken­off, Northwestern State, 9.0175; 3. Ed Datti, Springfield , 8.9125; 4. Bob Ito, U. of III. Circ le Campus, 8.9000; 5. Leon Mims, Ful­lerton, 8.7625 ; 6. Bruce McCartlin , North­western State, 8.6750.

Side Horse: 1. Leonard Cal in, Fullerton , 8.7875; 2. John Crosby, Southern Connecti­cut, 8.5875; 3. James Ball, Southern Con­necticut, 8.810; 4. Ceorge Engbrecht, San Fernando, 8.750; 5. Scott Radosto, L.S.U. New Orleans, 8.500 ; 6. Paul Tickenoff, Northwestern State, 8.360.

long Horse: 1. Pat Mahoney, San Fernan ­do, 9.150; 2. Joh n Crosby, Southern Con­necticut, 9.0375; 3. Bruce Boult, U. of III . Circle Campus, 8.9375; 4. Mike Kelly, Ful­lerton , 8.875; 5. Bob Butt, San Fernando, 8.8625; 6. Ron Keinings, U. of Chicago, 8.725. Parallel Bars: 1. John Crosby, Southern Connecticut, 9.051; 2. Bruce McCartlin, Northwestern State, 9.000; Paul Ti ck­enoff, Northwestern State, 8.950; 4. Jeff Weber, Springfield , 8.860; 5. Rich Martin, Springfield, 8.475; 6. Sal Sevderi , Spr ing­fie ld , 4.285.

Horizontal Bar: 1. Richard Martin, Spri ng­field , 9.075; 2. Jeff Wiles, Springfield , 8.925 ; 3. John Crosby, Southern Connecticut, 8.887; 4. Bruce Boult, U. of III. Circle Campus, 8.625; 5. Bruce McCartlin, North­western State, 8.4875 ; 6. Dan Swetman, U. of III . Circle Campus, 8.275.



California Junior College Championships

at East Los Angeles College May 8, 1971 Long Beach City College under the coaching of

John Draghi won the State Ch ampionship for an unprecedented third consecutive time. After lead­ing Baldwin Park High School to six consecutive CIF titles, Coach Draghi moved to Long Beach City College in 1968 and has led the Vikings to three undefeated seasons and one runner season.

Long Beach seems to be the hot bed for gym­nastics in Southern Calif., with the local high schools winning the CIF title the last two years.

When Coach Draghi was asked to comment on his program at Long Beach, he replied : "We try to concentrate on proper techniques and sound fundamentals. We're interested in developing good gymnasts who will go on to Un iversities and who are interested in representing the Un ited States in international competition ." So far Coach Draghi has over 20 gymnasts competing at major Univer­sities and Colleges throughout the United States.

"We're interested in any individual who is looking for a junior co llege to go to and is sin­cerely interested in developing into a sound gymnast."

Long Beach captured only one state individual title. Dave Freedland was crowned th e Long Horse Champion; but the team depth that led to an un­defeated season came through again and won by over thirty points. Pasadena edged Golden West for second pla ce. The competition started out with outstanding performances in Free Exercise by Jim McFaul and Steve Gerlach performing very high controlled 1V2 twisting dive roll and double twist­ing flips by Richard Robinson and Gerlach to a very ri sky high bar routine by Charlie Glass of Harbor that ended the meet.

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE MEET: FX-probably two of the finest performers in McFaul and Gerlach. Jim showed complete control of his routine and Steve 's routine was highlighted by full , full and a half, and double twisting flips.

SH-Charles Richards of Pierce won the event with several immediate kheres performed on one pommell, Glenn Seymour of Golden West showed a very smooth swinging routine, and last year's Champion Mark Loebel exhibited his control and precision 'by traveling up and down the horse three ti meso

RI-Valley College continued to win the State Ring Championships with Cliff Burr performing st ra ight arm shoots, effortless cross power and a very high double dismount.

LH-Freedland of LBCC won with a Yamashita from the croup.

PB-Danny O'Neil of Golden West showed the audience a very classy routine with his Diamidov to a Stuetz hand and front with a Ih twist dis­mount. Steve Diggle of LBCC received a lot of applause with his stem to a straight plange. Robert Garcia of LBCC rounded out a very good event with his peach and stuetz, both to a hand and very strong plange hold.

HB-Charles Glass of Harbor won the audience over with his inlocated giants, Czechs, ri sky hops and high double dismount. Phil Siemer of PCC t ied Glass with a very smooth routine that also showed inlocated giants and an Endo shoot. Jerry Montooth of LBCC was a tenth away with a very risky routine that contained a stem hop to eagles, 1/2 twist hop out of eagles and a Japanese hop to an immediate hop to a vault.

AA-Dale Cutler of PCC won the all around event with consistent routines highlighted by ex­cellent vaulting and a strong parallel bar routine. Frank Soane of Fullerton was second followed by Bob Garcia.


Mark Loebe l LBCC Meet results: Free Exercise: McFaul 9.1 GW; Gerlach 9.0 LB ;

Robinson 8.8 PC; Carello 8.4 PC; Sleeper 8.2 LB; Hartell 8.2 LB.

Side Horse: Ri chards 8.8 Pi; Seymour 8.6 GW; Loebel 8.5 LB; Marchi 8.3 LB; McGuire 8.3 Pi; Young 7.9 LA.

Rings: Burr 9.0 V; Castner 8.8 SM; Mousseau 8.7 GW; Belli 8.5 SM; Binion 8.4 LB; Slimbach 8.4 Pi.

Long Horse: Freedland 8,8 LB; Cutler 8.7 PC; Case 8.6 Pi ; McFaul 8.6 GW; Gerlach 8.3 LB; Siemers 8.2 PC.

Parallels: O'Neil 9.0 GW; Diggle 8.7 LB; Garcia 8.5 LB; Ross 8.5 PC ; Freedland 8.5 LB.

Horizontal: Glass 8.7 Har; Siemers 8.7 PC; Mon­tooth 8.6 LB; Von Wald 8.2 GW; McFaul 8.1 GW. ALL AROUND: Coutler 46.65 PC; Soane 44.55 Ful ; Garcia 43.30 LB ; Glass 43 ,02 Har; McFaul 42.8 GW.

Team Score: Long Beach 1031/2 pts.; Pasadena 711/2; Golden West 67; Pierce 42; Harbor 26 1h; Fullerton 201/2; Sa nta Monica 16; Valley 15; Los Angeles 101/2; Sacramento 8112; Rio Hondo 11/2; Mt. San Antonio 1.


1971 All Around: 1. Caling, Leonard C. S.F. 49 .65; 2. Wooley, Verne S.A.C. 47.05 ; 3. Dudley, Toccoy S.A.C. 44.80; 4. Engbrecht, George V.S.C. 44.45 ; 5. Kelley, Michael C.S.F. 42.50; 6. Mahoney, Pat V.S.C. 41.35; 7. Fenerstein, Rick Chico 38.50; 8. Means, Ki rk S.A.C. 34.80; 9. Furukawa, Dean V.S.C. 33.30; 10. Lopez, Tony Chico 30.95. Team: Fullerton State 152.40; Valley State College 148.40; Sacramento State College 139.90; Chico State College 127.55 ; Cal Poly 85.70.

Dave Freedland LBCC

Floor Exercise: 1. P. Mahoney, 9.10; 2. L. Mims, 8.90; 3. L. Caling, 8.75; 4. G. Gunderson, 8.65; 5. G. Heckenlai'ble, 8.60. Side Horse: 1. L. Caling, 8.50; 2. E. Will , 8.30; 3. V. Woolley, 7.60; 4. D. Furukawa, 7.45 ; 5. D. Marsh, 6.70 ; 5. T. Dudley, 6.70. Rings: 1. G. Gunderson, 9.00; 2. R. Wri ght, 8.85 ; 3. G. Engrecht, 8.75; 4. Williams, 8.45 ; 5. 1. Bakovic, 8.30. Long Horse: 1. P. Mahoney, 9.35 ; 2. B. Butt, 9.20; 3. L. Kitazawa, 8.80; 4. L. Mims, 8.70; 5. M. Kelley, 8.50; 5. G. Buckmann, 8.50. Parallel Bars: 1. L. Caling, 9.15 ; 2. V. Woolley, 8.35; 3. M. Kelley, 8.15; 3. M. Peck, 8.15; 4. L Dudley, 7.95; 5. T. Reece, 7.75. High Bar: 1. 1. Bakovic, 8.85; 2. L. Caling, 8.80i 3. F. Crable, 8.75; 4. R. Mashler, 8.60; 4. E. Will , 8.60; 5. G. Engbrecht, 8.35.


Gymnastics was one of sixteen sports competing in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan during the Canada Winter Games, Fe'b. 11th to 21st. A total of 60 men (10 Provincial teams) and 66 women (Ii Provincial teams) competed before an enthusiastio and appreciative audience of 10,000 for the six sessions. Meet was covered by live nationwide television via the CBC.

Honored Guest of the competition was (Yama· shita) Haruhiro Matsudo, Olympic gold medallist, who received a standing ovation from the specta­tors each time he was presented. The day follow­ing the Meet, Mr. Matsudo conducted a tumbling clinic for the gymnasts assembled for the Games.

