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MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

Course Organization

Multimedia Information Systems 1 VU (707.020)

(“Web Technologies” in the future)

WS 2015/16

Vedran Sabol

KTI, TU Graz

October 5th 2015

MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol


• Multimedia Information Systems 1 VU (707.020)

• Elective course

• Catalog: Multimedia, Information Systems, etc.


MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol





Office hours:




Dr. Vedran Sabol

Know-Center GmbH and TU Graz, KTI

Inffeldgasse 13, 6th floor, room 012

by appointment

+43 316 873 30850

MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol





Office hours:




DR. Christoph Trattner

Know-Center GmbH

Inffeldgasse 13, 5th floor, room TBD

by appointment

+43 316 873 30840

MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol


• Master course: lectures in English

• Communication in German/English

• If in German: please informally (Du)!

• Project: German/English

• Examination: German/English


MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

Basic Info

• Lectures: Monday, 14:15 – 15:45, HS i12

• Registration for the course in TUGOnline until 08.10.2015, 23:59

• Course Homepage:

• Presence at lectures is not obligatory

Do attend the practicals lecture on 12.10.2015

• Attending student presentations is obligatory (all team members)

1. Plan presentations on 27. or 30.10.2015

2. Result presentations on 11. or 12.01.2016

You only have to attend your 10 minutes presentation slot

• but you are welcome to stay, listen and ask questions…


MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

Basic Info

• Newsgroup:

• News server:

• Newsgroup is the preferred way of communication for this course!

• The study assistant will actively participate in the newsgroup


MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

Goals of the course (VU 707.020)

• To gain an overview of Multimedia Information Systems

• To learn about the technology that these systems are based on

Web development methods and design patterns

The structure of the Web and information access

Web visualisation and social-Semantic Web technologies

• To learn about successful examples of such systems

• To learn about the Web in technical details


MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

Organisation of the course (VU 707.020)

• Theoretical part: lectures

• Written examination, two options:

1. Two partial exams during the course


1. Final exam at the end of the semester

• Practical part: project

in groups of 2-3

• Deliver plan, implementation, documentation

• Presentation at the end of the semester

• Both the exam and the project are required


MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

Content of the course (VU 707.020)

Main areas:

• Information systems: organization and history

• Web as an information system, information retrieval

• Markup languages with focus on HTML5

• Web programming , frameworks and architectural patterns

• Visualisation and visual analytics in the Web

• Social media trends and the social-semantic Web


MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

Content of the course (VU 707.020)

• Topic: brief introduction to information systems

Classification and history of information systems

• Topic: Web programming

Main technologies: HTTP, URL, HTML…

Data formats for transferring information on WWW and Internet

Markup Languages: SGML, HTML, XML

Main focus: HTML5 (two lectures) and CSS basics

Web frameworks

Architectural patterns: Model-View-Controller (and similar)

CGI, Java Servlets…


MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

Content of the course (VU 707.020)

• Topic: World Wide Web as an Information System

Understanding and Investigating the Web in a scientific manner

What is it? What can WWW do? How is WWW structured? Why is WWW the way it is? How does WWW grow? How people access information in the Web? How can I find information on WWW? ...

Information retrieval on the Web: search engines, ranking methods,...


MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

Content of the course (VU 707.020)

• Topic: Visualisation in the Web

Visualisation Technologies for the Web

Visualisation Principles and Methods

Web-based Visual Analytics Systems

• Topic: social-semantic Web

Introduction to social-semantic Web technologies

Recent Trends in Social Media


MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

Demo – Web Visualisation (VU 707.020)


• Examples

Linked Data Query Wizard

Linked Data Visualization Wizard

MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

Course Calendar (VU 707.020)

• 05.10.2015: Course organization (Vedran)

Introduction to Information Systems (Christoph)

• 12.10.2015: Practicals organization with examples (Beni)

Attendance strongly recommended

• 19.10.2015: Basic Web Programming (Vedran)

• 27. and 30.10.2015: Practicals – student plan presentations

27.10.2016, 14:00 - 18:00, Room PZ2 06 062, Inffeldgasse 13 (6er OG)

30.10.2016, 14:00 - 18:00, Room PZ2 06 062, Inffeldgasse 13 (6er OG)

• 02.11.2015: Markup Languages and HTML5 (Vedran)


MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

Course Calendar (VU 707.020)

• 09.11.2015: HTML5 part II (Vedran)

