Microscopic data and supernovae evolution -...


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24 - 26th November 2008 1CEA / DIF Workshop Pulsars

Microscopic data and supernovae evolution

Patrick Blottiau( CEA / DIF )

Anthea Fantina, Elias Khan, Jérôme Margueron ( IPN Orsay )Philip Mellor ( CEA / DIF )Pierre Pizzochero ( Università degli Studi di Milano )Jérôme Novak, Micaela Oertel ( LUTH Meudon )

Karim Hasnaoui ( GANIL Caen )Jesús Navarro ( IFIC Universidad de Valencia )

Camille Ducoin ( LPC Caen )Francesca Gulminelli ( LPC Caen )

24 - 26th November 2008 2CEA / DIF Workshop Pulsars


• Prompt explosion mechanism → delayed neutrino-driven scenario

• 2D and 3D hydro codes -> convection, instabilities, mixing, rotation

• Refined neutrino transport schemes

• New ingredients : General Relativity, Magneto Hydrodynamics

• Standing Accretion Shock Instability model

• New data in microscopic physics : nuclear EOS, electron capture rates,ν mean free paths (RPA)

• Shock energy impact on the outgoing shock of the supernova

24 - 26th November 2008 3CEA / DIF Workshop Pulsars

Stellar evolution according to the initial mass ( Harvard – CFA )

24 - 26th November 2008 4CEA / DIF Workshop Pulsars

15 M0 and 25 M0 presupernovae ( Heger et al., 2002 )

24 - 26th November 2008 5CEA / DIF Workshop Pulsars

Standard Scenario (1)

• Onion skin structure ( M > 8 M0 ) with an iron core

• Gravitational instability : nuclear photodissociation and electron capture

• Adiabatic core collapse ( S / kN ≈ 1 ) with an homologous central zone evolution

• Neutrino trapping ( 5 1011 g/cm3 )

• Stiffening of nuclear matter :

Shock wave formation, propagating to the outer layers

24 - 26th November 2008 6CEA / DIF Workshop Pulsars

Standard Scenario (2)

Evolution of a 15 M0 progenitor

24 - 26th November 2008 7CEA / DIF Workshop Pulsars

Standard Scenario (3)

t=0 ms










t=0 ms










M / M0

24 - 26th November 2008 8CEA / DIF Workshop Pulsars

Type II supernova new scenario

( H.-Th. Janka, Astron. Astrophys. 368, 527 (2001) )

Role of neutrinos(Colgate et White, 1966)

Prompt explosion(Bethe et al., 1979) BBAL

→Delayed explosion

(Bowers et Wilson, 1982)(Bethe et Wilson, 1985)

→Role of convection

(Wilson et Mayle, 1988)(Herant et al., 1992)

(Burrows et al., 1995) SASI(Blondin, 2003)

Advective-acoustic cycle (Foglizzo, 2001, Foglizzo et al., 2007)Pure acoustic mechanism (Blondin et Mezzacappa, 2006)

24 - 26th November 2008 9CEA / DIF Workshop Pulsars

Explosion of 15 M0 rotating star ( Garching group, 2008 )

ν-driven explosion of a rotating 15 M0 ( Marek and Janka, 2008 )

24 - 26th November 2008 10CEA / DIF Workshop Pulsars

Type II supernova hydrocode (1)

Euler equation :

Energy conservation equation :

Electron fraction equation :


BBAL, 1979 + Suraud, 1984 ( γ = 1.29 → 2 ) → Lattimer and Swesty, 1991


Du u u P GMuDt t r rρ

∂ ∂ ∇= + = − −

∂ ∂

.D P D QuD t D t


= − ∇ +

1 .


i c a p t i

D Y d fD t d t



⎛ ⎞∝ − ⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

24 - 26th November 2008 11CEA / DIF Workshop Pulsars

Type II supernova hydrocode (2)

Electron capture :

Neutrino transport : flux-limited diffusion and N energy groups

Diffusion coefficient :

Thick medium :

Thin medium : free propagation at c

( , ) ( 1, )e


e Z A Z Ae p n


⎧ + → + −⎨

+ → +⎩

( ).

