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February 2016 Monthly Update from Chief Executive

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

th February 2016

Next Economic Enterprise and Investment Development amp bull VISIT Enterprise Support Work is being progressed by the EIU on securing of Permissive Strategic Policy Access for the extension ofthe Great Western Greenway to Murrisk Committee Meeting and Bertra 9t h February 2016 Funding of pound300000 was approv d for the conversion of the

existi ng Mulranny Station House as an Activity Services Centre on the Great Western Greenwa Developmental Plans are currently being progressed Work is progressing well on the Clarernorris Acti e Travel Project Under the REDZ - Rural Economic Development Fund Mayo Council was awarded the following funding Castlebar MilitaryNext Tourism amp Food Barracks pound1 25000 Swinford Court House pound50000 Geesala Strategic Policy Boxing Clubl Community Centre euro 50000 Plans are progressing in Committee Meeting res ect of each proj ectDate to be confirmed Mayoie tog ther with Breaffy House Resort an media partners Newstalk will be hosting the first ever Sporting Excellence Conference at Breaffy House Resort on the 11th to the 13th March 2016 Attendance by EIU team at tourism trade shows the shows attended included the Belfast Holiday World Show from the 15th to the 17th January and the Dublin Holiday World Show from 22nd to the 24th January Both shows attTacted in excess of 40000 visitors both trade and consumers Contact was established with a number of travel joumalistbloggers and these links are currently being followed up to maximise promotion of the Mayo Tourism offering

bull The Victoria House Foundation Transfer of Victoria House amp Archive o Victoria House - Acquisition of Victoria House is pending o Archive - Department of Arts Heritage amp Gaeltacht s Section

1003 Committee have approved the donation of Mary Robinson s archive to Mayo County Council

Governance - The Victoria House Foundation continues its governance review xercise expect d to complete by July 2016 Development - MCCs design team have begun work on fInal brief and construction tender The interpretation and design phase is also underway Funding - Activity continues to fundraise for The Mary Robinson Centre ~ith a full programme of fundraising activity for 2016 in planning

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

th February 2016

Calendar of EventsAcademic Programme - A programme of academic activity is in planning and a date for the International Human Rights Lectur is pending Archive Digitisation - A start date will be confirmed onc the archive transfer has been agreed with Department of Arts Heritage amp the Gaeltacht expected Q2 20 16 For more information see wwwmaryrobinsoncentreie

bull CONNECT Mayoie o Development of the design and bui ld of the new food pages on

mayole o Enhancement of social media messaging MayoGAA o Meeting with Mayo County Board in relation to maYOle

partnering with Mayo GAA o Arrangements made in r lation to promotion for upcommg

fi xtures Mayo Day o Initial meeting held to discuss plans for Mayo Day 2016 o Meetings held in relation to specific Mayo day events LAMA 2016 o Co-ordinated attendance and representation from Mayo County

Cowlcil at LAMA 1916 Commemoration pJans o Promotion of Mayo County Councils commemorative calendar

on mayoie website and social media Press o Prepared and circulated press releases to local papers and

arranged interviews on local radio for EIU and LEO vents and projects including Showcase 2016 Turas na mBan LAMA LEO Training

Irish TV o Agr e coverage and messaging required at upcoming events o Attended planning meetings for upcoming events

bull Oifig Na Gaeilge Ranganna GaeUgeIrish Classes - Currently there are 50 members of Staff attending Irish classes in Mayo County Council There will be a certificate in Professional Iri h at various levels when course is completed Grupal GaeUgeIrish Groups - Monthly meeting Witll groups in different areas in Mayo that provid Irish speakers those learning the language and to tho e who rarely use Irish a chance to com together and use their cllpJa focal in an informal relaxed atmosphere

bull Community amp Integrated Development Mayo Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) approved the RDP Leader Local Development Strategy at the January meeting

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Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

th February 2016

There will now onJy be one whole-of-county Strategy submitted by the LCDC for Mayo Community Action on Dementia Mayo secured an allocation of euro200000 through the HSE for 2016 with support from the Taoiseach s offic and others This will allo the three project staff to transition from the Genio funded pilot project to a more mainstreamed HSE servic Attended launch of the Charter for Rural IreJand launched by An

aoiseach at the end of January The Charter is a statement of Government commitment to support regeneration and fu ture sustainable development of rural conununities

e Mayo Sports Partnership National Operation Transformation Walk Day took place on Saturday 9th January with over 2000 people participating in locations such as Ballina Ballyhaunis Erris Castlebar Claremorris Kiltimagh and Westport BaJJybaunis Cricket Practice area funded through Dormant Account Community Sports Hub funding from Sport Ireland opened on Friday 29th January by Minister of State for Sport and Touri sm Michael Ring Approx 100 attended this community event with activi ies organised by Goal to Work trainee coaches 12 Goal to Work Ballyhaunis trainee coaches are now ready to go in to local primary schools on work placement after receiving training in Basketball Cricket Soccer and Hurling Upcoming Events - Launch of the Erris Parkrun on Sat 20th February

It Mayo County Childcare Committee Training - The National Learner Fund 4 for 20 16 is now being implemented locally This national fund is aim d at providing financial and training supports to staff currently working in the early years services to gain qualifications to meet the legal requirements being introduced through new legislation Conducted Qualifications Audit of all staff working in childcare in Mayo Processed approximately 274 replies during January

fl Arts Creative Connections - Arts and Disability Ireland Conference and Showcase - pr s ntation of Mayo s Silent Moves Ignite Commission (DOC) 30 Years Artists Places Exhibition in Partnership with The Association of Local Authority Arts Officers launched at Ballina Civic offices Nuala Clarke Residency amp accompanying Exhibition by Sf Josephs Community College TY students - Launched at Charlestown Arts Centr Site Visits to Tir Saile and action plan for redev lopment in place Other ongoing work D Bealtaine arts for older people Excel youth arts programme amp

Intercultural Proj ect planning

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Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

th February 2016

o 1916 Artist in Residence at Jackie Clarke Collection community engagement initiatives

o Contributions to directorate review o CRM - Revising Arts Office Databases for upload to system Upcoming events in February 2016 o 19th - Breda Lynch exhibition latmch Linenhall Arts Centre

730pm o 29th - 30 Years Artists Places Ballina Civic Offices continues

until 26th February o Talk from Jenny Brady artist Mayo artwork for above

exhibition 12th and family workshop 18th all details TBC via Ballina Arts Centre

o Artsquad - CE Scheme programme and training monitoring visit 3rd February

bull INVEST Following the completion of the Drone research project an exploratory meeting has been held with GMIT and other local partners to consid r the possibility of testing camera equipped drones in various SAR water safety environments Following on from the IDA Programme Visit by the IDA to Castlebar the team faci litated a one day Mayo site visit by the Global IDA Team A group of IDA executives from across various global IDA offices were briefed on value propositionsstrategic sites in Mayo The Invest Team hosted the first Industry Appreciation Evening to recognise the larger employers across Mayo in association An Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Martin Shanahan CEO IDA The evening was very successful fTom a networking and engagement perspective and saw the launch of the Business Engagement Te m which will provide a d dicated point of contact from within the Enterprise amp Investment Unit for businesses of all size in each Municipal Di strict

bull Local Enterprise Office Th Local Enterprise Office has commenced the 2016 Spring Training Programme with 11 business coursesworkshops on offer throughout the County Further details can be fOlmd at httpswwwlocalenterprisei MayoTraining-EventsOnlineshyBookings The LEO has commenc d reviewing the Local Enterprise Office Enterprise Plan 2015 and is now preparing the 2016 Local Enterprise Plan Showcase one of Irelands biggest trade events of the year featured four craft and design companies from the County thanks to the assistance of the LEO Owner of Rainbow Stained Glass Magdalena Dubaj featured on Nationwide on Wednesday 27th January 2016 Showcase is organized by the Design amp Crafts Council of Ireland WIDa a client company of the LEO has launched the wlDa 33

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Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

t h Februa ry 2016

Ocean One Design yacht (wwwwIDa com) at the 2016 Dusseldorf Boat Show Designed and built by a company based in Mayo the company has tested the market and now has significant plans to develop their capacity to build this and other boats from the County Upcoming events shyThe next MeetMayo event is planned for 29th February in Castlebar

8 Marine Renewable Energy amp Energy On the 20th January MCC EIU represented at launch of SEAlS euro2 0M Better energy Community program Launch for 201 6 Testimonials were requested and submitted to MCC EIU from key personnel involved in energy infrastructural developments in Mayo ie Shell amp Bord Na Mona The testimonials wiH compliment and boost the Energy sector profile currently being drafted promoting key sectors IRBEA National bio energy conference is to take place on 3-02shy2016 DCENR are to provide an Update on RBI (renewable heat inc ntive) and Future RES-E supports

Next Housing Strategic Policy Committee Meeting 8th April 2016

Next LTACC Meeting Date TBC

Housing bull The Incremental Tenant Purchase Scheme is in operation since the 1 st

January 2016 Detai ls of the scheme were circulated t the Elected Members before Christmas

8 The 201 5 Capital Construction Programme target of 55 unit was achieved The preliminary target for 20162017 is 91 units but will increase as new projects and schemes are initiated by the Council and approved by the Department within the E270m three year funding envelope announced for County Mayo earlier this y ar

bull The Housing Assistance Payment (lIAP) comm need in Mayo effectiv from the 16th November 2015 17 approved social housing applicants transitioned onto HAP in Mayo in 20 15 The target for transitions to HAP for Mayo in 201 6 is 600 The scheme will continue to be administered from the Central Housing Office located in Swinford with ongoing i put from the MD Housing Offices

bull Department sanction has been received for the post of Tenancy Sustainment Officer under a two year contract The staffing of this position will fulfil one of the key objectives of the Mayo Homeless Strategy

f) Progress c ntinues to be made on ensuring that vacant house are made fit for letting and subsequ nt offer to persons on the Housing Waiting List The euro 200OOO provided in the 201 6 Revenue Budget will go some of the way towards refurbishing vacant stock returned to the Council in 20]6

bull Survey work and tender document preparation for the Central Heating Programme continues The estimated cost is euro 120m and the programme will be completed in 2016

bull The energy efficiency programme will continue into 20 16 and 201 7 in

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Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

th February 2016

order to dea l with the approximat 500 units still awaiting insulation upgrades

bull Work on a new Anti Social Behaviour Strategy continues and will be brought before the Housing SPC in draft format in due course

bull All hou ing grant applicat ions are being processed and approved if eligible

bull Work continues on implementation of the Traveller Accommodation Plan 201 4-2018

Next Planning Environment amp Agricultural Strategic Policy Committee Meeting Date to be confirmed

Planning bull Planning Applications received - 90 a Piallii ing decisions - 63 bull Planning refu als - 1 bull Files on hand - 11 9 bull Preplanning Applications received shy 16 It Preplanning meetings - 118

Next Planning Environ ment amp Agricultural Strategic Policy Committee Meeting Date to be confi rmed

Environment bull Waste Authorisations - INo grant d bull RMCEI - pr paration of new Plan for 20 16 shy in progress bull Derelict Site reports being updated within each of the Municipal

Districts to identify any further buildings that are derelict but that are not on the existing Register Report includes a r commendation to issue a Section 8(2) - notice of intention to put property on Derelic Sites Register

bull Draft Litter Managem nt Pl an 2016 -20 18 ongoing bull Draft Climate Change Strategy document ongoing bull The Waste Enforcement Regional Authority Office for the Connacht

Ulster Region commenced operations as of the 18th January 2016 bull The Water Framework Directive (WFD) January River Water

Monitoring was completed bull The WFD Drinking Water Abstractions and Section 4 Discharge

Licenses Database collation for submission to the EPAs Catchment Science Unit continued during January

bull Awareness Campaigns - Schedule for Leave no Trace primary schools programme amp ECO

UNESCO secondary school finalised - Details of Stop Food Waste Challenge finalised and promotion

commenced for FeblUary start - Schedule of WEEE Ireland collections for 2016 finalised with

WEEE Ir land - OMIT Stop Food Waste Green Campus Lunch Time talk amp display - Preschool and school workshops - Compo sting questionnaire issued to families ill Belmul1et In

partnership with Tidy Towns

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Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

t h February 2016

- New Year Media Campaign

Next Roads amp Transportation Strategic Policy Committee Meeting 26 th February 2016

Roads bull Both National and Non National (Regional and Local Road) grants have

now been notified to the Council in the sum ofeuro2l 752m and euro44 11 5m respectively for 2016

bull A programme of Regional and Local Road Improvements for the period 2016-201 8 is in the course of preparation An allocation of euro9842m has been received for this programme in 2016

bull N 5 Turlough to Westport A grant of euro9m is available this year to cover archaeology costs land acquisition fenc ing and ground works

bull N5 Bohola - Traffic calming measuressapound ty proposals are being prepared

bull 26 - A design IS being prepared for bridge realignment at Cloongullane

bull N59 - Improvemnt Works continue at Rossow - An allocation of f21 Om has been made available this year for land

acquisition for the Westport to Mulranny road project - R sidual improvement works continue at Mulranny vi llage - Pavement works are under construction at Knockanillaun Ballina

bull N60 - Traffic calming measures are proposed for BreatIy village bull Preliminaryplanning works continue for scheme at Manulla Cross

