Millersville University Review - Winter 2014



Magazine for alumni and friends of Millersville University.

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M I L L E R S V I L L E U N I V E R S I T Y M A G A Z I N E ■ 2014 WINTER

President John Anderson & Vivien Anderson

2 Review Winter 2014


Parade The Mummer’s

Woodland String Band

of Philadelphia performed

at the annual Millersville

Community Parade during

Homecoming Weekend.

For more photos of the parade and

Homecoming activities, see pages 32-33.


Winter 2014 Vol. 127 No. 2

The Review is published by Millersville University of Pennsylvania of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education and mailed free to Millersville alumni, faculty, staff and other friends of the University.

President Dr. John M. Anderson

Millersville Review Staff Janet Kacskos, Executive Editor Patricia Coulson, Editor Ethan Hulsey, Sports News Mike Saraka, Alumni News

Contributors Stephen Kopfinger ’85 Laura Knowles Madelyn Pennino Frost Imaging Linda Forte Creative

Printed by Pemcor, Inc.

Alumni Association Lori Dierolf ’91, president Scott Bailey ’96, president-elect Stephen Focht ’70, treasurer Cassandra Karamanos ’94, secretary Jennifer Bertolet ’92, Sandra Brown ’76, Nathan Claycomb ’01, Jenna Craig ’10, William Dewan ’93, Catherine Glass ’53, John Held ’02, Amy Hoffman ’94, Patrick Leahy ’97, Sean O’Donnell ’99, Greg Ortlieb ’09, Katie Petermann Breit ’02, Carroll Staub ’72, ’90M, Kristin Waters ’05, Tamara Willis ’99, Jerri Anne Johnson ’76, ’87M, past president.

PASSHE Board of Governors Guido M. Pichini (chairman), Laura E. Ellsworth (vice chair), Ronald G. Henry (vice chair), Sen. Richard Alloway II, Rep. Matthew E. Baker, Jennifer G. Branstetter, Marie Conley, Governor Tom Corbett, Sara J. Dickson, Carolyn C. Dumaresq, Christopher H. Franklin, Rep. Michael K. Hanna, Jonathan B. Mack, David M. Maser, Joseph F. McGinn, Robert S. Taylor, Aaron A. Walton, Sen. John T. Yudichak

Millersville University Council of Trustees Michael G. Warfel ’84 (chairman), Robert A. Frick ’66, ’69M (vice chairman), Gerald S. Robinson, Esq. (inter-im secretary), James P. Argires, Gibson E. Armstrong, Richard L. Frerichs ’64, Kevin F. Harley ’86, William B. McIlwaine, Olayinka R. Osibodu (student), Brian A. Rider ’87, Ann S. Womble, President John M. Anderson, ex officio, Chancellor Frank Brogan, ex officio.

Millersville University Foundation Board David Thompson ’09P (president), Jan L. Graybill ’80 (vice president), Tamara Willis ’99 (secretary), Barry E. Miller ’77 (treasurer), Daniel Biemesderfer ’71, Beverly Hacker Breniser ’69, ’73M, Judith Carter ’60, ’76M, Ximena Catepillan, Benjamin Del Tito ’77, Kenneth DeLucca, Steven J. Fellin ’87, CFA, Robert A. Frick ’66, ’69M, Richard A. Glenn, Sarah M. Holland ’15 (stu-dent), Anne Jackson ’78, Darryl L. Landis ’85, M.D., Eric Liddell ’71, F. Perry Love ’58, Elizabeth Martin, William B. McIlwaine, Robert Patterson, Gerald Robinson, Benjamin Daniel Yoder ’15 (student).

Millersville University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution.

Review onlineExperience the digital edition of the Review at:

22 Campus News 26 Sports 34 Alumni Interest 37 Class Notes 47 Why I Give

table of contentsInauguration of 14th president

Dr. John M. Anderson was inaugurated on October 25, 2013. Amidst the ceremony and events, he credited the American dream of public higher education for his success.

Getting to know Vivien AndersonMeet Millersville’s new “First Lady,” who is an educator herself, and find out how she likes living in Millersville.

Sugar BowlServing burgers, fries and their famous strombolis, the Sugar Bowl and the family behind it has deep Millersville roots.

Veterans: those who serveMillersville students, alumni, faculty and staff have answered the call to defend our nation and protect our freedom since the Civil War. 14





Reality TVTwo Millersville alumni pursue their passion—one for golf and one for cooking—all on national reality TV shows.

Table of Contents Winter 2014 3

Cultural events A four-page insert, highlighting events from February through May, is located in the back of this issue.


Inauguration Dr. John M. Anderson

4 Review Winter 2014

M illersville University’s campus is always a hub of activity during Homecoming weekend. This year’s Homecoming was even busier as it marked the formal installation of Dr. John M.

Anderson as the 14th president of Millersville University on October 25, 2013.

The academic inauguration ceremony involves delegates representing other academic institutions, faculty and staff, students, dignitaries from government and industry, and members from University groups such as the Council of Trustees and the alumni association.

More than 500 people were in attendance at Pucillo Gymnasium as Frank T. Brogan, the new chancellor of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Edcation (PASSHE) presided over the investiture ceremony.

Entertainment was provided by several student musi-cal groups, including the Millersville University Orchestra, Gospel Choir, Men’s Glee Club, Wind Ensemble and Choir. Among those who gave remarks were Pennsylvania Senator Lloyd Smucker, Lancaster Mayor Richard Gray, Millersville Borough Mayor Richard Moriarty ’72 and Patricia Kennedy,

CEO of Springbrook, Inc. Springbrook is a nonprofit organi-zation that supports children and adults with developmental disabilities in New York state. Anderson has been active in the organization for almost 10 years as a board member.

Greetings were also offered by Thomas Baldrige, presi-dent, Lancaster County Chamber of Commerce & Industry; Lori Dierolf ’91, president, Millersville University Alumni Association; Robert Laskowski ’74, president, Millersville University Foundation; Dr. Ana Borger-Greco, president, Millersville’s Faculty Senate; Justin Miller ’15, president of the Student Senate; and Dr. Greg Weisenstein, president of West Chester University.

A longtime friend and colleague of Anderson, Dr. Muriel

Sustaining the American Dream: The Legacy & Promise

of Public Higher Education

Review Winter 2014 5

Previous page: Faculty procession. Below: Dr. Muriel Howard delivered the keynote speech at the inauguration; Patricia Kennedy of Springbrook, Inc., was one of the speakers; alumni board member Sandra Brown ’76 and faculty members Drs. Tracey Weis and Theresa Russell-Loretz; ROTC cadet and student Tori Gardner delivered a “moment of reflection.”

A few platform party members ( l to r) Michael Warfel ’84, chair of Millersville’s Council of Trustees, PASSHE Chancellor Frank Brogan and President Anderson.

A. Howard, president of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, delivered the keynote speech.

Howard’s remarks set the tone for Anderson’s speech. She said, “The American economy is entirely dependent upon an educated workforce, but when times are tough, higher educa-tion funding is frequently and often deeply cut by many millions of dollars.”

The theme of President Anderson’s inaugural was “Sus-taining the American Dream: The Legacy & Promise of Public Higher Education.”

In his address, Anderson spoke about a public university’s role in preserving the American dream—and the very per-sonal role it has played in his life.

He referred to himself as “the poster child for public higher education…the first generation in my family to attend college... As much as they wanted to, our parents were not in the position to assist us. I attended a community col-lege while working two part-time jobs... If it wasn’t for the

President’s Leadership ForumPreceding the inauguration ceremony, a leadership

forum was held for the community. “Preparing the Next Generation for Decent Work and Decent Lives” panelists included:

Sandra Brown ’76, retired from the School District of Lancaster; Susan Connolly Eckert, former president of the Lancaster County United Way and principal in The Eckert Group;

Dr. C. McCollister Evarts, the former vice president for Health Affairs and CEO of University of Rochester Medical Center and CEO of The Milton S. Hershey Medical Center; Patricia Haverstick, entrepreneur, Nonprofit, Lemon Street Market; and William Reuter, CEO, Susquehanna Bancshares Inc.

The moderator was Dr. Tracey Weis, associate pro-fessor of history and director of Women’s Studies at Millersville University.

Lancaster county normaL schooL 1. John F. Stoddard (1825-1873)• Principal1855-1856.• Authorednumeroustextbooks,primarilyonmathematics,andaneducationalentrepreneur.

• FoundedtheSusquehannaCompanyNormalSchoolandattemptedtorevivetheUniversityofWesternPennsylvania.

miLLersviLLe state normaL schooL2. James P. Wickersham (1825-1891)• Principal1856-1866.• Pioneerinteachereducation.• EstablishedthefirststateNormalSchoolinPennsylvania.

3. Edward Brooks (1831-1912)• Principal1866-1883.• Oneoftheoriginalfacultymemberswhenthenormalschoolopened.

6 Review Winter 2014

Millersville has the distinction of being the first Normal School in Pennsylvania.

Since 1855, the institution has been led by 14 presidents (or principals) and has

had five different names.

Millersville University


Millersville students were part of the inauguration.

Millersville’s American Dream ScholarshipIn recognition of President Anderson’s inauguration, a new scholarship has been established to further the promise and foundation of the American dream. Thus far, 14 donors have committed more than $61,000 in pledges and cash. Additional contributions are welcome.

The scholarship is intended for a Millersville student of academic promise who demonstrates financial need and is the first generation in their family to attend college.

high-quality education I received at public institutions of higher education, I would not be here today…it is that simple.”

Anderson holds a Ph.D. in education from Cornell Univer-sity, an M.A. in physics from SUNY Geneseo, a B.A. in phys-ics from SUNY Brockport, and an A.S. in math and science from Westchester Community College.

He stressed the impact of higher education on the Ameri-can dream and way of life. The GI Bill, he noted, “gave 10 mil-lion veterans a meaningful opportunity to have access to a college education and home ownership for the first time...[it] transformed the American economic and social landscape and was a key element in the expansion of a broader and more educated middle class. It was a bold vision and bold commitment that emphasized the social good rather than individual entitlements.”

According to Anderson, a bold vision and accompanying commitment to higher education is needed again. Anderson cited a Wall Street Journal article authored by Robert M.

Gates, former secretary of defense who is now the chancel-lor at the College of William & Mary, and David L. Boren, a former governor and U.S. senator who is president of the University of Oklahoma. They wrote, “Programs for the elderly now consume more than half of all federal spending and are politically untouchable. But there is no similar resis-tance to cutting support for higher education.” Such policies are sacrificing the future of our young people.

Anderson’s vision for Millersville University starts with advocacy and action and includes the continuation of its civic engagement activities, a learner-focused philosophy, and a new, bold trail in its management structure, delivery system, student market and labor-management relations.

In closing, Anderson said, “An inauguration celebrates the University, not merely a president. Its focus is on our stu-dents; their education, growth, development, awareness and their ability to find purpose and to make a difference; to live and breathe—each in their own, unique way—the promise of the American dream.”

1 2 3 4 5 6

• Broughtanationalreputationtotheschoolthroughhiswritings,lecturesandactivityineducationalorganizations.

4. Benjamin F. Shaub (1841-1913)• Principal1883-1887;MillersvilleClassof1869.• SuperintendentofLancasterCounty.• BecameapartnerintheLancasterCarpetCompany.

5. Eliphalet O. Lyte (1842-1913) • Principal1887-1912;MillersvilleClassof1868.• Joinedfacultyin1868.• CreditedforthefirstbuildingboomatMillersville,

he designed and directed the construction oftheScienceBuilding(sinceremoved),theLibrary(currentlyBiemesderferCenter)andtheGymnasium(nowDutcherHall).AlsooversawtheconstructionoftheModelSchool,whichisnowCharlesandMaryHashBuilding.

• ServedintheCivilWar.• Pennedthesong“Row,Row,RowYourBoat.”6. Peter M. Harbold (1873-1956)• Principal1912-1918;MillersvilleClassof1895.• Professorofhistoryforashorttime.• HeadedtheModelSchoolstartingin1901.• BecamesuperintendentofLancasterCountyschoolsin1911,returnedtoMillersvilleayearlatertoserveasprincipal.

miLLersviLLe state normaL schooL and miLLersviLLe state teacher’s coLLege7. Charles H. Gordinier (1867-1962)• Principal/President1918-1929.• JoinedMillersvillein1911asprofessorofclassicallanguages.

• MillersvilleStateNormalSchoolbecameastateteacher’scollegein1927.

miLLersviLLe state teacher’s coLLege8. Landis Tanger (1875-1956)• President1929-1943;MillersvilleClassof1898.• PresidedoverheroicattemptstosavetheUniversityandotherschoolsfrombeingclosedduringtheGreatDepressionandtheearlyyearsofWorldWarII.

• Afterretirementin1943,continuedtobeanactivememberintheschoolcommunity.

miLLersviLLe state teacher’s coLLege and miLLersviLLe state coLLege

9. D. Luke Biemesderfer (1894-1989) • President1943-1965;MillersvilleClassof1917.• Oversawtheadditionofliberalartsandgraduatestudiestothecurriculum.

• ManagedcollegethroughthestudentshortageofWorldWarII,thestudentsurplusofthepost-waryearsandthedecliningenrollmentsandstateappropriationsinthe1950s.

miLLersviLLe state coLLege10. Robert A. Christie (1923-1970) • President1965-1968.• Promotedliberalartsthroughouthispresidency.• Oversawthedevelopmentoftheeastcampus.11. William H. Duncan (1918-2013)• President1968-1981;MillersvilleClassof1940.• BecameasocialstudiesteacherbeforeholdingadministrativepositionsatMillersvillesuchasdirectorofadmissions,registrar,actingdeanofinstructionanddeanofstudents.

• Managedthecontinuingbuildingboomofthe1960sandearly1970s,thedeclineofstateappropriationsinthe1970s,thechangeofemphasisfromteachertrainingtoliberalarts andrapidlyincreasingenrollments.

miLLersviLLe state coLLege and miLLersviLLe university

12. Joseph A. Caputo • President1981-2003.• Enrollmentincreasedbynearly1,400students,expandedacademicprogramsincludingthecreationofanHonorsCollege,master’sdegreesandminorsinareassuchasAfrican-Americanstudiesandwomen’sstudies.

• Millersvillebecameauniversityin1983.• EstablishedtheLancasterPartnershipProgramandtheUniversity’sadvancementoffice;improvedfacilities including the science and technology buildings,McColloughCommunicationsComplexandtheStudentMemorialCenter.

miLLersviLLe university13. Francine G. McNairy • President2003-2013.• ServedasMillersville’sprovost1994-2003.• Championedanincreaseinthediversityofthefaculty,staffandstudentbody;University’scommitmenttocivicengagement.

• LedtheUniversity’ssuccessful$88million SoartoGreatnesscapitalcampaign.

Review Winter 2014 7

Millersville’s Gospel Choir was one of the student musical groups that performed; Caroline M. Hoffer, Esq. ’77 was a member of the platform party; Millersville’s ROTC Color Guard were part of the ceremony.

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

8 Review Winter 2014

Getting to KnowVivien Anderson

ith a contagious smile and a twinkle in her eye, First Lady Vivien Anderson welcomes the president’s guests. Whether in their

home, at a sporting event, in her husband’s office, or attending donor and alumni events, Mrs. Anderson graciously greets everyone she meets.

She’s certainly had ample opportunity to do so since her arrival on campus last spring. The First Lady has extended hospitality to numerous organizations, committees, students, donors and guests at Tanger House, attended scores of events both on campus and in the community, and occasionally represented the president when his duties precluded his attendance on important occasions. Vivien’s easygoing manner puts visitors at ease. Perhaps it is this gift to make people feel comfortable that makes Vivien Anderson a success as First Lady of the campus. Or perhaps it is because she takes a genuine interest in the people and events in her new hometown.

“The best thing about being the president’s wife is the opportunity to meet so many people. This is such a welcom-ing community—everyone has made us feel right at home. It’s a comfortable community in which to live.” Being the president’s wife also means that Vivien is invited to events she might not have had the opportunity to attend if it wasn’t for her husband’s position at the University. Her calendar is filled with entries for lectures, concerts, films and theater productions, many of which are on campus but

quite a few are held elsewhere in the community. “I was pleasantly surprised at all the things going on downtown in Lancaster—between the Ware Center, Fulton Opera House, Central Market and a multitude of restaurants, there is plenty to see and do...and eat,” she laughs. “Everyone keeps recommending places to go, and since we don’t have much free time together, we’re getting a long list of restaurants to visit. I explore on my own and then report back to John on where we need to go.”

In addition to supporting her husband in his presidency, Vivien has a busy schedule of her own. She had barely settled in when she was contacted to serve on the Ware & Winter Center Advisory Council and the board of direc-tors for Fulton Theatre. Vivien readily agreed to both. After all, volunteering in the arts runs in the family. Vivien’s mother was a volunteer coordinator at a museum in Rochester and a docent at the Memorial Art Gallery, also in Rochester.

And Vivien is no stranger to aca-demia. In addition to John’s career in higher education, Vivien’s father was a college English professor.

by Janet Kacskos with Deb Herlocker

Emma waits to greet guests.

Above, left to right: Carolyn Anderson, Katie Anderson, Jordan Estey, John and Vivien Anderson, Barb Brenner, Shelly Anderson, Gene Gerber and Janice Anderson Morelock.W

Review Winter 2014 9

Moreover, Vivien herself taught in public schools for 18 years. “I taught fourth grade for many years, then a variety of computer courses, including online research. I enjoyed that assignment because every student loved to be in the computer lab, and I had the freedom to design and implement my own curriculum.”

