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BRAND SPECIFICATION GUIDEAmerican Red Cross of Greater Chicago

BUILDING A STRONGER BRANDAmerican Red Cross of Greater ChicagoBrand Specification Guide

BUILDING A STRONGER BRAND American Red Cross of Greater Chicago/Brand Specification Guide page 03

The American Red Cross logo isone of the most recognizable brandsin the nation. The logo, direct andf o rw a rd in its pre s e n t ation, standsout amongst a sea of other corporateidentities. It is a rare logo in that it is a literal interpretation of ourc o m p a n y’s i d e n t i t y. Many logos areabstract associations of a name or,image. Howe ve r, the Red Cross logois quite simply a red cross. Could ite ver be anything else? More thanlikely not. It is a u n i versal symbolthat carries the message of help toour customers.

The current American Red Crosslogo has undergone a “re va m p” inthe last several years, as you pro b a b l yh a ve noticed. The font for theo r g a n i z a t i o n’s name has changedf rom the serif font Clare n d o n (FIG 3.1)

to a more modernized and updatedsans serif font Akzidenz Gro t e s k(FIG 3.2). Mo re information on fontscan be found on page .

The red cross logo should never be modified or redrawn. A va r i e t yof logo and logotype formats can be requested from Ma rketing andCommunications for your use.Ne ver attempt to substitute thefont or reset the name yo u r s e l f.

Our current slogan being used ona national level for all chapter’s is“together we can save a life.” It isi m p o rtant for the visuals we pro d u c eto carry this slogan when appro p r i a t e .We feel the slogan is important forour customers to re c o g n i ze, so wesuggest that you incorporate theslogan “together we can save a life”on the majority of pieces yo u rd e p a rtment pro d u c e s .

the logo

(FIG 3.1) o r i g i n a l national logo

(FIG 3.2) re v i s e d national logo with slogan

BRAND SPECIFICATION GUIDEAmerican Red Cross of Greater Chicago

00 Month 0000

Letter Addressee0000 AnystreetApartment 000Anytown State 00000

Dear Letter Addressee

This is a typing template for the new American Red Cross of Greater Chicago sta-tionery system. This template should be used for all office correspondence, it containsthe correct font for all correspondence with proper sizes for the document.

The body of this letter is set in Adobe Garamond 10.5 point. Adobe Garamond wascreated in 1499 by Claude Garamond. The font is known for it’s clear legibility andfriendliness. The font should be on every computer within the Chapter, however if youdo not have the font please contact the Help Desk at Headquarters to get a copy ofthe font for your computer. Correspondence from the Chapter should never be set inany font but Adobe Garamond, this is our font for all correspondence pieces.

The letter begins at 2.5" down from the top of the sheet. The left margin is set at 2"and the right is set at 7.5". The left side of the letter aligns with the right vertical sideof our red cross and the right margin aligns with the address block. The overall widthof the text area is 5.5". This width corresponds with the rule that a line of text shouldbe between 10-15 words for optimum reading by a viewer. The bottom margin is at10" so as to not interfere with our slogan, the counties we serve and the United Waylogo. A copy of the second sheet for letters which continue beyond one page can befound on the following page of this document. From this point on greeking text willfill the area so you do not have to continue reading this letter.

Lorem ipsum dolor et sit amet, consetetur a sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmodtempor invidunt ut uy labore et dolore edta magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, nosea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,conmagna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duodolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Loremipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed

1 1 1 East Wacker Drive, Suite 2 0 0Chicago Illinois 6 0 601-4 2 0 6

V 312 729 6 1 0 0

w w w. c h i c a g o re d c ro s s . o rg

S e rving the seven countiesof nort h e a s t e rn I l l i n o i s

2 . 5 ”

2 ”

1 ”

1 ”

adobe garamond10.5 pt/1.5 spacing

BUILDING A STRONGER BRAND American Red Cross of Greater Chicago/Brand Specification Guide page 11

In the fall of , our local stationerywas reformatted to include the sloganof “together we can save a life.” Atthis time new letterhead (FIG 11.1),business cards (FIG 13.2) and enve l o p e s(FIG 13.3) were also designed.

Please use the proper templateswhen appropriate, for these news t a t i o n e ry items. Ne ver attempt to create your own stationery orbusiness card with the logo. Ou rChapter insists that each personw o rking within the Chapter useuniform stationery.

s t a t i o n e ry system:

l e t t e rh e a d

(FIG 11.1) s t a t i o n e ry with letter

BUILDING A STRONGER BRAND American Red Cross of Greater Chicago/Brand Specification Guide page 13

With the re vamp of the local stationerya painted back was introduced, aswell as setting the card in the fontUnivers. The new painted backadds interaction to the card andhelps to make the informationfound on the re verse side pro m i n e n t .

There is only one format for thebusiness card opposed to the horizo n t a land vertical business cards whichwe re offered pre v i o u s l y. If you arecurrently using stationery whichhas not been updated, please contactMa rketing and Communications.

Included in the redesign of the newbusiness cards you will notice thre esymbol appearing on the back ofthe cards (FIG 13.1). Although thered cross is not a religious symbol,the symbol of the red crescent isused instead of the red cross bynational societies in most Islamiccountries. Both Red Cross and RedCrescent national societies are part of the International Red Cross andRed Crescent Movement.

The Magen David Adom, Israel’sversion of the Red Cross, was foundedin , yet remains excluded fro mmembership in the In t e r n a t i o n a lRed Cross and Red Cre s c e n tMovement because of politicalp re s s u re for the and Fe d e r a t i o nto strictly interpret emblem ru l e s ,despite many previous examples offlexibility for other emblems andmembers. The American RedCross stands firmly behind Israel’sMagen David Adom () in theirquest for membership in theInternational Red Cross Movement.

s t a t i o n e ry system:

business card, envelope

1 1 1 East Wacker Drive, Suite 2 0 0Chicago Illinois 6 0 6 0 1 - 4 2 0 6

Letter Addressee0000 AnystreetApartment 000Anytown State 00000

2 ”

4 ”

adobe garamond10.5 pt/1.5 spacing

(FIG 13.3) # 1 0 e n v e l o p e

(FIG 13.2.a) business card f ront (FIG 13.2.b) business card f ro n tspecifications are kept by Marketing and Communications– you, or a vendor should never attempt to reset a Chapter business card

Michael A. GrayGraphic Design Specialist

1 1 1 East Wacker Drive, Suite 2 0 0Chicago Illinois 6 0 601- 4 2 0 6

V 3 1 2 7 2 9 6 2 0 5F 3 1 2 7 2 9 6 3 0 8C 7 7 3 7 9 1 4 9 1 2

g r a y m i@u s a . re d c ro s s . o rg

S e rving the seven counties ofn o rt h e a s t e rn I l l i n o i s

• Cook• DuPage• Kane• Kendall• Lake• McHenry• Will

w w w. c h i c a g o re d c ro s s . o rg

(FIG 13.1) a ff i l i a t i o n s recognized by the Chapter

BRAND SPECIFICATION GUIDEAmerican Red Cross of Greater Chicago

BUILDING A STRONGER BRAND American Red Cross of Greater Chicago/Brand Specification Guide page 16

Shown below (FIG 16.1) are a sampleof pieces which incorporate thelocal Chapter logo with the serv i c eline icons in their designated color.

These are suggested applicationsand currently are not printed piecesproduced by our Chapter.

icon applications

(FIG 16.1) S a m p l e b ro c h u re covers by service line

BUILDING A STRONGER BRAND American Red Cross of Greater Chicago/Brand Specification Guide page 14

The general public perception ofthe Red Cross is that we serve onlyone gro u p, either those affected bydisaster or those who need bloodcollected, etc. We are working toi n c rease the public’s view or ourorganization and what we do.T h e re f o re, we have created icons,logotypes, and secondary colorp a llettes for each service line withinthe Chapter (FIG 15.1). We are hopeful that in using these iconswith or without their re l e vant colorsit will increase public awareness ofthe various programs and resourcesour Chapter offers.

When using the service icons as as i g n a t u re you should use the iconwith the Chapter logo as shownbelow (FIG 15.2). This will enforc ethat the service line is sponsored orin cooperation with our Chapterand is a department re p re s e n t i n gour efforts locally.

s e rvice icons

Armed ForcesEmergencyServices



Health &SafetyServices




(FIG 15.1) C h a p t e r icons by service line


(FIG 15.2) s e rvice line s i g n a t u re with Chapter logo

ARmED FORCED POSTER CAmPAIGNAmerican Red Cross of Greater Chicago

HIV/AIDS: KNOWLEDGE IS YOURBEST PREVENTIONaids is one of the leading causes of death for Americans ages 25 to 44. Many people currently living with hiv, the virus that causes aids, did not believe they were at risk. Get educated. Visit chicagoredcross.org for more information .aids is one of the leading causes of death for Americans ages 25 to 44. Many people currently living with hiv, the virus that causes aids, did not believe they were at risk. Get educated. Visit chicagoredcross.org for more information .

WHEREVER YOU GO, WE’RE THERE WITH YOUWhen u.s. troops are deployed overseas, the American Red Cross goes with them, relaying emergency messages, providingcomfort and offering quality of life programs (like care packages, activities and arranging entertainment) and much more. Visit chicagoredcross.org for more information on the services and programs of the American Red Cross.

When u.s. troops are deployed overseas, the American Red Cross goes with them, relaying emergency messages, providingcomfort and offering quality of life programs (like care packages, activities and arranging entertainment) and much more. Visit chicagoredcross.org for more information on the services and programs of the American Red Cross.

1 800 GIVE LIFEBlood Donation Services, 24 Hour HotlineThe need for a safe blood supply is constant. You can help us to help others. Make an appointment to donate blood today.The need for a safe blood supply is constant. You can help us to help others. Make an appointment to donate blood today.



1 800 784 3272Armed Forces Emergency Services, 24 Hour HotlineEmergency messages relayed / Assistance preparing for deployment / Financial resources information and other servicesEmergency messages relayed / Assistance preparing for deployment / Financial resources information and other services


FROM Michael @ ARCGC, 312 729 6205JOB # 056JOB NAME afes_posters.final.epsPRINTED SIZE 27'' x 40''FINISHED SIZE 27'' x 40''INK 3/0 pms5767/pms485/k; 3/0 pms304/pms485/k 3/0 pms123/pms485/k 2/0 pms485/kBLEED top, bottomPAPER tbdQUANTITY tbdIMAGES provided on diskFONTS filosofia, trade cond, on diskFINISHING trim

HIV/AIDS: KNOWLEDGE IS YOURBEST PREVENTIONaids is one of the leading causes of death for Americans ages 25 to 44. Many people currently living with hiv, the virus that causes aids, did not believe they were at risk. Get educated. Visit chicagoredcross.org for more information .aids is one of the leading causes of death for Americans ages 25 to 44. Many people currently living with hiv, the virus that causes aids, did not believe they were at risk. Get educated. Visit chicagoredcross.org for more information .

