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Minimum System Requirement

Prepared by:

E-Procurement Technologies Limited (ETL)

Registered Office

B 705, Wall Street-II, Opp. Orient Club,

Nr. Gujarat College, Ellis Bridge,

Ahmedabad - 380 006, Gujarat, India. |


The information contained in this document represents the current views of ETL and are proprietary to ETL on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because ETL must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of ETL, and ETL cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. This document is for informational purposes only. ETL MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT




This document provides a guide to the bidders who are registered and wishing to participate

in the online bidding application of E-Procurement Technologies Ltd (ETL) System.

To access the portal:

Ensure that you have the required hardware and software and internet connection (see

Section 2).

The bidder will have to procure a Class-II/III Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) for

Signing & Encryption of bids issued by any of the valid Certifying Authorities (approved

by Controller of Certifying Authorities) in India). The details of the License CA’s are

available on wherein the details have been mentioned. It would be the

respective bidder’s responsibility to acquire such DSC’s in the name of their authorized

signatory for participation in the portal.

A number of key features of the portal are as follows:

The system operates over the public Internet. This means that traffic between you and

the application server could be subject to congestion or service outages on the

Internet. You can reduce the risks posed by such problems by:

o Ensuring that you enter Bids well within deadlines and

o Having one or more back‐up Internet connections.

You can install DSC(s) on a number of computers that can then be used to access the

application or if you have downloaded Digital Certificate in the e-Token then use that

e-Token in respective PC from where the application is to be accessed. This will allow

you to have a back‐up facility if your computer fails for any reason. While the

procedures for installing DSC(s) and logging in to the application are straightforward,

there may be issues preventing these processes as a result of computers used for

bidding being part of larger company IT networks, e.g. where users do not have

administrator rights to their computers, where there are proxy servers in place or

where ports are not forwarded correctly. Therefore, it is important for Bidders to



promptly verify that all computers used for bidding are able to access the system given

their individual set‐up by logging in to the portal successfully once all required

materials for bidding have been received.

Preparation in advance of the e-Auction / e-Tender

Overview During the participation, Bidders will place bids via application, operating over the public

Internet using encryption. This section details the procedure that the Bidders will need to go

through to ensure they meet the system requirements for accessing portal.

Bidders will not need any special hardware or software to access the system; it is sufficient

for a Bidder to have a reliable Internet connection and a standard Internet browser installed

on computers to be used for placing Bids. The only additional requirements for computers

used for bidding in the tender / auction are that prior to the start of the event they have

installed on them:

An up to date version of Java; and

The digital certificates (the Certification Authority Certificate or the Cryptographic

Authentication token) these are required for authentication and data encryption.

Operating System and software The access to application is through the operating systems and Internet browsers

complemented with Java. However, the digital signature certificates used for user

authentication in the portal are 2048 bit keys. These keys are longer than those in current

common usage for e-commerce applications and provide a higher level of security. It is

important that Bidders use an up-to-date operating system and browser, and the latest

version of Java. The portal supports Windows XP (Service Pack 3), Windows Vista (Service

Pack 3), and Windows 7 (Service Pack 1) operating system. The browsers supported are

Internet Explorer 9 (32 bits), Google chrome 20.x and Mozilla Firefox 13.x. obsolete

versions of Internet Explorer may not support longer keys.



Install Signer control

Application supports any of the following Operating Systems:

Windows Vista (Service Pack 3)

Windows 7 (Service Pack 1)

It is mandatory to install Signer Controls in the PC’s from which the application will be


Installation of Signer Control in

Please follow below given Steps:

Step 1: – Open e-Tender / e-Auction website (from a Windows Internet Explorer)

Figure 1 Download Singer.exe

Step 2 – Download ‘Signer Component.exe’ file to a specific location in your PC.

Step 3 – Run the installation file as given in below figures.



Figure 2



Step 4 – Click on “Install” Button

Figure 3



Step 5 –Click on “Finish” Button

Figure 4



ActiveX Control Installation

Steps to install to Signer and ActiveX Control

Step-1: Download Signer tool by clicking upon the 'Signer' link available in the website

footer (ignore this step if you have already downloaded Signer.exe and install in your


Step-2: Open internet explorer and Press ALT+T on keyboard to open Tools menu and

then click on Internet Options sub menu

Figure 5



Figure 6

Figure 7

Step - 3: Click on Security Tab in the Internet Options window and click on 'Default level'

button in case if you have changed the default ActiveX settings



Figure 5

Step - 4: Click on 'Apply' and then 'OK' button as shown in the above screen shot to apply


Check Your Digital Certificate

1. You should make sure, your DSC is installed in your system or your certificate with

e-token should attach to your system.

2. If certificate is installed in e-token, check the driver should be properly installed.

3. Steps to check the DSC in your internet explorer as mentioned below:-

Open internet explorer > Tools Menu or (Press Alt+T on your keyboard) > Internet option >

Content > certificate > double click on your certificate (a certificate window will appear) >



go to certification path > check the certificate status > it should come as “The certificate is


4. If the “Certificate Status” is “Not Ok” or “Invalid” etc. then pl. contact your Digital

Certificate service provider.

Screen Shot 1 -Digital Certificate :-

Select your certificate and click on View button to view certificate details.

In certificate window, you can view general details, certification path and other

details as shown in the below given screen shots:

Screen Shot 2 -View General Details Of Certificate :-



Screen Shot 3 - View Certificate Path Details:-



Important Note:-

Your computer system’s date should be matched with the date of the digital

certificate. (i.e. current date & time of system)

Certification path should be CCA > CA > Name of Certificate holder as shown in

above given the screen shot.