Having spent so many years in and around the hallowed halls of learning, what is it like to live on a university cam-pus? Before Millersville, Vivien and her husband lived on the edge of the Alfred State campus while John was president there. “It really wasn’t that different. It’s a very rural area there, and it was always uphill or downhill. I enjoy the flat terrain here. Living in the middle of Millersville’s campus is different, but we’ve adapted very well. The students are considerate of us, and I love watching the students go by—it’s very pleasant.”

Vivien notes that there are advan-tages to living in a community. “One big difference is that at Alfred you had to travel 10 miles in either direc-tion to get groceries and go shopping; things are much closer here. Emma [the family dog] and I take walks through Millersville Borough every day.” Sometimes Vivien and Emma stray from their normal course and check out the small businesses to see what they can buy locally. Both Vivien and John are proponents of supporting the community in which they live. “I found Billy Jean’s, and that’s where I get my hair cut; John can walk or bike to his barber.” Vivien shops at John Herr’s and has her car serviced in Millersville.

When asked about her family, Vivien’s naturally animated face lights up. “Watching and listening to the rugby games near Tanger House reminds me of the days watching our two daughters. They swam, played volleyball, softball and competed in indoor track.” There’s only a three-year age dif-ference between the girls, so keeping up with them in high school was sometimes challenging for the Andersons. Both girls are now adults and on their own.

“I wish they were closer to us—one is in Albany and one is in San Diego.” Shelly in California is a photographer; she

works for another photographer, while growing her own business. Katie works in public administration in New York.

In addition to her daughters, Vivien is close to her mother, Eugenia “Gene” Gerber, and two brothers, Gaylen and Glenn. “My mother has moved to Lancaster County. When John took the job at Millersville, he encouraged her to follow us, and she bought a home in Springdale Farms. It’s nice to have her nearby.” Vivien’s oldest brother, Gaylen, is on the faculty of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. “He’s a very successful artist who shows his conceptual artwork nation-ally and internationally.” Her younger brother, Dr. Glenn Gerber, is a researcher with the San Diego Zoo.

Then, of course, there’s the baby of the family—Emma. “Emma is our answer to the empty nest syndrome,” grins Vivien.

A confirmed cat lover, she was persuaded by John to get a dog. “We always had cats, but John wanted a dog. I always said no because we were both working full-time, and I knew who would have most of the responsibility for feeding, walk-ing and going to the vet. But, when our cats passed away at

age 20 and our children were out of the house, I caved in. Four and a half years ago we brought Emma, a golden doodle, home. We’ve never been happier. She’s our spoiled little girl.”

When asked to describe a typical day in the life of the First Family, Vivien shares that there is no such thing. “I try to have breakfast and coffee with John. It’s our quiet time to discuss the day and plan where we’ll meet again that day. Sometimes we can do lunch, but often it’s a dinner engage-ment or an event at Tanger House.” Regardless of the venue, you will often find Vivien Anderson at her husband’s side, quietly, competently and enthusiastically going about the business of being Millersville University’s First Lady.

Vivien and John Anderson with their daughters Katie and Shelly.

Tanger House is home to the Andersons.

by Laura Knowles

T o think of all the tests that were crammed for, essays that were writ-

ten over an order of French fries, strombolis that were shared by friends, sports vic-tories that were heralded, defeats that were soothed, romances that bloomed, pro-posals that were accepted, anniversaries that were cel-ebrated, pizzas that were de-voured...well, it’s all rather sweet.

And when the place is called the Sugar Bowl, there has been no sweeter tradition for Millersville University students throughout the decades.

Oddly enough, the Sugar Bowl is not

known for anything sugary. The menu is classic pizza shop fare, like pizzas, stromboli, subs, burgers and fries. Not a slice of chocolate cake or wedge of cherry pie to be found.

Way, way back, when the Sugar Bowl was in its earliest days, it was indeed a sweet shop. The small grocery store at the corner of North George Street and Normal Avenue sold ice cream and sweets, earning the name of the Sugar Bowl.

Then in 1949 the shop was rented by Morris R. Rylee, known as Pat, and his wife Edith. The owner was Dr. Reese of Millersville, who died several years later. The property was purchased by Engle-Hambright & Davies and, shortly after, it was purchased by the Rylees, who began a longtime dining legacy for Millersville students.

“I can’t imagine that hardly any Millersville students didn’t eat at the

Sugar Bowl, at least once in a while,” says Morris Rylee, son of Pat and Edith Rylee, who are both deceased. “Many of them ate here all the time.”

Morris Rylee, 79, of Millersville, grew up at the Sugar Bowl, the oldest of three Rylee sons. The younger sons are Bill Rylee, 75, of Reno, Nev., and John Rylee, 71, of Wetumpka, Ala. Just last July, the family held a memorial service in Millersville for their father, Pat Rylee, who died in March 2013 at the age of 101. Edith, his beloved wife and partner in the Sugar Bowl, died in 1988.

When the Rylee boys were young, they spent much of their time at the family restaurant. Morris Rylee recalls working at the Sugar Bowl when he was in sixth, seventh and eighth grades. He bussed tables, cleaned up, worked the register and served food.

“That was part of being a Rylee,”

THE SUGAR BOWLTHE SUGAR BOWLTHE SUGAR BOWLA Taste of Millersville Through the Years






In 1949, the Sugar Bowl came under the operation of Pat and Edith Rylee.

by Laura Knowles

Review Winter 2014 11

says Bill Rylee, who remem-bers washing a lot of dishes and taking the trash out at the Sugar Bowl from the time he was 12 or 13.

Little brother John Rylee had much the same experi-ence, clearing tables and running the dishwasher with his parents and brothers. The Sugar Bowl was like a second home.

In the early days, there were no “world famous” strombo-lis. That would come later. The menu was traditional fare, such as cheeseburgers for 30 cents, hot dogs for 20 cents, chicken salad sandwiches for 35 cents, egg and olive salad sandwiches for 25 cents, ice cream sundaes for 30 cents and milkshakes for 15 cents. There was breakfast with eggs, bacon and toast for 65 cents. And the most expen-sive thing on the menu was the seafood platter for $1.

Back then middle-schoolers were allowed to leave the school grounds when they got off their school buses in the morning and then again over their lunch period. More than a few preteen romances got started at the Sugar Bowl over an ice cream soda, just as college students courted each other at the popu-lar hangout.

In 1956, Pat Rylee built the Sugar Bowl on the corner of Normal Avenue and High School Avenue, which replaced a barn occupied by tinsmith Chummy Reese. Warren Myers was the contractor for the new Sugar Bowl, site of the cur-rent Sugar Bowl.

When the new Sugar Bowl was ready for business, Pat and Edie Rylee ran the new restaurant, while their son Morris ran the older one for a year, until he went

into the Army. Two Sugar Bowls was one too many, so Pat rented out the old Sugar Bowl to John and Mary Herr, who established a beauty parlor.

“My grandparents ran the Sugar Bowl until they retired in 1962,” adds Janet Borghi, daughter of Bill Rylee.

Still fit and active, the Rylees set off for their golden years in Florida, retir-ing to St. Petersburg. Pat Rylee was 76 when he was featured in a 1988 cover story in Time magazine for his spirit and energy as a player on several softball teams, including the famous Kids-Kubs team. The story was titled “Grays on the Go,” and Rylee was indeed on the go. He continued to play softball until he was 95 years old. He decided to hang up his glove before he moved to Montgomery, Ala., to be with his youngest son, John.

The entire Rylee family has been intertwined with the Sugar Bowl and Millersville University. Morris Rylee attended Millersville for three years, majoring in elementary education and special education, until the restaurant business beckoned and he returned to a life of burgers and fries. His wife Barbara grew up on George Street and worked at the Sugar Bowl after they married.

Bill Rylee worked at the Sugar Bowl

At today’s Sugar Bowl—manning

the counter.

The Sugar Bowl is still a favorite

hangout for Millersville


Traditional fare

Cheeseburgers . . . . . . . . . . . . 30¢

Hot dogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20¢

Chicken salad sandwiches . 35¢

Egg & olive sandwich . . . . . 25¢

Ice cream sundaes . . . . . . . . . 30¢

Milkshakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15¢


Eggs, bacon and toast . . . . . 65¢


Seafood platter . . . . . . . . . . . . $1

12 Review Winter 2014

THE SUGAR BOWLTHE SUGAR BOWLTHE SUGAR BOWLA Taste of Millersville Through the Years






before graduating from high school, then working for Donnelley Printing, which relocated him to Nevada. John Rylee graduated from Millersville in 1969, with an education degree, taught for a while and joined the Air Force. He worked in educa-tion and training for the Air Force’s Missile Launch Crew and ended up in Alabama.

All of the grandchildren, including Debbie Mease, Craig Rylee, Barbara Rylee, Janet Borghi, Jeanne Reist, Wendy Lane, Dawn Winkler, Jennifer Croyle and Amy Lambert, were connected to the Sugar Bowl or Millersville, or both.

“I was born and raised in Millersville and played hooky from school when I was a kid at the Sugar Bowl,” jokes Mease. It was the first her mother had heard of it. Mease worked at Millersville University for 29 years as a custodian.

Borghi and her husband Guy are both Millersville University alumni, and Sugar Bowl fans. Borghi graduated in 1982 with a degree in elemen-tary education and teaches ESL for the School District of Lancaster. Her husband graduated in 1978 with a degree in industrial arts, then earned his master’s degree in industrial arts in 1983. He retired from McCaskey High School, where he taught in the building trades program, a mini-vocational school.

The Borghis spent many a day at her grandparents’ restaurant, enjoy-ing cheesesteaks and fries and conversation. Their daughter, Angela ’11, majored in elementary education and works for a cyber school.

“When I was a student at Millersville, I liked to go into the Sugar Bowl with friends,” says Angela Borghi. “It meant a lot to me that this

A family business through-and-through—generations of Rylees have worked at the Sugar Bowl over the years.

Sugar Bowl

Old time prices

Current owners of the Sugar Bowl, Asimina

and Michael Karpouzis

THE SUGAR BOWLTHE SUGAR BOWLTHE SUGAR BOWLA Taste of Millersville Through the Years






Review Winter 2014 13

was once my grandparents’ place.”Other great-grandchildren include

Mindy Phillips, Andrew Ha, Julia Capone, Lisa Borghi, Daniel Reist, Aaron Reist, Hannah Reist, Timothy Reist, Nicholas Lane, Catherine Lane, Jacob Winkler, James Winkler, Jack Croyle, Gracie Croyle, Avery Lambert, Blake Lambert and Anna Lambert. Lisa Borghi and Andrew Ha are both Millersville students. Then there are great-great-grandchildren Rylee and Isaiah Reist.

After the Rylees sold the Sugar Bowl, the next owner was Ed Bright and his son John. Ed Bright owned a diner in Ephrata on State St., while John is the owner of Bright’s Drive-In on Route 272 in Ephrata, known for its “broasted” chicken.

George Ruhl owned the Sugar Bowl for a time, followed by George Brenner,

who had a 10-year stint as owner from around 1965 to 1975.

The next owner was Nick Grigoria-des ’76, who bought the Sugar Bowl in 1978, two years after he graduated from Millersville with a degree in phys-ics. His wife, Ruth Dommel ’71, earned her degree in sociology. Today, Grigo-riades owns the Symposium restau-rant on Centerville Road, Lancaster, where the menu features many Greek specialties such as avgolemono lemony chicken soup, spanakopita spinach and feta tarts, fried calamari, tapas and eggplant moussaka.

It is Grigoriades who is credited with the creation of one of the Sugar Bowl’s biggest attractions—the stromboli. A perennial campus favorite, the strom-boli is a blend of meats, cheeses and vegetables all wrapped up in home-made pizza dough.

Some say it is the best stromboli around, and few can argue. With its thin crust and tasty fillings, it is the perfect all-nighter fare or after-the-big-game celebration cuisine.

When Grigoriades sold the Sugar Bowl in 1985, the new owner became Michael Karpouzis, who shared his Greek ancestry and passion for satisfying the cravings of Millersville students.

Karpouzis realizes that he is car-rying on a tradition started by the Rylees. From high school seniors tak-ing a college tour to hungry university students, professors and employees, the Sugar Bowl has made its mark on campus life.

“I can’t tell you how many Millers-ville alumni come into the Sugar Bowl to share their memories,” says Kar-pouzis. “And a stromboli, too!”

The Sugar Bowl stromboli remains a well-loved favorite of students and alumni.

IN the 1950s, the Sugar Bowl was the favorite spot for students to enjoy a burger and shake and play the juke box or pinball while they waited.

14 Review Winter 2014

Millersville’s Veterans

At his inauguration as presi-dent of Millersville Univer-sity, John Anderson spoke

on the theme of “Sustaining the Ameri-can Dream,” with higher education as the key to success. Countless Millers-ville alumni and faculty have strived to achieve that goal, forging their own version of what Anderson spoke of.

And many have worked to defend it, serving our country in war or on overseas duty or in some cases, on the home front, helping returning veterans adjust to civilian life. Millersville itself has been a proven training ground for future military leaders.

Anderson said, “Millersville Univer-sity believes that our country and its public universities owe a great debt to our veterans, active duty person-nel and reservists for their sacrifice and selfless service to the country. We are proud that Millersville University serves as an ROTC host campus.”

Richard Bertz ’48, Dr. William McIl-waine, professor emeritus and member of the Millersville University Council of Trustees, and Major Gema Robles ’03 are just three examples of people who have served. None of them think of themselves as extraordinary; their circumstances were.

Bertz and McIlwaine fought in the Battle of the Bulge, the winter 1944-45 campaign that almost turned the tide against Allied forces in favor of Germany in the closing days of World War II. Robles, a star basketball player

and ROTC graduate, served as an aviator with a helicopter task force in Afghanistan.

Millersville helped shape them, either before or after military service, as did their duty in upholding that American dream. It was one that was seriously threatened in the dark days of World War II, and an experience that Bertz, now age 91, will never forget.

His memories are as fresh as if the war was yesterday.

Before he was drafted in 1942, Bertz had a dream: to be a pilot for the United States Army Air Forces, now known as the United States Air Force. But Bertz, a Chester County native who loved airplanes and had even worked on an airplane prototype, was colorblind. That meant no flying for him.

Instead, Bertz was sent to join the 94th Infantry Division of the United States Army. In the summer of 1944, he sailed for Europe on the liner Queen Elizabeth, which had been converted to a troop transport for the duration.

Even before Bertz saw combat, he faced adversaries after landing. One was a rope ladder, which he had to scramble down in order to board a Higgins boat, one of those big, boxy carriers that took troops ashore.

“That scared the crap out of me,” Bertz admitted.

He also recalled crossing over the sands of Utah Beach in Normandy,

France. It was one of the staging grounds of the D-Day invasion, which had happened not long before Bertz had arrived. There were markers every-where that read “mine, mine, mine,” which made for a memorable walk.

It was a small taste of what was to come. By winter, Bertz and the 94th were deep into Germany, preparing to

Above: During World War II, Richard Bertz ’48 fought with the U.S. Army in Europe.Top left: American troops faced unrelenting fighting and frigid weather at the Battle of the Bulge.


SERVEby Stephen Kopfinger ’85


Review Winter 2014 15

take the town of Orscholz. It was in a strategic area known as the Saar-Moselle Triangle near the border with Luxembourg. Bertz had already seen enemy soldiers, when he and his com-rades were put in charge of guarding 25,000 Germans in the French city of Lorient.

But Orscholz would be different. This was the time of the Battle of the Bulge. The German offensive took American troops by surprise. The U.S. soldiers’ supplies were low, and they were not equipped with the gear to combat the frigid temperatures and snowstorms.

Firepower erupted. “I kept waiting for them to call ‘retreat, retreat.’ They never did,” said Bertz.

“All hell let loose. As soon as you stopped, you sweated and it got cold, cold, cold.” And there were mines, which were invisible in the snow.

Bertz was told to withdraw into the woods. There, alone, he faced some-thing almost as deadly as the Germans: the weather.

“It was the worst winter in 50 years,” he recalled.

Bertz spotted a stopped tank.“I knew they had Bunsen burners in

there,” Bertz said. “I asked ‘Can I get in there?’ and they said no.”

Fortunately Bertz had Eagle Scout training, which had instructed him to never go to sleep in the cold. “That was the one thing that saved my life,” he said. A sergeant appeared on the scene; Bertz stayed awake through the night and the sergeant curled up in the treads of the tank and went to sleep.

“He froze to death,” Bertz said. The 94th had come under the com-

mand of the legendary general George S. Patton, who had organized the famed “Red Ball Express” truck convoy to supply American troops. It was bearing down hard on the Germans, who were reeling from their loss at the Battle of the Bulge in January 1945.

“Patton was going so damned fast we couldn’t keep up,” Bertz recalled. He didn’t meet the great general per-sonally, but “I saw him twice. I saw his pearl-handled pistols.”

The war was winding down, but it wasn’t time for Bertz to go home yet. Occupation service in defeated Germany was followed by time spent in what was then Czechoslovakia. By then, it was almost Christmas 1945.

Eventually, Bertz found himself at the French port of Le Havre. There, he boarded the SS George Washington. Ironically, the old transport had once been a German liner. And after surviv-ing fire and frostbite, Bertz endured one last ordeal. The ship was slammed by an enormous storm.

“We were within six degrees of total capsize,” he remembered. “We had no radio.” The rudder failed as well.

The George Washington made it to New York, only to lean again when “all the guys went to the one side to see the statue,” meaning Lady Liberty.

Bertz was home. He married; he and his wife, Helen, who died in 2005, had two children. As with many returning GIs, Bertz went to college, graduating from Millersville.

“I liked Millersville,” Bertz said. “All of the professors were very good.”

His education led Bertz to become an industrial arts teacher at William Tennent High School in Bucks County. Today, Bertz lives in Feasterville.

Asked about the American dream, Bertz said, “I was born during the Depression. Just keep trying for it…you can reach it.”

