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Nature & Wildlife People & CultureTravel & Adventure

ScienceHistoryLifestyle Feature Docs

HDP3 Productions

Animal Movers13 x 30’

Humans have explored and settled in Europe for thousands of years. But at its very heart, in the highest Alpine peaks, a world exists in parallel. The Alps are home to thousands of species of plants and animals, all of whom owe their survival to their remarkable capacity for evolution. They live in conditions that for other species – humans included – would be barely tolerable. For them, this is everyday life. Forget skiing and chalets: this is life at the Alpine limits.

HDPaolo Fioratti & Marco Andreini

The Best of Worlds: Life at its Alpine Limits1 x 60’

In Mark Lewis’ remarkable new film, we explore one of Australia’s greatest environmental catastrophes as we follow the unstoppable march of the cane toad across the Australian continent. Despised by many, venerated by some, the toad occupies a nation’s consciousness, achieving both cult and criminal status: it’s a story with universal relevance.

HDMark Lewis/Radio Pictures

Cane Toads: The Conquest1 x 60’



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Animal Movers follows the exploits and operations of Pacific Pet Transport, the animal transportation specialists. From celebrity pets to animal movie stars, farm animals to endangered species, we follow them as they contend with the complex and unpredictable travel needs of their creature customers and the distinct personalities of their owners.

A beautiful and revealing story of extraordinary environmental challenges. The Condor’s Shadow follows a once-in-a-lifetime project to bring the iconic Californian condor back from the brink of extinction. One of the most beautiful avian creatures on the planet, by the 1980s, the condor had been poached to extinction in the wild. Featuring biologist Joseph Brandt, zookeeper Mike Clark, toxicologist Myra Finkelstein, and feisty condor Pitahsi, this is a uniquely moving story of endangered species recovery.

HDGood Eye Films

The Condor’s Shadow1 x 60’

Welcome to Off the Fence. We’re proud to present our new catalogue. Take a minute to look through our exciting new range of titles, and get ready to see the world from a new perspective.

Explore the rich, dangerous and beautiful Alpine limits, or join the baby bears of Tian Shan for their first steps in Nature and Wildlife; uncover the History of camouflage, Scotland’s intriguing murder mysteries, and the spy at the Hanoi Hilton; get inspired by the thrilling Science of engineering extreme sports events, and find out how to sink an aircraft carrier; hang out with the People and Culture who keep London ticking overnight, or the man fighting to prove his innocence on Death Row; marvel at the Lifestyle of Atlanta’s busiest hairdressers, and cook with the best Icelandic and South African chefs; pack up your deckchair and Travel and Adventure through a history of America’s national parks, and the best of undiscovered Italy; and then crack open the popcorn for a Feature Docs story of posh boxing, or an investigative documentary which might overturn a conviction for murder.




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What happens when London city boy Tim swaps life at the bank for managing a wildlife lodge in Nepal? The first task: find somebody to lead a party of elephants half way across the country, on foot. Inevitably, the job falls to Tim himself. We follow him over five gruelling weeks, facing monsoon rains, intense heat, and the ubiquitous dust.

HDPink Banana Studios in association with The Big Sky

Mahout: The Great Elephant Walk1 x 60’

HDHomebrew Films

Penguins: The African Chaplin1 x 60’

The African penguin is the only penguin species in Africa. Their clumsy demeanour has earned them the nickname ‘the Charlie Chaplins of the bird world.’ But they are struggling to escape extinction. Despite the protection of their breeding islands, numbers are falling. Scientists race to find the answers for the staggering decline. Could there be a glimmer of hope for the African Chaplin?

Whale sharks, manta rays and other big fish were once common in the narrow Lembeh Strait in Indonesia, but overfishing has long since eradicated the larger species. Now, a new community of unusual creatures make their home on the volcanic seabed. Stone fish, piper fish, cuttlefish, snails and mimic octopuses fight for space with the remarkably weird walking fish!

HDLoke Films

The Lembeh Strait Walking Fish1 x 60’

HDAlvaro Mendoza

Little Matters: Turtles1 x 60’

This engaging documentary lifts the lid on the life of the turtle. Contrary to our perceptions of them as slow and peaceful animals, they are actually impressive hunters, predators, and lovers. We explore their ultimate hunting techniques, marvel at the vast distances they travel, and the remarkable fact that, although they spend most of their lives alone, they synchronize with thousands of others to lay their eggs on the same beach at the same time.

This beautiful series takes us on a journey into wild and wonderful underwater worlds of the seas around Ireland, encountering an abundance of exotic creatures, many documented here for the first time. From dolphins and sharks to plankton and the myriad of tiny colourful shallow water dwellers, we experience the interconnectedness of life, as creatures depend on each others’ presence to survive.

HDSea Fever Productions

Ireland’s Oceans2 x 60’




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Sierra Morena, one of the most important wildlife sanctuaries in Europe, is under attack. A tree plague blights the forest and the ecosystem is struggling to cope with human intervention. This film explores the danger ahead, for the next candidate for extinction may be us.

HDAcajú Comunicación

WildMed: The Last Mediterranean Forest1 x 60’

The Iberian Peninsula ranges from forests, wetlands, and prairies to the driest deserts, with only the Strait of Gibraltar separating Europe from Africa. In northern Spain, there are the snow-capped mountains of the Pyrenees, and to the south, endless coastlines of sandy beaches and plunging cliffs. This series explores the extraordinary wildlife in this remarkable region.

HDAlvaro Mendoza

Wild Iberia4 x 60’

Ilona Grundmann

Rocks of Ages5 x 60’

Rocks are the ground beneath our feet, and the memory of our planet. If you want to know about evolution, extinction, creation or history, rocks are where you need to look. They cover the planet, constantly regenerating and reforming. This series is a wondrous, epic journey through space and time, from lava-spewing volcanoes, over petrified waves, to chiselled marble palaces and granite colossi. The question is, are you ready to rock?

HDTM Film Produktions

Tian Shan: Land of Bears and Horses1 x 60’

Spring has arrived in Tian Shan, the ‘Mountains of Heaven’ in the south of Kazakhstan, and two brown bear cubs and their mother are leaving their den. For the brothers, it is a journey full of adventure, but for their mother it is a race against time to prepare them for the dangerous real world. For the first time ever, a film team captures the family life of brown bears in the mountains of Asia. This is a warm-hearted, authentic portrait of a bear family, their neighbours, and the rugged beauty of their homeland.

HDOff the Fence

Wildest Middle East5 x 60’

From thick forests to remote deserts, along wild mountain ranges and into colourful seas, the Middle East has a spectacular, but virtually unfilmed, natural history. This is our planet’s melting pot, where east meets west, and forest meet desert. This series visits vast and varied Turkey, Egypt, Turkmenistan and Jordan. It’s a celebration of the Middle East’s secret, incredible locations and its mysterious wildlife.

