MM-2 Project, Assignment 2 by Group-3


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  • 8/9/2019 MM-2 Project, Assignment 2 by Group-3






    Prof Saji Nair

    Submitted by:


    Nikhil -16







    Introduction of Advertising of Nokia

  • 8/9/2019 MM-2 Project, Assignment 2 by Group-3


    Start of the campaign of Nokia in India

    Nokia, the world's leading mobile phone manufacturer recently swept a number of awards at the

    recent Media Magazine Advertising Awards and the Asian PR Awards. Nokia was awarded the

    Advertiser of the Year for 1998 at the Media Magazine Advertising Awards and an Honorable

    Mention for Technology Campaign of the Year in the Asian PR Awards. The Advertiser of the

    Year Award recognizes companies that show commitment to building its brand across the Asia

    Pacific region and developing creative advertising and in close partnership with its agencies.

    Nokia distinguishes itself as the only company to win this award twice (1996 and 1998) in three


    The campaign is centered on its unique Human Technology TM, a concept that is based on

    Nokia's observation of people's lives, which inspires Nokia to create technology, products and

    solutions that meet real human needs. Nokia communicated this via brand and product TVCs,

    print advertisements and point of sales materials. Nokia also notched up a first for interactive

    advertising, being the first in Asia to provide on-line sales of the premium Nokia 8810 model.

    Communication process model of NOKIA

    The communication process is the inter-relationship between several inter-dependent

    components. It consists of a whole series of related actions and reactions which together result in

    the sharing of meaning.

    There are 6+1 essential elements which makes the marketing communication effective. These

    are Sender,encoding, medium, message, decoding, receiver and feedback which is very essential

    for marketing communication. There is one undesirable element also which is Noise. Hence it is

    kept outside.

    Sender- Sender is generally the company who wants to promote the product. Through various

    marketing channels, to persuade the customer to buy the product.

    Encoding The process of converting the message into communication symbols.

  • 8/9/2019 MM-2 Project, Assignment 2 by Group-3


    Message This is the subject matter of the communication which is intended to be passed to the

    receiver from the sender. Nokia always try to give message relating to people values like Nokia

    Connecting People& Human Technology.

    Medium- Message encoded into symbols are transmitted by the sender through a channel. There

    are different types of channels which NOKIA is using like Print Media, Electronic Media. Nokia

    mostly concentrates on Print Media As their product needs illustration of the various features of

    Mobile. They also concentrate of television.

    Decoding The receiver translates the words and symbols used in the message into idea and

    interprets it to obtain its meaning. If the message is perfect, it will be perceived by the target


    Receiver The person or group to whom the message is directed. The receiver is the target

    customer. Target customer of Nokia is the general people. So its message is always in lined with

    the end user.

    Feedback It is the way of judging the effectiveness of the message. It is done by the method

    like recall testing and customer satisfaction questionnaire. Feedback helps the company to know

    its strengths and weakness.

  • 8/9/2019 MM-2 Project, Assignment 2 by Group-3


    Objective of Marketing Communication

    Goals that an organization seeks to achieve through its promotional program in terms

    of communication effects such as creating awareness, knowledge, image, attitude, preferences

    or purchase intention. The communication objective of Nokia is to improve brand image and

    awareness also creating the brand recall in the customer minds through the colors logo and its

    promotional program. So the person encouraged to buy the product, for achieving this objective

    Nokia is using some tools of Marketing communication.

    Marketing Communication Mix

    Six Major Tools are:

    1) Advertising

    2) Sales promotion

    3) Direct selling

    4) Public relation and publicity

    5) Direct marketing

    6) Events and Experiences

    Advertising: One of the strongest aspects of Nokia is its advertising strategy. Nokias ad

    campaigns are have a short shelf life. the advertisements have proved to be an effective tool for

    marketing their every product. When comes to marketing development, catching up the

    customers is the main task. So keeping that in mind, the company, nokia is using such

    advertisements as the main objectives for their rapid growth in the market. The customer

    satisfaction is the main subject for improving any kinds of marketing business.

    Sales Promotion-Nokia does sales promotion at different level. It specially does online sales

    promotion.Its business and household devices for sales promotions are:

    2. cash rebates

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    Nokia Coupons and Offers

    SAVE on replacement batteries, car chargers and travel chargers from

    Deals for Nokia accessories at CellPhoneShop

    Discounted hands free kits

    Nokia 5310 and 5610 XpressMusic handsets offerers as exclusive Nokia Kylie handsets,

    featuring pre-loaded, exclusive video and music content. Consumers also have the opportunity to

    download the full album and additional content from a promotional website, designed and built

    by Haygarth, in addition to giving consumers the opportunity to win meet and greet tickets to

    one of the dates on the Kylie X Tour 2008.

