Mills.argumentation Theory 1


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  • 8/13/2019 Mills.argumentation Theory 1



    Argumentation Theory and Online Learning

    Cynthia Mills

    Boise State University

  • 8/13/2019 Mills.argumentation Theory 1




    Argumentation in the learning environment promotes critical thinking and problem

    solving skills. In the online learning environment, the integration of this educational

    theory is as necessary as in the traditional classroom; however, there are challenges that

    the online learning environment presents that differ from the brick and mortar setting;

    thus, instructors need to utilize both instructional strategies and technology tools to

    ensure that argumentation not only transpires asynchronously and synchronously, but

    also that it is cultivated through effective collaboration in order to ensure that all students

    have the opportunity to be engaged in higher order thinking.

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    Most students enjoy sharing their opinion about certain topics, and when an

    instructor is able to harness the energy and conviction of her students, it creates the

    opportunity to develop critical thinking skills. In addition, in order for students to

    become active participants in their professional and civic lives, the ability to argue

    effectively is key; living in a democratic society requires its citizens to not only be able to

    formulate arguments, but also to defend them and revise their opinion when needed

    (Nussbaum, 2002). Furthermore, when students engage in argumentation, explain their

    contentions, and review each others assertions, they are afforded opportunities to explore

    learning in different ways and discover how others perceptions influence their

    understanding of the world around them. Today, the challenge for effective

    argumentation in the online learning environment has surfaced because all too often,

    online learners do not reap the same rewards as their brick and mortar counterparts of

    experiencing active collaboration to engage in effective argumentation, but with the right

    instructional strategies in place and the assistance of todays educational technology,

    online teachers can provide an engaging and stimulating argumentative learning


    Argumentation Theory

    The argumentation theory is based on the fact that humans play games, and

    because games involve argumentation, which is the process of constructing and

    critiquing, (Jonassenand Land, 2012 p. 114) argumentationgamesare vital to learning

    environments. These types ofgames not only involve authentic activities, but they also

    depend on synthesizing information and decision-making. In its most basic form,

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    argumentation is the exchange of viewpoints. Scaffolding from this notion, researches

    have found that when instructors create an activity that allows students to share their

    ideas, provide evidence for those ideas, and allow others to agree or disagree with those

    ideas, it promotes deeper learning and understanding of the initial concept. However, it

    is important to note that there is a difference between "learning to argue and arguing to

    learn (Jonassen and Land, 2012 p. 115). For instance, learning to argue is important in

    order to defend ones position; however, arguing to learn pushes the learner to dig deeper

    for meaning; and generating such arguments becomes a means to creating conceptual

    change or deeper conceptual meaning (Jonassen and Land, 2012 p. 115). Thus,

    argumentation refers to critiquing and debating each others assertions that include

    justifying and defending the contentions.

    First, the study of argumentation seeks to identify multiple learner outcomes.

    According to Baker argumentation helps students clarify their own perception of the

    material because knowledgebecomes explicit and visible(Jonassen and Land, 2012 p.

    116). This happens when students access their background knowledge about a topic,

    share their theory with their peers and/or their instructor, learn from their misconceptions,

    and formulate new hypothesizes or understand the concept on a deeper level. Therefore,

    argumentation can change and develop a students perception by allowing students to

    reevaluate their initial assertions (Jonassen and Land, 2012 p. 116). This is due to the

    fact that stronger arguments prevail and co-elaboration of new knowledge occurs

    (Jonassen and Land, 2012 p. 116). Finally, Baker asserts that argumentation increases

    articulation. For instance, during an activity that involves argumentation, students need

    to pay attention and become good listeners; they also need to organize their own thoughts

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    in order to respond appropriately. Just as the exchange of ideas commence, so too

    students acquire negotiating skills, creating chains of reasoning (Jonassen and Land,

    2012 p. 117). Overall, heightening articulation skills allows students to convey their

    ideas with more clarity, thus adding richness to the discussion and authenticity to the

    learning experience.