D’Arros is one of the Seychelles’ best kept secrets. Teeming with wildlife, it’s home to giant tortoises, hawksbill turtles and shearwaters. In the depths, dolphins, greater hammerhead and tiger sharks roam. Now a designated wildlife reserve, this natural treasure trove is getting the recognition it rightly deserves, and this film is a beautiful celebration of its bounty.

HDSave our Seas

Secret Seychelles: D’Arros1 x 60’




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Using incredible macro filming techniques we follow the story of a tiny invader on its rise to power - the Argentine Ant. Undiscovered, this two millimetre sized ant has formed the largest super-colony on the planet. Charged with aggression and determination, this family has the potential to change a whole ecosystem.

HDBayerischer Rundfunk

Ant Wars1 x 60’

Snakes are part of our primal fear, but which species is the most deadly? Venom doctor Bryan Fry explores Asia’s viper hot spots and comes fang to face on his mission to discover the killer cocktail of venom and violence needed to crown Asia’s Deadliest Snakes.

HDBeach House Pictures

Asia’s Deadliest Snakes1 x 60’

Din is boy who lives on a distant and remote island close to Borneo. He has forged an incredible relationship with one of the world’s rarest mammals – the dugong, or sea cow. This film is their story – recounting the building of this unique friendship and exploring the incredible natural diversity of their turquoise island shores.

HDMichael Patrick Wong/Off the Fence

Dugong & Din1 x 60’

Follow 1200 elephants, the largest group free in the wild, as they gather at Amboseli, Kenya. 53 families, each led by a dominant female, drink from the surface springs fed by Africa’s highest mountain. Each elephant - young baby, mature mother, or huge bull - has its own identifiable character. Each has a name and each has a story.

HDMike Birkhead Associates

Echo & the Elephants of Amboseli13 x 30’

In the seas around the Indonesian archipelago a war is being waged. Illegal fishing has robbed Indonesia of an estimated US$3.2 billion in losses from poaching. Corrupt military forces do little to combat the trawlers, taking bribes and selling fake licenses to foreign poachers. With no infrastructure in place to deal with such lawlessness on the seas, the Maritime and Fishery Ministry must resort to drastic criminal measures.

HDInfocus Asia Pte Ltd.

Fish Wars1 x 60’

The Great Elephant Gathering captures the stunning natural phenomenon of wild Sri Lankan elephants assembling in large numbers every year, a behaviour found in very few places around the world. However, a dwindling elephant population and encroachment of their natural habitat by an expanding human population means their gathering could be under threat.

HDBeach House Pictures/Off the Fence

The Great Elephant Gathering1 x 60’

In the Brazilian rainforest lives the bush dog. Meet Charles, a gregarious dog by nature, who finds himself marooned without a mate. A local conservationist introduces Olivia, a female bred in captivity. Nobody knows how she will take to the wild or how the two dogs will take to each other!

HDBayerischer Rundfunk/Off the fence/ORF

Jungle Dogs: Brazil’s Hidden Hunters1 x 60’ Jaipur, India is home to the most riotous, unruly and

lawless pack of monkeys the world has ever met! We see the world as they see it: against a bewildering backdrop of legs and many opportunities for causing trouble. We’ll mix incredible stories of monkey cunning and their hilarious escapades with the Jaipur humans’ attempts to tackle these parasitic trouble-makers.

HDOff the Fence

Monkey Thieves39 x 30’ & 1 x 60’ Special

Plagues of giant jellyfish are preparing to attack Japan as global warming has seen an increase in these monsters. Billions of these Sumo sized gelatinous monsters will wreak havoc on Japan’s coastal towns and cities. The giant Nomura – over two metres long and up to 200 kilograms, is one of the world’s largest jellyfish.

HDInfocus Asia Pte Ltd.

Monster JellyFish1 x 60’

WW Free TV ex USTP, China, Austria, Germany & Denmark.

WW Free TV rights excluding China & France.

WW Free TV excluding China. WW Free TV excluding France & Denmark.WW Free TV excluding France.


WW Free TV excluding China, Austria & Germany.

WW Free TV rights excluding Austria & Germany. WW Free TV excluding USTP.WW Free TV (please enquire for availability).


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In the face of countless sceptics, an innovative project is setting out to prove that releasing entire prides of captive-bred lions back into the wild is a solution to their declining numbers. This series documents this bold new project and its first release - a full pride of eight captive-bred lions. Will they survive?

HDGoddunnit Productions

Roaring with Pride6 x 60’

Former mountain-running champion and Austrian biologist, Gudrun Pflueger’s mission to be reunited with the elusive wolves of British Columbia is not without challenges. She battles not only with the Rocky Mountains’ arduous terrain, but also with life threatening cancer.

HDWild Images/Off the Fence

Running with Wolves1 x 60’

Shamwari gives viewers the chance to ‘live the African dream’ as we follow the amazing work of a group of people who call Shamwari both work and home. Their office is 45,000 acres of pristine wilderness, teeming with the most incredible animals. Their houses are surrounded by electric fences – the only way to keep the lions and elephants out!

HDRock Wallaby Productions

Shamwari39 x 30’

Three terrifying shark attacks in as many weeks causes panic throughout Sydney, Australia. The first study is undertaken in the harbour on Great Whites, Tiger Sharks and Bull Sharks to see if they and humans can safely co-exist.

HDUltramarine Films

Shark Invasion1 x 60’

Do you ever wonder what it’s like to be a bug? Well you’re about to find out. With the help of a startling invention, the Translation Lens, we can actually translate the thoughts of small creatures into language we can understand. Smalltalk Diaries reveals the shock truth of what flies and other bugs think.


Smalltalk Diaries10 x 15’

The Sperm Whale is the deepest diving mammal in the ocean and little has been revealed about its activities at depth. In this exciting documentary we are offered a unique insight into the world of the largest living predator - prepare to be amazed.

HDAnthro Media in coproduction with ZDF/ARTE

Sperm Whales: Titans of the Deep1 x 60’

Deep in the heart of Sumatra’s Jambi region a hunt is ensuing. In 2010, eight Indonesians were murdered in the forest and the killer is still at large. Of the eight victims, seven have been partially eaten. What creature counts humans as a food source? A 300lb Sumatran tiger.

HDInfocus Asia Pte Ltd.

Sumatra’s Last Tigers1 x 60’

Super Mole is a light-hearted and insightful profile of one of the most amazing and industrious animals on earth - the mole. This film ventures underground to reveal the incredible story of how this little mammal lives. Above ground, our mini-hero faces her arch-enemy - Lawnmower Man. Who will win?

HDBonne Pioche/ARTE

Super Mole1 x 60’

The North American ancient plains of the Great Prairie have been gradually consumed by farmland. Now, conservationists are restoring 20m acres to their former glory. We explore how browsing bison and burrowing prairie dogs can help old farmland to revert to prairie allowing native plants, antelope and eagles to flourish once more.

HDNHK/Off the Fence

Underdog: A Prairie Story1 x 60’


WW Free TV excluding Canada, USTP & Germany.