Dr. William McIlwaine shares simi-lar memories with Bertz. The former Millersville professor who taught chemistry, geology and physical sci-ence, McIlwaine, now age 90, vividly remembers his time in the frozen hell that was the Battle of the Bulge.

“The weather was terrible, with ice and snow,” said McIlwaine. “Tanks were frozen to the ground.”

McIlwaine served with the 80th Infantry Division, United States Army. Among their duties was to contain a crossroads of the battle, a place McIlwaine called “a stem area” that branched out from the battle site but was no less important as a place to be taken and held. The idea, McIlwaine said, was to stop the Germans from going in.

“By the grace of God I’m here,” said McIlwaine. “We were in that cross-roads 10 days.”

McIlwaine remembers that the enemy shelled at night. “On the night before Christmas in 1944, they almost got us,” he said.

The Battle of the Bulge raged for almost six weeks. In the end, it would rank as the largest and bloodiest land battle fought by U.S. forces in World War II, involving 600,000 American troops with 81,000 casualties. An esti-mated 100,000 Germans were killed, wounded or captured.

McIlwaine’s outlook on his wartime experiences is a simple one.

“I learned when I was in the war that there were things that had to be done.”

One of those things was something McIlwaine will never forget.

“We liberated Ebensee, in Aus-tria,” he said. The place was a labor camp, where the Nazi regime worked thousands to death in order to provide slave labor to build storage tunnels for armaments. The 80th liberated the

Bill McIlwaine saw action at the Battle

of the Bulge.

camp in May 1945.“You’d never believe one

human being would do that to another,” McIlwaine said of the horrific conditions the Ameri-cans found.

McIlwaine also remembers the pathetic last days of the Third Reich, in which a desper-ate Adolf Hitler ordered young boys to take up arms to defend Germany. American soldiers had to mix pity with caution when encountering these child warriors.

“If they were retreating, we didn’t fire on them,” McIlwaine

said. If they did fire back, it was another matter.

Despite the horrors, McIlwaine found unlikely inspi-ration in the leader Richard Bertz had seen: General Patton.

“I saw him when he came [among] the troops,” McIlwaine said, remembering the general as “friendly,” but if he saw something he didn’t like, he was quick to let his opinion be known. He came to learn of another side of Patton.

“People think of him as ‘Old Blood and Guts’ [Patton’s nickname]. But

he was a very spiritual man,” McIl-waine said. He remembers to this day something called “Patton’s Prayer,” in which the general, bogged down in a rain-soaked France in December 1944, appealed to military chaplains to compose a prayer that would grant fair weather for battle.

“He said ‘chaplains, we are not going to win this battle militarily.’ He told them to write a prayer. A day and a half later, the skies opened up and we got our airpower in. That had an influence on us,” McIlwaine said.

Though he doesn’t consider himself a particularly religious man, McIlwaine remains touched by that spiritual side of the formidable Patton. It resonates to this day, and it influenced his aca-demic career.

Upon his return to home shores, McIlwaine received his bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees from Boston University. He taught biology, chemistry and general sciences at the high school level before joining the faculty at Millersville, where McIl-waine became the first department chair for the Department of Earth and Space Science, chair of the Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education and professor emeritus of science.

In all of his years of teaching, McIlwaine kept one thing in mind. “I thought of all of those kids who could not be in the classroom,” he said, thinking of fallen comrades. Remem-bering how Patton himself had doubts, he advises young people “don’t be afraid to fail” in shaping one’s life.

Bertz and McIlwaine lived to see America fight again in wars in Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, Iraq and Afghanistan. It was the latter con-flict—America’s longest war—where Gema Robles took skills she honed on

the basketball court and Millersville’s ROTC program.

“Being in a team environment, you have to learn to work with others,” said Robles, who made a formidable pres-ence on the Millersville boards. She tore up the courts with 420 steals and in 2011 was inducted into the Millers-ville University Athletic Hall of Fame.

But Robles’ ultimate proving ground was the battlefield in Afghanistan in 2007-08, serving as a captain with the Task Force Corsair.

“I flew missions often but my pri-mary job was to work at the tactical operations center. It was essentially managing current operations, launch-ing MEDEVAC crews, all other flight missions and doing lots of retasking of missions when things went wrong,” said Robles.

“I was definitely not on the front lines,” Robles stated with conviction.

She went on to explain that in the Army “you are always a pilot, but depending on your job that may or may not be your primary duty.”

Today, she is known as Major Gema Robles, United States Army.

“I am a Blackhawk instructor pilot. The Blackhawk, or UH-60, is a type of helicopter in the Army inventory,” said Robles. “However, I did not become

16 Review Winter 2014

Major Gema Robles is a helicopter pilot and Blackhawk instructor.

At Millersville, Robles was a member of the ROTC program and women’s basketball team.

an instructor pilot until after my deployment to Afghanistan.”

She did get to see the face of the enemy, however. Robles remem-bered a mission where some American soldiers were shot down. The helicopter she was in picked up their bodies. Then, shortly after, the helicopter was deployed to pick up “some bad guys. But that’s our mission.”

So it was with Bertz and McIl-waine. They did their job and came home. Robles remains on active duty in Argentina.

In the meantime, there’s a quote McIlwaine remembers, though he’s not sure who said it or where it came from:

“No one else could do what you do. Be who you are. Hold precious that is yours alone,” he said.

16 Review Winter 2014


Colonel of the United States Marine Corps, has high praise for the history and humani-ties programs at Millersville University.

“You get a sense of being part of something bigger,” he said. A history major, Wynn is sta-tioned in Kuwait but visits home when he can, dividing his time between his native Carlisle and New Jersey.

He was the only commis-sioned marine at his graduating ceremony in 1993. Wynn has since served in the Pacific, doing duty in Hawaii, Korea and “all over the world,” he said. Wynn has not forgotten his college roots.

“I had a great experience at Millersville. I mean that truly. The history department there was just superb,” said Wynn.

To many, history can be a dry subject. Not so for Wynn.

“It teaches you how to write, which is a critical skill,” he said.

Wynn has won accolades as a recognized scholar on the life of Theodore Roosevelt. He is also a collector of all things relating to the 26th president, including sheet music from the presidential family.

In 2009, Wynn was promoted to

the rank of Lieutenant Colonel on the steps of Sagamore Hill, Roos-evelt’s home in Oyster Bay, N.Y., and a National Historic Site. It was a special honor for him.

For those who seek to sustain that American dream, Wynn sug-gests everyone read two crucial documents that are the foundation of our nation—the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.

“We have an oath to defend it,” Wynn said.

Not all of the wounds of combat are visible. Some manifest themselves in

the mind, in the form of stress and night-mares. That’s when Danielle Farabaugh ’02 steps in to help.

A psychologist with the residential post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) pro-gram at Coatesville Veterans Administra-

tion Medical Center in Chester County, Farabaugh works with men and women whose “central nervous system is still on alert,” she said.

It’s not hard to fathom why. Iraq, Afghanistan, the Persian Gulf and Vietnam were not wars with traditional fronts. The enemy could be anywhere. When those who served came home, it could be hard for them to trust, or to feel safe.

“Avoidance is such a part of their disorder,” Farabaugh said. That can lead to self-medication, through alco-hol or other substances. The smallest thing, such as using an elevator, can trigger claustrophobic feelings. Other symptoms of PTSD can include “intru-sive thoughts, nightmares [and] in the worst cases, flashbacks… It depends on the trauma,” Farabaugh said.

The number of veterans needing care continues to rise. In fiscal year 2012, Coatesville VA provided health care to 1,263 veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. They also served 871 women veterans.

“Our first line of treatment is coun-seling,” said Farabaugh. “There is no magic pill or magic bullet.”

Farabaugh credits her Millersville education for choosing her path, in which she helps those who served to readjust.

“I did my undergraduate [studies] at Millersville. I had a lot of great profes-sors,” she said, “who encouraged me to go beyond the bachelor’s degree.” She is pursuing her doctorate work at La Salle University in Philadelphia.

Lt. Col. Greg Wynn, with his son, enjoys his visits home. He is stationed in Kuwait.

Danielle Farabaugh

Helping veterans after they return home

ROTC at MillersvilleMillersville University educates in more ways than one. It prepares

leaders in various fields, including those who serve the nation. It also reaches out to assist student veterans upon their return home.

The school’s Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) has been a fixture on the Millersville campus for decades. Millersville’s Army-based ROTC is a partnership school that is part of the Blue Mountain Battalion. Other participating schools in the program are Dickinson College, Carlisle, where Battalion headquarters are located, Penn State Harrisburg and Gettysburg College.

Currently, 37 cadets serve in the program. “I’m really impressed [by] their desire to serve their country,” said Major L. Craig Walker, assis-tant professor for military sciences at the school.

Walker can relate to the Millersville men and women who serve. “I’m an active duty soldier,” Walker said, noting service in Fort Hood

and Fort Bliss, both of which are in Texas. He also spent time in Oki-nawa, Japan, and was in Germany when the Berlin Wall came down.

He’s proud of his ROTC charges. “It’s a big move, so they have to come here with a certain level of

development,” Walker said. Plus, ROTC candidates are shouldering military responsibilities with a full class schedule. “Time management is very critical for them,” Walker said.

“ROTC is different than boot camp,” Walker summed up. “ROTC is trying to deliver leaders of soldiers. Everybody who comes here likes the idea of being in charge,” and that translates to a good kind of being in charge. Out of 30 or 40 candidates who start ROTC, maybe three or four commissions come out of that.

“It’s very competitive,” he said. “It takes self-discipline and a lot of drive.”

In addition to the ROTC program, Millersville established a campus center for the Student Veterans Association at Mercer House. There, student veterans can receive assistance in financial aid and educational benefit information through the Department of Veterans Affairs.

The center also provides a gathering place for our students, cadets and veterans to share experiences as well as quiet study space. In addition, Millersville University’s families of military personnel who are deployed or who are preparing for deployment can find support at the veterans center.

Recently, Millersville was recognized as a “Military Friendly School” by Victory Media, Inc., an organization which provides informa-tion to military personnel who are returning to civilian life.

In the fall an Army Chinook helicopter landed on campus to transport ROTC students to Indiantown Gap for a training weekend.

Review Winter 2014 19

On November 11, 2013, Veterans Day, approximately 500 guests attended the dedication ceremony for the Millersville Veterans Memorial in the Borough’s Freedom Memorial Park.

Men and women were honored for their current and past service to our country, including their bravery and patriotism. The dedication included several speakers, a 21-gun salute, color guard presentation, patriotic music and recog-nition of all branches of service. The ceremony was followed with a luncheon hosted by Oak Leaf Manor in Millersville.

The memorial includes flagpoles, benches, landscaping, military medallions, a brick courtyard, a stone wall and dedication plaques.

More than 600 individual donors, 20 businesses and 10 organizations as well as the Borough of Millersville have contributed funds towards the building and maintenance of the memorial.

Approximately 670 bricks have been purchased to honor current and past veterans and others, particularly those who have served as far back as the Civil War to the most recent Afghanistan conflict.

The memorial’s planning committee consisted of J. Philip Gerber ’67, ’80 and Steven DiGuiseppe ’82, co-chairs; Edward Arnold, Sue Bleacher, Andrew Boxleitner, Barbara Douglas, Kitty Glass ’53, Carl Kanaskie, Jack Miller, Charles Scharnberger and Lynette Trout.

Orders for engraved bricks will continue to be taken until the courtyard’s capacity of 2,000 bricks is reached. Engraved brick orders can be made by contacting Steve DiGuiseppe at Millersville University, 717-871-5627, or or Phil Gerber at All brick orders received after 10/1/13 and before 9/1/14 will not be installed in the memorial courtyard until Veterans Day 2014.

Millersville Veterans Memorial dedicated

Top, left: Attendees take photos of their loved one’s bricks. Top, right: Lt. General Dennis Benchoff, U.S. Army, retired, was one of the speakers at the dedication. Above: The Red Rose Veterans Honor Guard, representing all the armed services, proudly carry the flags.

20 Review Winter 2014

A dose of reality and a dash of fame have put two Millersville University alumni on paths brightened by a sense of self-discovery that ironically began in front of a camera with a huge lens.

Chad Schulze ’03 and Brianna Kozior ’12 were television stars—at least for brief moments—as contestants on two popular reality TV shows, the Golf Channel’s “Big Break” and Fox’s “Mas-terChef,” respectively.

Like the TV shows, their lives since have been unscripted.

Schulze competed on the Golf Chan-nel twice in the spring on “Big Break Mexico” and in November on “Big Break Puerto Rico,” where he competed among retired NFL players and others.

Schulze, a golf professional from Mt. Carmel, Pa., had watched the show and thought, “I can do that.”

In 2011, he applied multiple times online to become a contestant on “Big Break” but then turned down an offer to audition for the show.

“It wasn’t the right time,” said Schulze, who earned a degree in sociology and criminology. However,

the right time came a year later and Schulze applied again to be on the show. This time when the produc-ers called him to audition for “Big Break Mexico” in September 2012, he accepted.

Schulze, a self-proclaimed “funny guy” who is often the center of atten-tion, showed up for the audition at Shingle Creek Golf Resort in Orlando, Fla., wearing a clashing, 1970s retro golf outfit. He was an instant hit with producers.

“All I did was be myself,” Schulze said. “Everything I did they loved.”

Schulze’s golf career began after he transferred to Millersville from American University and joined the men’s golf team. During his college athletic career, he was a three-time Pennsylvania State Athletics Conference honoree who led the golf team to 13 championships and earned many other distinctions as an outstanding golfer. In 2012, he was inducted into the Millersville University Athletics Hall of Fame.

Schulze credits much of his success on and off the golf course to his coach, Scott Vandegrift.

“He was sort of a father to me and


Chad (at right) poses with a couple of his competitors in the “Big Break” reality show.

by Madelyn Pennino

taught me about golf and life,” Schulze said.

Filming for “Big Break Mexico” started in February 2013 with six men, including Schulze and six women bat-tling to win $50,000, prizes and a spot on a professional golf tour.

Schulze was the eighth contestant eliminated on “Big Break Mexico,” but he won a small sum of money by playing the “Last Break,” an online challenge where contestants compete to win money.

“It all was very exciting,” Schulze said. “It was a lot of fun.”

Professional golfer Chad Schulze (second from left) with fellow contes-tants on the Golf Channel’s “Big Break.”

Chad Schulze ’03

Review Winter 2014 21

But the pressure was enormous.“It was more stress than I ever expe-

rienced in my life. It was good and bad stress. In one sense I had shots I never hit before in my life,” Schulze said. “My rate of learning was so fast. It had to be or I would have gotten smoked.”

Kozior agreed with Schulze that you had to be at your absolute best while competing.

“The stress got to a lot of people,” Kozior said. “There were people pound-ing into your brain that this is life or death.”

Kozior lives in Astoria, N.Y., where she is a full-time cook and nanny and also has a catering business called Hashtag Kitchen. Her path to becom-ing a chef happened out of necessity.

“I had to teach myself how to cook because I became a vegetarian in col-lege,” she said. “If I hadn’t I would have only been eating canned vegetables and peanut butter and jelly at the din-ing hall.”

Kozior soon became obsessed with cooking for herself and her friends and took full advantage of her surroundings.

“Lancaster County is absolutely the best place on earth to learn how to cook, with the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables,” Kozior said. “People are very knowledgeable about food. I learned from other people and put it on a plate.”

Her culinary skills grew even broader as a Millersville student who studied abroad in Mexico, England, Germany and Australia.

“The best thing about living over-seas is that my closest friends were natives,” Kozior said. “We had pot luck dinners every night, and I learned how to make it all.”

As Kozior’s love for cooking flour-ished, people noticed, including a for-mer boyfriend’s mom, who insisted she apply to be on “MasterChef,” although she wasn’t really interested in being on a television show.

“I don’t have a TV,” confessed Kozior, who earned a degree in communication and theatre. “I don’t watch TV.”

But TV wanted Kozior.Shortly after applying to be on the

show in October 2012, she was invited to a “VIP” audition in New York City.

“I had 100 percent nothing to lose,” Kozior said.

She and Lucca Manfe were chosen out of their audition group to be on the show. Manfe ended up winning season four, but after several episodes, Kozior’s luck ran out.

In July, with only eight contestants remaining, Kozior was asked to turn in her apron during an éclair challenge. But instead of sending her home, pro-ducers asked Kozior to stay indefinitely for a press shoot.

A couple of weeks later and unbe-knownst to Kozior, her prolonged stay was for another chance to compete on “MasterChef” in a second set of audi-tions that included two challenges—cooking the perfect sunny-side-up egg and preparing a 30-pound Alaskan king salmon with side dishes for seven judges.

She easily won those challenges but soon after was eliminated during a “pressure test” to fry calamari at WP24, Wolfgang Puck’s restaurant in Los Angeles. However, Kozior has no regrets now or then.

“I was proud of myself and held my head up high,” Kozior said. “I was true to myself the whole time.”

Having that kind of self-focus is also what has kept Schulze true to himself in light of his brush with fame.

“You come back with stars in your head,” Schulze said. “You think you are a big shot for a while. But then you realize it’s only a show.”

It may be only a show, but reality TV is hugely popular with millions of people tuning to episodes depicting people’s lives—despite how sensa-tional they are.

Why viewers are so enticed by real-ity TV is simply human nature, accord-ing to Dr. Bill Dorman, a Millersville communications professor.

“It’s one part voyeurism,” Dorman said. “The fact is, there is no reality on reality television.”

“No matter how small the camera is, those in front of it know it’s there and they will act differently. Like clay, the show gets formed a little bit,” he said.

Schulze said Dorman is right, and

Brianna Kozior ’12

show producers often tried to incite drama between contestants.

