MKT 6080 (A01 & A02) 3.0 CH MARKETING Fall 2013 · MKT 6080 (A01 & A02) 3.0 CH MARKETING...


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MKT 6080 (A01 & A02) 3.0 CH


Effective August 2013, the University will ONLY use your UofM email account for official communications, including messages from the MBA Office, your professors, and other University administrative offices. CLAIM YOUR U of M EMAIL ACCOUNT at It is YOUR responsibility to check it daily for ALL University communication. INSTRUCTOR Name: Subramanian Sivaramakrishnan (“Subbu”) Phone: 204-474-8437 Office Location: 316 Drake Centre Fax: 204-474-7545 Office Hours: Wednesday 3-5 pm, or by appt. Email: COURSE DESCRIPTION In this course, we will discuss the following: How marketing has evolved; marketing research; consumer behaviour; market segmentation; choosing a targeting strategy; designing the firm’s product, price, distribution, and promotion with an understanding of the firm’s resources and constraints. This is the usually the first marketing course in an MBA program and is a required one at most universities—with good reason. Marketing is the major contact point of an organization with its customers. Anytime we buy a coffee at Tim Hortons, test drive a Honda, fly Air Canada, see a Donate Blood ad, or use our VISA card to buy furniture at IKEA, we are directly or indirectly in contact with the marketing department of those organizations. Marketing forms the backbone of most organizations. The success and failure of organizations can often be traced to their marketing. Regardless of the department you work in or your area of expertise, it is important that business professionals have a strong understanding of marketing, because every employee in the firm has a role to play in it. The below quote sums this up very well:

“Marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department.”

– David Packard, Co-Founder of HP


COURSE OBJECTIVES This course is designed to introduce you to the discipline of marketing and help you realize that it’s much more than just advertising and selling. While it won’t make you a marketing expert, this course will give you enough knowledge to become a better marketer, not to mention make you a smarter consumer as well. From an academic standpoint, it will provide you with the necessary foundation to comprehend material in any marketing electives you might take later. The five major objectives of this course are to:

1. Help you understand the importance and role of marketing in business. 2. Introduce you to the terminology and concepts in marketing. 3. Develop your analytical skills by examining cases involving marketing decision situations. 4. Give you hands-on experience in making marketing decisions by playing the role of marketing

manager of a simulated firm. 5. Give you hand-on experience in preparing a Marketing Plan for an organization.


1. Marketing Management, 14th Canadian Edition, by Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Subramanian Sivaramakrishnan, and Peggy Cunningham, 2012, Pearson Canada. (13th edition is acceptable)

2. Cases (two available at Campus Bookstore, three available on Angel)

3. Marketplace Live student license (requires online purchase; see Appendix) The textbook has 22 chapters and over 800 pages. Attempting to cover all the material in ten classes will be information overload. Therefore, we will concentrate on only the most important aspects. “Kotler’s Bible” (as it is often referred to) is a great marketing book to keep for reference in your personal library due to its encyclopaedic nature. I still have mine from my student days!

COURSE FORMAT Classes will include lectures and active discussions that will introduce you to the concepts and strategies in marketing. This component is intended to build your marketing knowledge base. Class discussions will occasionally be supplemented with guest lectures by marketers from the industry.

To build your marketing-related analytical abilities, we will discuss some cases—decision-making situations faced by companies. It is expected that you will come to class having thoroughly read the case and having taken a shot at analyzing the situation and making a decision recommendation.

To give you hands-on experience in making marketing decisions, you will participate in a marketing simulation game called Marketplace Live. This will give you a good opportunity to design marketing strategies and apply marketing concepts as you learn them, in a realistic and competitive business environment.

Finally, you will utilize all that you learned in the course in preparing a Marketing Plan for one of the Asper School’s programs. Details will be provided in class.