WW Free TV excluding China.WW Free TV excluding France & Germany.

WW Free TV excluding USTP and China. WW Free TV excluding France, French Spkg Canada & Poland

WW Free TV excluding South Korea, Singapore, Thailand and China.

WW Free TV excluding Mexico, Brazil, China & France. WW Free TV.

WW Free TV excluding North America, Mexico, Brazil, Kenya, Egypt, South Africa and Australia.



ITN Productions for Smithsonian Networks

This is the definitive story of the devastating south east Asian tsunami of 2004. We explore how and why the tsunami happened, weaving together archive footage, CGI, and interviews with experts, and reveal the very latest developments in how we understand and forecast tsunamis, using data to model the disasters of the future.


Asian Tsunami: The Deadliest Wave1 x 60’

HDGreen Bay Media

Castle Builders3 x 60’

From Carcassonne to Caerphilly, from the Rhine to the Thames, masterpieces in stone draw visitors by the million. We unearth the history of those who laboured to build these massive fortresses – and the visions of the royals and aristocrats who invested stupendous sums to buttress their power and glorify their courts. This is the story of the blood, sweat and vision of the castle builders.

Pug Films for UKTV Yesterday

The Channel Islands were the only British territory captured by the Nazis. From June 1940 until May 1945, the Channel Islanders lived through oppression, terror and near starvation. TV’s Bergerac, John Nettles, explores the places that still bear witness to the war and to hear stories of courage, outrage and deprivation from those who lived through the horrifying experience.


Channel Islands at War3 x 60’

HDJonnie & Kate Films

Dazzle: The Hidden Story of Camouflage1 x 60’

This definitive documentary on the history of camouflage uncovers a world of design, where cubism, cuttlefish and warships collide. From the evolution of camouflage in the wild, through the battleships of WWII and new modern technological developments, we explore a story of deception, perception, competition, and evolution, revealing that despite our incredible design attempts, we are still no match for nature.

Smithsonian Networks

Unique colour footage of American forces during the Second World War in the Pacific, and in defeated Japan. Fall of Japan shows many aspects of combat on land at sea and in the air, as well as the aftermath of devastated Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki following the atomic bombing.


Fall of Japan: In Colour1 x 60’

HD1895 Productions

The Fidel Castro Tapes1 x 60’

In 1959, Fidel Castro rose to power in Cuba. He has been one of the most controversial figures in the world ever since. This is the story of the Cuban dictator’s turbulent career, told in part through media reports, rare images and recordings. The images and media chronicle how Castro’s drive and charisma catapulted him to power in Cuba and how he used these traits to maintain control of his country for nearly five decades and capture the attention of the world.




Ricardo Preve Films

The Patagonian Bones1 x 60’

150 years ago, the first Welsh settlers arrived in Patagonia and many of their descendants still live in a small community in the south of Argentina. This documentary follows a group of archaeologists who believe they may have excavated bones belonging to the first Welsh woman to die there in 1865.


Scotland’s Murder Mysteries8 x 60’

A series of eight historic criminal cases includes intriguing tales of wealth and class, of prejudice and discrimination and of brutality and cruelty. This series combines glossy drama reconstruction and expert opinion coupled with legal insights and a wealth of supporting reference materials from police reports, medical records, personal letters and images bringing the events of the past to life in electrifying fashion.


US Tank Commander Lee Smith and Platoon Leader Bill Cumbaa return to the island of Peleliu 60 years after their battle during WWII to meet their former enemies, Tsuchida Kiyokazu and Shinji Karasumaru. Now in their 80s, they relive this tragic time sharing secrets and personal stories.


Once Were Enemies1 x 60’

Smithsonian Networks

Ireland’s history is steeped in religion and mystery. Why did its people stop worshipping the earth 5,000 years ago? Did St Patrick really act alone in converting the Irish to Christianity in the 5th century? Historians, astronomers, and other scientists believe answers to these and other questions lie in the stars.


Sacred Sites: Ireland1 x 60’


Smithsonian Networks

Explore an iconic American moment from the macro to the micro level, from the grand overview to the intimate personal detail. Devices like a ticking clock, computer maps, dramatic re-enactments and historic artifacts reveal a moment-by-moment examination of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination on its 150th anniversary.


Lincoln’s Last Day1 x 60’

Smithsonian Networks

They parachute from aircraft, sniff out IEDs, and take out the bad guys. They are all members of an elite U.S. military Special Operations unit. But these incredible warriors aren’t humans, they’re dogs. And each K-9 soldier saves hundreds of American lives. SEAL Dog is an intimate look at an American hero named Trevor Maroshek and his astonishing war dog, Chopper.


SEAL Dog1 x 60’





Smithsonian Networks

What links an iPhone, a 1.8m year old stone chopper, and a wall-sized solar display? Each represents the ingenuity with tool-building defining human experience. And the tools we make have a history as rich and varied as the people who use them. Come behind the scenes at the Smithsonian Institution and discover some amazing tools.


Seriously Amazing Objects: Tools1 x 60’

Testimony Films for UKTV Yesterday

This is the astonishing story of the RAF pilots left stranded in enemy territory and the resistance fighters who saved their lives. Hear the terrifying accounts of those soldiers attempting to flee Nazi Germany and the emotional and inspirational stories of how people risked their own lives to help them.


Shot Down: Escape from Nazi Germany1 x 60’

HDParallax Productions

Sinking the Destroyer1 x 60’

Operation Trident Fury is a gathering of powerful Air and Naval forces for a live fire exercise off the Pacific coast. Weapons systems and settings are pushed to the limit with the goal of sinking the destroyer, HMCS Huron and results in fierce competition from air and naval forces to deal the fatal blow.

Smithsonian Networks

Brad Pitt’s motion picture FURY reveals the life-and-death struggle inside the cramped hull of an American WWII Sherman tank. as her five man crew fight to survive one long day of gruelling combat. In this documentary we explore what real WWII tank crews were up against, and what it was like to wage war in what veterans call ‘the steel coffin’.


Tanks of Fury1 x 60’

HDEdenwood Productions

White Mughal: A History in Art1 x 60’

Famous author William Dalrymple tells the story of an English diplomat who fell in love with a daughter of a great Muslim Mughal ruler in Hyderabad. James Kirkpatrick exemplified the many British in India who loved and appreciated the Islamic world and without prejudice on either side, his marriage to Noor un-Nissa was blessed and celebrated in both the Muslim and Christian communities. Tragically, as the fear and arrogance of the British Raj increased, this convivial peace between the communities was not to last.

The Irish Rebellion of 1916 is often eclipsed by the Great War. Over six days, Dublin was gripped by a rebellion that tore the city apart and left causalities on both sides. But this powerful film does much to remind us of the significance and sacrifice of the soldiers who fought in a place many called home.

