Megaspore assemblages from the Åre Formation …...2StatoilHydro ASA, N-4035 Stavanger, Norway 3...


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Megaspore assemblages from the Åre Formation (Rhaetian–Pliensbachian) offshore mid-Norway,and their value as field and regional stratigraphical markers


1Microstrat Services Southcott, Buckland Brewer, Bideford, Devon EX39 5LU, UK2StatoilHydro ASA, N-4035 Stavanger, Norway

3StatoilHydro ASA, N-5020 Bergen, Norway4School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK

*Corresponding author (e-mail:

ABSTRACT – A megaspore biozonation of the non-marine Åre Formation is proposed, based on amicropalaeontological analysis of key Haltenbanken area wells (Block 6608/11). The lower part of the ÅreFormation is divisible into Banksisporites pinguis, Nathorstisporites hopliticus and Horstisporites areolatuszones, and subzones, occupying the Rhaetian–Hettangian interval. In the upper Åre Formation a markedturnover of megaspore assemblages is evident, with the appearance of several species of Trileites and themesofossil Kuqaia quadrata. On this basis, the biozonation is extended into the Sinemurian–Pliensbachian,with the recognition of the Kuqaia quadrata Zone and subzones. Reference to selected wells in the UrdField (Block 6608/10) and further south demonstrates that these biozones correlate across the northernHaltenbanken region. Biozonal boundaries are calibrated with miospore/microplankton markers wherepossible, to provide a robust bio-chronostratigraphical framework with which to evaluate the stratigraphyof the Åre Formation and its reservoir units. Comparison with published European biostratigraphicaldata shows that a similar megaspore succession exists through the Rhaeto-Liassic interval, with shifts inmegaspore composition occurring within the same time intervals. On this evidence it is suggested that themegaspore biozones identified are regionally extensive and may reflect palaeoclimatic controls on thedistribution of the megaspore-producing plants. It is concluded that megaspores are a stratigraphicallyimportant microfossil group, which should be utilized routinely in Upper Triassic–Jurassic oil field andregional biostratigraphical studies. J. Micropalaeontol. 28(2): 161–181, November 2009.

KEYWORDS: megaspores, micropalaeontology, Upper Triassic–Jurassic, Åre Formation, mid-Norway

INTRODUCTIONAtlantic margin, Upper Triassic–Lower Jurassic sedimentsinclude reservoir units within the Åre Formation that formseveral major oil fields on the Heidrun–Norne trend (Fig. 1).Until recently, biostratigraphical evaluation of the Åre Forma-tion in the Haltenbanken region was based primarily on paly-nological analysis, but the predominance of morphologicallydiverse, long-ranging miospores prevented reliable biozonationof reservoir units (see below). During such phases of evaluation,megaspores were generally excluded from palynological prepa-rations because of their comparatively large size; they areusually removed along with plant debris through ‘swirling’ andfiltering. Moreover, at least 100 g of sample is required to extractsignificant numbers of megaspores, compared with about 5 g or10 g for miospores (e.g. see Batten & Koppelhus, 1993).

Although it has long been established that megaspores canoccur abundantly in conventional micropalaeontological prepa-rations of non-marine sediments (e.g. Keuper: Wicher, 1957), inwhich the minimum sieve size is c. 63 µm, the potential formegaspore extraction has generally been overlooked or ignored.Consequently, micropalaeontological analyses of non-marinesediments, including those of the Åre Formation, have notnormally been undertaken during routine well analyses. Fur-thermore, since megaspore systematics has been perceived bymany micropalaeontologists to fall within the domains of pal-aeobotany and palynology, encounters with megaspores, even inmarginal marine and marine sections (e.g. the Båt and Fangstgroups), has often led to assemblages being unspeciated. As aresult, the stratigraphical value of offshore, Upper Triassic–

Jurassic megaspores has remained largely unevaluated,especially in the North Sea and Atlantic margin regions.

During routine evaluation of Norwegian well 6608/11-4,(Figs 1a, b), micropalaeontological analysis of the marineCretaceous section was extended downwards into the LowerJurassic Åre Formation and Upper Triassic ‘Grey’ and ‘Red’beds (Terminal Depth: Fig. 2). Analysis of cuttings and coresfrom this succession, which comprises 650 m of mainly non-marine claystones, coals and sandstones, revealed a distinctsuccession of megaspore floras (Fig. 3). Following this firstencounter, the biostratigraphical potential of the megasporeswas further evaluated by StatoilHydro through the analysis ofseveral exploration and production wells in the Urd Field area(Figs 1b, c) and further south on the Halten Terrace andTrondelag Platform (Fig. 1b).

The main objective of this paper is to present the biostrati-graphical data from this initial phase of research with referenceto selected wells from the Haltenbanken area. A megaspore/mesofossil biozonal scheme is proposed for the latter region,which, by comparison with previously published data, is alsoshown to have regional application.

REGIONAL GEOLOGICAL SETTING ANDLITHOSTRATIGRAPHYWells examined for the present study penetrated the Åre For-mation at the northern end of the Nordland Ridge (6608/10 and6608/11 blocks), the Halten Terrace (6607/12-3) and further east,on the Trondelag Platform (6508/5-1). Their locations are shownin relation to the main structural elements in Figure 1b.

Journal of Micropalaeontology, 28: 161–181. 0262-821X/09 $15.00 � 2009 The Micropalaeontological Society


The Åre Formation comprises the lowest unit of the BåtGroup, which succeeds the transitional facies of the continental‘Red Beds’ and ‘Grey Beds’ (Fig. 2: see Dalland et al., 1988 forlithostratigraphical definitions). The lower Åre Formation wasdeposited during the Rhaetian–Hettangian at a time of relativetectonic quiescence, accumulating in established Permo-Triassicrifted basins (Ziegler, 1990; Blystad et al., 1995). Non-marine,fluvio-deltaic and possibly lacustrine facies were extensivelydeveloped during this period, with deposition of organic matterleading to the formation of coals at a number of horizons(Dalland et al., 1988; Pedersen et al., 1989). During theSinemurian–Pliensbachian the development of NNE–SSW-trending growth faults led to higher clastic input, with thedevelopment of extensive sandstones, which form the main

reservoirs in the upper Åre Formation (Dalland et al., 1988;Pedersen et al., 1989). Whereas deposition of the upper ÅreFormation is considered to have been in marginal marineconditions, there is a general absence of marine microfaunas andpalynofloras, compared to younger Jurassic units (e.g. the Notand Melke formations), but there is a significant shift in thecomposition of megaspore/mesofossil assemblages (see below).

The general lithostratigraphical nomenclature used in thisstudy follows Dalland et al. (1988), and this is shown in relationto their chronostratigraphical assignments in Figure 2. As theseauthors pointed out, however, based on log character alone,problems arise in defining the upper and lower boundaries of theÅre Formation, especially the latter where the boundary withthe underlying ‘Grey Beds’ is transitional.

Fig. 1. (a) Location map of study area, offshore mid-Norway. (b) Details of study area showing location of oil fields and study wells (black dots) inrelation to the main structural elements (after Dalland et al., 1988); line of well correlation (Fig. 7) indicated by dashed line. (c) Location of studywells, Urd Field, and line of correlation (Fig. 8).

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Subdivision of the Åre Formation has been undertakeninformally by operators in a number of field areas, basedprimarily on log character. In the Norne Field area (Block6608/10), StatoilHydro divides the unit into Åre-1 and Åre-2,with the latter further subdivided into eight reservoir zones(2.1–2.8), which are shown schematically in Figure 2.

MATERIAL AND METHODSDuring initial routine well evaluation of 6608/11-4, the extrac-tion of megaspores involved conventional micropalaeontologi-cal processing methods, including soaking of disaggregated corechips and washed cuttings samples (c. 120 g.) in 200 ml of 10%w/v hydrogen peroxide. Owing to the differences in densitybetween plant material (including megaspores) and mineralgrains, a technique was subsequently developed to ‘pan-out’ theformer during the wet-sieving phase in order to concentratemegaspores in residues with high sand content. This techniquewas particularly suitable for the reservoir sections of the ÅreFormation in the Urd Field where the thermal maturity isgenerally low. Minor corrosion and fragmentation ofmegaspores occurred frequently using these extraction methods

owing to the oxidizing effects of hydrogen peroxide and mech-anical abrasion, but this normally did not significantly impairspecies identification.