COURSE ASSESSMENT Too bad, life is full of exams of different sorts, uh? There will be four major components to the grading:

Written Exam (in-class; Nov 12(A01) / Nov 14(A02)) - 27 % Marketing Plan (group work; due Dec 15) - 25 % Case Quizzes (4 x 4%; best 4 of 5) - 16 % Marketplace Live (group work, except for quiz) − Marketplace Live Quiz - 5 % − Marketplace Live Strategy Statement - 5 % − Marketplace Live Forecast - 6 % − Marketplace Live Performance - 16 %

What’s the letter-grading scheme in this course? I will be using the following:

Cumulative Marks Grade GPA Performance

92-100 A+ 4.5 Excellent

87-91 A 4.0 Very Good

80-86 B+ 3.5 Good

75-79 B 3.0 Satisfactory

70-74 C+ 2.5 Marginal

65-69 C 2.0 Unsatisfactory

60-64 D 1.0 Unsatisfactory

Below 60 F 0.0 Unsatisfactory My grading scale may be higher than that of many other instructors. But, usually so also is the class mean. Written Exam: The exam, scheduled during class hours, will consist of 3 or 4 long-answer questions. Please note that in the event you will have to miss the exam for a valid reason, you have to complete the formal paperwork through the MBA Office, without which a makeup exam cannot be given. Marketing Plan: You will write and present a detailed marketing plan for the Asper School. Details of what is expected in the plan will be explained in class. Case Quizzes: A short multiple-choice case quiz will be given just before we begin discussing each case (see Class Schedule). These quizzes will test you on some facts provided in the case, not on the analysis. If you read the case thoroughly, you should be able to answer the questions. The best four quiz scores will count toward the grade. Thus, you can afford to miss or do poorly on one quiz. Therefore, no makeup quizzes will be given, even in the case of excused absences. Your quiz score will not be counted if you are not in class for that case discussion. We may occasionally postpone a case discussion to the following class, but will not postpone the case quiz.


Marketplace Live (ML): You will be assigned to a team that will be responsible for making the marketing decisions of a firm. Each firm will compete against the other firms (your class-mates) in the simulated PC industry for sales, profits, and market share. All firms begin from exactly the same starting-point in this simulation. You will make decisions for 6 quarters outside class, one per week. Your decisions should be submitted by Monday 6.15 pm (for A01) / Wednesday 2.30 pm (for A02) during the weeks a decision is due. In the event your firm fails to submit its decisions by the deadline, the simulation will be processed with your decisions from the previous quarter and also assessed a $10 million penalty. This can be disastrous for your firm. Therefore, please ensure you submit every decision.

There are four components of ML on which you will be graded:

a) A multiple-choice online quiz of ML details to make sure you have the background knowledge of the simulation to begin “playing”.

b) A Strategy Statement due after Quarter 3 but before you Q4 results are released. The single-spaced, three-page (max) statement should have the following: i) What your overall strategy to date has been. Also state what has worked well and what hasn’t. ii) What your overall strategy will be for the remaining three quarters (Q4-Q6). Be specific. iii) Your primary competitor(s) and how exactly you plan to beat them over Q4-Q6. Be specific. Part of the grade for the Strategy Statement will be based on how closely you stuck to your stated plan for Q4-Q6. If you e-mail me the Strategy Statement, please name your file <Firm Name>.docx, where firm name is your ML firm name, not number.

c) For both Q4 and Q6, along with your decisions, you will e-mail me a forecast of the total number of units your firm will sell, across all segments and all markets. Each of the two forecasts is worth 3%. If your forecast is within ±10% of the actual sales units, you will get 3% for that forecast. If your forecast is outside ±10% but within ±25%, your firm will get 2%, and 1% if it is within ±50%. If your forecast is outside the ±50% range, you won’t earn any marks for that forecast.

d) Your performance on ML will be assessed based on your firm’s Total Performance rank on the Balanced Scorecard at the end of each quarter. I will consider your rank for each of the five Q2-Q6 quarters to provide for any peaks and valleys you may encounter and average those five ranks. As a result, it is possible that your firm may not be the top-ranked one although your Cumulative Balanced Scorecard after Q6 may be the highest. The rationale behind this is that an unusually good quarter can raise your cumulative scorecard figure considerably, but you are to assume that your shareholders expect good, consistent performance from the firm every quarter.

