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Rev Nathan Thompson

Office Phone:

Office: 320-986-2514

Cell: 651-210-8014

Charis Bjorklund Worship & Youth

Ministry 320-304-0439

Becky Meyer

Secretary Office Phone: 320.986.2024


Sunday—3 10:30 am

Outreach Comm

Thursday—14 6:00 p.m.

Education Com

Thursday—21 6:00 P.M.

Messiah Council At Shirley






Dear Friends in Christ,

It is hard to believe that the month of August is already here—where has the summer gone? I hope and pray that your summer has been going well and that these final weeks will be great.

August at Messiah will be a very busy month as we finalize our preparations for a new school year—it is going to be a great year. It will also be an event-ful month with some wonderful opportunities to worship as a church and as part of our community of Hoffman.

Walk Through The Bible Continues

Our congregation at Messiah has been “walking through the Bible” each Sunday in our weekly messages. A reminder that if you are gone or on va-cation you can live stream the sermons on Sunday morning; can go to Mes-siah’s website and watch or download a copy; can watch on local Cable TV, or can stop by the church and pick up a paper copy. In August we will be finishing up the Old Testament and moving into the New Testament in Sep-tember.

Harvest Festival Worship—August 10, 10:00 A.M.

Messiah is leading and providing the worship this year for the Harvest Festi-val. It will be by the band shell in the park on Sunday, August 10, at 10:00. Please come and help Messiah welcome, sing and worship with our friends and neighbors.

Youth Fundraiser Serving Harvest Festival Meal

Messiah’s youth will be serving the Harvest Festival meal following worship on Sunday, August 10. This will be their first major fundraising effort to earn money for the National Youth Gathering a year from now in 2015. Please come and support our youth!

Saturday Evening Worship By The Fire Pit—August 23, 5:30 P.M.

Everyone in the community is invited to our final Saturday evening worship on August 23, 5:30 P.M. It will again be in the back of Messiah by the Fire Pit (inside of bad weather). Food and games for all ages will follow. Bring your lawn chair or a blanket. Make sure you invite and bring a friend—it’s going to be lots of fun.

Please Continue To Pray For Our Fall Planning

Youth Kick-Off Night at the Fire Pit on Wednesday, Sept. 3.

Monthly Youth Nights on the 1st Wednesday of each month.


New revamped and upgraded Sunday School rotation program.

An excellent mentorship program for Confirmation students.

New mission and vision focus for Messiah

New cameras with enhanced videos and internet streaming.

My prayer is that all of you will have a wonderful month of August! Blessings and hope in Christ!

Pastor Nathan




Elroy Anderson is celebrating his 90th Birthday in August. You are

invited to join him for cake and ice cream on Saturday, August 23rd

at the Community Center in Hoffman.

Open House is from 1:00-4:00 p.m.

No gifts please, only your presence.


Good News! The balance of the bill for the construction of the fire pit has been paid by the Messiah Church Men. A special “thank you” to them for their support. I would also like to thank Jen and Phil Hermes for the donation of a new gas grill to be used for occasions when we are grilling by the fire pit. So many people have donated their money and time to make this a wonderful asset to our church functions. Watch the bulletin and newsletter for these occasions! Sylvia Swenson, Church Council Rep


For Lee and Polly Hedstrom

Sunday, August 17, 2014 1:30—4:00

Hoffman Community Center

Open House

We, the members of Messiah Lutheran Church have been called by God and given God’s gifts to:

Proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Prepare our members for outreach and service.

Accept all people and minister to their human needs.

