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Presented on

International Conference on Early Childhood Education and Parenting

Hotel Millenium Jakarta 4-7 November 2019

Model Development Team

Eli Tohonan Tua Pane, M.Pd

Pelitawati Karo Sekali, M.Psi (+)

Evi Yunita, S.PdJulita D Panggabean, S.Pd

Location of Model


PAUD Djedidja

PAUD KutaRayat

PAUD Wijayanta



Karo District North Sumatera Province

The Purpose of Model

Model of Children Readiness in Facing Volcanic Disasters aims as a reference for learning

activities about disaster response and disaster awareness early on in the ECE center which is

expected to help children reduce the impact of volcanic disasters and preparedness in facing

disasters that can come at any time without being realized

know the impact of the volcano erupting

evacuation simulationplay therapy/activities at the gathering point


Bencana adalah peristiwa atau rangkaian peristiwa yang mengancam danmengganggu kehidupan dan penghidupan masyarakat yang disebabkan, baik oleh faktoralam dan/atau faktor nonalam maupun faktor manusia sehingga mengakibatkantimbulnya korban jiwa manusia, kerusakan lingkungan, kerugian harta benda, dan dampakpsikologis. (BNPB, 2008).

(BNPB = National Disaster Management Authority)

Disasters are events or series of events that threaten and disrupt

people's lives and livelihoods caused, both by natural and / or

non-natural and human factors, resulting in human casualties,

environmental damage, property losses, and psychological

impacts. (BNPB, 2008).

4 Main Factors

There are four main factors that can cause many casualties and huge

losses caused by natural disasters, namely:

1. Lack of understanding of hazard characteristics;

2. Attitudes or behaviors that result in a decrease in the quality of natural

resources (vulnerability);

3. Lack of information / early warning that causes unpreparedness; and

4. Powerless / inability to face the threat of danger

Disaster-Prone of Indonesia (Indonesia Rawan Bencana)

Disaster-Prone of Indonesia (Indonesia Rawan Bencana)according to National Disaster Management Authority (BNPB)

1. 148,4 juta warga Indonesia tinggal didaerah rawan gempa bumi,

2. 5 juta didaerah rawan tsunami,

3. 1,2 juta penduduk didaerah rawan erupsi gunung api, (1.2 million inhabitants in areas prone to volcanic eruptions)

4. 63,7 juta di daerah rawan banjir, serta

5. 40,9 juta jiwa didaerah rawan longsor. Di Indonesia terdapat 386 Kabupaten/kota berada di zona bahaya sedang hingga tinggi gempa bumi,

6. 233 kabupaten/kota terancam erupsi gunung api (233 districts / cities are threatened by volcanic eruptions)

7. Salah satu bencana yang terjadi di provinsi Sumatera Utara adalah bencana gunung berapi. (One of the disasters that occurred in the province of North Sumatra was a volcano disaster)

Bencana Gunung Berapi (The volcanic disaster)

The volcanic disaster in North Sumatra is Mount Sinabung is a volcano in the Karo Plateau, Karo District, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Sinabung along with Mount Sibayak nearby are two active volcanoes in North Sumatera and being the 2nd highest peak in North Sumatra province.The height of Mt. Sinabung is 2,451 meters. This volcano has never been recorded erupting since 1600, but was suddenly active again by erupting in 2010. The last eruption of this mountain occurred since September 2013 and lasted until now

The Overview of Model ImplementationGambaran Pelaksanaan Model

1. Evacuation Signs

2. Face Mask/Mouth cover

3. Megaphone

4. Emergency Bag


1.the teacher tells the child that

a volcanic eruption has

occurred, for example, by

sounding an alarm or other device;

2.children immediately march

and walk towards the

evacuation route to the

gathering point calmly by using face mask first;

3.if the situation outside the

classroom does not support

the teacher asks the child to remain in the classroom

1. teacher calms the child;

2. pray;

3. singing (if possible);

4. play together (can use tools and materials that have been prepared in an emergency bag);

5. must use a mouth cover (mask)



Learning in Model of Children Readiness in Facing Volcanic Disasters

1• Introducing the understanding of volcanoes and volcanic eruptions

2• Knowing the positive and negative impacts of volcanic eruptions


• Preparations for a volcanic eruption and some signs of a volcano before it erupts.

4• Things to do if a volcanic eruption occurs

The Results of Model Implementation

1. children already have a spiritual attitude such as no longer crying and panicking when the mountain erupts but is calm and can pray to God.Children are also able to invite their friends to pray and sing together.

2. children already have a very good social attitude such as being able to calm a friend who is still panicking, willing to share a place, and willing to work together when going to the meeting point.

3. children already have good knowledge such as getting to know the mountain, understanding signs of evacuation, understanding the positive and negative effects of volcanoes, volcanoes will erupt.

4. children already have skills in using masks, wearing jackets and hats to protect themselves, and are skilled in following directions for evacuation

Model of children readiness in dealing with volcanic disasters as preparedness to be aware of disasters and disaster response early

Thank You All …