WHEREVER YOU GO, WE’RE THERE WITH YOUWhen u.s. troops are deployed overseas, the American Red Cross goes with them, relaying emergency messages, providingcomfort and offering quality of life programs (like care packages, activities and arranging entertainment) and much more. Visit chicagoredcross.org for more information on the services and programs of the American Red Cross.

When u.s. troops are deployed overseas, the American Red Cross goes with them, relaying emergency messages, providingcomfort and offering quality of life programs (like care packages, activities and arranging entertainment) and much more. Visit chicagoredcross.org for more information on the services and programs of the American Red Cross.

1 800 GIVE LIFEBlood Donation Services, 24 Hour HotlineThe need for a safe blood supply is constant. You can help us to help others. Make an appointment to donate blood today.The need for a safe blood supply is constant. You can help us to help others. Make an appointment to donate blood today.



1 800 784 3272Armed Forces Emergency Services, 24 Hour HotlineEmergency messages relayed / Assistance preparing for deployment / Financial resources information and other servicesEmergency messages relayed / Assistance preparing for deployment / Financial resources information and other services


FROM Michael @ ARCGC, 312 729 6205JOB # 056JOB NAME afes_posters.final.epsPRINTED SIZE 27'' x 40''FINISHED SIZE 27'' x 40''INK 3/0 pms5767/pms485/k; 3/0 pms304/pms485/k 3/0 pms123/pms485/k 2/0 pms485/kBLEED top, bottomPAPER tbdQUANTITY tbdIMAGES provided on diskFONTS filosofia, trade cond, on diskFINISHING trim

HIV/AIDS: KNOWLEDGE IS YOURBEST PREVENTIONaids is one of the leading causes of death for Americans ages 25 to 44. Many people currently living with hiv, the virus that causes aids, did not believe they were at risk. Get educated. Visit chicagoredcross.org for more information .aids is one of the leading causes of death for Americans ages 25 to 44. Many people currently living with hiv, the virus that causes aids, did not believe they were at risk. Get educated. Visit chicagoredcross.org for more information .

WHEREVER YOU GO, WE’RE THERE WITH YOUWhen u.s. troops are deployed overseas, the American Red Cross goes with them, relaying emergency messages, providingcomfort and offering quality of life programs (like care packages, activities and arranging entertainment) and much more. Visit chicagoredcross.org for more information on the services and programs of the American Red Cross.

When u.s. troops are deployed overseas, the American Red Cross goes with them, relaying emergency messages, providingcomfort and offering quality of life programs (like care packages, activities and arranging entertainment) and much more. Visit chicagoredcross.org for more information on the services and programs of the American Red Cross.

1 800 GIVE LIFEBlood Donation Services, 24 Hour HotlineThe need for a safe blood supply is constant. You can help us to help others. Make an appointment to donate blood today.The need for a safe blood supply is constant. You can help us to help others. Make an appointment to donate blood today.



1 800 784 3272Armed Forces Emergency Services, 24 Hour HotlineEmergency messages relayed / Assistance preparing for deployment / Financial resources information and other servicesEmergency messages relayed / Assistance preparing for deployment / Financial resources information and other services


FROM Michael @ ARCGC, 312 729 6205JOB # 056JOB NAME afes_posters.final.epsPRINTED SIZE 27'' x 40''FINISHED SIZE 27'' x 40''INK 3/0 pms5767/pms485/k; 3/0 pms304/pms485/k 3/0 pms123/pms485/k 2/0 pms485/kBLEED top, bottomPAPER tbdQUANTITY tbdIMAGES provided on diskFONTS filosofia, trade cond, on diskFINISHING trim

HIV/AIDS: KNOWLEDGE IS YOURBEST PREVENTIONaids is one of the leading causes of death for Americans ages 25 to 44. Many people currently living with hiv, the virus that causes aids, did not believe they were at risk. Get educated. Visit chicagoredcross.org for more information .aids is one of the leading causes of death for Americans ages 25 to 44. Many people currently living with hiv, the virus that causes aids, did not believe they were at risk. Get educated. Visit chicagoredcross.org for more information .

WHEREVER YOU GO, WE’RE THERE WITH YOUWhen u.s. troops are deployed overseas, the American Red Cross goes with them, relaying emergency messages, providingcomfort and offering quality of life programs (like care packages, activities and arranging entertainment) and much more. Visit chicagoredcross.org for more information on the services and programs of the American Red Cross.

When u.s. troops are deployed overseas, the American Red Cross goes with them, relaying emergency messages, providingcomfort and offering quality of life programs (like care packages, activities and arranging entertainment) and much more. Visit chicagoredcross.org for more information on the services and programs of the American Red Cross.

1 800 GIVE LIFEBlood Donation Services, 24 Hour HotlineThe need for a safe blood supply is constant. You can help us to help others. Make an appointment to donate blood today.The need for a safe blood supply is constant. You can help us to help others. Make an appointment to donate blood today.



1 800 784 3272Armed Forces Emergency Services, 24 Hour HotlineEmergency messages relayed / Assistance preparing for deployment / Financial resources information and other servicesEmergency messages relayed / Assistance preparing for deployment / Financial resources information and other services


FROM Michael @ ARCGC, 312 729 6205JOB # 056JOB NAME afes_posters.final.epsPRINTED SIZE 27'' x 40''FINISHED SIZE 27'' x 40''INK 3/0 pms5767/pms485/k; 3/0 pms304/pms485/k 3/0 pms123/pms485/k 2/0 pms485/kBLEED top, bottomPAPER tbdQUANTITY tbdIMAGES provided on diskFONTS filosofia, trade cond, on diskFINISHING trim



Software and Services (11 profitable companies)

Foreign operations For six companies, this was a favorable driver with an average impact of -3.7%

Change in reserves Three companies saw a favorable impact from reductions in reserves (average -1.4%)

Tax authority settlement Two companies had this as a favorable driver, average impact of -0.9%

Other Other significant favorable drivers for individual companies included amortization differences. The largest unfavorable driver was AJCA reported by two companies, average +0.4% along with non-deductible acquisition related costs, and non-deductible IPR&D

Internet (3 profitable companies)

Due to the limited size of the segment, analysis was limited. However, two companies did show favorable impact from foreign operations (average –5.6%). Other significant impacts for individual companies included gain on subsidiary restructuring transaction (favorable), and state taxes (unfavorable).

This can be shown graphically. The chart below shows the average impact of reconciling items above 5%, analyzed by segment, and within each segment, category. The average is taken over three years and divided by the number of companies in the segment to avoid giving undue weight to any one-off items. The 0% line is the statutory rate.

10 | PricewaterhouseCoopers

2003 2005Software & Services SemiconductorsComputers & Networking

Chart 7: Impact of reconciling items

AJCAForeign operationsChange in reservesTax authority settlementsExtraterritorial income exclusionValuation allowanceTax creditsOther
















0.4%0% |

Effective tax rate–Companies surveyed in last three studies

There are 60 companies that have been included in the 2005, 2006, and 2007 studies. The ETRs of these companies were reviewed over a five year period. The ETR averaged over the five year period for these 60 companies is 23.7%.

Each quartile has seen a fall in ETR from 2002 to the latest year, 2006. Quartile 1 has seen the largest level of volatility, which may be due to the impact of losses.

Companies that had either made a loss or had a tax refund in any of the last 5 years were removed to leave 25 “profitable” companies. The average ETR over the 5 year period is 30.3%.

Technology sector tax benchmarking study, May 2007 | 5





Chart 2: ETR of sample of 25 profitable existing 2005 study companies

Trimmed averageQuartile 3Quartile 1
















200620042002 2003 2005

Chart 1: ETR of sample of 60 existing 2005 study companies








Trimmed averageQuartile 3Quartile 1

The trimmed average represents the average ratio for companies (excluding outliers) in the sector for the last 3 financial periods.

Quartile 3 and Quartile 1 represent the resulting ratio where 75% and 25% of companies lie below that point respectively.
















200620042002 2003 2005

Of the companies in our study, 15 had no mention of FIN 48 due to their year end or filing dates being before the announcement date of FIN 48. The disclosures from the 64 companies in our study can be categorized as follows:

The disclosures made by companies which specified the expected dollar amount of the impact varied widely. We have included a certain sample of disclosures below:

“ Based on our current assessment, and subject to any changes that may result from additional technical guidance being issued, the adoption of FIN 48 on January 1, 2007 is expected to reduce our existing reserves for uncertain tax positions by approximately $130 million, to be recorded as a cumulative effect adjustment to equity, largely relating to state income tax matters.”

“ The company estimates that the cumulative effects of applying this Interpretation will be recorded as a $0.1 billion increase to beginning Retained earnings. In addition, in accordance with the provisions of FIN 48, the company will reclassify an estimated $2.0 billion of unrecognized tax benefits from current to non-current liabilities because payment of cash is not anticipated within one year of the balance sheet date.”

“ It is estimated that a cumulative credit in the range of $0.5 million to $2.5 million to retained earnings as of January 1, 2007 could result from the de-recognition of tax positions previously taken. The Company intends to treat interest and penalties associated with tax positions as income taxes. The Company also expects that balance sheet reclassifications of deferred taxes could occur during the first quarter of 2007 and greater volatility in the effective tax rate may be experienced due to the requirements of FIN 48.”

20 | PricewaterhouseCoopers

Chart 15: Disclosure of FIN 48 impact

Still evaluating impactBelieve impact is not materialSpecify expected $ amount of impactNo disclosure





Technology sector tax benchmarking study

May 2007



Prolonged Market Peak Takes HoldThe last year in this five-year period was characterized by “more capital, increased transaction activity, sharper competition, higher prices, and incipient new develop-ment.” REITs continued to drive the dynamic transaction market as they continued to “buy property to bulk up their market capitalization.” At that time, the target minimum market capitalization was $1.0 billion. Seems like pocket change today!

In the second quarter 1997 issue, the Survey ran a Special Report on the National Self-Storage Market, authored by Charles Ray Wilson, MAI, CRE, president of Charles R. Wilson & Associates, Inc. of Pasadena, California. This in-depth report covered this

unique real estate sector’s industry trends, supply and demand trends, and, of course, value trends and valuation methodology. Years later, Ray would author a recurring semiannual report on the domestic self-storage industry that continues to the present time.

With the exception of regional malls, overall capitalization rates were quite stable; mall cap rates climbed about 100 basis points over the 1993-1997 period (see Chart 2). IRRs declined for all markets except for regional malls, which stayed level throughout the period (see Chart 3). As a result, the spread between overall cap rates and IRRs declined, indicating an expected slow growth in NOI and price appreciation.

