Membership & Chapter Development Strategic Programs



Membership & Chapter Development Strategic Programs. Ralph W. Russell, II 9 February 2002 - West Palm Beach, Florida USA Board of Governors Presentation. Membership - 2001 Wrap Up. 5.7% increase in CPMT Society membership 4,111 in December 2001 v. 3,891 in December 2000 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Membership & Chapter Development Strategic Programs

Ralph W. Russell, II9 February 2002 - West Palm Beach, Florida USA

Board of Governors Presentation

Membership - 2001 Wrap Up

• 5.7% increase in CPMT Society membership– 4,111 in December 2001 v. 3,891 in December 2000– 4th fastest growing IEEE Society– higher percentage of international members than IEEE (40.6% v. 37.5%)

and other Societies overall

• New initiatives launched to promote “value” of membership (timed for 2002 membership cycle)– member Welcome Kit– calling cards for volunteers representing the Society at key venues– recognition items that raise the visibility of the CPMT “brand”– print ads that extend the reach of our core messages

CPMT Membership 1998 - 2001







1998 1999 2000 2001

CPMT Membership

Member Welcome Kit

• For new and returning members in 2002

Goals• Convert “passive”

subscribers to “active” volunteers - improve retention

• Raise “everyday” awareness of key products and services

• Position our web site as convenient, informative communications tool - bridging globalization barriers

• Give folks tangible thank-you’s for joining

Membership Recognition & Recruitment “Tools”

• For Society representatives, “ambassadors” and honorees

Goals• Provide volunteers engaged in

outreach with Society “ID’s”• Make CPMT’s role and

presence more visible at Society, industry, and professional events

• Enhance the stature of Society membership

• Reward active volunteers for participation and service

• Provide “tokens of appreciation” to honorees, guests and strategic allies

Membership Ads

For “in-house” use • conference + workshop

programs• our Transactions• newsletters (sections,

CPMT, local chapters)• web site• marketing kits• chapter events (as


For media opportunities• earned media• exchange ads• trade show programs• strategic media buys in

affordable pubs

Membership Issues Going Forward

• Membership renewals and new member recruitment remains hit-and-miss– IEEE demographic info is too aggregated and/or too “after the fact”

to be helpful as a planning tool– New member stats are reported; non-renewals are not

2002 Membership Program Plans

• Integrate Member Welcome Kit and “freebies” as part of the standardized processing of new or renewed members.

• Place print ads in targeted Society conference promotion literature and for earned/paid placement in select trade publications

• Distribute polo shirts and member pins as a special recognition at events

• Attend IEEE Membership Retreat at Princeton, NJ March 2002

• Update and re-design the Member pages of the web site

Chapter Development & Support - 2001 Wrap Up

• 35 Global Chapters– 11 USA– 24 International

• Active Prospects– Belgium– Shanghai– Philippines– Dallas– Norway/Denmark

• Hong Kong & Singapore named Chapter of the Year at 2001 ECTC

• New initiatives to facilitate start-up of new chapters, improve access to existing chapter resources, and encourage Chapter of the Year participation

– redesign and configuration of Chapter section of web site– new home page template for local Chapter highlights

• CPMT Chapters meeting held in Orlando, FL during 2001 ECTC

• Supported Chapter educational, technical and membership programs

• New initiatives to facilitate start-up of new chapters, improve access to existing chapter resources, and encourage Chapter of the Year participation

– redesign and configuration of Chapter section of web site

– new home page template for local Chapter highlights

– Updated Chapters Directory

Chapter Web Site - Wire Diagram

CPMT SocietyChapters

Organizing aChapter



Chapter Tools& Resources



How to Start aChapter

Chapter ChairDuties



Chapter of theYear Award

Info &Guidelines







Award Criteria




Chapter Web Site - “Home Page”

Local Chapter Template

2002 Chapter Program Plans

• Invite Chapter leaders to actively use their new web site tools and promote it among their membership as a resource

• Initiate “Adopt a Chapter” activity at BOG level

• Plan “Chapter Leader Summit”

• Support Chapter technical, educational and membership activities

• Promote and develop Chapters to quality required for Chapter of the Year award

• Increase number of global Chapters

Membership/Chapter Development - Strategic Thrust

• Establishing stronger “brand loyalty” among members and participants of CPMT Society programs and events

• Helping new/renewed members get the most out of their membership - showcasing features of the CPMT Society

• Building on core messages

• Helping chapter leaders promote their local presence, networking opportunities and activities

CPMT Society Board of Governors……

THANKSFor making 2001 a phenomenal year!


Membership & Chapter Development Strategic Programs

Ralph W. Russell, II9 February 2002 - West Palm Beach, Florida USA

Board of Governors Presentation