    Secondly, researchers are exploring and improving on ways in which online

    instructors and learners can benefit from various approaches or modules of argumentation

    because like traditional brick and mortar classrooms, argumentation strategies in the

    online learning environment foster critical thinking skills, improve conceptual

    knowledge, and develop and increase the ability to construct and the critique issues

    (Asterhan and Schwartz, 2010). However, teacherslesson designs, including educational

    technology tools and interaction affect student argumentation differently. For instance,

    one key concept Asterhan and Schwartz (2010) assert is that simply creating small e-

    groups does not guarantee engagement or good argumentation; therefore, it is important

    to examine how students should be supported when they are interacting with one another

    in the online learning environment in order to increase effective argumentation. In other

    words, researchers are asking the question: what can an online instructor implement to

    enhance collaborative argumentation? Similarly, researchers are exploring methods of

    engagement that are ineffective and trying to determine why certain argumentation

    strategies fail.

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    Asynchronous Argumentation

    In the online learning environment, asynchronous communication is inevitable, but can

    this learning environment be used to engage learners in argumentation? If so, what is the

    quality of the argumentation; in other words, is it authentic or manufactured? First, it is

    necessary to examine the benefits of asynchronous argumentation. To begin with,

    asynchronous reflections and assertions can be written when convenient for the user

    (Marttunen and Laurinen, 2011). This is key because participants have time to think about and

    plan their responses. In addition, asynchronous communication has been characterized as a

    democraticmedium which allows various kinds of people regardless of, for example, personal

    appearance, occupational status, and level of education, to participate in interaction on an

    equal basis(Marttunen and Laurinen, 2011). Without the fear of being judged, users may be

    more inclined to share responses. Moreover, participants often view texting as informal;

    thus, the message is more about the idea than the grammar, spelling, or other mechanics or

    conventions. Finally, asynchronous communication can incorporate a large group, which can

    in turn, increase the level of discussion (Marttunen and Laurinen, 2011).

    Best Practices for Asynchronous Argumentation

    Although the benefits of asynchronous communication appears to translate into the

    notion that argumentation strategies will be effective by both allowing learners time to

    respond and affording a safe environment to reflect, many students often avoid disagreement

    and do not participate in counter-arguments (Golanics and Nussbaum, 2007); thus, minimizing

    and even dissembling the goal of improving conceptual understanding and increasing critical

    thinking. Therefore, Golanics and Nussbaum (2007) researched the impact of argumentation

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    when students were given a goal to not just engage in arguing about the prompt, but to explore

    as many reasons as possible to argue the prompt and find a common solution. This is

    significant because argumentation is dependent on constructing and critiquing arguments and

    making decisions about the information presented. Not only was the theoretical framework of

    the study geared to create collaborative argumentation where students worked together on one

    goal, but also it was to find out if question elaboration increased arguments and counter-

    arguments in order to produce authentic collaborative argumentation. Their findings suggest

    that this strategy is effective; asking students to generate as many meanings as possible

    impacted advanced students while lower level students benefitted from elaborating questions

    with brief mention of arguments and counter-arguments to enhanced balance and argument

    development (Golanics and Nussbaum, 2008). Online teachers can improve instructional

    design by utilizing these findings; exploratory discourse is key to improving conceptual

    knowledge, and it enhances problem-solving skills as seen in Asterhan and Swartz (2013).

    Technologies That Support Asynchronous Argumentation

    Because effective collaborative argumentation depends on participation and can be

    enhanced when students work together on one goal, blogging, a Web 2.0 tool, can be utilized

    to facilitate active argumentation. According to Deed and Edwards (2011), blogging allows

    students to share subjective ideas in a personal, but public forum, and these ideas are subject

    to interactive questioning and discussion. The fact that this environment is interactive

    supports an active process of thinking and learning, improv ing understanding and building

    knowledge (Deed and Edwards, 2011). Moreover, blogs are organized in such a way that each

    posting is a chronological record of thought; learners can review postulations, accumulate

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    knowledge and compose new ideas and conceptions based on active reflection. Deed and

    Edwards (2011) point out that in order to construct knowledge effectively in this context,

    there is a need for clear communication and critical discussion as part of continual analytical

    dialogue leading to final agreement. Therefore, students are able to feed off of each others

    ideas, and as they progress through the dialogue, the analytical process that is involved in

    disseminating the information and deciding on a final resolution mirrors effective

    argumentation. Finally, blogs are an easy interface to learn, and many blog sites provide

    comprehensive tutorials that provide step-by-step instructions.