    Personal and Direct selling-

    The Nokia Online Store is open 24 hours a day, selling products, accessories and service

    vouchers direct from Nokia. People can also order by calling our direct sales team, who can

    advise them and place their order on your behalf, at 1-866-59NOKIA (1-866-596-6542) .

    Public Relations ( PR )-

    Nokia has strong PR. They keep on doing some or the other new events, programmes and

    publicity, so as to keep up with the brilliant image of the company and also to enhance the brandequity. Direct Marketing : Nokia does not perform Direct Sales activities on its official website Nokia does use DEMO style of Direct Marketing. Nokia does not use Direct

    Mail or Telemarketing styles of Direct Marketing.

    Direct Marketing

  • 8/9/2019 MM-2 Project, Assignment 2 by Group-3


    The Nokia Eseriessmartphones and select models ofNseries smartphones support the Mail for

    Exchange software, which is compatible with Microsoft Exchange ServerActive Sync and Direct

    Push, allowing the Nokia smartphones to receive push email as well as sync contact lists,

    calendars, and tasks with Exchange servers. Global Address Lookup is also supported, starting

    with version 2 of the Mail for Exchange software.]

    Nokia Messaging Email is a push e-mail service and client application, that supports most of the

    popular e-mail providers like Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail, Gmail and many more. Nokia Messaging

    servers aggregate messages from up to ten accounts on and push them to compliant devices

    (Nokia S60 and some S40, plus Maemo-based devices like the N900)

    Relative Importance Of Promotional Tool for Nokia

    Advertising: - It gives maximum importance to advertising. It has 50% weightage in the

    promotional tool.

    Sales promotion:- it has 25% weightage In the promotional tool.

    Direct selling :-it has 15 % weightage in the promotional tool.

    Public relation: - it comprised of 10% weightage.

    Developing brand equity through marketing


    Brand Awareness- Through all these marketing tools Nokia has built strong brand equity. It

    created brand awareness through its everlasting relation with human feelings. Customer is aware

    of its new launched product through its advertisement.

    Brand Association-Nokia has associated a large chunk of people to its product. Marketingtool has done a brilliant job for its Brand Association.

    Perceived quality-Customers of Nokia perceive the quality is of superior class. It fulfills its

    all the customer expectation. Quality like long lasting battery, toughness of the mobile, user

    friendly technology and other attributes is well perceived by the customer.!_Mail!_Mail
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    Brand Loyalty-most of the customer of the Nokia is loyal to the product. They do not leave

    the product and always want to be associated to Nokia.

    Steps in developing effective communication

    1) Identify the target audience- Nokia has a large number of target audiences. It has large

    product line with different features and different range so Nokia covers the entire age and

    income group. It formulates advertisement for the entire group.

    2) Determining the communication objective- Its main communication objective is to

    make aware of the new product and remind the brand.

    3) Design communication- Communication is designed in such a way that it reaches to

    major part of the target customer. It uses varieties of shades depending upon the type of

    Mobile as well as customer. It prepares different ads for different type of customers. It the

    favorite brand of most of the common people of India.

    4) Marketing channel- It uses both print as well as electronic media but it mostly advertises

    in Magazines as they can illustrate the new product feature in a better way.

    5) Establishing budget- budget is established on the basis %age of sales. Its market share is

    declining and it wants to improve its performance in India.

    6) Media mix- Combination of media to be used in an advertising campaign. Television and

    magazines dominates the media mixes of most national advertising campaigns becausethese media reaches the broadest segments of the market.

    7) Measure result- marketing communication performance is measured through pre and post

    testing method.

    Advertising task



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    Advertising objective

    1) communication objective

    2) sales objective.

    Response Hierarchy Model

    AIDA Model

    Attention: Awareness for the is the cognitive stage in which the customer is looking

    for the information about the product, so the main motive of the company is to provide the

    information so that it can get the attention of its customer. Advertisement featuring child and

    actress creats attention in the minds of the customer.

    Interest: Consumer need to be made interested in the product. After getting the attention of the

    customer the second motive is to develop the interest among the customers. Nokia has added a

    number of attributes to create interest. These two stages fulfill the communication objective.

    Desire: Consumer needs to be made to want to buy the product. With a number of product line it

    creates desire among the customer. New product like N97 and many lower price phones also has

    many features.

    Action: Consumer are prompted into action. They actually buy the product. These two stages

    fulfill the sales objective.

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    The ads should target the older one also, as all the recent ads of high price Nokia product targets

    the young ones not the older ones. Frequency of Ads on the television should be increased as it

    will help to improve the brand loyalty.

    It does not feature its main attributes of being user friendly, it should present itself as a user

    friendly mobile.


    CREATIVE CONCEPT: Nokia since years have kept the same tag line and therefore

    its ads have always centered on the same tag line i.e., CONNECTING PEOPLE. Nokia is

    having a big target audience and so have had many different kinds of advertisement but never

    deviated from its main objective.