Since the initial recovery of megaspores in 6608/11-4, morethan 20 wells have been evaluated for megaspores in theHaltenbanken region. In these studies, conventional core wassampled at intervals of less than 1 m, and cuttings at less than6 m, where possible. Sampling points in individual wells wereclosely tied to wireline logs to focus on low density, carbona-ceous claystones.

Analysis of picked samples involved quantitative counts ofmegaspores and other mesofossils, and semi-quantitative countsof plant material, which was classified informally as: (a) miscel-laneous cuticles and stem and leaf fragments that are non-carbonized and generally translucent; (b) indeterminatefilaments, which are often associated with megaspores; (c)sporangial fragments; (d) fusain, used informally to include allcarbonized plant material. These components are not, however,considered in this paper because little biostratigraphical signifi-cance could be attached to their distribution, although a positivecorrelation exists between the occurrence of megaspores andcuticle, filament and sporangial frequency.

Not all of the megaspores were identifiable because of poorpreservation. These are plotted on Figures 3–5 as ‘Indet.megaspore-like bodies (casts)’ and ‘Indet. megaspore spp.’, theformer comprising diagenetic (commonly sideritic) infills ofmegaspores, their exines having been lost as a result of abrasionthrough reworking and, in some cases, possibly during labora-tory processing. Also recorded were indeterminate miosporespecies which were observed within the matrix of sedimentpieces in coarser sieved residues, but these are not discussedbecause they are beyond the scope of this paper.


Classification and descriptionKoppelhus & Batten (1992) noted that the formal system ofmegaspore taxonomy proposed by Potonié (1956, 1958, 1960) isdifficult to apply and, owing to its hierarchical nature, mayseparate genera of similar appearance and group together othersthat are clearly distinct. Hence, the megaspores recorded hereinare grouped generically according to overall morphology anddegree of exine sculpture and complexity. Since the main aim ofthis paper is biostratigraphical rather than taxonomic, only briefdescriptions are provided, with just the original species citationpresented. Bibliographical details for all records of speciesdescribed before 1989, and the ages reported for these occur-rences, are given in Batten & Kovach (1990); their ranges, plottedin Kovach & Batten (1989), are based on these data. Referencesto more recent records are cited below where required.

The descriptive terminology used is standard. The dimen-sions of specimens are given as the maximum diameter of themegaspore body, excluding sculptural elements. The spore wall(exine) is a non-rigid substance that is prone to deformation,shrinkage and fracturing; hence, the measurements made areonly approximate. Colour is described for dry specimens only.This varies according to the thickness, structure and degree ofthermal alteration of the exine; as a result, although worthrecording, it has little taxonomic significance.

Fig. 2. Chronostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy of the Åre Formation,mid-Norway (after Dalland et al., 1988), and reservoir zonation used inthis study (StatoilHydro unpublished).

Megaspore assemblages from the Åre Formation, Norway


Fig. 3. Chronostratigraphy, lithostratigraphy and wireline logs through the Åre Formation of well 6608/11-4, showing megaspore distribution, keybioevents and biozonation.

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All of the specimens illustrated on Plates 1–3 were depositedin the collections of the British Geological Survey, Keyworth,Nottingham (catalogue numbers prefixed by MPK). They werephotographed in reflected light using a Bresser, 1.3 megapixel

‘Microcular’ digital camera, in combination with a stereo-microscope. In conventional photomicroscopy of uncompressedmegaspores and other microfossils the amount of detail in focusis limited by the depth of the focal plane: this reduces with

Fig. 4. Chronostratigraphy, lithostratigraphy and wireline logs through the Åre Formation of well 6608/11-5, showing megaspore distribution, keybioevents and biozonation.

Megaspore assemblages from the Åre Formation, Norway


increasing magnification so that much of the image in any singlephotograph is blurred. This optical limitation was overcomehere through the use of ‘Helicon Focus Tm’ imaging software,which allows several focal-plane images (taken in stages throughthe field of focus) to be combined digitally into one. All of thephotomicrographs in this paper here were handled in this way.

Systematic descriptionsThe descriptions below are based on observations of specimensexamined only under a binocular microscope: no scanningelectron microscopy was undertaken. Mineral grains areattached to some specimens because the assemblages were not

‘cleaned’ by immersion in hydrofluoric acid. Several taxa wereidentified in open nomenclature including those attributed toTrileites: formalization of these species is intended in a laterpublication.

Genus Trileites Erdtman, 1947 ex Potonié, 1956

Trileites candoris Marcinkiewicz, 1960(Pl. 1, fig. 6)

Material. Eight specimens recorded from wells 6608/11-4, 6608/10-6 and 6608/10-7 (Not and Melke formations).

Fig. 5. Chronostratigraphy, lithostratigraphy and wireline logs through the Åre Formation of well 6608/10-J-1H, Urd Field, showing megasporedistribution, key bioevents and biozonation.

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Explanation of Plate 1.figs 1, 2. Tasmanitriletes sp. cf. T. pedinacron (Harris, 1935), 6608/11-5, 1564.50 m; proximal and laterally compressed specimens, respectively;MPK13750, 13751. figs 3–5. Banksisporites pinguis (Harris, 1935), 6508/5-1, 2385 m, compressed specimens: 3, 4, proximal and 5, oblique dorsalviews; MPK13752–13754. fig. 6. Trileites candoris Marcinkiewicz, 1960, 6608/11-4, 1854 m; laterally compressed specimen; MPK13755. figs 7, 8.Trileites sp. 1; specimens compressed in proximal view, 6608/10-J-1H, 2808 m and 6608/10-9, 2251 m, respectively; MPK13756, 13757. figs 9, 10.Trileites sp. 2; specimens compressed in proximal and oblique proximal views, 6608/10-H-1H, 3048 m and 6608/10-7, 2096.70 m, respectively;MPK13758, 13759. figs 11, 12. Trileites sp. 3; specimens from 6507/6-3, 1583 m and 6608/11-4, 1672.65 m compressed in proximal view and relativelyuncompressed but partially fragmented, respectively; MPK13760, 13761. Scale bars represent 100 µm.

Megaspore assemblages from the Åre Formation, Norway


Description. A large trilete megaspore, circular in equatorialoutline, equatorial diameter 700–800 µm; triradiate ridgesc. 40 µm high and 30–40 µm broad extend to 0.5–0.6 radius ofspore. Curvaturae very prominent, forming raised, crenulatedridges c. 50–60 µm broad that curve up at points of contact withtriradiate ridge (Pl. 1, fig. 6). Exine 10–15 µm thick, smooth,lustrous, medium orange-brown to dark brown.

Stratigraphic occurrence. Recorded from the uppermost Åre-1Formation to basal Åre-2 Formation (Kuqaia quadrata Zone,Subzone A) in 6608/11-4 and 6608/11-5. It is also present inmegaspore assemblages from the Not and Melke formations(Aalenian–Bajocian) in 6608/10-7. Originally reported fromToarcian deposits, this species was recorded (as Trileites turba-naeformis; see Marcinkiewicz, 1981 for synonymy) fromthroughout the Lower Jurassic (Kovach & Batten, 1989; Batten& Kovach, 1990; Koppelhus & Batten, 1992).

Remarks. Our material compares closely with the holotype ofMarcinkiewicz (1960) from the upper Lias (Toarcian) in Poland.It is also similar in size and gross morphology to Margaritati-sporites regalis Marcinkiewicz, 1962, but lacks granules betweenthe triradiate ridge, characters that were later considered byMarcinkiewicz (1981) to be included within the circumscriptionof Trileites candoris.

Trileites sp. 1(Pl. 1, figs 7, 8)

Material. Twenty-one specimens from several Urd Field wells.

