MIDWAY METHODIST CHURCH - Amazon S3...Burch,trusteea..Till 1908 m1n1,at'8rs ot the Lincolnton....


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This ~huroh~ l~eRte~ ab?ut 7 miles n~rth west ~f Lincelnt~n

was ergnaized in the summer f 19060 This seotiQn had not

been served by a Methedist Churoh since the abe43ment _r

Geshen Churoh many years ber.re o In the meantime several

Methedlst ram111&s had m~ved int~ the e~mmunltYt and these

with these whe were already attaohed t. this faith, made the ,t'1.eld lnvlvingo Dr .. Wo Ao Buroh. Ew He Albea, Wo Ro Barrett,

M. Eo ~mlth, lofTS .. T. C Ward. and .the··s invited Hev~ Ao D.

Ech~ls, of the L1nc01nt~n Charge~ t~ held services in the

C<llID'lUn1 t.1' with n v1ew "t' establ.llj)hlng a church.. At first

these servtees wer~ held 1n the h ~es, but the interest was

8~ great and the attendance so l~r~e they were tranRf~r~d t~

11sh~d and c~lled MidwayS! after the c0!'Q~unlty wl11ch WIlS

Midway hetwe~n Ltncelnton. t\nd Danburg. In the fall. the

pr s~nt build 1ni7; was erected th~ugh 1twas n;;lt co n'Oleted

until the foll_w1ng ye1r~ Mr. Dave Danner .r Metasv111 was

hired t~ supervise the building, th~ members, the B ntlst

in th~ c',m1lunl ty t flnd th"se who were n';tt afr111at~d w1th lIay

$ther church ci.)-.p~rated 1n the w-r'<. We> A. Burch was made

stet a rd. and W~ Ro Barrett, W~ Eo Smith, and Wo A. Burch truste~so

Ont1l 1908 the mlnlste~s ~f the Llnc~lnt~n. chArge served this

chu ch, but during that yeAr 1t was 1nc~rn.rnted 1n t~e Seuth

LlncQln ch~rge ~nd hqs since been nerved by the ministers f

tha.t Circuit.

Fln!ilnce~ Wf'!rf'! t 19ht 1n tl1~ fSolrmlng C' m:aunl ty and thf'! church

ne~d~d m~ny things. In 1908 Clf'!Bvy Ward nurchas~d an erg~n

rer the church and at times thf'! lnstallments ~n the ~rgan

were less than ten d~llarso Th~ first plane was pureh~sed

fr9m Jul1a Pewf'!ll And was later s.ld te Ben Smlth~ After

thls t~e nrf'!sent nian. w~s nurch~sedo

The church has net always been BS cemr.rtab1e as 1t 1

new o It was Qrl~inR.ll' heR.t~d by a weed hurnln~. pet-bel11ed

stove, wlth the weed being rurnished by the congregatlen

011 esnecia11y c~ld Sundays the c~ngreg~tl.n weuld pull th61r

benches cl.se ar~und the heater and hRve servlceso Later

the stevf'! was repl~ced· by gas space heaters ond 1n the tall

ef 1972 cerltral he~t1n and a1r-oendlt19nlng w s lnstalled o

Fer 8 shert nerted 1n .969 the fhurch was ~1r-c$ndttl~ned by

wlnd.w un1ts; unr~rtun¥~elY the~ were stelen arter having

been 1n use .n1y a fewf~.nthS. iKeresene lamps hung fr')m the '" ~

sldf! .r the wa.lls pr.v~~ed the first lights later these were f

supl\m~nted by an Alad11n lamp.~ Thesf'! lamps were 1n servioe I

unt1l 1941 when electrlc1ty was breught 1nt. the c~mmun1tYG I

In 1951 the alter was meved f~rward and three Sunday

termed dlrect1y behlnd It. 1967 breught

In 1910 a well was

bered and sh~rtly thereafter the pumn was alse stelen~ The

pump was s,...~n re"l:'lced and 1n 1971 thf'! church ann~x was c~n-

and a b~s~ment s ctAl hall o In the t~ll of 197? th~ er1g1nal

pew were replaced by the beautiful new pews we ar~ nuN uslngo

Theugh church finRnces have never been an easy matter

thel .-r· times when they w· ely diff1cult. A c~py

o shews that after aef t

entitled "G1ving Up Al r h~ K1n~.m," th~ oellectlenles~

plr t turned empty. The re11 'I '-"; Sunday the cellectlen

Inc t. fiv~ cents and th~ ~rvtce was cl.sed w1th the

en • wers er Bl~ss1n~s,"o Dur1ng these times, wh~n funds

er 9 1t was t,h~ j.b er th~ church trustees tJ ~1s~ the

g. da.r t~ d.~r 8Qllclt1ng d~n~t1ens. otten the meMbers did

n~t h~v~ c~sh t. ~1ve and pr$duce and l1ve chickens were given

t. th truste s as erterlngs. These c3ntrlbut1 ns wer~ tak~n

te L1ncalnt,;n where they were purChased by Hr. l.!.ugene Heese .r

resal~ in h1s st~reo The mrn~Y was t~en used te pay the past.ro

Mrso N bl~ Narman, a r~rmer .. truste~ r~calls that At times they } I

w~=::: ... .,)1' L>y i-... farmer tf"l<t :i~ .~ lS': 'J_I.Y busy; hewever, 11" th .. y

w.u1d gather the c~rn er s)m~ ether v~g~tabl~ themselves, they

community cemnla1n~d ab~ut g\vlng a pert1en Qr his cr.ps t.