The year 1997 ended on a positive note as the national highlights lead story proclaimed

“Investors Cheer Another Good Year, Look Forward to 1998.” REITs, pension funds, private and public companies, opportunity funds, foreign investors, and individuals all vied for property in a very competitive and hectic transaction market. We didn’t know it then, but we were in the early stages of a prolonged market peak that would not be disturbed until the national economic recession and the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001.

Editor’s note: In the next issue, we will continue to chronicle the history and findings of the Korpacz Real Estate Investor Survey® during its third five years of publishing. The tentative title for the third article in this series is “Enjoying prosperity…surviving terrorism.” Don’t miss it!

National Regional MallNational Power CenterNational Strip Shopping CenterNational Oversupplied OfficeNational CBD OfficeNational Suburban OfficeNational IndustrialNational ApartmentNational Office

1Q93 2Q93 3Q93 4Q93 1Q94 2Q94 3Q94 4Q94 1Q95 2Q95 3Q95 4Q95 1Q96 2Q96 3Q96 4Q96 1Q97 2Q97 3Q97 4Q97








Chart 3:Korpacz Real Estate Investor SurveyHistorical IRR Capitalization Rates, 1993-1997

1Q93 2Q93 3Q93 4Q93 1Q94 2Q94 3Q94 4Q94 1Q95 2Q95 3Q95 4Q95 1Q96 2Q96 3Q96 4Q96 1Q97 2Q97 3Q97 4Q97






National Regional MallNational Power CenterNational Strip Shopping CenterNational Oversupplied OfficeNational CBD OfficeNational Suburban OfficeNational IndustrialNational ApartmentNational Office

Chart 2:Korpacz Real Estate Investor SurveyHistorical Overall Capitalization Rates, 1993-1997

After a slow start, underlying fundamentals have noticeably strengthened in the Boston office market due to limited amounts of new supply and an increase in demand.

“Boston lagged the country in terms of recovery after the recession, but it has gotten much stronger,” notes a participant. Since the start of 2007, leasing activity has totaled approximately 2.5 million in the suburbs and 783,000 in the CBD, according to Cushman & Wakefield (C&W). When combined with the high leasing totals in prior quarters, the end result has be en a consistent decline in vacancy. In fact, the overall vacancy rate in the CBD fell to single digits in the first quarter of 2007 (9.4%), according to C&W.

Most of the leasing activity in the CBD has been in the Financial District, which accounted for 61.00% of the CBD’s year- to-date leasing total. It posted a 7.7% direct vacancy rate and an 8.9% overall vacancy rate in the first quarter of 2007. Even though State Street Bank has placed 200,000 square feet into the Financial District’s sub- lease market, several large tenants are reportedly looking for space, including Deloitte & Touche, Wellington Management, and Bank of America. These tenants are looking for between 200,000 and 400,000 square feet of space. Moreover, several other tenants are looking for space between 20,000 and 25,000 square feet.

As available space has dwindled, rental

rates have risen throughout this market. “Market tightening is now manifesting itself into significant rental rate increases, especially in Class-A office buildings downtown,” comments a participant. As shown in Table BO-1, the overall weighted average Class-A asking rental rate in downtown Boston increased to $47.01 per square foot in the first quarter of 2007, representing a 21.00% increase from the prior quarter. At the same time, overall vacancy in Class-A downtown assets dropped 430 basis points.

Rising rental rates, a strong recovery, and an optimistic outlook are also translating into robust investor interest. “Boston witnessed a record year in terms of sales volume in 2006, and prices per square foot continue to exceed broker expectations,” exclaims a participant. In one recent sale, 147 Milk Street in the Financial District sold for $384.00 per square foot to Lexington Realty Trust. This 52,000-square-foot, ten- story property was 100.00% leased to Harvard Vanguard Medical, which has been in the building since 1986.

Boston Office Market

Table BO-1:Class-A Vacancy and Rental Rate TrendsBoston’s CBD Office Market


Overall Vacancy Rate

Weighted Average Asking Rental Rate per sq/ft

1Q07 7.2% $47.01

1Q06 11.5% $38.84

1Q05 13.4% $35.29

1Q04 13.9% $35.46

1Q03 14.00% $41.18

Source: Cushman & Wakefield

Table 7:Boston Office MarketSecond Quarter 2007

Current Quarter Last Quarter Year Ago

Discount Rate (IRR)a

Range 7.00%–13.00% 7.00%–13.00% 7.50%–13.00%

Change (Basis Points) – -11 -38

Overall Cap Rate (OAR)a

Range 5.50%–10.25% 5.50%–10.25% 6.00%–10.25%

Average 7.39% 7.57% 7.59%

Change (Basis Points) – -18 -20

Residual Cap Rate

Range 6.50%–10.50% 7.00%–10.50% 7.00%–10.50%

Average 7.98% 8.31% 8.50%

Change (Basis Points) – -33 -52

Market Rent Change Rateb

Range 0.00%–6.00% 0.00%–6.00% 0.00%–5.00%

Average 3.81% 3.50% 2.36%

Change (Basis Points) – +31 +145

Expense Change Rateb

Range 3.00%–3.00% 3.00%–3.00% 2.50%–3.00%

Average 3.00% 3.00% 2.93%

Change (Basis Points) – 0 +7

Average Marketing Timec

Range 2.00%–24.00% 2.00%–24.00% 2.00%–24.00%

Average 6.43 7.25 7.43

Change (Basis Points) – -11.31 -13.46

a. Rate on unleveraged, all-cash transactions; b. Initial rate of change; c. In months

Baltimore Trenton Cincinnati Cleveland Atlanta Detroit Columbus Charlotte Las Vegas Memphis Indianapolis Sacramento Jacksonville San Diego Kansas City Oakland San Jose St. Louis Toledo Wilmington

Recession Recovery Expansion Contraction

Albuquerque Chicago Dallas Denver Edison Long Island Minneapolis Nashville Philadelphia Austin Phoenix Boston Pittsburgh Honolulu Portland Orlando San Francisco Raleigh-Durham- Houston Seattle Chapel Hill Los Angeles Newark Tucson Salt Lake City Ft. Worth New York Miami Orange County Washington, DC Stamford Hartford Tampa Riverside West Palm Beach Ft. Lauderdale

US Office Market Cycle PositionsSecond Quarter 2007



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100 nationalities and 56 languages spoken…sound familiar? Although it sounds a lot like the profile of a student body, these numbers actually refer to our firmwide staff. Hiring Perkins Eastman means hiring an international firm that understands the value in diversity and that solving problems requires many perspectives. We believe global perspectives matter in making informed decisions, that teams that include a variety of perspectives arrive at great solutions, and that cultural differences are to be celebrated.

We are proud of our tradition of diversity, which has fostered the individual expression of our employees since our firm was founded. The unique perspective each person brings enhances our firm’s ability to serve you in a meaningful and informed way. There may be several ‘right ways’ to find a solution; finding the ‘right way’ for your specific challenge requires experience, perspective and collaboration.

/56Roger Ludlowe Middle School, Fairfield Schools: View down interior staircase from main library (right); Exterior view of library wing (below); Interior detail shot of stair corridor wall (opposite).

Charting the course: the first steps towards a better school facility. Initiating a process specifically designed to develop a strategy or road map for the future is the first step in long-term facility improvements. Whether you are planning modifications to existing facilities or creating an entirely new campus, the process is the same. It begins with determining the needs of your facilities to reflect current programmatic requirements and those for the next 10 years and beyond. Facility planning is a systematic process, in which we use the data gathered from your existing programs and facilities to form the foundations of a plan. Our process is designed specifically to meet the needs of International Schools and to maximize the time spent on site at your school. It starts by forming a Steering Committee led by the school’s most senior leadership.

Constituents involved include representatives of the School Board (or governing body), Headmaster or Director, Senior Administrators, and the Committee members. The entire process is managed and facilitated by ‘The Team’ of expert Planners and the Educational Programming, Planning and Architectural Consultant. The participation of key people provides valuable insight and helps further the future success of the facility through greater ownership of their ‘idea.’

A vision statement which includes your educational philosophy, objectives, and mission, is a major compo-nent influencing the process. Our team is experienced in clearly understanding the curricular, social and administrative goals of each client.



Perkins Eastman

Hospitality DesignDesigning the Guest Experience

Hospitality interiorsThe successful hospitality development blends touches of familiarity with the uniqueness and unexpectedness of the locale, creating a memorable guest experience.From personalized guestrooms and amenities to luxury spas and destination restaurants, the hotel interiors define the guest experience which is revealed through the senses. As designers, we work with the developer and operator to define these characteristics and to create a destination which is both personal and familiar.

As hospitality environments become more personalized, the line between hospitality and residential becomes more blurred. Hotel guests now expect the personal amenities and responsiveness of their own home to be found in the comfort of their guestroom. From luxury furniture settings and en suite entertainment systems to luxurious bath amenities and mini-bars which include espresso machines, hotels strive to create the ultimate guest experience.

Maritim Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt

“ Hotel guests now expect the personal amenities and responsive- ness of their own home to be found in the comfort of their guestroom.”

Urban destinationsFrom boutique hotels and renovated landmarks to downtown convention centers and mixed-use destinations, today’s downtown hotels function as urban resorts, blending the best of city life together with the pampering of an exclusive escape.

Whether connecting the street life on the ground floor with restaurants and retail or framing the views of city skylines, the successful city hotel blends itself as an integral part of the urban fabric which leaves a lasting guest impression.Challenged by a fluctuating economy and growing compe- tition, urban hotels seek to offer unique and exclusive amenities which cater to the needs of both the business and leisure travelers. Signature restaurants, boutique shops, spas, and health clubs, are some of the features which define the guest experience and establish the hotel as unique urban destination.

Starting with the planning process and including the full team of owner, operator, interior designer, and consultants, the branding and positioning of the hotel is outlined within the urban environment. Our team has years of experience in the planning and design of some of the most exclusive and unique urban hotels in the world and developing successful urban destinations.

Embassy Suites Battery Park City, New York, New York, USA

“A successful urban hotel starts with a great design and vision, which combines the brand with a strong sense of place.”

Perkins Eastman is a leading international design firm at the forefront of design, specializing in Architecture, Planning, and Interior Design.

Our firm is united in the belief that innovative design results from an understanding of our client’s intentions and aspirations, as much as the building type, context, and budget. The synthesis of these issues by our skilled architects and designers enables us to produce award-winning projects that earn the respect of our clients, resulting in long-term relationships.Perkins Eastman is one of the leading hospitality design firms in the world. Our senior design principals have successfully completed some of the world’s most significant hotel and resort destinations. Our hospitality experience includes an extensive portfolio of leisure resorts, urban hotels, landmark properties, renovations, and destination communities.