    Other Web 2.0 tools for educators to consider that can help implement and nurture

    asynchronous argumentation are social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter. Based on

    data from the EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research 2009-2010, 90% of students use

    social media (Chen and Bryer, 2012), and since collaboration is necessary for argumentation,

    these sites should be employed as a forum where both students and teachers can post prompts

    and questions for exploration. According to Chen and Bryer (2012), The responsibility of the

    teacher is not just to define, generate or assign content, but it is to help learners build learning

    paths and make connections with existing and new knowledge. Learning paths, such as

    threads on Facebook and Twitter can assist students as they engage in debates and discussions.

    Topics or prompts can be posted, and responses and reflections can be accessed throughout the

    day or whenever convenient for the learner. Threads of communication on Facebook or

    Twitter can also help learners analyze their own perceptions and revise their contentions as

    they construct their own knowledge about a topic. In addition, these sites can generate

    collaborative argumentation that incorporates questions, answers and contemplations,

    heightening the learning experience and improving critical thinking skills.

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    Synchronous Argumentation

    Studies show that students learn from collaborative activities, but researchers who have

    explored synchronous learning and the effectiveness of facilitating argumentation have

    questioned the effectiveness of the instructors role. Perhaps more importantly, Asterhan and

    Schwarz (2010) focused on what students thought of e-moderation in online argumentation

    and its effectiveness, including the differences between what is perceived to be effective by

    instructors and what is perceived to be effective synchronous argumentation by the students.

    Another important aspect of this study is the assertion that there are significant differences in

    strategies that employ argumentation when it come to face-to-face, asynchronous and

    synchronous learning environments, and not every approach can transfer to the respective

    learning environment. In addition, the researchers questioned if the educational goals of the

    digital argumentation environment are actually being met, and if they are, how does the

    teacher truly know? Thus, this naturally lead to examining how online teachers can best help

    their students in their debates and discussions. Not only is this research crucial to developing

    ways to help online teachers create effective, engaging, and challenging synchronous

    argumentation, but also it is vital that the teacher not interfere with the discussion, which can

    cause students to withdraw.

    Best Practices for Synchronous Argumentation

    In order to examine effective synchronous argumentation, it is imperative to understand

    effective collaboration because synchronous argumentation depends on students being able to

    work together. Many students have experienced online collaboration, but not all students have

    benefitted from it. In fact, many students enter the online learning environment expecting to

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    study and learn independently, and these students often become resentful when asked to work

    with others (Palloff and Prat, 2005). Other issues that may occur that impede collaboration are

    lack of communication, reduced participation, time commitments, lack of leadership, cultural

    issues, or even course design issues (Palloff and Prat, 2005). To combat these issues,

    Ragoonaden and Bordeleau (2000) made the following recommendations:

    Collaborative tasks need to be integrated into the course and their occurrenceshould mirror individual work time.

    The tasks need to be meaningful and highly interactive; the tasks also need to bebased on the constructivist approach.

    When deemed appropriate, matching cultural and academic backgrounds shouldbe attempted. Students need to be encouraged to celebrate diversity.

    Leaders should be students who will delegate responsibilities. The instructor needs to understand her role and intervene when necessary,

    especially when there is too much conflict or not enough participation among her

    students (Palloff and Prat, 2005).

    The bottom line is that in order establish effective collaboration that will ultimately be the

    building block of active argumentation, effective planning is key; students will respond

    positively to being asked to collaborate, thus fostering higher level thinking skills through

    argumentative strategies.

    Once an effective collaborative environment has been established, instructors need to

    integrate instructional strategies to promote synchronous argumentation and some of the most

    effective approaches include scaffolding and questioning. To begin with, scaffolding ideas

    occurs when the instructor helps to anchor the students prior knowledge to the concept that is

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    being presented. Nussbaum (2002) asserts that students who need help learning how to argue

    in a more explicit manner need scaffolding to supporting their evidence and see how their

    evidence builds upon itself. Nussbaums study involved using a graphic organizer in a

    collaborative setting to scaffold an argument; the scaffold allowed students to list points on

    different sides of the question for the purpose of choosing the strongest side. (Nussbaum,