MEET RESULTS Team Titles: Women - Ontario 153.00, Quebec 149.40, B.C. 147.55. Men - Quebec 239.50, On · tario 226.05; B.C. 205.50. All Around : Women - Wendy Nicholson, Ontario 32.20; Janice Campbell, Ontario 31.50; Dagny Hill , B.C. 31.20. Men - Jean Gagnon, Quebec 51.35; Bruce Medd, Ontario 50.20; Tim Sedgewick, Sask. 49.75.

Final Standings - Women Uneven Bars: 1. Martin, Teresa B.C. 16.50; 1. Nicholson, Wendy Ont. 16.50; 3. Hill, Dagny B.C. 15.85. Free Floor: 1. Miller, Charlene B.C. 17.10; 2. Nicholson, Wendy Ont. 16.70; 3. Tsukamoto, Sharon Ont. 16.60. Vault: 1. DeSutter, Georgianna Alta . 17.00 ; 2. Martin, Teresa B.C. 16.45; 3. Charron , Carole Quebec 16.00. Balance Beam: 1. Nicholson, Wendy Ont. 16.50; 2. Tsukamoto, Sharon Ont. 16.45; 3. Burroughs, Anne Quebec 16.40.

Final Standings - Men Still Rings: 1. Blanchette, Robert Alta. 17.35; 2. Gagnon, Jean Que. 17.05 ; 3. Bigras, Richard Que. 16.40. Floor Exercise: 1. Gagnon, Jean Que. 17.40; 2. Vin­cent, Conrad Que. 17.30; 3. Delasalle, Phillip B.C . 16.85. Side Horse: l. Medd, Bruce Ont. 16.45; 2. Hunter, David Ont. 15.90; 3. Vincent, Conrad Que. 15.30. Parallel Bars: l. Leclerc, Pierre Que. 16.45; 2. Sedgewick, Tim Sask. 16.10; 3. Gagnon, Jean Que. 15.80. High Bar: l. Medd, Bruce Ont. 17.30; 2. Koocher, Bill Ont. 15.95; 2. Bigras, Richard Que. 15.95. Vault: l. Sedgewick, Tim Sask. 17.975 ; 2. Leclerc, Pierre Que. 17.95; 3. Vincent, Conrad Que. 17.525.


Digby Sale did his usual excellent job of organ· izing this meet. A packed audience watched teams from Laval Univ., Ottawa Univ., Toronto Univ. and Queens Univ. and McMaster the hosting college.

Mac won the team trophy and Steve Mitruk (a member of our national team) won the All Around. His only competition was Hans Frick from the Univ. of Toronto. Hans looks very good this year.

Routines lacked good composition and "C" moves, naturally a few exceptions but that was my general impression. A typical fault was too simple a dismount for the routine and use of strength instead of swing and vice a versa. Routines looked incomplete and not polished. The gymnasts seemed to be working under stress.

Clinics are essential and compulsories are a must, if our college gymnastics is to improve in standard also some liaison has to be set up with the high school gymnast. Hosting of high school championships, weekend seminars. Facilities are now excellent in many universities and are continuo ing to improve.

McMaster has certainly done its share in this respect and will host this month , the Ontario High School grade meet. This university is doing its share but some are sadly lacking and it's shameful to see excellent gymnastic equipment and facilities lying idle. Team Competition: l. McMaster 138.50 ; 2. Ottawa 127.20; 3. Toronto 126.00; 4. Queen 's 107.00.

All Around Competition: 1. Steve Mitruk (McMaster) 53.25; 2. Hans Frick (Toronto) 48.80; 3. Hartmut ~ink (McMaster) 44.35; 4. John Demers (Ottawa) 43.65 ; 5. Andre Gingras (Ottawa) 42.25; 6. Martin P-urvis (McMaster) 41.25. Floor Exercise: l. S. Mitruk (McMaster) 8.80; 2. H. Frick (Toronto) 8.45; 3. M. Purvis (McMaster) 8.25 ; 4. J. Demers (Ottawa) 8.15; 5. P. Michaelis (Toron-

to) 8.10; 6. D. Chagnon (Ottawa) 8.00. Side Horse: 1. S. Mitruk (McMaster) 8.65; 2. H. Fink (McMaster) 7.40 ; 3. H. Frick (Toronto) 7.10; 4. D. Ross (Queen's) 5.90; 5. M. Marcotte (Ottawa) 5.80; 6. A. Gingras (Ottawa) 5.25. Rings: 1. S. Mitruk (McMaster) 8.80; 2. H. Fink (McMaster) 8.05; 3. H. Frick (Toronto) 7.25; 4. R. Samson (Laval) 6.80; 5. D. Chagnon (Ottawa) 6.05 ; 5. R. Dumuchel (Ottawa) 6.05. Vault: 1. G. Miall (Carleton) 9.30; 2. S. Mitruk (McMaster) 9.15; 3. J. Demers (Ottawa) 8.85; 3. A. Gingras (Ottawa) 8.85; 5. H. Frick (Toronto) 8.75 ; 6. M. Purvis (McMaster) 8.60. Parallel Bars: 1. S. Mitruk (McMaster) 9.05; 2. H. Fri ck (Toronto) 8.80; 3. J. Demers (Ottawa) 8.40; 4. A. Gingras (Ottawa) 8.00; 5. D. Strickland (Queen's) 7.90; 6. H. Fink (McMaster) 7.85. Horizontal Bar: 1. S. Mitruk (McMaster) 8.70; 2. H. Frick (Toronto) 8.45; 3. H. Fink (McMaster) 7.80; 4. M. Purvis (McMaster) 7.65; 5. J. Demers (Otta­wa) 7.35; 6. R. Samson (Laval) 7.00.


March 12, 1971 All Around performer Verne Wooley led the Sac·

ramento State Hornets to their 7th FWC gymnas· tics championship in a row (Sacramento State took 15 of 21 medals; Sacramento took all of the first places including the AA and team ; Sacramento won team title for 7th year in a row).

Coach Ron Peek watched as his charges com· fortably defeated a strong Chico State team that just could not mu ster the horsepower to offset the fine performance of Wooley.

An outstanding feature of the meet was the presence of approximately 2000 spectators. Prob­ably the largest audience ever to see a gymnastics meet in Sacramento.

Chico State was led by Maurice Williams and Freshmen all around performers Gary Bu ckman and Tony Lopez.

In spite of all this the meet favorite was Maurice who seems to draw the crowd's attention wherever he performs because of his unique showmanship and competitive fire. Even thou gh he does not al­ways place first Maurice always wins over the audience.

Other fine performances were turned in by Toccoy Dudley of Sacramento who placed 2nd in the all around and Randy Wright who captured the SR event with an excellent routine.

Judges: Don Allin , Ray Goldbar, Greg Hetrick, Mahmoud Saleh. Team Scoring: 1. Sacramento Sta te 142.50; 2. Chico State 134.65 ; 3. San Francisco State 98.70 ; 4. Hayward State 34.90. All Around: 1. Verne Wooley, SSC 48.15; 2. Toccoy Dudley, SSC 45.15 ; 3. Tony Lopez, Chico 43.45; 4. Gary Buckmann, Chico 42.15; 5. Kirk Means, SSC 38.25. Floor Exercise: 1. Toccoy Dudley, SSC 8.75; 2. Verne Wooley, SSC 8.35; 3. Jim Hollister, SSC 8.25. Side Horse: 1. Verne Wooley, SSC 8.55; 2. Toccoy Dudley, SSC 7.10; 3. Bruce Frenzel, SSC 6.85. Still Rings: 1. Randy Wright, SSC 8.95; 2. Maurice Williams, Chico 8.65; 3. Jeff Flei ger, Chico 7.7. Long Horse: 1. Wooley, SSC 8.85; 2. Dudley, SSC 8.7; 2. Lopez, Chico 8.7. Parallel Bars: 1. Wooley, SSC 8.75; 2. Tim Reece, SSC 8.05; 3. Lopez, Chico 7.95. High Bar: 1. Wooley, SSC 8.25; 2. Maurice Wil· Iiams, Chico 8.20; 2. Means, SSC 8.2.


The 1971 Ivy League Championships, held on February 27 at the University of Pennsylvania, was less than suspenseful as far as the team competi· tion was concerned, but involved many close races

Russ Wiggins photo by D. Robins

for individual honors. Clean, well·composed rou · tines throughout the meet reflected the high degree of coaching ability at all of the schools. Bob Mar· tin's Cornell team thoroughly dominated the com­petition , winning every event but Floor Exercise, and defeating runner·up Yale by 37 points for its fourth consecutive Ivy title.

This was an encouraging meet for anyone fa­miliar with Ivy gymnastics, as it clearly demon· strated the continuing growth of the league. AI · though not yet strong enough as a conference to qualify men directly for the N.C.A.A.'s, the Ivy League is constantly expanding its program to in­clude more of the member schools, while the lead· ing teams are beginnnig to gain national recogni · tion as gymnastic powers. The number of freshman and sophomore trophy·winners shows that more and more high school gymnasts from all parts of the country are looking to the Ivy colleges not only for an outstanding education , but also to continue to develop gymnastically. Within a very short time, the Ivy League can be fully expected to be present· ing teams that rank with the best in the nation. Team Results: 1. Cornell 141.65; 2. Yale 104.0; 3. Dartmouth 91.95 ; 4. Pennsylvania 82.45; 5. Prince· ton 66.85. Floor Exercise: 1. Steve Young (Yale) 8.45; 2. Lucky Holloway (Cornell) 8.15 ; 3. Randy Wise (Dartmouth) 7.85. Side Horse: 1. Ru ss Wiggin (Cornell) 9.1 ; 2. Bob Rossbach (Yale) 9.0; 3. Dave Van Dyke (Cornell) 8.05. Still Rings: 1. Mike Pancoe (Dartmouth) 8.9 ; 2. Pete Ullman (Cornell) 8.45; 3. Lynn Williams (Cornell) 8.4. Long Horse: 1. Jim Auser (Cornell) 8.55; 2. Lynn Williams (Cornell) 8.15; 3. Fred Gooding (Prince · ton) 7.9.