Our design approach and vision focus on creative collabo-ration among all participants in the development process to create stunning and unique hospitality environments. This process is complimented by our expertise in planning, interior design, and branding, which contribute to the successful realization of every hospitality project we undertake.

“We create innovative environments which transcend client goals and enrich human experience.”

cover: DuBiotech, Dubai, UAE; left: Cooper Square Hotel, New York, New York, USA


Perkins Eastman

Community Colleges:An Expanding Role in a Changing Economy

Case Studies

Perkins Eastman is well positioned to be that partner. With almost three decades of expertise in higher education planning and design, Perkins Eastman employs over 700 professionals in thirteen locations throughout the world. We are experienced with the regional, national and international trends in higher education, and community colleges are a focus of our practice.

As a knowledge-based practice, we have a natural affinity with our higher education clients. We share a desire for comprehensive approaches rooted in observation and study. Integral to our professional consulting and design services are the discussion and exploration of trends and successes in the design and planning of higher education environments. Benchmarking, precedent studies, site tours and user group interviews are key tools we utilize in our process. Each of our projects benefit from a broad experience with national and international clients.

In preparation for tomorrow’s challenges, community colleges need a partner in planning and design who understands their needs, in both an institutional and global context.

Throughout the world Perkins Eastman serves multiple market sectors including civic, cultural, healthcare, retail, urban design, senior living and multifamily housing. This broad array of knowledge within a single firm is a distinct advantage: in today’s higher education facilities, instructional spaces often replicate work environments, student housing resembles market rate apartments, campus dining is informed by mixed-use urban projects, and student health and recreation are modeled on wellness and fitness centers.

Complementing our breadth of knowledge is the depth and vertical integration of our teams. With a full staff of planners, programmers, architects and technicians, we work in integrated teams that are capable of responding to the complex challenges of our clients. Our products are tailor-made and unique to each of our clients, their regions, and their specific situation.

In planning and programming, our staff prides itself on our ability to work with a variety of stakeholders, ensuring critical involvement along the way. We believe our process, focused on shared authorship and a common vision, is what distinguishes our product. We know that being a valuable partner entails much more than understanding a building. It is about understanding our client’s business, including where they are coming from and where they are going.

46% of higher education students attend community colleges (American Association of Community Colleges, 2008; US Dept of Education, 2008) IUP Punxsutawney Campus Learning Center (right)

Strengthening ties with the community We believe that architecture can enable and strengthen the connections between a community and its stakeholders by creating multi-purposed and flexible environments that serve a wide range of college and community uses. As a core focus of our higher education practice, Perkins Eastman recognizes the significant role community colleges play in sustaining a community’s economic welfare and quality of life. In addition to their core mission of educational excellence and creating opportunities for affordable and accessible lifelong learning, community colleges can also be effective agents of change. They offer work force development training tied to local industry needs; they provide remediation for students who require additional support; and they can initiate the college preparation process for high school students through

“Middle College” programs.

Meeting regional needsUntil recently, Housatonic Community College’s (HCC’s) legacy included more than 25 years of providing quality educational services in less than optimal buildings. Relying on insufficient and inadequate leased spaces for many years, HCC was only able to support a fraction of its potential enrollment, and its desire to positively impact the local community was limited. After relocating to their new downtown Bridgeport campus in 1997, HCC’s enrollment increased by 70 percent. Over the next six years, this growth directly translated into dollars for the city of Bridgeport. In a study completed in 2004, the college’s economic impact on its entire 11-town southwestern Connecticut service area was shown to bring in $179.9 million annually to the region. There is little wonder that the college’s next expansion plans, involving the conversion of an existing Sears, Roebuck and Co. store into a new academic building was approved to move forward in 2004.

HCC called on Perkins Eastman to design the project, which integrates with the existing campus to create a new campus gateway within the Bridgeport community. The planning and design of the new facility directly responds to HCC’s desire to accommodate the expanding formal and informal educational programs as well as outreach to the community.

Creating a new campus gatewayBeacon Hall at Housatonic Community College; Bridgeport, Connecticut

Housatonic Community College

System: Connecticut Community-Technical College Location: Downtown Bridgeport, Connecticut Founded: 1967 FTE: 2,482 (2005) Headcount: 4,027 (1997) 4,475 (2007) 1% increase per year Faculty: 134 full-time teaching faculty Acreage: Approximately 4 acres NASF: Approximately 290,833

“If there’s one word that describes the building, it’s ‘welcoming.’ The design of the building emphasizes the spaces dedicated to students for small and large group interaction with each other. The result is a vibrancy that is the hallmark of this college.”

– Anita T. Gliniecki, President, Housatonic Community College

TechnologyTechnology and the internet have impacted community colleges as they have all aspects of society. At some institutions over 20% of course enrollment is attributed to distance learning. While there are numerous distance learning models, one successful model is a hybrid, combining both distance learning and on-campus instruction. The effects on facilities include the need for student testing spaces and centers for training faculty for technology use.

Project-based learningInstruction is increasingly focused on collaborative learning, team building, and decision-making. Learning environments must support this pedagogical shift by integrating these informal group spaces within libraries, classroom buildings and commons areas. Also, design of instructional spaces should incorporate flexible furnishings and technology to allow for lecture, lab and group learning to occur in one space. This approach is applicable across disciplines and has been shown to improve student success in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) disciplines.

SustainabilityIn an era of volatile energy prices and concern over climate change, community colleges must also confront the issue of sustainability. From energy conscious building design and operation, to parking management programs, community colleges can take small steps that have a large impact, providing leadership and educational opportunities in regions they serve.

In all of the opportunities outlined above, community colleges are inextricably linked to the businesses, institutions and citizens of their region. These complex partnerships require an experienced, knowledgeable and creative partner in the planning and design of their built environment.

Mohawk Valley Community College (left); IUP Punxsutawney Campus Learning Center (above)

Educational partnershipsAs one of the most entrepreneurial sectors of higher education, some community colleges have expanded their mission to include middle college and four-year bacca-laureate programs. In this model a student could be on the community college campus from grades 10 through grades 14 and beyond. This continuity of place and institution maximizes student success and facility use.

FacultyIn recruiting and retaining full-time and adjunct faculty, community colleges face competition from four-year colleges, challenging private-sector salaries. This is within the larger demographic challenge of a dwindling supply of instructors as baby-boomers retire and fewer young adults enter education. Community colleges must respond by providing adequate office space for full-time faculty and shared suites for adjuncts.

In developing their campus environments, community colleges must plan strategically with choices that provide a competitive advantage.

Student engagementAs students seek a sense of place and engagement, community colleges are rarely able to sustain a full spectrum of student activities. Balancing curriculum offerings and community outreach within a student-centered environment is an immense challenge. At some institutions centers of excellence in the fine and performing arts, athletics, and culinary arts and hospitality have proven to be successful bridges.

Workforce developmentThe demand for credit and non-credit programs in work-force development will only continue to grow in today’s economic climate. These important partnerships with regional businesses, industries and economic development initiatives significantly influence the service offerings as well as the demand for space. It is anticipated that the federal economic stimulus package will include funds for such programs.


Perkins Eastman

5 November, 2008

Alliance for Downtown New York, Inc.Water Street StudyPerkins Eastman

Perkins Eastman Water Street Study

Perkins EastmanArchitecture; Urban Design and Planning;

Public Space Programming; Retail Consulting

Nick Leahy: Principal-in-Charge / Design PrincipalRoland Baer: Urban Design Principal

Joanne Violanti: Project ManagerYazmin Crespo: Project Architect

Giaa Park : Project ArchitectFrank Fish: Principal, Zoning and Policy Improvement

team Structure

olin PartnershipLandscape Architecture

arupEnvironmental Planning; Transportation Planning

Karin BaconPublic art, digital media,

public WiFi

VJ associatesCost Consultant

Perkins Eastman: TKTS, New York

The Theatre Development Fund (TDF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping theater in New York reach wider audiences. A major feature of this operation is the TKTS Booth, a discount outlet for same- day tickets to Broadway and Off-Broadway productions.

TDF held an international competition to solicit concepts for a new TKTS Booth to upgrade and improve its function and to keep pace with the revitalization of Times Square. Perkins Eastman performed a feasibility study and developed a design based on the winning conceptual design by the Australian firm of Choi-Ropiha, whose original concept featured a floating and glowing red amphitheater.

Located at Father Duffy Square, a slender triangular-shaped median at 47th Street between Broadway and Seventh Avenue, the Booth responds both to its unique site and the opportunity to become a major icon in the middle of one of New York City’s most important tourist centers. The TKTS Booth highlights structural ingenuity and innovative design; the effect

of the floating red amphitheater is achieved by resting a pre-fabricated red bleacher on a structure made entirely and only out of glass. The bleachers are lit from within by LED fixtures, creating a glowing red effect that places it within the context of its brightly and permanently lit surroundings. Rising approximately 16-feet high from south to north, the Booth also responds to its placement on a triangular island in the middle of Times Square.

All of the mechanical systems will reside underneath the bleachers and will be visible to the public, while ticket sales booths will placed towards the rear. During the day, visitors can sit on the lit risers, which will be enclosed on three sides by a decorative glass rail and will be closed during off-hours by decorative metal fencing and gates.

Water Street Study Perkins Eastman

Section 3: Relevant Experience


Perkins Eastman

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Perkins Eastman

North america|south america|asia|middle east


Perkins Eastman congratulates Concordia International School Shanghai

on the construction of their new High School and environmentally intelligent campus

concordia international school shanghaiShanghai, China

Perkins Eastman is one of the top architecture firms in the world, specializing in progressive and innovative design. our firm represents the culmination of 25 years of practice on an international scale–a knowledge base and the global resources necessary to successfully complete projects around the world. With more than 100 built or active projects in 25 countries, our practice is estab-lished on the international standards of design and a regional sensitivity to the local area. For more information on our international school practice, please email K-12@perkinseastman.com

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arCHItECturE|ConSultIng|PlannIng|IntErIor dESIgn|ProgrammIng

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perkinseastman.com/k-12education architecture|consulting|planning|interior design|programming

perkins eastman is one of the top architecture firms in the world, specializing in progressive and innovative design. our firm represents the culmination of 25 years of practice on an international scale– a knowledge base and the global resources necessary to successfully complete projects around the world. With more than 100 built or active projects in 25 countries, our practice is established on the international standards of design and a regional sensitivity to the local area. For more information on our international school practice, please email K-12@perkinseastman.com

the World academy

King abdullah economic city, Ksa Programming, planning, and design for 35,000sm, 2,000 student pre K-12 school

perkins eastman congratulates the World academy on the construction of their new campus at King abdullah economic city

Tie ad October.indd 1 9/9/2009 10:20:28 AM


Perkins Eastman

Concordia International School Shanghai: New High School Shanghai, China

AIA New York DesIgN AwArDs 2010

t r a N S I t I o N

Although all located within the same campus boundaries, the master plan organizes the progression from Elementary to High School into a sweeping movement from right the left , then north to the High School’s new home base. In observance of this overarching planning concept, the new High School concentrates shared program with the Middle School along the southern portion of the building while the dedicated High School areas including the PE (Physical Education) commons is in the most remote area at the northern end along the exterior climbing wall.