Heathlawn and L gnamuck bull An allocation of euro584k has been received for bridge rehabilitation

works on various Regional and Local roads e An allocation f f521 k has been received for safety impro ements at

various locations on the regional and local road network bull An application for funding in the Sun1 of euro7542m has been made to the

Dept of Transport for Road re abilitation works as a result of the recent flooding

Water Services Public Water

bull Mayo County Council is working with Irish Water on the transfer of assets these will transfer by Ministerial Order

bull Discussions are ongoing with Irish Water on the 20162017 Annual Service Plan (AS P) and budget

bull Work continues on the Breaffy Sewerage Scheme 40 of phase 1 is now complete investment of approx euro250m

bull Tenders have b en a sessed for the Belmullet Sewerage Scheme tender report is progressing investment of approx euro750m

bull Works on the ext nsion of the Ballina Regional Water Supply Scheme to Bonniconlon are underway on Quay Road scope has been expanded to include ISkIn of mains rehabilitation - investment approx fl OOm

bull Ballina rehabilitation works Phase 1 IS complete Phase 2 has

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Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

th Febru ary 2016

commenced will be complete in March 2016 - investment of approx euro1 50m

bull Tender preparation ongoing for both Foxford amp Charlestown Sewerage Scheme Bundle and Killala Sew rage Scheme - total investment approx euro1 200m

bull Appointment of Consultants for Inishturk water upgrade works has commenced - this project is bundled with Aran Islands

e Lahardane and Belcarra wastewater treatI ent plants upgrades are progressing through the Part 8 planning process Rural Water

bull New Rural Water Multi-Annual Programme 20 16-201 8 just announced Significant changes to funding structure Application for n mds completed

bull Contracts are due to be signed shortly for DBOIA for a 15 year DBO with a whole life cost of euro1 740 million involving 13 separate GWSs Resolut io of a procurement dis ute due shortly

e At Can ract Documents stage for a full mains Rehabilitation of the Cusbin GWS and the Ayle GWS Both of these schemes will be amalgamated and connected to Irish Water when works are completed The estimated cost of these works is euro1 100000

bull Contract due to be signed shortly fo r a mains rehabilitation contract in the Clogher GWS for an estimated cost of euro 650000

bull Work has started on a mains rehabilitation contract on the Attymass GWS for an estimated cost ofE270000

bull Work has started on a mains rehabilitation contract in the Irisbtown GWS for an estimated cost of pound260000

bull Contract due to be signed shortly for a main rehabilitation contract n a section of the Raw Water Mains on the Lough Cumnel GWS for an estimated cost of euro 120000

bull Works completed on the Clew Bay GWS to instaH a GAC 1ilter to resolve a taste and odour issue for an estimated cost of euro115000

bull Contract due to be signed shortly for a full mains rehabilitation contract in the Cahir GWS for an estimated cost ofeuro110 OOO

bull Both the Massbrook Terry GWS and the Aghalonteen GWS are still awaiting additional funding before works can commence Estimated costs of euro4 24000 and euro140 000 New funding structure for new GWS which should allow works to progress in 2016

bull Cushlough Group Water Scheme is being progressed as a Pilot Taking in Charge scheme in partnership with Irish Water and the DECLG

Corporate Affairs The Council s Management Team indoor and outdoor employees Civil Defence Volunteers and Fire Service Personnel continued to respond on 2417365 basis to the impact of severe weather conditions throughout January protecting lives private and public property and carrying out humanitarian activities as required


Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8th Fe 2016

Date of SPC Meetings and other relevant meetings notified

Next Cu lture Education Heritage Corporate Affairs and Emergency Services Strategic Policy Committee Meeting Date to be confirmed

bull The Council met with the Residents of Crossmolina on 121116 to discuss their requirements for addressing fl ood defences at Crossmolina and a meeting with OPW took place on 2801 2016 to outline to them the various works throughout the whole county which the Council considered need to be addressed

bull There are cUlTently 87 Gateway Participants employed by the Council Th Gateway Scheme has been extended and new pa11icipants will be re fUitd over the coming months as the existing participants I ave

bull Arrangements will be made to interview 178 applicants for general operative posts who have emerged from the short listing process Panels will be fonned for ach Municipal District and the numbers recruited will be dependent on receipt of sanction from the Department of Environment Community and Local Government and availability of funding

bull Work on the pilot project for the installation of energy reducing solar panels at Aras an Contae Castlebar funded from the specific innovation fund provided in the Council Budgets 201312015 has now commenced

$ The investigation into the tragic death of the late Mr John Mc Nicholas RIP is ongoing Welfare and support services continue to be provided to th relevant Council employees

Finance bull Monthly Report attached


Mayo County Council FINANCIAL REVIEW February 2016

1 Major Expenditure and Income by Division with 2015 Adopted Budget Twelve months ended 31st December 2015


Service Exp To Date Budget Remaining Spent Inc To Date Budget Not Recd Recd

Division Description Decmiddot15 2015 2015 2015 Dec-iS 2015 2015 2015

A Housing and Building 14578703 16033087 1454384 91 15290882 16247670 956788 94 B Roads Transport and Safety 32 774466 33269120 494654 99 26881472 27143978 262506 99 C Water Services 1661 4759 15185781 -1428978 109 19413383 17445201 -1968182 111 D Development Management 8453748 7844635 -609113 108 3202319 2492500 -709819 128 E Environmental Services 19405878 18899492 -506386 103 10677321 10627596 -49 725 100 F Recreation and Amenity 9900605 8659829 -1240776 114 2991267 2012700 -978567 149 G Agriculture Education Health and Welfare 2620264 3774757 1154493 69 1747540 2801170 1053630 62 H Miscellaneous Services 10548731 9312708 -1236023 113 3701186 1809000 -1892186 205 J Central Management Charges 14626191 14559598 -66593 100 418539 1584000 1165461 26

Rates 25847339 26053906 206567 99 Local Government Fund 17171286 17171 286 0 100 Pension Related Deduction 2106427 2150 000 43573 98

GRAND TOTAL 129523345 127539007 -1984337 102 129448959 127539007 -1909952 101

2 Performance of Local Authority Revenue Collection Levels

Rents Rates Housing Loans

Total for collection 7060939

23867796 4829331

Collected Dec-i5

5957190 19717943 3271864

Arrears Dec-iS

1103749 4149853 1557467


84 83 68

3 Recourse to Overdraft Facility

Number of days in overdraft Estimated Interest incurred

o o

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

th February 2016

Calendar of EventsAcademic Programme - A programme of academic activity is in planning and a date for the International Human Rights Lectur is pending Archive Digitisation - A start date will be confirmed onc the archive transfer has been agreed with Department of Arts Heritage amp the Gaeltacht expected Q2 20 16 For more information see wwwmaryrobinsoncentreie

bull CONNECT Mayoie o Development of the design and bui ld of the new food pages on

mayole o Enhancement of social media messaging MayoGAA o Meeting with Mayo County Board in relation to maYOle

partnering with Mayo GAA o Arrangements made in r lation to promotion for upcommg

fi xtures Mayo Day o Initial meeting held to discuss plans for Mayo Day 2016 o Meetings held in relation to specific Mayo day events LAMA 2016 o Co-ordinated attendance and representation from Mayo County

Cowlcil at LAMA 1916 Commemoration pJans o Promotion of Mayo County Councils commemorative calendar

on mayoie website and social media Press o Prepared and circulated press releases to local papers and

arranged interviews on local radio for EIU and LEO vents and projects including Showcase 2016 Turas na mBan LAMA LEO Training

Irish TV o Agr e coverage and messaging required at upcoming events o Attended planning meetings for upcoming events

bull Oifig Na Gaeilge Ranganna GaeUgeIrish Classes - Currently there are 50 members of Staff attending Irish classes in Mayo County Council There will be a certificate in Professional Iri h at various levels when course is completed Grupal GaeUgeIrish Groups - Monthly meeting Witll groups in different areas in Mayo that provid Irish speakers those learning the language and to tho e who rarely use Irish a chance to com together and use their cllpJa focal in an informal relaxed atmosphere

bull Community amp Integrated Development Mayo Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) approved the RDP Leader Local Development Strategy at the January meeting

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Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

th February 2016

There will now onJy be one whole-of-county Strategy submitted by the LCDC for Mayo Community Action on Dementia Mayo secured an allocation of euro200000 through the HSE for 2016 with support from the Taoiseach s offic and others This will allo the three project staff to transition from the Genio funded pilot project to a more mainstreamed HSE servic Attended launch of the Charter for Rural IreJand launched by An

aoiseach at the end of January The Charter is a statement of Government commitment to support regeneration and fu ture sustainable development of rural conununities

e Mayo Sports Partnership National Operation Transformation Walk Day took place on Saturday 9th January with over 2000 people participating in locations such as Ballina Ballyhaunis Erris Castlebar Claremorris Kiltimagh and Westport BaJJybaunis Cricket Practice area funded through Dormant Account Community Sports Hub funding from Sport Ireland opened on Friday 29th January by Minister of State for Sport and Touri sm Michael Ring Approx 100 attended this community event with activi ies organised by Goal to Work trainee coaches 12 Goal to Work Ballyhaunis trainee coaches are now ready to go in to local primary schools on work placement after receiving training in Basketball Cricket Soccer and Hurling Upcoming Events - Launch of the Erris Parkrun on Sat 20th February

It Mayo County Childcare Committee Training - The National Learner Fund 4 for 20 16 is now being implemented locally This national fund is aim d at providing financial and training supports to staff currently working in the early years services to gain qualifications to meet the legal requirements being introduced through new legislation Conducted Qualifications Audit of all staff working in childcare in Mayo Processed approximately 274 replies during January

fl Arts Creative Connections - Arts and Disability Ireland Conference and Showcase - pr s ntation of Mayo s Silent Moves Ignite Commission (DOC) 30 Years Artists Places Exhibition in Partnership with The Association of Local Authority Arts Officers launched at Ballina Civic offices Nuala Clarke Residency amp accompanying Exhibition by Sf Josephs Community College TY students - Launched at Charlestown Arts Centr Site Visits to Tir Saile and action plan for redev lopment in place Other ongoing work D Bealtaine arts for older people Excel youth arts programme amp

Intercultural Proj ect planning

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Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

th February 2016

o 1916 Artist in Residence at Jackie Clarke Collection community engagement initiatives

o Contributions to directorate review o CRM - Revising Arts Office Databases for upload to system Upcoming events in February 2016 o 19th - Breda Lynch exhibition latmch Linenhall Arts Centre

730pm o 29th - 30 Years Artists Places Ballina Civic Offices continues

until 26th February o Talk from Jenny Brady artist Mayo artwork for above

exhibition 12th and family workshop 18th all details TBC via Ballina Arts Centre

o Artsquad - CE Scheme programme and training monitoring visit 3rd February

bull INVEST Following the completion of the Drone research project an exploratory meeting has been held with GMIT and other local partners to consid r the possibility of testing camera equipped drones in various SAR water safety environments Following on from the IDA Programme Visit by the IDA to Castlebar the team faci litated a one day Mayo site visit by the Global IDA Team A group of IDA executives from across various global IDA offices were briefed on value propositionsstrategic sites in Mayo The Invest Team hosted the first Industry Appreciation Evening to recognise the larger employers across Mayo in association An Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Martin Shanahan CEO IDA The evening was very successful fTom a networking and engagement perspective and saw the launch of the Business Engagement Te m which will provide a d dicated point of contact from within the Enterprise amp Investment Unit for businesses of all size in each Municipal Di strict

bull Local Enterprise Office Th Local Enterprise Office has commenced the 2016 Spring Training Programme with 11 business coursesworkshops on offer throughout the County Further details can be fOlmd at httpswwwlocalenterprisei MayoTraining-EventsOnlineshyBookings The LEO has commenc d reviewing the Local Enterprise Office Enterprise Plan 2015 and is now preparing the 2016 Local Enterprise Plan Showcase one of Irelands biggest trade events of the year featured four craft and design companies from the County thanks to the assistance of the LEO Owner of Rainbow Stained Glass Magdalena Dubaj featured on Nationwide on Wednesday 27th January 2016 Showcase is organized by the Design amp Crafts Council of Ireland WIDa a client company of the LEO has launched the wlDa 33

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Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

t h Februa ry 2016

Ocean One Design yacht (wwwwIDa com) at the 2016 Dusseldorf Boat Show Designed and built by a company based in Mayo the company has tested the market and now has significant plans to develop their capacity to build this and other boats from the County Upcoming events shyThe next MeetMayo event is planned for 29th February in Castlebar

8 Marine Renewable Energy amp Energy On the 20th January MCC EIU represented at launch of SEAlS euro2 0M Better energy Community program Launch for 201 6 Testimonials were requested and submitted to MCC EIU from key personnel involved in energy infrastructural developments in Mayo ie Shell amp Bord Na Mona The testimonials wiH compliment and boost the Energy sector profile currently being drafted promoting key sectors IRBEA National bio energy conference is to take place on 3-02shy2016 DCENR are to provide an Update on RBI (renewable heat inc ntive) and Future RES-E supports

Next Housing Strategic Policy Committee Meeting 8th April 2016

Next LTACC Meeting Date TBC

Housing bull The Incremental Tenant Purchase Scheme is in operation since the 1 st