“It’s all about getting attention and causing conflict,” he said. “I was much quieter away from the camera.”

While reality TV is not a new con-cept, Dorman said it dominates televi-sion because young people love it.

“Mass media is going after younger generations because it is a huge, profit-able market,” Dorman said.

“Networks can’t afford to produce what they used to,” Dorman said. “They don’t have the audience. TV is not about making a better America. It’s about making money.”

“You have to understand that it is your time and your emotions,” Schulze said. “You’re sacrificing yourself.”

Schulze said the sacrifice has been worth it. “It has been life-changing. It’s made me re-evaluate the golf business. I may want to do something else, like go into acting.”

While Kozior isn’t considering changing careers, her TV experience has made her even more driven.

“I work seven days a week, and I wouldn’t change it for anything,” Kozior said. “I am absolutely in love with everything I do.”

Brianna cheers on her best friend and the winner of season 4, Luca, at the finale. (above) She was the team captain in the restaurant challenge.

Millersville commits to climate improvement

Millersville University has joined 675 universities across the United States to become climate neutral and to advance educa-tion about sustainability. President John M. Anderson signed the American College & University Presidents’ Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) on October 8.

The commitment recognizes the unique responsibility that institutions of higher education have as role models for their communities and in training the individuals who will develop the social, economic and technological solutions to reverse global warming.

“Sustainability is important to Millersville because it’s impor-tant to the world,” said Anderson, who currently serves on the Steering Committee for the ACUPCC.

“This initiative will bring together the many great efforts

of faculty, staff and students, and coordinate them towards one goal,” Anderson said. “Right now we may not have the technology to achieve carbon neutrality, but if we don’t commit, we never will. Our students are coming to our University, and they really want to make a difference. They understand that their actions today will impact each generation.”

Watch the video about sustainability at Millersville at:

22 Review Winter 2014

Living to One’s-Self: The Life and Poetry of William S. Trout is a cultural and intellectual biography of a Millersville alumnus (1947) and member of Millers-ville’s English faculty (1958-1967) written by Terry Zeller ’64. The book, six years in the making, is based on Trout’s letters; lectures; memories of his former public school pupils and fellow teachers, his

Millersville students and English department colleagues, and his friends; marginalia he wrote in his books; and material from archival sources.

The book seeks to explain why he never sought to publish the more than 750 poems he wrote from the 1940s to the 1970s.

Frequent quotations from Trout’s letters and lectures and the 126 poems included in the narrative allow the teacher-poet to speak for himself.

Living to One’s-Self is available in a cloth hardcover edition for $35 and in paperback for $16. It can be purchased at the University Store, through online retailers such as, or special ordered at local bookstores.

Proceeds from the book will benefit The William S. Trout Award in English Education, given yearly to a senior with an exemplary academic record who plans to teach English in the secondary schools.


Biography on William Trout

Witnessing President Anderson signing the sustainability commitment are faculty members (standing, l-r): Drs. Ajoy Kumar, Nadine Garner and Kathleen Schreiber.

Review Winter 2014 23

Commencement Fall 2013


It marked the second commencement ceremony for President John M. Anderson since he arrived on campus in the spring.

Immediate past president, Dr. Francine G. McNairy, and alumnus Roy B. Clair Jr. received honorary doc-torate degrees from Millersville University at the cer-emony and then shared their remarks with students and their family and friends.

McNairy served as Millersville’s 13th president for 10 years before retiring in January 2013. She formerly served as provost and vice president for academic affairs at Millersville. During her tenure at Millers-ville, she pushed for an increase in the diversity of the faculty and the student body and secured greater rela-tions with government, business and opinion leaders.

Clair ’67, while a junior at Millersville, co-founded Clair Brothers with his late brother, Gene Clair. The company originated from humble beginnings, with the Clair brothers experimenting with sound. Work-ing out of their garage, one of their first clients was Franklin & Marshall College, handling the sound at a concert featuring the Four Seasons. Since then, they’ve provided professional sound reinforcement for live touring for music legends including The Rolling Stones, Bon Jovi, Paul McCartney and Elton John. Through innovation and dedication, the business has blossomed into the world’s largest sound reinforce-ment company, now called Clair Global. Roy Clair also devoted his time serving as mayor of Lititz, on the board of directors of Linden Hall, on the MU Council of Trustees and was instrumental in establishing the new Lititz Rec Center.

Top to bottom: Roy Clair unrolled a giant poster of a smiley face to express the emotion the graduates were experiencing. President Anderson, Dr. Francine G. McNairy and Roy B. Clair Jr.Faculty begins the commencement procession.Left: Two happy graduates. Right: A proud mother with her daughter, Alyssa Martelli.

Professor developing weather sensor for cars

Weather readings may be coming from our own cars soon, thanks to the work of a Millersville University professor and his students. Dr. Gary Zoppetti, professor of computer science, and Albert Peterlin, president of the environmental consulting firm Errex Inc., have been working together since mid-July to develop a weather sensory device that could be in every car on the market in just a few years.

Two Millersville computer science students are helping with the con-struction and programming of a vehicle interface.

“We began by studying the on-board diagnostics (OBD) system and its communication protocol. At first we used an inexpensive OBD-II scanner to obtain data like RPMs and vehicle speed, which are accessible using standard modes and parameter IDs (PIDs),” said Zoppetti. From there they could easily find barometric pressure. OBD is used primarily by automotive technicians to diagnose vehicle performance issues, but it can also be used to obtain useful real-time data.

“We soon found we needed more flexibility to obtain data without standardized modes and PIDs, such as wiper status (on/off and speed). We built our own programmable vehicle interface (VI), which plugs into the OBD II port. We are now writing software to obtain wiper status, temperature, headlight status and other information relevant to weather conditions.”

Peterlin thought of the idea while working for the National Weather Service and was the chief meteorologist for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The U.S. Department of Transportation has actually been interested in gathering weather and other information from cars for years.

“When I read of the Department of Transportation weather project, I thought getting weather from vehicles made sense and that I could start gathering data even before the government was ready to release their finding,” said Peterlin.

Long-time Advancement VP becomes special assistant

Gerald C. Eckert, long-serving vice president for University Advancement at Millersville University, has stepped down from that position and, after an administrative leave, will become the special assistant to President John Anderson. Eckert has been active in higher education for more than 30 years, serving at Millersville since 1984.

24 Review Winter 2014

CampusNewsNews BitesMillersvilleearnsteachereducationranking

Millersville University was ranked 38 on a list of 88 schools evaluating teacher educa-tion programs. “Top Colleges in Pennsylvania Shaping the Next Generation” was based on the number of future educators that post-secondary institutions graduated in 2012.

MillersvillerecognizedforaffordabilityAnd, Millersville University has yet again

been recognized by AC Online for its afford-ability. The online college guide recently analyzed online degree programs from more than 2,000 accredited colleges and universi-ties across the nation. Out of 67 colleges in Pennsylvania, Millersville ranked at number three on AC Online’s Most Affordable Online Colleges.

Millersville University has individual courses and workshops, as well as degree and certificate programs online, where students can access class material 24/7.

Additionally, Dan Schuessler, president of AC Online, says, “Millersville University offers an exceptional collection of distance learning options at a very affordable price. This combi-nation of quality, affordability and flexibility earned Millersville a place on our list.”

Earlier last year, Millersville was recognized by AC Online for its greatest lifetime return on investment (ROI). Millersville was ranked No. 25 among the colleges and universities in Pennsylvania.

DiversityawardforMillersvilleMillersville University was honored for

excellence in diversity. For the second consecutive year, MU received the INSIGHT into Diversity magazine’s 2013 Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award.

The award is given to colleges and universities that demonstrate outstand-ing achievement in diversity and inclusion through the use of clubs, organizations, recruitment and retention of students, and the hiring of diverse staff and faculty.

Congress to campusThe Walker Center for Civic Responsibility and Leadership welcomed

two former members of the U.S. Congress to campus on October 21. Former congressmen Jack Buechner (R-Missouri) and John Hall (D-New York) spent the day speaking with Millersville students in government and political affairs classes. They also met with the Walker Center Fellows and provided insight into careers in politics and government.

Library dedicationOnOctober24,Millersville’srenovatedlibrarybuildingwasthesettingforaformaldedicationceremony.

The Francine G. McNairy Library and Learning Forum was named in honor of Francine G. McNairy, Ph.D., for her dedication and service to Millersville University as the University’s 13th president from 2003-2013 and as its provost from 1994-2003.

The $26-million library expansion and ren-ovation was one of the eight priorities of the recent Soar to Greatness capital campaign, which raised $88 million for Millersville University. Attorney Thomas Klingensmith ’72 chaired the advisory committee for the library initiative.

Ganser Hall was rededicated in honor of Helen A. Ganser (1891-1990) for her service and devotion to Millersville State Teachers College’s library and to the profession of librarianship. She became the first librarian at Millersville State Normal School in 1911 and retired in 1952. She is credited with starting Millersville’s library science program in 1921.

The John S. Maine Atrium was named in memory of the late John S. Maine (1921-2011) through a gift from his children, Douglas Maine and Elizabeth Allen. John Maine joined the faculty of Millersville State College in 1961 and served as the library director until retiring in 1985 from Millersville University. He was instrumental in the planning and construction of the Ganser Library building, which was completed in 1967. Maine also served in World War II as a member of the U.S. Navy.

Thomas Klingensmith

Review Winter 2014 25

Standing (l-r): Dr. Victor DeSantis, dean of the College of Graduate and Professional Studies and associate provost for Civic & Community Engagement Research; Jesse Fraser, graduate

assistant; Gina Masciantonio, Walker Center Fellow; Dr. Adam Lawrence, professor & director of the Walker Center.

Sitting: Former U.S. congressmen Jack Buechner and John Hall.

Top (l-r): Three Millersville presidents—Dr. Joseph Caputo, Dr. Francine G. McNairy and Dr. John Anderson—were in attendance at the library’s dedication. Above: Douglas Maine unveiled the plaque naming the library’s atrium in honor of his late father, John S. Maine, who served as a Millersville faculty member and library director from 1961-85.

sports UPDA


26 Review Winter 2014

Q&A with Coach Greg Breitbach

What was your greatest challenge in year one? Developing trust as quickly as needed has been the biggest challenge.

As a football team, football program or a university, it’s important to trust in the process, trust in each other and trust in yourself. I believe over time, trust issues have hampered this program on a lot of levels. When we learn to trust each other at a higher level, do what we are asked to do to the best of our ability, and we do it that way consistently, we’ll win games. Trust takes time to build. We’re working to build it within our program, university, community and alumni base. I like the improvements that we’ve all made.

What has your interaction with alumni been like? Active. I’ve reached out to many alumni and alumni groups in an

effort to connect. I’m attempting to bring the eras of Millersville football together. We’ve developednetworks through social media and other means to touch base with as many alumni as possible. Everyone is important no matter when they graduated or what their record was—they all matter. We’re trying to send that message loud and clear. It will take all of us to build this program. I hired two former players to my first staff. Their input and investment into the program and in the area of alumni relations have been helpful and will be instrumental going forward.

What is your view of the Millersville University community after one season?

I view the Millersville University community as supportive. Most people understand that it can take time to build the type of success some programs in this league are having. Many univer-sity and community people were excited to start this season. The support continued through the season from our administration, fans and alumni. We didn’t start as national champions or PSAC champions, but that will be the goal every year. We will have a great offseason, and I believe with continued growth, we can give the university and community a team they can be proud of.

Was there a moment from this season that will always stay with you?

I have a photo on my office wall of our first 6 a.m. spring practice. The sky is dark; the seats are empty; but the lights are on at the stadium and the gear is ready for practice. I like reflecting on that moment because it signals to me the starting point of what we intend to build here at Millersville. It signified to me the work that will go into brightening the skies, filling the stands and bringing the program to where we all want it to be.

Coach Greg Breitbach

Head football coach Greg Breitbach finished his first season in 2013 and is working to restore success at Millersville.

Here are his reflections of his first season as the Marauders’ head football coach.

Review Winter 2014 27

What is your initial assessment of the PSAC and the competition?

I now know the benchmarks for success in this league. The tal-ent is high. The coaching is good. We need to improve in several ways. We need to recruit well to become deep enough to compete on a weekly basis. We need to develop the players we have. Every team we faced had impact skill players. We need to have the same type players. I have respect for the teams and coaches in this league. We can catch up if we stay the course and continue to make the needed adjustments as a program and as a university.

You talked about having a plan when you arrived. Where are you in the execution of that plan?

The plan is in its beginning stages. The alignment of the university has helped that plan. Student senate approved the installation of turf on fields for intramural and athletic use so we can set stable practice times. We have been given the opportunity to have our student-athletes enroll in classes that fit the stable practice times. We’ve begun raising scholarship dollars and have a plan that will be driven through next August. We’ve been devel-oping our recruiting boards and recruiting the 2014 class. We look forward to seeing that hard work coming through in quality student-athletes in this first class. There is much more to the plan, but in the short term, we’re planning the work and working the plan. It takes more than seven months to build a program, but I like the progress made.

What did you learn about yourself as a head coach in year one?

I learned that I’m ready for this challenge. I’ve prepared for years to handle the day-to-day situations that arise. I feel com-fortable in the role of head coach. I learned how important it is to stay focused on day-to-day wins and not only the wins on Satur-day. Where we are now as a program, and where we intend to be a year from now, two years from now and even further down the line, are very different places in my estimation. I remind myself daily of the long-term goals we’ve set and work towards doing one thing or many things each day that put us closer to those goals. Instant gratification and immediate change is something we all want, but it will take more than the seven months of work we’ve put in.

What was your message to recruits, and what was their impression of the university and the program?

We had six home games and averaged 25 visiting recruits per game. Counting the spring game, we’ve had over 200 recruits on campus in the past seven months on unofficial visits. My

message was simple: Millersville is a great uni-versity with amazing people. There is so much opportunity that pointing it out is easy. We have great academics, athletics, facilities, and location at a reasonable price. As a football pro-gram, we have a chance to do something that hasn’t been done in a while here. It’s been done before; let’s do it again. I’m looking for moti-vated pace setters that want to join a program that is about to get better. This class will be the trailblazers. I’m looking for young men who want to join us and quite possibly accomplish one of the most rewarding things they’ve ever done in their lives. I want players and people who like a challenge and want to make Millers-ville football relevant again—champions again. From what we can tell, there are many young men who are considering coming aboard with us.

What is the next step for the program? The next step is to move into the off-season

phase. We focus on recruiting until signing day, with a majority of our coaches on the road find-ing talent, doing home visits and bringing these young men to campus for official visits. We intend to have a great portion of our recruiting class complete by signing day in February. In the meantime, we’ll be conducting our off-sea-son strength and conditioning with our current team, developing them into bigger and faster players. Our academic focus won’t dwindle, and we’ll expect our players to finish out the semes-ter with a strong push. We’ll also spend time evaluating the season and make the changes needed as we prepare for spring football.

Coach Greg Breitbach

sports UPDA

TE FIELD HOCKEY: A complete team effort

The 2013 Millersville field hockey team will be remem-bered for its school record 19 wins, the program’s first NCAA Division II Tourna-ment appearance, the first PSAC Championship since 1986, its impenetrable defense that led the nation in goals against, and its bal-anced offense that set school records for goals and assists.

Those are brilliant accom-plishments for back-to-back PSAC Coach of the Year Shelly Behrens and a group of young women that took hold of a program mired in

nine consecutive losing seasons and raised it to the upper strata of Division II. But those aren’t what they’ll remember most. You see, Marauder field hockey players and their coach are a little different. They are driven by challenges. They are motivated by defeat.

“You always learn more from losing than from winning,” said Behrens. “Winning doesn’t give you the dissatisfaction and the ability to look at yourself. After each game, we look at ourselves and ask ‘how can we be better.’”

This is the attitude that ignited a program without a post-season appearance in 19 years to the 2012 PSAC Champion-ship game. The 4-0 loss to West Chester in that game became an unprecedented four victories over the two-time defending national champions in 2013.

Millersville started 2013 with nine consecutive wins. Ranked No. 2 in the country and facing No. 1 Shippensburg on Oct. 12, the Marauders were dealt a 1-0 loss in overtime. A 9-1 record for some is satisfying, but it wasn’t for Millersville field hockey. Instead, the loss proved to be a turning point in the season. “The loss at Shippensburg gave us more sharp-ness to our attitude and more sharpness in our training,” said Behrens. “The training after the loss at Shippensburg really shaped the rest of the season for us.”

Less than one month later, the Marauders stood on

Shippensburg’s home turf as PSAC champions after scoring a 1-0 victory on a second-half penalty corner from Rachel Dickinson and 10 saves from tournament MVP Lauren Sotzin.

The Marauders’ season ended in the NCAA semifi-nals. After receiving the semifinalist trophy, the players approached Behrens, set the trophy on the field and said, “we’ll be back.” Even seniors Brittany Troutman and Saman-tha Ruane, whose careers came to a close with the loss, defi-antly stated in the postgame press conference, “Millersville will be back.”

Certainly, there was heartbreak, but the tears shed after the semifinal loss were proof of the investment, effort and dedication of each member of the team. And no team can be truly great without truly caring so much.

“They have established selflessness into the fabric of our program,” said Behrens. “They are accountable to and responsible for each other. That makes them a team rather than people who are just a group trying to accomplish some-thing. They didn’t care about who got the credit. They didn’t care about records. They just cared about getting to that final destination. The scoreboard takes care of itself if you focus on where you want to go and how you want to get there.”

Not a single player on Millersville’s roster was born when Millersville won its last PSAC championship prior to 2013. But make no mistake, Millersville field hockey is not going away. It is arriving.