    Nokia generally was seen to have ads according to the new set which it launched. In

    accordance to the range of mobile set it tried to make the add. But it has launched a series of print

    ads lately and there seems to be a change of advertising strategy. In the past, individual

    campaigns are devised for individual handset launches. Now that this series of ads are more

    thematic with an attempt to position Nokia as an all-round multi-media phone brand. In the ads,

  • 8/9/2019 MM-2 Project, Assignment 2 by Group-3


    less focus has been put on trumpeting the functions and features of individual handsets. On the

    contrary, the handsets act as the support collectively to substantiate the multi-media positioning.

    The ads are colourful and attention grabbing.


    Nokia T.V Commercial:

    Example taken here is Cool Nokia ad.

    1) Art Direction: In this add we find that the ad is very attractive. As it never says anywhere

    in between that what is the product it is trying to show and only at the end of the ad one

    can find out the product. The ad is made in a very stylish manner. Whole backgrounds

    being black enhance the beauty of the ad

    2) Production value: Both video as well as audio components of the ad have been taken care

    of. Music of the ad is also very catchy. It is very strong but at the same time beautiful.

    Saying in one line it is an ad with artistic touch. Not a single word is said in the ad but it

    still communicates the message it wants to deliver. As already mentioned above this add

    also aims at the attributes of the Nokia mobile as a whole rather than any specific handset.

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    Example of a print ad of NOKIA.

    In this ad also we can see though Nokia is advertising for a particular handset it can be clearly

    seen that it has shown the symbol for Connecting People.


    1Main Text: NOKIA

    2. Logo


    1) As there are many competitors in market Nokia should not go for generalized marketing

    of product.

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    2) If it concentrates on its older way of advertisement in which it made ads for individual

    handset it can concentrate better on target market and audience.

    Media Decision of Nokia talk to me, hold me, Im with you.

    Environmental Analysis







    Setting Media

    Objectives and


    broad Media

    Selecting Media types

    within Media - classes

    Selecting specific Media

    vehicles within media - types

  • 8/9/2019 MM-2 Project, Assignment 2 by Group-3


    Media Planning Process

    Media Objectives and Strategy

    Nokia has always come up with a clear cut objective and some new strategy for its


    Its objectives

    To reach out to the people and

    increase brand awareness.

    Effective communication

    marketing approach.

    Its strategy

    Nokia's advertisements have

    dwelt on the human angle of

    mobile technology, rather than

    emphasise their technical


    To make the consumers feel

    satisfied with their choice, and

    their campaign is designed to tell them that Nokia offers them personal choice.

  • 8/9/2019 MM-2 Project, Assignment 2 by Group-3


    Broad Media Classes

    Nokia uses print media as well as electronic media for its advertisements.

    Media-types within Media-classes

    Newspapers, Magazines

    TV, Internet

    Word of mouth

    Specific Media-vehicles within media-types

    Jersey of the team Kolkata Knight Riders in IPL cricket matches.

    Magazines like My Mobile and Gadget.

    A few TV channels like Star Sports, Star Plus, Neo Sports.

    Internet search engine Google.

    The 4 TV Advertising Strategies - Out of the 4 TV Advertising

    strategies, nokia uses

    1. Spot Telecasting strategy- This strategy is used by nokia in between different television

    soaps and other entertainment programmes like Balika Vadhu, Bidai, MTV splitsvilla &

    MTV Roadies.

    2. Sponsorship Strategy Nokia has sponsored a lot many events.

  • 8/9/2019 MM-2 Project, Assignment 2 by Group-3


    Nokia announced its sponsorship of the 16th MTN South African Music

    Awards to be held at Sun City on the 17th April 2010. This is the second

    year that Nokia is one of the sponsors of these prestigious awards.

    Nokia has sponsored the Mobile Monday Switzerland 2009-2010 season

    along with Switzerland AG.

    2009-2010 season sponsors

    Nokia has become the long term title sponsor for the FIS Snowboard World Cup.

    International Ski Federation (FIS).

    Nokia Sponsored Grammy Awards in 2008

    Nokia's sponsorship with celebrity Kylie Minogue. Fans of Minogue will have a chance

    to win tickets for her European concert tour. Through visiting the Web site, they will be able to download her album to Nokia 5310 handsets.

    These are some of the sponsorships that Nokia has been into in the last couple of

    years.Nokia has been into lot of sponsorship in the last 2 decades in diverse fields.

    The 3 Media Advertising Schedules

    Out of the three nokia uses Pulsing Advertising Schedule.


    Nokia has very much proved itself in media strategies. In India its dominance is even

    more pronounced with a 70 per cent market share, compared to around 30 per cent

    globaly. This could not have happened without a very good media strategy. However, it

    can bring few improvements.
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    It should try to come up with advertisement which appeals to lower middle- class people.