Mbiriizi Women Empowerment Group (MWEG · 2016. 11. 23. · has normalised the women will resume...


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Tusaidiane Uganda Limited Management Advisory & Implementation Services

Mobile: +256752766402/401 P.O. Box 32071 Kampala - Uganda

Certificate of Incorporation No. 97141 e-Tin 1000111344 / URA File nr. 99865

Email: tul.kees@gmail.com / tul.sharifa@gmail.com


NEWS / INCOME GENERATION 2016 and outlook for 2017

Major intervention for income generation is the supply of microcredit to women groups and other communities for creating income based on a proper business plan. Beneficiaries can increase their capital by savings from the group. Tusaidiane Uganda is the custodian for 6 Microcredit Funds (MCF) with a capital of € 16.000. Regularly, we communicated on this website about the progress of different microcredit funds. We train Beneficiaries in making a business plan (market, requirements, prices, expected profit).

Mbiriizi Women Empowerment Group (MWEG) Mbiriizi Women Empowerment Group has 32 Members and is a fully registered CBO (community-based

organization). They got a loan of € 3.500 as capital for their microcredit fund for income generating activities, which could turn into a grant early 2016. The women did very well. Mbiriizi Village, a dull village, became

vibrant. However, the women forgot to develop themselves in view of management and keeping accounts. We agreed to continue with the loan and to train the women for one more year in management and accounts. Early next year we will discuss together whether we have reached the goals. By the way, the women got in 2016 a donation from the Melania Foundation for Adult Education in the village.

Child Development and Family Empowerment Association (CHIDFEA)

CHIDFEA has 64 members and is fully registered. The aim of their microcredit fund is to empower women in Ggaba Village on Lake Victoria outside Kampala to look after orphans and vulnerable children. CHIDFEA started with 26 women and some got loans of 100.000-200.000 shillings (€ 30-60). However, now we have over 90 loans and the highest loan amount increased to 1 million (€ 300). Mirembe Foundation boasted the capital in 2015 by giving a donation of € 2.500. Loan repayment is great: the group has not yet registered any loan defaulters.

Tusaidiane Uganda Limited Management Advisory & Implementation Services

Mobile: +256752766402/401 P.O. Box 32071 Kampala - Uganda

Certificate of Incorporation No. 97141 e-Tin 1000111344 / URA File nr. 99865

Email: tul.kees@gmail.com / tul.sharifa@gmail.com


St. Francis Women & Widows Club (SWWC) St. Francis Women and Widows Club started in 2013 and is a fully registered Women Group.

Currently the women have 64 loan takers and they can take a loan of up to 500,000 shillings or ca. € 140. Most women start their business project in agriculture and are confronted with climate conditions.

If unfavourable, they get low yields for their produce with poor repayment of loans as a consequence. The club is currently not issuing out any loans due a huge overdue outstanding balance; after the situation has normalised the women will resume giving out loans.

FRALIBI Microcredit Fund The FRALIBI microcredit fund is created by sponsors in Germany and the Netherlands with a capital of € 7.815 to boost income of Foster Parents in Mannya, so that they can pay themselves the school fees for the orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) in their custody.

It started with 12 beneficiaries and those Foster Parents were the pioneers of the MCF. Different projects were started like piggery, retail shop, banana plantations and also growing of Irish potatoes. Loans range from just below € 100

(300.000 shillings) to € 700 (2.500.000 shillings) The pioneers have used the money. Some are in the position to pay back the loan, many not yet. There are 23 outstanding loans for the loan amount of 26.6 million shillings (ca. € 7.600) with an overdue balance of 11.5 million shillings (€ 3.270). At the moment FRALIBI management, advised by Tusaidiane Uganda, is focusing new loans on projects with a realistic chance on timely pay-back.

Tusaidiane Uganda Limited Management Advisory & Implementation Services

Mobile: +256752766402/401 P.O. Box 32071 Kampala - Uganda

Certificate of Incorporation No. 97141 e-Tin 1000111344 / URA File nr. 99865

Email: tul.kees@gmail.com / tul.sharifa@gmail.com


Kibanja Women Group In January 2014, Kibanja Women Group in Masindi headed by the chairperson Ms. Joy Kabada and the treasurer Ms.Merabu Kamatenesi, asked Tusaidiane Uganda to train them in managing a microcredit fund. At the end of the training, the group got an interest free loan from Tusaidiane Uganda of 3 million shillings (€ 850) as start capital for their microcredit fund with repayment obligation of 125.000 shillings per quarter, starting in the third quarter 2014. They gave loans to 15 members. The group has not paid back any installment and stopped communication. We doubt whether the loan was used for the intended purposes.

Kyabiwa Bakyala Twezimbe Women’s Group Kyabiwa Bakyala Twezimbe Women’s Group (KBT WG) was established in 2014 as a self-help group initiative by women of Kyabiwa Parish in Kibanda Sub County in Rakai District. It started with 45 members with a subscription fee of 6.000 shilling (€1.70) per sitting day every month in order to create some capital for the group.

By 2015 the women had opened a bank account and had accumulated an amount of 1.750.000 shilling (€ 473) through group savings and interest on small loans. In December

2015, the group got an interest free loan from Tusaidiane Uganda which amounted to 2 million shillings (€540). Tusaidiane was able to supply such a loan thanks to financial help of Melania Foundation from the Netherlands for grass root women groups. The loan was to revolve within the members and to be paid back to Tusaidiane Uganda by 26 December 2016. Renewal of the loan could be discussed. This enabled the women to raise the loan amount to a maximum of 500,000 per loan with an interest of 15% per annum. The group members have increased to 54 members and so far the group has not registered any loan defaulter. The management of the group visited most of the members with loans to see how they are progressing and how they are managing their loan. We will report about the findings in the annual report, which will be edited soon. The report will also deal with some challenges the women group encounters, such as:

More capital could increase the amount of loans and the number of women getting a loan.

The lack of computer skills in order to manage the accounts.

The need of adult education in view of communication as business people.

Tusaidiane Uganda Limited Management Advisory & Implementation Services

Mobile: +256752766402/401 P.O. Box 32071 Kampala - Uganda

Certificate of Incorporation No. 97141 e-Tin 1000111344 / URA File nr. 99865

Email: tul.kees@gmail.com / tul.sharifa@gmail.com


Other income generating activities Recently, St. Francis Little Birds Nursery & Primary School started vocational training in their new vocational rooms, constructed with the help of the Marburg friends in German and the German Government. Interestingly, school management combined the training with a new approach for income generation. The school has needs for uniforms and for furniture. In the past those needs were satisfied by purchasing in the open market. Why not requesting for some funds and produce it yourself in the Vocational Centre? The Headteacher managed to get seed money for three income generating projects based on vocational training from St. Francis-Rakai-Initiative Marburg, their friends in Marburg/Germany.. 1. Appoint a tailoring teacher and train girls and boys in uniform making.

Make uniforms for 120 girls and boys for their own school to be paid by the parents. Thereafter make uniforms for other schools.

2. Appoint a carpentry teacher and train boys (and maybe girls) in carpentry. Make the required dining hall furniture and school desks for the own school yourself, with thereafter making of furniture for the open market.

3. Grow from January 2017 onwards maize in the own school garden to prevent buying maize flour in the open market. The school will start with a limited area for the pupils of primary 6, whereby each pupil get the responsibility to care for a limited number of plants. Two teachers will help the Headteacher in supervising the group of 55 pupils. If successful, the project will be up-scaled: more classes, a bigger area and possibly other crops.
