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Teletherapy- Astrology and remedial measures

Ever since the beginning of the Aquarian age, new systems within the

healing arts have been proposed and expounded. In Ancient Times all

physicians and healers were required to know Astrology, its relation to

disease, it’s relation to the individual afflicted by the disease via a study of

his star map of birth and the adverse directions which might be operating over

him. Applicants for medical or Healing Licenses were not allowed to become

full-fledged physicians until they could pass a satisfactory examination in

Astrology, however for various reasons, the knowledge of Astrology,

remedial measures and alternative conventional treatments became more or

less suppressed during the Middle Ages. In today’s world however, it is

being revived again and is becoming more and more recognized as a true

ancient science.

In Ayurveda, Jyotisha plays a major role in treating a patient, growing herbs

and preparing medicines. All herbs, trees, plants, living and non living things

are ruled by planets and therefore Nakshtras. In Ayurveda there are references

about Tridosha, “kapha, pitta and vaata”, which are made from five elements

(panch mahabhoota)and we all are made from these panchmahabhootas..

We have two bodies: 1) Material or Physical — Annamaya, which we can

see. 2) Astral, Subtle or Causal — which we cannot see. We can see the

effects of the Astral body e.g. magnetism. Aura is around the Physical body.

With its help it is possible to diagnose the disease the person is suffering from

or is likely to suffer. Plexuses or Chakras are centres of energy or force in our

body. How do we make use of these Chakras? What is the work of each

branch of these Chakras? What is the relation between these branches and

planets? Is it necessary to know all these in order to understand the working

of human body? Is it possible to define death in medical science. If the eyes,

heart, lungs and kidneys of a dead person can be given to another person,

then how is the person dead?

Energy cannot be destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to

another. Thus the soul and mind cannot be destroyed, they are immortal. In

astrology there are three explanations for this. 1) In the birth chart, for

‘death’, the second and the seventh houses are considered as ‘marka sthans’.

If the sun and the moon are the lords of these houses they do not become

detrimental or lethal. 2) Eighth house is the house of death; the sun and the

moon in this house do not become detrimental or lethal. 3) In ‘Triamansa

Horoscopes’, natural and unnatural death is considered. In this chart there is


no planet in Cancer and Leo signs. Thus, Indian Astrology lays stress on the

immortality of the soul (i.e. the sun) and the mind (i.e. the moon).

The Cause of Disease and Suffering — its diagnosis with the knowledge of

Astrology along with other methods of diagnosis can be used like a Prism

Test. We can figure out which element of our body is spoilt. Pendulum,

Dowsing, Palmistry, Medical Astrology are the diagnostic methods. The

process carried out by the mechanism that is used in diagnosing a disease is

called ‘Radiesthesia”. The word Radiesthesia or Radionics (Radio +

Electronics) has come from the word radiation. The word ‘Dowsing’ is not

meant to be used for the act of diagnosing a disease; it is meant to describe

the act of looking for water. However, this word is more popular and

therefore it is used instead of Radiesthesia.

The human body absorbs and emits specific types of rays. By using radiation

it is possible to find out what disease a person is suffering from. The use of

radionics becomes very expensive and does not really affect the results.

Different types of radiation emits from our body. The study of sensitivity to

radiation is called Radiesthesia which is a psychic factor. Therefore, a person

who does this work should be very sensitive. Sensitivity is the real

qualification of the dowser. The more sensitive a person, better dowser they

can be. For Radiesthesia or Dowsing, a tool known as a ‘pendulum’ is

necessary. In the process of Dowsing, the pendulum is not important, the

dowser is important. Treatments of any disease or situation can be done in

the Dynamic form and Static form. In the Dynamic form, motion is given to

cosmic rays for all the nine planets. In the Static form motion is not given.

Teletherapy is a Dynamic form. In Dynamic form the cosmic rays can be

transmitted from one place to another in seven different ways. It is a method

of treating sickness or illness from a distance without touching the ailing

person and broadcasting or radiating specific cosmic rays through their

wavelength on their medium.