Parallel Bars: 1. Dave Van Dyke (Cornell) 8.5; 2. Lynn Williams (Cornell) 8.15 ; 3. Carl Martig (Cor· nell) 7.75 . High Bar: 1. Lynn Williams (Cornell) 7.7; 2. Dave Van Dyke (Cornell) 7.65 ; 3. Rich Bower (Cornell) 6.9. All Around: 1. Lynn Williams (Cornell) 44.45; 2. Dave Van Dyke (Cornell) 43 .1; 3. Lu cky Holloway (Cornell) 35.85.


Team Scores: University of Kentucky 93.30, Eastern Kentucky University 84.35, Georgetown College 52 .38, Murray State University 16.85. Free Exercise: 1. K. Mcintosh U.K. 7.30; 2. B. England E.K.U. 6.05; 2. B. Johnson U.K. 6.05. Side Horse: 1. H. Spencer U.K. 4.65; 2. K. Mcln· tosh U.K. 4.30; 3. B. England E.K.U. 4.00. Still Rings: 1. K. Mcintosh U.K. 6.90 ; 2. D. Paulin E.K.U. 5.30; 3. D. Davison U.K. 4.80. Long Horse Vault: 1. B. England E.K.U. 8.00 ; 2. K. Mcintosh U.K. 7.80 ; 3. B. Kohl G.C. 7.10. Parallel Bars: 1. K. Mcintosh U.K. 7.50; 2. B. England E.K.U . 6.35 ; 3. K. Charleston E.K.U. 5.90. Horizontal Bar: 1. K. Mcintosh U.K. 6.35 ; 2. B. England E.K.U. 4.85; 3. K. Charleston E.K.U. 4.35. All Around: 1. K. Mcintosh U.K. 40.15; 2. B. England E.K.U. 33.25; 3. D. Paulin E.K.U. 26.50.


Slippery Rock State College, March 6, 1971 Displaying overall team depth, Eastern Michigan

University won the first annual Lake Erie Inter· collegiate Gymnastics League Championship meet which was held at Slippery Rock State College on Saturday, March 6.

EMU, coached by Marv Johnson, placed first in four events, second in one and third in the other event to outdistance the other four contending teams - Northern Michigan, Western Michigan, Slippery Rock State and Kent State. Team: 1. Eastern Michigan U. 144.60, 2. Northern Michigan U. 135.60, 3. Western Michigan U. 133.50, 4. Slippery Rock State 131.40, 5. Kent State U. 123.40, 6. Bowling Green U. 83 .35, 7. Cin · cinnati U. 75.35, 8. Central Michigan U. 73.25 . All Around: 1. Lanny Mills, EMU 49.20; 2. Ron Bovard, SR 41.30; 3. Don Blasius, KSU 40.45; 4. Dave Naukam, KSU 40.00; 5. Tom Walsh, WMU 39.80; 6. Rick Restaino, EMU 39.75 ; 7. Rick Macheda, NMU 39.30 ; 8. Jack Lanz, KSU 35.30; 9. Jim Bittner, SR 34.15; 10. Rick Meeker, BGU 34.00. Floor Exercise: 1. L. Mills, EMU 17.85; 2. R. Restaino, EMU 17.15; 3. D. Sawtell , EMU 16.85; 4. B. Conroy, NMU 16.75; 5. D. Spencer, WMU 16.70; 6. S. Heasley, SR 16.60. Side Horse: 1. B. Scholl , SR 15.60; 2. J. leigler, NMU 14.65; 3. Mike luke, NMU 13.70 ; 4. Greg Karns, KSU 13.50 ; 5. D. Blasius, KSU 13.45; 6. Ron Bovard, SR 12.65. Still Rings: 1. C. Dunlap, SR 17.90; 2. Bob Shema, SR 16.80; 3. G. Olson, EMU 16.60; 4. L. Jordan, WM 16.50; 5. L. Mills, EMU 16.10; 6. J. Leskoske, N 15.85. VaUlting: 1. R. Restaino, EM 17.25; 2. D. Spencer, WMU 17.00; 3. Tom Welsh, WMU 16.87; 4. D. Naukam, KSU 16.80 ; 5. S. Heasley, SR 16.55; 5. Dave Hover, KSU 16.55. Parallel Bars: 1. L. Jordan, WMU 18.20; 2. L. Mills, EMU 17.80; 3. Mike luke, NMU 16.70; 4. J. Ciara · vino, E 16.45; 5. R. Restaino, E 16.05; 6. D. Naukam, KSU 15.75. High Bar: 1. R. Macheda, NM 17.20 ; 2. L. Mills, EMU 17.10; 3. Bob Barrow, WM 16.95 ; 4. L. Jor· dan, WM 16.55; 5. J. Ciaravino, E 16.05; 6. Mike luke, NMU 13.40.


Lake Erie League AA Finalists


Friday, April 16, 1971 Cal State College at Long Beach

Long Horse: 1. Doug Boger, 9.4; 2. Michael Kelley, 9.1; 3. Richard Pascale, 8.95. Floor Exercise: 1. Lou Moreno, 9.15 ; 2. Doug Boger, 8.95; 2. Richard Pascale, 8.95. Gym Wheel Demonstration: Norbert Dill - Fantas· tic!!! ! Side Horse: 1. Richard Neuner, 9.0; 2. Glenn Heckenliable, 8.95; 3. Mark Loebel, 8.7 . Rings: 1. Gary Albitz, 9.2 ; 2. Mark Nolan, 8.85 ; 2. Marty Krein, 8.9. Parallel Bars: 1. Richard Pascale, 9.1; 2. Danny Kolb, 9.0; 3. Michael Kelley, 8.6. Horizontal Bar: 1. Bill Beach, 9.1 (great) ; 2. Hemo Walters, 9.05; 3. Tom Beach, 8.9.

Richard Pascale was named the outstanding performer of the meet.


Bill Simms: Host Gymnastics Coach University of Chicago

The University of Chicago played host to the 1971 Mid Eastern League Championships. The teams represented were (in order of their finish): 1. University of Illinois· Chicago Circle, 2. Western Illinois University, 3. Eastern Illinois University, 4. Western Michigan University, 5. Wheaton College, 6. St. Cloud State College (Minnesota), 7. Univer· sity of Chicago, 8. George Williams College.

Bill Roetzheim's Chicago Circle team turned in an excellent score of 157.90. However, the individ· ual honors were shared by all of the teams with the exception of the University of Chicago, whose defending long horse champion Ron Keinigs suf· fered an injury. U.I.C.C.'s Bruce Boult was the meet's top performer, capturing the all ·around,

long horse, and horizontal bar. Excellent all -around performances were turned in by Kevin Washington , a junior from George Williams, and Dan Swetman, a Chicago Circle teammate of Boult's.

The top score of the meet was performed by U.I.C.C.'s Steve Fox, a very impressive 9.3 on the long horse. All-around: 1. Bruce Boult U.I.C.C. 49.25; 2. Kevin Washington G.W.C. 48.95 ; 3. Dan Swetman U.I.C.C. 48.15. Floor Exercise: 1. Bob Ito U.I.C.C. 9.20; 2. AI Sanders G.W.C. 8.95; 3. Bob Grabinski U.I.C.C. 8.90. Side Horse: 1. Steve Fox U.I.C.C. 9.3; 2. John Hen· derson W.I.U. 8.45; 3. Marzec U.I.C.C. 8.3. Long Horse: 1. Bruce Boult U.I.C.C. 9.05; 2. Rich Good W.M.U. 9.0; 3. Chuck Beatty W.M.U. 8.9. Parallel Bars: 1. Larry Jordon W.M.U. 9.20 ; 2. Mike Gentile U.I.C.C. 8.9; 3. Kevin Washington G.W.C. 8.85. Horizontal Bar: 1. Bruce Boult U.I.C.C. 9.2; 2. Kevin Washington G.W.C. 9.0; 3. Larry Kelly U.I.C.C. 8.95; 3. Dan Swetman U.I.C.C. 8.95. Rings: 1. John Va lintino E.I.U. 9.05; 1. Bob Lascho· ber U.I.C.C. 9.05; 3. John Novak U.I.U. 8.95.


Capturing the top three places in the all ·around competition, Northwestern State University of Natchitoches, La ., easily claimed the NAIA national gymnastic championships here March 19·20.

The Demons accumulated 154.10 points to out· distance runnerup Western Illinois, which netted 148.60. LaCrosse of Wisconsin (143'.50) , Eastern Illinois (139.90), Eastern Michigan (137.80) and Parkside of Wisconsin (131.55) completed the field .

In winning its sixth straight NAIA championship in six tries, Northwestern had three performers cop the top three positions in the all·around - senior Paul Tickenoff (52.95), senior Max Magdaleno

Max Magdaleno 3rd AA, NAIA.