“It was the next step in where we want to go,” said Beh-rens after the NCAA semifinal. “I’m proud of how we’ve done that. Being here now has prepared us for getting to the next step. Last year we were second to West Chester in the PSAC and the girls stood there and remembered that feeling, and that helped us tremendously getting to this point… It is going to be a very motivating factor in the off-season as we prepare.

“[The players] have a genuine belief now that it is pos-sible,” said Behrens. “There are so many positives to reflect upon, and those can be the building blocks along with the desire to want more. I don’t think that’s a bad thing to put yourself out there and see how great you can be. This is a special group. They’ve done something that no one had done before, and hopefully they have shown us all the way.”

Review Winter 2014 29

Mind over matter in men’s golf The golf team wins its first team conference title in 10 years.

(l-r) Conor Gilbert, Coach Scott Vandegrift, Robby Rowe, Jon Heile, Rob Coyne, Kevin Davis and Ron Weaver, assistant coach.

Conor Gilbert

A golfer’s greatest challenge is not the course, the elements or the opponent; it is the mind. What makes a champion is the ability to forget dis-appointment quickly and focus on one swing and one moment.

Millersville men’s golf coach Scott Vandegrift is unfortunately accus-tomed to difficulty, but his resilience is becoming as legendary as his coaching resume. Shaking off any blow that life can land has clearly rubbed off on his golfers and their play on the course. It is no wonder that his Marauders won the 2013 PSAC championship.

For Vandegrift, life was less about golf and more about dealing with loss, fighting illness and staying alive. Over the last decade, Vandegrift dealt with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and the passing of his wife, Deborah. Then, in 2012, Vandegrift endured back surgery, a stroke, a bacterial infection and open heart surgery. The constant battle for his health left him at home during the fall PSAC championship. It was the first conference championship he had missed since becoming the coach 30 years before.

One year later, Vandegrift was being hugged by recently crowned individual medalist Conor Gilbert on the Hershey Links practice tee as they awaited a

photo to commemorate the team’s PSAC championship.

Led by Gilbert’s 1-under-par score, the Marauders won their first confer-ence championship in 10 years. It was a measure of redemption for Gilbert, Rob Coyne, Robby Rowe, Jonathon Heile and Kevin Davis, which came oh-so-close to qualifying for the NCAA Championships as a team in the spring of 2013.

“You could see it coming,” said Van-degrift. “This was the same five players that represented us at the regional last year and almost took us to nationals. They are an experienced and hungry group. I’m not surprised at all. They wanted this bad.”

Each member of the lineup battled through issues on the course to play their best golf as a team over the two-day tournament. Because of struggles with his game, Gilbert was not even in the lineup for the PSAC Champion-ships in 2012. He used that as fuel in the off-season and started 2013 with three top-10 finishes. Then, he suf-fered a back injury that sidelined him for nearly a month. Gilbert, however, returned to the lineup with a victory at the Gannon Invitational and carried the momentum into a PSAC cham-pionship the following week. Gilbert

credited Vandegrift with helping him learn from disappointment and fight-ing through challenges.

“Focus on the good things,” said Gilbert. “Never push too hard; let all the good things come. The results will show.”

Rowe started the season by finish-ing 60th in a field of 72 golfers at the Hal Hansen Invitational. He bounced back with five top-10 finishes in the next six events, and it culminated with a career-best score of 1-over-par and a third-place finish at the PSACs. Coyne, who qualified for the NCAA Champi-onships as an individual, overcame an up-and-down fall to help his team to the title. Similarly, Heile struggled mightily all season, but his rounds of 75 and 76 at the PSAC Championships were his best of the fall.

In moments after victory, Vande-grift deferred credit to his golfers, saying it was a great win for the team. Gilbert grabbed Vandegrift around the shoulders and shouted, “It is a great win for you.”

This was a team playing for its coach...a team of champions playing for a coach who has been a cham-pion—on and off the course—for a long time.

30 Review Winter 2014

Millersville University inducted its 19th annual Athletic Hall of Fame class as part of the Homecoming festivities on Oct. 26 at the Ware Center in Lancaster. The class included: Jennifer Yoder Ames ’03, women’s soccer; Bill Bailes ’59, volunteer coach; Drew Folmar ’01, football; Scott Highley ’89, football; Cynthia Merrill ’92, women’s tennis; Greg Testa ’07, men’s basketball.

“This hall of fame class includes some of Millersville’s most outstanding athletes and a coach who offered years of volunteer service to the university,” said director of athletics Peg Kauffman. “The inductees exemplify what being a Marauder is all about—success on and off the field and dedication to the university. I commend the committee on its selections, and we are proud to induct these six individuals in October.”

Ames was the first women’s soccer player ever inducted into the Millersville University Athletic Hall of Fame, and it’s for good reason. The only four-time All-PSAC selection and three-time first-team honoree in program history, Ames concluded her Ma-rauder career with 27 goals and 13 assists, ranking second all-time in points with 67 and goals with 27. Ames currently lives in Thailand with her husband and two adopted children, working for “Go To Nations,” which aims to stop human trafficking.

Through four head coaches and 27 years, Bailes served the Millersville football program as a dedicated and faithful volunteer, helping the team to 145 victories and six PSAC Eastern Division Championships. He continued tutoring the Marauders’ specialists until he was 82 years old. Bailes’ punters and kickers garnered 13 All-PSAC East honors.

Folmar, now the head coach at Kutztown, is inarguably the most productive and accomplished quarterback in the pro-gram’s history. No Millersville quarterback won more games than Folmar, who posted a remarkable 20-4 record against the

PSAC Eastern Divi-sion. He totaled 92 career touchdown passes, 10,483 passing yards and

completed a staggering 60.8 percent of his passes. He still owns 17 school records and ranks in the PSAC’s top 25 in 12 categories. Folmar graduated with the PSAC record for touchdown passes and currently ranks third.

The workhorse and offensive focal point for one of the top teams in Millersville history, Highley powered his way to 2,883 career rushing yards and two All-PSAC East First Team selections from 1986-89. Highley grad-uated from Millersville with 3,221 all-purpose yards and still ranks second in career rushing yards and first with 6.5 yards per carry. His 1988 campaign still ranks as the best in Millersville history, as he totaled 1,399 yards and 15 touchdowns.

Smith served as Millersville’s top-of-the-lineup player in singles and doubles for all four seasons of her career, and at the time of her graduation in 1992, no singles player to don the Black and Gold had won more matches.  She was the first Marauder to win the PSAC First Flight Championship and was named PSAC Athlete of the Year in 1990.

That Testa was elected to the Millersville University Athletic Hall of Fame in his first year of eligibility says everything about his stellar career as a three-time All-PSAC East First Team selection on the hardwood. The 2007 graduate etched his name in the record books while delivering two PSAC championship game appearances and a PSAC championship for the Ma-rauders.  Testa holds the distinction of being one of only four players in the illustrious history of Millersville men’s basketball to earn All-PSAC East First Team honors three times.

Millersville AthleticHall of Fame Inductees

Hall of Fame inductees (l to r): Greg Testa, Cynthia Merrill, Drew Folmar and Bill Bailes. Scott Higley and Jennifer Yoder Ames were not able to attend the ceremony.

Bill Bailes ’59

Drew Folmar is congratulated by Dr. Aminta Breaux, vice president for Student Affairs.

Review Winter 2014 31

Men’s soccer pushes deep into postseason again

In the last six years, the Millers-ville men’s soccer team has achieved six PSAC Tournaments, four NCAA Tournament appearances, two Atlantic Regional titles, a PSAC championship and a NCAA semifinal appearance. A 13-6-2 record and a runner-up finish in the NCAA Atlantic Regional Champi-onship game in 2013 is another notch on the belt.

“Overall I was very happy with the success our team had this season,” said head coach Steve Widdowson. “We accomplished two of our big goals by reaching the NCAA Tournament and the Atlantic Regional Championship game. That was very satisfying.”

The Marauders under Widdowson are accustomed to winning. Millersville won three of their first four games of the season and started PSAC play with four straight wins, including a sweep of Gannon and then No. 19 Mercyhurst in Erie, Pa. At home, the Marauders defended their turf, going 7-3 on Chryst Field at Biemesderfer Stadium and outscoring opponents 28-9 in those matches. Four of the Black and Gold’s six losses came at the hands of nationally ranked opponents, and three of those four losses were by one goal.

“We played very well in the most important games of the season,” said Widdowson. “Once we asserted our-selves, we were able to really take it to some of the top teams in the nation. I always believe that we are one of the best teams, and I think the players have restored that belief after this season.”

The Marauders lost 4-3 in penalty kicks to the eventual PSAC champions Slippery Rock in the conference semi-finals, but exacted their revenge by defeating The Rock 2-1 in the second round of the NCAA Tournament. In their second NCAA Atlantic Regional Championship in the past three years, Millersville dropped a hard-fought 3-1

decision to Mercyhurst on a cold and rainy day in Erie.

Teams win when individuals per-form well together and perform at a high level. Senior Andrew Dukes, a captain for the second straight year, made history this year by becoming the first Marauder, and only second player ever, to be named to four straight Daktronics All-Atlantic Region Teams. Millersville boasted the most All-PSAC selections (5) and were tied for the most All-Atlantic Team hon-orees (4). They went toe-to-toe with every nationally ranked challenger they faced and defeated both of the teams that played in the PSAC Cham-pionship match.

“We have so many good players that make a good team,” said Widdowson. “To have so many highly recognized players illustrates the point that we are a team that relies on the whole squad and not just one or two individuals.

The team success drives individual suc-cess and recognition.”

2013 was another prosperous chapter from a continually successful program.

Senior captain Colby Zeger was a key to Millersville’s defense and leadership in 2013.

Homecoming!Homecoming! 1 President John Anderson rode his bicycle alongside of the MU Homecoming Court.2 BSA Venture Crew 1861 Fife & Drum Corps.3 Phillie Phanatic. 4 Kay’s Reflections Baton and Dance Studio.

5 Dinosaur inflatable (MU undergraduate Andrew Glick) greets a spectator.6 Kiltie Band of York.

7 Lancaster Sierra Club.8 Ian Swarr of Washington Boro is an honorary member of the Blue Rock Fire Rescue.

9 Superhero inflatable costume worn by MU staff member Kelly Herr.10 The Millersville parade brings out the kid in everyone.

11 Parade Grand Marshal Andrew T. Scheid, local business entre-preneur/community advocate.

12 Marauders lost the Homecoming football game to Lock Haven, 24-16. 13 Girl Scouts Community Group #715.14 Zembo Shrine Minicar unit of Harrisburg.15 The Lone Ranger and Tonto.


1312 14 15



3 4





One of the many features of

Homecoming weekend was the Millersville Community Parade

on October 26. Reunions, athletic

matches and the inauguration of a new

University President John Anderson made

this Homecoming action-packed.


Halloween Comes to millersville was the theme for the 17th annual Millersville Community Parade.

16 1932 International Harvester Fire Engine, owned by MU Professor Len Litowitz.17 Temple Guard Drill Team of York.

18 Special guests enjoy a pre-parade pancake breakfast at the Duncan Alumni House.19 Millersville staffer Hiram Martinez and his son.

20 Millersville University’s Marching Band Color Guard.21 Getz’s Steam Calliope.

22 St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Millersville. 23 1949 Chevrolet Fire Engine. from the Lafayette Fire Company.

24 Brothers from the Acacia Fraternity participate in the parade.25 Ab-Salute Twirling of Ephrata.26 Millersville University cheerleaders.

27 This classic vehicle is transporting one of Homecoming’s major sponsors, PSECU.28 Zembo Shrine Mounted Patrol of Harrisburg.

29 More than 600 alumni and guests attended the new Alumni Tailgate Zone Tent event.30 Alumni had opportunities to win special prizes.

31 Several members of the Homecoming Court take a break at the Alumni Tent.32 Spectators at the Homecoming Football game at Chryst Field.

29 30

27 28




31 32

20 21 22 23



34 Review Winter 2014


Legacies at According to the dictionary it is “something transmitted by or

received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past.” Millersville University’s past was indeed well represented on campus at the annual Legacy Breakfast held on Saturday, November 2, 2013. More than 125 alumni, family and students attended the event, which featured comments from President John Anderson and Lori Dierolf ’91, president of the MU Alumni Association.

All students and family members who graduated from Millersville received a Legacy Family lapel pin from the MU Alumni Association.

Erin Murphy; MU student Katelyn Murphy; Marcia Murphy ’81.

Richard Espenshade; MU student Scott Espenshade; Nadine (Yancheff) Espenshade ’78

MU student Katherine Rinehart; Mary (Shimp) Rinehart ’82

President Anderson, Cheryl (Loht) Miller ’87; Mark Miller ’88; MU student Jordan Miller; MU student Cameron Eller; Phil Loht ’65

Curt Rathman ’86; Jennifer (North) Rathman ’86; Donna North ’57; MU student Wesley Rathman; Joseph North.

MU student Rick Vivola; Richard Vivola ’89; Peggy Vivola



Karen (Simora) Brady ’97; MU student Stephanie Brady; Patrick Brady

Review Winter 2014 35

MU student Faith Campbell; Joy Campbell; Paul Campbell ’86; Hope Campbell; Melinda Campbell; Greg Campbell

MU student Jessica Fink; Dana Fink ’12

Matthew Landis ’91; MU student Re-nee Landis; Patricia Landis ’90; Robin Landis

Kimberly (Clark) Ober ’85; MU student Olivia Ober

David Culshaw ’88; MU student Alexis Culshaw; Catina Culshaw

MU student Olivia Walters; April (Reed-Walters) Faber ’80; MU student Amanda Walters

Iris (Hall) Hoffman ’58; Nic Hoffman; Christine Hoffman ’87; Alex Hoffman ’85; MU student Kaitlin Hoffman

Andrea (Boyd) White ’90; MU student Diamante White

Kim Boring; Reed Boring ’04; MU student Mitchell Boring; MU student Michelle Morrison

MUstudent Paul Beard; Judy Beard; MU student Tatiana Beard; Tylor Beard

Melissa (Wagner) Nolt; MU student Joseph Nolt IV; Joseph P. Nolt III ’01

36 Review Winter 2014

AlumniInterestDestination Europe 2014

The Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) Alumni and Friends Travel Program has two upcoming programs with availabil-ity for alumni, retirees, faculty, staff, parents and community friends to consider booking for 2014:

Emerald Isle, Ireland - June 26–July 6: Highlights include the Irish National Stud, the Strokestown House and Famine Museum, the Benedict Abbey, bake your own scones, visit King John’s castle/Limer-ick, horse-drawn jaunting car ride/Killarney; Blarney village; House of Waterford Crystal, Dublin, Knock, Galway, Cliffs of Moher and the Ring of Kerry. Price: $1,919 per person (land only), includes meals: full Irish breakfast, 1 lunch at local pub, 4 three-course dinners with choice of menus, guided tours and more. A nonrefundable deposit of $250 is due

at time of booking. Additional air pricing available upon request. (Globus Journeys)

Gems of Umbria & Tuscany, Italy - September 12-21: highlights include Rome: St. Peter’s Square; Convent of San Domenico/Narni, homemade pasta demonstration; Spoleto: Piazza del Duomo; Spello: olive oil tasting; Assisi: St. Mary of the Angels Basilica and St. Francis Basilica; Perugia: walking tour/Piazza IV Novembre; Perugina Baci chocolate factory; Cortona: Villa Bramasole; Siena: Piazza del

Campo. Volterra: visit the site where the movie “Twilight/New Moon” was filmed; Orvieto: the Etruscan underground Labirinto and San Gim-ingnano. Price: $2,369 per person (land only). Meals include full buffet breakfast daily; 2 special lunches; 6 three-course dinners. A nonrefund-able deposit of $250 per person is due at time of booking. Additional air pricing available upon request. (Globus Journeys)

At press time, space is very limited, but still may be available for a few other destinations: Paris to Normandy’s Landing Beaches/Avalon Waterways River Cruise - May 12-20 or Russian Waterways - August 16-28.

For more details on the above travel programs, go online: For a brochure or reservations, call our travel partners, Cruisin’/Main Line Vacations at 800-506-7447 (ext. 107). Don’t delay, call today! Or contact Steve DiGuiseppe, PASSHE travel coordinator, at Millersville: 717-871-5627,

Additionally, the travel program is offering a river cruise with Grand Circle Tours, The Great Rivers of Europe, October 17-November 2. Total air and cruise package: $4,445 (with air from Philadelphia). Des-tination cities include Netherlands: Amsterdam; Germany: Cologne, Koblenz, Rüdesheim, Frankfurt, Wertheim, Würzburg, Bamberg, Nuremberg, Kelheim, Regensburg, Passau; Austria: Melk and Vienna. Rivers include Rhine, Main and the Danube. Optional extensions are available for Bruges, Belgium; Prague, Czech Republic or Vienna, Aus-tria. For this trip only, call Grand Circle at 800-597-2452, press 2 (men-tion code: G4-24215).

February26 Meet the President Event in Tampa, Fla.,

Bahama Breeze, 6:30 p.m.27 Meet the President Event in Naples, Fla.,

Noon28 Meet the President Event in Ft.

Lauderdale, Fla., J. Mark’s, Noon

March5 Career Speaker Webinar: Networking,

Online, 8 p.m.19 MU After Work, Mick’s All American

Pub, Lancaster, 5:15 p.m.22 1974 Baseball Reunion, 12:30 p.m.22 Respiratory Therapy Reunion, 6 p.m.

April2 Marauder Mixer Career Networking Event

for Alumni and Students, Turkey Hill Experience, Columbia, 5 p.m.

2 Career Speaker Webinar: Leadership, Online, 8 p.m.

3 Job and Internship Fair, Marauder Court, SMC, 10:30 a.m.

5 Bus Trip to the Franklin Institute/Mystery of Pompeii, Philadelphia, 8 a.m.

12 Jazz and Java, Gordinier Hall, 7:30 p.m.

July13 Orioles vs. Yankees Bus Trip to Camden

Yards, Baltimore, 8 a.m.