January 2016 Detai ls of the scheme were circulated t the Elected Members before Christmas

8 The 201 5 Capital Construction Programme target of 55 unit was achieved The preliminary target for 20162017 is 91 units but will increase as new projects and schemes are initiated by the Council and approved by the Department within the E270m three year funding envelope announced for County Mayo earlier this y ar

bull The Housing Assistance Payment (lIAP) comm need in Mayo effectiv from the 16th November 2015 17 approved social housing applicants transitioned onto HAP in Mayo in 20 15 The target for transitions to HAP for Mayo in 201 6 is 600 The scheme will continue to be administered from the Central Housing Office located in Swinford with ongoing i put from the MD Housing Offices

bull Department sanction has been received for the post of Tenancy Sustainment Officer under a two year contract The staffing of this position will fulfil one of the key objectives of the Mayo Homeless Strategy

f) Progress c ntinues to be made on ensuring that vacant house are made fit for letting and subsequ nt offer to persons on the Housing Waiting List The euro 200OOO provided in the 201 6 Revenue Budget will go some of the way towards refurbishing vacant stock returned to the Council in 20]6

bull Survey work and tender document preparation for the Central Heating Programme continues The estimated cost is euro 120m and the programme will be completed in 2016

bull The energy efficiency programme will continue into 20 16 and 201 7 in

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Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

th February 2016

order to dea l with the approximat 500 units still awaiting insulation upgrades

bull Work on a new Anti Social Behaviour Strategy continues and will be brought before the Housing SPC in draft format in due course

bull All hou ing grant applicat ions are being processed and approved if eligible

bull Work continues on implementation of the Traveller Accommodation Plan 201 4-2018

Next Planning Environment amp Agricultural Strategic Policy Committee Meeting Date to be confirmed

Planning bull Planning Applications received - 90 a Piallii ing decisions - 63 bull Planning refu als - 1 bull Files on hand - 11 9 bull Preplanning Applications received shy 16 It Preplanning meetings - 118

Next Planning Environ ment amp Agricultural Strategic Policy Committee Meeting Date to be confi rmed

Environment bull Waste Authorisations - INo grant d bull RMCEI - pr paration of new Plan for 20 16 shy in progress bull Derelict Site reports being updated within each of the Municipal

Districts to identify any further buildings that are derelict but that are not on the existing Register Report includes a r commendation to issue a Section 8(2) - notice of intention to put property on Derelic Sites Register

bull Draft Litter Managem nt Pl an 2016 -20 18 ongoing bull Draft Climate Change Strategy document ongoing bull The Waste Enforcement Regional Authority Office for the Connacht

Ulster Region commenced operations as of the 18th January 2016 bull The Water Framework Directive (WFD) January River Water

Monitoring was completed bull The WFD Drinking Water Abstractions and Section 4 Discharge

Licenses Database collation for submission to the EPAs Catchment Science Unit continued during January

bull Awareness Campaigns - Schedule for Leave no Trace primary schools programme amp ECO

UNESCO secondary school finalised - Details of Stop Food Waste Challenge finalised and promotion

commenced for FeblUary start - Schedule of WEEE Ireland collections for 2016 finalised with

WEEE Ir land - OMIT Stop Food Waste Green Campus Lunch Time talk amp display - Preschool and school workshops - Compo sting questionnaire issued to families ill Belmul1et In

partnership with Tidy Towns

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Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

t h February 2016

- New Year Media Campaign

Next Roads amp Transportation Strategic Policy Committee Meeting 26 th February 2016

Roads bull Both National and Non National (Regional and Local Road) grants have

now been notified to the Council in the sum ofeuro2l 752m and euro44 11 5m respectively for 2016

bull A programme of Regional and Local Road Improvements for the period 2016-201 8 is in the course of preparation An allocation of euro9842m has been received for this programme in 2016

bull N 5 Turlough to Westport A grant of euro9m is available this year to cover archaeology costs land acquisition fenc ing and ground works

bull N5 Bohola - Traffic calming measuressapound ty proposals are being prepared

bull 26 - A design IS being prepared for bridge realignment at Cloongullane

bull N59 - Improvemnt Works continue at Rossow - An allocation of f21 Om has been made available this year for land

acquisition for the Westport to Mulranny road project - R sidual improvement works continue at Mulranny vi llage - Pavement works are under construction at Knockanillaun Ballina

bull N60 - Traffic calming measures are proposed for BreatIy village bull Preliminaryplanning works continue for scheme at Manulla Cross

Heathlawn and L gnamuck bull An allocation of euro584k has been received for bridge rehabilitation

works on various Regional and Local roads e An allocation f f521 k has been received for safety impro ements at

various locations on the regional and local road network bull An application for funding in the Sun1 of euro7542m has been made to the

Dept of Transport for Road re abilitation works as a result of the recent flooding

Water Services Public Water

bull Mayo County Council is working with Irish Water on the transfer of assets these will transfer by Ministerial Order

bull Discussions are ongoing with Irish Water on the 20162017 Annual Service Plan (AS P) and budget

bull Work continues on the Breaffy Sewerage Scheme 40 of phase 1 is now complete investment of approx euro250m

bull Tenders have b en a sessed for the Belmullet Sewerage Scheme tender report is progressing investment of approx euro750m

bull Works on the ext nsion of the Ballina Regional Water Supply Scheme to Bonniconlon are underway on Quay Road scope has been expanded to include ISkIn of mains rehabilitation - investment approx fl OOm

bull Ballina rehabilitation works Phase 1 IS complete Phase 2 has

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Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

th Febru ary 2016

commenced will be complete in March 2016 - investment of approx euro1 50m

bull Tender preparation ongoing for both Foxford amp Charlestown Sewerage Scheme Bundle and Killala Sew rage Scheme - total investment approx euro1 200m

bull Appointment of Consultants for Inishturk water upgrade works has commenced - this project is bundled with Aran Islands

e Lahardane and Belcarra wastewater treatI ent plants upgrades are progressing through the Part 8 planning process Rural Water

bull New Rural Water Multi-Annual Programme 20 16-201 8 just announced Significant changes to funding structure Application for n mds completed

bull Contracts are due to be signed shortly for DBOIA for a 15 year DBO with a whole life cost of euro1 740 million involving 13 separate GWSs Resolut io of a procurement dis ute due shortly

e At Can ract Documents stage for a full mains Rehabilitation of the Cusbin GWS and the Ayle GWS Both of these schemes will be amalgamated and connected to Irish Water when works are completed The estimated cost of these works is euro1 100000

bull Contract due to be signed shortly fo r a mains rehabilitation contract in the Clogher GWS for an estimated cost of euro 650000

bull Work has started on a mains rehabilitation contract on the Attymass GWS for an estimated cost ofE270000

bull Work has started on a mains rehabilitation contract in the Irisbtown GWS for an estimated cost of pound260000

bull Contract due to be signed shortly for a main rehabilitation contract n a section of the Raw Water Mains on the Lough Cumnel GWS for an estimated cost of euro 120000

bull Works completed on the Clew Bay GWS to instaH a GAC 1ilter to resolve a taste and odour issue for an estimated cost of euro115000

bull Contract due to be signed shortly for a full mains rehabilitation contract in the Cahir GWS for an estimated cost ofeuro110 OOO

bull Both the Massbrook Terry GWS and the Aghalonteen GWS are still awaiting additional funding before works can commence Estimated costs of euro4 24000 and euro140 000 New funding structure for new GWS which should allow works to progress in 2016

bull Cushlough Group Water Scheme is being progressed as a Pilot Taking in Charge scheme in partnership with Irish Water and the DECLG

Corporate Affairs The Council s Management Team indoor and outdoor employees Civil Defence Volunteers and Fire Service Personnel continued to respond on 2417365 basis to the impact of severe weather conditions throughout January protecting lives private and public property and carrying out humanitarian activities as required


Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8th Fe 2016

Date of SPC Meetings and other relevant meetings notified

Next Cu lture Education Heritage Corporate Affairs and Emergency Services Strategic Policy Committee Meeting Date to be confirmed

bull The Council met with the Residents of Crossmolina on 121116 to discuss their requirements for addressing fl ood defences at Crossmolina and a meeting with OPW took place on 2801 2016 to outline to them the various works throughout the whole county which the Council considered need to be addressed

bull There are cUlTently 87 Gateway Participants employed by the Council Th Gateway Scheme has been extended and new pa11icipants will be re fUitd over the coming months as the existing participants I ave

bull Arrangements will be made to interview 178 applicants for general operative posts who have emerged from the short listing process Panels will be fonned for ach Municipal District and the numbers recruited will be dependent on receipt of sanction from the Department of Environment Community and Local Government and availability of funding

bull Work on the pilot project for the installation of energy reducing solar panels at Aras an Contae Castlebar funded from the specific innovation fund provided in the Council Budgets 201312015 has now commenced

$ The investigation into the tragic death of the late Mr John Mc Nicholas RIP is ongoing Welfare and support services continue to be provided to th relevant Council employees

Finance bull Monthly Report attached


Mayo County Council FINANCIAL REVIEW February 2016

1 Major Expenditure and Income by Division with 2015 Adopted Budget Twelve months ended 31st December 2015


Service Exp To Date Budget Remaining Spent Inc To Date Budget Not Recd Recd

Division Description Decmiddot15 2015 2015 2015 Dec-iS 2015 2015 2015

A Housing and Building 14578703 16033087 1454384 91 15290882 16247670 956788 94 B Roads Transport and Safety 32 774466 33269120 494654 99 26881472 27143978 262506 99 C Water Services 1661 4759 15185781 -1428978 109 19413383 17445201 -1968182 111 D Development Management 8453748 7844635 -609113 108 3202319 2492500 -709819 128 E Environmental Services 19405878 18899492 -506386 103 10677321 10627596 -49 725 100 F Recreation and Amenity 9900605 8659829 -1240776 114 2991267 2012700 -978567 149 G Agriculture Education Health and Welfare 2620264 3774757 1154493 69 1747540 2801170 1053630 62 H Miscellaneous Services 10548731 9312708 -1236023 113 3701186 1809000 -1892186 205 J Central Management Charges 14626191 14559598 -66593 100 418539 1584000 1165461 26

Rates 25847339 26053906 206567 99 Local Government Fund 17171286 17171 286 0 100 Pension Related Deduction 2106427 2150 000 43573 98

GRAND TOTAL 129523345 127539007 -1984337 102 129448959 127539007 -1909952 101

2 Performance of Local Authority Revenue Collection Levels

Rents Rates Housing Loans

Total for collection 7060939

23867796 4829331

Collected Dec-i5

5957190 19717943 3271864

Arrears Dec-iS

1103749 4149853 1557467


84 83 68

3 Recourse to Overdraft Facility

Number of days in overdraft Estimated Interest incurred

o o

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

th February 2016

There will now onJy be one whole-of-county Strategy submitted by the LCDC for Mayo Community Action on Dementia Mayo secured an allocation of euro200000 through the HSE for 2016 with support from the Taoiseach s offic and others This will allo the three project staff to transition from the Genio funded pilot project to a more mainstreamed HSE servic Attended launch of the Charter for Rural IreJand launched by An

aoiseach at the end of January The Charter is a statement of Government commitment to support regeneration and fu ture sustainable development of rural conununities

e Mayo Sports Partnership National Operation Transformation Walk Day took place on Saturday 9th January with over 2000 people participating in locations such as Ballina Ballyhaunis Erris Castlebar Claremorris Kiltimagh and Westport BaJJybaunis Cricket Practice area funded through Dormant Account Community Sports Hub funding from Sport Ireland opened on Friday 29th January by Minister of State for Sport and Touri sm Michael Ring Approx 100 attended this community event with activi ies organised by Goal to Work trainee coaches 12 Goal to Work Ballyhaunis trainee coaches are now ready to go in to local primary schools on work placement after receiving training in Basketball Cricket Soccer and Hurling Upcoming Events - Launch of the Erris Parkrun on Sat 20th February

It Mayo County Childcare Committee Training - The National Learner Fund 4 for 20 16 is now being implemented locally This national fund is aim d at providing financial and training supports to staff currently working in the early years services to gain qualifications to meet the legal requirements being introduced through new legislation Conducted Qualifications Audit of all staff working in childcare in Mayo Processed approximately 274 replies during January

fl Arts Creative Connections - Arts and Disability Ireland Conference and Showcase - pr s ntation of Mayo s Silent Moves Ignite Commission (DOC) 30 Years Artists Places Exhibition in Partnership with The Association of Local Authority Arts Officers launched at Ballina Civic offices Nuala Clarke Residency amp accompanying Exhibition by Sf Josephs Community College TY students - Launched at Charlestown Arts Centr Site Visits to Tir Saile and action plan for redev lopment in place Other ongoing work D Bealtaine arts for older people Excel youth arts programme amp

Intercultural Proj ect planning

Page 3 of 9

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

th February 2016

o 1916 Artist in Residence at Jackie Clarke Collection community engagement initiatives

o Contributions to directorate review o CRM - Revising Arts Office Databases for upload to system Upcoming events in February 2016 o 19th - Breda Lynch exhibition latmch Linenhall Arts Centre

