Mobile Combustion CO2 Emissions Calculation Tool


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Summary of CO2 Emissions From Mobile Source12/05/2008

WRI-WBCSD GHG Protocol InitiativeTip: Do not edit this page. This page displays totals that come from

Source of Emissions

Road Calculated from fuel use:

Vehicles Calculated from distance:

Trains Calculated from fuel use:

Calculated from distance:

ShipsCalculated from fuel use:

Calculated from distance:

Aircraft Calculated from fuel use:

Calculated from distance:

Total Emissions:


Home Page: Mobile Combustion CO2


Summary of CO2

Emissions (in metric tonn

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Summary of CO2 Emissions From Mobile Sources12/05/2008

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Summary of CO2 Emissions From Mobile Sources12/05/2008

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Summary of CO2 Emissions From Mobile Sources12/05/2008

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Summary of CO2 Emissions From Mobile Sources12/05/2008

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Summary of CO2 Emissions From Mobile Sources12/05/2008

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Introduction to Worksheets for CO2 Emissions from MThis brief introduction supplements the guidance document, "Fossil Fuel Combustion in Mobil

Please read the accompanying guidance document before using these worksheets.

The intellectual property rights of this calculation tool belong to WRI and WBCSD, unless stated otherwise in any of the tools.

Please cite the orginial reference when using this tool.

Purpose and domain of this section


The combustion of hydrocarbon fuels produces carbon dioxide (CO2), water vapor, trace amounts of 

(N2O) and ash or soot (from incomplete combustion). This workbook makes a simplifying assumption

is 100% complete, whereby all the carbon in fuel is converted to CO2. By itself, this assumption result

overestimate of CO2 emissions from combustion. This overestimate is offset by a second assumption

roughly 1% underestimate of global warming impact. The second assumption is that the emissions of 

are so small and uncertain that they may be ignored in the calcuation. Each gram of CH4 and N2O hagram of CO2. Even so, the amounts emitted during combustion are so small, and the factors for these

is little benefit in calculating their global warming impact. (Processes other than combustion do produ

and these have non-trivial global warming impacts.) The combined effect of these assumptions is likel

a variance that will in most cases be negligible.

Companies that wish to calculate global warming from N2O and CH4 can do so as a last step, by multi

with an appropriate small percentage. This is justified because the ratio of N2O and CH4 to CO2 emis

across fuels and equipment.

Calculation Approaches

approach or approaches which make best use of available data. When fuel use data is available, it is

If fuel use data and distance data are of equal quality, the fuel use data should be used (fuel compositi

If distance data and fuel economy factors are known, use the calculator provided on the 'fuel use' wor 

Approaches can be combined, but to avoid double counting do not enter the same activity twice.

These guidelines and worksheets are intended to help all companies calculate their direct and/or indir 

Default or average-case factors are included for your information as a possible alternative if custom e

If mobile sources are a significant source of direct emissions for your organization, and your fuel recor 

recommended that you compile emission factors that accurately reflect the characteristics of the equipNote that the default emissions per distance factors were developed in the United States and/o

from Mobile Sources

Fuel used Distance

Two calculation approaches are provided in these worksheets. The first calculates emissions based o

The second calculates emissions based on distance traveled or equipment activity, i.e. truck kilomet

not be accurate for countries with different traffic conditions, vehicle sizes, and average numb

Possible Methods and Related Emission Factors to Calculate CO2


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Fuel per distance

Fuel used factor 

emissions emissions emissions

per fuel per fuel per distance

factor factor factor  

Emissions Emissions

Suggested Sequence

1 Make a back-up copy of this workbook, in its blank unused state.2 Determine your direct and indirect emission sources from mobile combustion. If you have both di

make two copies of the workbook for accounting them separately.