Description. A small to medium-sized trilete megaspore,subtriangular–triangular in equatorial outline, 200–400 µm inequatorial diameter; pronounced triradiate ridges 15–20 µm broadextend to, or almost to, equator producing a highly angular,trigonal-shaped spore. Linear compaction folds or undulationsoften present between, and extend away from, ridges. Exine10–15 µm thick, commonly modified by impressions of mineralsfrom the associated sediment; in well-preserved specimens itappears smooth, semi-lustrous and light–medium orange-brown.

Stratigraphic occurrence. Recorded from the upper Åre-2 For-mation in several wells where it is the index taxon for Subzone Bof the Kuqaia quadrata Zone.

Remarks. The trigonal profile of this taxon distinguishes it fromother published species of Trileites. It is similar in gross mor-phology to Trileites sp. 2 (described below), but lacks curvatu-rae. It has been assigned previously to Trileites sp. 5 inunpublished StatoilHydro reports.

Trileites sp. 2(Pl. 1, figs 9, 10)

Material. Fourteen specimens from several Urd Field wells.

Description. A medium-sized trilete megaspore, subtriangu-lar–triangular in equatorial outline, 350–500 µm in equatorialdiameter. Pronounced triradiate ridges 15–20 µm broad, extend

to 0.7–0.9 radius, producing a highly angular, trigonal-shapedspore. Distinct curvaturae consist of prominent raised ridgesc. 20 µm broad (Pl. 1, fig. 9). Exine 10–15 µm thick, oftencrumpled and folded as a result of compaction, and commonlyshowing impressions of mineral grains from the surroundingmatrix; in well-preserved specimens it appears smooth, semi-lustrous, light–medium orange-brown.

Stratigraphic occurrence. Recorded from the lower Åre-2 For-mation in several wells where it is restricted to the Kuqaiaquadrata Zone, Subzone A.

Remarks. This species is similar in gross morphology to Trileitessp. 1, but differs in possessing distinct curvaturae. It has beenassigned previously to Trileites sp. 6 in unpublished Statoil-Hydro reports.

Trileites sp. 3(Pl. 1, figs 11, 12)

Material. Two hundred and thirty-four specimens from severalUrd and Haltenbanken exploration wells.

Description. A medium-sized to large trilete megaspore, subtri-angular in equatorial outline, 400–900 µm in equatorial diam-eter. Slightly raised triradiate ridges 15–20 µm broad extend to0.7–0.8 radius of spore. Weakly developed curvaturae consistingof narrow, raised ridges 15 µm broad in equatorially compressedspecimens (Pl. 1, fig. 11). Exine <10 µm thick, invariably show-ing indentations of mineral grains from surrounding matrix andcompaction undulations and folds; wall also prone to breakingup into triangular fragments during laboratory processing (e.g.Pl. 1, fig. 12). In well-preserved specimens it appears smooth,semi-lustrous, medium–dark orange-brown.

Stratigraphic occurrence. Recorded throughout the Åre-2 For-mation in several wells, becoming common through the Åre2.5–2.8 units, Kuqaia quadrata Zone, Subzone B.

Remarks. The generally poor preservation of this spore makescomparison with published species difficult: certain forms ofTrileites from the upper Lias (Toarcian) may, however, beconspecific (e.g. Trileites sp. in Marcinkiewicz, 1960, pl. 2, figs 3,4). It has been assigned previously to Trileites sp. 7 in unpub-lished StatoilHydro reports.

Genus Tasmanitriletes Jux & Kempf, 1971

Tasmanitriletes cf. T. pedinacron (Harris, 1935) Jux & Kempf,1971

(Pl. 1, figs 1, 2)

Material. Eight specimens from well 6608/11-5.

Description. A large trilete megaspore, circular in equatorialoutline, 750–800 µm in equatorial diameter; all specimens flat-tened. Laesurae straight, extending from 0.5–0.9 radius of spore,bordered by low ridges 5–10 µm wide, often gaping as a result ofcompaction (Pl. 1, fig. 2). Curvaturae present as low ridges

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Explanation of Plate 2.fig 1. Horstisporites sp. cf. H. planatus Marcinkiewicz, 1960; 6608/11-6, 1636 m; oblique proximal view; MPK13762. figs 2, 3. Verrutriletes franconicusJung, 1960; specimens from 6507/6-3, 1574 m and 1550 m, respectively, compressed in proximal view; MPK13763, 13764. figs 4, 5. Verrutriletes utilis(Marcinkiewicz, 1962); compressed specimens from 6608/11-5, 1590 m and 6608/11-5, 1587 m in proximal and lateral views, respectively; MPK13765,13766. figs 6, 7. Verrutriletes sp. 1; compressed specimen from 508/5-1, 2385 m in proximal and distal views, respectively; MPK13767. figs 8–10.Bacutriletes reticuliferus Bertelsen & Michelson, 1970, 6608/11-5, 1569.50 m; partly compressed specimens in proximal, lateral and oblique proximalviews; MPK13768–13770. figs 11–13. Bacutriletes tylotus (Harris, 1935), partly compressed specimens in (11, from 6608/11-5, 1608 m) lateral and (12,13, from 6608/11-5, 1602 m) proximal views, the last of these showing coarse bacula; MPK13771–13773. figs 14, 15. Kuqaia quadrata Li Wen-ben,1993, 6608/10-7, 2030.70 m; dorsal and compressed lateral views; MPK13774, 13775. Scale bars represent 100 µm.

Megaspore assemblages from the Åre Formation, Norway


c. 50 µm broad. Exine c. 30 µm thick, smooth, lustrous,medium–dark brown.

Stratigraphic occurrence. Recorded in two samples only from6608/11-5, upper Åre-1 Formation (Banksisporites pinguis Zone,Subzone B).

Remarks. Our spores are similar in size to the two specimensfrom East Greenland on which Harris (1935) based his speciesTriletes pedinacron, now Tasmanitriletes pedinacron, as indicatedabove, but the species he described from the Yorkshire Jurassic(Harris, 1961) as Triletes murrayi, now Trileites murrayi (Harris,1961) Marcinkiewicz, 1971, appears to be more closely compar-able to the morphology of our material. On the other hand,almost all of the records of this species are from younger stratathan we have investigated in this paper (for an exception, seeWierer, 1997). Hence, for the time being, we prefer to compareour species to Tasmanitriletes pedinacron rather than to Triletesmurrayi.

Genus Banksisporites Dettmann, 1961 emend. Banerji et al.,1978

Banksisporites pinguis (Harris, 1935) Dettmann, 1961(Pl. 1, figs 3–5)

Material. Over 400 specimens from several Haltenbanken wells.

Description. A medium-sized trilete megaspore, equatorial diam-eter 250–450 µm, small specimens subtriangular in equatorialoutline, larger specimens more circular. Laesurae extend to0.7–0.9 radius of spore, raised up on ridges c. 30 µm high and15–20 µm wide; ridges often sinuous, becoming narrower andlower towards equator where they become wider and commonlysomewhat higher again (Pl. 1, fig. 3). Curvaturae rarely seen asfaint, raised ridges, c. 20–25 µm broad. Exine 10–15 µm thick,smooth, semi-lustrous, appearing light–medium orange-brownto dark brown.

Stratigraphic occurrence. Abundant in the ‘Grey Beds’ transitionand lower Åre-1 Formation, where it is the index taxon for theBanksisporites pinguis Zone (Middle–Upper Rhaetian).

Remarks. Our material compares closely with specimensdescribed from the Rhaetian of the Rødby-1 borehole, Denmark(Bertelsen & Michelsen, 1970) and the Mechowo 1 Borehole,Poland (Marcinkiewicz, 1962).

Genus Verrutriletes van der Hammen, 1954 ex Potonié, 1956

Verrutriletes franconicus Jung, 1960(Pl. 2, figs 2, 3)

Material. Nineteen specimens from several Haltenbanken wells.

Description. A medium-sized trilete megaspore, subtriangular inequatorial outline, 380–500 µm in equatorial diameter. Laesuraeextend to 0.9 radius of spore on ridges c. 15 µm high and 15 µmbroad. Curvaturae are narrow raised ridges, c. 15 µm broad.

Exine 10–15 µm thick, light orange-brown; proximal surfacesculptured with fine to globular verrucae 10–20 µm in diameter.Distal surface smooth and lustrous.