p~y th~ past.r-he c~ntended that a ~n c<ll~d t~ preach by

the Lera d1d net want pF:lvment fGr h1s w·i.lrk. J~

Presently eur ~olleet14ns ar- sunl1m~nt~d by supperR, bak

sal~st rummage s~l~s Rnd th~ ~~n~~ us c 'ntributiens or fJrmer

me~bers And ~rl~nds

The C'l rch 18 1n ~ tl1r1v1n~ c<:lnd \ t1 In '9nd has a me:aber­

shiu .r 66 e Th~ pr~sent trustees ar Hoyt Ne~an, Themas Posse

Arlin Wll~er, ~nd J o Bo Bentl~yo

.~hen the cnureh was est~"l t sh~d a Sunday Soh 01 WgS ')r­

gan1z~d w1th Ae No Glaze, a Bant1st, as Sup~rlntendent. In

the rellewlng year To Co Ward, who h~d recently been cenverted

And united wlt~ this church suceeded Mr~ Glaze. Later We To

NermAn oeCAne super1ntendent ~nd served in thIs capacity rer ,

many y~qrs. The present sup~~lntn~dp.nt is Themas Pess o

We, tl-le pres~nt 1"l~f.it:>ers:11t1> f~el truly hl*.ssed te hnve h9d

a part in the adv':l.nce!'1~nt ~f iUd \'isy Ch11roh. We ~re very or .:?ud

er lIur o:mrch And we extend its h981)lta11ty t. eaoh r yeu and

we heoe y~u will return t. be with us ctteno


Pasters et Midway Chureh

~lt.$n LRws~n Lleyd Jacks.n Go HI) BaileyBl11 Lee go Wo Dunagan Ii.lo Greene Lee U.wnlnp; We A. We.mru 't' Hese ee David Guy K~nt Ho Ge Garrett Ro F. Elr.d J. C. Pewell Kllen Phll11ns J.hn Fra.nklln Jerry Dehn Carl Stanl.y· A Met Sm1tho

Carl.s Gardnp.r Rev. Lecket Reva J o SpurRlchq rd SC<ltt Rev. Bewmlin w. S. Sln~let.n B. Co Mattlsen V. O. Gentry A D. H;cn.ls Al Key J. O. Brand Bernard Henry Henry Pace Barrett Lamb I. J. Leuern .R.bert Stewart J. E. Stgth~n i· T. W. Tayl.w M$ C. Allen (

Ie M McDuffie H. G. Garrett **************.*~*~~~*********.***.*******u**.o.****~************

Grav~s 1n Htdw~y Cemetary

Jehn Ct.lholln Albea 1848 - 1937 Geerge Tl11m~n Albea 1888 - 1956 Els1(1! Lene1r Albea 1919-1920. j','lary Leulse Albea 1916-1931 Lenets Nerman Albea 1890-1971

Inr~nt Sen ~f Mrg & Mrs. ~llen Bunch 1952

Charles C. Henders.n 1879-1941 Gertrude iienders~n 1885­

Bessle D. Mntth~ws 1932-1935

Wll11~m T. N*rman 1879-1964 N.ble s. N~rrnqn 1887­

Carlt ....n L. N')TrnRn lfi94-1n64 Della w. Nr.ra"ln lR89-1952

Inf:<tnt sen .r Mr & Mrs. Wo C. NllrrtlCln 1955

RUby N~rm~n 1914-1935

Ro Maynq,rd Parks 1910- Hs.rgar~t N. Parks 1924­,.. .

Inf,:'lnt s.»n ,;.f ....Ir. & Brs o T. r'a"P....~56

Hubert 11. Wrlgnt 1943-1944

Harvey G. N!l)rmR.n 1913-1973 l~tt;l~ w. .I'hrm"n 1922­

.. o·


!]his church located about seven miles nor:thwe~t of Lincolnton)

was organized 'n the summer of 1906. This section had not been served

by a method.!;i.t churchsinee: the abandonment of Goshen chlluch many

years... betore. In the meantime .several Methodist familiea. had movedin­

-tQ the c.omunity,and theu,with those .80 ..r~ aiLready Ibttached ",,0

this faith, made.. 'the-.field inviting.Dr•.!. W.Burch,B.H•..Albea,~.R.BH'rett

,M.E.Bm1th,Mra:.T.C.l/ard~d others.. invited Rev.J1..D.Ec~~ot' the Linc­

-olnton charge .to ho~d servicea in the comunity with a vie. o~ GStab­

-l:t~:lng a church.At finst these were held in the homes,but the inter8­

-.st wu .so ~eat and the attendance .so large they werEe trm.sferred t.o

&:ibr.u.sh arbor, which had. been built: for that PUI1>ose •.A c~um.h was

eatabliahed and called. Midwq .In the fall, the present buil<tl.ng, wa~ er­

-ected,thougn it WQ not completed till the followingJ year. Tha. Bap1Us:.t

mdl those who were not affiliated with UJY chureh ClO-operated in the

work• .l.W..Bure.h wa.s made stewa-dl and W.R.BarrettL,M.E.Smith and .A.....

Burch, trusteea..Till 1908 m1n1,at'8rs ot the Lincolnton. charge .sarve thS

ehurch,but ciuring that year it wu incorporated in the ~outh Lincolm

~rcuit and hu ..since. been aarved by thi:s~charge.i'hen the church w

e.stab11.shed a .sundsy .school was organized with .l.N.Gl~ u .:auperdn­

- tend8llt.. In the ~llow1ng year T.C. War , aiiLoceedfld JL. N.Glaa and 11t/. T•

Nor~ i.s~the pr~ superintendent.The church now ~ a membership

ot 107 and still has an active .sun...,- .school todq.