HDTile Films

A Terrible Beauty2 x 60’


Smithsonian Networks

The siege of Masada and the mass suicide of 960 Jewish rebels is one of the great stories to have come down to us from the earliest days of Christianity. However, new evidence suggests that original accounts written by Flavius Josephus, a Jewish military leader and historian, may be inaccurate. With the help of experts we explore the city where the tragedy of Masada truly began.


Seige of Masada1 x 60’

Smithsonian Networks

This film brings together the highest-ranking POWs from the infamous ‘Hanoi Hilton’ prison camp to reveal harrowing tales of torture, interrogation and brutal treatment. In the midst of this hellish experience, a handful of POWs created a clandestine movement that eventually led to rescue attempts, and a spy ring whose top secret connections can only now be revealed.


The Spy at the Hanoi Hilton1 x 60’


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This revealing two part documentary investigates what made Alcatraz the toughest prison on earth. Home to notorious gangsters, ruthless thugs and small time robbers, for the inmates confined in Alcatraz, the choice is to give up or fight to survive.

HDHoff Productions

Alcatraz: Living Hell & Surviving Alcratraz2 x 60’ As Asia continues to be the fastest-growing economic

region in the world, will Asia’s monarchies be able to keep up the pace? We ask, what does the future hold for them?

HDOff the Fence

Asia’s Monarchies5 x 60’

In a remote region high on the Tibetan Plateau lies a forgotten kingdom whose extraordinary archaeological treasures rival Pompeii. For seven centuries this was the hub of the gold and spice trade between India and China. For two centuries, the cradle of Buddhism, yet it vanished without trace in 1630. What happened to Guge – Lost Kingdom of Tibet?

HDBang Singapore/MDA/France 5/Discovery Asia/Off the Fence

Guge: The Lost Kingdom of Tibet:1 x 60’

An explosive biography revealing the real John F. Kennedy:  a  president who was prepared to risk his political career and, at the height of the cold war, his country’s security in return for sex. In a terrible irony, just as the American press finally braced itself to reveal the story, the assassination in 1963 took his life but saved his reputation.

HDQuickfire Media

JFK’s Women: The Scandals Revealed1 x 60’ In 1859 the steam clipper ‘The Royal Charter’ travelling

from Melbourne to Britain was wrecked off the British coast in one of the worst storms ever to hit the UK. 460 passengers carrying 80 million in gold went down with her. Now we can explore the shipwreck, unearth the treasure found on board and trace its history across the globe.


Slaveship Mutiny1 x 60’

The history of slavery and racial injustice is as old as time but this film hones in on a very special story. This is the extraordinary story of the notorious Meermin slaveship and how 147 slaves from Madagascar overpowered the Dutch crew and took over the ship.

HDOff the Fence/Arte France/WNET Thirteen

Royal Wreck of Gold1 x 60’

In June 2008 a photograph flashed around the global media. Naked painted figures firing arrows at a passing plane in one of the most remote forest regions of the world – The Amazon. This film is an investigative adventure into the heart of this mysterious region, a journey to find the answers to a huge mystery - just who is the Tribe in the Picture?

HDEssential Film and Television

The Tribe in the Picture1 x 60’

This unique and powerful documentary tells the previously untold story of the 47 twins who became twinless on the day of the terrorist attacks. We hear of terrifying ordeals and awesome courage that make for a profound and compelling tale, exploring the nature of grief borne by twins from the people who have suffered the greatest loss of all.


The Twins of the Twin Towers1 x 60’

This is the moving tale of Brazilian-born Alberto Santos-Dumont, one of the world’s greatest inventors and the spiritual father of aviation. His story is one of dogged determination, inventiveness, genius and eventual tragedy. His brilliant mind finally gave way to madness, driven to despair as his invention became not a chariot of peace but a weapon of war.

HDDocere Palace Studios

Wings of Madness1 x 60’


WW Free TV excluding North America and Australia.WW Free TV excluding South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, China, Australia, Austria, Germany and Denmark.

WW Free TV excluding South Korea, China & Russia.

WW Free TV excluding Australia, Poland, Spain & UK.

WW Free TV excluding UK & Australia.

WW Free TV excluding English Spkg Canada, USTP & UK.

WW Free TV excluding English Spkg Canada, USTP, Brazil & France.

WW Free TV excluding Canada, USTP, South Africa, France, Austria, Germany & Italy.

WW Free TV excluding USA & UK.



Smithsonian Networks

Air Warriors3 x 60’ & 3 x 60’ in production

Since the first powered human flight in 1903, people have striven further and further to conquer the skies, developing and manufacturing a huge array of aerial war machines. This series takes an in-depth look at birth and life of the most influential, and sometimes controversial aircrafts of modern times. Episodes focus on the F-15 E Eagle fighter, the AH-64 Apache attack helicopter and the unique V-22 Osprey; the massive C-17 Globemaster, the CH-47 Chinook helicopter and the latest technological developments in drones.

Curveball Productions

Extreme Science3 x 60’

The craziest ideas come to life when engineers and athletes team up to create the breathtaking courses of extreme sport. Straddling the world of sport and civil engineering, this high-octane and cutting edge series travels the world exploring the science, construction and execution of extreme sports events.

Parallax Productions

Explore the stomach-churning world of dangerous jobs. We go deep underwater with salvage divers and below the earth with volcanologists. We witness the gas-well firefighters who thrive on the thrill of trying to control mother nature and the skywalkers who launch you a thousand feet above the earth.


Into the Death Zone4 x 60’

HDParallax Productions

Mega Structures: Super Pipeline & Future Train2 x 60’

This engaging series of two one-hour documentaries puts ingenuity and engineering to the ultimate test. Witness teams of engineers and robots working against extreme underwater conditions to build the world’s longest subsea pipeline and explore the world’s first operating electromagnetic levitation train system.




Smithsonian Networks

For almost a century, we’ve dreamt of strapping on a backpack with jet rockets. Could it now, finally, be a viable option for transportation? We get to know the inventors, explore the pros and cons of various technologies and power systems, see how science fiction popularised the concept, and analyse the engineering challenges that have held jet packs back from blasting off!


Incredible Flying Jetpacks1 x 60’

New Episodes



Blink Films for Smithsonian Networks

The Missing Evidence6 x 60’

Is a bathing circus elephant in the 1930s the true source of the Loch Ness Monster myth? Why did Marilyn Monroe spend her last night arguing with mafia bosses? Does Big Foot actually exist? What really happens at the Nevada Triangle? Six captivating unsolved mysteries, and the hunt for answers is on. Across the world, and investigating through time, this series looks at the evidence that supports some of the world’s most notorious conspiracy theories.

SDParallax Productions

Sinking of an Aircraft Carrier1 x 60’

A demolition team’s mission is to sink the USS Oriskany - a 900ft long aircraft carrier, and the most complex and well-defended ship in naval history - to create the largest artificial reef in the world. Battling through four-inch thick steel plating and hazardous waste, the team uncovers the secrets of sinking an aircraft carrier, and in the process, write a new chapter in marine demolition.