For event information: Call Millersville University’s Office of Alumni Engagement at 800-681-1855 or 717-872-3352, or email

To register for an event online:www.villealumni.comClick on Event Calendar; locate the event and click Register.


Review Winter 2014 37

1940s• Helen (Ogline) Hoover ’42, New Oxford, celebrated her 100th birthday on 9/3/13 at a party with family and friends. Her sister, Alice (Ogline) Fox ’41, celebrated her 98th birthday on 10/7/13. • Mary (Sheaffer) ’43 and John W. Kammerer ’44, Lancaster, cel-ebrated their 70th wedding anni-versary on 6/27/13. Both their daughters, Margaret Stegelman ’68 and Catharine Keim ’65, are Millersville alumni.

1950s• Richard Kuhn ’57, Pensacola, Fla., was named to the advisory panel of the Teaching Company’s “Great Courses” program and will assist in evaluating proposed courses. He retired in 2002 as Pensacola High School’s coor-dinator to the International Baccalaureate Program.

1960s• Gerald Dietz ’61, Loganville, received President Obama’s Volunteer Service Award in Nov. 2011.• Anthony DiPietro ’62, Barrington, N.J., received mentor status to New Jersey admin-istrators from the New Jersey Department of Education. He has served as a mentor to 35 school administrators seeking perma-nent certification as principals. • Joan Bowman ’63, Langhorne, retired from the YMCA of Bucks County.• Barbara Jo Apichella ’69, Newark, Del., received Delaware’s

Pioneer of Women’s Sports Award. She started the girls’ volleyball program at Newark High School. In her 23 years, her teams racked up six state cham-pionships along with numerous conference titles and undefeated seasons. She also coached girls’ basketball for 10 years, and her teams still hold all scoring records.

1970s• Priscilla Lee (Snyder) Fias ’72, Lancaster, co-authored a young adult book called Free Will, A Young Man’s Spiritual Journey.• Joan (Robertson) Caruso ’73, York, retired after teaching for 40 years. She taught at various schools in York County, including

East York School District, where she was the elementary learning support coordinator. She is now employed at Leadership York as the program coordinator.• Robert Rudolph ’78, ’83M, Mechanicsburg, retired as a technology education teacher at Cumberland Valley High School after 35 years of teaching. He also served as department chairper-son from 1993 until retirement.• Sally Harms ’79, Wayne, Neb., received the Pinnacle Award for service and commitments to science education from the Nebraska Association of Science Teachers in September 2013. She is a professor of natural sciences and science education at Wayne State College in Nebraska.

• 1980s• Randy Garrett ’80, Elizabethtown, was given the

Community Impact Hero Award by the American Red Cross of Lancaster County. For the past eight years, he has worked with students to supply comfort kits for disaster victims. He is a guid-ance counselor in Lower Dauphin School District and began a pro-gram called Helping Hands for elementary students to give back to their community. • David L. Mann ’81 was pro-moted from major general to lieutenant general and assumed command of the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command and the Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense in Alabama during a ceremony in August. Previously, he served as the commanding general of the U.S. Army Recruiting Command at Fort Knox, Ky.

1950s annual reunion Robert Lehr ’57 and Mary Lehr ’58, Lancaster, welcomed alumni into their home in September 2013 for a reunion and picnic. This was the 13th year for this annual gathering of Millersville University friends, which was started by Bill Romans ’57. First row: Cathy Love ’60, Joan Evans ’62, Mary Lehr ’58; Second row: Dorothy Lykens ’57, Donna North ’57, Barbara Treadway, Ruth Hill ’55, Patty Eyster ’57, Joann DiNunzio ’57, Elsie Weinhold ’57, Janice Weitzel ’58, Al Eckert ’51; Third row: Ron Mable ’58, Don Wilson ’56, Bob Lehr ’57, Dominick DiNunzio ’53, Lew DiNunzio ’57, Perry Love ’58, Joe Glass ’53, Gerald Treadway ’57, Bill Romans ’57, Leon Borst ’58, Gerald Dunkle ’58, Harry Hill ’57, Jack Ernst ’54, Don Zook ’58 and Ted Weitzel ’60.


38 Review Winter 2014

Precious 50-Year Reminiscences of Millersville Submitted by Richard A. Rissmiller on behalf of the Class of 1963

Millersville, we came to you 50 years ago at the beginning of our adult lives, more inno-cently childlike than the sophisticated young adults we thought we were. You have sustained us through life by our education, and also by our unforgettable memories: strolling your beautiful campus with treasured friends, sitting by the lake, sharing the pathos and joy of our early lives, perhaps recalling the excitement of our first real romance with a wonderful person we’ll never forget, neophytes at this thing called love, some becoming lifelong marriages. We studied together for hours, strolled the athletic field and necked in outside stairwells or in the 600s of the [old] library when the weather was too cold outside. Memories faded and many of us found lifelong love with another very special person, beautiful in ways we would yet discover, only to return with thoughts of reunion with old friends at a treasured place.

And you gave us other memories, Millersville, cheering on your football team and other sports at Biemesderfer Stadium or Brooks Hall, some of us playing on the team or in the band for the ’Ville, cheered on by your peg-leg mascot and pretty cheer-leaders, the beauty of your bell accompanying pep rallies, or ringing to celebrate a winning game, memories second to none. We chased each other through the halls of Old Main, Lyle, Roddy and Bard Halls or across the campus in childlike fun, and con-sumed milk shakes daily at the Rat, where we danced Friday nights. We kept Dean Stine awake playing football at midnight. A rowboat found its way onto the lake, and Santa Claus made an appearance on the island, where freshman girls were some-times stranded. Alumni bequests wandered the campus, all in harmless fun. For our first time away from home, Lyle Dining Hall created a large family of 1,000 friendly faces with whom we enjoyed delicious meals.

Millersville, we sing to you hymns of praise and loyalty through our wonderful memories of you, and our recalling of unforgettable friends. We love you and will never forget you.

Class of 1963 Reunion First row, l to r: Ruthann Young, Marijane Haseltine Schappel, Sandy Shrimplin Bonner, Joan Hamilton Bowman, JoAnn Mace Mauger, Margery Gildersleeve Blackburn, Glenda McCleary Sommer, Patricia Aurentz Detwiler, Ellen Brownmiller Gallagher, Sylvia Hinkle Mobley, Roberta Dean Shaub

Second row, l to r: Connie Johns Lavoy, Marian Neely Mowrer, Marlene Tonge Arnst, Marie Bryson Libhart, Emory Phillips, Vivian Hoffer Regester, William Regester, Lois Whisler, Lois Kirkpatrick Sady, Beverly Trosley, Harriet Kohlbrenner Kuberski, Sandra Neil Richardson, Joyce Brightbill Barilla, Joanne Denlinger Landis

Third row, l to r: Karen Ashkar Murley, Barbara Devenport, Nina Palmer Wolff, Suzanne Holtzman Lowe, Lynn Miller Wilmot, Rosemary Plate Bratton, Gail Bennett) Schuck, Julia Beck Grove, Susan Nelson DiCarlo, Anne Siracuse Dunn, Linda Longcope Stezelberger, Ernest Richardson, Ronald Cain, Walter Jones

Fourth row, l to r: Barbara Heinbach Lenker, Agnes Kelly Vaughn, Charlotte Schaum Roede, LaTrobe Barnitz, Edi Cobb Young, Janet Sell Cole, Jack Shaub, Robin Kegerise, Edward Hine, John Bowlsbey

Fifth row, l to r: Daniel Forry, Dennis Leeper, Regis Bernhardt, Dennis Simmons, Kenneth Gibble, Ross Buckman, Donald Weaver, Richard Rissmiller, Michael Weaver, Glenn Julius.

The Class of 1963 made a gift of $38,000 to be used for scholarships.

Richard Rissmiller made the presentation to President Anderson at the reunion.

Review Winter 2014 39

classnotes• Mary Moyer ’81, Millville, N.J., retired from Delsea Regional High School in June 2013 after 32 years. She worked as an edu-cational specialist in charge of gifted and talented services for the Educational Information and Resource Center.• Randi (Doveberg) Bushner ’82, Malvern, retired from teach-ing after 31 years with the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District.• Scott Greenawalt ’83, Mountville, was hired as the director of transportation at Good Transportation Services in Columbia.• Kevin Harley ’86, East Petersburg, joined Quantum Communications in Harrisburg as a managing director in September. He also serves on Millersville University’s Council of Trustees. Previously, he was director of communications and press secretary to Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett.• John Cox ’87, York, has been promoted to president of Turkey Hill Dairy. He joined Turkey Hill Dairy 28 years ago as a market-ing manager. For the past 14 years, he has been executive vice president. • Quintin Frey ’87, Manor Township, retired as president of Turkey Hill Dairy after 33 years with the company. He has been named chairman of the Lancaster County Conservancy’s annual fund appeal. • Donald L. Neiffer ’87, VMD, CVA, Dipl. ACZM, Orlando, Fla., was awarded the Certificate in One Health following comple-tion of a graduate level program. He is the veterinary operations manager for the Department of Animal Health, Disney’s Animals, Science and the Environment in

Orlando, Florida. He also com-pleted requirements for Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist status. He is a diplomate of the American College of Zoological Medicine with 21 years of zoo-logical veterinary experience. • Joy Garcia Tien ’89M, Lancaster, was chosen as one of the 50 ATOM (A Tribute for Outstanding MaScians) awardees in October 2013 at the Manila Science High School campus in the Philippines. • Michael Donley ’89, Pottsville, has been name the head coach for women’s basketball at the Schuylkill Campus of Penn State University. He previously was head coach at Schuylkill Haven

and Hamburg area high schools. He is a fourth-grade teacher at Tilden Elementary Center in the Hamburg Area School District.

• 1990s• Jeffrey Clouser ’91, Mount Joy, serves as the director of the Memorial Bells of Grace UCC. His interest in bell playing began as a youth and continued through college with the Millersville University Handbell Ensemble. • Jodie Parkinson ’93, Marietta, received her doctorate of educa-tion degree from Immaculata University in January 2013. She works at Donegal School District as the secondary English depart-

ment chairperson and teacher.• Arthur Williams ’93, Bowie, Md., was awarded a Doctor of Education in Leadership and Policy Studies in August 2013 from the University of Maryland, College Park. He is principal of Forest Oak Middle School in Montgomery County, Md.• Gregory Wynn ’93 is an active-duty Marine Corps officer serving as a military advisor to the Kuwait Army, U.S. Embassy, Kuwait. He previously served three years as the executive officer for the New York City Naval ROTC program, holding academic and admin-istrative positions at Columbia University, Fordham University and SUNY Maritime College.

Lifelong friends honor Millersville with donation for future studentsAlmost 40 years ago, 11 women began their studies at Millersville and would forge friendships that would last a lifetime. The ladies are spread across the country, but despite time and distance, their friendship has remained strong. They have celebrated each other’s weddings, then their children’s wed-dings and supported each other through the numerous difficulties that life has thrown their way. Most of the ladies have reached, or are close to the milestone of turning 60 years old. To celebrate that mile-stone, the women made a $1,000 donation to Millersville University in appreciation for the institution that brought the friends together. It will go to provide scholarships. As Nancy Pederson writes, “…so that more young people can attend Millersville and, if very lucky, can forge the kind of lifelong friend-ships that we have.”

From their reunion in Ocean City, N.J. Back row (l-r): Susan (Forte) Marycz ’74, Geraldine (Higgins) Maxwell ’74, Leslye (Moyer) Blackwell ’73, Gail Crissey ’75, Barbara (Crumling) Aldelsperger ’73, Harriet (Geary) Doyle ’73, Pamela (Anderson) Havens ’74, Denise (Moore) Brown ’74. Front row (l-r): Nancy (Matz) Pederson ’73, Patricia (Murray) Good ’74 and Jill (Hagadorn) Kelly ’74.

40 Review Winter 2014

A love affair with tennisJay Witmer ’71 loves tennis—as in, he really-really-loves tennis.

He played on Millersville’s men’s tennis team, which was undefeated in 1968. Yet, he is quick to say that he is not an excellent tennis player. He simply loves the sport.

In October 2013, Witmer was honored in the best way possible. He was elected to the United States Tennis Association’s (USTA) Middle States Hall of Fame. The ceremony was held in Lancaster. Among those inducted were Marty Coyne, head coach of the Bloomsburg University men’s and women’s tennis teams; Jenni Goodling, retired York tennis pro; and Delaine Mast, Lancaster tennis pioneer.

“I couldn’t have been more honored than to be inducted with these people,” says Witmer.

In fact, when Witmer first learned that he would be inducted into the Hall of Fame, he looked at some of the others who had been honored in the past, such as former Wimbledon and U.S. Open champion Vic Seixas, career Grand Slam doubles champion Lisa Raymond and the legendary Billie Jean King.

“The first thing I thought was, do I deserve this?” says Witmer. When he heard the high praises of those who had selected him to be in

the Hall of Fame, he began to realize why he had been chosen. “It wasn’t because I am a great tennis player; it’s because I have helped

others become better players. It’s because I love the sport so much and shared that with others,” says Witmer.

What Witmer may not possess in talent, he more than makes up for in his passion for tennis. As a child growing up on a farm outside Millersville, he spent hours hitting tennis balls off the side of his family’s barn.

“I had my Don Budge tennis racket back then,” recalls Witmer. “And the one thing I came away with was that tennis should be fun.”

In high school at Penn Manor, Witmer played on the tennis team. At Millersville, he earned his degree in education and mathematics. He was on the tennis team, and he enjoyed every moment of it.

“Being on a team was great. I had a ton of fun,” he recalls.Witmer began his career as a math teacher at Edward Hand Junior High.

He then became involved as a volunteer for the Boys Club of Lancaster, and worked with young people who benefitted from his patience and caring attitude.

“Back when I was at what was then Millersville State College, I volunteered at Lancaster Boys Club, now the Boys & Girls Club of Lancaster,” says Witmer, adding that after college, they formed the Boys Club Alumni Association and raised scholarship funds for youths at the club.

After teaching math for 11 years and owning a catering business, Witmer returned to his alma mater in 1982, taking a position as director of

• Scott Menin ’94, Willow Grove, graduated from Temple University with a master’s degree in 2013 in kinesiology, with a spe-cialization in sport and exercise psychology.• Jeffrey Palmer ’95, Philadelphia, accepted a posi-

tion at General Econopak, Inc., in Philadelphia as a quality assur-ance associate. • Carin (Swartz) Vena ’96, Philadelphia, teaches kinder-garten at St. Dominic’s School in Philadelphia, since 2007. She received a master’s degree in

elementary education from Holy Family University. • John Getz ’99,

Germantown, Md., assumed the role of the deputy program manager of the

Department of Defense Joint Trauma and Prevention of Injury in Combat program located with-in the U.S. Army Medical Research and Material Command in September. • Heather (Butterworth) Samuelson ’99, Leola, senior actuarial associate

Millersville’s Student Memorial Center. Witmer retired from Millersville’s Student Services, Inc., after 24 years.

That just gave him more time to chase tennis balls. In 2005, he had been inducted into the Lancaster Tennis Patrons Hall of Fame. In 2007, he received the Carol Strasser Memorial League Service Award from Middle States.

In the past 30 years, Witmer estimates he has spent more than 20 hours a week running tournaments, organizing USTA league matches and now serving as transportation director for the Koser Jewelers Pro Circuit tournament at Hempfield Rec Center. He has been at the helm when league participation in the Central Penn District rose to more than 50,000 entries.

Starting in the early 1980s, Witmer helped to run USTA leagues. Working with Mast, he served on Central Penn and Middle States committees. Then in 2005, he was elected president of USTA Middle States. Among those he has nurtured in the sport is Meredith Jorgensen, WGAL-TV reporter, who served as master of ceremonies for the Hall of Fame induction, and is an avid tennis fan.

“My greatest joy of all was having my wife and daughter love tennis almost as much as I do,” says Witmer.

His wife Linda ’74, whom he met at Millersville, plays tennis. Their daughter, Dr. Lauren Westermann ’01, was inducted into the Millersville University Athletics Hall of Fame in 2010. She specializes in obstetrics and gynecology near Cincinnati, Ohio, and is finishing a fellowship to become a urogynecology surgeon. She is married to Ben Westermann ’02.

“Lauren has natural talent. One of the best times of my life when was when she beat me,” says Witmer.

The proud grandfather of a 5-year-old grandson and 1-year-old granddaughter, Witmer was pleased when he heard that his grandson is already taking tennis lessons.

“His sister is too young, I guess,” says Witmer, with a smile.

Millersville men’s tennis team

Review Winter 2014 41


at ING, completed all require-ments necessary to attain fellow-ship status in the Society of Actuaries.

• 2000s• James Senft ’00, Lancaster, is the internal communications specialist with Burlington Coat Factory in Burlington, N.J. • Nathan

Claycomb ’01, Lancaster, was promoted to business devel-opment manager at Sight & Sound

Theatres in Strasburg. He also serves on the Millersville University Alumni Association Board of Directors. • Katie Breit ’02,

Lititz, received a certificate of completion for the National Association of Broadcasters

Education Foundation’s Leadership Development Program in October 2013. She is a senior account executive for WPMT-TV and is a member of the Millersville University Alumni Association Board of Directors.• Shaun Karli ’03, ’08M, Lancaster, is a teacher at Conestoga Valley and published his master’s thesis “Becoming Jack Nicholson.” • Lauren E.