Stratigraphic occurrence. This is generally a rare species, rangingthrough the Åre 2.4–2.2 units, Kuqaia quadrata Zone, SubzoneA.

Remarks. Our material is similar to that described by Jung(1960) and Bertelsen & Michelson (1970), although the verrucaeare more subtly developed: as a result it is difficult to identifythis species, especially when preservation is poor.

Verrutriletes utilis (Marcinkiewicz, 1962) Marcinkiewicz, 1969(Pl. 2, figs 4, 5)

Material. Forty-six specimens from several Haltenbanken wells.

Description. A medium-sized trilete megaspore, circular in equa-torial outline, 400–600 µm in equatorial diameter. Laesuraestraight, extend to 0.8–0.9 radius of spore on prominent, raisedridges c. 20 µm high and 15 µm broad. Curvaturae distinct, form-ing narrow, raised ridges c. 20 µm high and 15 µm broad. Exine10–15 µm thick, light orange-brown; contact area of proximalface nearly smooth or covered with small verrucae <10 µm indiameter (Pl. 2, fig.4); distal surface sculptured with fine to coarse,globular verrucae up to 20 µm in diameter (Pl. 2, fig. 5).

Stratigraphic occurrence. Recorded commonly from the lowerÅre-1 Formation where it is restricted to the Banksisporitespinguis Zone (Middle–Upper Rhaetian).

Remarks. Our material differs from that of Bertelsen &Michelsen (1970) in having narrower triradiate ridges andcurvaturae, and in lacking striations on the contact surface. Awide range of variation is seen in the size and density ofverrucae, with many specimens appearing almost smooth: thismay be partly attributable to preservational differences.

Verrutriletes sp. 1(Pl. 2, figs 6, 7)

Material. Fifty-one specimens from wells 6508/5-1 and 6608/11-5.

Description. A large, trilete megaspore, circular in equatorialoutline, 700–800 µm in equatorial diameter (mature specimens).Laesurae straight, extending to 0.9 radius of spore on prominentridges c. 40 µm high except near equator where they becomelower. Curvaturae evident either as a faint line of discontinuitybetween coarse and fine verrucae or as a ridge some 20 µm high.Exine 10–15 µm thick, dark orange-brown, sculptured withcoarse, rather irregularly shaped verrucae up to 40 µm indiameter, sometimes coalescing to form wedge-shaped elements(Pl. 2, fig. 7); size of verrucae on contact face generally some-what reduced, being mainly 10–20 µm in diameter.

Stratigraphic occurrence. Verrutriletes sp. 1 occurs commonly inthe lower Åre-1 Formation in association with Banksisporites

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Explanation of Plate 3.figs 1, 2. Kuqaia quadrata Li Wen-ben, 1993, 6608/10-7, 2030.70 m; dorsal and lateral views, respectively; MPK13776, 13777. figs 3–6. Horstisporitesareolatus (Harris, 1935), compressed specimens: 3, oblique proximal, 4, proximal and 5, 6 (same specimen) proximal and distal views from 6608/11-4,1950 m, 6507/8–D–3AHT2, 2902.50 m and 6608/11-4, 1962 m, respectively; MPK13778–13780. figs 7–9. Horstisporites sp. cf. H. rexargenteus(Harris, 1935), 6608/11-5, 1593 m, partly compressed specimens: 7, oblique lateral and 8, 9 (same specimen) proximal and distal views; MPK13781,13782. figs 10–13. Nathorstisporites hopliticus Jung, 1958, partly compressed specimens: 10, 11, 12, lateral and 13, proximal views (10, 13, 6608/11-4,2046 m; 11, 12, 6507/12-3, 2589 m); MPK13783–13786. Scale bars represent 100 µm.

Megaspore assemblages from the Åre Formation, Norway


pinguis, and appears to be restricted to the Banksisporites pinguisZone, Subzone A (Middle–Upper Rhaetian).

Remarks. This species is similar to Verrutriletes utilis but differsin being both more robust and more coarsely sculptured.

Genus Bacutriletes van der Hammen, 1954 ex Potonié, 1956

Bacutriletes reticuliferus Bertelsen & Michelsen, 1970(Pl. 2, figs 8–10)

Material. Ten specimens from 6608/11-4 and 6608/11-5.

Description. A small trilete megaspore, subtriangular–circular inequatorial outline, 150–180 µm in equatorial diameter. Laesuraestraight, extending to 0.6–0.8 radius of spore on ridges that arecommonly obscured by dense, small bacula <5 µm in diameterand c. 10 µm high, which cover whole surface of spore. Contactarea between triradiate ridges tends to be concave as a result ofcompaction, which produces a trigonal-shaped apex (Pl. 2, fig.10). Exine thick (unable to determine precise thickness from anyspecimens), light–dark orange-brown.

Stratigraphic occurrence. Occurs rarely in the lower Åre-1 For-mation, apparently restricted to the Banksisporites pinguis Zone,Subzone A (Middle–Upper Rhaetian).

Remarks. Our specimens differ from those of Bertelsen &Michelsen (1970) in having a smaller average equatorial diam-eter. The presence of a fine, imperfect reticulate sculpture,described by Bertelsen & Michelsen (1970), is not apparentunder reflected light; examination under a scanning electronmicroscope is necessary to see it.

Bacutriletes tylotus (Harris, 1935) Potonié, 1956(Pl. 2, figs 11–13)

Material. Two hundred and seventeen specimens from severalHaltenbanken wells.

Description. A medium-sized trilete megaspore, circular in equa-torial outline, 350–500 µm in equatorial diameter. Laesuraestraight, extending to 0.6–0.8 radius of spore on ridges that areoften obscured by sculpture of closely spaced bacula 5–15 µm indiameter and height, which cover whole surface of spore,sometimes coalescing to form truncated cones with compara-tively wide spaces (20–30 µm) in between (Pl. 2, fig. 13). Cur-vaturae present as depressions or raised ridges 10–15 µm broad,although in most specimens they are obscured by bacula. Exine10–15 µm thick, light–dark orange-brown.

Stratigraphic occurrence. Ranges from the lower Åre-1 Forma-tion into the upper Åre-2 Formation, occurring most consist-ently in the Åre-1, Banksisporites pinguis Zone (Middle–UpperRhaetian). Specimens from the Åre-1 Formation tend to bemore heavily ornamented and robust than those from theyounger Åre-2 Formation.

Remarks. Our material displays a wide range of variation in thesize and density of the bacula, in accordance with the descriptionof Bertelsen & Michelsen (1970).

Genus Horstisporites Potonié, 1956

Horstisporites areolatus (Harris, 1935) Potonié, 1956(Pl. 3, figs 3–6)

Material. Over 300 specimens from several Haltenbanken wells.

Description. A comparatively large trilete megaspore, circular inequatorial outline, 700–850 µm in equatorial diameter. Laesuraestraight, extending to 0.7–0.8 radius on low ridges c. 25 µmbroad that taper towards their extremities. Exine 15–20 µmthick, light–dark orange brown, sculptured with a perfect reticu-lum of slightly rounded muri forming a polygonal meshwork;lumina 20–40 µm in diameter and <10–15 µm deep, varyingaccording to size and degree of compaction.

Stratigraphic occurrence. A common species, its range overlapsthat of Nathorstisporites hopliticus in the Åre-1 Formation,becoming dominant as the index taxon of the Horstisporitesareolatus Zone, upper Åre-1 Formation (Upper Hettangian).

Remarks. Our material compares closely with published descrip-tions of this species. In gross morphology Horstisporites areola-tus is similar to Horstisporites sp. cf. H. rexargenteus of thepresent study, the latter differing in having a thicker exine,narrower triradiate ridges and broader and, perhaps, generallyslightly deeper, lumina.

Horstisporites sp. cf. H. planatus (Marcinkiewicz, 1960)Marcinkiewicz, 1971

(Pl. 2, fig. 1)

Material. Six specimens from wells 6608/10-H-1H, 6608/11-6and 6507/6-3.

