Mkt221 Marketing in the Chinese Mainland - Discussion Section 1 Beijing Group Amy Fanny FUFU Jessica...


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Mkt221 Marketing in the Chinese

Mainland- Discussion Section 1

Beijing Group Amy







Do you want to work in Mainland China?

香港青年對北上長三角發展事業的取態 香港青年協會在 2004 年 11 月進行的全港青年意見

調查發現,青年對於長三角與本港青年發展的去向,普遍感到樂觀:在 544 名年齡介乎 15 至 34 歲的被訪青年中,接近八成受訪青年認為長三角為香港青年提供多一條發展出路,七成半認為香港青年到長三角有發展空間。逾三成受訪者希望在北上前提升普通話能力的訓練和建立當地人脈網絡。

不過年青一群對北上長三角發展暫未見熱烈,只有約一成多透露會考慮到長三角發展事業;若以 0-10分 (10 為最高 ) 計,受訪青年對自己在當地發展的信心平均分為 3.79 ,而自評對長三角的平均認識程度則只有 2.31 分。


Issue 01, 2007 (01 January) 

Human ResourcesOvertime Pay, Food and Lodging Subsidies Not Part of Minimum Wage

Prosperous development In the development of "going out", Shenzhen enterprises have made a great b

reakthrough since China's WTO accession five years ago. Among the 43 enterprises that made offshore investment in 2005, 47% were private enterprises and 35% were recognised high-tech enterprises. Among them, offshore investment by SMEs accounted for more than 50% of new investments. In 2005, approval was granted to 64 foreign enterprises and institutions with a total agreed investment of US$309.28 billion, up 22.4%. New contracts for foreign construction projects and labour cooperation worth US$2.985 billion were signed, up 109.5% year-on-year. The completed business amount reached US$2.14 billion, up 64.1% year-on-year.

The private sector in Shenzhen also witnessed rapid growth in the last five years. Private enterprises in the city applied for 2,020 national patents in 2005, accounting for 98% of the total number of national patent applications in China.

Issue 01, 2007 (01 January) Key to Economy and TradeShenzhen Five Years After WTO

Business Alert - China (Trade Development Council)

翁文鏗 香港中文大學我是讀生命科學的學生,這次的考察令我對內地的印象再一次改觀。我看到珠三角的都市生活水平和香港差別不大,亦感覺到內地市場的潛力相當優厚。雖然內地生物科技、製藥業發展還在起步階段,但已有研究院訓練相關行業的人才,相信在五至十年間將會繼續發展成為一個重要的行業,令我對在內地發展的信心和期望增加。

內地歡迎香港年青專才深圳市陳應春副市長在 12 月 20 日會見及宴請王 鳴博士和翁以登博士時表示:「深圳市在 2003 年頭 10 月的本地生產總值增長 17% ,財政收入穩步上揚。由於城市發展是需要專才而不是勞動人口,故此失業問題只是結構性的調整。」

What are the concerns of working in Mainland China?

What are the pros and cons of working in Mainland China?

就業通識 北上工作 醫療多關注 香港人北上工作早已不是新鮮事,專業人士亦然,在中港兩地經貿活動愈見頻繁的情況下,上班族更應主動關注一些



該項調查由持續專業進修聯盟進行,題為「香港專業人士北上就業—趨勢與挑戰」,結果顯示,超過七成的香港專業人士現時或多或少均需要負責與中國內地業務相關的職務,另外亦有過半數的受訪者預期與內地相關的職務在未來 2年內將會有增無減。

調查於網上進行,目的是要緊貼香港專業人士北上就業的趨勢和意欲。調查於今年 4 月底至 5 月期間進行,共收到 214 名來自不同專業界別人士回覆,當中以會計/財務、測量、公司秘書及物業管理界人士較多。







「另外,本港的專業人士亦應注重本身的持續專業發展,以了解國內不同地區的政策和法規,並取得所需的專業資格。」 薪酬待遇

在有關薪酬待遇的調查方面,結果指出 16.6%(或 29 名)受訪專業人士表示被調派往中國內地工作,他們現時的薪酬待遇較多是根據傳統外派僱員合約( 37.9%)計算,或以短期合約及本地合約(香港/所屬國家)計算(兩者皆為 20.7%)。

今年的調查亦問及香港專業人士兼顧中國內地以外其他發展中國家的職務,當中有 31.2% 受訪者表示現時需要負責相關職務,而主要服務的國家包括印度( 30.6%)、杜拜( 16.3%)、泰國( 14.3%)、越南( 12.3%)。




持續專業進修聯盟乃非正式的專業組織聯盟,成立於 02 年 4 月,經過幾年來的發展,聯盟現時擁有 21 名機構會員,均為香港主要的專業團體。該組織的宗旨是在香港宣揚、提供及改善持續專業進修;若時機合適,亦希望把這個宗旨引入中國內地及其他鄰近地區。

香港青年協會的一項調查顯示,高達七成的受訪青年,未有返內地工作的打算;表示打算返內地工作的受訪青年,僅二成六。而澳洲會計師公會香港分會的一項調查亦顯示,只有 28% 的專業人士,願意以現時薪酬水平北上發展;即使增加專業人士的薪酬,也有 32% 的人不願去內地工作。這表明多數港人對北上工作仍未準備好、更加未裝備好,情況令人擔心。

Why Chinese employers have to hire you rather than hiring people from China? What kinds of advantages you think you have, which are over students from China?

HK’s Advantages…

Cosmopolitan City East meets West Open media

You have to……

Sharpen your saw… Learn better English & Mandarin Strengthen your understanding of China Adjust your mind

Where will you choose to start the business?

Our choice




Another choice

58 foreign investment companies settle in Shanghai

How to start your business?

Our Choice

Wholly owned

Joint venture

Opportunities in doing business in Mainland China

China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO)

- simplifies its economic and trade regulations reduced transaction costs

-opening up of the Mainland's services sectors

-reduced tariffs -improved trading environment cut down on the importing costs of equipment and

raw materials


-removal of tariffs and other barriers on trade in goods

-opening up of the mainland Chinese market to Hong Kong companies

Any other possible opportunities which may occur when we develop a

new business in Mainland China?

China transitions to a more consumption-led economy

-Chinese incomes will grow and create a massive middle class

-China will become the third-largest consumer market in the world by 2025

Cheap labor and raw material cost

Cheap rent fee


1. Legal and political environment The differences in social, economic and

political systems The frequent changes in Law

∴ confusing lose confidence


2. Foreign exchange control value of RMB is instable value of RMB is increasing

∴ difficult to predict the potential return of business


Any other possible challenges which may occur when we set up

a new business in Mainland China?


3. Culture and knowledge of the local business environment

Difference in attitude behaviors ∴ conflict between management team and

workers Mis or Not-understand the restrictions difference in developments of infrastructur

e and transport systems ∴ large impact of the distribution system

Solution of Challenges

• Customer loyalty/retention • Balancing cultural sensitivities • Local government policies/regulations not updated in

accordance to economic growth• Protecting assets – including intellectual property and

reputation • Stimulating innovation/creativity • Employee loyalty/commitment • Building networks and alliance • Lack of talented managers and appreciation of "brain power" • Speed, flexibility and adaptability to change,13831.html