Rand ’03, Lancaster, received her doc-torate degree in educational lead-ership and man-

agement from Drexel University in August. She is an eighth-grade science teacher at the Ephrata

Area School District. • Kristie (Ebersole) Berkstresser ’04, ’07M, Lancaster, received her doctorate degree in nursing edu-cation from Capella University. She is the coordinator of the practical nursing program at the Lancaster campus of Harrisburg Area Community College.• Christina (Wright) Fields ’05, Bloomington, Ind., received her doctorate of philosophy degree in higher education administra-tion from Bowling Green State University Ohio. She has accepted a director/visiting scholar faculty position at Indiana University.• Chuck McDade ’05, Huntingdon Valley, was a 2013 Emmy Award winner for Best AM Newscast – Philadelphia. He is employed at WCAU-TV NBC-10 as an assignment editor.• Natalie Shaak ’05, Philadelphia, has been promoted to associate director of student affairs at Drexel University.• Robert Libby ’06, Perkiomenville, is an artist/art instructor at Perkiomen Valley School District and creates large format art.• Christina L. Kunkle ’07, Dayton, Ohio, received a mas-ter’s degree in experimental psychology from San Jose State University in December 2012. She is employed as a behavioral sci-entist with Leidos (formerly SAIC) in Dayton.• Matt Musser ’07, Reamstown, has been promoted to senior manager at ParenteBeard, a top-25 accounting firm.• Chris Volski ’07, W. Hartford, Conn., was hired by ESPN in Bristol, Conn., as a motions graph-ics controller.• Scott Zedar ’07, Archbald, was hired as the technology education teacher at Dallas High

School, where he is teaching engineering design and architec-tural drafting and design. • Biren K.

Juthani ’08, Lancaster, was awarded the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree

from Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in June 2013. He will continue his medi-cal training in general surgery at Danbury Hospital in Conn.

• Carla Anderson ’09, North Wales, is finishing her Ph.D. at Penn State University after study-ing abroad in Ireland. • Lauren

Wegrzyniak ’09, New Cumberland, received a doc-tor of dental medicine degree

from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine in May 2013. She is in her first year of residency in

Christiana Wiest ’08 and Marko Mastrominas were married on 9/8/13. Also in the bridal party was Carolyn Smith ’09.

Amanda Alzate ’09 and Frederick Elslager ’09 were married on 7/27/13.

Tim Wolle ’11 and Emily Smoker ’12 were mar-ried on 8/3/13. Also in the wedding party were Brad Bronson ’11, Bree Eberly ’12 and Melissa Balliett ’12.


42 Review Winter 2014


Allison Polan ’08 and Erich Deutsch, 7/12/13. Attending the wedding included several Millersville alumni such as Allison Deutsch ’08, Bridget Byrnes ’09, Heather (Smith) Hannon ’08, Sarah Harper ’08, Sara Albright ’09, Licia (Marinelli) Nelson ’08, Bernadette Beagly ’09, Antoinette Davis ’09, Steve Crane ’13, Erika Rakow ’09, Alex Galante ’10, Kyle Relkin ’10, Sara Burroughs ’09, Amanda Miller ’08 and Vanessa Horst ’09.

Jessica Swarr ’11, ’13M and Maurice Jones were married on 9/19/13.

Matthew Kurz ’12 and Elizabeth McWhirt, were married on 10/5/13.

Madison Gress ’12 and Zack Morgan ’12 were married on 6/15/13.

Jason Stoltzfus ’03 and Ellen Richardson ’11, ’13M, 7/6/13. Several Millersville alumni were in the bridal party, including Christa Peters ’08, ’12M, Amanda Smith ’08, Ashley Tice ’08, ’11M, Scott Richardson ’99 and Barry Richardson ’70, ’73M.


Wayne MacKenzie ’04 married Clayton Zook on 1/1/13, in Tilghman Island, Md., and celebrated their reception on 7/13/13 in Baltimore, with many MU meteorology alumni. Pictured (l to r): Meteorology faculty Dr. Sepi Yalda and Dr. Rich Clark, Christine Olsen ’04, Kevin Berberich ’04, Natalie Alvarez ’04, Clayton Zook, Wayne MacKenzie ’04, Bill Burkey ’03, Cassie Behofist ’05, Bonnie Reed ’98 and Brian Hughes ’97.

Jillian Gallagher ’01 and Robert Duminiak were married on 9/28/13. Also in the wedding party were Sarah (Buziak) McClure ’00 and Lindsay (Wellington) McClure ’01.

Review Winter 2014 43

orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics/master’s of business administration at the Roseman University of Health Sciences College of Dental Medicine in Henderson, Nev.

• 2010s• Stephanie M. Pacana ’10, Marietta, received a juris doctor degree from Widener University School of Law in May 2013.• Jacob Gehman ’12, Lancaster, co-created an online gathering place for local writers called The Triangle ( • Susan Sines ’13, Lititz, is a nursing instructor at Shadyside Hospital School of Nursing in Pittsburgh.

• Marriages• Joyce Minnar ’99 and Joseph Devine, 8/7/13.• Jillian Gallagher ’01 and Robert Duminiak, 9/28/13.• Sara Jenkins ’03 and Austin Hodge, 6/29/13.• Jason Stoltzfus ’03 and Ellen Richardson ’11, ’13M, 7/6/13.• Wayne MacKenzie ’04 and Clayton Zook, 1/1/13.• Lindsay DeLong ’06 and Jonathan Ringer, 8/16/13.• Carissa Irwin ’06 and Nathan Whatmore, 8/10/13.• Allison Polan ’08 and Erich Deutsch, 7/12/13.• Christiana Wiest ’08 and Marko Mastrominas, 9/8/13.• Amanda Alzate ’09 and Frederick Elslager ’09, 7/27/13.

• Jaclyn Marteslo ’09 and Kyle Foster ’09, 7/13/13.• Heather Gowdy ’11 and James Wiand Jr., 7/2/13.• Jessica Swarr ’11, ’13M and Maurice Jones, 9/19/13.• Tim Wolle ’11 and Emily Smoker ’12, 8/3/13.• Madison Gress ’12 and Zack Morgan ’12, 6/15/13.• Matthew Kurz ’12 and Elizabeth McWhirt, 10/5/13.

Births• Rebecca (Lautenbacher) Goldie ’98 and husband Jamie, a daughter, Molly Jane, on 9/19/13.• Melissa (Barnett) Kashner ’98 and husband Matthew ’98, a daughter, Rosalie Joy, on 12/3/12.

• Bryan Baker ’99 and wife Beth, a daughter, Hannah Rose, on 7/11/13.• Laura (Geserick) ’01 and hus-band Matthew Coulehan ’01, a daughter, Ella Grace, on 10/3/13.• Jennifer (Hartman) Bergen ’02 and husband James, a son, James, on 2/15/10, and, a daughter, Haylee Elizabeth, on 7/10/12.• Emily (Schriver) Trang ’02 and husband James, a son, Logan De, on 6/9/13.• Sara (Jenkins) Hodge ’03 and husband Austin, a son, Oliver Frederick, on 10/21/13.• Eric Miller ’05 and wife Jennifer (Dorman) ’07M, a son, Jack Matthew, on 3/15/13.• Tiffany (Dellinger) Miller ’05 and husband Aaron, a daughter, Olivia Jane, on 5/18/13.


44 Review Winter 2014

• Caitlin (Geoghan) Williams ’06 and husband Keith Williams, a son, Brayden James, on 10/6/13.• Stephanie “Sve” (Eiffes) Peretta ’06 and husband Joe, a daughter, Ava Elizabeth, on 9/25/13.• Jennifer (Troupe) Rummel ’07 and husband Andrew, a daugh-ter, Sarah Ruth, on 7/23/13.• Amy Livengood ’08 and husband Dean, a daughter, on 7/9/13.• Gregory L. Ziegler ’08 and wife Emily (Popchock) ’09, a daughter, Charlotte, on 5/20/13.

Deaths• Louise (Welch) Lehman ’39, Reading, died on 11/25/12, at the age of 95. She was an English teacher and also lived in Germany and Turkey for years.• Harvey B. Stauffer Jr. ’41, Vero Beach, Fla., died on 1/3/13, at the

age of 93. He was a Navy veteran who served during World War II and the Korean War. • Jane (Wveschinski) DeGrange ’42, Seaford, Del., died on 8/24/13, at the age of 92. She held teaching and administrative positions in school systems in Maryland, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. She retired as dean of student affairs at Goldey Beacom College in Wilmington, Del. • Dorothy Marie (Pachelbel) Borthwick ’43, Lancaster, died on 8/28/13, at the age of 91. A school teacher, she later became a partner with her husband in his cabinetmaking shop.• Winifred (Cooke) McCain ’43, Lafayette Hill, Pa., died on 5/27/13, at the age of 91. She was a teacher and librarian at Bristol Borough Junior-Senior High School in Bucks County.• Robert W. Rill Sr. ’43, Lancaster, died on 10/1/13, at the

age of 92. He taught science and math and became the superin-tendent of the Conestoga Valley School District until his retire-ment in 1980. The gymnasium at Conestoga Valley was named in his honor. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II.• Anna Mae (Weaver) Forbes ’47, Quarryville, died 9/12/13, at the age of 88. A librarian, she was with the Solanco School District 38 years until her retirement. She was also very involved with the Quarryville Library as a volunteer and board member.• Mary (Herr) Deitrich ’48, Quarryville, died on 9/25/13, at the age of 87. She was a teacher with the Phoenix School District before her retirement in 1983. • James H. Quackenbush ’49, Keswick, Va., died on 10/11/13, at the age of 90. He served his country as a soldier during World War II, in the Department of

classnotesSUBMISSIONSIn order to ensure that your news will appear in a given issue, please submit it according to the schedule below:

Spring/Summer 2014 issue:March 31, 2014

Fall 2014 issue:June 15, 2014

Please send news to:Alumni Services OfficeP.O. Box 1002Millersville, PA 17551-0302Phone: 800-681-1855Fax: 717-871-5050



Sigma Tau Gamma anniversary Brothers of Sigma Tau Gamma celebrated the 50th anniversary of Tau Gamma Lambda and the beginning of Greek Life at Millersville during Homecoming weekend on October 26, 2013.

For the past several years the fraternity has hosted a gathering at Homecoming to encourage brothers to interact and strengthen the commitment to their organization.

1st Row (l to r): Daniel Sidelnick ’75, Matthew Junkin, Alex Hargraves ’10, Landen Grossman, Sean Farrow, Craig Thompson ’94, Steven Junkin ’88, Ken Bogle ’69, Paul MacNamara ’84

2nd Row (l to r): Michael Hurrell ’95, Matthew Hepler ’83, Steve DiEnno ’84, Jay Miffoluf ’73, Bob Becker ’86, Edward Lederer ’87, Dianne Semingson (wife of the late H. Craig Lewis), Sam Koons ’66, Donald Lewis ’65, Charles Rossi ’82, Brian Hueber ’93, Kenneth Reed ’95

3rd Row (l to r): David Smith ’94, James Tickner ’94, Patrick Sellers ’97, Chad Kimmel ’96, Gregory Schneck ’73, Dennis Brown ’73, Gregory Overmeyer ’72, Jeffrey Cole ’94, Clay Rundell ’97, Jim Hewlett ’80, William McGrorty ’82, Raul Urrunaga ’954thRow (l to r): Duane Miller ’94, Jeffrey Dittenhafer ’87, Brant Guilfoyle ’02, Greg Thomas, Alex Rojas ’10, Christopher Junkin, Mark Perez ’97, Stephen Hvizdos ’93, Randy Miller ’75, Richard Nickel ’76

Review Winter 2014 45

Remembrances• Fay E. Bledsoe, Lancaster, died 12/22/13, at the age of 80. She retired from Millersville University as an administrative assistant.• Mary Elizabeth Fisher, died on 1/10/14, at the age of 91. She retired as a secretary from Millersville University in 1987, after19 years in the Student Activities, Student Payroll and the Campus Bookstore.• James C. Libhart Jr. died on 12/20/13, at the age of 66. He was an electrician at Millersville University before his retirement in 1999. He was also the past president of AFSCME at the University.• Dorothy C. “Dottie” McDermott, Lancaster, died on 9/13/13, at the age of 86. She retired in the late 1980s from Millersville University, where she worked as a registered nurse in the school infirmary. She served her country in the U.S. Navy as a nurse and achieved the rank of Lt. Commander.• Marilyn A. (Husson) Shirley, Lancaster, died on 12/7/13, at the age of 85. She worked as a secretary at Millersville University before retiring in 1993.• Frederick “Chip” Smedley III, Lancaster, died on 11/1/13, at the age of 57. He coached Millersville University’s ice hockey club in the mid-1980s and also was a freelance writer for the Review. A former teacher at Lancaster Country Day School, he was a report-er for Lancaster Newspapers.

Labor and at the United Nations International Labor Organization. • Richard L. Good ’50, Lancaster, died on 8/27/13, at the age of 88. He had worked as a proof-reader for Rudisill and Company, which was later acquired by R.R. Donnelley & Sons. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II.• William J. Esher Jr. ’51, Haddonfield, N.J., died on 7/29/13, at the age of 85. He taught social studies at South Philadelphia High School and retired in 1982. For more than 30 years, he was the head coach of the boys basketball team and an assistant football coach.• Anne Cochrane McCune ’53, ’83M, Lee’s Summit, Mo., died on 8/30/13, at the age of 83. She taught in the Upper Darby and Conestoga Valley school districts. She was active in the Lancaster Opera Company for 28 years and served as the chairperson. • Herman R. Reitz ’53, Harrisonburg, Va., died on 10/6/13, at the age of 81. He was a faculty member at Eastern Mennonite College and Seminary from 1961-2003.• Mae (Slater) Wingenroth ’53, Lititz, died on 10/2/13, at the age of 95. She taught elementary school and was principal of the Schoeneck Elementary School. In 1958 she was appointed supervi-sor of all elementary schools of the new Cocalico Union.• Glenn C. “Mr. Tick” Dutterer ’54, Holicong, Pa., died on 8/31/13, at the age of 82. He taught elementary school for 38 years and was also on the staff for many years at Camp Ockanickon.• Erma (Landis) Whitmore ’54, Susquehanna, died on 2/26/13, at the age of 90. She taught school in Butler, N.J., and was an avid gardener.

• John G. “Jack” Spiese ’58, Columbia, Pa., died on 8/26/13, at the age of 83. He was on the faculty at Saint Francis College (now University), teaching his-tory from 1968-76, and then taught at Temple University until retiring in 1992. Earning a law degree, he became a member of the Pa. Bar Association in 1981. Affectionately known as “Doc” Spiese, he was active in the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s and the anti-war movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s. He served in the U.S Navy during the Korean War.• Juliet (Gochnauer) Stephan ’58, Lancaster, died on 8/31/13, at the age of 92. A nurse prac-titioner, she served as the health coordinator at Manheim Township School for many years and was an adjunct faculty mem-ber at Millersville University. • Phyllis (Dolde) Yost-Donovan ’58, Philadelphia, died on 9/27/13, at the age of 75. She began her career as an elementa-ry school teacher and continued her career with the Space and Aeronautics Division of General Electric, Martin Marietta and Lockheed Martin.• R. Richard DiNoia ’61, Sarasota, Fla., died on 5/7/13, at the age of 73. He was a retired educator and guidance counselor.• Nancy (Stitchberry) Farley ’61, New Hope, died on 9/23/13, at the age of 73. She taught elemen-tary school and owned Farley’s Bookshop for 46 years. • F. James Kirchner ’61, Montpelier, Va., died on 10/8/13, at the age of 76. A member of the U.S. Marine Corps, he retired in 1989 as a colonel. He served two tours in Vietnam and was award-ed the Bronze Star Medal.• Harriet C. Conner ’63,

Lancaster, died on 6/26/13, at the age of 89. She was a nurse and an active member of Bethany Presbyterian Church and Towne Club of Lancaster.• Joyce (Ilgenfritz) Smith ’63, Elizabethtown, died on 7/6/13, at the age of 72. She taught first grade for 33 years for the Dover Area School District. • Katharine (Swartzbaugh) Swope ’63, Windsor Township, Pa., died on 8/9/13, at the age of 77. She was retired from the Warrior Run High School in Turbotville, where she taught English for 29 years. • Dorothy (Garrity) Young ’63, ’66M, Elizabethtown, died on 8/6/13, at the age of 86. She was a first-grade teacher at Donegal School District. Prior to becom-ing a teacher, she was a nurse at Lebanon Veterans Administration Hospital, Lancaster General Hospital and was the school nurse at Donegal middle and high schools.