Description. A medium-sized trilete megaspore with subtriangu-lar equatorial outline, 370–500 µm in equatorial diameter.Straight triradiate ridges c. 50 µm high and 40 µm broad extendto 0.9 radius of spore. Curvaturae consist of prominent ridgesc. 40 µm broad. Exine 15 µm thick, light orange-brown, coarselygranular in distal and equatorial regions; proximal face coveredwith verrucae, which become larger (10–15 µm in diameter)towards apex.

Stratigraphic occurrence. This is a rare species which occurssporadically through the Åre 2.2–2.5 units, Kuqaia quadrataZone, subzones A–B.

Remarks. Our material is similar to Horstisporites planatus butappears to possess coarser verrucae on the proximal face.

Horstisporites sp. cf. H. rexargenteus (Harris, 1935) Potonié,1956

(Pl. 3, figs 7–9)

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Material. Fifty-three specimens from wells 6608/11-4, 6608/11-5and 6508/11-1.

Description. A medium-sized trilete megaspore, circular in equa-torial outline, 450–550 µm in equatorial diameter. Laesuraestraight, extending to 0.7–0.8 radius on low, narrow ridgesc. 10 µm broad. Curvaturae faintly visible as a thin line ofdiscontinuity in reticulate sculpture. Exine 20–25 µm thick,medium–dark brownish black with coarsely reticulate surface;reticulum perfect, consisting of rounded muri 10–15 µm wideencompassing broadly rounded lumina 35–45 µm wide andgenerally <15 µm deep, although this varies with size and degreeof compaction.

Stratigraphic occurrence. This species occurs commonly in theBanksisporites pinguis Zone, Subzone A, ranging to the upperÅre-1 Formation (Middle–Upper Rhaetian).

Remarks. Horstisporites sp. cf. H. rexargenteus is similar toHorstisporites areolatus, but differs as noted under ‘Remarks’above.

Genus Nathorstisporites Jung, 1958

Nathorstisporites hopliticus Jung, 1958(Pl. 3, figs 10–13)

Material. Over 300 specimens from several Haltenbanken wells.

Description. A medium-sized trilete, zonate megaspore, circularto subtriangular in equatorial outline, 400–450 µm in equatorialdiameter. Laesurae straight, reaching equator, bordered byhighly elevated membranous lips that are deeply incised andpartly comprise bifurcating capilli that extend up to 170 µm atproximal pole, decreasing in height towards equator (Pl. 3, figs10, 11). Contact face delimited by a low exinous elevation thatis parallel to equator. Exine 15–20 µm thick, light–mediumorange-brown, covered with coni or spines c. 25–30 µm in diam-eter at base and 20–25 µm in height; in many cases elementsprobably originally higher than this, extending into long capillion proximal face in between triradiate flange but now largelymissing as a result of exine degradation; bases of elementsgenerally appearing somewhat broader and evenly distributedon distal surface, intervening spaces being c. 20–50 µm wide.

Stratigraphic occurrence. A common species in the Åre-1 For-mation where its consistent occurrence defines the Nathorstis-porites hopliticus Zone (Lower–Middle Hettangian).

Remarks. Our material compares closely with previously pub-lished descriptions and illustrations of specimens of this species,including those previously assigned to Lycostrobus scottiNathorst (e.g. by Lundblad, 1956).

Incertae sedisGenus Kuqaia Li Wen-ben, 1993

Kuqaia quadrata Li Wen-ben, 1993(Pl. 2, figs 14, 15; Pl. 3, figs 1, 2)

Material. Over 600 specimens from several Haltenbanken wells.

Description. A small–medium-sized organic-walled body with afusiform outline in inferred dorso-ventral view (Pl. 2, fig. 14; Pl.3, fig. 1); length 350–400 µm, width 150–160 µm in uncom-pressed examples. Compacted specimens, which are more com-mon, appear roughly semi-circular (Pl. 2, fig. 15) and may besplit and opened out ventrally, commonly with a ragged orirregular edge when this has resulted from compaction (Pl. 2, fig.15). Specimens ornamented with numerous intersecting concen-tric and radial ribs <5 µm broad that create a distinctivereticulate pattern (Pl. 2, fig. 15). Wall 3–5 µm thick, lustrous andtranslucent, medium–dark reddish brown.

Stratigraphic occurrence. A very common species, ranging fromthe uppermost Åre-1 Formation to the uppermost Åre-2 For-mation where it characterizes the Kuqaia quadrata Zone(Sinemurian–Lower Pliensbachian).

Remarks. Li Wen-ben (1993) distinguished three species ofKuqaia from the non-marine Yangxia Formation (LowerJurassic) in Xinjiang, China, based on the relative prominence ofthe concentric versus the radial ridges that comprise the orna-ment. In a later paper, a further two species were erected andone new combination of a species previously assigned to themegaspore genus Aneuletes was established by Cui et al. (2004)based on other Early Jurassic material from Xinjiang.

No attempt has been made to distinguish different species inour study because the relative robustness of the concentric andradial ridges was found to vary with the degree and angle ofcompaction, and state of preservation. The morphology ofuncompacted, well-preserved specimens is closely comparable tothat of Kuqaia quadrata, as described by Li (1993); hence, thisspecies name is applied here in a broad sense to all of thespecimens recovered.


‘Grey Beds’–Åre-1 FormationThe distribution of megaspores through the ‘Grey Beds’–ÅreFormation in wells 6608/11-4 and 6608/11-5 highlights a distinctmegaspore succession, which followed deposition of the ‘RedBeds’ (Figs 3, 4). The upper ‘Red Beds’ yield rich ostracodassemblages, dominated by Rhombocythere spp., including thezonal species Rhombocythere penarthensis, and are widely corre-latable within the Upper Norian–Lower Rhaetian (Christensen,1962; Simon & Bartenstein, 1962; Bate & Robinson, 1978).Description of the microfauna is, however, beyond the scope ofthis paper.

The interval immediately above the ‘Red Beds’ in both wellshas not yielded any significant in situ microfauna or palynoflora:consequently, it is unzoned (Figs 3, 4). In 6608/11-4, megasporesfirst appear within the ‘Grey Beds’ with the identification ofBanksisporites pinguis at 2178 m, although, in 6608/11-5, the firstdefinite record of this species is higher, coinciding with the baseof the Åre-1 Formation (Fig. 4). This ‘event’, which can bewidely correlated (see below), defines the base of the Banksi-sporites pinguis Zone.

Megaspore assemblages from the Åre Formation, Norway


In 6608/11-4, a modest increase in megaspore abundance anddiversity is evident through beds of the lower Åre-1 Formationcompared with 6608/11-5 (Fig. 4); however, in the former well,the samples were more widely spaced (12 m) and processed formegaspores at an early stage in the investigation when labora-tory procedures were less refined: consequently, the megasporebiostratigraphy of 6608/11-5 is considered to be more represen-tative of this part of the formation. Relatively diverse megasporefloras are established within the lower part of the lower Åre-1Formation, represented by Banksisporites pinguis, Bacutriletestylotus, B. reticuliferus, Verrutriletes utilis, Verrutriletes sp. 1 andHorstisporites sp. cf. H. rexargenteus. Towards the top of theunit, a changeover in this flora is evident, with extinctions of anumber of taxa at or near 1568.50 m, within a thick carbona-ceous claystone sequence (Fig. 4). Last occurrences of Verrutri-letes sp. 1, Horstisporites sp. cf. H. rexargenteus and Bacutriletesreticuliferus at this level mark the top of Subzone A within theBanksisporites pinguis Zone. Above this level, which is cored in6608/11-5, increased species dominance of B. pinguis is evident,with the appearance of Tasmanitriletes sp. cf. T. pedinacron, thismarking Subzone B of the B. pinguis Zone (Fig. 4). For thereasons already stated and the lack of core, this subzone is notrecognized in 6608/11-4; however, the B. pinguis Zone can bewidely correlated and, on regional evidence, extends beyondthe Haltenbanken area with the last occurrence of B. pinguismarking top Rhaetian (see below).

