Mind Reading Cell Phones



It is an amazing trick that will teach you how to perform mind reading or mental telepathy with a normal mobile phone……

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Mind Reading Cell Phones

by Lince Sébastian

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• It is an amazing trick that will teach you how to perform mind reading or mental telepathy with a normal mobile phone……

• The world is changing fast--maybe faster than we ever thought. And within 3 years, science fiction is going to turn into non-fiction.

• Mind reading phones are an amazing trick or technology that can read someone’s mind with a mobile phone.

• The mobile phone can detect the transmission of brain waves of a human being and can detect what is going on his mind.

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• Human brain, the most valuable creation of God. The man is called intelligent because of the brain. It is very difficult to know someone or to read someone’s mind, what is going on in his/her mind.

• Hardware giants IBM and INTEL companies are already working to predict what people want, but only in pieces

• Both company listed this idea of Mind reading in their five innovations

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Kevin Brown of IBM Software Group's Emerging Technologies, wearing a headset that can read brain waves.

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History of Experiments on Mind Reading

• The first, led by Rodney Croft, of the Brain Science Institute, Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australian tested whether the cell phone transmission could affect brain waves.

• 120 healthy men and women with a Nokia 6110 cell phone. They got the result from EEGs (Electro Encephalogram) of their brain waves with a mobile phone on transmission mode and without the mobile.

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Conclusions of Experiment

• They got to know that brain waves get boosted significantly With the mobile phone due to presence of some kind of waves called ALPHA waves.

• They conclude that they can detect the brain behavior or can read the mind of a person through mobile phones…

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Graphical Representation of the Brain Wave

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The great scientist Rodney Croft in his lab

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Brain waves to mobile

• The generated bioelectricity is transmitted through complex neural circuit inside our brain.

• An electrical signal between neurons generates electric field that radiate out of brain tissue as electric waves.

• And these waves are picked up by mobile phones touching a person’s brain

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Maintaining a database of brain waves

•We can store the brain waves of a normal human in different situations.

•During detection someone’s brain, we can match his/her brain waves with the stored brain waves.

•According to the matched wave, we can know or detect what is going on in his/her brain.

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Application Area

• Security purpose in defense line: detecting the mind of a terrorist to know how, when, where the next attack will occur.

• In Medical line: Doctors can detect many diseases using this technique.

• Fraud detector: it can also detect the frauds like a lie detector.

• For drinkers: It can alarm you that you have drunk heavily.so you should not talk on mobile now or wont drive.

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• The main Remembering things without any effort.

• Making decision without the presence of a person.

• Using intelligence of a person after the death.

• Understanding the activities of animals.

• Allowing the deaf to hear via direct Nerve.

• Stimulation.

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• It can affect our brain more than a normal mobile phone.

• Our secretes may be no more secretes.

• We become dependent upon the computer. • Others may use technical knowledge against us.

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Future Scope

• Till now the concept is not used. Many experiments are going on this topic.

• Very soon it will be implemented.

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• This will be a tremendous achievement for us in many fields after the success. We will be able to transfer ourselves into computers at some point. It will bring both benefits and harm to human society

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