(49.70) and junior Bruce McGartlin (49.50) . The Demons entered only two other performers

in the competition, and one, freshman Rick Russell , ended seventh in the all-around by compiling 46.15 points.

Tickenoff, who was runnerup in the all-around competition in 1970 and won four individual events, retained two individual titles in this meet.

He scored 8.95 to t ie for first in free exercise and scored 9:05 to tie McGartlin for first in parallel bars. McGartlin won horizontal bars with a score of 9.l.

Coach of Northwestern State is Armando Vega, a former NCAA champion at Penn State_

PACIFIC EIGHT CONFERENCE The compulsory exercises, with performances

ranging from weak to terrible, decided the winner of this meet.

The University of California captured their 4th straight conference title by virtue of gaining a com­fortable edge in the compulsory competition. Cali­fornia was then outscored in the optional competi­tion by the University of Washington by .05 but stayed ahead as a result of their better compulsory showing.

The compulsory exercises were not a complete disaster but they were certainly painful. Because of the difficulty of the exercises and the limited time they were available for the teams to work on them the competitors, in general, were unable to cope with them. This writer would recommend that

in the future these routines be watered down dur­ing the first year they are available.

The competition was long and difficult as the first session (compulsory) saw 7 teams compete for four hours.

The second session saw 3 teams (bottom three teams in the league by won-lost record) doing op­tional exercises for 2 hours. The third session saw the other four teams compete three and a half hours on optionals before some 2000 spectators. The final session presented the top 6 in each event before some 3000 spectators.

In the individua l events George Greenfield cap­tured the FX after qualifying third. George high ­lighted his routine by starting and finishing with double twisting back saito. California placed 1-2 here as Morisaki finished second.

Somewhat the same story was true on the SH as Washington's Chuck Sa nders came from third to first largely because of the 2-C finals require ­ment. Hayasaki suffered a stop in his routine as he tried to 'Put in his 2nd C part and was unable to maintain control afterwards.

On the Still Rings Hayasaki came through strongly with superior execution throughout the meet, even though his finals routine was not as clean as in the prelims. Steve Rochell of Stanford performed an excellent dislocate, shoot to inverted cross, probably the single most outstanding feature of this event.

On the LH Brad Moses relied on good execution and post flight on relatively easy vaults to win. Greenfield had some difficulty in the finals on his

Uyeda, UCLA

cartwheel -back sa ito to just miss qualifying for the nationals. Dan Bowles also did cartwheel-back but failed to score well.

On the PB it was Hayasaki all the way even though Greenfield outscored him in the finals. A surprise here was Phil Rockwell who placed 2nd with an excellent routine that contained some original sequences.

The HB was, as usual, the best of all, as the six finalists scored, 9.1, 9.05, 8.7, 9.3 5, 9.45 and 9.2. Dan Bowles started off with some exciting release­regrasp combinations. Fukushima had a fairly stock routine but it was well executed. Greenfield started strong with stoop in mount to immediate takamoto, his routine also included a double german and a california hop but finished with wh at was consid­ered a weak dismount - a straddle hecht. Haya­saki, after qual ifying 2nd took over 1st place with some excellent execution and two very fine parts - an over grip stalder to californ ia hop as he came out of the stalder early, and his hecht with full twist dismount. Morisaki suffered many minor deductions with bent arms and he had to use strength in places. His california hop to hecht vault was particularly impressive because of the difficulty of the sequence. Team Standings: California 153.675, Washington 192.95, U.C.L.A_ 133.15, U.S.C. 129.125, Oregon 115.40, Wash. State 111.50, Stanford 107.525. All Around: 1. Yoshi Hayasaki, Wash 105.75; 2. George Greenfield, Cal 101.35; 3. Minoru Morisaki , Cal 99.65 ; 4. Hide Umeshita, Was.h 97.20; 5. Sho Fukushima, Wash 96.45. Floor Exercise: 1. Greenfield, Cal 17.85; 2. Mori­saki, Cal 17.825; 3. Umeshita, Wash 17.55; 4. Hayasa ki, Wash 17.375 ; 5. Brad Moses, Cal 16.875. Side Horse: 1. Chuck Sanders, Wash 17.45; 2. Ken Bronner, USC 17.40; 3. John Regan, Cal 17.02; 4. Hayasa ki , Wash 16.925; 5. Danny Uyeda, UCLA 16.895.


Still Rings: 1. Hayasaki, Wash 18.10; 2. Barney Peters, Cal 17.70; 3. Steve Rochell , Stan 17.52; 4. Gary Albitz, UCLA 17.02 ; 5. Greenfield , Cal 16.85. Long Horse: 1. Brad Moses, Cal 17.80; 2. Richard Gaylor, Wash 17.67 ; 3. Umeshita, Wash 17.57; 4. Greenfield, Cal 17.42; 5. Hayasaki, Wash 17.05. Parallel Bars: 1. Hayasaki , Wash 18.60; 2. Phil Rockwell , Cal 18.075; 3. Greenfield, Cal 18.02; 4. Peters, Cal 17.325; 5. Umeshita, Wash 17.20. High Bar: 1. Hayasaki, Wash 18.02; 2. Morisaki , Cal 17.90 ; 2. Greenfield, Cal 17.90; 4. Fukushima, Wash 17:32 ; 5. Bill Beach , UCLA 17.07.


Floor Exercise: Stormy Eaton (New Mexico U.), 9.5. Side Horse: Denn is Ramsey (BYU), 9.45. Rings: Gary Albitz (UCLA), 9.3'5. Long Horse: Jim Turpin (San Jose State), 9.45. Parallel Bars: Dan Kolb (Pasadena CC), 9.25. High Bar: Tie among Mark Davis (Southern IlIi · nois), Jim Ivizek (New Mexico) and John Aitken (New Mexico). 9.3. All Around: 1. Minoru Morisaki (California), 52.8; 2. Paul Tickenoff (Northwest Louisiana) , 52.3; 3. Pasadena : AA Finalists, photo by Nakamoto Jim Ivizek (New Mexico), 52.5.


University of California at Santa Barbara March 26 & 27, 1971

The PCAA Gymnastics championships is one of ten sectional meets held each year to select a team and three individual qualifiers on each event for the National Championships (to be held this year at the University of Michigan April 1-3). The other qualifying meets include: Big-lO Conference Meet, Big-8 Conference Meet, Pacific 8 Conference Meet, WAC Conference Meet, Eastern Intercollegiate Gym­nastics League Meet, Southern Intercollegiate Gym­nastics League, The Eastern and Western Regional Gymnastics Championships, and the Midwest Con­ference Championships. The following schools will be represented in this meet:

All Around: 1. Joe Sweeney, SJ, 38.85; 2. Jim Tur­pin, SJ, 73.80; 3. Mike Cooper, SJ, 64.65; 4. Lou Moreno, LA, 45.35 ; 5. Brian Anderson, LB, 44.75; 6. Jim Wayman, UC, 36.05. Team Competition: 1. San Jose State, 144.30; 2. Cal State LA, 132.70; 3. Cal State LB, 124.71; 4. UCSB, 122.40; 5. San Diego State, 93.25. Floor Exercise: 1. Lou Moreno, LA, 17.075; 2. Cliff Miyoshi, SD, 16.60; 3. Jim Turpin, SJ, 16.20; 4. Joe Sweeney, SJ, 14.75; 5. Nick Syracopoulos, LB, 14.45; 6. Jeff Rosen, UC, 14.175. Side Horse: 1. Brian Kolb, UC, 16.475; 2. Tim Carlton, UC, 16.225; 3. Richard --, LB, 15.85; 4. Dan Wong, LA, 15.80; 5. Chris Klinger­man, LA, 15.725; 6. Glen Haggen, SD, 15.35.

Rings: 1. Ed Sparacino, SJ, 15.00; 2. Joe Sweeney, SJ, 13.225; 3. Jim Turpin, SJ, 13.175; 4. Tom Parker, LB, 13.175; 5. Brad Gurule, LA, 13.10; 6. Mike Cooper, SJ, 8.25.

Long Horse: 1. Jim Turpin, SJ, 17.725; 2. Lou Moreno, LA, 16.775; 3. Joe Sweeney, SJ, 16.60; 4. Dave Izzo, UC, 16.225; 5. Mike Cooper, SJ, 15.90; 6. Jay Smith, LA, 15.825.

Parallel Bars: 1. Joe Sweeney, SJ, 14.95; 2. Jim Turpin, SJ, 12.775; 3. Brian Anderson, LB, 12.225; 4. Fred Gurule, LA, 11.425; 5. Mike Cooper, SJ, 10.775; 6. Lou Moreno, LA, 9.75.

High Bar: 1. Joe Sweeney, SJ, 16.725; 2. Bill Barnwell, SJ, 15.65; 3. Frank Rose, LB 15.325' 4. Jim Borg, UC, 13.775; 5. Fred Gurule, LA, 13.525:



by Fred Dennis, National Advisory Gymnastic Coach Small in number but big in hopes the Gymnastics

Association of the Philippines (GAP) hosted its National Open Gymnastics Championships on April 29th and May 1st at the Rizal Memorial Coleseum in Manila. The competition was also the first of three elimination trials to select a men's and women's team to go to Tokyo in August for the first Asian Youth Championships. Although there were only two equipped gyms in the country a total of 12 women and 15 men entered as all ­around. This marks the first time most of the Olympic events were included for the team cham­pionship to act as an incentive for the gymnasts to train in all of the events.