In well 6608/11-5, megaspores above the B. pinguis Zone aremissing owing to erosion beneath the base Cretaceous Uncon-formity. In 6608/11-4, however, which is downflank of theRødøy High (Fig. 1b), a more complete Åre Formation succes-sion is present and, in this, the highest occurrence of B. pinguisoccurs in carbonaceous claystones some 60 m below ‘Coal A’(Fig. 3). This species is succeeded by Nathorstisporites hopliticus,which ranges up to the middle part of ‘Coal B’, defining the N.hopliticus Zone. Based on the 6608/11-4 well data, N. hopliticusreaches its acme within ‘Coal A’, above which Horstisporitesareolatus becomes dominant. These changes provide a provi-sional basis for placing the boundary between Subzone A andSubzone B of the N. hopliticus Zone within ‘Coal A’ (Fig. 3).

In 6608/11-4, megaspore assemblages dominated by Horsti-sporites areolatus extend from the middle part of ‘Coal B’ upinto the overlying claystones of the upper Åre-1 Formation,defining the Horstisporites areolatus Zone (Fig. 3). Towards thetop of this zone there is overlap between H. areolatus and thesucceeding assemblage, with the first common occurrence ofKuqaia quadrata, a microfossil of hitherto undetermined affinity,as noted above, coinciding with the last occurrence of H.areolatus at 1878 m, near the top of the Åre-1 Formation. Thisoverlap provides a basis for defining an upper Subzone B withinthe H. areolatus Zone (Fig. 3). Above this, at 1854 m, a rareoccurrence of Trileites candoris was recorded near the base ofthe Kuqaia quadrata Zone, and this can be correlated with otherwells (e.g. 6608/10-6). Low diversity megaspore assemblagesdominated by Kuqaia quadrata extend across the Åre-1/Åre-2boundary.

Åre-2 FormationMegaspore/mesofossil distribution through the Åre-2 Forma-tion in 6608/11-4 highlights the predominance of Kuqaia quad-

rata, with few associated megaspore species present to indicatefloral changes within this unit (Fig. 3). This is attributed to thequality of cuttings analysed and the processing technique used inthe initial phase of our study. Infill core analysis of uppersubunits, however, revealed the presence of the large, butcomparatively fragile megaspore Trileites sp. 3.

More detailed megaspore analysis of the Åre-2 Formationwas undertaken in the Urd Field area, which is sited some 17 kmsouth of 6608/11-4 (Block 6608/10; Fig. 1b, c). Evaluation of themegaspore/mesofossil biostratigraphy in this area was based onthe analysis of eight exploration and production wells, repre-senting the stratigraphy in all field sectors. Data from well6608/10-J-1H is presented here to illustrate the biostratigraphyof, and key ‘bioevents’ in, the Åre-2 Formation (Fig. 5).

The appearance of Trileites spp. in the lowermost part ofÅre-2 (units 2.1–2.3) is characteristic, with Trileites sp. 3 beingmost notable. In other wells (not illustrated) the reappearance ofBacutriletes tylotus is also seen within claystones of these subunits.

Further floral changes are associated with claystones of theÅre 2.4–2.5 units, namely the inception of Trileites sp. 1, which,despite the difficulties caused by caving, can be correlated inmost Urd Field wells, the ‘event’ defining the base of Subzone Bof the Kuqaia quadrata Zone (Fig. 5). Associated with thisappearance is an increase in numbers of Trileites sp. 3, thisspecies tending to be consistently common–abundant throughSubzone B. In other field wells Bacutriletes tylotus occurssporadically within the upper part of this subzone, eventuallypetering out within Åre unit 2.7.

Moderately diverse megaspore assemblages characterized byTrileites sp. 1, common–abundant Trileites sp. 3, sporadicBacutriletes tylotus, along with common–abundant Kuqaiaquadrata, continue to the top of Åre 2.7, this marking the limitof Subzone B. Above this level (lower Åre 2.8), there is areduction in megaspore/mesofossil abundance and diversity,with Kuqaia quadrata and Trileites sp. 3 only occurring in theuppermost unit where this is present (e.g. in 6608/10-J-1H; Fig.5) and not eroded away.

The termination of megaspore floras at the base of theTilje Formation is abrupt, reflecting a shift towards coastalplain deposition in the Upper Pliensbachian (Pedersen et al.,1989).

MEGASPORE BIOZONATION AND RELATIONSHIP TOMIOSPORE/MICROPLANKTON BIOEVENTSComposite ranges for megaspore species and Kuqaia quadrata inthe Åre-1 and Åre-2 formations based on our well studies areshown in Figure 6. It is notable that whilst the number ofmegaspore species present at any one stratigraphical level is low,with a total of 17 species recorded from the Åre Formation,many individual ranges appear to be stratigraphically restricted,as do certain acme ‘events’ (e.g. Bankisporites pinguis, Nathorsti-sporites hopliticus, Horstisporites areolatus). This provides thebasis for a high resolution zonation of the Åre Formation,which is relatively easy to apply, given the processing andlogging techniques described.

As previously stated, palynological assemblages in the ÅreFormation are dominated by morphologically diverse, long-ranging miospores, which have proved biostratigraphicallyunreliable in the northern Haltenbanken region. Nevertheless, a

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number of miospore bioevents were used for correlation withinthe Åre Formation at field level further south (Heidrun:Pedersen et al., 1989), and some of these also have regionalchronostratigraphical value (Lund, 1977; Batten & Koppelhus,1996). An attempt was also made to calibrate the occurrencesof Nathorstisporites hopliticus and Banksisporites pinguis withmiospore events in the Statfjord Formation, North VikingGraben (Charnock et al., 2001; see below).

At the time of writing only a limited number of Haltenbankenexploration wells have been analysed for both megaspores andmiospores, including 6608/11-5, 6608/10-7 and recently completed6507/6-3. A summary of miospore/microplankton events based ondata from these wells is shown against the megaspore biozonationin Figure 6. The miospore bioevents indicated (H) are also definedin the Heidrun Field (Pedersen et al., 1989) and overall these canbe used to provide additional chronostratigraphical calibration ofmegaspore bioevents beyond the known occurrence of megasporespecies (see below). On this basis the Banksisporites pinguis Zonecan be confidently placed in the Middle–Upper Rhaetian, with itstop corresponding to that of the uppermost Triassic, Riccii-sporites tuberculatus/Limbosporites lundbladii event, which is alsorecognized in the North Viking Graben (Charnock et al., 2001).

The succeeding Nathorstisporites hopliticus Zone and Horsti-sporites areolatus Subzone A coincide with the last occurrences ofcommon Ricciisporites tuberculatus and Limbosporites lundbladiiat its base and the first occurrence of Trachysporites fuscus at itstop, giving a Hettangian assignment, with the top of this stageoccurring close to the upper Horstisporites areolatus Zone bound-ary (Fig. 6). In the North Viking Graben the extinction ofNathorstisporites hopliticus coincides with the appearances ofCerebropollenites mesozoicus and C. macroverrucosus at the baseof the Upper Hettangian (Charnock et al., 2001) in support of thisassignment, and tentatively indicates a Middle Hettangian agefor the top of the Nathorstisporites hopliticus Zone (Fig. 6). Thebase of the Kuqaia quadrata Zone, which occurs near the top ofthe Åre-1 Formation, coincides with the first occurrence ofcommon/abundant Cerebropollenites thiergartii at the base of theSinemurian.

Bioevents within the Kuqaia quadrata Zone of the Åre-2Formation are poorly constrained by miospores; however,the top of Subzone A, which is marked by a number ofmegaspore inception and extinction events within the 2.4/2.5mudstone subunit (Fig. 6), coincides with the last occurrences ofcommon Eucommiidites troedssonii and abundant Quadraeculina

Fig. 6. Megaspore/mesofossil biozonation scheme for the Åre Formation, Haltenbanken region, showing composite ranges of key taxa plottedagainst palynology and interpreted chronostratigraphy (this study). Palynological events, mainly miospores, are based on occurrences in wells6608/11-5, 6608/10-7 and 6507/6-3. H indicates palynogical event identified in the Heidrun Field (Pedersen et al., 1989).