730pm o 29th - 30 Years Artists Places Ballina Civic Offices continues

until 26th February o Talk from Jenny Brady artist Mayo artwork for above

exhibition 12th and family workshop 18th all details TBC via Ballina Arts Centre

o Artsquad - CE Scheme programme and training monitoring visit 3rd February

bull INVEST Following the completion of the Drone research project an exploratory meeting has been held with GMIT and other local partners to consid r the possibility of testing camera equipped drones in various SAR water safety environments Following on from the IDA Programme Visit by the IDA to Castlebar the team faci litated a one day Mayo site visit by the Global IDA Team A group of IDA executives from across various global IDA offices were briefed on value propositionsstrategic sites in Mayo The Invest Team hosted the first Industry Appreciation Evening to recognise the larger employers across Mayo in association An Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Martin Shanahan CEO IDA The evening was very successful fTom a networking and engagement perspective and saw the launch of the Business Engagement Te m which will provide a d dicated point of contact from within the Enterprise amp Investment Unit for businesses of all size in each Municipal Di strict

bull Local Enterprise Office Th Local Enterprise Office has commenced the 2016 Spring Training Programme with 11 business coursesworkshops on offer throughout the County Further details can be fOlmd at httpswwwlocalenterprisei MayoTraining-EventsOnlineshyBookings The LEO has commenc d reviewing the Local Enterprise Office Enterprise Plan 2015 and is now preparing the 2016 Local Enterprise Plan Showcase one of Irelands biggest trade events of the year featured four craft and design companies from the County thanks to the assistance of the LEO Owner of Rainbow Stained Glass Magdalena Dubaj featured on Nationwide on Wednesday 27th January 2016 Showcase is organized by the Design amp Crafts Council of Ireland WIDa a client company of the LEO has launched the wlDa 33

Page 4 of9

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

t h Februa ry 2016

Ocean One Design yacht (wwwwIDa com) at the 2016 Dusseldorf Boat Show Designed and built by a company based in Mayo the company has tested the market and now has significant plans to develop their capacity to build this and other boats from the County Upcoming events shyThe next MeetMayo event is planned for 29th February in Castlebar

8 Marine Renewable Energy amp Energy On the 20th January MCC EIU represented at launch of SEAlS euro2 0M Better energy Community program Launch for 201 6 Testimonials were requested and submitted to MCC EIU from key personnel involved in energy infrastructural developments in Mayo ie Shell amp Bord Na Mona The testimonials wiH compliment and boost the Energy sector profile currently being drafted promoting key sectors IRBEA National bio energy conference is to take place on 3-02shy2016 DCENR are to provide an Update on RBI (renewable heat inc ntive) and Future RES-E supports

Next Housing Strategic Policy Committee Meeting 8th April 2016

Next LTACC Meeting Date TBC

Housing bull The Incremental Tenant Purchase Scheme is in operation since the 1 st

January 2016 Detai ls of the scheme were circulated t the Elected Members before Christmas

8 The 201 5 Capital Construction Programme target of 55 unit was achieved The preliminary target for 20162017 is 91 units but will increase as new projects and schemes are initiated by the Council and approved by the Department within the E270m three year funding envelope announced for County Mayo earlier this y ar

bull The Housing Assistance Payment (lIAP) comm need in Mayo effectiv from the 16th November 2015 17 approved social housing applicants transitioned onto HAP in Mayo in 20 15 The target for transitions to HAP for Mayo in 201 6 is 600 The scheme will continue to be administered from the Central Housing Office located in Swinford with ongoing i put from the MD Housing Offices

bull Department sanction has been received for the post of Tenancy Sustainment Officer under a two year contract The staffing of this position will fulfil one of the key objectives of the Mayo Homeless Strategy

f) Progress c ntinues to be made on ensuring that vacant house are made fit for letting and subsequ nt offer to persons on the Housing Waiting List The euro 200OOO provided in the 201 6 Revenue Budget will go some of the way towards refurbishing vacant stock returned to the Council in 20]6

bull Survey work and tender document preparation for the Central Heating Programme continues The estimated cost is euro 120m and the programme will be completed in 2016

bull The energy efficiency programme will continue into 20 16 and 201 7 in

Page 5 of 9

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

th February 2016

order to dea l with the approximat 500 units still awaiting insulation upgrades

bull Work on a new Anti Social Behaviour Strategy continues and will be brought before the Housing SPC in draft format in due course

bull All hou ing grant applicat ions are being processed and approved if eligible

bull Work continues on implementation of the Traveller Accommodation Plan 201 4-2018

Next Planning Environment amp Agricultural Strategic Policy Committee Meeting Date to be confirmed

Planning bull Planning Applications received - 90 a Piallii ing decisions - 63 bull Planning refu als - 1 bull Files on hand - 11 9 bull Preplanning Applications received shy 16 It Preplanning meetings - 118

Next Planning Environ ment amp Agricultural Strategic Policy Committee Meeting Date to be confi rmed

Environment bull Waste Authorisations - INo grant d bull RMCEI - pr paration of new Plan for 20 16 shy in progress bull Derelict Site reports being updated within each of the Municipal

Districts to identify any further buildings that are derelict but that are not on the existing Register Report includes a r commendation to issue a Section 8(2) - notice of intention to put property on Derelic Sites Register

bull Draft Litter Managem nt Pl an 2016 -20 18 ongoing bull Draft Climate Change Strategy document ongoing bull The Waste Enforcement Regional Authority Office for the Connacht

Ulster Region commenced operations as of the 18th January 2016 bull The Water Framework Directive (WFD) January River Water

Monitoring was completed bull The WFD Drinking Water Abstractions and Section 4 Discharge

Licenses Database collation for submission to the EPAs Catchment Science Unit continued during January

bull Awareness Campaigns - Schedule for Leave no Trace primary schools programme amp ECO

UNESCO secondary school finalised - Details of Stop Food Waste Challenge finalised and promotion

commenced for FeblUary start - Schedule of WEEE Ireland collections for 2016 finalised with

WEEE Ir land - OMIT Stop Food Waste Green Campus Lunch Time talk amp display - Preschool and school workshops - Compo sting questionnaire issued to families ill Belmul1et In

partnership with Tidy Towns

Page 6 of 9

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

t h February 2016

- New Year Media Campaign

Next Roads amp Transportation Strategic Policy Committee Meeting 26 th February 2016

Roads bull Both National and Non National (Regional and Local Road) grants have

now been notified to the Council in the sum ofeuro2l 752m and euro44 11 5m respectively for 2016

bull A programme of Regional and Local Road Improvements for the period 2016-201 8 is in the course of preparation An allocation of euro9842m has been received for this programme in 2016

bull N 5 Turlough to Westport A grant of euro9m is available this year to cover archaeology costs land acquisition fenc ing and ground works

bull N5 Bohola - Traffic calming measuressapound ty proposals are being prepared

bull 26 - A design IS being prepared for bridge realignment at Cloongullane

bull N59 - Improvemnt Works continue at Rossow - An allocation of f21 Om has been made available this year for land

acquisition for the Westport to Mulranny road project - R sidual improvement works continue at Mulranny vi llage - Pavement works are under construction at Knockanillaun Ballina

bull N60 - Traffic calming measures are proposed for BreatIy village bull Preliminaryplanning works continue for scheme at Manulla Cross

Heathlawn and L gnamuck bull An allocation of euro584k has been received for bridge rehabilitation

works on various Regional and Local roads e An allocation f f521 k has been received for safety impro ements at

various locations on the regional and local road network bull An application for funding in the Sun1 of euro7542m has been made to the

Dept of Transport for Road re abilitation works as a result of the recent flooding

Water Services Public Water

bull Mayo County Council is working with Irish Water on the transfer of assets these will transfer by Ministerial Order

bull Discussions are ongoing with Irish Water on the 20162017 Annual Service Plan (AS P) and budget

bull Work continues on the Breaffy Sewerage Scheme 40 of phase 1 is now complete investment of approx euro250m

bull Tenders have b en a sessed for the Belmullet Sewerage Scheme tender report is progressing investment of approx euro750m

bull Works on the ext nsion of the Ballina Regional Water Supply Scheme to Bonniconlon are underway on Quay Road scope has been expanded to include ISkIn of mains rehabilitation - investment approx fl OOm

bull Ballina rehabilitation works Phase 1 IS complete Phase 2 has

Page 7 of9

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

th Febru ary 2016

commenced will be complete in March 2016 - investment of approx euro1 50m

bull Tender preparation ongoing for both Foxford amp Charlestown Sewerage Scheme Bundle and Killala Sew rage Scheme - total investment approx euro1 200m

bull Appointment of Consultants for Inishturk water upgrade works has commenced - this project is bundled with Aran Islands

e Lahardane and Belcarra wastewater treatI ent plants upgrades are progressing through the Part 8 planning process Rural Water

bull New Rural Water Multi-Annual Programme 20 16-201 8 just announced Significant changes to funding structure Application for n mds completed

bull Contracts are due to be signed shortly for DBOIA for a 15 year DBO with a whole life cost of euro1 740 million involving 13 separate GWSs Resolut io of a procurement dis ute due shortly

e At Can ract Documents stage for a full mains Rehabilitation of the Cusbin GWS and the Ayle GWS Both of these schemes will be amalgamated and connected to Irish Water when works are completed The estimated cost of these works is euro1 100000

bull Contract due to be signed shortly fo r a mains rehabilitation contract in the Clogher GWS for an estimated cost of euro 650000

bull Work has started on a mains rehabilitation contract on the Attymass GWS for an estimated cost ofE270000

bull Work has started on a mains rehabilitation contract in the Irisbtown GWS for an estimated cost of pound260000

bull Contract due to be signed shortly for a main rehabilitation contract n a section of the Raw Water Mains on the Lough Cumnel GWS for an estimated cost of euro 120000

bull Works completed on the Clew Bay GWS to instaH a GAC 1ilter to resolve a taste and odour issue for an estimated cost of euro115000

bull Contract due to be signed shortly for a full mains rehabilitation contract in the Cahir GWS for an estimated cost ofeuro110 OOO

bull Both the Massbrook Terry GWS and the Aghalonteen GWS are still awaiting additional funding before works can commence Estimated costs of euro4 24000 and euro140 000 New funding structure for new GWS which should allow works to progress in 2016

bull Cushlough Group Water Scheme is being progressed as a Pilot Taking in Charge scheme in partnership with Irish Water and the DECLG

Corporate Affairs The Council s Management Team indoor and outdoor employees Civil Defence Volunteers and Fire Service Personnel continued to respond on 2417365 basis to the impact of severe weather conditions throughout January protecting lives private and public property and carrying out humanitarian activities as required


Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8th Fe 2016

Date of SPC Meetings and other relevant meetings notified

Next Cu lture Education Heritage Corporate Affairs and Emergency Services Strategic Policy Committee Meeting Date to be confirmed

bull The Council met with the Residents of Crossmolina on 121116 to discuss their requirements for addressing fl ood defences at Crossmolina and a meeting with OPW took place on 2801 2016 to outline to them the various works throughout the whole county which the Council considered need to be addressed

bull There are cUlTently 87 Gateway Participants employed by the Council Th Gateway Scheme has been extended and new pa11icipants will be re fUitd over the coming months as the existing participants I ave

bull Arrangements will be made to interview 178 applicants for general operative posts who have emerged from the short listing process Panels will be fonned for ach Municipal District and the numbers recruited will be dependent on receipt of sanction from the Department of Environment Community and Local Government and availability of funding

bull Work on the pilot project for the installation of energy reducing solar panels at Aras an Contae Castlebar funded from the specific innovation fund provided in the Council Budgets 201312015 has now commenced

$ The investigation into the tragic death of the late Mr John Mc Nicholas RIP is ongoing Welfare and support services continue to be provided to th relevant Council employees

Finance bull Monthly Report attached


Mayo County Council FINANCIAL REVIEW February 2016

1 Major Expenditure and Income by Division with 2015 Adopted Budget Twelve months ended 31st December 2015


Service Exp To Date Budget Remaining Spent Inc To Date Budget Not Recd Recd

Division Description Decmiddot15 2015 2015 2015 Dec-iS 2015 2015 2015

A Housing and Building 14578703 16033087 1454384 91 15290882 16247670 956788 94 B Roads Transport and Safety 32 774466 33269120 494654 99 26881472 27143978 262506 99 C Water Services 1661 4759 15185781 -1428978 109 19413383 17445201 -1968182 111 D Development Management 8453748 7844635 -609113 108 3202319 2492500 -709819 128 E Environmental Services 19405878 18899492 -506386 103 10677321 10627596 -49 725 100 F Recreation and Amenity 9900605 8659829 -1240776 114 2991267 2012700 -978567 149 G Agriculture Education Health and Welfare 2620264 3774757 1154493 69 1747540 2801170 1053630 62 H Miscellaneous Services 10548731 9312708 -1236023 113 3701186 1809000 -1892186 205 J Central Management Charges 14626191 14559598 -66593 100 418539 1584000 1165461 26

Rates 25847339 26053906 206567 99 Local Government Fund 17171286 17171 286 0 100 Pension Related Deduction 2106427 2150 000 43573 98