The Araneta University men's team coached by Mrs. Alkabo was the unopposed team champion while the University of the East women's team coached by Mrs. Navaro won over the University of the Philippines.

Rolondo Albrera, the lone male entry of the University of the East narrowly upset the two Olympians Norman Henson and Earnesto Beren with a total all-around score of 45.64 in very strict judging. In floor exercise he delighted the fans with a well executed handspring front saito, for­ward roll, straddle jump front saito, and drew handsome applause for his diamidov on parallel bars.

Fifteen year old Milagros Montes of the Uni­versity of the Philippines was the crowd favorite displaying very aggressive areal and tumbling sequences in floor exercise, as well as a nice for­ward areal (layout) from the beam. However, she lost ground on the uneven parallel bars and came out second in the all-around to Evangelin Pamo­ceno of the University of the East, who scored 25.25. Adelia Decena also of UE was a close third.

An insight into this country's physical potential in gymnastics was aptly provided by nine year old Ablino Enrico who impressed everyone at the con­clusion of competition with the following floor exercise routine:

Round off, flic flac, back saito, flic fiac, back saito "stick," back walkover, to splitz, attempted press to handstand, handspring front saito, forward roll, head spring, cartwheel, round-off flic flac, flic flac, flic flac, flic flac, back saito!

Great improvement is expected in the upcoming trials especially in the side horse and uneven par­allel bars which are almost new to the Philippino gymnasts.

Rolando Albrera, 1st AA Philippine Open



Meet Director: Bob Peavy, University of Utah Final Team Placements: 1. University of New Mex­ico-314.35; 2. Brigham Young University-293.10; 3. University of Utah-288.10; 4. Arizona State University-287.50; 5. Colorado State University-264.20; 6. University of Arizona-251.30_ All Around: 1. Dave Repp (UNM) 102.00; -2_ John Hughes (BYU) 99.55; 3. Jim Ivicek (UNM) 98.20; 4. Brian Scott (ASU) 91.10; 5. Roger Haldeman (UU) 88.50; 6. Bob Montgomery (UU) 87.20. Floor Exercise: 1. Stormy Eaton (NM) 9.50x2; 2. Dana B. Shelley (NM) 9.40x2; 3. Brian Scott (ASU) 9.50x2; 4. Pat Hattic (AU) 8.80x2; 5. Myron Tucker (ASU) 8.70x2; 6. Roger Haldeman (UU) 8.50x2. Side Horse: 1. Freddy Cardenas (NM) 9.20x2; 2. Darryl Miller (BYU) 8.60x2; 3. Dennis Jones (UU) 8.45x2; 4. Mark Hopkins (NM) 8.95x2; 5. Joe Kinkel (NM) 8.70x2; 6. Bob Howard (ASU) 6.15x2. Still Rings: 1. John Hughes (BYU) 9.20x2; 2. Dave Repp (NM) 9.10x2; 3. Joe Kinkel (NM) 8.90x2; 4. Dan Smith (ASU) 8.55x2; 5. Bob Chavez (NM) 8.70x2 ; 6. Bill Parise (NM) 8.00x2. Long Horse: 1. Dave Ryan (ASU) 9.15-9.45; 2. Mark Hopkins (NM) 8.85-8.95; 3. Jim Ivicek (NM) 8.80-9.10; 4. Hemo Walter (UA) 8.65-8.95 ; 5. Dave Repp (NM) 8.85-8.45; 6. Ken Wright (UU) 8.75-8.45. Parallel Bars: 1. Lee Wayman (CSU) 9.10x2; 2. Jim Ivicek (NM) 8.95x2; 3. Steve Zamora (CSU) 9.10x2; 4. John Hughes (BYU) 8.90x2; 5. Dave Repp (NM) 8.75x2; 6. Bob Lander (BYU) 8.3x2. Horizontal Bar: 1. Jon Aitken (NM) 9.50x2; 2. Jim Ivicek (NM) 9.35x2; 3. Dick Dalton (ASU) 9.00x2; 4. John Hughes (BYU) 8.65x2; 5. Dave Repp (NM) 8.60x2; 6. Sergio Luna (UU) 8.45x2.

THE 1971 NATIONAL YMCA GYMNASTICS CHAM­PIONSHIPS, New Canaan, Connecticut. Mr. Patrick King was the officiating meet director.

After a declining trend in number of entrants for the past three years, the men's events took a positive up-swing in this Championships. The cali­ber of work performed as judged by the sco r~s , however, has fallen off a bit.

In reviewing highlights of the competition, Mr. John Pesha, five times National YMCA All -Around Champion, notes " ... we were treated to a level of difficulty and daring such as the 'Y' Nationals has never before offered."

Stephen Posner, after leading all contestants in the semi-final Floor Exercise was forced to with­draw from the Finals due to a sprained ankle. Jack Leonard, the winner, would have been tough to beat after his double somersault start and a double full twisting back somi finish.

On the high bar several contestants displayed front and back "Stalder shoots" and all finalists finished with high twisting fly-aways. Kevin Wash ­ington, of Chicago brought spectators to their feet with a well executed under-cast to front somi dismount. Dan Connolly, of California, won the high bar event with a cleanly and surely per­formed exercise, ending in a beautifully executed full twisting back fly-away. Dan Connelly also managed his full twisters on the rings, floor ex­ercise, and what a combination of the day on parallels-a high stutz to handstand followed by a full twisting back somersault dismount.

TEAM: Maryland-Dundalk, Baltimore, MD; 2. New Orleans, LA; 3. Manchester, NH; 4. Northeast "Y" Birmingham, AL; 5. Mid Valley "Y" Van Nuys, CA; 6. Central Queens, NYC.

ALL AROUND: 1. Gary Anderson, Baltimore, MD, 104.65 ; 2. Rick Russell , New Orleans, LA, 101.95; 3. Stephen Posner, Eastern Queens, NYC, 98.30; 4. Dan Connolly, Van Nuys, CA, 94.85; 5. Bruce Trott, Columbus, OH , 94.60; 6. Kevin Washington, Glen Ellyn, IL, 93.65.

Floor Exercise: 1. Jack Leonard, Washington, DC, 17.975; 2. Gary Anderson , Baltimore, MD, 17.075; 3. Jay Whelan, Manchester, NJ, 16.900; 4. Rick Russell, New Orleans, LA, 16.800; 5. Eric Nesbitt, Baltimore, MD, 16.750; 6. David Jacobs, Central Queens, NYC, 16.675. Side Horse: 1. Gary Anderson, Baltimore, MD, 16.775; 2. Rick Ru sse ll , New Orleans, LA, 15.150; 3. Bruce Trott, Columbus, OH, 14.575; 4. John Salvo, Toms River, NJ, 14.150; 5. Gene Whalen, Manchester, NH, 13.450; 6. Dan Connolly, Van Nuys, CA, 13.400. Long Horse: 1. Jack Leonard, Washington , DC, 17.675; 2. Gary Anderson , Baltimore, MD, 17.600; 3. Rick Russell , New Orleans, LA, 17.475; 4. Eric Nesbitt, Baltimore, MD, 17.400; 4. Jay Whelan, Manchester, NH, 17.350; 6. Don Pfefferle, New Orleans, LA, 16.650. Horizontal Bar: 1. Dan Connolly, Van Nuys, CA, 17.525; 2. Bruce Trott, Columbus, OH, 16.500; 3. Kevin Washington, Glen Ellyn, IL, 16.250; 4. Gary Anderson, Baltimore, MD, 16.225; 5. Rick Russe ll , New Orleans, LA, 15.025; 6. David Jacobs, Central Queens, NYC, 14.550. Parallel Bars: 1. Gary Anderson, 17.475; 2. Dan Connolly, 16.775; 3. Kevin Washington, 16.375; 4. Rick Russell , 15.975; 5. Bruce Trott, 15.100; 6. Jack Willard, 14.100. Rings: 1. Kevin Washington , 16.675 ; 2. Gary An ­derson, 15.975 ; 3. Martin Bell, 15.350; 4. Rick Russell , 15.250; 5. Steve Yancovich, 13.050; 6. Jim Preston, 12.775. Trampoline: 1. Michael Kasavana, 16.550; 2. David Eby, 14.400; 3. Stuart Goldstein , 13.350; 4. Michael Gossett, 12.725; 5. Terry Torok, 12.550; 6. Brad Burns, 11.750.

SOME ADDITIONAL N.C.A.A. COMMENTS By Mike Jacki , Judge :97 1 NCAA Championships

I am w riting this to put some add itiona l li ght on some points that seemed either obscure or possibly misunderstood.

M y first point concerns differences in scores from preliminary to final sessions. One sect ion stated the judges were not as "generous" to Penn State's side horse team. Possibly true but more likeiy due to the rul es concern ing the finals Very few of the side horse men had fu ll difficulty requirements in the team final s (2 Cs, 4 Bs). This was also true in other events in the individual final s where certain individuals were missing parts. I must say, though, when NCAA champ Russ Hoffm an scored the hi ghest sco re on side horse,8.95 in the team finals, it poses pOints for cons ideration.

Next were the comments on the compul sory vau lting, and it's slow progress. It is very diffi­cu lt to di stinguish a good stoop from a poor hect - the difference - 1.0.0 - compared to a usual 7.0+ vault. In the case of the gymnasts' poor vau lts, the judges had to be very carelu l, there­fo re, discussions were vital.

