mob justice - rafay khan


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  • 8/7/2019 mob justice - rafay khan


  • 8/7/2019 mob justice - rafay khan


    Mob justice is the sign of the conditions in this country, it tells us about the lack of confidence

    of the common man in our justice system. From time to time I hear of such incidents and the

    frequency is gradually increasing. Sajjad Haider (Entrepreneur)

    The police is corrupt and lazy, the judiciary and courts are discriminatory, an innocent person

    is more likely to get punish rather than a person who committed the crime. What would a

    person do when he has nowhere else to do n he is enraged at the increasing rate of crime, in

    these times Mob justice is simply the only option he has left. Sameena (housemaid)

    Incidents of mob justice represent the increasing level of dissatisfaction and frustration that

    the people have over the law and order situation in the country. And the way things are going

    the frequency of such events is likely to further increase Faheem (shop keeper)

    The people are tired of asking for justice. They know for sure that if they make a complaint to

    the police regarding a crime that took place, the only thing which would result from it would be

    the constant harassment of the police that they will have to face. So isnt it better for the

    criminals to be punished then and there on the stop to serve as an example to others. Although

    I think that burning them alive is right. Thieves and robbers should be beaten up and handed to

    the police. Waleed (car driver)

    Sometimes it is necessary to do these kinds of things in order to scare the criminals. When the

    criminals are barbaric enough to perform such crimes then why is it wrong to do the same with

    them. I have heard of countless accounts where the criminals did not shy away from shooting

    the owners of a house without any proper reason during a theft, and when the suspects were

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    finally caught they were let go because of pressure from higher authorities. If such incidents are

    happening then why would a local man not resort to it? Jamshed (Security Guard)

    To begin with mob justice should be discouraged because all laws whether Islamic or judicial

    are extremely against this. Criminals should be punished by the law enforcing agencies. And

    throughout the world I doubt there is any crime for which it is justifiable to beat a man to death

    or to roast him alive. More over taking the justice in your hand would bring no good and would

    lead to a severe deterioration of law and order. It is the job of the police to arrest criminals.

    Mob justice is also harmful because enraged people might punish an innocent man who is

    simply passing by. Asma Hafeez (housewife)

    Incidents of mob justice shows the wrong notion of justice that people have in their minds, it is

    similar to other social evils like child marriages and honor killing. All this is because of the social

    and political conditions of the country, and our deviation from proper religious teaching in the

    absence of we have come up with our own version of justice and other values Hamida Rizvi


    Our Opinion

    After interviewing so many people we could not help but notice the similarities in the view of

    people belonging to similar social and living conditions. People who lack the basic necessities of

    life, more importantly people who lacked proper education were the ones who tried to justify

    mob justice most aggressively. These people also supported mob justice because they have

    lost all faith in the police force and judiciary. They themselves have to face harassment when

    they approach the police for even filing a report. According to them the police officials treat

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    their complaints and grievances as nothing more than a nuisance, while they focus their

    attention on the complaints made by richer people.

    When justice ceases to be equally accessible and just to all, the moral and social values of a

    society are on the path of degradation. History teaches us that whenever the lower classes are

    bereaved of equality and justice to such an extent that they are forced to take justice in their

    own hands it has always given rise to very dangerous and catastrophic circumstances. The

    French revolution was based upon similar conditions, and so was the soviet revolution. Both

    those revolutions ultimately led to a more peaceful era but only after a lot of blood had been

    shed. It was during these interim eras of bloodshed in the initial eras of revolution that the mob

    ruled the state. The rule of mob was anything but just. The mob has no mind, it follows passion

    and rage in matters of justice instead of logic and proof. The kinds of atrocities and injustices

    committed in those times were parallel to none.

    Mob justice is nothing but a lesser form of anarchy and anarchy leads to destruction,

    stagnation, corruption and genocide. We must explain the horrors of mob justice to the

    oblivious people so that they may understand the kind of value that they are promoting by

    supporting mob justices.

    The Conclusion

    If we are to progress economically, socially and culturally as a nation, we must address all the

    ill-practices amongst us that are prevalent due mutilated perceptions of social values. It is

    about time that we admit Mob Justice for what it is. A by-product of the misconceptions and

    injustices present in our society.

    The police force, the judicial system, misperceptions and misguided notions of values are some

    of the factors that gave rise to this problem.

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    The menace that we face today is not simply an increase in the cases of mob justice; it is a rising

    tide of anarchy fuelled by the grievances of the common populace. We must snip this evil in the

    bud before it further aggravates. A multi-faceted approach is required in order to effectively

    curb this problem. On one side we must spread understanding and awareness to the ignorant,

    regarding the inadequacy of mob justice as an alternative to real justice. This can only be done

    by imparting education and promoting critical thinking. On the other hand justice must be given

    to all in an effective and efficient manner, so that they may not feel the need of taking justice in

    their own hands.