3 Review the default values proposed for emissions factors, and enter any different local default e

custom values that best represent your emission sources. Check coal factors since they vary wi

4 Complete each of the applicable worksheets, filling in relevant light green cells and optional valu

entry row similar to an existing row, select the existing row, then click on the Add a Row button.

the row you selected. Be certain to change user-entered values in the new row.

Worksheets are color coded but may be printed in black and white.

5 Review the Summary on the "Home" page. Totals there should automatically reflect totals comp

Print the Summary page. Make a back-up copy of this completed workbook.

Top Tips

1 Color Scheme: Help Enter data Optional data entry Auto calcul

Labels: Warnings green cells light blue cells value in gr  



Blue line shows calculation sequence for Based on Fuels Worksheet

Brown line shows caculation sequence for Based on Distance Worksheet

Dotted line shows emission factors built into the calculation of emissions per distance factor 

Click on "Twisties" 6 4   to expand and collapse sections.

To add another data entry row, select the row you want duplicated, and click on the "Add a Ro

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layout and formulas will be inserted beneath the row you selected. Be sure to change the user-s

4 Navigate from one spreadsheet to another using the tabs at the bottom of your screen.

5 To print in black and white (without shadings) check the appropriate box in the Sheet tab of the

6 To fit the active section of the workbook to your screen, adjust the zoom percentage shown in th


This workbook was developed by David Cross of RPM Systems, The RETEC Group, Inc., with c

Pankaj Bhatia/WRI, Michael Gillenwater/US-EPA, Vincent Camobreco/US-EPA, Matthew Addis

from WRI/WBCSD. All intellectual property rights belong to GHG Protocol Initiative. Please cite t

While the workbook is largely self explanatory, for questions or suggestions on workbook mecha

For comments on workbook content, contact Pankaj Bhatia at

Please visit the GHG Protocol Initiative at for other GHG calculation tools.

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bile Sourcese Sources: Guidelines",

ethane (CH4), nitrous oxide

that the combustion of carbon

s in an approximately 1%

that by itself would result in a

CH4 and N20 from mobile combustion

s a greater impact on climate than aemissions are so uncertain, that there

e significant amounts of CH4 and N20,

y to alter results by less than 0.5%,

iplying their total CO2 emissions

sions from combustion varies little

sually more reliable than distance data.

ion varies less than vehicle efficiency).

sheet to calculate fuel consumption.

ct CO2 emissions from mobile sources.

ission factors are not available.

ds are not accurate, it is

ment and technology you are operating.r Europe, and may

n amount of fuel consumed.

rs traveled. Companies should use the

r of passengers per vehicle. 

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irect and indirect emissions,

ission factors or 

ely by country.

es in cells shaded light blue. To add a data

A new row will be inserted below

uted on each worksheet.

ated Default values

y cells light yellow cells

w" Button. A new row with the same

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upplied values!

age Setup command in the File Menu.

e Stardard icon bar.

ontributions from Gwen Parker/WRI,

n/Nexant Inc, and project team members

he original reference whenever using this tool.

nics, contact

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Part 1. Emissions Calculated from Fuel Used: All Modes of TNote: Use this worksheet to calculate your emissions from amount of fuel consumed.

A B C D E1 E2 F

Fuel used Energy used

Type of Fuel Used GJ per Fuel Unit GJ energy

Amount of Fuel Fuel Default Custom Used

Source Description fuel used Units Type GJ/unit GJ/unit F = B x E

Road transportation 0.00

Sample fleet 30,000.00 US gals Gasoline 0.13 3,906.12

US gals Gasoline 0.13 0.00

US gals Gasoline 0.13 0.00

US gals Gasoline 0.13 0.00

US gals Gasoline 0.13 0.00

Imp. gals Gasoline 0.16 0.00

litres Gasoline 0.03 0.00

litres Gasoline 0.03 0.00

Metric tonnes Gasoline 43.57 0.00

US gals Diesel 0.14 0.00

Imp. gals Diesel 0.17 0.00

litres Diesel 0.04 0.00

Metric tonnes Diesel 44.17 0.00

lbs. CNG 0.0228 0.00

kg CNG 0.0523 0.00

lbs. LPG 0.0209 0.00

kg LPG 0.0460 0.00

US gals LPG 0.0942 0.00

litres LPG 0.0249 0.00

Rail transportation 0.00

Water transportation 0.00

Aircraft 0.00

Total 0.0


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Part 2. Emissions Calculated from Distance TravNote: Use this worksheet to calculate your emissions if you have activity data only for the dist