Jacki Anderson 8-2 Luke Arnquist 8-3 Violet Bjelland 8-3 Jill Johnson 8-3 Cindy Helberg 8-3 Joan Johnson 8-3 Zephryn Volker 8-4 David DeNoble 8-5 George Hulzebos 8-6 Wanda Saurer 8-6 Jeff Swenson 8-6 Sue Blehr 8-7 Drew Winter 8-7 Kayla Andreasen 8-8 Pam Randt 8-9 Mike Braaten 8-10 Carmelle Bohrer 8-11 Lauren Nelson 8-11 Berdell Skogstad 8-12


Remembering the Saints in Light

Recognizing members who have gone before us during the month of their passing

Cathy Engelby 08-03-10

Mavis Gulbrandson 08-07-11

Thora Randin 08-10-06

LeMay Thorstad 08-18-13

Lillian Thorstad 08-19-13

Lester Nordin 08-19-08

Donald Giese 08-25-11

Dennis Winter 08-29-08

Marie Bjerke 08-31-08

Mark Hedstrom 8-13 Erick Stark 8-13 Jason Anderson 8-14 Richard Arnquist 8-15 Ryan Sutton 8-15 Amelia Alvstad 8-15 Katie Froemming 8-16 Dawn Johnson 8-17 Dennis Haagenson 8-18 Alicia Martinson 8-18 Steve Parshall 8-18 Roger Schoephoerster 8-18 Aaron Anderson 8-19 Avery Hrncir-Johnson 8-19 Scott Anderson 8-19 Vernal Nelson 8-19 LaVerne Olson 8-19 Chase Torkelson 8-19 Tracy Harstad 8-19 Brenda Andreason 8-20

Kris Telkamp 8-20 Lyle Yochim 8-20 Dorothy Carlson 8-21 Candyce DeNoble 8-22 Jenna Nelson 8-22 Erica Vipond 8-23 Benjamin Anderson 8-24 Kristofer Beuckens 8-25 Samantha Johnson 8-25 Agnes Auslund 8-27 Brynlee Gilbertson 8-27 Brian Randt 8-27 Raelene Stark 8-27 John Gran 8-28 Debra Nelson 8-28 Elroy Anderson 8-29 Ashton Danner 8-29 Raymond Ziemer 8-29 Owen Sanstead 8-30

4 Messiah Lutheran Church Council Meeting June 18, 2014

Meeting called to order by Connie Bye at 8:00 pm Attending: Polly Hedstrom, Gene Rollofson, Shirley Sampson, Marlene Nelson, Sylvia Swenson, Connie Bye, Charis Bjorklund, Pastor Thompson, Faye Giese, Dan Persons.

Devotions were led by Pastor Nathan on Psalm 8—The majestic things of God. How do we see His majesty in our lives and world.

Motion by Sylvia and second by Shirley to approve the agenda. Motion passed. Motion by Faye and second by Polly to approve the minutes noting a minor change in the Outreach report. Motion passed. Motion by Gene and second by Shirley to approve the financial statements. Motion passed.

Pastors Report: A representative from Feed My Starving Children will be at the church June 29th to give a brief talk on the organization and solicit donations of time and finances for an upcoming packing event in Morris. Youth Director: Planning a monthly meeting for all 8-12th graders beginning the 1st Wednesday of each month. This will be open to all youth from the community providing they bring along an adult supervisor. Planning to do six service projects per year locally and distant. Charis will be doing most of the confirmation teaching this coming year. Pat Hanson will be co-leading the Habitudes program with Charis. The National Youth Gathering will be in Detroit in 2015 so planning has begun for this event. Charis recently returned from a church choir directors conference.

Council discussed setting up coffee in the Narthex following services in an attempt to better draw people into fellowship. The consensus was to let the serving groups try this for a while and see how it goes.

Outreach: The fire pit and patio has been mostly finished. The final cost paid to the contactors was $3,415. This was less than the original bid of $4010 that was for a smaller patio area. Thanks to all who volunteered their time and talents to see this project thru. Council felt it would be appropriate to seek additional gifts from the congregation. Memorial and Bequest: Approved requests from the Education Committee for new Sunday School curriculum, 7-8th grade new materials, a women's retreat and Luther Crest funding for youth. Education: Need more people to sign up for meals and helping at VBS. Stephen Ministry: Commissioned Carol Hulzebus as a new Stephen Minister. Vision Task Team: Will be meeting July 2nd

Old Business: Fire Pit: still need to do final seeding and install path from the parking lot. Luther Crest Fund Drive—Prepare the Way—will begin the end of summer.

