Missoula Community Foundation Brochure



Missoula Community Foundation Brochure

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Missoula Community FoundationWe’re Creating a Buzz


“The Missoula Community Foundation is ensuring the future of Missoula County by providing permanent

!nancial resources to organizations that provide services we all want and need.”

Linda Reed, President/Chief Executive Of!cer The Montana Community Foundation

“Our foundation is pleased to partner with the Missoula Community Foundation in promoting

thoughtful philanthropy that improves the quality of life in the communities of western Montana.”

Sue Talbot, Secretary/Treasurer Western Montana Community Foundation

What others are saying about theMissoula Community Foundation

Printed on PEFC Certifed paper with soy-based inks.

For more information about the Missoula Community Foundation, charitable giving

tools or the Montana Endowment Tax Credit, please visit www.MissoulaCommunityFoundation.org

or call (406) 240-8798

Missoula Community Foundation P.O. Box 1968 Missoula, MT 59806 (406) 240-8798 www.MissoulaCommunityFoundation.org

Email: info@MissoulaCommunityFoundation.org

People Who Care, Causes that Matter.

www.MissoulaCommunityFoundation.orgCreate your own buzz at...

FOR THE GOOD OF MISSOULA FOREVER P.O. Box 1968 :: Missoula, MT 59806 :: PHONE: (406) 240-8798 :: www.MissoulaCommunityFoundation.org


Our community foundation was created when a handful of local businesses donated a gift to Missoula through the Celebrate 2000 process. Approximately 200 Missoulians determined that one of our community’s primary needs was a community foundation and initially funded the Missoula Community Foundation with $45,100.Since then we have raised, set aside, and helped manage over $3,000,000 to provide for the future of our community – and we feel we have just begun. We have funded many neighborhood and small grants and supported basic human needs, the arts, environmental causes, and education. Our mission is to help people who care (donors) support causes that matter (charities). We do not try to steer the donors’ giving intent toward or away from worthwhile causes. Instead, we provide information, education and guidance about some of the most ef!cient tax strategies and tools to help donors not only give, but to give more. We help young people give to our community through our Youth Philanthropy program. We help older folks to remember Missoula in their wills. It is said of Missoula that “a river of giving runs through it”. Be it time or money, our goal is to teach Missoulians how to give and serve as permanent threads in the fabric of our community. Our board is made up of your neighbors and friends, so we invite you to seek us out by visiting our Web site at www.MissoulaCommunityFoundation.org. Ask us any questions you may have. We think you will !nd our enthusiasm for the journey we share is contagious. You are an important part of our community. We would like our community to be an important part of you. – Missoula Community Foundation Board of Directors

Our Foundation The Missoula Community Foundation functions as a philanthropic hub or clearing house that brings together donors, causes, and nonpro!ts in positive and innovative partnerships. Our Foundation is different from other nonpro!ts because it both raises and distributes money to nonpro!ts and initiatives identi!ed by our board. We also enable local donors to direct funding to causes of their own choosing.

Our Vision Now is the time to take the Missoula Community Foundation to the next level. Missoula is ready to build a foundation endowment that makes larger grants and helps Missoulians leave their own legacies. A foundation can mobilize, convene, and collaborate with other organizations, serve as a catalyst for positive change, and be a local center of philanthropic leadership, connecting people and nonpro!ts in creative ways.

Working to strengthen the Missoula community through effective philanthropy and civic engagement

Ways toGive

We can accept different kinds of

assets from individuals, corporations, or

foundations, and design giving plans for a range of donors.

Leaving a Legacy

Give to the general endowment or establish your own

charitable fund. We will work together to

develop a program of giving that is right for you.

Youth PhilanthropyWe teach high

school students to take civic responsibility

and give back to their community by raising money, volunteering,

and making their own grants.

Community LeadershipA community

foundation can coordinate nonpro!ts,

initiate projects, imagine a better community, and bring leaders together to make it



We help existing nonpro!ts in a

variety of ways: grants, administrative help, fund management, and edu-cating people in ways

of giving within a civic culture.

GrantsThe Foundation

funds programs to bene!t the community

and strengthen the ability of our nonpro!ts to meet

future challenges. We respond to present

needs and anticipate new ones.

Building an Endowment

We operate on an endowment. A

community our size may have $20 to $80 million in

Foundation assets, giving $1 to $4 million

a year to local chari-ties and causes.

ConnectingCommunityThe Missoula

Community Foundation is the heart at the center of Missoula philanthropy.

It is the hub that brings the various charities of

the town into partnership.

TaxAdvantagesA community

foundation offers maximum tax advantages

to donors of gifts, real estate, bequests,

charitable gift annuities, or trusts.


We are part of a national network of

community foundations, with de!ned and legally binding standards and



Our foundation builds permanent funds that

bene!t the community forever. We provide a place for your lasting

personal legacy.


We make a big difference in small projects and small

places, neighborhood by neighborhood,

whether for a swing or a park bench.

Our FutureMissoula is changing rapidly but we are still able to preserve what we value about our city. We are blessed with many dedicated, mission-driven nonpro!ts and an exceptionally engaged population. We must invest in Missoula's future to help the next generation love and enjoy Missoula as much as we do. Now is the time for the Foundation endowment to grow and endure. Join us and invest in the future.



We provide donors with professional

grant and gift processing, as well as investment services. We help you

to be effective philanthropists.