Megaspore assemblages from the Åre Formation, Norway












































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Megaspore assemblages from the Åre Formation, Norway


anellaeformis. This event marks top Sinemurian (StatoilHydrounpublished scheme) and is used here tentatively to date theKuqaia quadrata Subzone A/B boundary (Fig. 6). The firstoccurrence of marine microplankton, represented by Nannocer-atopsis gracilis and N. senex, is defined at the base of the TiljeFormation and is used regionally to indicate basal UpperPliensbachian (see Pedersen et al., 1989). This provides an upperage constraint on the Kuqaia quadrata Subzones B–C, which canbe placed within the Lower Pliensbachian (Fig. 6).

The chronostratigraphical calibration of megaspore biozonesproposed here is compared with the published occurrences ofmegaspore species in the regional biostratigraphy section below.

CORRELATION OF BIOZONES, HALTENBANKEN AREAThe initial phase of our research involved wells from Blocks6608/11 and 6608/10, the results of which are presented above.Subsequently, megaspores and other mesofossils from the ÅreFormation were evaluated in several exploration wells including6508/5-1 (Trondelag Platform) and 6507/12-3 (Halten Terrace;see Fig. 1b). In these and other study, wells the same successionwas identified, enabling correlation of the biozones recognizedwith stratigraphical sections within these areas, as shown inFigure 7. This correlation encompasses sequences extendingover a distance of 120 km and three structural units, providinginsight into (a) the age and stratigraphical relationship of thetransition between the ‘Grey Beds’ and the Åre Formation; (b)the age and lateral extent of coals and carbonaceous-richdeposits, and reservoir horizons within the Åre Formation; and(c) the degree of erosion of units of this formation. Hence, thepotential exists to evaluate the stratigraphy of the Åre Forma-tion across large areas of the Haltenbanken region usingmegaspores, and to extend the biozonal scheme into other basinswhere extensive Lower Jurassic, non-marine deposition hasoccurred (see below).

In addition, Figure 7 highlights the areal extent of the Kuqaiaquadrata Zone, which is also identified in 6507/12-3. Correlationof subzones within the K. quadrata Zone across the Halten-banken area has not been possible using the current database.However, our detailed analysis of the Åre-2 Formation in theUrd Field demonstrates that the changes in megaspore compos-ition described above may be correlated across the field. Corre-lation of these subzones is shown in Figure 8 using selectedstudy wells (see Fig. 1c for well locations). Key ‘marker’ shaleswithin the reservoir interval are indicated, and changes in themegaspore assemblages broadly correspond to these shalebreaks (e.g. the transition from Subzone A to Subzone Bcoincides with the Åre 2.4/2.5 boundary). Although the Åre-2reservoir sequence can only be subdivided into three subzones,these can be used to reduce uncertainties in log-based corre-lation, especially where there is faulting-out or erosion ofreservoir units.

REGIONAL UPPER TRIASSIC JURASSIC MEGASPOREBIOSTRATIGRAPHYIn reviewing the stratigraphical occurrences of megasporespecies world-wide, Kovach & Batten (1989) highlighted theinherent difficulties in accepting authors’ identifications at facevalue. Consequently, they indicated that the total ranges givenfor some species are over-extended, with Banksisporites pinguis

cited as a case in point. This species, which is an index taxon inthe current study, is shown to range from Griesbachian (LowerTriassic) to Aptian/?Santonian, with a large gap through theSinemurian–Berriasian. This suggests that different taxa areincluded or that morphologically similar forms evolved indepen-dently through the Mesozoic.

Other zonal taxa, including Nathorstisporites hopliticus andHorstisporites areolatus, are also shown to have broad strati-graphical ranges (Carnian–Toarcian and Carnian–Bathonian,respectively), which would appear to downgrade their regionalbiostratigraphical value. Indeed, the restricted stratigraphicalranges of key taxa evident in the Haltenbanken study wells aredifficult to reconcile with their distribution based on the compi-lation of world-wide occurrences (Kovach & Batten, 1989). Onthis basis, therefore, the ranges of key megaspore species in theHaltenbanken area (Fig. 6) appear to have been influenced byrelatively local palaeoenvironmental controls, albeit over a wideoffshore area. In considering the succession of Boreal megasporefloras in general, however, assemblage zonation rather than totalrange zonation provides greater resolution regionally.

During early palaeobotanical studies on outcrops, megasporeoccurrences were tied to the established plant biozonation forthe Rhaeto-Liassic section of East Greenland (Harris, 1935).In this and subsequent work (e.g. by Jung, 1960), distinctmegaspore/plant associations were identified within the Rha-etian Lepidopteris ottonis and the Hettangian Thaumatopterisschenki zones. The stratigraphic ranges of megaspore speciescommon to our study and previously published Europeaninvestigations are given in Table 1.

It can be seen from this table that a distinct succession ofmegaspore floras is evident through the Rhaeto-Liassic interval.Initially Banksisporites pinguis assemblages become establishedwithin the Rhaetian and are replaced by Nathorstisporites hop-liticus in the Hettangian. This flora is in turn succeeded byHorstisporites areolatus, which ranges with other species (e.g.Trileites candoris) into the Sinemurian. The similarity with thedistribution of megaspores in the Åre-1 Formation is striking,indicating that this was controlled by regional factors ratherthan by more localized palaeoenvironmental changes.

Where more continuous stratigraphical sections have beenanalysed in borehole studies (e.g. Marcinkiewicz, 1962; Bertelsen& Michelsen, 1970) further similarities are evident between the‘Red Beds’–Åre-1 Formation and the Upper Triassic–LowerJurassic (Keuper–Lias) megaspore successions. In the Rødby-1Borehole, offshore Denmark (Bertelsen & Michelsen, 1970),unspeciated ostracod microfaunas are succeeded by Banksi-sporites pinguis megaspore assemblages in the Rhaetian, as in the‘Red Beds’–Åre Formation sections of 6608/11-4/5. It is note-worthy that the ostracod faunas, which have also been reportedfrom North German Upper Triassic sections, consist of the samespecies of Rhombocythere (see Simon & Bartenstein, 1962;Christensen, 1962). Following the initial appearance of Banksi-sporites pinguis in this well, the inceptions of Bacutriletes reticu-liferus, Verrutriletes utilis and Tasmanitriletes pedinacroncompare sequentially with those of the Åre-1 Formation; simi-larly the extinction of these species along with Banksisporitespinguis occurs at the same level (top Rhaetian).

The lowermost megaspore assemblages (Assemblage I) inthe Mechowie-1 Borehole, northern Poland, described by

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Marcinkiewicz (1962), are also characterized by Banksisporitespinguis, with Verrutriletes utilis, Bacutriletes tylotus and?Horstisporites rexargenteus (?synonomous with H. cavernatus).A significant difference in these central European floras is,however, the presence of Minerisporites ales, which seems to bevirtually absent from the ‘Grey Beds’–Åre-1 Formation (onespecimen only found recently in 6508/5-1).

The overlying Lias � equivalent in the Rødby-1 andMechowie-1 boreholes yielded the same megaspore succession asthe Åre-1 Formation, with low diversity floras dominated byNathorstisporites hopliticus succeeding Banksisporites pinguisassemblages in the basal Hettangian (probable pre-planorbisbeds; see Bertelsen & Michelsen, 1970). The overlap in strati-graphical range between Nathorstisporites hopliticus andHorstisporites areolatus, evident in the Åre-1 Formation (Fig. 6),is also apparent in both Rødby-1 and Mechowie-1 boreholes,despite increasing marine influence evident in the former fromthe association of the index ostracod Ogmoconchella aspinatathrough the N. hopliticus–H. areolatus zones. In both boreholesthe upper Lias � sequence is either absent or unsampled, sofurther comparisons are not possible.

The above similarities in the megaspore succession stronglysuggest that the megaspore biostratigraphy of the Åre-1 Forma-tion was influenced by regional factors that affected a largegeographical area, encompassing a significant part of the Cen-tral European Basin. One possibility is that the evolution anddistribution of the plants involved were responding to wide-spread climatic change. A progressive increase in seasonalhumidity through the Rhaetian (e.g. Ahlberg et al., 2002) wouldhave favoured heterosporous lycopsids, aiding their rapid colo-nization of wet, poorly drained lowland tracts, conditionsconducive to megaspore dispersal and germination.