• A. Joseph “Joe” Homer ’65, Lancaster, died on 9/4/13, at the age of 70. He taught life sciences at Lancaster’s Lincoln Junior High School for 31 years and coached basketball at the school. Following his retirement, he worked as a courier for Way Delivery Services.• Ronald D. Hamsher ’66, ’72M, Columbia, Pa., died 12/16/13, at the age of 73. He was a teacher of language arts for Warwick School District, retiring in 1997. In his retirement, he was an adjunct professor at Millersville University and also worked as a greeter at Dutch Apple Dinner Theater.• Charles W. Weko Jr. ’67, Alexandria, Pa., died 2/13/13, at the age of 68. He taught high school math in Coatesville and in Newport, Vt. He returned to Huntingdon County in 1976 and was a self-employed plumbing contractor for 30 years. .• Barbara (Erb) Diamond ’68, Portland, Ore., died on 6/3/13, at

46 Review Winter 2014

the age of 67. She had worked as the front office manager at Coldwell Banker in Quakertown.• Rodney J. Mays ’68, Lebanon, Pa., died on 5/23/13, at the age of 80. An economist, he retired from the Department of Agriculture. He served in the U.S. Army as a helicopter mechanic and then in the Army Reserve from 1955-63. He was an active supporter of Jubilee Ministries and mission trips to Haiti.• Frank J. McFalls ’68, Glenville, died on 7/8/13, at the age of 75. He retired after 30 years of service to the Hanover School District as a history teacher, guid-ance counselor and coach. He spent 20 years as a seasonal park ranger at Codorus State Park and also served in the U.S. Navy.• Francis G. Cossick ’69, Camp Hill, died on 10/9/13, at the age of 66. He worked for Highmark for 35 years and was “a brilliant IT troubleshooter.” A platoon sergeant in Vietnam, he was a decorated infantryman with two Purple Hearts.• Dennis D. Louwerse ’69, Lebanon, Pa., died on 9/5/13, at the age of 68. He was the execu-tive director and CEO of Berks Area Regional Transportation Authority (BARTA) and belonged to numerous professional orga-nizations.• Linda (Eshleman) Todd ’69, Quarryville, died on 9/25/13, at the age of 65. She was a passion-ate supporter of the Quarryville Library, where she served on the board and helped with fundrais-ing for the library. She was a co-owner of Abigail’s Trunk that operated in Quarryville through the mid-1990s.• Fred K. Brackbill ’70, Lancaster, Ohio, died on 10/8/12,

at the age 86. He served in the U.S. Air Force for 22 years, fin-ishing his career as a major. He taught industrial arts at Heath Middle School until he retired.• Jeffrey R. Diem ’72, Maytown, died on 9/15/13, at the age of 63. He retired from Manheim Township School District in 2006, after teaching science for 33 years. • Jeffrey M. Johnston ’72, Lebanon, Pa., died on 5/23/13, at the age of 62. He taught sci-ence at Feaser Middle School in Middletown for 35 years. For 18 years, he coached the golf team and after retirement worked as a greenskeeper at Evergreen Golf Course in Manheim.• Lewis J. Matt III ’72, Jefferson, Pa., died on 3/12/12, at the age of 66. He was retired from the Department of Corrections at the State Correctional Institution - Greene. He was active in the Lancaster Liederkranz and ran the White Buck Farm Jams and Jellies. During the Vietnam War, he served in the U.S. Air Force.• Kozette Lynn (Widder) Rushton ’73, Novato, Calif., died on 8/25/13, at the age of 61. Before moving to the Bay Area, she taught elementary school on the Havasupai Indian Reservation in the Grand Canyon. She later became a painter and repre-sented high-fashion jewelry for Premier Designs.• Peter C. Rieker ’74, Lancaster, died on 8/16/13, at the age of 60. He worked for Susquehanna Bank for 44 years in various positions, most recently as executive vice president and was involved in many commercial business and real estate projects throughout Central Pennsylvania. He was also an avid golfer.

• Michael A. Heberlein ’75, Lancaster, died on 6/18/13, at the age of 63. A well known artist, he founded Lancaster Galleries in 1984 and was a certified art appraiser. • Rosalie (Longo) Nester ’75, Wyomissing, died on 12/4/12, at the age of 75. Most of her career was in nursing education at Reading Area Community College and Alvernia University. Later she worked at Wernersville State Hospital until her retirement.• Linda E. Gutshall ’ 76, Lancaster, died on 4/25/13, at the age of 67. She taught first grade at Penn Manor’s Martic Elementary School for years.• Charles F. Ressler ’77, Lancaster, died on 5/1/13, at the age of 87. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He retired from the Mount Joy Vo-Tech School, where he taught building trades maintenance. • Marlin L. Haldeman ’79, Manheim, died on 6/4/13, at the age of 62. He served in the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam War. He later joined the Pa. Air National Guard and retired as chief master sergeant for the 193rd Special Operations Squadron. He was also the owner and operator of M.L. Haldeman Aluminum Awnings in Lititz.• Thomas “Haltz” D. Halloran ’80, Morton, Pa., died on 6/25/12, at the age of 56. He was employed at the United States Postal Service for 28 years. He coached little leagues, including CYO Fatima football.• Brenda (Settle) Trefftzs ’84, Johnston, Iowa, died on 10/22/13, at the age of 51. She served for more than 25 years as a German immersion teacher for the Department of Defense in

several U.S. elementary schools in Germany. She spoke out to encourage the early detection of ovarian cancer.• Nancy (Hertzler) Witmer ’86, Marietta, died on 4/23/13, at the age of 71. She was a social worker for Community Services Group and Keystone Human Services. She also was a found-ing board member for the Welsh Mountain Clinic and a volunteer counselor at Lancaster’s Rape Aid and Prevention organization.• Pamela Jo (Slane) Griffith ’91, Elmira, N.Y., died on 5/9/13, at the age of 59. A teacher and cheer-leading coach, she taught second grade in the Warwick School District and first grade in the Battlement Mesa School District in Colorado.• Lorraine (McCracken) Wilson ’01M, York, died on 10/11/13, at the age of 57. She worked as a pediatric nurse at York Hospital and became a certified registered nurse practitioner in 2001. She was also an adjunct professor for Harrisburg Community College and York College.• Suzanne “Sue” (Morrison) Wimer ’02, Lancaster, died on 6/6/13, at the age of 53. She taught seventh-grade reading in Hempfield School District. She directed her church’s children choirs and accompanied the adult choir.• Ryan M. Lefever ’04, Lititz, died on 5/18/13, at the age of 34. He was a customer service repre-sentative for Haller Enterprises. • Robert J. Hetrick ’09, Enola, died on 6/15/13, at the age of 24. He worked at Loysville Youth Development and at Amazon.


Review Winter 2014 47

Joe Nolt & Marianne Nolt ’70,’74M

giveWhy we

For Marianne Slaugh Herzog Nolt, Millersville University is a place where it all began for her lifelong career in education.

It is something that she and her husband, Joseph P. Nolt, feel so strongly about that they have established the Joseph P. and Marianne S. Nolt Family Scholarship to benefit a junior Early Childhood or Middle Education student working on applied research.

“I recall the fine faculty members who helped to guide my education at Millersville,” says Marianne. “Our gift should help students to experi-ence the guidance of outstanding educators to enhance the students’ educational careers.”

Marianne completed her education at Millersville as a nontraditional student, earning her bachelor’s degree in elementary education in 1970 and her master’s degree in education in 1974. By then she was married with two children and highly motivated to earn her degrees.

“I was raising two children and attending classes at Millersville. I began teaching in the School District of Lancaster,” she says.

She mentored many students from Millersville in her fourth-grade classroom, which reinforced her interest in fostering the development of future educators. After 15 years of teaching, Marianne took her next step in education, as an administrator. She earned her principal’s certi-fication at the University of Maryland, traveling there two days a week for five years, after teaching all day in Lancaster. She often thinks about how she handled this, while teaching and raising two children. Motiva-tion was the key to her success.

“I encouraged my teachers to invite student teachers from Mill-ersville University to work in their classrooms,” says Marianne, who understands the value of classroom experiences in becoming a top-notch teacher.

After she retired from the School District of Lancaster as an adminis-trator, Marianne was called by Millersville University, not as a student, but as an educator. She became a supervisor for student teachers in many schools in Lancaster, York and Lebanon counties. She also worked in the Philadelphia School District, since many of the Millersville stu-dents, who were residents of the Philadelphia area, wanted to student teach in their home areas, hoping to get jobs there.

For Marianne and Joe the goal of producing the best of the best in teacher education is very close to their hearts.

“During the past years my husband and I have attended many con-vocations and fundraising events at Millersville University and have decided to support research grants at the university,” noted Marianne, who served on the committee for Dr. John M. Anderson’s inauguration and has been named as a member of the President’s Scholarship Com-mittee for the spring of 2014.

The scholarship established by the Nolts will go to students in educa-tion, toward applied research grants, leading to original, practical con-tributions in the field of education. The funds will be awarded as tuition

for thesis credit courses in educational research.“Although this is very important to Marianne,

as a Millersville alumnus, it is just as important to me,” says Joe Nolt.

Joe is a 1955 graduate of McCaskey High School who earned his history degree at Frank-lin & Marshall College in 1959. He was in ROTC at F&M, then served in the Air Force, before working in the insurance industry as chairman of Murray Insurance in Lancaster. Now retired, Joe looks back on the many educators who influenced his life and wants to give back to Millersville University.

“We both have a very deep family connection to Millersville,” explains Joe. “It goes back several generations.”

The Nolt family legacy began with Joe’s late mother, Mary Keiser Nolt, who earned her teaching degree in the 1930s. Marianne’s mother, Marian Wagner Slaugh, studied at Millersville and was secretary to one of the vice presidents. Then Marianne earned two degrees from the School of Education, son Joe received his bachelor’s degree in 2001 and now grandson Joey is a senior about to begin his student teaching. The Nolts are very proud to have a grandson who is ready to teach young children.

The Nolts’ five children have been educated at Millersville, Gettysburg College, Elizabethtown, Syracuse University and Albright College. There are also seven grandchildren, five of whom are pursuing degrees from Lehigh University, F&M College and West Chester, and one is a recent graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. The two youngest grandchildren are in high school.

The Nolts are very active in the community. Both are volunteers for the North Museum, Lan-caster Symphony Orchestra, Women’s Symphony Association, Grace Lutheran Church, YMCA, F&M and Millersville University.

“Every success in our lives came from the guid-ance of our parents and the many educational institutions that we have been privileged to attend,” states Marianne enthusiastically. “That is why it means so much for us to assist education students with the Nolt Family Scholarship.”


F E B R U A R Y - M A Y 2 0 1 4

Tickets call: 717-872-3811 or Visit: | Learn more about our 2014 events at

FebruaryFebruaryFriday 7 - Jazz in the Sky presents Nate Birkey 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Saturday 8 - Red Rose & Shamrock Irish Music Festival noon - 9 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Sunday 9 - Department of Music Louis Vyner Scholarship Competition 2:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Wednesday 12 - Rev. Al Sharpton – “Go Tell Pharaoh” Sponsored by African American Studies, MU NAACP Student Chapter, Black Student Union, Academic Theme Committee 7:30 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville

Thursday 13 - The Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, and South Central PaARTners present Poetry Out Loud: National Recitation Contest 7 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Friday 14 - Allegro, Music in the Round Love is All Around, Brian Norcross, Conductor 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Saturday 15 - Cabaret: Live. Laugh. Love with Diamante. 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Tuesday 18 - American Negro Playwright Theatre Rosa, A Tribute to Rosa Parks 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Wednesday 19 - Melva S. McIlwaine Master Class: Maria Azova, violin 3 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville

Friday 21 - Department of Music: “Jazz at the ‘Ville” with guest artists from the U.S. Army Jazz Ambassadors 7:30 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville

Friday & Saturday 21-22 - Roots & Blues Festival More than 50 artists from around the world in two days of great music. Multiple venues including the Ware Center, Lancaster

Thursday 27 - Lori Belilove & Isadora Duncan Dance Company 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Friday 28 - Department of Music Uncommon Quartets and Sextets Christy Banks with guest artists NakedEye Ensemble 7:30 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville

Friday 28 - University Theatre: A Lesson before Dying A play by Romulus Linney, based on the novel by Ernest J. Gains Dutcher Hall, Millersville See next page for performance dates in March. This play contains strong language and mature themes.

Rev. Al Sharpton

Tickets call: 717-872-3811 or Visit: | Learn more about our 2014 events at

MarchMarch 1, 6, 7 & 8 - 8 p.m.; March 2 (open captioned) & 9 - 2 p.m. University Theatre: A Lesson before Dying A play by Romulus Linney, based on the novel by Ernest J. Gains Dutcher Hall, Millersville This play contains strong language and mature themes.

Sunday 2 - Department of Music: The Lititz Anthems of Johannes Herbst with Millersville Choral Ensembles: University Choir, University Chorale and Women’s Chorus 7:30 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville

Friday 7 & Saturday 8 - Latino Arts Festival including music, dance, film and more Ware Center, Lancaster

Friday 7 - Department of Music: Winners Circle - Ensemble & Orchestra Concert with special guests 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Saturday 8 - Department of Music: Multi-Cello Ensemble 2 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville

Saturday 8 - Duet for Love: Jose Garcia & Kristin Sims with Special Guests 7:30 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville

Sunday 9 - Downtown Dances 4 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Friday 14 - Fam Fun Fest: A Day in the Life of Miss Hiccup 7 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Friday 14 - Allegro’s Music in the Round: If It’s Not Baroque… 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Saturday 15 - Jammin’ Divas 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Thursday 20 - Remarkable Radical: The Life and Times of Thaddeus Stevens. A play written and performed by Tom Wiggin 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Friday 21 - Orchestrated! Starring Marieann Meringolo backed up by a 7-Piece Orchestra 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Saturday 22 - Ustav, Indian Arts Festival showcases Indian culture, heritage and traditions through dance, music, exhibits 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Thursday 27 - Narek Hakhnazaryan, cello & Christopher Shih, piano 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Thursday 27 - Hazel I. Jackson Lecture: Wil Haygood, Washington Post reporter and author of The Butler 7:30 p.m. Lehr Room, Bolger Conference Center, Gordinier Hall

Thursday 27 – “Power of the Purse” Scholarship Benefit for Women’s Giving Circle; Susan C. Eckert, Speaker 4:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Saturday 29 – Red Molly 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

March 27, 28, 29 - 7:30 p.m. and 30 - 2 p.m. - All-Campus Musical Organization production of Elton John and Tim Rice’s AIDA Winter Center, Millersville


Jammin’ Divas

Indian Arts

Narek Hakhnazaryan

Christopher Shih


Tickets call: 717-872-3811 or Visit: | Learn more about our 2014 events at

Wes Moore

AprilWednesday - Friday 2-4 - Conference on the Holocaust and Genocide For information, contact: 717-872-3555 7:30 p.m. Lehr Room, Bolger Conference Center, Gordinier Hall

Friday 4 - Melva S. McIlwaine Master Class: George Tsontakis, composer 3 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville

Sunday 6 - Celebrate Ballet 3 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Tuesday 8 - Glenna Hazeltine Women in Mathematics and Science Keynote Speaker: Dr. Delaram Kahrobaei 9 a.m. Reighard Multipurpose Room, Student Memorial Center

Friday 11 - Department of Music: Annual Single Reed Symposium - Clarinet & Saxophone Ensembles Closing concert 7:30 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville

Friday 11 - Sena Y Verbo Teatro de Sordos: ¡¿Quien Te Entiende?! Or Who Can Possibly Understand You?! 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Saturday 12 - Fam Fun Fest: Music for the Eyes by Sena y Verbo 11 a.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Saturday 12 - Jazz ‘n Java 7:30 p.m. Student Memorial Center, Millersville

Saturday 12 - Mark Twain at Large (performed by Ron Jewell) 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Sunday 13 - Department of Music: Percussion Ensemble Showcase 2:30 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville

Monday 14 - Lecture: Wes Moore 7:30 p.m. Reighard Multipurpose Room, Student Memorial Center

Wednesday 16 - Lancaster Literary Guild: Seamus Heaney, Irish poet 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

17-20 - LAUNCH Music Conference and Festival various bands, workshops, exhibits sponsored by Millersville University and others Downtown Lancaster Marriot, Ware Center and other venues

Tuesday 22 - Catalyst Quartet 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Sunday 27 - NeCo Dance 4 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

1 In person Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. at: Student Memorial Center Ticket Office, located

in Room 103 of the Student Memorial Center on Millersville’s campus or at the front desk of the Ware Center, Lancaster.

2 Over the phone by calling  717-872-3811, Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

3 Online at or

Winter Center events require advance tickets, but in many cases are free. All events are subject to change.

MillersvilleUniversityhasmore thanahundredeventsandperformancesscheduledattheWareand Winter centers and other campus venuesduring the spring semester. Check online fordetailedinformation,

Ask about our FLEX PASS and receive a 15% discount when you mix and match

5 eligible events.

Three Convenient Ways to Order Tickets:

The Series at the Ware Centeroffers performances in Art, Cabaret, Dance, Jazz, Film, Lecture, Music and OperaLancaster. For more information on these series, visit Ware Center is located at 42 N. Prince Street, Lancaster.

The Winter Visual andPerforming Arts Center is located at 60 West Cottage Avenue on Millersville University’s campus. Free parking is available at the parking garage located at Cottage Avenue and North Prince Street.

MayThursday – Saturday, May 1, 2 & 3 – 7:30 p.m. Sunday, May 4 – 2 p.m. University Theatre: Our Town By Thornton Wilder, Directed by Tony Elliot Winter Center, Millersville

Friday 2 - Department of Music: Santiago Rodriguez, piano & Millersville University Orchestra 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Saturday 3 - Robin Spielberg, piano - Dreaming of Summer 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Sunday 4 - Allegretto Youth Concert 4 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Sunday 4 - Department of Music: Made in America 7:30 p.m. Winter Center, Millersville

Monday 12 - The Q&A Cabaret starring Danielle Dalli, featuring Ron Barnett, piano 7:30 p.m. Ware Center, Lancaster

Saturday 17 - Four Corners Family Arts Festival 11 a.m.-2 p.m. - Outside on the lawn at Millersville University

Tickets call: 717-872-3811 or Visit: | Learn more about our 2014 events at

Ron Barnett Danielle Dalli


Non Profit Org.

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Student Senate celebrates its 100th anniversary

With a scant code of rules drawn up, the Student Senate was founded in 1913. At that time, Student Senate was comprised of 15 all-male representatives (photo at right) from each of the classes and a senior as the presiding officer. The primary responsibility of Senate at that time was to relieve the Study Hall teacher of his responsibility of keeping order.

Today, Student Senate is the voice of the student body, boasting 83 members, representing many clubs and organizations. This vigorous organization offers professional experience to students and handles student issues and concerns, club funding, and constitutional and judicial affairs between clubs. More than 60 former Senators attended a first-ever reunion at Homecoming 2013 to celebrate 100 years of the Student Senate.

Student Senate reunion at Homecoming 2013.