Thirdly - Comments from Jerry Wright - Dana Shell y's scores too low? Shelly placed fourth with a 9.15. The judges previous to competition decided that the Arabian di ve (back dive Y2 twist) , unless to momentary handstand (at least show the position instantaneously), was an A move. Even if you give the New Mexico gymnast a CoB combi nat ion on the mount (arabian 1%), he st ill is mi ss ing one B part, deduct .4 from the starting 9.7=B.3. Thi s young man did quite an exercise -agree?

Next. Iowa State's long horse scores too hi gh? The coun ting scores from Simmons, 9.35 ; Buck, 9.3 , and Butzman, 9.3. Simmons was NCAA All-American and Big 8 vaulting champ. Buck second in NCAA's last year and Butzman Big 8 vaulting champion. Iowa State demonstrated the greatest team depth in the vaultirig event. I believe even the fourth man did a full twisting yamash ita. Ju st because the scores were "good" doesn ' t mean they were high. At least the fi ve men on the floor doing the judging agreed.

One last comment. It was interest ing to see excellent routines gett ing scored low, due to deductions on 'difficulty and combination. Many men were deducted under combinat ion for " moves of no va lue" on high bar.

1. Catching a vault or hecht vault-swing forward Y2 turn to fl y ing Kip - combinat ion deduc­tion. 2. P. Bars - uprise double cut to layaway front uprise - combination deduction . A lso on Ken Lehr on sic;le horses - the sequence in question did not invo lve c irc le-trom let-circ le. There is no such thing ·in the compu lsory (the tromlet precedes an immed iate Khere - in w ithout inter­mediate c irc le). The judges who " put it to Ken" did so on the dismount c irc le-loop- loop Y2 w hich probably 90% of all the horsemen did. So, that's a story in itself.

I would say that the great job being done by the Technical Committee of the National Gym­nast ics Judges Assoc iation , the gymnasts w ill learn not only to li ve with the judges but he wi ll become a judge himself, for in Modern Gymnastics, the gymnast must know the rules! Coaches take heed also - not only must you be good - but smart!

I foresee on ly great things for U.S. gymnastics. With the NCAA Championships being a good indication of what's to come.



Vol. 2 - No. 2 NEWSLETTER June, 1971

Resume of Minutes of Boards of Directors Meeting, Nov. 14, 15, 1970, in Kansas City

1. Members present were Ron Barak, Grady Matthews, Ted Myzyczko, Bill Roethzheim and jerry W ri ght. 2. The board ru led that, concerning repetition as outlined in Article 68 of the FIG Code of Points, any time a move is performed for a third time in an exerc ise, there shall be a penalty of .1-.2 (as noted in the book). However, there would be no value ass igned to the stunt w hen performed fo r the third time (a lthough no deduc­tion would be made for a part of no value). Th is interpretation does not apply to the side horse event nor to a roundoff, flip- flop performed in fl oor exerc ise. It was dec ided that no penalty would be assessed fo r a part performed a second time in a routine, regardless of the sequence or combination in w hich the move appears. 3. The NGjA techni ca l committee was increased to include jerry Wright and jon Culbertson. Membersh ip in that committee now includes Frank Cumiskey (East) , technica l director; jon Cu lbertson (South), Ted Muzyczko (M ideast), Lou Barretta (M idwest), jerry Todd (West) and jerry Wright (West). 4. It was unanimously approved that w henever a ful l 16-hour national judges course is given a techni ca l committee member (or an appointee of the technica l committee) from outs ide the area, in w hich the course is to be given must be pres­ent. Other staff members must be National card­holders and approved by the techni ca l com mit­tee member from that region. In a refresher cou rse, the techn ica l comm ittee member in charge (or an appointee of the techni ca l com­mittee) may be from w ithin or w ithout the area in w hich the course is to be given . 5. The board resolved that it would be strongly recommended, but not required, that judges fo r national championshi p meets wea r navy blue blazers w ith grey trousers. It was further re­quired that the NGjA develop a national pa tch w hich allows for an insert for loca l member as­sociat ion distin ctions. 6. The NGjA w ill prepa re the point values fo r the 1972 O lympic compul sory exe rcises along w ith stick f igures. The final fo rm would be adopted by the NCAA rules comm ittee as the officia l compulsory exercises for the 1971 NCAA meet in M ich igan. 7. National ca rds w ill expire in january. If a course is taken in November, for examp le, of 1970, your cert ifica tion is good until January of 1972. Thu s far, during the fall of 1970, 336 per­sons have participa ted in the fu ll 16-hour Na­tiona l cou rse, and 139 have received Nationa l cards. In addit ion to thi s approximately 50 per­sons w ill probably receive FI G ca rds from the two internat ional courses given in Los Ange les and Chicago thi s past summer.

Resume of Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting, April 1, 1971

1. Members present were Ron Ba rak, Frank Cu­miskey, Grady Matthews, Ted Muzyczko, Bill Roetzheim and jerry W right. 2. The first matter cons idered was the proposal of a new const itution primarily drafted by Ted Muzyczko. After approximatel y four hours' dis­cussion the new constitution was adopted, w ith the fo llowing prov isions: A. Services such as national ca rds, certifi cation programs and newsletter (which wi ll be fo rth ­coming) are to be prov ided free. B. No more than three officers or directors may serve at the sa me time from the same region.


C. Additional constitutional changes must be submitted prior to Oct. 15, 1971 , after w hich date additional proposed changes w ill be sub­mitted to a constitutional comm ittee. 3. jerry W right was authori zed to set up a ma il ­ing serv ice w hich would inc lude every judge in the country that belongs to a judges assoc iation . 4. Current officers and directors were retained through Oct. 15, 1971 , at w hich time thei r suc­cessors w ill be elected. At this time Ron Barak indica ted that he originally accepted his pos i­tion on the board w ith the understanding that such position would terminate as of the above date of Apr il 1, 197 1. He added that he has con­tinuall y increasing bus iness respon sibilities w hich'make it more and more difficult for him to mean ingfull y parti cipa te in the NGjA, and he requested that he be allowed to withd raw at this time and to have jerry Todd represent the SCGjA through Oct. 15, 197 1, when new officers and directors w ill be elected. He also stated that in­asmuch as jerry Todd is presently on the techni­ca l committee, it would further be the desire of the SCGjA that john Draghi replace jerry Todd in that capacity for the same per iod of time. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unani­mously carried , it was reso lved that the present officers and directors continue w ith the excep­tion as noted concern ing Barak, Todd and Draghi . 5. Ron Barak then repo rted on the December 1970 USGF council meeting w hich he attended as representati ve of the NGjA. Included in hi s report was the fact that the NGjA's appli ca tion for membership in the USGF has been approved at the one-vote level.

Minutes of Meeting of Technical Committee National Gymnastics Judges Association

April 2, 1971 A meeting of the Technica l Comm ittee of the

NGjA was held at Webers Inn, Ann Arbor, M ich. , on the second day of April 197 1 at 9:30 a,m. Present were Lou Barretta, jon Culbertson, Frank Cum iskey, john Draghi , Ted Muzyczko and jerry W right.

The first matter considered was w hether a part in a compul sory exercise may give ri se to deductions totaling more than that part is worth. After considerable di scuss ion, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously ca rried, it was reso lved that such deductions may, in fact, exceed the worth of the part. If, for exa mple, the part is worth 1.0, deductions of 0.3 for form breaks, 0.3 for technica l errors, 0.5 for sitting or hitting the apparatu s, 0.5 for an intermediate sw ing and 0.3 fo r using strength on a sw ing part would be entirely permi ssible notwithstanding that the aggregate deduction would be 1.9 as compared to th e worth of 1.0.

With respect both to form breaks and techni­ca l fa ults, it was decided that up to 0.9 cou ld be deducted in each instance. The members of the Techni ca l Committee fe lt that 0.1-0.3 cou ld be deducted each poor posi tion of feet, poor posi­tion of legs and open legs w here not intended. Al l judges are encouraged to use common sense in apply ing this rule as all members of the com­mittee did fee l that rarely are deductions in ex­cess of 0.4-0.5 appropri ate.

Concern ing the rules to be applied in deter­mining originality, the committee agreed that compet ition in th e Un ited States is qui te differ­ent from compet iti on in Europe in that U.S. meets are held every week w hile European meets are customaril y held on ly every few months. The resu lt is that or iginality must be more liberally constru ed here in the United States. After con­siderable d iscuss ion, upon motion du ly made,

seconded and unanimous'l y ca rried, it was de­c ided that one yea r periods wou ld be the bas ic guidelines here in the United States. Anything done, for example, at the 197 1 NCAA Champion­ships would be original during the fo llow ing season up to but not includ ing the 1972 NCAA Championships. It was also stressed that this area must remain the subject of indiv idual interpre­tation. What might be original to one judge may well not be or iginal to another judge, and each judge must consider the number of times w hich he has personally observed the particular stunt. It was also felt that one gymnast using a particu­lar stunt or sequence of stunts fo r as much as two yea rs could still get credit for originality w here no other gymnasts are observed using the sa me stunt or sequence of stunts.

There being no further bus iness to come be­fore the meeting, upon motion duly made, seconded and unan imous ly ca rried, the meeting was adjourned.

jerry Wright Secretary



November 1971 FIRST OLYMPIC TRIALS AND U.SA CHAMPION­SHIPS, DENVER, COLO. - Open to all-around gym­nasts only ... Camp. and Opt. Competition. Top 25 qualify for second t rial s. Nov. 18-19-20.