Indigo Films

As an extreme thrill, tornado chasing takes some beating. Come for the ride of your life as we follow tornado chasers criss-crossing the American Midwest, hunting Mother Nature’s most violent and unpredictable storms. With interviews with amateurs, guides and scientists, we explore why chasers become obsessed with the terrible, magnificent storms that plague ‘Tornado Alley.’


Twister Chasers1 x 60’

HDCompany X Studios

UFOs Declassified6 x 60’

Hidden from the public, there are heavily guarded government facilities all over the world dedicated to UFOs. Collating thousands of sightings, encounters, and happenings, UFOs Declassified delves deep into the top secret files. Kept secret for decades, these files allow us to investigate one of the great unanswered questions of our time: do UFOs really exist?

Smithsonian Networks

Discover the history of America in a bar glass. We examine how the creation of beer, wine and spirits touch every aspect of our history – from what the early colonists drank to the crops we grow. Each story examines a single spirit, which leads to revelations about the science, anthropology and history of a favourite alcoholic drink.


United States of Drinking1 x 60’




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Alaska is the biggest, toughest state in America. So catch a ride on Alaska’s Extreme Machines as they tackle everything the Alaskan landscape can throw at them. From heavy-haul trucks capable of pulling 90 tonnes, huge logging helicopters, and the largest non-nuclear ice-breaker in the world – it’s big, it’s brutal and it’s action-packed.

HDMoore-Huntley Productions

Alaska’s Extreme Machines1 x 60’

The world has hit an extraordinary turning point. For the first time in history old people outnumber the young. Does this ageing process threaten to bankrupt the world’s leading economies; must we change the way we live? In this urgent and powerful two-part series we explore the looming social, political, economic and human impact of a rapidly ageing society.

HDBecker Entertainment

Baby Boom to Bust:2 x 60’

The dragon and tiger economies of Asia have roared onto the world stage. As they power through their own industrial revolutions, it seems they are about to wreak untold damage on our climate. With over half the world’s population living in the polluted cities of Asia – it is here that the battle against global warming is at its most urgent.

HDOff the Fence

Changemakers Asia:3 x 60’

I, Psychopath follows narcissist and possible psychopath Sam Vaknin on his journey into diagnosis. We meet the leaders in the field of psychopathy and explore the complexity of his personality disorder. I, Psychopath is a journey deep into the mind.

HDMagic|Real Picture Company/Liberty Productions

I, Psychopath:1 x 60’

This thought-provoking documentary brings together the ground-breaking scientific research relating to slowing down or reversing the effects of ageing and increasing our life-span.

HDKaléo Films/Stella Productions/Arte France

Malaria, the Serial Killer1 x 60’

You think you are safe from Africa’s number one killer? Think again. Malaria kills as many people as AIDS. Of the three million deaths a year, most are young children. 35 percent of the people living in regions with malaria are infected with this disease. At a time of globalization and global warming, everything travels, including mosquitoes that carry death.

HDBeta Prod/Arte, with RTBF/Off the Fence

Immortality1 x 60’

Five million people live in a land area smaller than New York. To make such a small and highly urbanised place liveable, Singapore embarked on an ambitious project. Gardens by the Bay is the largest waterfront garden on the equator.

HDBeach House Pictures & Off the Fence

Megastructures: Gardens by the Bay1 x 60’ These two-hour specials investigate the surprising

science behind the seasons. Science of Summer explores everything, from why it gets so hot and how sunscreen works, to the origins of marshmallows. In Science of Winter we learn why snowflakes are white and how salt de-ices roads.

HDLMNO Productions

Science of Summer & Winter:2 x 60’

Tokyo: a city of contrasts inhabited by 12 million people. Tokyo’s population will never slow down and it continues to grow at a frightening pace. To accommodate such rapid growth you need architectural and technological innovations that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

HDHearst Entertainment/Actuality Productions

Tokyo: Living Small in the Big City1 x 60’


WW Free TV excluding USTP & English Spkg Canada.

WW Free TV excluding Poland. WW Free TV excluding South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, China, Austria, Germany & Australia.

WW Free TV excluding France & Germany. WW Free TV excluding France & Germany.WW Free TV excluding Egypt & Turkey.

WW Free TV excluding USTP & English Spkg Canada.

WW Free TV excluding Singapore, France, Germany & Italy.

WW Free TV excluding USTP, English Spkg Canada, Egypt, Austria & Germany.



& C



HDCooked in Africa

Africa’s Gold1 x 60’

Coffee connoisseur Ben has gambled everything and moved his young family to Burundi. He has six months to produce a shipment of Grade A coffee. If he succeeds, he will win a three-year contract at the best prices the growers have ever seen. If he fails the entire harvest will begin to rot and all will be lost…

Anti Social Worker follows the journeys of five night workers in London during their anti-social working hours of 9pm until 6am. Taking place over a single night, the workers keep the city moving overnight whilst most of the usual urban chaos sleeps. Their narratives are woven together by a late night DJ who guides them through their nightshifts.


Anti Social Worker1 x 60’

Customs officers are at war with smugglers in ports, airports and at sea. This observational series joins the officers that turn up the heat on smugglers, seizing millions of contraband cigarettes and millions of pounds worth of illegal drugs.

HDFavourite Films Productions

Customs30 x 30’

One young Australian woman’s horrific gang rape leads to a seven year battle for justice in a dramatic court case in Nairobi. This case set in the Kibera slum brings a rare insight into sexual violence in Kenya as silenced women step out of the dark to stand at her side.

HDRymer Childs

Last Days of the Arctic1 x 60’

Join Ragnar Axelsson on his journey as he visits friends made through his long career. His passion is for documenting the fast deteriorating lifestyles of the North. We visit farmers in Iceland and the free spirited hunters of Greenland. Here, we meet people who are so intertwined with nature that they are more afraid of government officials than of a starving polar bear looking for prey!

HDSaga Film

I Will Not be Silenced1 x 60’

This political documentary takes a look at the death penalty in the United States by centering on Tommy Zeigler who, now 68, has been on death row in Florida for almost four decades. While new evidence has surfaced that may prove Zeigler’s innocence, Florida Gov. Rick Scott is campaigning to accelerate the schedule of upcoming executions.

HDMystique Films

A Question of Innocence1 x 60’

Entrepreneurs Cosmo and Lulu have risked their homes and their relationship turning a derelict tax office into a chic hotel. Cosmo and Lulu and their investors, including Hollywood star John Malkovich, struggle to keep their relationship and the £5million project on track.

SDFavourite Films Productions

Risky Business6 x 25’





Imagination TV

Acclaimed restaurateur Al Brown is on a culinary journey across Australia, armed only with his trusty burner and an Australian appetite! From chefs to street food, Al shares culinary tips with his own authentic food philosophy: simple and full of flavour. Each episode features a final cook-up, combining delicious ingredients in a sensational dish that represents his journey.