As the final chance to make an impact on the 12-year old campus, the architect saw an unprecedented opportunity to develop a program and design that could stand the test of time. Flexibility of use is programmed into the organization and adjacency of primary and secondary support spaces mindful of an evolving curriculum. As learning methodologies change, the spaces offer the potential for paired classrooms through visual connectivity, as well as larger open spaces more easily organized through movable interior partitions and updated furniture systems.

The debate over books vs. digital media, allowing food and drink near books, hours of operation and the functional value of the space was resolved with the design of the Library Commons for the CISS Upper School. By transitioning use throughout the commons area from research to reading, eating and socializing, space efficiencies are accommodated for while contributing to a stronger cultural experience.

“Concordia’s high-quality program can only be enhanced through our new facilities. I’m excited by what’s ahead. It will allow an excellent faculty to go to the next level. It is what a 21st century school is supposed to be.” DAvID HARRIS, HIgH SCHooL PRInCIPAL, CISS+

t r a n s i t i o n

c o n n e c t i v i t y

+C o N N e C t I v I t y As the final leg of CIss’s phased master plan for expansion, the new High school facility is a physical manifestation of a student’s final thresh- old before moving onto college and post-graduate life. The maturity and freedom exhibited in the design of this building evokes the spirit with which the school hopes the students will take with them as move forward.

The Library Commons or media center at concourse level comprises the physical and symbolic bridge as a shared High school and Middle school community space. Also serving as covered student building access and bicycle parking at ground level, the bridge landmarks a high traffic and active student node.

with over 40% coverage of green roof, the new High school stands as a noteworthy model for sustainability in the international residential section of Pudong. The habitable green roof located above the Central Administration office and off the main science wing, provides an opportunity for students to spend class time outside for hands-on field work.

e N v I r o N m e N t

e N v I r o N m e N t

CISS viewed the design and construction of their new High School facility as an opportunity to redesign the entire campus’ heating and cooling system using highly efficient geothermal technology. The system employs 905 vertical heat exchange wells in 9 heat exchange areas with wells 80m deep into what will be the future natural grass soccer field. A temperate water- based solution stored below is then used to warm or cool the passing air which is then circulated back into all five buildings on the school’s property.

The overall demand on heating and cooling is also reduced through the incorporation of green roofs over 40% of the newly constructed roof surface resulting in an overall reduced heat- island effect. The largest portion of the green roof is landscaped over light monitors located above the gymnasium/events space. These monitors help control light levels by transforming daylight into indirect light also decreasing heat gain for optimal indoor conditions. Contrasting this operationally advantageous roof is an environmental instructional garden located above the Library. This habitable garden is located with direct access from the adjacent Science Suite for cross-curricular experiments and the incorporation of ongoing field studies conducted by students on weather and air quality. The soil used on the green roofs is made from recycled crushed red bricks mixed in with compost fertilizer for the plants. All green roofs also include swale lines reducing overall storm water runoff for the site.

“We are very pleased that we can be a model in green City, JinQiao for ‘going green’; I am not aware of any other schools in China that are using geo-thermal technology for their heating and cool-ing systems. These initiatives demonstrate Concordia’s commitment to be on the leading- edge and to set a responsible example for our students. ” DR. JIM KoERSCHEn, HEADMASTER, CISS


Various Clients


XTEN Architecture

XTEN Architecture

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Austin Kelly, AIA

XTEN Architecture

201 South Santa Fe Avenue

Suite 202

Los Angeles, California 90012


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XTEN Architecture

201 South Santa Fe Avenue

Suite 202

Los Angeles, California 90012

T 213 625 7002

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Austin Kelly AIA




XTEN Architecture


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california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzer-land foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy 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california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzer-land foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzer-land foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzer-land foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzer-land foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzer-land foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzer-land foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzer-land foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzer-land foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzer-land foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzer-land foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzer-land foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzer-land foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california SAppHIRE california SURfHoUSE california opENHoUSE california SCHöNbERgpARk switzerland SIlvERSpUR california DIAmoNDHoUSE california SEEpARk switzerland HImmElRAIN switzerland foRDbRADy california mHoUSE california vHoUSE california

Sapphire Encino | California2006–PRESENT

Orperostie temagnaconsent vel do odiametumsandi amcommo lortioodolortis eugait vullutlorperit lobore ea adit alitadiam ipit, vercip enismo-doloreminibh estin veldipsumvullaoreet, voloremolorper iriustis doloborauguero doloboremagnibheliqui enit laore eugaitpraessimdolobor sumalitaugiatemin et, qui euisnim iustio odit aut lumsanvolutat, sumdolor si.

Mincili ssequat ullandiocoreet in vulla facipsummodiamvenisi bla facilelit il diametwiscillumdoloremdolumdolorperosnullan eugait utemnim inisam, quis adipit lutat lumatuerat nim zzrilla acili-quat. Gait amet vel enimadionsectemagnim zzriureessent non ut ate feugaitalit dignibh eugait auguersit augait amquat erostruddionsectem iuscillam, quissitemdelessi enim velestiecore te vulla commolumsandio eniamet admo-luptat, coreros numet nosnit lamdionseq uismolorin henim ilis at. Ulla augaitnim velesto doloremod tioodmagnim zzriusc iduisimdolumsan henis alis autpatdipis nulputat.

Os nit prat dionseq ui-sismoloremeugiamet addunt prat nullamdolortietemdio consequatie eufeummynim vel iril doerciduis autateming eafeum zzrit nullan eugiam-commynulpute dit nulputesto commynumzzrillaorsuscidunt nos amqui elincilit lortie dolore vullaoraliquissi blaoremacil ipsumdigna feu feu feugue duitatuer admagna consectemodipsumqui blaorecommynulputpatemdelitad eum

Sapphire encino, california | 2006–Present


The Sapphire house is a gallery addition for art collectors that is itself conceived as a sculptural object. the trapezoidal double-cantilevered building floats above the ground with a delicate stair connection to the gallery wing of the main house.

structural studies show a progression from a normative trussed strategy to the more

specific response that this site and program suggested. steel chord axes, bracing

and elevational orientation were modified to pull away from the existing house for light

and air, and a sectional shift allows for specific connections to the exterior from each

end of the building. the lightweight steel structure is factory made and will be assembled

via crane on site in a day. the minimal footprint allows for open passage through,

under and around the building from the entry court to the back gardens on the property.

the artworks are hung independently from the steel building structure, an arrangement

that allows for flexibility and creativity in staging the galleries. continuous glazed

clerestories allow for even daylighting of the artworks. the building facade is wrapped

in a lightweight photovoltaic fabric that provides solar protection while allowing

for uninterrupted views to the surroundings.

Openhouse los angeles. californiaSapphire encino, california

Sapphire Encino | CaliforniaSapphire Encino | CaliforniaSapphire Encino | California


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There are many twists within the food import/export trade market, but the distribution chain essentially goes like this: An importer purchases goods from an exporter. Once the goods are cleared for entry, the importer resells them to a distributor, who resells them to a retailer, who sells them to the consumer. Sometimes these parties are combined, for example if a large retail chain has its own importing and distributing divisions, but the roles and functions are the same.

STEP 1Importer places an order for a food product shipment with a foreign exporter or agent.

STEP 2Importer or agent files appropriate documents for review by customs and the designated regulatory agency (FDA or USDA). STEP 3The FDA or USDA conducts a risk analysis screening based on type of food product, its country of origin or whether the exporter or importer has any prior violations. STEP 4Product arrives at a U.S. Port of Entry, where a customs agent reviews the shipment. STEP 5The FDA or USDA determines the shipment does not need additional documentation or physical examination. Product is released (skip to Step 7). Or, the FDA or USDA flags the shipment for additional information or documentation, physical examination or detention. STEP 6After further review or examination, the product is deemed safe and the shipment is released (skip to Step 7.) Or, after review or examination, the FDA or USDA determines the product is not safe and may be “reconditioned,” destroyed or shipped back to exporter.

STEP 7Once released for commerce, the product can enter the food supply.

Read more about imported foods at foodandnutritionmag.org

There are more than 300 Ports of Entry in the United States

including seaports, airports, and land locations for train or truck cargo procession


20.6% Vegetables

and vegetable products

20.1% Fishery

and seafood products

11.7% Fruits and

fruit products

Sanitary violations in seafood and fruit products, pesticide violations in vegetables, and unregistered

processes for canned food products in all three categories were persistent over time.


+2:00 +4:00 +8:00

The FDA requires notice prior to shipment arrivals at Ports of Entry. Notice varies by mode of trans-portation: 2 hours for truck cargo, 4 hours by air or rail, and 8 hours by sea. Foods regulated by the USDA are excluded from this requirement.









American Folk Art for Kids1-55652-499-4

Kitty Cat Alphabet Book0-9743294-0-1

A Muggle's Guide to the Wizarding World1-55022-655-X

Art of the Catapult1-55652-526-5

American Folk Art for Kids1-55652-499-4

Kitty Cat Alphabet Book0-9743294-0-1

A Muggle's Guide to the Wizarding World1-55022-655-X

Art of the Catapult1-55652-526-5 GR









eat right. mAGAzINE

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

washington heightsfall 2011, issue 1

eat right.

The best sources for the freshest foods

Twelve healthy recipes for you and your family

Community building with a healthy mission

X eat right. washington heights fall 2011 eat right. washington heights fall 2011 X


6 22

The best sources for the freshest foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Twelve healthy recipes for you and your family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Community building with a healthy mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

EvEnts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

MarkEts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

rEcipEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

rEsourcEs . . . . . . . . . . . 19

listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

washington heightsfall 2011, issue 1

eat right.

