Message: The True Fellowship Abides in God’s Love May 5 th, 2013


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Message: The True Fellowship Abides in God’s Love

May 5th, 2013

What It Means to Abide

Abide: from Greek word meno

meno: to be in a state that begins and then continues indefinitely.

Assurances of Abiding in God’s Love

1) We have received the Holy Spirit of God.

Assurances of Abiding in God’s Love

2) We have believed the apostolic testimony that the

Father has sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.

Assurances of Abiding in God’s Love

3) We have personally confessed that Jesus the Christ

is the Son of Almighty God.

Assurances of Abiding in God’s Love

4) We know and rely on the love that God has for us.

Assurances of Abiding in God’s Love

5) We do not live in fear because we know that God’s love is made complete in us

through living in confident faith of his love and this perfect love

drives out all fear.

Assurances of Abiding in God’s Love

6) We love one another.

Your Response Is the fruit of the Spirit present in

you? Have you believed the testimony of

the apostles? Have you personally confessed Christ

as Lord, Savior, God and King? Are you fully relying on the love of

God? Are you living in fear or in confident

hope? Are you allowing the love of God to

flow through you to others?