In section A01, the firm with the best average rank at the end of the simulation will get the full 16 marks, the next firm will get 15, the third will get 14, and so on with the sixth place firm getting 11. In section A02, the first place will get 16, the next firm will get 14, third will get 12, and fourth will get 11. To keep the evaluation simple, a strict rank ordering of the Balanced Scorecard will be done, regardless of the magnitude of difference between figures. Thus, a firm with a balanced scorecard figure of just 0.001 greater than yours will be ranked higher. In the event two firms have exactly the same score, they will be given the same rank and the next firm two ranks below, as is usually done in rank ordering. Similarly, with the overall ranking.

You will need to purchase a student license for Marketplace Live. For instructions, please see Appendix. Please be aware you will be providing your credit card number to a US company.

I encourage you to purchase the license and register as soon as possible so that you can get familiar with the simulation before your team has to make the first set of decisions.


End-of-Term Peer Evaluation: Although the Marketing Plan and Marketplace Live are group work, each member’s grade will be adjusted to reflect individual contribution through a confidential peer evaluation at the end of the term. Make sure you are a team-player throughout the term! OUT-OF-CLASS COMMUNICATION

I will be posting PowerPoint slides, other class-related files, and grades on Desire2Learn (D2L), which can be accessed using your UofM e-mail login (MKT6080 will appear under the course list upon login). I will be posting most files under the Lessons tab. Any announcements outside of class will be sent by e-mail from D2L. As that mail goes to your D2L mail inbox by default (not your UofM mail inbox), please check your D2L mail regularly or have it permanently forwarded to your regular e-mail account by using the forward feature (available under Mail Preferences). But, remember to put the D2L-forwarded mail in the Safe List of your other e-mail account, as it could end up in the Junk/Spam Mail folder otherwise. Any ML-related queries you have usually require a prompt reply from me. I get an enormous number of e-mails daily and your queries could get buried in them. To ensure I see your mail and you get a prompt reply, please send any ML-related mails to All other mails should be sent to my UofM e-mail address. Thanks.


I expect you will attend every class. In the event you have to miss a class, arrive late, or leave early, please inform me in advance, as you are expected to do in the business world. Thanks. ELECTRONIC MOBILE DEVICES

You are welcome to use your laptop or tablet in class for taking notes. However, please refrain from browsing or checking your e-mails. Texting in class is a big no-no. You may be interested in reading this article.

“The objective of marketing is to make selling unnecessary.”

- Peter Drucker


ACADEMIC REGULATIONS Students are encouraged to contact Accessibility Services at 474-6213 or the instructor should special arrangements need to be made to meet course requirements. For further information please visit EXAM RESCHEDULING POLICY Students are expected to write ALL exams with their classmates at the scheduled exam time. Requests for exam rescheduling must be referred to the Graduate Program Office. Please refer to Missing a Test/Exam on page 14 of the MBA Student Handbook for further information: UNCLAIMED ASSIGNMENT POLICY

Pursuant to the FIPPA Review Committee’s approved recommendations as of August 15, 2007, all unclaimed student assignments will become the property of the faculty and will be subject to destruction six months after the completion of any given academic term.


TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE (Exam date not tentative)

Session 1 - General Introduction Sept 24/26 Ch. 1

Introduction to Marketplace Live

Session 2 - Ch. 4, Ch. 6 Oct 1/3

Session 3 - Ch. 7 Oct 8/10 Marketplace Live Quiz to be completed by this date

Marketplace Live Q1 decision due day before Guest Lecture (to be confirmed)

Session 4 - Ch. 8 Oct 15/17 Case 1: The Tata Nano: The People’s Car

Marketplace Live Q2 decision due day before

Session 5 - Ch. 10, Ch. 11 Oct 22/24 Case 2: California Foods Corporation

Marketplace Live Q3 decision due day before

Session 6 - Ch. 11 Oct 29/31 Marketplace Live Q4 decision due day before

Marketplace Live forecast of your firm’s total unit sales due day before Marketplace Live Strategy Statement due by Q4 decision deadline Guest lecture (to be confirmed)