GRAND TOTAL 129523345 127539007 -1984337 102 129448959 127539007 -1909952 101

2 Performance of Local Authority Revenue Collection Levels

Rents Rates Housing Loans

Total for collection 7060939

23867796 4829331

Collected Dec-i5

5957190 19717943 3271864

Arrears Dec-iS

1103749 4149853 1557467


84 83 68

3 Recourse to Overdraft Facility

Number of days in overdraft Estimated Interest incurred

o o

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

th February 2016

o 1916 Artist in Residence at Jackie Clarke Collection community engagement initiatives

o Contributions to directorate review o CRM - Revising Arts Office Databases for upload to system Upcoming events in February 2016 o 19th - Breda Lynch exhibition latmch Linenhall Arts Centre

730pm o 29th - 30 Years Artists Places Ballina Civic Offices continues

until 26th February o Talk from Jenny Brady artist Mayo artwork for above

exhibition 12th and family workshop 18th all details TBC via Ballina Arts Centre

o Artsquad - CE Scheme programme and training monitoring visit 3rd February

bull INVEST Following the completion of the Drone research project an exploratory meeting has been held with GMIT and other local partners to consid r the possibility of testing camera equipped drones in various SAR water safety environments Following on from the IDA Programme Visit by the IDA to Castlebar the team faci litated a one day Mayo site visit by the Global IDA Team A group of IDA executives from across various global IDA offices were briefed on value propositionsstrategic sites in Mayo The Invest Team hosted the first Industry Appreciation Evening to recognise the larger employers across Mayo in association An Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Martin Shanahan CEO IDA The evening was very successful fTom a networking and engagement perspective and saw the launch of the Business Engagement Te m which will provide a d dicated point of contact from within the Enterprise amp Investment Unit for businesses of all size in each Municipal Di strict

bull Local Enterprise Office Th Local Enterprise Office has commenced the 2016 Spring Training Programme with 11 business coursesworkshops on offer throughout the County Further details can be fOlmd at httpswwwlocalenterprisei MayoTraining-EventsOnlineshyBookings The LEO has commenc d reviewing the Local Enterprise Office Enterprise Plan 2015 and is now preparing the 2016 Local Enterprise Plan Showcase one of Irelands biggest trade events of the year featured four craft and design companies from the County thanks to the assistance of the LEO Owner of Rainbow Stained Glass Magdalena Dubaj featured on Nationwide on Wednesday 27th January 2016 Showcase is organized by the Design amp Crafts Council of Ireland WIDa a client company of the LEO has launched the wlDa 33

Page 4 of9

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

t h Februa ry 2016

Ocean One Design yacht (wwwwIDa com) at the 2016 Dusseldorf Boat Show Designed and built by a company based in Mayo the company has tested the market and now has significant plans to develop their capacity to build this and other boats from the County Upcoming events shyThe next MeetMayo event is planned for 29th February in Castlebar

8 Marine Renewable Energy amp Energy On the 20th January MCC EIU represented at launch of SEAlS euro2 0M Better energy Community program Launch for 201 6 Testimonials were requested and submitted to MCC EIU from key personnel involved in energy infrastructural developments in Mayo ie Shell amp Bord Na Mona The testimonials wiH compliment and boost the Energy sector profile currently being drafted promoting key sectors IRBEA National bio energy conference is to take place on 3-02shy2016 DCENR are to provide an Update on RBI (renewable heat inc ntive) and Future RES-E supports

Next Housing Strategic Policy Committee Meeting 8th April 2016

Next LTACC Meeting Date TBC

Housing bull The Incremental Tenant Purchase Scheme is in operation since the 1 st

January 2016 Detai ls of the scheme were circulated t the Elected Members before Christmas

8 The 201 5 Capital Construction Programme target of 55 unit was achieved The preliminary target for 20162017 is 91 units but will increase as new projects and schemes are initiated by the Council and approved by the Department within the E270m three year funding envelope announced for County Mayo earlier this y ar

bull The Housing Assistance Payment (lIAP) comm need in Mayo effectiv from the 16th November 2015 17 approved social housing applicants transitioned onto HAP in Mayo in 20 15 The target for transitions to HAP for Mayo in 201 6 is 600 The scheme will continue to be administered from the Central Housing Office located in Swinford with ongoing i put from the MD Housing Offices

bull Department sanction has been received for the post of Tenancy Sustainment Officer under a two year contract The staffing of this position will fulfil one of the key objectives of the Mayo Homeless Strategy

f) Progress c ntinues to be made on ensuring that vacant house are made fit for letting and subsequ nt offer to persons on the Housing Waiting List The euro 200OOO provided in the 201 6 Revenue Budget will go some of the way towards refurbishing vacant stock returned to the Council in 20]6

bull Survey work and tender document preparation for the Central Heating Programme continues The estimated cost is euro 120m and the programme will be completed in 2016

bull The energy efficiency programme will continue into 20 16 and 201 7 in

Page 5 of 9

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

th February 2016

order to dea l with the approximat 500 units still awaiting insulation upgrades

bull Work on a new Anti Social Behaviour Strategy continues and will be brought before the Housing SPC in draft format in due course

bull All hou ing grant applicat ions are being processed and approved if eligible

bull Work continues on implementation of the Traveller Accommodation Plan 201 4-2018

Next Planning Environment amp Agricultural Strategic Policy Committee Meeting Date to be confirmed

Planning bull Planning Applications received - 90 a Piallii ing decisions - 63 bull Planning refu als - 1 bull Files on hand - 11 9 bull Preplanning Applications received shy 16 It Preplanning meetings - 118

Next Planning Environ ment amp Agricultural Strategic Policy Committee Meeting Date to be confi rmed

Environment bull Waste Authorisations - INo grant d bull RMCEI - pr paration of new Plan for 20 16 shy in progress bull Derelict Site reports being updated within each of the Municipal

Districts to identify any further buildings that are derelict but that are not on the existing Register Report includes a r commendation to issue a Section 8(2) - notice of intention to put property on Derelic Sites Register

bull Draft Litter Managem nt Pl an 2016 -20 18 ongoing bull Draft Climate Change Strategy document ongoing bull The Waste Enforcement Regional Authority Office for the Connacht

Ulster Region commenced operations as of the 18th January 2016 bull The Water Framework Directive (WFD) January River Water

Monitoring was completed bull The WFD Drinking Water Abstractions and Section 4 Discharge

Licenses Database collation for submission to the EPAs Catchment Science Unit continued during January

bull Awareness Campaigns - Schedule for Leave no Trace primary schools programme amp ECO

UNESCO secondary school finalised - Details of Stop Food Waste Challenge finalised and promotion

commenced for FeblUary start - Schedule of WEEE Ireland collections for 2016 finalised with

WEEE Ir land - OMIT Stop Food Waste Green Campus Lunch Time talk amp display - Preschool and school workshops - Compo sting questionnaire issued to families ill Belmul1et In

partnership with Tidy Towns

Page 6 of 9

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

t h February 2016

- New Year Media Campaign

Next Roads amp Transportation Strategic Policy Committee Meeting 26 th February 2016

Roads bull Both National and Non National (Regional and Local Road) grants have

now been notified to the Council in the sum ofeuro2l 752m and euro44 11 5m respectively for 2016

bull A programme of Regional and Local Road Improvements for the period 2016-201 8 is in the course of preparation An allocation of euro9842m has been received for this programme in 2016

bull N 5 Turlough to Westport A grant of euro9m is available this year to cover archaeology costs land acquisition fenc ing and ground works

bull N5 Bohola - Traffic calming measuressapound ty proposals are being prepared

bull 26 - A design IS being prepared for bridge realignment at Cloongullane

bull N59 - Improvemnt Works continue at Rossow - An allocation of f21 Om has been made available this year for land

acquisition for the Westport to Mulranny road project - R sidual improvement works continue at Mulranny vi llage - Pavement works are under construction at Knockanillaun Ballina

bull N60 - Traffic calming measures are proposed for BreatIy village bull Preliminaryplanning works continue for scheme at Manulla Cross

Heathlawn and L gnamuck bull An allocation of euro584k has been received for bridge rehabilitation

works on various Regional and Local roads e An allocation f f521 k has been received for safety impro ements at

various locations on the regional and local road network bull An application for funding in the Sun1 of euro7542m has been made to the

Dept of Transport for Road re abilitation works as a result of the recent flooding

Water Services Public Water

bull Mayo County Council is working with Irish Water on the transfer of assets these will transfer by Ministerial Order

bull Discussions are ongoing with Irish Water on the 20162017 Annual Service Plan (AS P) and budget

bull Work continues on the Breaffy Sewerage Scheme 40 of phase 1 is now complete investment of approx euro250m

bull Tenders have b en a sessed for the Belmullet Sewerage Scheme tender report is progressing investment of approx euro750m

bull Works on the ext nsion of the Ballina Regional Water Supply Scheme to Bonniconlon are underway on Quay Road scope has been expanded to include ISkIn of mains rehabilitation - investment approx fl OOm

bull Ballina rehabilitation works Phase 1 IS complete Phase 2 has

Page 7 of9

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

th Febru ary 2016

commenced will be complete in March 2016 - investment of approx euro1 50m

bull Tender preparation ongoing for both Foxford amp Charlestown Sewerage Scheme Bundle and Killala Sew rage Scheme - total investment approx euro1 200m

bull Appointment of Consultants for Inishturk water upgrade works has commenced - this project is bundled with Aran Islands

e Lahardane and Belcarra wastewater treatI ent plants upgrades are progressing through the Part 8 planning process Rural Water

bull New Rural Water Multi-Annual Programme 20 16-201 8 just announced Significant changes to funding structure Application for n mds completed

bull Contracts are due to be signed shortly for DBOIA for a 15 year DBO with a whole life cost of euro1 740 million involving 13 separate GWSs Resolut io of a procurement dis ute due shortly

e At Can ract Documents stage for a full mains Rehabilitation of the Cusbin GWS and the Ayle GWS Both of these schemes will be amalgamated and connected to Irish Water when works are completed The estimated cost of these works is euro1 100000

bull Contract due to be signed shortly fo r a mains rehabilitation contract in the Clogher GWS for an estimated cost of euro 650000

bull Work has started on a mains rehabilitation contract on the Attymass GWS for an estimated cost ofE270000

bull Work has started on a mains rehabilitation contract in the Irisbtown GWS for an estimated cost of pound260000

bull Contract due to be signed shortly for a main rehabilitation contract n a section of the Raw Water Mains on the Lough Cumnel GWS for an estimated cost of euro 120000

bull Works completed on the Clew Bay GWS to instaH a GAC 1ilter to resolve a taste and odour issue for an estimated cost of euro115000

bull Contract due to be signed shortly for a full mains rehabilitation contract in the Cahir GWS for an estimated cost ofeuro110 OOO

bull Both the Massbrook Terry GWS and the Aghalonteen GWS are still awaiting additional funding before works can commence Estimated costs of euro4 24000 and euro140 000 New funding structure for new GWS which should allow works to progress in 2016

bull Cushlough Group Water Scheme is being progressed as a Pilot Taking in Charge scheme in partnership with Irish Water and the DECLG

Corporate Affairs The Council s Management Team indoor and outdoor employees Civil Defence Volunteers and Fire Service Personnel continued to respond on 2417365 basis to the impact of severe weather conditions throughout January protecting lives private and public property and carrying out humanitarian activities as required


Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8th Fe 2016

Date of SPC Meetings and other relevant meetings notified

Next Cu lture Education Heritage Corporate Affairs and Emergency Services Strategic Policy Committee Meeting Date to be confirmed

bull The Council met with the Residents of Crossmolina on 121116 to discuss their requirements for addressing fl ood defences at Crossmolina and a meeting with OPW took place on 2801 2016 to outline to them the various works throughout the whole county which the Council considered need to be addressed

bull There are cUlTently 87 Gateway Participants employed by the Council Th Gateway Scheme has been extended and new pa11icipants will be re fUitd over the coming months as the existing participants I ave

bull Arrangements will be made to interview 178 applicants for general operative posts who have emerged from the short listing process Panels will be fonned for ach Municipal District and the numbers recruited will be dependent on receipt of sanction from the Department of Environment Community and Local Government and availability of funding

bull Work on the pilot project for the installation of energy reducing solar panels at Aras an Contae Castlebar funded from the specific innovation fund provided in the Council Budgets 201312015 has now commenced

$ The investigation into the tragic death of the late Mr John Mc Nicholas RIP is ongoing Welfare and support services continue to be provided to th relevant Council employees

Finance bull Monthly Report attached


Mayo County Council FINANCIAL REVIEW February 2016

1 Major Expenditure and Income by Division with 2015 Adopted Budget Twelve months ended 31st December 2015


Service Exp To Date Budget Remaining Spent Inc To Date Budget Not Recd Recd

Division Description Decmiddot15 2015 2015 2015 Dec-iS 2015 2015 2015

A Housing and Building 14578703 16033087 1454384 91 15290882 16247670 956788 94 B Roads Transport and Safety 32 774466 33269120 494654 99 26881472 27143978 262506 99 C Water Services 1661 4759 15185781 -1428978 109 19413383 17445201 -1968182 111 D Development Management 8453748 7844635 -609113 108 3202319 2492500 -709819 128 E Environmental Services 19405878 18899492 -506386 103 10677321 10627596 -49 725 100 F Recreation and Amenity 9900605 8659829 -1240776 114 2991267 2012700 -978567 149 G Agriculture Education Health and Welfare 2620264 3774757 1154493 69 1747540 2801170 1053630 62 H Miscellaneous Services 10548731 9312708 -1236023 113 3701186 1809000 -1892186 205 J Central Management Charges 14626191 14559598 -66593 100 418539 1584000 1165461 26