Transportation Activity



Source Description Transport description Activity

Road transportation activity

Measurements in Miles: Note: Gallons are US Gallons

hybrid auto 56 mpg 4.2 l/100km

small gas auto 29 mpg 8.1 l/100km

med gas auto 23 mpg 10.2 l/100km

large gas auto 19 mpg 12.4 l/100km

LPG automobile

diesel auto 24 mpg 9.8 l/100km

gas light truck 14 mpg 16.8 l/100km

gas heavy truck 6 mpg 39.2 l/100km

diesel light truck 15 mpg 15.7 l/100km

diesel heavy truck 7 mpg 33.6 l/100km

light motorcycle 60 mpg 3.9 l/100km

your vehicle

hybrid auto 56 mpg 4.2 l/100km

small gas auto 29 mpg 8.1 l/100km

med gas auto 23 mpg 10.2 l/100km

large gas auto 19 mpg 12.4 l/100km

LPG automobile

diesel auto 24 mpg 9.8 l/100km

gas light truck 14 mpg 16.8 l/100km

gas heavy truck 6 mpg 39.2 l/100km

diesel light truck 15 mpg 15.7 l/100km

diesel heavy truck 7 mpg 33.6 l/100km

light motorcycle 60 mpg 3.9 l/100km

bus (diesel)- long distance

bus (diesel)- urban transit

road freight

(other car mpg below)

Measurements in Kilometers:

hybrid auto 56 mpg 4.2 l/100km

small gas auto 29 mpg 8.1 l/100km

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Conversion Factors and

Energy and Weight

Volume Conversions

Distance Factors and Conversio

Table 3

Linear Measure: English Unit

1 inch = 1

1 foot (ft) = 1

1 yard = 3

1 mile = 51 nautical mile = 1

To convert liters per 100 km to miles p

To convert miles per gallon to liters pe

Converting Energy Units (works

For most activities, the reporting worksheegiven below are provided as a general resoderivation of factors given.

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Transit Motor Bus 3,835.00 4

Amtrak, train 2,200.00 2

Long Distance Bus 1,000

Energy Intensity of Rail Freight

Table 15 http://www.bts.g

Revenue freight ton-miles (millions)

Car-miles (millions)

Tons per car load

Fuel consumed (million gallons)

Energy intensiveness (Btu/revenue fre

Energy intensiveness (Btu/car-mile)

Converting to other units

Joules per ton mile (@1055/btu)

Gigajoules per ton mile (@ 10^9 per)

K CO2 il ( 4 06 / j)

Energy Intensity of Class I Ra

a Class I railroads are those that have operating

KEY: Btu = British thermal unit

SOURCE: Association of American Railroads,

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Frequently Asked Questions for Mobile Sources Modul

Excel mechanicsWhen I save the file, I get a message from Excel saying it is in an earlier version. What do I do?

This workbook was deliberately designed as an Excel 95 file, so that users with Excel 95 could use it.

in any version of Excel (5/95 or higher), but if saved as a Excel 97 document, someone using Excel 9

You may click either the yes or the no buttons on the dialog box that Excel presents when you save t

I get a message from Excel saying a cell is protected. What do I do?

Worksheets have been protected to restrict data entry to cells shaded yellow and light blue. If you m

When the file was distributed, there was no password. Generally, keep worksheets protected to prev

To make a cell editable when the sheet is protected, first unprotect the sheet. Then select the cell, a

activate the protection tab on the command dialog box and make sure the Locked option is not checkre-protect the worksheet using the Tools Protection Command.

