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For thousands of years, measurements were made using inexact methods.

For example, time might be measured by using a sundial or watching sand in

an hourglass.

In order to be able to accurately communicate scientific information with

others, though, a standard system of measurement needed to be created.

The system used by scientists around the world is known as the metric system.

The metric system is built around base units that describe different types of

measurements- length is measured in meters, mass is measured in grams,

volume is measured in liters, etc.

The metric system is a decimal system, meaning that measurements are

based on multiples of tens of the base units...


Prefixes are used to describe multiples of the base units that are commonly


For example, measuring distances commonly travelled by car in meters would

give very large numbers (a meter is slightly longer than a yard).

The prefix kilo- is used to describe a quantity of 1000, so a single kilometer is

equal to 1000 meters:

1 km = 1000 m

Again, since the metric system is based on the decimal system, understanding

the relationship between prefixes is fairly straightforward:





BASE UNIT (m, g, l, etc.)




x 1000

x 100

x 10

x 1

x 1/10

x 1/100

x 1/1000









Prefixes work the same for every type of metric measurement.

A kilometer (km) is a meter x 1000 = 1000 meters. A kilogram (kg) is a gram x

1000 = 1000 grams.

A millimeter (mm) is a meter x 1/1000 = 1/1000 meter. A milligram (mg) is a

gram x 1/1000 = 1/1000 grams.

There are other prefixes that describe even larger (mega-, giga-) and smaller

(micro-, nano-) multiples of base units, depending on the measurement being



Temperature is the average

amount of motion of molecules

that make up a substance.

Molecules that are moving faster

are perceived as warmer, while

molecules that are moving slower

are perceived as colder.

There have been several different

attempts to measure this motion,

leading to different temperature



Fahrenheit is the preferred scale in

the US. But it’s not the only scale:

Anders Celsius used the boiling point

and freezing point of water as

reference points for the metric

measurement of temperature.

He used the freezing temperature of

water to define 0 degrees, and the

boiling point of water as the definition

of 100 degrees.

He then divided the distance between

these two temperatures by 100, and

created the Celsius temperature



Lord Kelvin used a Celsius

degree as at the size of a degree

in his scale, but shifted 0 degrees

to represent no molecular motion

at all.

Called absolute zero, it is the

coldest temperature possible.

The Kelvin temperature scale is

the base unit of measurement in

the metric system.

A Celsius measurement is always

273 degrees higher than a Kelvin

measurement of the same

temperature (oK + 273 = oC).


Some units of measurement are actually combinations of other metric units.

These measurements are called derived units of measure.

A derived measurement requires other measurements to be taken first.

Examples of these include speed (m/s), volume (cm3), and density (g/cm3):

Speed is how far an object goes in a certain amount of time (2


Volume is the amount of space an object occupies (3 measurements-

length x width x height).

Density is the amount of mass found in a certain volume (4 measurements!)


When working with extremely large or small numbers (especially with ones

containing large amounts of zeros on either end), it is convenient to express

the numbers in scientific notation.

Scientific notation rewrites a numerical value as:

a number between 1 and 10,

multiplied by 10 raised to an exponential value.

Consider the number 602,200,000,000,000,000,000,000. Any calculations

using this number would be challenging, even with a calculator. Rewriting it in

scientific notation would result in 6.022 x 1023 (a much less cumbersome

number with which to work).

Here’s the process to convert a number to scientific notation:


Move the decimal to a location directly behind the first non-zero number (if

there is no decimal present, it is assumed to be after the last digit).

How many numbers did you pass on the way to the decimal’s new home? In

this case, the decimal was moved 23 spaces. This is the exponent that we will

use raise our multiplier of ten.

Any zeros before the first non-zero number or after the last non-zero number

can now be dropped.

Moving the decimal to the left will increase the exponent used to raise the

multiplier, while moving it to the right will decrease the exponent.

How would you write 0.0000000000004302 in scientific notation?

. 602,200,000,000,000,000,000,




6.022 x




Follow the same steps:

Move the decimal to a location directly behind the first non-zero number (if

there is no decimal present, it is assumed to be after the last digit) =


How many numbers did you pass on the way to the decimal’s new home? In

this case, the decimal was moved 13 spaces. This is the exponent that we will

use raise our multiplier of ten.

Any zeros before the first non-zero number or after the last non-zero number

can now be dropped = 4.302 x 10-13

Remember: moving the decimal to the left will increase the exponent used to

raise the multiplier, while moving it to the right will decrease the exponent.


The length of a football field can be described as 100 yards long. It can also

be described as 300 feet long. It can also be described as being 3600 inches


These three measurements describe the same length, but in different units.

You are probably familiar with these lengths because they have been

described to you many times, but suppose you needed to convert something

less familiar?

The process of converting a measurement from one unit to another is called

dimensional analysis.

The basic idea is to multiply the original measurement by equivalence

statements, which are fractions made of two different units with equal value,

(which makes the fraction equal to 1) which allow the original unit of

measurement to be cancelled out in favor of a new unit of measure.