Owing to the widespread development of deepening marinefacies through the Sinemurian–Pliensbachian of the Central Euro-pean Basin (Ziegler, 1990), regional comparison of megasporeassemblages from the Åre-2 Formation is more difficult, with themost characteristic species, the non-megaspore Kuqaia quadrata, notreported in previous European studies. The original recovery of thisspecies from the Lower Jurassic in Xinjiang, China (Li, 1993)suggests, however, that it is widely distributed. This is further

supported by its occurrence in the Rønne Formation of Bornholm(Batten, pers. obs.) and the Statfjord–lower Amundsen formationsof the North Viking Graben (see below).

Most of the megaspores recorded from the Åre-2 Formationare species of Trileites identified in open nomenclature, so it is notpossible at present to evaluate their regional distribution on thebasis of comparisons with the published literature. However,Bacutriletes tylotus becomes extinct and Verrutriletes franconicusand Horstisporites sp. cf. H. planatus have their inceptions andextinctions within this unit (Fig. 6). From Table 1 it can be seenthat the stratigraphic occurrence of these species is broadlyconsistent, although Bacutriletes tylotus ranges above the Hettang-ian in the Haltenbanken area. These limited comparative datasuggest that the Åre-2 Formation is partly equivalent to Lias �(Sinemurian): it also indicates that regional lycopsid evolution wasmaintained, although at this time it may have become morerestricted geographically to the northern Boreal realm.

FUTURE POTENTIAL OF UPPER TRIASSIC–JURASSICMEGASPORE BIOSTRATIGRAPHYThe regional value of megaspore biostratigraphy, which wasclearly evident from the earlier studies on northern Halten-banken wells, is currently being rigorously tested in several fieldareas by StatoilHydro. The possibility that non-marine facies ofthe Statfjord Formation, further south in the Viking Graben,could be zoned using megaspores, was evaluated in the GullfaksField area (Block 34/10) in 2007. The initial pilot study, involv-ing six well sections, confirmed the presence of the Banksi-sporites pinguis, Nathorstisporites hopliticus, Horstisporitesareolatus and Kuqaia quadrata zones, and their subzones.Remarkably, the megaspore biozonation proposed could beapplied directly to the Statfjord reservoir succession with littlemodification, providing additional evidence for regional (pal-aeoclimatic?) controls on the distribution of heterosporousplants and, hence, on the dispersal of their spores. Since thispilot study, a field-wide evaluation has been established toprovide a comprehensive biozonation of the Statfjord Forma-tion reservoir, and is currently in progress. Presentation of theseoil-field data is beyond the scope of the present paper; it ismentioned simply to reinforce our argument that the potential

Table 1. Previously published stratigraphical ranges of megaspore species occurring in the Åre Formation.

Megaspore species Rhaetian: L. ottonis Zone(Keuper)

Transition Hettangian: T. schenkiZone (Lias �)

Sinemurian or younger(Lias �–�)

Banksisporites pinguis GDFPR DBacutriletes tylotus GDPR D FBacutriletes reticuliferus RVerrutriletes utilis DPHorstisporites rexargenteus GRTasmanitriletes pedinacron GDR DNathorstisporites hopliticus G GDSFPR RHorstisporites areolatus SPR SPRTrileites candoris/regalis S SPVerrutriletes franconicus F RHorstisporites planatus P

G, Greenland: Harris (1935); D, North Germany: Simon & Bartenstein (1962), Reinhardt (1963), Will (1969); F, South Germany: Jung (1960); P,Poland: Marcinkiewicz (1960, 1962); S, Scandinavia: Lundblad (1956), Gry (1969); R, Rødby-1, Denmark: Bertelsen & Michelsen (1970).

Megaspore assemblages from the Åre Formation, Norway


biostratigraphical value of megaspores at both field and regionallevels should not be overlooked.

In addition to the application of megaspore biostratigraphyto Lower Jurassic successions, there is growing evidence in theHaltenbanken area that megaspore assemblages also occurcommonly in the Middle Jurassic Not and Melke formations,and can be correlated over a wide area (Morris, pers. obs.). Thespecies encountered (e.g. Paxillitriletes phyllicus, Hughesisporitesgalericulatus) display a wide regional distribution, as for theLower Jurassic. This indicates the possibility of extending theregional and field application of megaspores into youngerJurassic sections, especially where there is high reservoir poten-tial (e.g. Brent Group, North Viking Graben).

CONCLUSIONSThe present study demonstrates that by using standard micro-palaeontological techniques, megaspore assemblages can beeffectively extracted from non-marine sediments of the ÅreFormation. The results obtained show that a distinct megasporesuccession is present within the unit, which can be divided intoseveral assemblage zones. Associated miospore events and theknown stratigraphic occurrence of megaspore taxa are inte-grated to provide a chronostratigraphical framework to con-strain biozonal boundaries. A number of biozonation and ageassignments are proposed.

1. Banksisporites pinguis Zone (Middle–Upper Rhaetian):defined on the presence of Banksisporites pinguis. Extinctionsof Verrutriletes sp. 1, Horstisporites sp. cf. H. rexargenteusand Bacutriletes reticuliferus occur within the zone, indicatingthe top of Subzone A. The highest occurrences of Banksi-sporites pinguis, Tasmanitriletes sp. cf. T. pedinacron andVerrutriletes utilis mark the upper zonal boundary, whichalso coincides with a change in miospore assemblages, withthe top occurrence of common Ricciisporites tuberculatus andLimbosporites lundbladii recorded at this level.

2. Nathorstisporites hopliticus Zone (Lower–Middle Hettang-ian): defined on the presence of Nathorstisporites hopliticus.Within this zone, the inception of Horstisporites areolatus iscoincident with the acme of N. hopliticus defining the top ofSubzone A/B boundary. Above this level, H. areolatus ispredominant.

3. Horstisporites areolatus Zone (Upper Hettangian): defined onthe presence of Horstisporites areolatus without Nathorsti-sporites hopliticus. The first consistent occurrence of Kuqaiaquadrata defines the boundary between Subzones A and B.

4. Kuqaia quadrata Zone (Sinemurian–Lower Pliensbachian):defined on the presence of the mesofossil Kuqaia quadratawithout Horstisporites areolatus. The lower zonal boundarycoincides with the first common/abundant occurrence of themiospore Cerebropollenites thiergartii and the upper with thefirst common occurrence of the dinoflagellate cyst Nannocer-atopsis gracilis/senex. The zone can be divided into threesubzones in the Urd Field using the ranges of severalinformal species of Trileites, Verrutriletes franconicus andBacutriletes tylotus.

Using selected wells the megaspore biozones are shown tocorrelate across the northern Haltenbanken region, providing arobust bio-chronostratigraphical framework with which to

evaluate the stratigraphy of the Åre Formation, which haspreviously relied heavily on log-based correlation.

Evaluation of published megaspore occurrences throughEuropean Rhaeto-Liassic sections, together with continuingresearch in the Viking Graben, strongly suggest that the Halten-banken megaspore biozones extend across the Central EuropeanBasin, reflecting regional, palaeoclimatic controls on the distri-bution of the megaspore-producing plants.

Finally, our research shows that megaspores are a strati-graphically important microfossil group, which deserves to beused more widely in Triassic–Jurassic oil field and regionalbiostratigraphical studies.

ACKNOWLEGEMENTSThe authors thank the management of StatoilHydro ASA andthe PL128 licence partners ENI Norge and Petoro for permis-sion to publish well data. They are indebted to geologistsAnna Fawke, Lisa Michelson, Scott Alan Bullimore, AtleJørgen Sande, Jostein Myking Kjærefjord and biostratigraphersDave Hulks, Linn Johansen and Sissel Kvernes, all of Statoil-Hydro ASA, for supporting their megaspore research throughfield and regional well studies. Thanks are also due to DavidBailey and Gwydion Williams for generating the palynologicaldata cited, and John Athersuch for assistance with the ostracodtaxonomy and literature. Finally, thanks are due to Nick Butlerand an anonymous reviewer for constructive criticism of themanuscript, and to John Gregory for editorial assistance.

Manuscript received 12 December 2008Manuscript accepted 30 June 2009

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Megaspore assemblages from the Åre Formation, Norway