Al Brown: Dishing up Australia10 x 30’

HDImagination TV

Chef on a Mission6 x 60’

Simon Gault is a chef of New Zealand’s Euro restaurant and a MasterChef judge. His mission is to change the way people eat. Over the series, Simon takes his ideas about food, nutrition and flavour on the road. Dishing up big food fast for hungry hordes of deep-sea fishermen, a South Island shearing gang, Hawkes Bay schoolgirls, and guests at a big Samoan wedding, this is food paradise.

HDLeftfield Pictures for WE tv

Cutting It: In the ATL8 x 60’

Cutting It: In the ATL, showcases the high-stakes, drama-filled world of Atlanta hair salons as five salon owners go head-to-head to become Atlanta’s premiere boutique! Atlanta has long been home to some of the country’s most talented stylists, buzzed-about salons and discerning clientele. It’s also home to studios filled with single-chair salons and stylists who dream of making their mark on the scene. We follow the trials and tribulations of five salon owners who are out to grow their businesses while competing with one another for clients and stylists.

HDPilgrim Studios for WE tv

David Tutera’s CELEBrations17 x 60’

America’s favourite party planner, David Tutera, is back! Juggling fatherhood and a new relationship while orchestrating unique events for some of the most diva-ish celebs in Hollywood is tough, but if anyone can do it, David can. With 50th birthday rodeos, spectacular lingerie launches and family fundraisers on the cards and armed with his trademark style, wit and short fuse, David’s got a real job on his hands turning wild demands into epic celebrations.


New Episodes




HDLucky Bean

Girl Eat World10 x 30’

MasterChef South Africa winner Kamini Pather takes us on a unique journey to discover the inside story of ten international food destinations from the people who know them best; local food bloggers. With them as her guide, she visits hidden gems, quiet restaurants, bustling markets, breweries, pop-up diners, cocktail bars, street stalls, and even finds time for some heart-racing activities to keep her busy between meals!

HDSaga Film

Homemade by Ebba17 x 30’

This beautiful Icelandic family cooking show, explores healthy recipes that can be made for kids and adults alike. But Homemade by Ebba also particularly focuses on health, nutrition and a concern for the environment. Ebba’s passion and love of cooking is contagious and will have you reaching for those pots and pans.

Imagination TV

Most foreigners visit Australia for holidays, and most go to the popular holiday destinations: Sydney, Melbourne and the Gold Coast. But in this series, Judy Bailey journeys from Perth to Darwin the long way round, taking the road less travelled, in search of extraordinary locations, people and experiences in the world’s largest island.


Judy Bailey’s Australia5 x 60’

HDPrometheus for WE tv

Kendra on Top & The Untold Story Special48 x 30’ & 2 x 60’

Kendra is back On Top. From her busy home life as a loving wife and mother to her professional responsibilities as a model, an author and an entrepreneur, a day in the life of Kendra has never a dull moment. The Untold Story sees Kendra, alongside husband Hank Baskett, speak out in an exclusive joint television interview for the first time since the news broke of his alleged sexual encounter with a transsexual model. Join us, as the untold truth is sensationally revealed.


New Pop Culture Productions for VH1

Best-selling recording artist and Love & Hip Hop star K. Michelle is striking out on her own in New York. Single, but far from alone, K. Michelle embarks on her journey with loyal band of friends by her side. After a hit album and tour, she’s moving into a new phase of her life and nothing’s going to stop her now!


K. Michelle: My LIfe6 x 30’

New Season




HDeOne for WE tv

Mary Mary45 x 60’

Join legendary gospel superstars Erica and Tina Campbell, as they juggle the demands of their hectic touring schedule, their individual marriages and children, and being part of one of the biggest, most raucous extended families you’ll ever meet! This season, Erica and Tina go full throttle on their solo projects. After the heartbreak of her husband’s infidelity, Tina is determined to show that she and Teddy have come out stronger than ever. Erica struggles with a busy touring schedule, causing conflict at home. With both sisters going their separate ways, tensions are at an all-time high.

HDEyeworks for WE tv

LA Hair42 x 60’

Kim Kimble’s LA hair salon is thriving, and more ‘turned up’ than ever before. Things just seem to happen when she’s around! A new celebrity barber is wreaking havoc, and ex-employee Angela has opened her own salon down the block, so sparks are surely going to fly. Meanwhile, Kim is preparing to make an ambitious move in Atlanta that could bring her empire to its knees. Join us for all the close shaves, hairdryer treatments, and split ends you could ever need!

HDNew Pop Culture Productions for VH1

Love & Hip Hop132 x 60’, 8 x 30’ & 1 x 90’

Love & Hip Hop showcases the glitz and glamour of the American hip hop music scene, but behind the scenes, hip hop can be a difficult world to navigate. We’re taking you to New York, Atlanta and Hollywood to follow new dreamers and fresh talent as they fight for their chance to make it in the entertainment world, and these starlets will stop at nothing to get to the top!


New Season

New Seasons

New Season




HDLucky Day

Tareq Taylor’s Nordic Cookery32 x 30’

Tareq Taylor, Swedish chef extraordinaire, explores the heart and soul of New Nordic Cuisine. Tareq travels around northern Europe meeting local food producers, chefs and specialists. Heading off the beaten track to experience local cultures through their food, searching out fantastic ingredients, Tareq meets some extraordinary people and prepares his own versions of their delicious recipes along the way.

HDSaga Film

Pretty Fish16 x 30’

This sumptuous, award-winning series features recipes for a delicious array of fish and shellfish dishes. Caught, prepared, cooked and eaten by award winning chef Sveinn Kjartansson and his food stylist side-kick, this is a kaleidoscope for the senses.

Beach House Pictures

Celebrated chef Bobby Chinn is transforming a 465m sq space in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City into a world class restaurant. The French-trained chef faces his greatest challenge as he attempts to conquer the hearts, minds and appetites of high-end diners in Ho Chi Minh. Is it to be a bridge too far, or his greatest success to date?


Restaurant of Bobby Chin6 x 30’

HDOff the Fence

Million Pound Supercar Dealers1 x 60’

Welcome to the cutthroat world of the supercar salesmen who sell the most beautiful cars to the richest people on Earth. Sales of luxury cars have rocketed 20% in the last three years, with these rarest of cars seen as an investment on wheels. We follow the Supercar Dealers as they track down these incredible cars and sell them to the super-rich.

eOne for Wetv

After a series of hit songs in the 90s, the ladies of SWV should have been on top of the world, but their success tore these childhood friends apart. Now the ladies are reuniting for another shot at stardom, and their lives couldn’t be more different. Can they get it together and achieve the ultimate comeback or will their personal issues stand in their way?


SWV Reunited24 x 60’


New Season


el &




HDSmithsonian Networks

Aerial America49 x 60’

Witness America from a totally new angle: from the air. Swoop over California’s Hearst Castle, around Alcatraz and under the Golden Gate Bridge. Watch bears catching salmon in Alaska’s rivers, surge over a mountain ridge and see one of the largest volcanoes on the North American continent; experience the Nevada desert, Colorado’s Great Lakes and the capital, Washington DC. America will never look the same from the ground again.