December 1971 January February 1972 U.SA vs. JAPAN (2 national meets) - East and West - Gymnasts to be named by National Coach­ing Staff. March 1972 NAIA CHAMPIONSHIPS - Camp. and Opt. Top four qualify for second trial s. N.CAA. COLLEGE CHAMPIONSHIPS - Camp. and Opt. Top five qualify for second trials. April 1972 N.CAA. CHAMPIONSHIPS - Camp. and Opt. Competition. Top six qualify for second tria ls. NAA.U. CHAMPIONSHIPS - Camp. and Opt. Competition. Top five qualify for second trials.

May 1972 SEMIFINAL OLYMPIC TRYOUTS - Top 25 from first trials and/or additional gymnasts who qualified in other national meets but did not qualify in first trials.

June or July 1972

FINAL OLYMPIC TRYOU TS - Top 12 who qualified from semifinals, plus three slot gymnasts. Best gymnast s on basis of combined Camp. & Opt. scores from semifinals and final Olympic Tryouts will qualify for the Olympic Team. The seventh person will be the alternate. August

T raining Ca mp prior to departure in planning stage, to be announced later.

Olympic Competition August 27-Sept. 1

Post Games Competit ion ea rly September

Post Olympic Gomes Competition in Germany Notional men's and women's teams of West Germany



Dear Glenn, Here is a p icture of my teammate, Rudi

Ekstein . It was taken after a meet pure'ly for fun. During competition he wears a

wig and as a freshman , placed second on sidehorse in our conference this season .

Good luck on stepping up you r mailing schedule. #

HAIR Dear Mr. Petrino:

Dean Furu kawa SFVSC

Thi s is in rega rd to your artic le, " HA IR" of February, 1971 . In all th e p ictures that you showed not one person (in my op in­ion) had " long" hair. In fact, I fee l every­one looked very good with th eir hair, and I would be proud to have them on a team, if I were a coach . You tell of a court in Ohio th at says, " One purpose of ath letic teams is to develop discip line and se lf-control. If they cannot abide by ce r­tain rules set up fo r the team, they cannot and will not be of va lue to that team! " I disagree. Th at wou ld be the same as hav­ing a coach who really liked long ha ir and made everyone grow th ei r hair long or not be on the team. Now think about it. It's the same thing isn't it? How's that goi ng to develop discipline and self-control?

You also say, " Long hair flopping around while doing handstands or giant swings is not esthetically appealing, and I would venture to say, that the judges' scores are affected by this. " I d on' t know if I would say long hair f loppi ng is not "esthetically" appealing, but I don ' t thin k it really hurts a score. You surely can't knock Afros. They don ' t flop, they just kind of sh ift around . Another point is if a judge can sco re down for long hair, then a judge w ho likes long hair can surely dock points for short hai r. I don ' t have long hair be­ca use it does not look good on me, but if another guy wants to wear long hair then that's hi s business.

Mr. Petrino, the sport o f gymnastics has a lot of problems, but I feel " hair" is not one of great importance and I do not l ike seeing an articl e in a national magaz ine on such a mino r thing.

Keith Trippet age 15

ONE ARM GIANT Dea r One Arm Giant Enthusiasts:

I have been too long in co rresponding w ith you to exp lain why I did complete my routine las Fall at the 1971 M id-West Gymnastics Open w ith a one arm giant.

As you ca n guess I did no t do th e stunt to en hance my routine, because for sure, it did not. It was distract ing and ugly. Th e on ly way in which I could make it around without slipp ing was to pick th e st ickies t part of the bar, break my conti­nuity, bend my knees, and pray, w ith emphasis on th e latter.

It happened to be one of those excep­tionally unique situations in which th e crowd, gymnasts, coach es and judges were all ready for something d iffe rent. I would never have done it if my good companion Mark Davi s had not set th e stage w ith hi s fantastic tripl e fl yaway. The Lord sa id to m e, " Guts up boy, you can't back down now." I obeyed, and it came off successfu l.

I guess w hat I am tryi ng to say i s, I don' t beli eve that the tri ck merits much future unless, of course, I am being very short sighted . 50% of my attempts have been unsuccessfu l. It will most likely re­ma in in the "stunt" category until we can find th e gymnast who does it without break ing form .


Dear Sirs :

W ith utmost since rety for th e hope of your success,

Ri chard Hammers M ahal ia Jackson Foundation

605 10th Avenue South Mi nn f'apo li s, Minnesota

It is my professiona l op inion now upon see ing th e coverage given the 1968 Olympics and recent NCAA and interna­tional events that ABC's " Wide World of Sports" is a comp lete ly biased , money­based broadcasting fiasco.

The "f inal straw" came recent ly after viewi ng the T.V. coverage of the U.S.A. vs . U.S.S.R. gym nastics meet at Penn State.

Here is a sport whe re great emphasi s is pl aced in th e international arena, and

Shreveport Gymnastic Supply

Company P. O . Box 5374

Shreveport, la o 71105

Suppliers of 1968 U. S. Women's Olympic

Gymnastic Team 1968 World Trampoline Team.


Our stock items are sh ipped the day your order is receiv­ed . We stock most gymnastic clothing items and accessories .

Send for our catalog

w here th e Un ited States is sore ly lacking in ta lent as shown by recent intern ational competition . However, it is a sport where the Un ited States is beginning to respond and with interest generated thru good T.V. coverage, new idea ls and goa ls could be rea li zed .

However, th e U.S.A. vs. U.S.S. R. Meet (or more appropriate ly term ed the Penn State-U.S.S.R. M eet, since all competitors involved were once associated w ith power­ful Pen n State teams) was sandwiched be­tween the comica l antics of idiots on skii s and the " Daton a 500" stock car race (on ly another of th e numerous boring auto races which populate th e network program al­most each week.

Sti ll only four events out of a total of fou rteen we re even shortly reviewed and even then most of the viewers attention was turned to the tremendous intell ectu al atmosphere created by th e " Mal oney inter­national pretty-boy syndrom e" and th e Jim McKay run-off-at-the-m outh disease. "

Rather than enumerate th e countless examples dur ing th e Olympic games of 1968, I think the point is c lea rl y exp ressed . This is a changing world where emphasis is being return ed (o r tryin g to be returned) somewhat to the individua l and away f rom th e establishment.

There are many sports in th e United States th at offer a person a chance to ex­press one's own individuality w hether it be in an o rganized profess ional catego ry or in a less li me l ighted area.

In any event, ABC's " W ide World of Sports" doesn' t even com e close to offer­ing their helpl ess T.V. audience even a brief look at th e rea l wide world of sports -just the w ide wor ld of money.

I am anxiousl y looki ng forward to the next demo lition derby on th e l ive broad­cast of the " Trenton 250." Ha! Ha!

Sincere ly, Dr. Douglas E. Co llins

Penn State Gymnas t 1962-66

ZWICKEL A Distinctive Line

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located 38 mil es West of Hea ldsbu rg off Hiwcy 101 on the Gua lala River, 90 mi les North o f San Francisco


STAFF JACK SMITH & DOLLY FELIX ...... Clinic Directors PETER SCHLOEMP ................... Camp Director ED TAYLOR ................. Head Counse lor, Boys DON ALLIN ................. Berkeley High School REA ANDERS .................... Washington State ROY DAVIS ................. Menlo Park Rc. Dept. TERESA FELIX .................... San Jose State HAL FREy ...................... U.C. at Berkeley JIM GAULT ...................... Diablo Gym Club ED HART .................. Palo Alto High School GREG HETR I CK ................ DeAnza High Schoo 1 STEVE JOHNSON ................... Colorado State DR. CLAIR JENNETT ............... San Jose State BILL HOLMES ...•..•........•...... Mankato State RAY LORENZ ....•.....•.............• Chico State ERNIE MARINONI .............. Nor. Cal. Gym Camp DON NELSON ............... Hillsdale High School BARBARA PARCHER ............... Sacramento State BOB PEAVy ..................... Washington State RON PlEK ...................... Sacramento Stqte KATHY SHELLy .................. Sacramento State PENNY LOVELOCK TOMASELLO ......... Castro Valley MARTHA TSUCHIYA .................. Berkeley YMCA DR. DON WATTS .................... Berkeley YMCA HASAYUKI WATANABE •••..•..•..•. U.C. at Berkeley


All fees due by July 20.

Cabin assignments, clothing lists, etc.

Berkeley YMCA, 2001 Allston Way, Berkeley California 94704 Name _________________________________________ Age ____ Sex

Address --------------------~~------------~-----------------City State Zip

Emer. Phone Gym team ----------- ----------Phone ------------Cabin mate preferences? --------------------------------------Cu rrent All-Around score (i f any) :


Note: All campers must participate in ~ events offered.

COST OF CAMP $75.00 per person (2 sessions - $150.00) REGISTRATION FEE $35.00. FINAL $40.00 due by JULY 20. EXTRA: Transportation from Berkeley YMCA to Camp and return (or one way)[]$6.

Make all checks payable to Berkeley YMCA - Att'n Gym Camp


c==J AUGUST 7th to 14th for Boys 9 to 15 and Girls 9 to 15

c==J AUGUST 14th to 21st for Men 16 and over and Women 16 and over

will be sen tin J u 1 y.

