Mission Possible Good Morning Agent Q. As you know there is a secret meeting between US heads of...


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Mission Possibl


Good Morning Agent Q.

As you know there is a secret meeting between US heads of states this weekend in Washington.

The upcoming bill to integrate SUVs into the gas guzzler tax bracket will occur on the following Monday.


Q, your mission is to convince the two senate finance committees to include SUVs into the tax bracket.

If owners of the high gas mileage vehicles have to pay a tax, then sales will go down. Naturally gasoline usage will go down with them.

Of course this means that the Major Auto Manufacturers will wish to stop you at all costs. You must remain unseen, and unknown. We must reduce our gasoline consumption. 

You shall obtain the services of three former double agents to aid you. Agents Kensington, Mikovitch, and Darling. 

The dossier has been sent to you.

This is your mission, Q, should you choose to accept it. As always, should you or any member of your I.M. Force be caught or killed, the secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This tape will self destruct in five seconds.  