Smithsonian Networks

Amazing Destinations brings you to America, from its Grand Canyon to its Key West reefs. Beyond Hollywood journeys to landmark movie sets. Made in the USA takes a tour of America’s most iconic brands. And Best Small Town shows us the hidden gems from Mississippi to Alaska, whilst Wilderness celebrates America’s most remote places.


Aerial America: Specials5 x 60’

Homebrew Films

In southern Chile there’s a magical place. This is the archipelago of Chiloé, the last stronghold of the Spanish Conquistadors in Latin America. Here, in isolation, the fusion of European and indigenous people created a cultural landscape rooted in the sea, land, and in religious devotion. This film is a portrait of this unique marine world where people, land and sea are forever wedded.


Chile/Chiloe1 x 60’

HDCuarto Creciente Producciones

Finding Little Italy6 x 60’

Every year masses of travellers flock to favourite Italian hot spots like Rome, Venice and Florence. This series takes us off the beaten track on a journey to the lesser-known parts of Italy. Travelling on the back of a Vespa, we will meet local chefs and try regional specialties, and experience glorious landscapes. This is a unique insight into a country so well known, but still so undiscovered.

Scottie Productions

Welcome to the full throttle world of competitive fishing! Men against women, with new locations and challenges each time, Get Your Fish On is a series that’s fresher than fish on salt ice. Fuelling the fire is the humiliation that accompanies being given a fishing lesson by the opposition – with the losing team forced to cook up for the victors.


Get Your Fish On26 x 30’

HDAIM Television

Raw Travel34 x 30’

We join Robert Rose as he navigates through an unpredictable world to locations off the beaten track. Making connections from Colombia to Trinidad, the Philippines to Krakow, these are the people playing their part to create a better planet. Raw Travel invites viewers to shed their fears, crack out their passports, put on their backpacks and make the journey to meet the neighbours. No celebrities: just real, ordinary people having transformative, life-changing experiences.


New Episodes

New Episodes


el &




HDLitton Entertainment

Rock the Park26 x 22’ & 26 x 22’ in production

Rock the Park taps into our love affair with national parks. Our hosts Jack and Colton come face to face with nature in some of the most awe-inspiring places on earth. The series is sure to inspire many a road trip, and remind viewers that the national parks truly are one of America’s greatest gifts to the world, and a resource to be protected.

HDRusty Cage

Travel Bug52 x 60’

Everyone loves to travel. But for most of us, the opportunities to pack our bags and board a flight to an exotic paradise are few and far between. But through the eyes of The Travel Bug, you can escape the chaos of life and be taken to the places you long to be! In this series we are shown the highlights of South-East Asia and the Pacific paradise of the Soloman Islands. Let The Travel Bug show you the history, culture, amazing spectacles and adventure on offer in some of the world’s best holiday destinations!

HDAshley Colburn Productions

Wonders of.....15 x 60’

Emmy award-winning host Ashley Colburn loves adventure, especially when she’s uncovering something new. In her exciting new series as she delves into the wonders of Croatia, Slovenia, Latvia and Switzerland in her adventure-filled series, taking in the hot-spots and hidden gems in Europe’s most breath-taking destinations.

Rock Wallaby Productions

This is the story of four friends and a near-impossible challenge: to build a safari lodge in Zimbabwe. A socialite, a builder, a chef, and a wildlife presenter have nothing in common except this dream. But with wild animals, missing building materials and endless red tape, it’s the biggest challenge any of them has ever faced.


Zambezi Crescent8 x 30’


New Season






Director: Stevan Riley

Blue Blood

For over 100 years Oxford and Cambridge have squared off once a year in a boxing match. But why do people choose to box? And how do you combine honing the mind in the library with knocking people out in the ring? This sensitive film explores boxing through the Oxford Blues team, as they prepare for the big fight.

IFC Documentary 2006Directors: Joe Berlinger & Bruce SinofskyStarring: Delbert Ward, Roscoe Ward, Connie ChungAwards: DGA Award Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Documentary-Actuality/NBR Award Best Documentary

Brother’s Keeper

Delbert Ward and his four elderly brothers worked as semi-literate farmers, living together in isolation. But when his brother died, Delbert was arrested, suspected of murder, and signed a confession. This acclaimed film reconsiders evidence which suggests he was not competent to confess, and documents how residents of the rural community rallied around a social outcast to fight injustice.

IFC Documentary



Director: Mark Lewis

Cane Toads: The Conquest

In Mark Lewis’s remarkable new film, we explore one of Australia’s greatest environmental catastrophes as we follow the unstoppable march of the cane toad across the Australian continent. Despised by many, venerated by some, the toad occupies a nation’s consciousness, achieving both cult and criminal status: it’s a story with universal relevance.

Radio Pictures




Directors: Brian Fabian & Mollie MilliganAwards: Winner - American Airlines First Altitude AwardWinner: The 2009 Accolade Award of Excellence (La Jolla, California)

Different Abilities: Not Like the OthersThis documentary highlights the captivating spirit of the Texas Lions Camp, which provides special needs children one week each summer an escape into a world tailored for them. The primary purpose of the camp is to offer, without charge, a refuge for physically challenged, hearing or vision impaired, and diabetic children – regardless of race, religion, or origin.

Wonderphil 2009



Director: Dafna YachinStarring: E. Gene Smith

Digital Dharma

When ancient Sanskrit and Tibetan texts were lost during the political turmoil of the 1950s and 1960s, the roadmap to enlightenment was in danger. Enter American Mormon E Gene Smith, the unlikely rescuer of these insights from mankind’s early consciousness. We follow Smith on his journey to Asia to ensure the preservation of these texts.

Lunchbox Communications 2013



Director: Michael Brown

Father than the Eye can see

Erik Weihenmayer is a world-class athlete. He’s also completely blind. This documentary is an intimate journey on one of the most successful Mount Everest expeditions ever. It beautifully captures the emotion, humour, and drama of Erik’s historic ascent, as well as many other Mount Everest firsts.

Outside Television 2001





Director: George A. Pappy Jr.Starring: Susan Oliver

The Green Girl

Susan Oliver is most famous for being Star Trek’s first iconic Green Orion Slave Girl in the original 1964 pilot. One of the most recognizable women of the 60s, Susan was also a record-setting female aviator who won five world records for light planes and eventually became one of the first women qualified to fly the Lear Jet.

Wonderphil 2014

HD 85’

Director: Judy RymerStarring: Charlotte Campbell-Stephen Awards: Finalist for Best Documentary - Social & Political Issues 2014 ATOM Awards

I Will Not be Silenced

One young Australian woman’s horrific gang rape leads to a seven year battle for justice in a dramatic court case in Nairobi. This case set in the Kibera slum brings a rare insight into sexual violence in Kenya as silenced women step out of the dark to stand at her side.