New Business: Financial Statements: The executive council met with Sara Strunk, CPA to discuss the financial records at the church and what could be done to make them more functional and correct in their accounting. Sara rec-ommended that the best option would be to centralize the accounting in the church by consolidating all com-mittee and group checking and savings accounts into one financial package where a consolidated statement could be generated at any time. Each committee would still have their own funding and resources but the accounting and bill paying would be centralized. Council will continue to meet with Sara Strunk and Heidi Johnson to reach an acceptable method of operation. TeacHaiti sent an invoice to the church for child support. Motion by Dan and second by Shirley to send a donation of $350. Motion passed. Motion by Gene and second by Polly to transfer designated money of $1,101.37 to Luther Crest Prepare the Way fund. Motion passed.

Council needs to be refreshed on what the Outreach grant monies received earlier can be used for. Motion by Sylvia and second by Marlene to adjourn with the Lord's Prayer. Motion passed. Respectfully submitted, Dan Persons



The National Youth Gathering for grades 9-12 is coming up this next

summer in Detroit. The dates are July 12-15, 2015. Come to the youth

kick-off night on Wednesday, September 3rd for more information.

Hotdog roast over the campfire at 6:00 with meeting at 6:30. We’ll be

going over information for Sr. High meetings, synod and national gath-

erings, service projects, confirmation, and 4th-7th grade meetings. Both

parents and students are asked to attend.

Messiah youth will be serving lunch at the Harvest Festival service

Sunday, August 10 as a fundraiser for the Detroit trip. Anyone who

might be interested in going to the National Youth Gathering is asked

to participate. 9:30-12:00

Questions? Contact Charis (320)-304-0439


If you are in the NEW September/March group (listed below) please sign up at the

Welcome Center for a duty in September. If you do not sign up a duty will be

assigned to everyone to fill the spots needed. This is your chance to choose

a date that works best for you. Thank you for your help.


Betty Anderson, Elmer & Jeanne Anderson, Elroy Anderson, Troy and Brenda

Andreasen family, Jelene Backman family, Steve and Melissa Bergman family,

Gordon & Lorraine Bredy, Cindy Christopherson, Gene and Eunice Eblen, Phil

and Jen Hermes, Wanda Kaplor, Shirley Nelson, Nels and Brenda Onstad family,

Stan and Raelene Stark, Carol Thorstad



August 2014 CALENDAR

MISSION OF THE MONTH: Ronald McDonald House-Fargo Mission items to bring… School Kit Supplies

August 3 Sunday 10:30am Fellowship Coffee – GROUP 2 August 4 Monday 7:00pm Martha Bible Study August 10 Sunday Harvest Festival Service August 14 Thursday 1:00pm Mary Bible Study August 20 Wednesday 5:00pm Farmers Market Meal-Messiah serves August 31 Sunday 10:30am Fellowship Coffee – GROUP 2 A Note from WELCA President, Arlou Swenson: “WE ARE CALLED”, Galatians 5:13, is the theme of the Synodical Convention in Crookston this September 12-13. As Messiah women, we are called to serve in many areas. I thank Group 1 for their faithful service in July of Coffee Hour, funeral, refreshment for the wonderful Harp Concert as well as visiting the residents at the Barrett Care Center and serving cake and strawberries. It turned out to be a very busy month for them. Martha Bible Study will begin a new Bible Study in September. As always, we wel-come anyone who would like to take part in a Bible Study to come. Martha Group meets the first Monday of each month at 7pm. Books need to be ordered, so please sign up at the Welcome Center. If you would like to go to an afternoon Bible Study, Mary meets the second Thursday of each month. They are studying “Becoming a Woman of Prayer”, and invite anyone to join them at 1pm. Looking ahead, in September at the General Meeting we will elect a new President and Treasurer. Be thinking and praying about this. Anyone wanting to go to the Synodical Convention should contact Arlou for more information. “GODS WORK, OUR HANDS”


*Activate FAITH*


Welcome to the NEW Messiah Sunday School Page!