1 1.c a p t i

f d fD fc t c d t

ν νν

∂ ⎛ ⎞= ∇ ∇ + ⎜ ⎟∂ ⎝ ⎠

( Fuller, 1982 and 1985 )

24 - 26th November 2008 12CEA / DIF Workshop Pulsars

Warm and dense matter equation of state

ρ < ρ0 /10 : Total Pressure = Pe + Pion + PradPe,= f(µe, T, Ye) Fermi-Dirac Prad = 1/3 a T4 ( a = 7.565 10-15 C.G.S. )Pion = f(<A>, α, p, n) ( BBAL, 1979 )

W/A = Wvol + Wsur A-1/3+ Wcoul A2/3

Free energy minimization→ <A> = Wsur / 2 Wcoul

Thermal energy of nuclei excited states( Bethe et al., 1983 )

Recent EOS → Lattimer and Swesty, 1991 ; Shen, 1998 ; Rampp and Janka, 2002

ρ > ρ0 /10 : Bonche and Vautherin, 1981 ; Suraud, 1984 ( γ =1.29 → 2 ) ;Gogny D1P

2 *


kT) m ( 34 )4 mth F


MeVπε εε

2 ( = ≈

24 - 26th November 2008 13CEA / DIF Workshop Pulsars

Electron capture on nuclei and free protons (1)

( )1 1 11c a p t a e

d f f fc d t

νν νλ λ

⎛ ⎞ = − + −⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

24 - 26th November 2008 14CEA / DIF Workshop Pulsars

Electron capture on nuclei and free protons (2)

N ≥ 40 et Z ≤ 40 → Allowed Gamow-Teller transitions are stopped ( G.M. Fuller, 1982 )→ capture on free protons + excited nuclear configurations + configurations mixing +

‘’forbidden’’ captures due to neutral currents

Recent calculations ( K. Langanke et al., 2003 ) : capture on nuclei dominates for A > 55

Gamow-Teller transitions dominate for low densities

Forbidden transitions contribute largely for ρ ≥ 1011 g/cm3

Temperature dependence of the effective mass :

( P. Donati, P.M. Pizzochero, P.F. Bortignon, R.A. Broglia, PRL. 72, 2835 (1994))( A. Fantina, thesis, ‘’SNII : weak processes and dynamic of gravitational collapse’’ (2007))

mTmmm k /)(*ω=

24 - 26th November 2008 15CEA / DIF Workshop Pulsars

Temperature dependence of Neutrino Mean Free Paths

( J. Margueron, J. Navarro and N. Van Giai, Nucl. Phys. A 719, 169 (2003) )

24 - 26th November 2008 16CEA / DIF Workshop Pulsars

Nuclear Equation of State and liquid-gas transition (1)

( J. Margueron, J. Navarro and P. B., Phys. Rev. C 70, 028801 (2004) )( C. Ducoin, J. Margueron and Ph. Chomaz, Nucl. Phys. A 809, 30 (2008) )

24 - 26th November 2008 17CEA / DIF Workshop Pulsars

Nuclear Equation of State and liquid-gas transition (2)

( J. Margueron, J. Navarro and P. B., Phys. Rev. C 70, 028801 (2004) )

D1P Gogny effective interaction → Nuclear EOS + HF + RPA → λν

Neutrino trapping in a thin layer :

revival shock ?

24 - 26th November 2008 18CEA / DIF Workshop Pulsars

Nuclear Equation of State and liquid-gas transition (3)

Mean-Field approach, using Sly230a effective interaction + Coulomb frustration Ising Model with long-range Coulomb force and short-range nuclear interaction

Limiting temperature for the extended coexistence phase region of the Neutron StarCoulomb Field : weak opacity for neutrino diffusionA.S. Botvina and I. N. Mishustin : critical point at T = 15 MeV


,2 2

V Vi j

N C N C i ji j i j ij

qqH H H nn

rε λε


= + = +∑ ∑

( C. Ducoin, K. Hasnaoui, P. Napolitani, Ph. Chomaz, F. Gulminelli, PR. C 75, 065805 (2007) )( P. Napolitani, Ph. Chomaz, F. Gulminelli and K. Hasnaoui, PRL. 98, 131102 (2007) )

24 - 26th November 2008 19CEA / DIF Workshop Pulsars

Future prospects

( P. B., J. Margueron and Ph. Mellor, Proc. EXOCT07, Catania (2007) )

1D tool → to test new effects and new dataElectron capture rates (A. Fantina Ph.D.)Neutrino Mean Free Paths (RPA) Nuclear equations of state

Liquid-gas phase transition and spinodal instabilityCritical temperatureNeutrino trapping

Multi-dimensional simulationsPrecise neutrino transport treatmentConvection and instabilities role (SASI)

Other effectsMHD, General Relativity, Rotation …