• 16.11.2015: Architectural Patterns and Web Frameworks (Christoph)

First partial exam (first 4 lectures, 30 minutes)

• 23.11.2015: The Web Structure, Link Analysis and Searching (Christoph)

• 30.11.2015: Visualisation in the Web (Vedran)


MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

Course Calendar (VU 707.020)

• 07.12.2015: Introduction to the Social-Semantic Web (Christoph)

• 14.12.2015: Recent Trends in Social Media (Christoph)

Second partial exam (4 lectures, 30 minutes)

• 11. and 12.01.2016: Practicals - student presentation of results

11.01.2016, 14:00 - 18:00, Room PZ2 06 062, Inffeldgasse 13 (6er OG)

12.01.2016, 14:00 - 18:00, Room PZ2 06 062, Inffeldgasse 13 (6er OG)

• 18.01.2016: Final examination

For those who have not taken the partial exams (all lectures)


MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

Examination (VU 707.020)

• Written examination

• 6 questions (keep answers short and focused )

• Max 10 points for each question

• Total points: 60

• Two possibilities to take the exam (choose one)

2 partial exams during the course (16.11. and 14.12.2015)

Final exam at the end of the course (18.01.2016)


MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

Examination (VU 707.020)

1. Two partial exams during the course (3 questions each)

Take the exam in 2 parts while the lectures are still fresh in memory

A bonus question (3 extra points) on the second partial exam

2. Final exam at the end of the semester

Those who do not pass the partial exams may also participate

No further exams planed

• except for those who were sick (or were unable to attend for other similar reasons)


MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

Practicals (VU 707.020)

• Special lecture on 12.10.2015

• Course organization with examples

• Study assistant: Behnam Taraghi (Beni)

• Email:

• Newsgroup:

• News server:


MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

Practicals - Goals (VU 707.020)

• Project: implementing a Multimedia Information System

• Learning about different technologies

• Teamwork: groups of 2-3 students

• Try out something new (and cool)

• Document all the steps


MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

Project (VU 707.020)

• Project plan: goals, time estimate, group member responsibilities

• Implementation: working code

• Documentation of code and design

• Student presentations:

5 minutes presentation/demo

5 minutes question answering


MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

Submission Timetable (VU 707.020)

• Detailed timetable given at the next lecture: 12.10.2015

Team building: 18.10.2014

Project plan: 25.10.2014

Implementation and documentation: 07.01.2016

• Plan presentations: 27.10.2015 or 30.10.2015

• Result presentations: 11.01.2016 or 12.01.2016

• All submissions through TeachCenter:


MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

Practicals Grading (VU 707.020)

• Project plan: 5

• Plan presentations: 5

• Documentation: 10

• Implementation: 30

• Result presentations and question answering: 10

• Total points: 60


MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

Project Presentations (VU 707.020)

• Short presentation: 5 minutes (sharp)!

• Show us what you did

• Explain how it works shortly

• Briefly answer 1-2 questions (5 minutes)

• Why you did something (the way you did it)?

• Advantages/disadvantages


MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

MMIS1 Note (VU 707.020)

• Exam and project graded separately

• Both must be positive

• 0-30 points: 5

• 31-37 points: 4

• 38-45 points: 3

• 46-53 points: 2

• 54-60 points: 1

• One MMIS1 VU note: 50% exam, 50% project


MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

Thank you



MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

• Hackathon for increasing the visibility of cultural and scientific resources in the Web

Organised by EEXCESS EU-funded research project (

Sponsored by Elsevier

• When: 20th to 22nd October 2015

• Where: i-KNOW 2015 Conference in Graz (

Attend for FREE !!!

enjoy the keynotes and the atmosphere

plenty of food and drinks

cool evening events


Hackathon - Hacking for Culture & Science

MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

• SEEKING YOU talented people and coders, interested in

showing your skills, ideas and creativity

utilizing digital objects and improving their distribution in Web

• TO DO what

implement algorithms and visualisations

design innovative UIs

integrate data sources

come up with a marketing strategy for the project platform

and if you have your own idea - just bring it on!


Hackathon - Hacking for Culture & Science

MMIS1 VU - Introduction October 5th, 2015Vedran Sabol

• Win

1st place: 500€

2nd place: 300€

3rd place: 200€

All others: cool gimmicks

• Register: simply per email to

• Find out more:


Hackathon - Hacking for Culture & Science