1/1 = 1

2/2 = 1

3/3 = 1

12/12 = 1

138/138 = 1

(4-2)/2 = 1

2/(4-2) = 1

6/1 half dozen = 1

3/1 trio = 1

1 pair/2 = 1

12 inches/1 foot = 1

3 feet/1 yard = 1

1 yard/3 feet = 1

5280 feet/1 mile = 1

Any measurement

divided by another

measurement of the

same value will be

equal to 1, and is

considered an




A football field is 100 yards long. Express this distance in feet. Then, express it in


100 yds = ? ft = ? in

Place the 100 yards over 1 to make a fraction:

100 yds = ? ft


We want to multiply 100 yards by a fraction (equal to 1) that will allow us to cancel out

yards and replace it with another measurement- this will be our equivalence statement.

A fraction containing yards and feet, that equals 1, could be either:

1 yd or 3 ft

3 ft 1 yd

Which one should we use?


The idea is to cancel out the original unit (in this case, “yards”) and replace it

with another unit. In order to do this, the unit in the numerator (top) of the first

fraction must be in the denominator (bottom) of the next fraction:

100 yds x 3 ft = ? ft

1 1 yd

The unit “yards” cancels out, leaving us with only one unit left- feet. If this unit is

the one needed for the answer, then you don’t need any more fractions.

Multiply numerators together to get a final numerator, then multiply

denominators together to get a final denominator:

100 x 3 ft = 300 ft

1 1


To convert to inches, do the same thing:

100 yds x 3 ft = ? in

1 1 yd

The unit “yards” cancels out, leaving us with only one unit left- feet. But our

problem wants us to find the measurement in inches, so we multiply another

equivalence statement, this one converting feet to inches:

100 yds x 3 ft x 12 inches = ? in

1 1 yd 1 ft

Again, cancel out all units that appear in the numerator and the denominator until

you have just one unit left- make sure it’s the correct unit!- then multiply:

100 x 3 x 12 inches = 3600 in

1 1 1


If there is a direct equivalence statement, the process can be shortened:

100 yds x 36 in = ? in

1 1 yd

The unit “yards” cancels out, leaving us with only one unit left- inches.

Multiply numerators together to get a final numerator, then multiply

denominators together to get a final denominator:

100 x 36 in = 3600 in

1 1


Converting between metric units is exactly the same process:

274 cm = ? km

Use “King Henry” to create equivalence statements (remember- smaller units

get bigger numbers), and make fractions from them:

1 meter = 100 cm 1000 m = 1 km

274 cm x 1 m x 1 km = ? km

1 100 cm 1000 m

Cancel out units until only one unit is left, make sure that it is the correct unit,

then multiply:

274 x 1 x 1 km = 274 km = 0.00274 km

1 100 1000 100000


Converting between derived units is handled exactly the same way:

100 km/hr = ? m/s

Use “King Henry” to create equivalence statements (remember- smaller units

get bigger numbers), and make fractions from them:

1000 meters = 1 km 60 min = 1 hr 60 s = 1 min

100 km x 1000 m x 1 hr x 1 min = ? m/s

1 hr 1 km 60 min 60 s

Cancel out units until only one unit is left, make sure that it is the correct unit,

then multiply:

100 x 1000 m x 1 x 1 = 100,000 m = 27.8 m/s

1 1 60 60 s 3600 s


In summary:

Place the original measurement over “1” to make a fraction (with a complex

unit such a g/ml, the top unit goes in numerator and the bottom goes in

denominator after the “1”)

Multiply by an equivalence statement to cancel out the original unit and replace

it with a new unit,

Keep multiplying by equivalence fractions until the desired unit is reached.


• Suppose you went to a doctor because you had a pain in your foot. The doctor

spends several minutes examining your hands, and finally says, “I don’t see

anything wrong.”

• Your doctor was wayyy off target with his exam. In science, hitting/missing the

target is called accuracy. In order to measure accuracy, a measurement taken

by a scientist must be compared to the actual measurement in question.

• For example, if you measure a football field (which is defined in the rulebook as

being 91.44 meters), and your measurement is 91.5 meters, then you were

pretty accurate!

• However, if your measurement was 81.5 meets, you missed the target…badly.

You were NOT very accurate.


• So, you point to your foot and say, “The pain is down here!”. The doctor says,

“Oh!”, and begins examining your foot. He finds a splinter deep in your heel and

says, “I’m going to remove this for you; let me go get my chain saw…”

• While it is true that the doctor will be operating in the correct location, a chain saw is

going to cause more damage to the rest of your foot than it will fix. Chain saws are

NOT good for removing splinters, a scalpel and tweezers are more precise- they

focus the work on a very small area of your foot.

• In science, it is STRONGLY recommended that a measurement be taken several

times (to make sure that the device is read correctly). Multiple measurements that

are very close to each other are precise; measurements with a lot of variation are

NOT precise.

• If you measure the football field three times, and the measurements are 91.5

meters, 91.3 meters, and 91.4 meters, you have been very precise in your


• If your measurements are 91.5 meters, 93.7 meters, and 90.1 meters, well… NOT

very precise measurements.


• Can measurements be precise, but not accurate?

• If your measurements of a football field are 87.5 meters, 87.6 meters, and 87.3

meters, they ARE precise (they are very close to each other), but NOT very

accurate (none of them are close to 91.44 meters).

• Can measurements be accurate, but not precise?

• 90.7 meters, 91.5 meters, and 92.1 meters are all close to 91.44 (accurate), but

there is a lot of variation between the three measurements- NOT very precise.