Rates 25847339 26053906 206567 99 Local Government Fund 17171286 17171 286 0 100 Pension Related Deduction 2106427 2150 000 43573 98

GRAND TOTAL 129523345 127539007 -1984337 102 129448959 127539007 -1909952 101

2 Performance of Local Authority Revenue Collection Levels

Rents Rates Housing Loans

Total for collection 7060939

23867796 4829331

Collected Dec-i5

5957190 19717943 3271864

Arrears Dec-iS

1103749 4149853 1557467


84 83 68

3 Recourse to Overdraft Facility

Number of days in overdraft Estimated Interest incurred

o o

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

t h Februa ry 2016

Ocean One Design yacht (wwwwIDa com) at the 2016 Dusseldorf Boat Show Designed and built by a company based in Mayo the company has tested the market and now has significant plans to develop their capacity to build this and other boats from the County Upcoming events shyThe next MeetMayo event is planned for 29th February in Castlebar

8 Marine Renewable Energy amp Energy On the 20th January MCC EIU represented at launch of SEAlS euro2 0M Better energy Community program Launch for 201 6 Testimonials were requested and submitted to MCC EIU from key personnel involved in energy infrastructural developments in Mayo ie Shell amp Bord Na Mona The testimonials wiH compliment and boost the Energy sector profile currently being drafted promoting key sectors IRBEA National bio energy conference is to take place on 3-02shy2016 DCENR are to provide an Update on RBI (renewable heat inc ntive) and Future RES-E supports

Next Housing Strategic Policy Committee Meeting 8th April 2016

Next LTACC Meeting Date TBC

Housing bull The Incremental Tenant Purchase Scheme is in operation since the 1 st

January 2016 Detai ls of the scheme were circulated t the Elected Members before Christmas

8 The 201 5 Capital Construction Programme target of 55 unit was achieved The preliminary target for 20162017 is 91 units but will increase as new projects and schemes are initiated by the Council and approved by the Department within the E270m three year funding envelope announced for County Mayo earlier this y ar

bull The Housing Assistance Payment (lIAP) comm need in Mayo effectiv from the 16th November 2015 17 approved social housing applicants transitioned onto HAP in Mayo in 20 15 The target for transitions to HAP for Mayo in 201 6 is 600 The scheme will continue to be administered from the Central Housing Office located in Swinford with ongoing i put from the MD Housing Offices

bull Department sanction has been received for the post of Tenancy Sustainment Officer under a two year contract The staffing of this position will fulfil one of the key objectives of the Mayo Homeless Strategy

f) Progress c ntinues to be made on ensuring that vacant house are made fit for letting and subsequ nt offer to persons on the Housing Waiting List The euro 200OOO provided in the 201 6 Revenue Budget will go some of the way towards refurbishing vacant stock returned to the Council in 20]6

bull Survey work and tender document preparation for the Central Heating Programme continues The estimated cost is euro 120m and the programme will be completed in 2016

bull The energy efficiency programme will continue into 20 16 and 201 7 in

Page 5 of 9

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

th February 2016

order to dea l with the approximat 500 units still awaiting insulation upgrades

bull Work on a new Anti Social Behaviour Strategy continues and will be brought before the Housing SPC in draft format in due course

bull All hou ing grant applicat ions are being processed and approved if eligible

bull Work continues on implementation of the Traveller Accommodation Plan 201 4-2018

Next Planning Environment amp Agricultural Strategic Policy Committee Meeting Date to be confirmed

Planning bull Planning Applications received - 90 a Piallii ing decisions - 63 bull Planning refu als - 1 bull Files on hand - 11 9 bull Preplanning Applications received shy 16 It Preplanning meetings - 118

Next Planning Environ ment amp Agricultural Strategic Policy Committee Meeting Date to be confi rmed

Environment bull Waste Authorisations - INo grant d bull RMCEI - pr paration of new Plan for 20 16 shy in progress bull Derelict Site reports being updated within each of the Municipal

Districts to identify any further buildings that are derelict but that are not on the existing Register Report includes a r commendation to issue a Section 8(2) - notice of intention to put property on Derelic Sites Register

bull Draft Litter Managem nt Pl an 2016 -20 18 ongoing bull Draft Climate Change Strategy document ongoing bull The Waste Enforcement Regional Authority Office for the Connacht

Ulster Region commenced operations as of the 18th January 2016 bull The Water Framework Directive (WFD) January River Water

Monitoring was completed bull The WFD Drinking Water Abstractions and Section 4 Discharge

Licenses Database collation for submission to the EPAs Catchment Science Unit continued during January

bull Awareness Campaigns - Schedule for Leave no Trace primary schools programme amp ECO

UNESCO secondary school finalised - Details of Stop Food Waste Challenge finalised and promotion

commenced for FeblUary start - Schedule of WEEE Ireland collections for 2016 finalised with

WEEE Ir land - OMIT Stop Food Waste Green Campus Lunch Time talk amp display - Preschool and school workshops - Compo sting questionnaire issued to families ill Belmul1et In

partnership with Tidy Towns

Page 6 of 9

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

t h February 2016

- New Year Media Campaign

Next Roads amp Transportation Strategic Policy Committee Meeting 26 th February 2016

Roads bull Both National and Non National (Regional and Local Road) grants have

now been notified to the Council in the sum ofeuro2l 752m and euro44 11 5m respectively for 2016

bull A programme of Regional and Local Road Improvements for the period 2016-201 8 is in the course of preparation An allocation of euro9842m has been received for this programme in 2016

bull N 5 Turlough to Westport A grant of euro9m is available this year to cover archaeology costs land acquisition fenc ing and ground works

bull N5 Bohola - Traffic calming measuressapound ty proposals are being prepared

bull 26 - A design IS being prepared for bridge realignment at Cloongullane

bull N59 - Improvemnt Works continue at Rossow - An allocation of f21 Om has been made available this year for land

acquisition for the Westport to Mulranny road project - R sidual improvement works continue at Mulranny vi llage - Pavement works are under construction at Knockanillaun Ballina

bull N60 - Traffic calming measures are proposed for BreatIy village bull Preliminaryplanning works continue for scheme at Manulla Cross

Heathlawn and L gnamuck bull An allocation of euro584k has been received for bridge rehabilitation

works on various Regional and Local roads e An allocation f f521 k has been received for safety impro ements at

various locations on the regional and local road network bull An application for funding in the Sun1 of euro7542m has been made to the

Dept of Transport for Road re abilitation works as a result of the recent flooding

Water Services Public Water

bull Mayo County Council is working with Irish Water on the transfer of assets these will transfer by Ministerial Order

bull Discussions are ongoing with Irish Water on the 20162017 Annual Service Plan (AS P) and budget

bull Work continues on the Breaffy Sewerage Scheme 40 of phase 1 is now complete investment of approx euro250m

bull Tenders have b en a sessed for the Belmullet Sewerage Scheme tender report is progressing investment of approx euro750m

bull Works on the ext nsion of the Ballina Regional Water Supply Scheme to Bonniconlon are underway on Quay Road scope has been expanded to include ISkIn of mains rehabilitation - investment approx fl OOm

bull Ballina rehabilitation works Phase 1 IS complete Phase 2 has

Page 7 of9

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

th Febru ary 2016

commenced will be complete in March 2016 - investment of approx euro1 50m

bull Tender preparation ongoing for both Foxford amp Charlestown Sewerage Scheme Bundle and Killala Sew rage Scheme - total investment approx euro1 200m

bull Appointment of Consultants for Inishturk water upgrade works has commenced - this project is bundled with Aran Islands

e Lahardane and Belcarra wastewater treatI ent plants upgrades are progressing through the Part 8 planning process Rural Water

bull New Rural Water Multi-Annual Programme 20 16-201 8 just announced Significant changes to funding structure Application for n mds completed

bull Contracts are due to be signed shortly for DBOIA for a 15 year DBO with a whole life cost of euro1 740 million involving 13 separate GWSs Resolut io of a procurement dis ute due shortly

e At Can ract Documents stage for a full mains Rehabilitation of the Cusbin GWS and the Ayle GWS Both of these schemes will be amalgamated and connected to Irish Water when works are completed The estimated cost of these works is euro1 100000

bull Contract due to be signed shortly fo r a mains rehabilitation contract in the Clogher GWS for an estimated cost of euro 650000

bull Work has started on a mains rehabilitation contract on the Attymass GWS for an estimated cost ofE270000

bull Work has started on a mains rehabilitation contract in the Irisbtown GWS for an estimated cost of pound260000

bull Contract due to be signed shortly for a main rehabilitation contract n a section of the Raw Water Mains on the Lough Cumnel GWS for an estimated cost of euro 120000

bull Works completed on the Clew Bay GWS to instaH a GAC 1ilter to resolve a taste and odour issue for an estimated cost of euro115000

bull Contract due to be signed shortly for a full mains rehabilitation contract in the Cahir GWS for an estimated cost ofeuro110 OOO

bull Both the Massbrook Terry GWS and the Aghalonteen GWS are still awaiting additional funding before works can commence Estimated costs of euro4 24000 and euro140 000 New funding structure for new GWS which should allow works to progress in 2016

bull Cushlough Group Water Scheme is being progressed as a Pilot Taking in Charge scheme in partnership with Irish Water and the DECLG

Corporate Affairs The Council s Management Team indoor and outdoor employees Civil Defence Volunteers and Fire Service Personnel continued to respond on 2417365 basis to the impact of severe weather conditions throughout January protecting lives private and public property and carrying out humanitarian activities as required


Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8th Fe 2016

Date of SPC Meetings and other relevant meetings notified

Next Cu lture Education Heritage Corporate Affairs and Emergency Services Strategic Policy Committee Meeting Date to be confirmed

bull The Council met with the Residents of Crossmolina on 121116 to discuss their requirements for addressing fl ood defences at Crossmolina and a meeting with OPW took place on 2801 2016 to outline to them the various works throughout the whole county which the Council considered need to be addressed

bull There are cUlTently 87 Gateway Participants employed by the Council Th Gateway Scheme has been extended and new pa11icipants will be re fUitd over the coming months as the existing participants I ave

bull Arrangements will be made to interview 178 applicants for general operative posts who have emerged from the short listing process Panels will be fonned for ach Municipal District and the numbers recruited will be dependent on receipt of sanction from the Department of Environment Community and Local Government and availability of funding

bull Work on the pilot project for the installation of energy reducing solar panels at Aras an Contae Castlebar funded from the specific innovation fund provided in the Council Budgets 201312015 has now commenced

$ The investigation into the tragic death of the late Mr John Mc Nicholas RIP is ongoing Welfare and support services continue to be provided to th relevant Council employees

Finance bull Monthly Report attached


Mayo County Council FINANCIAL REVIEW February 2016

1 Major Expenditure and Income by Division with 2015 Adopted Budget Twelve months ended 31st December 2015


Service Exp To Date Budget Remaining Spent Inc To Date Budget Not Recd Recd

Division Description Decmiddot15 2015 2015 2015 Dec-iS 2015 2015 2015

A Housing and Building 14578703 16033087 1454384 91 15290882 16247670 956788 94 B Roads Transport and Safety 32 774466 33269120 494654 99 26881472 27143978 262506 99 C Water Services 1661 4759 15185781 -1428978 109 19413383 17445201 -1968182 111 D Development Management 8453748 7844635 -609113 108 3202319 2492500 -709819 128 E Environmental Services 19405878 18899492 -506386 103 10677321 10627596 -49 725 100 F Recreation and Amenity 9900605 8659829 -1240776 114 2991267 2012700 -978567 149 G Agriculture Education Health and Welfare 2620264 3774757 1154493 69 1747540 2801170 1053630 62 H Miscellaneous Services 10548731 9312708 -1236023 113 3701186 1809000 -1892186 205 J Central Management Charges 14626191 14559598 -66593 100 418539 1584000 1165461 26

Rates 25847339 26053906 206567 99 Local Government Fund 17171286 17171 286 0 100 Pension Related Deduction 2106427 2150 000 43573 98

GRAND TOTAL 129523345 127539007 -1984337 102 129448959 127539007 -1909952 101

2 Performance of Local Authority Revenue Collection Levels

Rents Rates Housing Loans

Total for collection 7060939

23867796 4829331

Collected Dec-i5

5957190 19717943 3271864

Arrears Dec-iS

1103749 4149853 1557467


84 83 68

3 Recourse to Overdraft Facility

Number of days in overdraft Estimated Interest incurred

o o

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

th February 2016

order to dea l with the approximat 500 units still awaiting insulation upgrades

bull Work on a new Anti Social Behaviour Strategy continues and will be brought before the Housing SPC in draft format in due course

bull All hou ing grant applicat ions are being processed and approved if eligible

bull Work continues on implementation of the Traveller Accommodation Plan 201 4-2018

Next Planning Environment amp Agricultural Strategic Policy Committee Meeting Date to be confirmed

Planning bull Planning Applications received - 90 a Piallii ing decisions - 63 bull Planning refu als - 1 bull Files on hand - 11 9 bull Preplanning Applications received shy 16 It Preplanning meetings - 118