WAIVER: In con side ra t ion of be ing pe rmitt ed t o partici ­

pa t e in th e North e rn California Gymna stic Camp program me nti oned in thi s applica tion for recre ­ational be ne fit s to myse lf , I he re by, for my heirs, executors, a nd administrators, wa ive and re le a se a ny and a ll claim s for dam ag es 1 may ha ve a ga inst th e North e rn California Gymnastic s Ca mp Cl inic and th e Y.M.C .A., the individual me mbers th e reof, and all the office rs , a g e nts and e mployees. fr e e a nd harml ess fr om any loss, dam a g e , liability . injury, cost o r expe nse th a t ma y be suffe red by me whil e participa ting with or pra cti ci ng for th e Re creation act ivity me ntion e d on thi s application / c ontra ct .

I ce rtif y th a t I will abide by a ll r ules, re gu ­lat ion s, a nd co nd i ti o ns a s prescribed by th e North ­e rn Ca lifor ni a Gymn as tic s Cam p Cl inic a nd a gree th a t I wi ll abi de b y these rul e s, re gul a ti o ns a nd cond i ti o ns se t forth th e rei n a nd will con form to a ll a ppli ca ble p ro v ision s o f the Con stitution and laW's o f th e Sta t e o f California .

Pa rt i(I~)an l ' ~ sIgnature

Si g ne d (paren t '-:r fjl'd f d i iln i f lI n d~r 2' ;

De le


CLEMMER SUMMER GYMNASTIC CLINIC: Sessions are held from June 8 to August 12. Contact : Leonard Clemmer, 4712 Park Road, Charlotte, North Carolina 28209 Woodward Camp. located in central Penn­sylvania offers weekly sessions from June 20th to August 28th. Gymnastics instruc­tion for boys and girls from ten years and over. P.O. Box 93, Woodward, Pa. 16882. ALL-G[RL GYMNAST[C CAMP: He[d at Scotts Oquaga Lake Resort in weekly ses­sions between June 27 and Ju[y 17. Con­tact: Dr. Fred Pierce, 119 North Broad Street, Johnson City, New York 13790. JUNE 27 - JULY 2, JULY 4 - JULY 9: PO­CONO SPORTS CAMP For girls and boys from six yeafs through high school. For further information write: Feno S. Volpe, 409 East Bryant Street, Stroudsburg , PA. 18360. JULY through AUGUST: SOKOL WOOD­LANDS gymnastic camp for men and women will begin week long sessions Ju[y 4th . For reservations and further informa­tion write: Sokol Woodlands, Mai[ Road , Barryvi[[e , N.Y. 12719. SUMMER GYMNASTIC WORKSHOP: This sixth annual workshop wil[ be held at South Dakota State, July 5-9. Contact: Peter Torino , Dept. of HPER, South Dakota State, Brookings , South Dakota 57006. CAROLINA GYMNASTIC CAMP: He[d at the University of North Carolina , July 19-24. Write: Fred Sanders , Dept. of Ath[etics,

(i/ ,/~ /




STAFF: Rusty Mitchell Don Robinson Marie Buski Dale Flanssas Rod Hill LAquita Hargrove

For addItional Informauon Write

Caravan of

P.O. Box 1206, Andrews, Texas 79714

University of North Carolina , Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514. CALIFORNIA PHYSICAL EDUCATION WORKSHOP FOR WOMEN IN SECOND­ARY SCHOOLS: He[d at California State Polytechnic College August 1-13. Contact: Mary Coyle , 351 Fairview Avenue, Arcadia, California 91006. CALIFORNIA WORKSHOP FOR P.E. AND ATHLETIC COACHING (men): August 2-13, 1971. Contact: Workshop Committee, Cali­fornia State Polytechnic College, San Luis Obispo, California 93401. CAMP SEARS: He[d August 2-14 in PUll­man, Michigan. Contact: Sid Drain , 3000 Fa[con Court, Rolling Meadows, lI[inois 60008. 5th ANNUAL INSTITUTE IN GYMNASTICS: He[d at Indiana State University, Terre Haute Indiana, August 9-20, 1971. Contact: (men) Roger Counsi[ , Gymnastic Coach, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana. (women) Mrs. Grete Treiber, Wo­men's Coach, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana. NATIONAL SUMMER GYMNASTIC CLINIC: This is the 14th annual clinic , held at Michigan State University, August 8-13. This camp also includes the Official U.S.G.F. Nationa[ Certification Judges courses (men & women) will be concur­rently conducted. For information contact: George Szypu[a, Clinic Director, National Summer Gymnastics Clinic, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48823. MDGWS TEACHER'S WORKSHOP: Held August 15-22 at Carleton College. Invo[ves all girls sports including gymnastics. Con-


Through ,the new publishers we can once again offer this German Publication. Published 4 times per year. Price $5.00, U.S. dollars. Copies will be mailed to U.S. subscribers from our offices as bulk supply arrives here from Germany. SUNDBY PUBLICATIONS Box 777 Santa Monica, California 90406

NAME: ________ _

ADDRESS: _____ _

CITY ____ _____ __

ZIP ____ STATE ________ _

tact: Pat Lamb, Carleton College, Carleton Minnesota 55057. BOYS GYMNASTIC SCHOOL: He[d in the northern woods of Michigan August 22-28. Contact: Marv Johnson, Wolverine Gym­nastic School , Wolverine, Michigan 49799. CENTRAL ATLANTIC AREA GYMNASTIC CAMP: Held at Camp Letts at Edgewater, Maryland, August 22-29. Contact: Vern E[der, 1736 G Street NW., Washington, D.C. 20006. SUMMER GYMNASTICS CAMP: He[d at Camp Arrowhead, St. Paul Minnesota, June 20-26. Contact: Arrowhead Gymnastic Summer Camp, 10704 27th Street So., Burnsville, Minnesota 55378. CARAVAN OF CHAMPS: Outstanding pro­gram for boys and girls. Ju[y 4-9: South Planes Jr. College, Levelland, Texas. July 18023: College of Santa Fe, Santa Fe, New Mexico. For additional information write: Larry Bilhartz, P.O. Box 1206, Andrews, Texas 79714 West Penn Gymnastic Clinic: Camping for boys and 9irls , twelve years and older. For information write: Steve Banjak, 248 New Castle . Slippery Rock. PA. 16057. NATIONAL SUMMER PALAESTRUM CAMP: A complete gymnastic program featuring instruction from such staff members as Bill Roetzheim, Don Tonry, Paul Ziert, Dave Webster, Bob Harris, Murray Plotkin , Rich­ard De [Gallo and many others. For further information write: Nationa[ Summer Pa[ae­strum, 7901 Van Gogh Ct., Potomac, Md. 20854.

1972 MUNICH OLYMPIC GYMNASTIC TOUR Frank Enda, who is an experienced troveier to many Olympic Games and World Championships, is again organizing a tour to Munich. Leave Los Angeles August 21 st and return Sept. 5th. Air transportation, hotels, opening ceremony, all gymnastic events, plus sightseeing in Copen· hogen, Berlin and Paris, are included in this pock· oge tour. For full information write to Frank Endo, 12200 So. Berendo Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 90044.


High School:

Please find my $10.00 annual membership dues to the National High School Gymnastic Coaches Association

Address: ___ __





G-56 New Top-Form Pants made of 100% four-way stretch nylon. Sewn in creases in front and back enhance the neat, tapered look of a well-dressed gymnast. Features elastic and adjustable wide waistband, 8" non-jamming nylon side zipper, adjustable elastic suspenders and foot stirrups.

75A 100% Triple Knit Acrylic suit. Fea­tures the smooth European style, full zipper front in white contrasted color. All sizes available in nine colors.

62A 100% Double Knit Acrylic suit de­signed for those with a budget. Half­zipper style, knit collar, cuffs and waist­band. All sizes available in five colors.

62A 75A

95A 100% nylon suit, designed for a full ranQe of sports and casual wear. This Olympic-grade suit features a con­trasting double stripe, raglan sleeves, knit collar, cuff and waistband with contrasting stripes. Zipper legs with straight cuffs and stirrups. All sizes available in five colors.

CS-154 Nylon "Step-in" shirts. Made of fine quality 100% stretch nylon to wear with #G-56 pants. Full range of sizes for children and adults.

For complete color catalog contact your local representative:

Mizuno Corporation Los Angeles Office 834 So. Spring St. Los Angeles, Calif. 90014 Phone: (213) 622-5883


Mizuno Corporation Louisville Office Box 7505 Louisville, Ky. 40207 Phone: (502) 895-9141


J-811 Gymnastic Pants made of 70% Cotton and 30% Acrylic. Features and ad­justable waist for increasing or de­creasing waist size. Sewn in crease, size zipper and elastic foot strap.

J-812 Gymnastic Shirts made of 70% Cotton and 30% Acrylic. Features an ad­justable button supporter for a snug fit. Designed to be worn with #J-811 . Full range of sizes for children and adults.

We also handle gymnastic hand guards, shoes and other accessories.

Mizuno Corporation Lake Crystal Office Box 188 Lake Crystal, Minn. 56055 Phone: (507) 726-4400


Allies around the world are joining the American Revolution . During the past several months, American gymnastics equipment has been used at many leading national and international events , including: Cham­pionships of the United States ; National Collegiate Athletic Association; National AAU meet; and , National Junior Olympics.

It's time for you to join the American Revolution . Send for your special " Revolution Handbook" (our catalog) !