Watch here for monthly Sunday School news & upcoming events!!

There are lots of exciting things that are coming to our

Messiah rotation Sunday school program!

Stay tuned this fall for…

NEW and EXCITING workshops!!

An all NEW curriculum for Kindergarten-8th grade!!

Freshly painted and re-decorated rooms!

New Bibles!

New vocal and bell MUSIC!

And MORE!!

Rally Sunday information will be sent out later in August!

GOD’S PEOPLE IN SERVICE— AUGUST ACOLYTES 3-17 Jayce Puchalski 24-31 Krista Randt

COMMUNION 3 Curt & Cindy Anderson, Jason & Leah Anderson


COMMUNION ASSISTANTS Chase Torkelson Ben Anderson

Wanda Kaplor


FLOWERS Irma Nordquist, Marlene Thorstad

Ushers and Greeters are asked to come 30 minutes early

to check in with the Welcome Team to go over any special

instructions for your Sunday


Aug 3 Ed & Annette Loeffler, Irma Nordquist Kaitlin Sanstead

Aug 10 Harvest Festival n/a

Aug 17 Irma Nordquist, Louise Larson Ashley Bruns

Aug 24 Pat & Jacki Anderson family Quinten Winter

Aug 31 Steve & Sara Strunk family Krista Randt


Aug 3 Bev Y. Bret Oelke Faye Giese Savannah S./Ashley Froemming


Aug 17 LaVerne O. Aiden Winter LeRoy Stark Brittany R/Ashley Froemming

Aug 24 Bev Y. Gabbi Beuckens Jacki Anderson Nicole B/Ashley Froemming

Aug 31 LaVerne O. Arlyn Swenson Curt Stark Morgan S/Ashley Froemming


Aug 3 Coffee by WELCA group 2 Aug 3 Jen & Phil H.

Aug 10 HARVEST FESTIVAL Aug 10 Stan & Raelene S

Aug 17 Coffee by Churchmen—Ed Persons Aug 17 Sylvia & Courtland S

Aug 24 Coffee by Youth—Talkamps, Krusemarks Aug 24 Gene & Marlys R

Aug 31 Coffee by WELCA group 2 Aug 31 Bud & Suzie Z


Aug 3 Curt and Cindy Anderson

Aug 10 Harvest Festival

Aug 17 Faye & Terry Giese, Mitch & Kris Sanstead family

Aug 24 Pat & Jacki Anderson family, Candyce DeNoble

Aug 31 Brian & Pam Randt family, Steve & Sara Strunk family


If you are unable to serve your assigned spot on

any Sunday, please find your own replacement

and let the church office know who that is.


AUGUST 2014 Pastor’s Office: 320-986-2514 Pastor’s Cell: 651-210-8014 Church Office: 320-986-2024 Church E-mail: Pastor’s E-mail: church Web site: Youth E-mail: Youth phone: 320-304-0439


1 2 7:30 Men’s Breakfast

Bible Stdy


9:30 Holy Communion

10:30 Coffee–WELCA grp 2

10:30 Outreach Committee Note time/date change


7:30 MARTHA Bible Study

5 6


8:00 Stephen Ministry


9 4:00 Harvest Festival Parade with Messiah Float


10:00 Harvest Festival Worship by Messiah in City Park 11:00 Youth Food Booth at City Park

11 12


14 1:00 Mary Bible study

6:00 Educa-tion

15 Wedding Rehearsal


4:00 Wedding of Crystal Backman

17 9:30 Holy Communion— Baptism of Ryland Trinka 10:30 Coffee in honor of Lee and Polly Hedstrom 50th Anniversary -served by Churchmen



5:00 Farmers Market served by Messiah


6:00 Council Picnic at Shirley’s 8:00 Stephen Ministry

22 23 5:30 Outdoor Worship Yard Games following


9:30 Worship Service 10:30 Coffee served by Youth

25 26 27




31 9:30 Worship Service

10:30 Coffee–WELCA grp 2

Messiah Lutheran Church ELCA

502 Kentucky

P.O. Box 486

Hoffman, MN 56339


