


exercise for english modals

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Complete each sentence with the modifier that fits the space


Insert a suitable modal verb.

1 _________________ you give me a hand, please?

2 They _________________ have broken the chair. They weren't in the kitchen at all.

3 _________________ I ask for another glass? No, it's not necessary. Anyway, I'm not thirsty anymore.

4 You _________________ blame her for your mistakes. You _________________ depend on other people.

5 I really _________________ change my lifestyle otherwise I'll go crazy.

6 He _________________ be very tired. He's just returned from a long trip.

7 I _________________ work so hard if I were you. You're going to ruin your health.

8 He's changed so much. He _________________ be in love again.

9 _________________ you just leave me alone, please?

10 _________________ I send for a doctor? No, she's just having a headache. It'll pass soon.

11 I _________________ go on living with so much noise in the house. It's killing me.

12 When I was at a boarding school, I _________________ get up early every morning.

13 I don't want to study anymore. I _________________ go through all those exams again.

14 Look at his miserable clothes. He _________________ be very rich.15 The windows are steamy. It _________________ be very hot in the kitchen.

16 I'm not quite sure about his age. He _________________ be forty or fifty. 17 I _________________ drive a tractor. I've never tried it.

18 _________________ I offer you a drink? Yes, please.

19 I _________________ get back before midnight otherwise I'll be punished by my mother.

20 The tree has grown a lot. He _________________ have been watering it for the last 3 weeks.