Next Planning Environ ment amp Agricultural Strategic Policy Committee Meeting Date to be confi rmed

Environment bull Waste Authorisations - INo grant d bull RMCEI - pr paration of new Plan for 20 16 shy in progress bull Derelict Site reports being updated within each of the Municipal

Districts to identify any further buildings that are derelict but that are not on the existing Register Report includes a r commendation to issue a Section 8(2) - notice of intention to put property on Derelic Sites Register

bull Draft Litter Managem nt Pl an 2016 -20 18 ongoing bull Draft Climate Change Strategy document ongoing bull The Waste Enforcement Regional Authority Office for the Connacht

Ulster Region commenced operations as of the 18th January 2016 bull The Water Framework Directive (WFD) January River Water

Monitoring was completed bull The WFD Drinking Water Abstractions and Section 4 Discharge

Licenses Database collation for submission to the EPAs Catchment Science Unit continued during January

bull Awareness Campaigns - Schedule for Leave no Trace primary schools programme amp ECO

UNESCO secondary school finalised - Details of Stop Food Waste Challenge finalised and promotion

commenced for FeblUary start - Schedule of WEEE Ireland collections for 2016 finalised with

WEEE Ir land - OMIT Stop Food Waste Green Campus Lunch Time talk amp display - Preschool and school workshops - Compo sting questionnaire issued to families ill Belmul1et In

partnership with Tidy Towns

Page 6 of 9

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

t h February 2016

- New Year Media Campaign

Next Roads amp Transportation Strategic Policy Committee Meeting 26 th February 2016

Roads bull Both National and Non National (Regional and Local Road) grants have

now been notified to the Council in the sum ofeuro2l 752m and euro44 11 5m respectively for 2016

bull A programme of Regional and Local Road Improvements for the period 2016-201 8 is in the course of preparation An allocation of euro9842m has been received for this programme in 2016

bull N 5 Turlough to Westport A grant of euro9m is available this year to cover archaeology costs land acquisition fenc ing and ground works

bull N5 Bohola - Traffic calming measuressapound ty proposals are being prepared

bull 26 - A design IS being prepared for bridge realignment at Cloongullane

bull N59 - Improvemnt Works continue at Rossow - An allocation of f21 Om has been made available this year for land

acquisition for the Westport to Mulranny road project - R sidual improvement works continue at Mulranny vi llage - Pavement works are under construction at Knockanillaun Ballina

bull N60 - Traffic calming measures are proposed for BreatIy village bull Preliminaryplanning works continue for scheme at Manulla Cross

Heathlawn and L gnamuck bull An allocation of euro584k has been received for bridge rehabilitation

works on various Regional and Local roads e An allocation f f521 k has been received for safety impro ements at

various locations on the regional and local road network bull An application for funding in the Sun1 of euro7542m has been made to the

Dept of Transport for Road re abilitation works as a result of the recent flooding

Water Services Public Water

bull Mayo County Council is working with Irish Water on the transfer of assets these will transfer by Ministerial Order

bull Discussions are ongoing with Irish Water on the 20162017 Annual Service Plan (AS P) and budget

bull Work continues on the Breaffy Sewerage Scheme 40 of phase 1 is now complete investment of approx euro250m

bull Tenders have b en a sessed for the Belmullet Sewerage Scheme tender report is progressing investment of approx euro750m

bull Works on the ext nsion of the Ballina Regional Water Supply Scheme to Bonniconlon are underway on Quay Road scope has been expanded to include ISkIn of mains rehabilitation - investment approx fl OOm

bull Ballina rehabilitation works Phase 1 IS complete Phase 2 has

Page 7 of9

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

th Febru ary 2016

commenced will be complete in March 2016 - investment of approx euro1 50m

bull Tender preparation ongoing for both Foxford amp Charlestown Sewerage Scheme Bundle and Killala Sew rage Scheme - total investment approx euro1 200m

bull Appointment of Consultants for Inishturk water upgrade works has commenced - this project is bundled with Aran Islands

e Lahardane and Belcarra wastewater treatI ent plants upgrades are progressing through the Part 8 planning process Rural Water

bull New Rural Water Multi-Annual Programme 20 16-201 8 just announced Significant changes to funding structure Application for n mds completed

bull Contracts are due to be signed shortly for DBOIA for a 15 year DBO with a whole life cost of euro1 740 million involving 13 separate GWSs Resolut io of a procurement dis ute due shortly

e At Can ract Documents stage for a full mains Rehabilitation of the Cusbin GWS and the Ayle GWS Both of these schemes will be amalgamated and connected to Irish Water when works are completed The estimated cost of these works is euro1 100000

bull Contract due to be signed shortly fo r a mains rehabilitation contract in the Clogher GWS for an estimated cost of euro 650000

bull Work has started on a mains rehabilitation contract on the Attymass GWS for an estimated cost ofE270000

bull Work has started on a mains rehabilitation contract in the Irisbtown GWS for an estimated cost of pound260000

bull Contract due to be signed shortly for a main rehabilitation contract n a section of the Raw Water Mains on the Lough Cumnel GWS for an estimated cost of euro 120000

bull Works completed on the Clew Bay GWS to instaH a GAC 1ilter to resolve a taste and odour issue for an estimated cost of euro115000

bull Contract due to be signed shortly for a full mains rehabilitation contract in the Cahir GWS for an estimated cost ofeuro110 OOO

bull Both the Massbrook Terry GWS and the Aghalonteen GWS are still awaiting additional funding before works can commence Estimated costs of euro4 24000 and euro140 000 New funding structure for new GWS which should allow works to progress in 2016

bull Cushlough Group Water Scheme is being progressed as a Pilot Taking in Charge scheme in partnership with Irish Water and the DECLG

Corporate Affairs The Council s Management Team indoor and outdoor employees Civil Defence Volunteers and Fire Service Personnel continued to respond on 2417365 basis to the impact of severe weather conditions throughout January protecting lives private and public property and carrying out humanitarian activities as required


Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8th Fe 2016

Date of SPC Meetings and other relevant meetings notified

Next Cu lture Education Heritage Corporate Affairs and Emergency Services Strategic Policy Committee Meeting Date to be confirmed

bull The Council met with the Residents of Crossmolina on 121116 to discuss their requirements for addressing fl ood defences at Crossmolina and a meeting with OPW took place on 2801 2016 to outline to them the various works throughout the whole county which the Council considered need to be addressed

bull There are cUlTently 87 Gateway Participants employed by the Council Th Gateway Scheme has been extended and new pa11icipants will be re fUitd over the coming months as the existing participants I ave

bull Arrangements will be made to interview 178 applicants for general operative posts who have emerged from the short listing process Panels will be fonned for ach Municipal District and the numbers recruited will be dependent on receipt of sanction from the Department of Environment Community and Local Government and availability of funding

bull Work on the pilot project for the installation of energy reducing solar panels at Aras an Contae Castlebar funded from the specific innovation fund provided in the Council Budgets 201312015 has now commenced

$ The investigation into the tragic death of the late Mr John Mc Nicholas RIP is ongoing Welfare and support services continue to be provided to th relevant Council employees

Finance bull Monthly Report attached


Mayo County Council FINANCIAL REVIEW February 2016

1 Major Expenditure and Income by Division with 2015 Adopted Budget Twelve months ended 31st December 2015


Service Exp To Date Budget Remaining Spent Inc To Date Budget Not Recd Recd

Division Description Decmiddot15 2015 2015 2015 Dec-iS 2015 2015 2015

A Housing and Building 14578703 16033087 1454384 91 15290882 16247670 956788 94 B Roads Transport and Safety 32 774466 33269120 494654 99 26881472 27143978 262506 99 C Water Services 1661 4759 15185781 -1428978 109 19413383 17445201 -1968182 111 D Development Management 8453748 7844635 -609113 108 3202319 2492500 -709819 128 E Environmental Services 19405878 18899492 -506386 103 10677321 10627596 -49 725 100 F Recreation and Amenity 9900605 8659829 -1240776 114 2991267 2012700 -978567 149 G Agriculture Education Health and Welfare 2620264 3774757 1154493 69 1747540 2801170 1053630 62 H Miscellaneous Services 10548731 9312708 -1236023 113 3701186 1809000 -1892186 205 J Central Management Charges 14626191 14559598 -66593 100 418539 1584000 1165461 26

Rates 25847339 26053906 206567 99 Local Government Fund 17171286 17171 286 0 100 Pension Related Deduction 2106427 2150 000 43573 98

GRAND TOTAL 129523345 127539007 -1984337 102 129448959 127539007 -1909952 101

2 Performance of Local Authority Revenue Collection Levels

Rents Rates Housing Loans

Total for collection 7060939

23867796 4829331

Collected Dec-i5

5957190 19717943 3271864

Arrears Dec-iS

1103749 4149853 1557467


84 83 68

3 Recourse to Overdraft Facility

Number of days in overdraft Estimated Interest incurred

o o

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

t h February 2016

- New Year Media Campaign

Next Roads amp Transportation Strategic Policy Committee Meeting 26 th February 2016

Roads bull Both National and Non National (Regional and Local Road) grants have

now been notified to the Council in the sum ofeuro2l 752m and euro44 11 5m respectively for 2016

bull A programme of Regional and Local Road Improvements for the period 2016-201 8 is in the course of preparation An allocation of euro9842m has been received for this programme in 2016

bull N 5 Turlough to Westport A grant of euro9m is available this year to cover archaeology costs land acquisition fenc ing and ground works

bull N5 Bohola - Traffic calming measuressapound ty proposals are being prepared

bull 26 - A design IS being prepared for bridge realignment at Cloongullane

bull N59 - Improvemnt Works continue at Rossow - An allocation of f21 Om has been made available this year for land

acquisition for the Westport to Mulranny road project - R sidual improvement works continue at Mulranny vi llage - Pavement works are under construction at Knockanillaun Ballina

bull N60 - Traffic calming measures are proposed for BreatIy village bull Preliminaryplanning works continue for scheme at Manulla Cross

Heathlawn and L gnamuck bull An allocation of euro584k has been received for bridge rehabilitation

works on various Regional and Local roads e An allocation f f521 k has been received for safety impro ements at

various locations on the regional and local road network bull An application for funding in the Sun1 of euro7542m has been made to the

Dept of Transport for Road re abilitation works as a result of the recent flooding

Water Services Public Water

bull Mayo County Council is working with Irish Water on the transfer of assets these will transfer by Ministerial Order

bull Discussions are ongoing with Irish Water on the 20162017 Annual Service Plan (AS P) and budget

bull Work continues on the Breaffy Sewerage Scheme 40 of phase 1 is now complete investment of approx euro250m

bull Tenders have b en a sessed for the Belmullet Sewerage Scheme tender report is progressing investment of approx euro750m

bull Works on the ext nsion of the Ballina Regional Water Supply Scheme to Bonniconlon are underway on Quay Road scope has been expanded to include ISkIn of mains rehabilitation - investment approx fl OOm

bull Ballina rehabilitation works Phase 1 IS complete Phase 2 has

Page 7 of9

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

th Febru ary 2016

commenced will be complete in March 2016 - investment of approx euro1 50m

bull Tender preparation ongoing for both Foxford amp Charlestown Sewerage Scheme Bundle and Killala Sew rage Scheme - total investment approx euro1 200m

bull Appointment of Consultants for Inishturk water upgrade works has commenced - this project is bundled with Aran Islands

e Lahardane and Belcarra wastewater treatI ent plants upgrades are progressing through the Part 8 planning process Rural Water

bull New Rural Water Multi-Annual Programme 20 16-201 8 just announced Significant changes to funding structure Application for n mds completed

bull Contracts are due to be signed shortly for DBOIA for a 15 year DBO with a whole life cost of euro1 740 million involving 13 separate GWSs Resolut io of a procurement dis ute due shortly

e At Can ract Documents stage for a full mains Rehabilitation of the Cusbin GWS and the Ayle GWS Both of these schemes will be amalgamated and connected to Irish Water when works are completed The estimated cost of these works is euro1 100000

bull Contract due to be signed shortly fo r a mains rehabilitation contract in the Clogher GWS for an estimated cost of euro 650000

bull Work has started on a mains rehabilitation contract on the Attymass GWS for an estimated cost ofE270000

bull Work has started on a mains rehabilitation contract in the Irisbtown GWS for an estimated cost of pound260000

bull Contract due to be signed shortly for a main rehabilitation contract n a section of the Raw Water Mains on the Lough Cumnel GWS for an estimated cost of euro 120000

bull Works completed on the Clew Bay GWS to instaH a GAC 1ilter to resolve a taste and odour issue for an estimated cost of euro115000

bull Contract due to be signed shortly for a full mains rehabilitation contract in the Cahir GWS for an estimated cost ofeuro110 OOO

bull Both the Massbrook Terry GWS and the Aghalonteen GWS are still awaiting additional funding before works can commence Estimated costs of euro4 24000 and euro140 000 New funding structure for new GWS which should allow works to progress in 2016

bull Cushlough Group Water Scheme is being progressed as a Pilot Taking in Charge scheme in partnership with Irish Water and the DECLG