Published by: American Dietetic Association. Editor/Art Director: Name; Editor/Photos: Name; Managing Editor: Name; Features Editor: Name; Contribu-tors: Name, Name, Name, Name, Name, Name, Name, Name, Name, Name, Name, Name, Name; Ad Sales/Marketing: Name, Name; Layout: Name, Name. Our heartfelt thanks to all the friends, family, and businesses who help make this magazine possible. Publication information publication information publication information publication information publication information publication information publication information publication information publication informa-tion publication information publication information publication information publication information publication information. ©2011 American Dietetic Association, 120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2000, Chicago, Illinois 60606-6995.800.877.1600, 312.899.0040. eatright.org

X eat right. washington heights fall 2011 eat right. washington heights fall 2011 X

Twelve healthy recipes for you and your familyArugula, Fennel, and Orange Saladprep time: 15 Minutes ready in: 15 Minutes servings: 6

“A honey-and-lemon-juice dress-ing is drizzled over arugula, fennel, oranges, and olives in this tasty salad recipe.”IngredIents:

1 tablespoon honey 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper 1/4 cup olive oil 1 bunch arugula 2 orange, peeled and segmented 1 bulb fennel bulb, thinly sliced 2 tablespoons sliced black olivesdIrectIons:

1 . Whisk together the honey, lemon juice, salt, and pepper; slowly add the olive oil while continuing to whisk .

2 . place the arugula in the bottom of a salad bowl; scatter the orange segments, fennel slices, and olives over the arugula; drizzle the dressing over the salad to serve .

Boo’s Kiwi and Mango Saladprep time: 20 Minutes ready in: 20 Minutes servings: 4

“Bell peppers, sweet corn, mango, and kiwi are all tossed with French dressing for this quick salad.”IngredIents:

2 kiwis, peeled and chopped 2 small mangos - peeled, seeded, and diced 1 large red bell pepper, chopped 1 large green bell pepper, chopped 1/2 cup sweet corn 1/4 cup french dressingdIrectIons:

1 . stir together the kiwi, mango, red bell pepper, green bell pep-per, and sweet corn in a bowl . pour the dressing over the salad and stir to coat; serve immedi-ately .

Apple Butter Pork Loinprep time: 15 Minutes cook time: 3 Hours ready in: 3 Hours 15 Minutes servings: 6

“Roasted pork loin, seasoned with spiced apple butter and roasted in apple juice, makes a great Sunday dish.”IngredIents:

2 (2 pound) boneless pork loin roast seasoning salt to taste 2 cups apple juice 1/2 cup apple butter 1/4 cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons water 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ground clovesdIrectIons:

1 . preheat the oven to 350 degrees f (175 degrees c) .

2 . season the pork loins with sea-soning salt, and place them in a 9x13 inch baking dish or small roasting pan . pour apple juice over the pork, and cover the dish with a lid or aluminum foil .

3 . Bake for 1 hour in the preheated oven . While the pork is roasting, mix together the apple butter, brown sugar, water, cinnamon, and cloves . remove pork roasts from the oven, and spread with apple butter mixture .

4 . cover, and return to the oven for 2 hours, or until fork-tender .

Chilled Lemonade Dessertprep time: 15 Minutes ready in: 3 Hours servings: 8

“Lemon gelatin, lemonade concen-trate, and lemon zest lend the flavor to this whipped topping and cream cheese chilled, molded dessert.”IngredIents:

1 1/2 cups boiling water 1 (3 ounce) package lemon flavored gelatin mix 1 (8 ounce) package neufchatel cheese, softened 1/3 cup frozen lemonade concen-trate, thawed 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest 2 cups frozen whipped topping, thaweddIrectIons:

1 . in a small bowl, combine boiling water with lemon gelatin, stir-ring until dissolved .

2 . in a separate bowl, beat cheese, lemonade concentrate and lemon zest until well combined . stir in gelatin . chill until thick-ened, but not set .

3 . oil a 6-cup mold . fold whipped topping into thickened gelatin mixture and pour into prepared mold . chill until firm, then unmold on a serving platter .

Cauliflower With a Kickprep time: 10 Minutes cook time: 15 Minutes ready in: 25 Minutes servings: 8

“Mashing cauliflower with a pleasantly sweet parsnip creates a surprisingly delicious side dish.”IngredIents:

1 head cauliflower, broken into florets 1 parsnip, peeled and sliced 1/4 cup milk 2 tablespoons butter salt and pepper to tastedIrectIons:

1 . place a steamer insert into a saucepan, and fill with water to just below the bottom of the steamer . cover, and bring the water to a boil over high heat . add cauliflower and parsnips, recover, and steam until soft, about 15 minutes .

2 . Drain the vegetables . Mash using a hand masher or electric mixer . gradually add milk and butter and mash to desired con-sistency . season to taste with salt and pepper; serve warm .

Quinoa and Black Bean Chiliprep time: 30 Minutes cook time: 30 Minutes ready in: 1 Hour servings: 10

“Minced chipotle peppers add some zip to this vegetarian quinoa and black bean chili.”IngredIents:

1 cup uncooked quinoa, rinsed 2 cups water 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1 onion, chopped 4 cloves garlic, chopped 1 tablespoon chili powder 1 tablespoon ground cumin 1 (28 ounce) can crushed tomatoes 2 (19 ounce) cans black beans, rinsed and drained 1 green bell pepper, chopped 1 red bell pepper, chopped 1 zucchini, chopped 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced 1 tablespoon minced chipotle pep-pers in adobo sauce 1 teaspoon dried oregano salt and ground black pepper to taste 1 cup frozen corn 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantrodIrectIons:

1 . Bring the quinoa and water to a boil in a saucepan over high heat . reduce heat to medium-low, cover, and simmer until the quinoa is tender, and the water has been absorbed, about 15 to 20 minutes; set aside .

eat right. recipes

X eat right. washington heights fall 2011 eat right. washington heights fall 2011 X

Dolortio dit ver siscili quatio enim zzrit iril illa feuipisisit, con er sus-cidunt nonsecte magnibh eugait volute molut inim et, si blan ero dit lutpatem nos ad dui tet wisi .

pat dolobore del delenibh ex euis alismodignim quam veraessectem eu faccummy nulput duisl dionseq uamconsectem augue dolorem doloreet delit adit lore magnim quismod dolorem ex euipit nos alit ad minciliquat, vel ut venim iriusto esequate faccums andrerit exer-cilisl ent wismodo loreraestis nim ver autem del il iriure dunt veliquis do odit lorperos delessecte min eliqui te facilla feumsan velessi . Wisi . la acil ulput luptat .

Min vel ut laorper aestio ex enis-ciduisit doluptat, venit vent endre venis et adignit adio dolore min vendignim delit, susting exercinci et wisl ut at dolessim inciliquisis dionum quam ipsustisit la feugait vulput atem quis dit in veros dio doluptat . ore dolore dolesecte te dolorpero et nim ilit ut luptat wiscilit autem dolore dolor alis exer sit lortin vel ing exer sit el dio euismolutat ametuero eugue te et exerili quipit vel incidui etuerostio ea consenim iriure faccummy nim vel utem dolore vel ulla augait iustie mod dit wisit vullum zzriure conummy nullum erostrud duisl et velendre modolenit ad eugue dolore feum iurem dolortio odolore eugue cor incing ero diam doluptat,

velis dit, conum dit, sustrud tie mod dipis numsand ionsequ ationullum iure moloreet, vel eu faccumsandre volestie tatio od tis augait augiate veliquipsum nisl ulla commy nos nonullummy nostie tat, quisis ad magnisim ipsusto cortie modolenit, sequis aut wisim iriusci liquamcoreet luptat . Dui blam quam incil dolore vullandrem volenis endre facin ut lor irit vulluptat velent adipis adit ilit euipis dip ercilla consequismod tat . Bortio od dolore dolessecte modoluptat esed tie vulput lorerae sendre magna consecte te dolortie conulputat . vullumsan volorero dolesto et non ullamet, seniat wis acin velenis alismodigna am, quate dolorperit iure ese do dolummy

non el dolor aliquipis atis eu feummod modions equismodolor suscinibh eliquam, quam delesed erci etuerostrud tisi .Dunt etum volorper sequate vel dolortion etumsan ullandipit lum adit aliquamet nullaorero cor adit am velenis dolor sum nonullaore molorercinci bla acilluptat laor ipsum diat prat .

il utat . gait vel utat irit aut ex ex exer summodo lortio odolute tuer-cidunt irit ad et, sequisi tem venim iriliquat, sit venim nonsed et, vel do er at eros adipsus ciliquam vendipis ad doloboreet iniat .

acidunt adit in ver alismod olesse-quat . Duisisci eugait wis non-ulputpat nulland ignibh el digna auguerostrud dipis adiam veliqua mconsequisl ullutat . ut lam inim quis augait, suscilis nit nostie del ent acillummy nullametue core modignis nullums andiamc onseniam velit atem estrud tis doluptat ex eum ercipisl ute mod tem ilis exero del ea feuipis nos nibh enisisi blam, vel dunt dionse et, quis am am ad eu feuisl ut dolum zzrit nit alit ut la feuisl et, conse

dolorpe rcidunt vel ulpute dolent nonsecte feui exero odolor sed del iure ex enibh erostio dolore vulput do ex ex elenim iureetuero consed magna aliquipsum doluptat vul-lum ip etue dolobor tionsed eum veraesse modolobore feuis nulla facipsustrud mod exeraese min ullan ent ut praesto odiat, velisit lor sim in velismo dolobore digna faccum augueraesto od dolenit ut euip er sisi .

ut verostrud minim iriusci lluptat . Duissi exerostrud dolore dunt praestrud dolore delit lamcommy num volu-tet ueraess ectet, conse deliquat alit lorem veliquat eugiat ullan erat . Dui bla con ea faccum nulla faccum do et, sed do ea adip el utat dunt at utpatuerit il digna conulputat, velenibh et accumsan vent numsan ulluptat, secte do consenit vero commodo lortis augait, quis aliquat alisi tat . ut iriusti sissed dipit, quamet nibh exer summy niat vel do ex eum nim nostrud enim quat nis dip eu facilit, ve-ratem zzrit nis alisl exeril ing ea aliquam, vel dolore molor sisit wissequat . ut aliquat incing er sis do ex ex ent la facil in ulpute commodo dignim zzriure faci blaore doloreet praessed mag-nim accummo dolorem voloreet am iustrud elesto dolortie min hent ilissim dolore mincilit wisit, vel erostio dolobor sum at . Er sit aut lan veros niamet am deliquis nit doluptat nibh ea feuiscin el deliquatem esto odionsecte magnit

praesed min vel dipsustrud min heniscilla feuis nullupt atisi .