How can I insert rows (without messing up the twisties and the rows they collapse and hide)?

Select a data entry row you would like to copy, then click on the "Add a Line" button located near the

How can I delete a row?

We are not expecting users to delete rows. However, if you wish to delete a row, select the entire ro

Deleting a row will create errors, because it confuses the numbering scheme in hidden column A that

number of rows in each section. To rememdy these errors, after deleting a row, USE THE TOOLS/

and run the FIX ROWS macro before re-protecting the worksheet. This updates the row numbering s

column A, which is used so the "Twisties" can open and close the correct number of rows in the secti

The workbook pauses to calculate each time I add a number. Can I speed this up?

turns off Excel's default setting which is to recalculate the entire sheet with every change. Enter as m

press on the F9 button to calculate the entire worksheet at once.

go to the Tools menu and select the Protection subcommand. Select the option to unprotect sheet ,

Under the tools menu, select the Options subcommand, then the tab labeled Calculation. Set calcul

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. You may save it

5 will not be able to open it.

e file.

st unprotect a worksheet,

ent errors.

d using the Format Cell command

ed. (It toggles). Finally,

top of each worksheet page.

and delete it using the Edit menu delete command.

is used to display and collapse the appropriate


cheme in hidden

on below them.

uch data as you like, then

  hich toggles.

tion to manual- this

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This page contains macros (proautomate features of this workbook.

Do not modify this page! Last revised 10/10/2001 David Cross 203-776-2358 ext 225Welcome Auto Open macro, runs when file opens


#MACRO?Assigns address of worksheet to variable name

#MACRO? Assigns name of workbook to variable name

#MACRO?gets pathway name of macro file

Err:502 Checks to see if in DOS or Mac environment

#MACRO? Sets file separator for MAC

#MACRO? skips to rest of welcome Macro

Err:502 sets proper DOS name

=OPTIONS.CALCULATION(3,,,0turns off calculation?


#MACRO? these rows set screen to be viewable on most computers#MACRO?#MACRO?#MACRO?#MACRO?#MACRO?#MACRO?#MACRO?#MACRO?#MACRO?





#MACRO?to make sure column A has the right numbers so that

#MACRO? twisties and totals reference correct rows.

Addrow Adds a row above the row

#MACRO? the calling button is on=ECHO(FALSE)


#MACRO?#MACRO? get reference of cell#MACRO? get location of "C"#MACRO? get row#MACRO?

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Page 85

#MACRO?#MACRO? copy down repeated material from above#MACRO?

#MACRO? correct row numbering scheme in column A#MACRO?#MACRO?



ShowCloseblock opens and closes "twisty" sections#MACRO?


#MACRO?#MACRO?#MACRO? get reference of cell#MACRO?#MACRO?#MACRO?

#MACRO? get rows to do#MACRO? get status of section#MACRO? if open, close, otherwise open

Close section#MACRO?#MACRO?

install closed button#MACRO?#MACRO?#MACRO?#MACRO?#MACRO?

#MACRO?Open section#MACRO?#MACRO?

install closed button#MACRO?#MACRO?#MACRO?#MACRO?#MACRO?





#MACRO?#MACRO?#MACRO? turn off screen refresh

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#MACRO? Fixes row numbering so twisty boxes

#MACRO?select proper number of rows, also, totals work

#MACRO? correct row numbering scheme in column A#MACRO?


















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#MACRO? Alert here



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Version 1.0 October 2001

Version 1.1 September 2003

Fixed Macros leading from introduction to calculation pages.

Version 1.2 October 2003

Added passenger train emission factors based on distance and type of servicesuch as intercity, commuter, and subway. These are particularly applicable tocommuting emission estimates.

Version 1.3 January 2005

Updated Table 5.4 in the guidance to correct the "Litres fuel per km" values.
