MLA 101 November 7, 2012 Ms. Munson’s English Class


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MLA 101

November 7, 2012

Ms. Munson’s English Class

Support your Argument!

Lawyerly skills + Evidence from Book = Success

What is MLA?

MLA stands for Modern Language Association

Xavier High School requires students to use MLA as a guideline in formatting research papers and citing sources (print or online)

MLA basically consists of two components:

1. A Works Cited Page

2. In text citations via Signal Phrases or Parentheses

But what does that really mean?

When writing a paper, you must give credit to any thought that is not your own or considered common knowledge.

Otherwise, it is considered plagiarism.

But what is common knowledge?

Common knowledge is information that the majority of people either know or can find in a number of sources.

Examples of Common Knowledge

• There are four seasons in the year

• The Yankees are a baseball team in NY

• There are 365 days in a year

What are some examples of common knowledge that you can think of?

Does this information need to be cited?

• George Washington was the first President of the United States of America.

• Washington’s definition of the public good was expansive-it included the formation of the individual’s character’s but nonethless, he did not promote support of religion as an end in and of itself.

Two Components of MLA

1. In text citations via Signal Phrases or Parentheses

2. A Works Cited Page

Citing a Book by One Author

Last Name, First. Title of Book. Place of

Publication: Publisher, Date of

Publication. Medium.

Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men. New

York: Penguin Books, 1993. Print.

In the MLA World..

Citing a Book by One Author

Last Name, First. Title of Book. Place of

Publication: Publisher, Date of

Publication. Medium.

Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men. New

York: Bantam Books, 1988. Print.

Works Cited

• It always starts on a fresh page• It is attached to the end of your paper• Works Cited is centered. No italics or bold• Alphabetize the list of entries • Double space within the entry• Double space between each entry• Entry is flush left, tab each subsequent

line in entry

Citing Steinbeck IN your Paper

You can cite someone else’s work in your paper by:

1. Using a Signal Phrase

2. Including Author in Parenthetical Citation

Example #1

The setting Steinbeck chose for this story brilliantly underscores the theme of man’s isolation and the need for commitment.

-Page 145 from an essay by Louis Owens in an Anthology

What is a Signal Phrase

A phrase that signifies to the reader that a direct quote is about to follow.

Using a Signal Phrase

Owens proposes that “the setting Steinbeck chose for this story brilliantly underscores the theme of man’s isolation and need for commitment” (146).

Examples of Signal Phrases

• Owens believes that “• Owens asserts that “• Owens argues that “ • Owens reasons that “• Owens insists that “• Owens suggests that “


Using an Author in Parenthetical Citation

The setting plays a pivotal role in the novella, as it sets to “brilliantly underscore the theme of man’s isolation and need for commitment” (Owens 146).

Block Quotes 23a

If you’re quote is more than four typed lines, you must block quote it.


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