Rymer Childs 2014






Director: Werner HerzogAwards: Official Selection in Telluride Film Festival 2011 & Toronto Int’l Film Festival 2011

Into the Abyss

Werner Herzog’s “a gaze into the abyss of the human soul” is an investigation into the human cost of an appalling triple homicide. In conversations with those involved, including convicted Death Row inmate Michael Perry, and the families of both victim and perpetrator, Herzog – as so often before – unveils layers of humanity, making an enlightening trip out of ominous territory.

IFC Documentary 2011

107’ 94’

Director: Paul Bachow “This is the best documentary on the Holocaust we have ever seen.”- Palm Beach International Film Festival

A Journey into the Holocaust

This film delves into history, uncovering the chain of events which led to the Holocaust – and why these types of atrocities continue to take place – even in modern times. First-time filmmaker Paul Bachow taps into the vast knowledge base of historians, psychology practitioners, and data derived from countless interviews with experts. Facts are corroborated and woven together with first-hand accounts of Holocaust Survivors.

Wonderphil 2014


Director: David S. Shapiro & Laurie ShapiroStarring: Tobias Schneebaum & Norman Mailer

Keep the River on your Right

In 1955, Manhattan painter Tobias Schneebaum spent seven months in the Amazon basin with the Harakambut. When he returned, he could no longer paint. Now 78, the filmmakers suggested he return to Peru and, initially reluctant, he finally agrees to reconnect with the people whom he once joined on a murderous raiding party. Time has passed, but the scars of war remain.

IFC Documentary 2000


Director: Don Argott & Damien FentonStarring: Bobby Liebling & Sean Pelletier

Last Days Here

Cult rock legend Bobby Liebling has been recording genre-defining hard rock for over 36 years. Various acts of self-destruction, multiple band break-ups and botched record deals have condemned his music to obscurity. Bobby is finally discovered by the heavy metal underground. With the help of Sean ‘Pellet’ Pelletier, his friend and manager, Bobby struggles to overcome his demons.

IFC Documentary 2011





Director: Magnús V. SigurðssonStarring: Ragnar Axelsson

Last Days of the Arctic

Join Ragnar Axelsson on his journey as he visits friends made through his longcareer. His passion is for documenting the fast deteriorating lifestyles of the North. We visit his farmers in Iceland and the free spirited hunters of Greenland. Here, we meet people who are so intertwined with nature that they are more afraid of government officials than of a starving polar bear looking for prey!

Saga Film 2011



Director: Jonathan HockStarring: Luis Tant

The Lost Son of Havana

Cuban pitcher Luis Tiant never anticipated spending a half-century in exile. Torn between his career and his homeland, he went on to become a baseball legend, heating up the mound for the Red Sox and Yankees. The film follows Tiant on his return to Cuba for the first time, capturing an inspiring and profound portrait of one of the game’s greatest heroes.

IFC Documentary 2009


Director: Trevor Graham

Make Hummus not War

Make Hummus Not War is a humorous journey though the hummus bars and kitchens of Beirut, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and New York. Along the way, we encounter the doyenne of Middle East cuisine, Claudia Roden; zealots; Jewish settlers; biblical characters; political activists; chickpea farmers; novelists; and Sheiks, for whom hummus is a near-religious obsession.

Yarra Bank Films 2012

HD 90’

Director: Nichola BruceFeaturing: Buzz Aldrin, Alan Bean & Frank Boreman


Steve Pyke has published books of portraits of World War I survivors, philosophers, and poets. This film follows his journey to create the art for a new book, ‘Astronauts’, a series of photographs of the pioneers of space exploration. The resulting film is both a photographic road trip and an exploration of how photographs become signposts for history.

Inbetween Space 2010






Director: Robert StoneStarring: Kilon BaunoAwards: Nominated for Oscar, Best Documentary Feature

Radio Bikini

This critically acclaimed, Academy Award-nominated documentary uses declassified footage acquired through the Freedom of Information Act to tell the story of the Bikini islanders, who were removed from their homes by the US government so that their atoll could be used for high-profile atomic bomb tests known as Operation Crossroads at the start of the Cold War.

IFC Documentary 1988


Director: Cevin. D JolingAwards: Best Educational Documentary

The War on Kids

The War on Kids shows how American public schools continue to become more dangerously authoritarian. Often resembling prisons, this film shows that they increasingly fail in their mission to provide education, and erode the country’s democratic foundation by denying the most basic civil rights to youth.

IFC Documentary


Director: Barry AvrichFeaturing: Matt Damon, Peter Fonda & James Ivory

Unathorized: The Harvey Weinstein Project

Harvey Weinstein is the biggest producer in Hollywood. He’s as famous for championing indie films as for masterminding the explosion of the blockbuster. But has his influence been for the best? Can a genuinely inexpensive, independent film make it any more? Or has Weinstein ensured that you can only succeed if he’s behind you? With Matt Damon, Peter Fonda and James Ivory.

IFC Documentary



Director: Kate Davis & David Hellbroner

Waiting for Armageddon

America’s 50m strong Evangelical community is convinced that the world’s future is foretold in Biblical prophecy, including the End of Days. This astonishing documentary explores their world: in their homes, at conferences, and on a wide-ranging tour of Israel. What remains unclear is whether one prominent Evangelical leader is really more worried or enthusiastic about it happening.

IFC Documentary 2009


Director: Error MorrisStarring: Randall Adams & David Harris

The Thin Blue Line

Errol Morris’s infamous documentary dramatically re-enacts the crime scene and investigation of a police officer’s murder in Dallas, Texas. A drifter runs out of gas and gets picked up by a 16 year old runaway. Later that night, drunk, the drifter apparently shoots a police officer. The film re-investigates the evidence, and comes to a shocking conclusion.

IFC Documentary 1988



Director: Hedley Dindoyal & Stuart RyanStarring: Gareth Carter

On Safer Ground

In the shadow of the country’s dark past, a group of football-loving Laos teenagers travel to the Gothia Youth World Cup in Sweden. On and off the pitch, they fulfil their dreams: to fly on a plane, to catch a glimpse of the sea, and to become members of the first Laos football team ever to play outside of Asia.

Parlourwood Productions

Director: Tom ThurmanStarring: Nick Nolte

Nick Nolte: No Exit

Via computer conferencing, a clean-shaven journalist, in a crisp blue shirt, expensive cream jacket, and matching wide-brimmed hat (Nick Nolte), interviews a florid-faced underdressed, slightly unkempt Nick Nolte. The questions follow a chronological line. Interspersed with the interview are on-camera remarks by actors, directors, a producer, and a writer who say complimentary things about Nolte’s work and personality.

IFC Documentary 2009


Director: Fridrik Thor FidrikssonNarrator: Kate Winslet

A Mothers Courage: Sunshine BoyImagine not being able to engage with the world around you, to express your feelings, dreams and aspirations. Margret’s son Keli is severely autistic. This film follows her travels around the world to find out more about the condition. Is it possible to break down the wall of autism and get to know the individual within?

IFC Documentary 2010

103’HD HD











Off the Fence

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