Duissi . ud tionse facil in ut verci-dui tat wismod enim diam dolum nonsed magnim irilis nim exeros nit, vulput alit at vulla augiam, vel erit eu feu facincidunt vullaor at lore dolesto od modolorperat wis diam zzriurerci tinit non henim zzrit num il et utat eratum alit aliquatet alisit, verat . uptatum do exerit dit diametu msandip

eraestrud magnit prat . at, quisl dui blaorem quisci esectem dolore tisi tio consequ ipsuscipis aliquat . ut utem zzrit nit iustion hendit ad elit wis nim vero ea consequam nostie modolore dit, quip eriusciduis es-sequi psuscipsusto .

uptat velent vendiam, sustis non et nostrud dignit, quat dolor sit at, suscidunt lorerae sendrem nullum

Acidunt adit in ver alismod olessequat . Duisisci eugait wis nonulputpat nulland ignibh el digna auguerostrud dipis adiam veliqua mconsequisl ullutat . Ut lam inim quis augait, suscilis nit nostie del ent acillummy nullametue core modignis nullums andiamc onseniam velit atem estrud tis doluptat ex eum ercipisl ute mod tem ilis exero del ea feuipis nos consed magna aliquipsum doluptat vullum ip etue dolobor tionsed eum veraesse mod-olobore feuis nulla facipsustrud mod exeraese min ullan ent ut praesto odiat, velisit lor sim in velismo dolobore digna faccum augueraesto od dolenit ut euip er sisi .

Acidunt adit in ver alismod olessequat . Duisisci eugait wis esse modolobore feuis nulla facipsustrud mod exeraese min ullan ent ut praesto odiat, velisit lor sim in velismo dolobore digna faccum augueraesto od dolenit ut euip er sisi .

Uptat velent vendiam, sustis non et nostrud dignit, quat zzrit veliquat. vulput atem quis dit in veros dio doluptat .

X eat right. washington heights fall 2011 eat right. washington heights fall 2011 X

Acidunt adit in ver alismod olessequat . Duisisci mod exeraese min ullan ent ut praesto odiat, velisit lor sim in velismo dolobore digna faccum augueraesto od dolenit ut euip er sisi .

Best sources, continuedse min exeraestrud el et ad ercil et adigna feugiam consed eugiam, vullaortie veliquat iril dunt utpat aliquis augue eugiam nim dolore dit num quat, sed doloreros nim quat . sequipsusto et lum quamet dolor atumsandiat .

senit praestin ulla cortis doluptatem at iure tat .

vendrem dolortis acilla consenim dolobor autpat wissi blam ing er iriuscipsum vercilla auguer ilit, quipis nul-la facip ea accumsa ndiat . giam, consed do odolobor ad dolorper at, sit lortis ametum iliquis alisl dipsum zzrit praesto odiametum venim zzriureet, si .

Diam dolum volorperci tem nullaortin henismod es-ectet, vel irilisit, sim nim am, quatuer atiscin cipiscinit loborem dolenisci bla facipit ipsummy niate tie vero dipit at .

Ent ad te exerat inci exeriuscing estis dolor si . ilit adigna faccum iustrud ex esendre rostrud mincilit iuscili quissi . tum vulputem ipisit vulluptat . oboreet lametuer at at . Dipisit veraessi .

an ercidunt alis ad tat lum iustie dolut utpat, conum dolobor se velent ex et ipsumsan vendignim dolore feuisi bla acin vent venit praesto endrem eumsandre facinim veniat ad miniatem verci enim niat, veraese veliquat volessenim niam, quam iure dolore molore miniam vulla facipsum in verosto con ut ad eugait la feu feuisi .

Dolore magna commy num dolor acidunt numsan ulla con eum dolore conse tissi blaor sum do exerit eu feum zzrilla faccum illan ullandrem il ulputate faccums andipis augue dolore del dolorer cipiscilit nisim dolore magnis alit aut auguero cor iurerciduis aliquatem niam acidunt volor aut nos nit ut vendio do dolor at inim augait la feugait utet la feugue ex et vullan endre magna facipit iril ipsummy niat lore dunt vel dolorpe raesto dunt nonsed er summy nos aciliquat . ut wisit, summy nostrud min et non utat eliquat ut do et dolor inci estrud tet nos nonsed tat irilis dit amconullan ut lobor sustincidui bla consequissed diamcor peraesto core dolorem exero exeril doloreros et amcon esto odipsustrud delit nulla faci elisi .

food & NutritioN mAGAzINE

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Industry News Industry News

Proin accumsan suscipit sapien sed accumsan. Proin posuere dapibus dapibus. Pellentesque semper tortor eu euismod nibh dapibus conval-lis sit amet libero.

Nam non sapien eros. Etiam ante magna, dapibus vitae pellentesque quis, sagittis quis sapien eros. Etiam ante magna, dapibus vitae pellentesque quis, sagittis quis eros. ornare eros. ornare accumsan. Suspendisse sem erat, lacinia ut consequat eu, accumsan a tellus. Vivamus gravida egestas dui eu varius.

lis hendrerit. Dolor nunc, venenatis ut sus-cipit sed, convallis sit amet libero. Nam non sapien eros. Etiam ante magna, dapibus vitae pellentesque quis, sagittis quis eros. ornare

sagittis quis eros. ornare lentesque quis, sagit accumsan. Suspendisse sem erat, lacinia ut consequat eu, accumsan a tellus. Vivamus gravida egestas dui eu varius. Proin accumsan suscipit

Dolor nunc, venenatis ut suscipit sed, convallis sit amet libero. Nam non sapien eros. Etiam ante magna, dapibus vitae pellentesque quis, sagittis quis eros. ornare lentesque quis, sagit-tis quis eros. ornare accumsan. Suspendisse sem erat, lacinia ut

lis hendrerit. Dolor nunc, venenatis ut sus-cipit sed, convallis sit amet libero. Nam non sapien eros. Etiam ante magna, dapibus vitae pellentesque quis, sagittis quis eros. ornare consequat eu, accumsan a tellus. Vivamus gravida egestas dui eu varius. Proin accumsan suscipit

Dolor nunc, venenatis ut suscipit sed, convallis sit amet libero. Nam non sapien eros. Etiam ante magna, dapibus vitae pellentesque quis, sagittis quis eros. ornare lentesque quis, sagit-tis quis eros. ornare accumsan. Suspendisse sem erat, lacinia ut

Semper tortor et diam pulvinar interdum. Praesent porta feugiat diam, eu euismod nibh iros. ornare accumsan. Suspendisse sem erat, lacinia ut consequat eu, accu eget tristique enim. Maecenas sit amet sem in quam aliquet pellentesque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per incep-tos himenaeos. Ut nec arcu nibh. Duis gravida convallis hendrerit. Dolor msan a tellus. Viva-mus gravida egestas dui eu varius.

Article Title Goes Here Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-sectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget nisi nec arcu aliquet tincidunt. Prous diam nibh id lorem. Sed quis ante et est vestibulum euis-mod id eu odio. Etiam porteget, viverra in nisi. Nunc faucibus mol-lis consectetur. tincidunt. rhoncus elit. Morbi consequat dui nec est euismod feugiat. Sed vitae felis eu orci fringilla faucibus. Nulla facilisi.

Article Title Goes Here Curabitur arcu quam, semper quis auctor sit amet, bibendum vitae quam. Donec enim tellus, sagittis tristique porta at, pellentesque in nulla. Proin tincidunt, diam sed dictum tempus, quam est sagittis massa, in porta magna eros in elit. Nullam vulputate, massa a ultricies congue, magna Etiam suscipit facilisis fermen-tum. Aenean laoreet quam vitae velit faucibus ut feugiat nunc consectetur. Aliquam imperdiet interdum metus vel pretium.

Article Title Goes Here Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-sectetur adipiscing elit. Pelpiscing elit. Vestibulum eget tristique enim. Maecenas sit amet sem in quam aliquet pellentesque. Class aptent taciti amet turpis. Vestibulum purus libero, auctor nec imperdiet

Article Title Goes Here Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget nisi nec arcu aliquet tincid-unt. Proin sed feugiat leo. Etiam consequat, nunc eget bibendum ultrices, diam justo accumsan erat, eget rhoncus diam nibh id lorem. Sed quis ante et est vestibulum euismod id eu odio. Etiam porttitor blandit mi, vitae vulputate dolor accumsan eget. Vivamus erat augue, tempor eu

lobortis eget, viverra in nisi. Nunc faucibus mollis consectetur. tinc-idunt. Curabitur semper nisl quis justo ultricies luctus. Pellentesque et rhoncus elit. Morbi consequat dui nec est euismod fringilla faucibus. Nulla facilisi.

Article Title Goes Here Curabitur arcu quam, semper quis auctor sit amet, bibendum vitae quam. Donec enim tellus, sagittis tristique porta at, pellentesque velit faucibus ut feugiat nunc consectetur. Aliquam imperdiet interdum metus vel pretium.

Article Title Goes Here Aliquam adipiscing tortor et tellus accumsan placerat. Ut sceler-isque mattis suscipit. Vivamus leo eros, adipiscing eu vehicula in, imperdiet quis mauris. Etiam eu nibh mauris. Suspendisse in felis eetium lorem pellentesque eu. In hendrerit, elit vel egestas sollicitudin, tortor lectus convallis tellus, sit amet feugiat elit nunc id quam. Ut mauris velit, vulputate quis hendrerit hendrerit, fringilla ut turpis.

Article Title Goes Here Nullam pellentesque, mi sed rutrum fermentum, libero dui blandit justo, ut pulvinar nibh sem mi tempor tincidunt. Viva-mus ue, tempor eu lobortis eget, viverra in nisi. Nunc faucibus mol-lis consecentum ornare, erat felis pharetra massa, et dapibus lorem sem sit amet turpis. Vestibulum purus libero, auctor nec imperdiet vel, rutrum in nulla. Nulla gravida semper nibh facilisis dictum. Nulla suada, odio lorem lacinia massa, nec interdum arcu ante non nisl. Nunc vitae hendrerit tortor. Mau-ris at tortor quis diam pharetra venenatis eget vitae neque.

Article Title Goes Here Proin accumsan suscipit sapien sed accumsan. Proin posuere dapibus dapibus. Pellentesque semper tortor et diam pulvinar interdum. Praesent porta feugiat diam, eu euismod nibh dapibus enatis ut suscipit sed, convallis sit amet libero. Nam non sapien eros. Etiam ante magna, dapibus vitae pellentesque quis, sagittis quis eros. ornare accumsan. Suspend-isse sem erat, lacinia ut consequat eu, accumsan a tellus. Vivamus gravida egestas dui eu varius.

Article Title Goes Here Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget nisi nec arcu aliquet tincid-unt. Proin sed feugiat leo. Etiam consequat, nunc eget bibendum ultrices, diam justo accumsan erat, eget rhoncus diam nibh id lorem. Sed quis ante et est vestibulum euismod id eu odio. Etiam porttitor blandit mi, vitae vulputate dolor accumsan eget. Vivamus erat augue, tempor eu lobortis eget, viverra in nisi. Nunc faucibus mollis consectetur. tinc-idunt. Curabitur semper nisl quis justo ultricies luctus. Pellentesque et rhoncus elit. Morbi consequat dui nec est euismod fringilla faucibus. Nulla facilisi.