Session 7 - Ch. 12 Nov 5/7 Marketplace Live Q5 decision due day before class

Case 3: Kookaburra Cricket Bats: Dealing with Cannibalization

Session 8 - Exam Nov 12/14 Ch. 14

Session 9 - Ch. 15, Ch. 16 Nov 19/21 Case 4: Fraser Company

Marketplace Live Q6 decision due day before Marketplace Live forecast of your firm’s total unit sales due day before

Session 10 - Ch. 17, Ch. 18 Nov 26/28 Case 5: Transport Accident Commission: Drunk….Campaign

Dec 15 - Marketing Plan Due




Marketplace Live (ML) is a popular marketing simulation that gives you a chance to play the role of marketing manager and see how your marketing decisions impact the performance of your company in a competitive industry.

To participate, you will need to purchase a license (US$40) from the ML website. I encourage you to purchase the license and register right away so that you can get familiar with the simulation before the course begins. How to purchase a student license:

1. Go to 2. If you have a Google, Yahoo, or Facebook account, you may click the appropriate link on the right side

of your screen to sign in. Or, click the “Create a new account” link (appears under Sign In), click the Student button, and create a new account. Note that the e-mail address you provide for signing in is the address to which all ML communications and results are sent.

3. After signing in, click “Purchase license number”. 4. Enter the Game ID, which is 4654-0011-0708 for section A01 (Tuesday 6.15 pm) and 4654-0012-0129

for A02 (Thursday 2.30 pm). Please ensure you enter the correct ID for your section. 5. Click Continue and follow instructions to purchase license.

After purchasing a license, you will need to register for our simulation. Do this only after the first day of class, when your team number will be assigned.

1. Go to and sign in. 2. In the ‘Join a new game’ screen, enter the Game ID, license number, and choose the team number

assigned to you in class. Click Submit.

Once you have registered, you won’t need your license number or Game ID anymore. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with the game environment before we begin the simulation.

1. Go to and sign in. 2. Watch the introductory videos 3. In the decision screen (see below), at the end of each quarter, you will be able to view those decision

categories required for the next quarter. This list is quite short at the beginning of the game, but will expand with each quarter.

4. During actual decision-making for the quarter, follow the list on the left of the screen and make sure

you cover all of them. You will notice three tabs in the video area: Story, Lecture, and Workspace. Story plays a short background information video, Lecture gives instructions and tips for decisions, and Workspace is where you will make your decisions. You will have to click Modify to begin entering decisions in the Workspace. Save those decisions before proceeding to next decision item.

More details of ML will be discussed in class.

It is critical to the reputation of the I. H. Asper School of Business and of our degrees that everyone associated with our faculty behaves with the highest academic integrity. As the faculty that helps create business and government leaders, we have a special obligation to ensure that our ethical standards are beyond reproach. Any dishonesty in our academic transactions violates this trust. The University of Manitoba Graduate Calendar addresses the issue of academic dishonesty under the heading “Plagiarism and Cheating.” Specifically, acts of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to:

o using the exact words of a published or unpublished author without quotation marks and without referencing the source of these words

o duplicating a table, graph or diagram, in whole or in part, without referencing the source

o paraphrasing the conceptual framework, research design, interpretation, or any other ideas of another

person, whether written or verbal (e.g., personal communications, ideas from a verbal presentation) without referencing the source

o copying the answers of another student in any test, examination, or take-home assignment

o providing answers to another student in any test, examination, or take-home assignment

o taking any unauthorized materials into an examination or term test (crib notes)

o impersonating another student or allowing another person to impersonate oneself for the purpose of

submitting academic work or writing any test or examination

o stealing or mutilating library materials

o accessing tests prior to the time and date of the sitting

o changing name or answer(s) on a test after that test has been graded and returned

o submitting the same paper or portions thereof for more than one assignment, without discussions with the instructors involved.