    2002). This is just one example of scaffolding; however, there are numerous approaches to

    this instructional strategy that can be used in a synchronous learning environment. Another

    strategy involves questioning; as learners interact with each other, they engage in a

    constructivist process of collaborative knowledge generation that can result in community

    building, the development of critical thinking skills, and deeper understanding of the material

    being studied (Palloff and Prat, 2005). In essence, this is a key ingredient for synchronous

    argumentation. The instructor can assist in this process by providing a wide array of

    questions, including open-ended questions that guide students to think and theorize, linking or

    extension questions that help students develop themes as information emerges, hypothetical

    questions so that students can grapple with what if scenarios, cause and effect questions that

    push learners to develop possible solutions, and summary and synthesis questions that

    incorporate reflection. Overall, research demonstrates that implementing these strategies

    work well to support meaningful interaction and can springboard effective collaboration into

    successful argumentation.

    Technologies That Support Synchronous Argumentation

    Tools including Skype, Google Hangouts, Elluminate and Blackboard and Facetime, to

    name a few of the most popular, allow users to call, see, message, and share with others in

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    real time. Because of their immediate collaborative nature, these tools have many advantages

    to assist synchronous argumentation. For instance, Elluminate allows users to share a virtual

    workspace along with several different file formats. When instructors use these

    communication tools, students are able to be there and experience the prompts or the task at

    hand. Instructors can also scaffold information verbally, by messaging, or by uploading

    graphic organizers or other files to assist learners as they begin to formulate their opinions on

    the topic. Moreover, according to Santovena and Sonia (2012),It is evident that the use of

    communication tools in real time, reinforces the professional interaction, socio-emotional

    relationships and personal interactions, in short, it is a tool that facilitates and enhances

    interpersonal communication between users. This is an important environment to create for

    effective synchronous argumentation because learners need to be able to establish a rapport

    with their peers that make it safe and comfortable for them to engage in the exchange of ideas.

    Moreover, these tools allow the instructor to pop in and out of the virtual classroom, assisting

    when and if necessary so as not to be overbearing or impede the argumentation process. The

    immediacy of communication and fostering rapid response to a bilateral discussion offers a

    greater degree of interaction between the students and between the instructor and the students.

    (Santovena and Sonia, 2012). These technology tools allow online teachers to utilize effective

    collaboration strategies to develop critical thinkers through argumentation.


    Students enjoy sharing their opinion and witnessing their own assertions evolve into a

    belief system that can be supported by evidence. When students are immersed in

    argumentation, they construct knowledge through collaboration and dissemble and assemble

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    prior understanding and new information into active meaning; this critical thinking skill

    enables students to be active members in the community and to participate in the democratic

    process. As more and more opportunities for online classes emerge, this instructional theory

    has its place, and technology tools that enhance argumentation need to be utilized to ensure

    that students are afforded this learning opportunity.


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    Asterhan, S.C. &Schwarz, B. (2010). Online moderation of synchronous e-

    argumentation. Computer-supported collaborative learning. (5) 259-282.

    Chen, B. & Bryer, T. (2012). Investigation instructional strategies for using social media

    for formal and informal learning.International review of research in open and

    distance learning. (13) 87-104.

    Baran, B. Facebook as a formal instructional environment.British journal of educational

    technology.(41) 146-149.

    Deed, C. & Edwards, A. Unrestricted student blogging: implications for active learning in

    a virtual text-based environment.Active learning in higher education. (12) 11-21.

    Golanics, J.D. & Nussbaum, E.M. (2008). Enhancing online collaborative argumentation

    through question elaboration and goal instructions.Journal of assisted learning.

    (24) 167-180.

    Jonassen & Land (Eds.). (2012). Theoretical foundations of learning environments.

    New York, NY: Routledge.

    Marttunen, M., & Laurinen L. (2011). Quality of students argumentation by e-mail.

    Learning environments research. (5) 99-123.

    Nussbaum, M. (2002). Scaffolding argumentation in the social studies classroom. The

    social studies. 79-83.

    Palloff, R. & Pratt, K. (2005). Collaborating online. San Francisco, CA. Jossey-Bass.

    Santovena, C. & Soma, M. (2012).Electronic journal of research in educational

    psychology. (10)447-474.