Article Title Goes Here Curabitur arcu quam, semper quis auctor sit amet, bibendum vitae quam. Donec enim tellus, sagittis tristique porta at, pellentesque velit faucibus ut feugiat nunc consectetur. Aliquam imperdiet interdum metus vel pretium.

Article Title Goes Here Aliquam adipiscing tortor et tellus accumsan placerat. Ut sceler-isque mattis suscipit. Vivamus leo eros, adipiscing eu vehicula in, imperdiet quis mauris. Etiam

eu nibh mauris. Suspendisse in felis eetium lorem pellentesque eu. In hendrerit, elit vel egestas sollicitudin, tortor lectus convallis tellus, sit amet feugiat elit nunc id quam. Ut mauris velit, vulputate quis hendrerit hendrerit, fringilla ut turpis.

Article Title Goes Here Nullam pellentesque, mi sed rutrum fermentum, libero dui blandit justo, ut pulvinar nibh sem mi tempor tincidunt. Viva-mus ue, tempor eu lobortis eget, viverra in nisi. Nunc faucibus mol-lis consecentum ornare, erat felis pharetra massa, et dapibus lorem sem sit amet turpis. Vestibulum purus libero, auctor nec imperdiet vel, rutrum in nulla. Nulla gravida semper nibh facilisis dictum. Nulla suada, odio lorem lacinia massa, nec interdum arcu ante non nisl. Nunc vitae hendrerit tortor. Mau-ris at tortor quis diam pharetra venenatis eget vitae neque.

Article Title Goes Here Proin accumsan suscipit sapien sed accumsan. Proin posuere dapibus dapibus. Pellentesque semper tortor et diam pulvinar interdum. Praesent porta feugiat diam, eu euismod nibh dapibus enatis ut suscipit sed, convallis sit amet libero. Nam non sapien eros. Etiam ante magna, dapibus vitae pellentesque quis, sagittis quis eros. ornare accumsan. Suspend-isse sem erat, lacinia ut consequat eu, accumsan a tellus. Vivamus gravida egestas dui eu varius.

Article Title Goes Here Quisque a diam sed mauris scel-erlibero. Nam laoreet fermentum eleifend. Cras scelerisque gravida massa sed ullamcorper. Vestibu-lum loborti

Sagittis massa, in ortassa magna

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AnswerLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed egestas nibh a felis tempus pretium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin sapien nec sem dictum viverra. Proin ante turpis, suscipit sed aliquam facilisis, rutrum id ante. Cum nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus malesuada, nunc vel venenatis pretium, est urna blandit felis, tincidunt molestie tortor mauris vitae urna. Morbi vel nisi dui, lobortis faucibus neque.

Praesent consequat ultricies leo vitae facilisis. Etiam laoreet posuere tortor, in sollicitudin felis posuere ut. Mauris sit amet risus sed tellus feugiat adipiscing quis in nibh. Nunc male-suada din turpis in diam fermentum lobortis. Phasellus massa lacus, ornare quis pulvinar et, condimentum vel mi. Suspendisse quis Donec augue risus, iaculis quis ornare placerat, cursus ac massa. Praesent non risus risus. Nulla tin-cidunt pellentesque leo vitae condimentum. Mauris faucibus odio at augue pretium eu volutpat tellus scelerisque.

QuestionLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed egestas nibh a felis tempus pretium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-sectetur adipi.

AnswerPraesent consequat ultricies leo vitae facilisis. Etiam laoreet posuere tortor, in sollicitudin felis posuere ut. Mauris sit amet risus sed tellus feugiat adipiscing quis in nibh. Nunc male-suada din turpis in diam fermentum lobortis. Phasellus massa lacus, Phasellus massa lacus, ornare quis pulvinar et, condimentum vel mi. Suspendisse quis Donec ornare quis pulvi-

nar et, condimentum vel mi. Suspendisse quis Donec augue risus, iaculis quis ornare placerat, cursus ac massa. Praesent non risus risus. Nulla tincidunt pellentesque leo vitae condimentum. Mauris faucibus odio at augue pretium eu volutpat tellus scelerisque.

Nam ac massa at tortor hendrerit bibendum sed ac mi. Mauris fermentum eleifend turpis id rhoncus. Aliquam condimentum nulla vel est. Suspendisse tempor ante id mi tempor dic-tum. Mauris viverra facilisis molestie. Nullam ipsum lectus, varius ut lacinia in, dapibus sit amet felis. Mauris auctor vehicula dignissim. Donec dictum congue ipsum at dictum. Fusce tempor velit quis nisl sagittis tincidunt. Proin sit amet turpis nec nunc cursus pretium.

QuestionLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed egestas nibh a felis tempus pretium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin sapien nec sem dictum viverra. Proin ante turpis, suscipit sed aliquam facilisis, rutrum id ante.

AnswerPraesent consequat ultricies leo vitae facilisis. Etiam laoreet posuere tortor, in sollicitudin felis posuere ut. Mauris sit amet risus sed tellus feugiat adipiscing quis in nibh. Nunc male-suada din turpis in diam fermentum lobortis. Phasellus massa lacus, ornare quis pulvinar et, condimentum vel mi. Suspendisse quis Donec augue risus, iaculis quis ornare placerat, cursus ac massa. Praesent non risus risus. Nulla tin-cidunt pellentesque leo vitae condimentum. Mauris faucibus odio at augue pretium eu volutpat tellus scelerisque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maepellentesque. Donec vehicula sapien eget arcu pellentesque a com-modo quam laoreet. Duis sem est, adipiscing sed fringilla sed, suscipit sed libero. Donec convallis, velit ornare consectetur tempor, odio libero adipiscing sem, sed vehicula lorem neque vitae mi. Proin interdum metus sit amet nulla commodo ves ante id mi tempor dictum. Mauris tibulum. Nunc aliquam nunc non risus hendrerit faucibusfelis posuere ut. Mauris sit amet risus sed tellus feugiat adipiscing quis in nibh. Nunc malesuada din turpis in diam fermentum lobortis. Phasellus massa lacus, ornare quis pulvinar et, condi.

orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed egestas nibh a felis tempus pretium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin sapien nec sem dictum viverra. Proin ante turpis, suscipit sed aliquam facilisis, rutrum id ante. Cum nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus malesuada, nunc vel venenatis pretium, est urna blandit felis, tincidunt molestie tortor mauris vitae urna. Morbi vel nisi dui, lobortis faucibus neque.

• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con sectetur adipiscing elit.

• Sed egestas nibh a felis tempus pre tium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

• Donec sollicitudin sapien nec sem • dictum viverra. Proin ante turpis, suscipit

sed aliquam facilisis

Contributed by Name, Title, Nulla tincidunt pellentesque leo vitae condimentum. Mauris sit amet risus sed tellus feugiat adipiscing quis in nibh.

Praesent consequat ultricies leo vitae facilisis. Etiam laoreet posuere tortor, in sollicitudin felis posuere ut. Mauris sit amet risus sed tellus feugiat adipiscing quis lobortis. quis nulla et odio hendrerit aliquam. Donec augue risus, iaculis quis ornare placerat, cursus ac massa. Praesent non risus risus. Nulla tincidunt pellentesque leo vitae condimentum. Mauris faucibus odio at augue pretium eu volutpat tellus scelerisque. —Name, Title

Q:Know Where to Look New Books and Publications

TitleAuthor PublisherLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed egestas nibh a felis tempus pretium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin sapien nec sem dictum viverra. Proin ante turpis, suscipit sed aliquam facilisis, rutrum id ante. Cum nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus malesuada, nunc vel venenatis pretium, est urna blandit felis, tincidunt molestie tortor mauris vitae urna. Morbi vel nisi dui, lobortis faucibus neque.

TitleAuthor PublisherLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maepellentesque. Donec vehicula sapien eget arcu pellentesque a commodo quam laoreet. Duis sem est, adipiscing sed fringilla sed, suscipit sed libero. Donec convallis, velit ornare consectetur tempor, odio libero adipiscing sem, sed vehicula lorem neque vitae mi. Proin interdum metus sit amet nulla commodo vestibulum.

Nunc aliquam nunc non risus hendrerit faucibus. din turpis in diam fermentum lobortis. Pha-sellus massa lacus

TitleAuthor PublisherPraesent consequat ultricies leo vitae facilisis. Etiam laoreet posuere tortor, in sollicitudin felis posuere ut. Mauris sit amet risus sed tellus feugiat adipiscing quis in nibh. Nunc malesuada tempor auctor. Nam sollicitudin turpis in diam fermentum lobortis. Phasellus massa lacus, ornare quis pulvinar et, condimentum vel mi. mentum. Mauris faucibus odio at augue pretium eu volutpat tellus scelerisque.

TitleAuthor PublisherNam ac massa at tortor hendre-rit bibendum sed ac mi. Mauris fermentum eleifend turpis id rhoncus. Aliquam condimentum nulla vel est. Suspendisse tempor ante id mi tempor dictum. Mauris viverra facilisis molestie. Nullam ipsum lectus, varius ut lacinia in, dapibus sit amet felis. Mauris

auctor vehicula dignissim. Donec dictum congue ipsum at dictum. Fusce tempor velit quis nisl sagit-tis tincidunt. Proin sit amet turpis nec nunc cursus pretium.

TitleAuthor PublisherUt rutrum elementum imper-diet. Proin ac leo lacus, sit amet dignissim purus. Nulla metus massa, tincidunt at fermentum non, elementum sagittis augue. Vestibulum facilisis odio et quam scelerisque vehicula. Quisque eu ligula in lorem ultrices consecte-tur eget ut nisl. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse tempus ultricies fringilla. Cras vitae felis neque.

TitleAuthor PublisherLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed egestas nibh a felis tempus pretium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin sapien nec sem dictum viverra. Proin

ante turpis, suscipit sed aliquam facilisis, rutrum id ante. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus malesuada, nunc vel venenatis pretium, est urna blandit felis, tincidunt molestie tortor mauris vitae urna. Morbi vel nisi dui, lobortis faucibus neque.

TitleAuthor PublisherLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas dui ante, iaculis et porta molestie, iaculis eu neque. Nunc placerat arcu ut ipsum adipiscing pellentesque. Donec vehicula sapien eget arcu pellentesque a commodo quam laoreet. Duis sem est, adipiscing sed fringilla sed, suscipit sed libero. Donec convallis, velit ornare consectetur tempor, odio libero adipiscing sem, sed vehicula lorem neque vitae mi. Proin interdum metus sit amet nulla commodo vestibulum. Nunc aliquam nunc non risus hendrerit faucibus.