If you have a digital certificate in e-Token then make sure that e-Token Driver is

installed in computer system before accessing an e-Token.

You can check whether e-Token driver is installed in your computer system

or not, perform below mentioned steps:

Start Menu > Programs > e-Token > e-Token Properties

If you don’t have an e-Token driver installed your computer system, you can acquire

the same from the service provider from whom you have procured an e-

Token device.

If you have a digital certificate stored on an e-Token then please insert e-Token in

USB port of the computer system to logon to the website.

In the homepage – User needs to download the Intermediatory certificate (.Zip file)

and install all the certificates which is available on homepage under Downloads


Adding URL to the trusted Zone - Mandatory

Please add the website into the trusted Zone

(Open Internet Explorer > Go to Tools Menu > Internet Options > Security >Trusted

Sites > Sites >Add the URL

Screen Shot displayed below:-



Java The application uses the Java Application/Applet for Digital Signature generation, verification,

data encryption, and decryption in Mozilla Firefox and Chrome browsers.

Under Windows, the browsers will usually, but not always, have Java enabled by default.

However, users are advised to check their respective browsers to ensure that Java plug-in is

enabled. It is important that Bidders have an updated version of Java installed on the

computers which are going to be used for bidding in the Auctions.

Bidders who intend to use Firefox and Chrome browsers will have to update Java Cryptography

Extension (JCE) to strengthen the security from the default key size to unlimited key size. If



this is not done prior to auction start date and time, user may face problem in login and bid


Application checks and updates the JCE policy from default key size to unlimited key size but

if user doesn’t have administrator rights then user will have to update JCE policy manually.

To update the JCE policy, user needs to follow the instructions.

Bidders can find out if they have Java installed on their respective computer using Java

installation verification tool which can be found at

In these cases, Bidders may need to refer to their IT department or other suitably qualified

persons to ensure that their PC has a Java installed and enabled on their browser, and that

their Internet browser is correctly set up. Java website at may provide

helpful information on how to do this. Please note that you may need appropriate

administrative rights in order to install Java and digital certificates on the client computer.

Bidders should ensure that their bidding computer is free from viruses, especially key-logging

programs. It is the responsibility of bidders to ensure that bidding computer is functioning

reliably and that appropriate computer security measures are in force. Once the digital

certificate that authenticates the bidder has been installed on the bidding computer, the

bidder should ensure that the bidding computer is kept securely and not accessible to

unauthorized personnel.



Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Installation (For Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers)



Figure 6

Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)

Figure 7

Enable Java Script

The following screen will come in web browser, if Java Script is disabled.

Figure 8 Enable Java script – Click on the highlighted link and then follow the instructions

Java Plug-in

Bidder need to enable Java Plug-in to use the website smoothly. This is given in the following

mentioned steps to enable Java Plug-in browser.



Plug-ins for Google Chrome browser

Step 1: Click on Customize and control icon then Click on Setting.

Figure 9 - Step 1 Installation of missing Java Plug-ins – Google Chrome



Step 2: Click on “Show advanced settings”

Figure 10 - Step 2 for Installation of missing Java Plug-ins – Google Chrome



Step 3: Click on “Content Settings…” Button in Privacy Settings

Figure 11 - Step 3 Installation of missing Java Plug-ins – Google Chrome



Step 4: Click on “Disable Individual plug-ins…”

Figure 12 - Step 4 Installation of missing Java Plug-ins – Google Chrome



Step 5: Click on “Disable” to Enable “Java (2 files)”

Figure 13 - Step 5 Installation of missing Java Plug-ins – Google Chrome



For Web browser Mozilla Firefox

Step 1: Click on “Tools” tab and then Click on “Add-ons” menu

Figure 14 - Step 1 Installation of missing Java Plug-ins – Mozilla Firefox

Step 2: Click on “Disable” Button to enable Java plug-in: “Java(TM) Platform SE




Figure 15 - Step 2 Installation of missing Java Plug-ins – Mozilla Firefox

Tool bar / Add On / Pop up blockers

Bidders should ensure that there is no software installed on the computers which are to

be used for bidding that might interfere with the normal operation of their Internet

browser. The bidders have to ensure that they do not use any pop‐up blockers, such as

those provided by Internet Explorer and complementary software, like for example the

Google tool bar. This might, in certain cases depending on Bidders’ settings, prevent the

access of the application.



Power management settings

To ensure that Bidders can view progress in the event without delay or difficulty it is

recommended that Bidders:

Turn off any power management features on their computer such as automatic

hibernation or suspension; and

Disable any screensavers.

Access of Other Software / Website during participation in event

It is recommended that Bidders do not open other web pages when they are accessing

the application. Viewing other web pages (especially complex ones) at the same time

as viewing application pages increases the risk of possible problems with their browser.

Therefore, we recommend that ideally Bidders should dedicate one computer to running

the application, and do not access other web pages or run other Applications on this

computer while using the application. This will help to minimize the risk of crashes or

other potential problems.

Internet connection

In order to use the application, Bidders will need an Internet connection. We recommend

that Bidders use a reliable broadband Internet connection with a download bandwidth

of 512KBps or higher. However, there are no complex graphics on any of the web pages

served by the system. Wireless connections may be adequate, but it is important that

the latency of network connections to the application does not exceed 20- 30 seconds

to ensure reliable access.

It is recommended that Bidders have a back-up computer and back-up Internet

connection that can be used in the case that either their primary computer or Internet

connection fails.


Bidders are recommended to use a display with a screen resolution of 1366 X 768.

Bidders can use a lower screen resolution, but Bidders may find that some tables are

more difficult to view.



Please get in touch with e-procurement Implementation & Support Team in

case any clarification is required. Contact details are available on our e-Auction

/ e-tender portal.