Corporate Affairs The Council s Management Team indoor and outdoor employees Civil Defence Volunteers and Fire Service Personnel continued to respond on 2417365 basis to the impact of severe weather conditions throughout January protecting lives private and public property and carrying out humanitarian activities as required


Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8th Fe 2016

Date of SPC Meetings and other relevant meetings notified

Next Cu lture Education Heritage Corporate Affairs and Emergency Services Strategic Policy Committee Meeting Date to be confirmed

bull The Council met with the Residents of Crossmolina on 121116 to discuss their requirements for addressing fl ood defences at Crossmolina and a meeting with OPW took place on 2801 2016 to outline to them the various works throughout the whole county which the Council considered need to be addressed

bull There are cUlTently 87 Gateway Participants employed by the Council Th Gateway Scheme has been extended and new pa11icipants will be re fUitd over the coming months as the existing participants I ave

bull Arrangements will be made to interview 178 applicants for general operative posts who have emerged from the short listing process Panels will be fonned for ach Municipal District and the numbers recruited will be dependent on receipt of sanction from the Department of Environment Community and Local Government and availability of funding

bull Work on the pilot project for the installation of energy reducing solar panels at Aras an Contae Castlebar funded from the specific innovation fund provided in the Council Budgets 201312015 has now commenced

$ The investigation into the tragic death of the late Mr John Mc Nicholas RIP is ongoing Welfare and support services continue to be provided to th relevant Council employees

Finance bull Monthly Report attached


Mayo County Council FINANCIAL REVIEW February 2016

1 Major Expenditure and Income by Division with 2015 Adopted Budget Twelve months ended 31st December 2015


Service Exp To Date Budget Remaining Spent Inc To Date Budget Not Recd Recd

Division Description Decmiddot15 2015 2015 2015 Dec-iS 2015 2015 2015

A Housing and Building 14578703 16033087 1454384 91 15290882 16247670 956788 94 B Roads Transport and Safety 32 774466 33269120 494654 99 26881472 27143978 262506 99 C Water Services 1661 4759 15185781 -1428978 109 19413383 17445201 -1968182 111 D Development Management 8453748 7844635 -609113 108 3202319 2492500 -709819 128 E Environmental Services 19405878 18899492 -506386 103 10677321 10627596 -49 725 100 F Recreation and Amenity 9900605 8659829 -1240776 114 2991267 2012700 -978567 149 G Agriculture Education Health and Welfare 2620264 3774757 1154493 69 1747540 2801170 1053630 62 H Miscellaneous Services 10548731 9312708 -1236023 113 3701186 1809000 -1892186 205 J Central Management Charges 14626191 14559598 -66593 100 418539 1584000 1165461 26

Rates 25847339 26053906 206567 99 Local Government Fund 17171286 17171 286 0 100 Pension Related Deduction 2106427 2150 000 43573 98

GRAND TOTAL 129523345 127539007 -1984337 102 129448959 127539007 -1909952 101

2 Performance of Local Authority Revenue Collection Levels

Rents Rates Housing Loans

Total for collection 7060939

23867796 4829331

Collected Dec-i5

5957190 19717943 3271864

Arrears Dec-iS

1103749 4149853 1557467


84 83 68

3 Recourse to Overdraft Facility

Number of days in overdraft Estimated Interest incurred

o o

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8

th Febru ary 2016

commenced will be complete in March 2016 - investment of approx euro1 50m

bull Tender preparation ongoing for both Foxford amp Charlestown Sewerage Scheme Bundle and Killala Sew rage Scheme - total investment approx euro1 200m

bull Appointment of Consultants for Inishturk water upgrade works has commenced - this project is bundled with Aran Islands

e Lahardane and Belcarra wastewater treatI ent plants upgrades are progressing through the Part 8 planning process Rural Water

bull New Rural Water Multi-Annual Programme 20 16-201 8 just announced Significant changes to funding structure Application for n mds completed

bull Contracts are due to be signed shortly for DBOIA for a 15 year DBO with a whole life cost of euro1 740 million involving 13 separate GWSs Resolut io of a procurement dis ute due shortly

e At Can ract Documents stage for a full mains Rehabilitation of the Cusbin GWS and the Ayle GWS Both of these schemes will be amalgamated and connected to Irish Water when works are completed The estimated cost of these works is euro1 100000

bull Contract due to be signed shortly fo r a mains rehabilitation contract in the Clogher GWS for an estimated cost of euro 650000

bull Work has started on a mains rehabilitation contract on the Attymass GWS for an estimated cost ofE270000

bull Work has started on a mains rehabilitation contract in the Irisbtown GWS for an estimated cost of pound260000

bull Contract due to be signed shortly for a main rehabilitation contract n a section of the Raw Water Mains on the Lough Cumnel GWS for an estimated cost of euro 120000

bull Works completed on the Clew Bay GWS to instaH a GAC 1ilter to resolve a taste and odour issue for an estimated cost of euro115000

bull Contract due to be signed shortly for a full mains rehabilitation contract in the Cahir GWS for an estimated cost ofeuro110 OOO

bull Both the Massbrook Terry GWS and the Aghalonteen GWS are still awaiting additional funding before works can commence Estimated costs of euro4 24000 and euro140 000 New funding structure for new GWS which should allow works to progress in 2016

bull Cushlough Group Water Scheme is being progressed as a Pilot Taking in Charge scheme in partnership with Irish Water and the DECLG

Corporate Affairs The Council s Management Team indoor and outdoor employees Civil Defence Volunteers and Fire Service Personnel continued to respond on 2417365 basis to the impact of severe weather conditions throughout January protecting lives private and public property and carrying out humanitarian activities as required


Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8th Fe 2016

Date of SPC Meetings and other relevant meetings notified

Next Cu lture Education Heritage Corporate Affairs and Emergency Services Strategic Policy Committee Meeting Date to be confirmed

bull The Council met with the Residents of Crossmolina on 121116 to discuss their requirements for addressing fl ood defences at Crossmolina and a meeting with OPW took place on 2801 2016 to outline to them the various works throughout the whole county which the Council considered need to be addressed

bull There are cUlTently 87 Gateway Participants employed by the Council Th Gateway Scheme has been extended and new pa11icipants will be re fUitd over the coming months as the existing participants I ave

bull Arrangements will be made to interview 178 applicants for general operative posts who have emerged from the short listing process Panels will be fonned for ach Municipal District and the numbers recruited will be dependent on receipt of sanction from the Department of Environment Community and Local Government and availability of funding

bull Work on the pilot project for the installation of energy reducing solar panels at Aras an Contae Castlebar funded from the specific innovation fund provided in the Council Budgets 201312015 has now commenced

$ The investigation into the tragic death of the late Mr John Mc Nicholas RIP is ongoing Welfare and support services continue to be provided to th relevant Council employees

Finance bull Monthly Report attached


Mayo County Council FINANCIAL REVIEW February 2016

1 Major Expenditure and Income by Division with 2015 Adopted Budget Twelve months ended 31st December 2015


Service Exp To Date Budget Remaining Spent Inc To Date Budget Not Recd Recd

Division Description Decmiddot15 2015 2015 2015 Dec-iS 2015 2015 2015

A Housing and Building 14578703 16033087 1454384 91 15290882 16247670 956788 94 B Roads Transport and Safety 32 774466 33269120 494654 99 26881472 27143978 262506 99 C Water Services 1661 4759 15185781 -1428978 109 19413383 17445201 -1968182 111 D Development Management 8453748 7844635 -609113 108 3202319 2492500 -709819 128 E Environmental Services 19405878 18899492 -506386 103 10677321 10627596 -49 725 100 F Recreation and Amenity 9900605 8659829 -1240776 114 2991267 2012700 -978567 149 G Agriculture Education Health and Welfare 2620264 3774757 1154493 69 1747540 2801170 1053630 62 H Miscellaneous Services 10548731 9312708 -1236023 113 3701186 1809000 -1892186 205 J Central Management Charges 14626191 14559598 -66593 100 418539 1584000 1165461 26

Rates 25847339 26053906 206567 99 Local Government Fund 17171286 17171 286 0 100 Pension Related Deduction 2106427 2150 000 43573 98

GRAND TOTAL 129523345 127539007 -1984337 102 129448959 127539007 -1909952 101

2 Performance of Local Authority Revenue Collection Levels

Rents Rates Housing Loans

Total for collection 7060939

23867796 4829331

Collected Dec-i5

5957190 19717943 3271864

Arrears Dec-iS

1103749 4149853 1557467


84 83 68

3 Recourse to Overdraft Facility

Number of days in overdraft Estimated Interest incurred

o o

Upcoming Events Programme Update Next Council Meeting 8th Fe 2016

Date of SPC Meetings and other relevant meetings notified

Next Cu lture Education Heritage Corporate Affairs and Emergency Services Strategic Policy Committee Meeting Date to be confirmed

bull The Council met with the Residents of Crossmolina on 121116 to discuss their requirements for addressing fl ood defences at Crossmolina and a meeting with OPW took place on 2801 2016 to outline to them the various works throughout the whole county which the Council considered need to be addressed

bull There are cUlTently 87 Gateway Participants employed by the Council Th Gateway Scheme has been extended and new pa11icipants will be re fUitd over the coming months as the existing participants I ave

bull Arrangements will be made to interview 178 applicants for general operative posts who have emerged from the short listing process Panels will be fonned for ach Municipal District and the numbers recruited will be dependent on receipt of sanction from the Department of Environment Community and Local Government and availability of funding

bull Work on the pilot project for the installation of energy reducing solar panels at Aras an Contae Castlebar funded from the specific innovation fund provided in the Council Budgets 201312015 has now commenced

$ The investigation into the tragic death of the late Mr John Mc Nicholas RIP is ongoing Welfare and support services continue to be provided to th relevant Council employees

Finance bull Monthly Report attached


Mayo County Council FINANCIAL REVIEW February 2016

1 Major Expenditure and Income by Division with 2015 Adopted Budget Twelve months ended 31st December 2015


Service Exp To Date Budget Remaining Spent Inc To Date Budget Not Recd Recd

Division Description Decmiddot15 2015 2015 2015 Dec-iS 2015 2015 2015

A Housing and Building 14578703 16033087 1454384 91 15290882 16247670 956788 94 B Roads Transport and Safety 32 774466 33269120 494654 99 26881472 27143978 262506 99 C Water Services 1661 4759 15185781 -1428978 109 19413383 17445201 -1968182 111 D Development Management 8453748 7844635 -609113 108 3202319 2492500 -709819 128 E Environmental Services 19405878 18899492 -506386 103 10677321 10627596 -49 725 100 F Recreation and Amenity 9900605 8659829 -1240776 114 2991267 2012700 -978567 149 G Agriculture Education Health and Welfare 2620264 3774757 1154493 69 1747540 2801170 1053630 62 H Miscellaneous Services 10548731 9312708 -1236023 113 3701186 1809000 -1892186 205 J Central Management Charges 14626191 14559598 -66593 100 418539 1584000 1165461 26

Rates 25847339 26053906 206567 99 Local Government Fund 17171286 17171 286 0 100 Pension Related Deduction 2106427 2150 000 43573 98

GRAND TOTAL 129523345 127539007 -1984337 102 129448959 127539007 -1909952 101

2 Performance of Local Authority Revenue Collection Levels

Rents Rates Housing Loans

Total for collection 7060939

23867796 4829331

Collected Dec-i5

5957190 19717943 3271864

Arrears Dec-iS

1103749 4149853 1557467


84 83 68

3 Recourse to Overdraft Facility

Number of days in overdraft Estimated Interest incurred

o o

Mayo County Council FINANCIAL REVIEW February 2016

1 Major Expenditure and Income by Division with 2015 Adopted Budget Twelve months ended 31st December 2015


Service Exp To Date Budget Remaining Spent Inc To Date Budget Not Recd Recd

Division Description Decmiddot15 2015 2015 2015 Dec-iS 2015 2015 2015

A Housing and Building 14578703 16033087 1454384 91 15290882 16247670 956788 94 B Roads Transport and Safety 32 774466 33269120 494654 99 26881472 27143978 262506 99 C Water Services 1661 4759 15185781 -1428978 109 19413383 17445201 -1968182 111 D Development Management 8453748 7844635 -609113 108 3202319 2492500 -709819 128 E Environmental Services 19405878 18899492 -506386 103 10677321 10627596 -49 725 100 F Recreation and Amenity 9900605 8659829 -1240776 114 2991267 2012700 -978567 149 G Agriculture Education Health and Welfare 2620264 3774757 1154493 69 1747540 2801170 1053630 62 H Miscellaneous Services 10548731 9312708 -1236023 113 3701186 1809000 -1892186 205 J Central Management Charges 14626191 14559598 -66593 100 418539 1584000 1165461 26

Rates 25847339 26053906 206567 99 Local Government Fund 17171286 17171 286 0 100 Pension Related Deduction 2106427 2150 000 43573 98

GRAND TOTAL 129523345 127539007 -1984337 102 129448959 127539007 -1909952 101

2 Performance of Local Authority Revenue Collection Levels

Rents Rates Housing Loans

Total for collection 7060939

23867796 4829331

Collected Dec-i5

5957190 19717943 3271864

Arrears Dec-iS

1103749 4149853 1557467


84 83 68

3 Recourse to Overdraft Facility

Number of days in overdraft Estimated Interest incurred

o o