Many courses in the I. H. Asper School of Business require group projects. Students should be aware that group projects are subject to the same rules regarding academic dishonesty. Because of the unique nature of group projects, all group members must exercise extraordinary care to insure that the group project does not violate the policy on Academic Integrity. Should a violation occur on a group project, all group members will be held jointly accountable, no matter what their individual level of involvement in the specific violation. Some courses, while not requiring group projects, encourage students to work together in groups (or at least do not prohibit it) before submitting individual assignments. Students are encouraged to discuss this issue as it relates to academic integrity with their instructor to avoid violating this policy. In the I. H. Asper School of Business, all suspected cases of academic dishonesty involving a graduate student (i.e. MBA, MSc or PhD student) will be reported directly by the instructor to the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY I.H. Asper School of Business, The University of Manitoba


_____________________ _______________ ___________ _______________________________ Last Name First Name Middle Initial U of M Student Identification Number _________________________________ ________________________________________ Course # Instructor Name ________________________________ _______________________________ Student’s Signature Date


___________________________________ _________________________________ ___________ Physician’s Last Name Physician’s First Name Middle Initial __________________________________ _________________________________ ___________ Street Address City, Province Postal Code ________________________ ________________________ Telephone Number Fax Number To the attention of the physician: Your evaluation of the student’s condition is being used for the purpose of determining whether or not the student has a valid reason to miss an important exam or assignment. Your professional evaluation is necessary to ensure that only valid cases are excused. I certify that the nature of the student’s condition is severe enough to prevent the student from taking an exam or completing an assignment. If requested, my associates or I will verify for the above named instructor/administrator that this information is accurate. The student’s condition will likely span the following dates: ______________________________ until _______________________________ (Indicate start date) (Indicate end date) ______________________________ ______________________________ Physician’s Signature Date

NOTES TO PHYSICIAN: • Please make a note in the student/patient’s file indicating that the student has given the above named

instructor/administrator permission to verify with you, your staff, or your colleagues, that the information contained on this form is correct. Thank you for your professional evaluation of this student’s condition.


NOTES TO STUDENT: • The use of this form is at the option of the student. However, in order to obtain an excused absence for

an assignment or exam the student must obtain a doctor’s certification that the student’s condition is severe enough to prevent the student from taking the exam or completing the assignment.

• It is NOT SUFFICIENT to provide a note that only indicates the student visited the doctor’s office. May 2009

MEDICAL ABSENTEEISM FORM I.H. Asper School of Business, The University of Manitoba

Subbu Sivaramakrishnan Department of Marketing I.H. Asper School of Business Subbu is an Associate Professor of Marketing and is also currently Acting Associate Dean at the Asper School. He has a B.Sc. in Mathematics and an MBA from India, after which he worked in an information analysis position before getting a Ph.D. in Marketing from Penn State University. He teaches at the Undergraduate, MBA, Ph.D. and Executive Education levels. His recent teaching experience includes Marketing, Marketing Research, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Management, and Global Marketing. Besides Canada and the US, Subbu also teaches in Spain, Taiwan, Singapore, and India. He has co-authored four marketing textbooks, including the Marketing Management, 14th Canadian edition textbook used in this course and Marketing Research Essentials, 2nd Canadian Edition. Subbu’s research concerns consumers’ use of information in decision-making. His recent publications have appeared in the International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, International Journal of Knowledge Management, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Journal of Interactive Marketing, and Journal of Strategic Marketing. Besides academic work, Subbu has conducted marketing research studies for a number of organizations including the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, Labatt Breweries, MTS, MB Hydro, WAG, RWB, Investors Group, Manitoba Museum, RedRiverEx, and UofM. On the personal front, Subbu is married to an elementary school teacher and has two kids. He is an avid photographer, plays badminton and cricket, and enjoys singing (although not everyone who has heard him “sing“ would necessarily call it that!).

FACULTY BIOGRAPHY I.H. Asper School of Business, The University of Manitoba
