Mistral and Tramontane in Regional Climate Models - tethys.cat fileSection: 0 |...


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March 2, 2015—Bodo.Ahrens@iau.uni-frankfurt.de 1 / 18

Mistral and Tramontane in RegionalClimate Models

Bodo.Ahrens@iau.uni-frankfurt.deAnika Obermann@iau.uni-frankfurt.de

Institut für Atmosphäre und UmweltGoethe University Frankfurt/Main, Germany

3 March 2015

Section: 1 Aims |

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Why Tramontane & Mistral?

I Large scale pressure — orography interactionI Land/ocean — atmosphere interactionI Importance for deep water formation, tourism, energyproduction, . . .

Section: 1 Aims |

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I Evaluate Mistral and Tramontane in regional climate modelsI Generate ideas how to represent these phenomena better, esp.in COSMO-CLM

Section: 2 Reference |

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Reference DataGridded data sets

I QuikSCAT: 0.25◦ scatterometer data for wind speed and winddirection

I SAFRAN: gridded daily mean wind speed for wind speed only

Mistral event: Mean wind speed (m/s) on March 24th, 2002.

Section: 2 Reference |

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Days with Mistral/Tramontane?

Gust time series (Valerie Jacq)combined with daily windinformation at 9 (Mistral) and4 (Tramontane) stations.

2000-2008 Mistral no MistralTram. 565 844 1409no Tram. 66 1813 1879

631 2657 3288

Mean wind speed (m/s) from SAFRAN (2002-2008) and QuikSCAT(2000-2008).

Section: 3 RCMs |

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Evaluated Regional Climate Models

Model runs of MedCORDEX framework in ERA-Interim:

Model Group Version Resolution

ALADIN CNRM v5.2 50 km12 km

WRF IPSL 311 50 km20 km



COSMO-CLM GUF 4-8-18 0.44◦


CMCC 4-8-19 0.44◦

Section: 3 RCMs |

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Pressure Bias

Sea level pressure bias (model - Era-Interim) and mean ofEra-Interim 2000-2008 in hPa.

Section: 3 RCMs |

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EOF Analysis of the Pressure Fields

1. Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs) and their PrincipalComponent (PC) time series of ERA-Interim

2. Correlation with normalized PC time series of the RCMs

Correlation of model and ERA-Interim PCs. Dashed lines: higher resolutionruns.

Section: 4 Wind Systems |

March 2, 2015—Bodo.Ahrens@iau.uni-frankfurt.de 9 / 18

Bayesian Network

How to pick days with Tramontane & Mistral in RCMs and Obs.?Pick days with right PC values . . .

I trained with normalized ERA-Interim PCs using hill-climbingalgorithm

I input: daily values of model PC1 to PC100

I output: continuos number related to likeliness of day being aMistral or Tramontane day

I output is transformed to a TRUE/FALSE variable, so that thefrequency of Mistral and Tramontane days is the same asobserved

Section: 4 Wind Systems |

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Time Series from Bayesian Network

Number of days with wind systems correctly predicted by Bayesiannetwork:

Model group resolution None Mistral Tramontane both % correct

ALADIN CNRM 50 km 1601 3 486 432 76.712 km 1589 10 504 429 77.0

WRF IPSL 50 km 1611 10 540 439 77.720 km 1626 5 514 451 79.0

PROMES UCLM 0.44◦ 1585 8 483 410 75.60.22◦ 1561 10 469 409 74.5

CCLM GUF 0.44◦ 1601 10 510 420 77.30.088◦ 1546 13 507 403 75.1

CMCC 50 km 1580 11 493 414 76.0

ERA-Interim 1654 12 580 449 82.0

original time series 1813 66 844 565

In the following: Tramontane/Mistral yes or no in both, the modeland the observational data ⇒ Influence of large-scale errors reduced

Section: 4 Wind Systems |

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Neither Mistral nor Tramontane:Wind Speed Bias and RMSE (m/s)

Section: 4 Wind Systems |

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Neither Mistral nor Tramontane:Wind Direction Bias and RMSE (◦)

Section: 4 Wind Systems |

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Mistral and Tramontane:Wind Speed Bias and RMSE (m/s)

Section: 4 Wind Systems |

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Mistral and Tramontane:Wind Direction Bias and RMSE (◦)

Section: 5 Roughness |

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Roughness over Sea: Charnock Formula


Model z0(α, . . . ) =

CCLM 0.0123g ·max(u2∗, w


ALADIN 0.015g · u2∗ + zocFm(Ri)

WRF 0.0185g · u2∗ + 1.59 · 10−5

PROMES 0.032g · u2∗

Circles: 0.44◦ resolutionStars: higher resolutionRed: Mistral/Tramontane daysBlack: neither Mistral norTramontane days

Section: 5 Roughness |

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Influence of Fetch?

Distance the wind travelled overwater calculated in two steps:1. Nearest coastal grid cell in

each direction (red).2. Averaging due to

uncertainties in winddirection: Fetch in φ± 90◦

interval weighted with a cos2

function (blue). Fetch at one grid point inthe Gulf of Lions (atlocation of Lion buoy).

Section: 5 Roughness |

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Fetch dependence:Wind Speed Bias (m/s)

Black: days with neither Mistral nor TramontaneRed: days with both

Section: 6 Concl. |

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I Large scale pressure patterns favouring Mistal/Tramontanerepresented well

I RCMs errors differ and the roughness parameterization has animpact

I Errors clearly largest close to coastline: inherited from land ormissing consideration of fetch in the various Charnock formulaeused?
